John Carroll High School Guest Approval Form (Please print except where signatures are required.) ________________________ ____________________ Event Date For JCHS Student to Complete As a JCHS student, I understand that all John Carroll High School rules apply at school social functions. I accept responsibility to inform my guest of these rules and to ensure full compliance by my guest. My guest must always have a photo ID in his/her possession. ______________________________ ____________________________ ________ Signature of JCHS student Printed name of JCHS student Date For the Parent of the JCHS student to complete As the parent of the above named John Carroll High School student, I find his/her guest to be a responsible person, and I approve of him/her for this social event. I understand that my child may invite only one guest of the opposite sex and that the guest may not be older than 20 years of age. ______________________________ ________ __________________________ Parent signature Date Home or cell phone number For Guest to Complete Name_____________________________ Telephone number(s) ________________ Address ______________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________ Date of birth __________________ As a guest, I am willing to follow the policies and procedures of John Carroll High School. I agree to abide by all school rules. I understand that failure to do so could result in my removal from the event. ____________________________________ Signature of guest
________________ Date
For the School Official of a Guest Who Attends High School Current enrollment in another high school requires the following information to be completed by a dean, administrator, or counselor of that school. As an official of ___________________________, I verify that ___________________ School name Guest name is a student in good standing. _________________________________ _________ Printed name and title of official Date Email address for verification ______________________ ______________________________ Signature ***JOHN CARROLL HIGH SCHOOL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO DENY A GUEST REQUEST. FINAL APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL RESTS WITH THE ADMINISTRATION AFTER SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM***