Jchs 2013 courses

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John Carroll High School 2013-2014 Course Descriptions The Arts Art I-F 0101300 Length: 1 semester Level: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: None Description: Quarter I emphasizes drawing and painting (2D) using a variety of materials. The elements of art and principles of design will be incorporated into student vocabulary. Quarter II emphasizes sculpture and ceramics (3D) and will include learning terms associated with clay work. Both quarters include research and oral presentation, based on a topic or person related to art history. Students will prepare at least one project in the semester to be used in support of a community service event. A fee is charged for supplies.

Description: This course presents advanced study in 2-D art and art history. Students must develop a portfolio and exhibit-ready artwork. A student exhibit is required. Art III-S 0101350 Length: 1 semester Level: 11, 12 Prerequisite: Recommendation of art teacher. Description: This course presents advanced study in 3-D art and art history. Students must develop a portfolio and exhibit-ready artwork. A student exhibit is required.

tion in at least one major production and a competitive performance at the district, state, or local level are strongly recommended. Technical theater activities are also included. Theater IV 0400340 Length: 1 year Level: 12 Prerequisite: Theater III and instructor approval. Description: This course provides in-depth study in the theater arts based on the needs of the individual student. Students will explore career opportunities and current trends in dramatic literature and stage productions. Opportunities to maintain and improve acting skills will be provided through both individual and group presentations. Participation in at least one major production and a competitive performance at the district, state, or local level are strongly recommended.

Technical Theatre Design and Production 0400410 Length: 1 year Level: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: None Description: This course enables students to develop fundamental skills in stagecraft Art I-S 0101330 and apply them through practical experiLength: 1 semester Level: 10, 11, 12 ences. Content includes safety issues and Prerequisite: None regulations; theater terminology; trends in Description: Quarter III emphasizes work technical design; properties, costumes, and Web Animation 640 in clay and sculpture (3D). Elements and makeup; and lighting and sound. Length: 1 semester Level: 10, 11, 12 principles of art and design will be incorPrerequisite: None porated into student assignments. Quarter Theater I 0400310 Description: This course introduces the adIV emphasizes 2D art including drawing Length: 1 year Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 vanced student to computer animation. The and painting with a variety of media. Each Prerequisite: None student will create animated graphics, butquarter will include a research and presen- Description: This course is designed to intons, and menus. Using the Flash software tation project based on a topic or person re- troduce the student to the principles of perprogram, the student will be able to publated to art history. Students will prepare at formance including improvisation. Technilish the work in various formats including least one project in the semester to be used cal theater topics including, but not limited HTML, Windows .exe files, and for Flash in support of a community service event. A to, set construction, makeup, costuming, readers. fee is charged per semester for supplies. and theater terminology will be studied. Web Animation Advanced 641 Art II-F 0101360 Theater II 0400320 Length: 1 year Level: 11, 12 Length: 1 semester Level: 11, 12 Length: 1 year Level: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Website Development, Web Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Theater I Animation, and recommendation of instrucArt I-F and recommendation of art teacher. Description: This course will expose the tor. Description: This course consists of drawstudent to improvisational and advanced Description: This course offers instruction ing, design, watercolor painting, fiber arts, performance techniques. Technical theater in advanced techniques in creating comand art history. topics and activities include set design and puter animation. The student will create construction and makeup. Art II-S 0101340 more detailed graphics, longer movies, and Length: 1 semester Level: 11, 12 more interactive web page techniques. The Theater III 0400330 Prerequisite: software used is Dreamweaver, Flash, and Art I-S and recommendation of art teacher. Length: 1 year Level: 11, 12 Fireworks. Description: This course consists of ad- Prerequisite: vanced study of 3-D art including work in Theater II and instructor approval. Website Development 8207110 Description: This course further develops Length: 1 semester Level: 10, 11, 12 ceramics, sculpture, and art history. voice and diction as well as acting skills. Prerequisite: None Stage movement study will concentrate on Description: This course introduces the stuArt III-F 0104310 improvisation, choreography, and block- dent to telecommunications, the Internet, Length: 1 semester Level: 11, 12 ing of stage scenes. Directing and audition and web page design. Dreamweaver softPrerequisite: techniques will also be studied. Participa- ware will be used to create the web pages. Recommendation of art teacher.

Yearbook/Journalism 1006300 Length: 1 year Level: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Administrative/teacher selection. Description: This course introduces students to the skills necessary for publishing the school yearbook. Layout design, writing copy, photography, art and the mechanics of publishing are developed. Since the yearbook is self-supporting, business and organizational skills are also included. This course is limited to twenty students. Students in 2nd and/or 3rd year will receive 1 full practical arts credit.

Business Education Accounting I 623 Length: 1 year Level: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: None Description: Accounting is considered the “language of business.” The course covers accounting principles as they relate to the financial aspects of business. Accounting terminology, concepts, principles, and practices are presented. The student will apply his/her knowledge and understanding of accounting procedures by completing assigned projects throughout the course of study. Accounting II 633 Length: 1 year Level: 11, 12 Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in Accounting I Description: This course provides the advanced accounting student with an innovative, integrated learning program. It continues the Accounting I experience by developing expanded learning. Emphasis is focused on forms of business ownership, departmentalized merchandising business, and manufacturing business. Business Law 634 Length: 1 year Level: 11, 12 Prerequisite: None, but recommended for students with average to above average reading ability. Description: This course provides a practical understanding of law as it affects all of us. It covers the fundamental principles of our legal system as found in the Constitution, written laws, and tradition. Students will learn the workings of our legal system through readings, case studies, and simulations. Also examined will be the complexity of moral and ethical problems facing our society and how we attempt to deal with them.

Additionally, the student will also improve basic skills in critical thinking and reasoning, communication and the importance of language, techniques of effective observation, and problem solving. Introduction to Business 621 Length: 1 semester Level: 11, 12 Prerequisite: None, but students should have at least average reading ability. Description: This course introduces contemporary issues as well as more routine factors that affect business operations These would include the environment of business, business ownership, finance, production, human resources, government regulation, taxation, marketing, and the growth of international trade. This is a “survey-type” course exploring in some detail areas of critical importance in the field of business. Career opportunities are also explored.

communications applications. Microsoft Office software including Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Internet Explorer, and Outlook will be used. AP Computer Science A 0200320 Length: 1 year Level: 11, 12 Advanced Placement Prerequisite: None Description: This course is designed to serve as a first course in computer science for students with no prior computing experience. A large part of the course is built around the development of computer programs that correctly solve a given problem. Other aspects of the course will include development and analysis of algorithms, development and use of fundamental data structures, the study of standard algorithms and typical applications, and the use of logic and formal methods. Ethical and social implications of computer use will also be covered.

General Business 613 Length: 1 year Level: 9, 10 Prerequisite: None Description: This course is an introduction to all areas of business and the free enterprise system. It gives background for stu- American Literature 1001370 dents planning further business/economic Length: 1 year Level: 11 Academic Prerequisite: Intro. to High School English study. and World Literature Description: This course presents a chronoManaging Personal Finances 631 logical survey of American literature from Length: 1 semester Level: 11,12 the colonial period up to and including Prerequisite: None Description: This course is designed to twentieth century writers. There is a foprovide students with some perspective cus on vocabulary, research, grammar, and on making wise financial decisions. It will writing skills to produce a research paper. cover roles of citizen, student, family member, consumer, and employee in personal American Literature 1001380 financial management. Students will ex- Length: 1 year Level: 11 Honors amine how new technologies, investments, Prerequisite: Intro to H. S. English H , insurance, recreation and leisure, tax shel- World Literature H, or teacher recommenters, and more can affect personal finances. dation. Real-life financial problems will be used Description: This course presents a chronthroughout the course. Students will also ological survey of American literature participate as a class in the Florida State from the colonial period up to and including twentieth century writers. There is a Stock Market Game. focus on vocabulary, research, grammar, and writing skills to produce short essays, compositions, theme papers, speeches, oral reports, and research papers. This course is more detailed, in depth, and enriched than Computer Applications 343 the academic level. Length: 1 semester Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Demonstration of moderate British Literature 1001400 typing proficiency. Description: This course introduces stu- Length: 1 year Level: 12 Academic dents to modifying and formatting word Prerequisite: Intro to H. S. English, World processing documents, designing databas- Literature, American Literature es, creating and modifying spreadsheets, Description: This course reinforces stucreating graphic presentations, and using dents’ skills in grammar and vocabulary.


Computer Science

The course is a survey of British history, culture, and literature. Students are exposed to various literary genres including drama, novels, short stories, poetry, and non-fiction. This course will reinforce students’ reading, writing, vocabulary, and oral communication skills.

Description: This course develops students’ skills in the basic elements of traditional grammar. Students are introduced to literary terms and various literary genres including drama, novels, short stories, poetry and non-fiction selections. Throughout the year, this course stresses and reinforces students’ reading, writing, vocabulary, and oral British Literature 1001410 communications skills. Media and technolLength: 1 year Level: 12 Honors ogy skills are reinforced through students’ Prerequisite: Honors level in grade 9 or 10, research paper writing. This course is more American Literature H, or teacher recom- detailed, in depth, and enriched than the mendation. academic level. Description: This course reinforces students’ skills in grammar and vocabulary. World Literature 1001340 The course is a survey of British history, Length: 1 year Level: 10 Academic culture, and literature. Students are exposed Prerequisite: Introduction to H.S. English to various literary genres including drama, Description: This course is a survey of liternovels, short stories, poetry, vocabulary, ary genres. The selections represent a crossand oral communication skills. Media and section of world writers. Grammar, writing, technology skills are reinforced through stu- and vocabulary skills are also stressed. A dents’ research paper writing. This course is literary research paper is required. more detailed, in depth, and enriched than World Literature 1001350 the academic level. Length: 1 year Level: 10 Honors AP English Literature and Composition Prerequisite: Intro. to H.S. English H or teacher recommendation 1001430 Description: This course will familiarize Length: 1 year students with a variety of literary works Level: 12 Advanced Placement Prerequisite: Honors level work in Intro. to from around the world. The elements of HS English, World Literature, and Ameri- the short story, poetry, and drama will be can Literature and teacher recommenda- included. Vocabulary, writing and grammar tion. Description: This course incorporates skills will be expanded. A literary research both a survey of English and American lit- paper is required along with at least 6 major erature and the vocabulary, oral skills, writ- literary writing projects. ing, research, and analysis skills needed to take the required Advanced Placement Examination. Outside reading is required and students will read 3 summer books.

Introduction to High School English 1001310 Length: 1 year Level: 9 Academic Prerequisite: Placement Test Description: This course develops students’ skills in the basic elements of traditional grammar. Students are introduced to literary terms and various literary genres including drama, novels, short stories, poetry, and nonfiction selections. Throughout the year, this course stresses and reinforces students’ reading, writing, vocabulary, and oral communication skills. Media and technology skills are reinforced through students’ research paper writing. Introduction to High School English 1001320 Length: 1 year Level: 9 Honors Prerequisite: Placement Test

Foreign Language NOTE: French III and/or AP French will not be offered in the traditional classroom setting.

a good command of French grammar and vocabulary and have competence in listening, reading, speaking, and writing. The use of the language for active communication will be emphasized. Students should understand spoken French in various contexts and have a French vocabulary ample for reading newspaper and magazine articles, literary texts, and other non-technical writing without dependence on a dictionary. They should be able to express themselves in both written and spoken French. The AP exam is required. Spanish I 0708340 Length: 1 year Level: 9, 10, 11 Academic Prerequisite: Freshmen must score 8.0 grade equivalent in language on placement test. Other students must have a C or higher in an academic or honors English class. Description: This course includes basic skills in listening,speaking, reading, and writing.Special emphasis is given to learning the verbs: the present tense (regular & irregular), the present progressive tense, the preterit tense (regular & irregular) and ir a + infinitive. In addition to other essential grammar and vocabulary, the program introduces basic about the geography, history, culture, and arts of the countries in which Spanish is spoken. Spanish II 0708350 Length: 1 year Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 Academic Prerequisite: Spanish I with a grade of C or better, or the recommendation of the instructor. Description: This course includes intermediate skills in listening, speaking, writing, and reading. Special emphasis is given to grammar and verb conjugations in various tenses. In addition to extending grammatical knowledge and vocabulary, the program continues the study of the history, geography, culture, and arts of the countries in which Spanish is spoken. Spanish is spoken frequently in class.

French III 862 Length: 1 year Level: 11, 12 Honors Prerequisite: French II Honors with a grade of 85 or better and teacher recommendation Description: This course continues work on reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. History, geography, culture, and the arts of the countries in which French is Spanish II 812 spoken are studied. French is spoken almost Length: 1 year exclusively. Level: 10, 11, 12 Honors Prerequisite: Spanish I with a grade of 85 or AP French Language: 0701380 better, and recommendation of the teacher. Length: 1 year Description: This course includes advanced Level: 12 Advanced Placement work in the skill areas of listening, speakPrerequisite: French III with a grade of 85 ing, writing, and reading with emphasis on or better and teacher recommendation intensive writing. In addition to extending Description: Students should already have grammatical knowledge and vocabulary, the

program continues the study of the history, geography, culture, and arts of the countries in which Spanish is spoken. Spanish is used in the classroom except when grammatical explanations require the use of English.

rational numbers, radical expressions, and functions presented in a variety of ways; use rational expressions is also included. Scien- derivatives to solve a variety of problems; tific calculator is required. understand the meaning of the definite integral; explain solutions to problems; model Algebra I 1200320 a written description of physical situation Length: 1 year Level: 9 Honors with a function, a differential equation, or Prerequisite: Placement test and/or teacher an integral; and determine the reasonablerecommendation. ness of solutions. The AP exam is required. Description: This course covers the basic structure and properties of real numbers Geometry 1206310 including algebraic proofs, factoring, ratio Length: 1 year and proportion, percentages, systems of Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 Academic equations, inequalities, relations and func- Prerequisite: Passing grade in Algebra I tions, and coordinate geometry. There will Description: This course covers the basic be an overview of irrational numbers and concepts of plane geometry with emphasis radical expressions. on the logical structure of geometric proof. Algebra will be integrated throughout the Algebra II 1200330 course. Topics studied will include areas, Length: 1 year Level: 10, 11, 12 Academic volumes, word problems, rational expresPrerequisite: Geometry, a grade of C or sions, right triangle trigonometry, triangles, higher in Algebra I. quadrilaterals, and circles. Scientific or Description: This course includes real and graphing calculator is required. complex numbers, polynomials, rational expressions, linear equations and inequali- Geometry 1206320 ties, word problems, coordinate geometry, Length: 1 year relations and functions, quadratic functions, Level: 9, 10 Honors systems of linear equations, real number ex- Prerequisite: For 9th grade - 80 or above ponents, radical equations and logarithmic on the Algebra I Comprehensive Exam. For functions. A scientific or graphing calcula- 10th grade - teacher recommendation. tor is required. Description: This course covers basic and

Spanish III 822 Length: 1 year Level: 11, 12 Honors Prerequisite: Spanish II Honors with a grade of 85 or better and recommendation of teacher. Description: This course includes an intensive review of Spanish grammar with the emphasis on the student’s ability to use the fundamentals from the first two years in a wide variety of areas. Spanish readings develop vocabulary and reading comprehension of many fields and provide a basis for classroom discussions in Spanish. Topics range from recipes and math, to literary prose and poetry. Culture is studied through the life story of the people as seen in their literature, arts, folklore, and daily lives. Research papers on related topics are assigned, and students are expected to give original oral reports in Spanish on topics of general interest to the class. English is used only for clarification, and students are expected to function in the Spanish language. Special projects and short papers in Spanish are as- Algebra II 1200340 signed. Length: 1 year Level: 9, 10, 11 Honors Prerequisite: 85 or higher in BOTH Algebra AP Spanish Language 0708400 I Honors/Algebra I Academic and GeomLength: 1 year etry Honors. Level: 11, 12 Advanced Placement Prerequisite: Spanish III Honors with a Description: This course includes real and grade of B or better and teacher recommen- complex numbers, polynomials, rational expressions, linear equations and inequalidation. Description: This course is comparable to ties, word problems, coordinate geometry, an advanced level college Spanish language relations and functions, quadratic functions, course. It emphasizes the use of Spanish for systems of linear equations, real number active communication, encompasses aural/ exponents, radical equations, matrices, and oral skills, and stresses reading comprehen- logarithmic functions. Also included are sion, grammar, and composition. The AP conic sections, polynomial equations, arithmetic and geometric sequences and series, exam is required. permutations and combinations and probability. Students are required to purchase a TI-83 or TI-84 calculator for this course (about $80 - $100). TI-89 is not allowed. Algebra I 1200310 Length: 1 year AP Calculus AB 1202310 Level: 9, 10 Academic Length: 1 year Prerequisite: None Level: 12 Advanced Placement Description: This course covers the basic Prerequisite: Grade of B or higher in Preproperties of real numbers including graph- calculus Honors or grade of 90 or higher in ing linear equations, proving algebraic Trig Honors and teacher recommendation statements, factorization, ratio and propor- Description: Elementary functions of caltion, percentage problems, introduction to culus will be covered, but most of the year solving systems of linear equations, func- will be devoted to topics in differential and tions and inequalities. Introduction to ir- integral calculus. Students will work with


in-depth concepts of plane geometry with emphasis on logical structure of proofs and geometric problem solving. Algebra will be integrated throughout the course. Topics include areas, volumes, word problems, rational expressions, right triangle trigonometry, triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles. Scientific or graphing calculator is required. Liberal Arts Math 1208300 Length: 1 year Level: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Algebra I and Geometry Description: This course provides the mathematical skills necessary for further study of advanced mathematics. The content includes polynomials, factoring; algebraic expressions; equations and inequalities; functions, relations, and graphs; exponents and radical expressions; properties of two and three dimensional figures; segments and angles; similarity and congruence; perimeter, area, and volume; quadratic equations, and probability and statistics. This course does not meet requirements for Bright Futures or NCAA.

Mathematics for College Readiness 1200700 Length: 1 year Level: Academic 11, 12 Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in Alge-

bra II and teacher recommendation. Description: This course is intended to prepare students for College Algebra, which is a course that satisfies a mathematics general education requirement at every public postsecondary institution in Florida. Topics include functions and their graphs, polynomial theorems, rational expressions and equations, radicals and rational exponents, logarithmic and exponential functions and graphs, matrices, and solving quadratic equations. No calculator is allowed, and students must take the PERT (Postsecondary Educational Readiness Test) near the end of the course.

lish class and teacher recommendation. Description: This course introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students will explore trends; planning and conducting a study; random phenomena using probability and simulation; and population parameters and testing hypotheses. TI-83-Plus or higher is required. Trigonometry/Analytic Geometry 1211300/1206300 Length: 1 year Level: 11, 12 Honors Prerequisite: Grade of A in Algebra II Academic, A or B in Algebra II Honors, and teacher recommendation. Description: This course includes trigonometric functions, right triangle trigonometry, identities, laws of cosines and sines, circular functions, relations and functions, linear and quadratic functions, polynomial equations and inequalities, exponential and logarithmic functions, and the real and complex numbers. Students are required to purchase a TI-83-Plus or a TI-84 Calculator (about $80 to $100). TI-89 is not allowed.

Mathematics for College Success 1200410 Length: 1 semester Level: Academic 11, 12 Prerequisite: Currently making below a C in Algebra II and teacher recommendation. Description: This course is intended to prepare students for Mathematics for College Readiness or Intermediate Algebra (MAT 1033), the entry level college credit mathematics course which satisfies an elective requirement within a degree program. (This course closely corresponds to the college developmental education course MAT 0024). Topics include properties of integers and rational numbers, integer exponents, simple linear equations and inequalities, techniques of factoring, and introduction to Band 1302300 graphing. An A or B is required for entry Length: 1 year Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 into Mathematics for College Readiness. Prerequisite: Previous woodwind/brass experience and approval of teacher. Precalculus 1202340 Description: This course enables students Length: 1 year to develop technical skills on woodwind or Level: 11, 12 Honors brass instruments through the refinement Prerequisite: Grade of 95 or higher in Alge- and performance of high school band litbra II Honors or 90 or higher in Algebra II erature. The importance of the relationship Academic and teacher recommendation among composers, performers, and audiDescription: This course includes polyno- ences will be addressed. Self-discipline, mial functions, exponential and logarithmic practice, and dedication are required. Perfunctions, conic sections including geo- formances and rehearsals during, before, metrical properties, sequences and series, and after school are required. trigonometric functions and their graphs, right triangle trigonometry, circular func- Percussion Technique 1302420 tions, solution of trigonometric equations, Length: 1 year Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 polar coordinates, trigonometric identities Prerequisite: Previous percussion experiincluding multiple and half angle identities, ence and approval of teacher. advanced graphing. Students are required Description: This course enables students to purchase a TI-83-Plus or a TI-84 Cal- to develop technical skills on percussion culator (about $80 to $100). TI-89 is not instruments through the refinement and allowed. performance of high school percussion lit-


AP Statistics 1210320 Length: 1 year Level: 11, 12 Advanced Placement Prerequisite: 85 or higher in Algebra II honors and B or higher in previous years’ Eng-

erature. The importance of the relationship among composers, performers, and audiences will be addressed. Self-discipline, practice, and dedication are required. Performances and rehearsals during, before, and after school are required.

Physical Education Advanced Weight Training 1501360 Length: 1 semester Level: 11, 12 Prerequisite: Intermediate Weight Training Description: Students are placed on an individualized program of weight training and plyometrics according to their individual athletic needs. Beginning Weight Training 1501340 Length: 1 semester Level: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Approval of the teacher Description: This course introduces the following: (a) basic knowledge and skills in weight training, (b) methods and techniques to improve muscular strength and endurance, and (c) ways to enhance body image. Intermediate Weight Training 1501350 Length: 1 semester Level: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Beginning Weight Training or approval of teacher. Description: The emphasis of this course will be the power lift, bench press, squat, and power clean. Programs will be designed for weight gain and enhancement of athletic performance. Aerobics I 1503400 Length: 1 semester Level: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Life Management and Personal Fitness. Description: This course is designed to condition the entire body through aerobic exercise which will increase cardiovascular and muscular endurance, flexibility, and coordination. Students will participate in many formats including, but not limited to, dance aerobics, step aerobics, kickboxing, body sculpting, and boot camp. Life Management 0800300 Length: 1 semester Level: 9 Prerequisite: None Description: This classroom course helps students understand how to make healthy choices: physically, socially, and mentally. Topics covered include building self-esteem, nutrition, eating disorders, basics of first aid, choosing abstinence, STDs, conflict resolution, tobacco, drugs, and alcohol. Additional fees may be required. Personal Fitness 1501300 Length: 1 semester Level: 9 Prerequisite: None Description: This course helps students understand their personal capabilities and pushes them to increase their overall car-

diovascular and muscular endurance. Our intention is to motivate students to become physically active and incorporate exercise into their lifestyle in an appropriate manner. John Carroll physical education uniforms are required for this course. Team Sports - F 1503350 Length: 1 semester Level: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Personal Fitness Description: Team and dual sports; (to include volleyball, ultimate frisbee, softball, soccer, basketball, and flag football) are played with emphasis placed on team play, sportsmanship, and cooperation. PE uniform is required. Team Sports - S 1503360 Length: 1 semester Level: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisite: Personal Fitness Description: Team and dual sports; (to include softball, basketball, volleyball, ultimate frisbee, track and field, and soccer) are played with emphasis placed on team play, sportsmanship, and cooperation. PE uniform is required.

Religion Outreach Program The outreach program of John Carroll Catholic High School is a Christian service program which is a required part of the Religion Department curriculum for all students. In conjunction with their religion classes, students attending John Carroll will complete a minimum of 25 hours of Christian service per year. Bible History: Old Testament 2109390 Length: 1 semester Level: 10 Prerequisite: None Description: This course examines the traditions, history, and religion of the early Hebrew people as presented in the Hebrew Scriptures. It stresses the need for contextual interpretation to provide a fuller understanding of the words and symbols used in ancient times. Bible History: New Testament 2109400 Length: 1 semester Level: 10 Prerequisite: None Description: This course presents Jesus as portrayed in the Gospels and allows students to grow in their awareness of Him much as the disciples did. Thus it is based on a Christology “from below”, utilizing contemporary theology. It includes an in-

depth reading and study of one Gospel. Christian Apologetics 135 Length: 1 semester Level: 12 Prerequisite: None Description: This course aims to review and integrate Catholic morality, doctrine, and teachings of the Church through a review of the history of the Church from apostolic time to the present day.

by examining the Sacraments, rites, rituals, practices, and traditions of the Catholic Church. Students will explore the efficacious nature of the Sacraments and discover how these effects can truly transform lives. Students will look at the many practical and relevant ways in which the grace received through the Sacraments can move them to action every day.

Christian Morality 123 Length: 1 semester Level: 11 Prerequisite: None Description: This course gives students an introduction to basic principles in Catholic moral theology. It proceeds to treat moral development in a psychological perspective. The question of evil; human life issues, such as euthanasia, capital punishment, abortion, suicide, human sexuality, genetic research; and other topics proposed by students and teachers are considered.

Social Justice 5134 Length: 1 semester Level: 11 Prerequisite: None Description: This course critically examines society based on values from the Scriptures and on the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching. Topics such as abortion, capital punishment, racism, poverty, the environment, peace, and an in-depth examination of the Holocaust are explored.

Leadership in Ministry 2400300C Length: 1 year Level: 12 Prerequisite: Alpha membership Description: This course will provide the opportunity for selected peer ministers to develop a deeper understanding of their faith, utilize their leadership skills, and share their belief in God through faith ministry. Public speaking skills will be emphasized as students share moral values, witness their faith, lead prayer services, and plan retreat activities for the school’s retreat program. This course will count as these students’ senior religion credit. Psychology 2107300 Length: 1 semester Level: 9 Prerequisite: None Description: This course examines the physical, social, and spiritual concerns associated with adolescence. It is intended to equip students with a basic understanding of the physical and social processes involved in adolescent development. The class also offers students the opportunity to explore their own adolescent spirituality through prayer, an examination of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, and faith reflection activities. Students discover the vital connection between building strong, healthy, balanced relationships with others and building their relationship with God.

Sociology 2108300 Length: 1 semester Level: 12 Prerequisite: None Description: This course provides an examination of the Christian vision of love, centering on Jesus as the model. It is designed to help students explore the nature and characteristics of love within various lifestyles or vocations. Students have opportunities to develop a better understanding of themselves and their compatibility with others. Course content focuses on marriage as a lasting covenant of faithful love and unique challenges of responsible parenting. Students also complete detailed budget analyses in preparation for their entry into adulthood.


Anatomy and Physiology 2000350 Length: 1 year-offered on alternate years Level: 10, 11, 12 Academic Prerequisite: Biology Description: This course involves advanced study of the structure and function of the human body and the relationship of its parts. The organism will be considered in health as well as disease. Laboratories will be used as a means of reinforcing and expanding the learning experience.

Anatomy and Physiology 2000360 Length: 1 year - offered on alternate years Level: 10, 11, 12 Honors Sacraments of the Church 104 Prerequisite: Biology H and recommendaLength: 1 semester Level: 9 tion of Biology teacher Prerequisite: None Description: This course is designed to Description: This course involves an adgive students a sense of Christian identity vanced study of the structure and function

of the human body and the relationship of its parts. The organism will be considered in health as well as disease. Laboratories will be used as a means of reinforcing and expanding the learning experience. During the second marking period, each student will make a twenty minute formal presentation pertaining to a human disease or disorder. Biology 2000310 Length: 1 year Level: 9, 10 Academic Prerequisite: None Description: This course includes a historical survey of major advancements in biology as well as examination of principles of cellular organization and function. Basic botany and zoology content is covered and is supplemented with laboratory work. A general survey of the six kingdoms beginning with the simplest bacteria through the most complex animal is made. Biology 2000320 Length: 1 year Level: 9, 10 Honors Prerequisite: Placement test or recommendation of teacher. Description: This course includes a historical survey of major advancements in biology as well as examination of principles of cellular organization and function. Basic botany and zoology content is covered and is supplemented with laboratory work. A general survey of the six kingdoms beginning with the simplest through the most complex is made. AP Biology 2000340 Length: 1 year Level: 11, 12 Advanced Placement Prerequisite: Biology Honors, Chemistry Honors, and teacher recommendation. Description: This course presents an introductory college-level study in biology with laboratory. Content areas include molecules and cells, heredity, organisms and populations, and classifications with themes derived from evolution. The required AP exam will test students’ understanding of ideas that unite these major content areas. Supplemental work is required. Chemistry 2003340 Length: 1 year Level: 10, 11, 12 Academic Prerequisite: Algebra I and Biology with a grade of C or higher. Description: This course introduces the

student to the world of chemistry and develops the scientifically literate person who understands the methods and contributions of science to our society and to everyday living. The metric system is used consistently throughout the course to describe and make mathematical calculations. The student is taught basic measurement and measurement taking techniques, Bohr’s model of the atom, the periodic table and trends, chemical bonds, formula writing, equation balancing, the gas laws, energy relationships, and study through acids, bases and salts. The laboratory and lab experiments are used to introduce, reinforce, and expand learning. Chemistry 2003350 Length: 1 year Level: 10, 11, 12 Honors Prerequisite: Algebra I H and Biology H with a grade of B or higher. Description: This course introduces the student to the world of chemistry and develops the scientifically literate person who understands the methods and contributions of science to our society and to everyday living. The metric system is used exclusively throughout the course to describe and make mathematical calculations. The student is taught basic measurement and measurement taking techniques, Bohr’s model of the atom, the periodic table and trends, chemical bonds, formula writing, equation balancing, the gas laws, energy relationships, and study through acids, bases and salts. The laboratory and lab experiments are used to reinforce and expand learning.

considerable time outside of the classroom, and lab experiments are various and complex. Earth and Space Science 2001310 Length: 1 year Level: 11, 12 Academic Prerequisite: Biology and Physical Science Description: This course includes the following concepts of Earth: topography, geography, structure, plate tectonics, earthquakes and volcanoes, rocks and minerals, weathering, physical evolution, and climate and atmosphere. The concepts of space include the relationship of Earth and the Moon, solar system, stars, and galaxies. AP Environmental Science 2001380 Length: 1 year Level: 11, 12 Advanced Placement Prerequisite: Biology Honors, Chemistry Honors, and teacher recommendation . Description: This course provides students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative tasks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them. Supplemental work and the AP exam are required.

Integrated Science 2002400 Length: 1 year Level: 9, 10 Prerequisite: none Description: This course includes the use of scientific inquiry, research, measurement, problem solving, laboratory apparatus and AP Chemistry technology, experimental procedures, and Length: 1 year safety procedures. Biology, earth and space Level: 11, 12 Advanced Placement Prerequisite: Biology Honors, Chemistry science, chemistry, and physics comprise the topics studied. Honors, and teacher recommendation. Description: The AP Chemistry course is Marine Biology 2000400 designed to be the equivalent of the general Length: 1 year-offered on alternate years chemistry course usually taken during the Level: 10, 11, 12 Academic first college year. Students in this course Prerequisite: Biology should attain a depth of understanding of Description: This course involves the study fundamentals and a reasonable competence of the living organisms that inhabit the seas in dealing with chemical problems. The and their interactions with their environcourse contributes to the development of ment. The study of oceanography will be incorporated into the course as a means of unthe students’ abilities to think clearly and derstanding the oceans and their phenomena. to express their ideals orally and in writing, Taxonomic categories (schemes of classifiwith clarity and logic. The emphasis of this cation) will be introduced to demonstrate the course will be chemical calculations and the complex evolutionary relationships among mathematical formulation of principles. and marine organisms. Laboratories will be used laboratory work. Quantitative calculations as a means of reinforcing and expanding the appear in each topic, the course requires leaning experience.

Marine Biology 2002510 Length: 1 year-offered on alternate years Level: 10, 11, 12 Honors Prerequisite: Biology H, recommendation of Biology teacher, and a track record of honors courses. Description: This course involves the study of the living organisms that inhabit the seas and their interactions with their environment. The study of oceanography will be incorporated into the course as a means of understanding the oceans and their phenomena. Taxonomic categories (schemes of classification) will be introduced to demonstrate the complex evolutionary relationships among marine organisms. Laboratories will be used as a means of reinforcing and expanding the leaning experience. During the second marking period, each student will make a twenty minute formal presentation pertaining to the oceans and marine organisms in jeopardy.

AP Physics B 2003420 Length: 1 year Level: 12 Advanced Placement Prerequisite: Algebra II, Geometry, and Chemistry with a grade of B or higher, Trig with a grade of B or higher or currently enrolled. Description: This course provides a systematic introduction to the main principles of physics and emphasizes the development of conceptual understanding and problemsolving ability using algebra and trigonometry, but rarely calculus. This course provides a foundation in physics for students in the life sciences, premedicine, and some applied sciences, as well as other fields not directly related to science. The AP exam is required. This course requires student-centered learning and has a major lab component.

Physical Science 2003310 Length: 1 year Level: 9 Academic Prerequisite: None Description: This course introduces students to a variety of topics from different science disciplines. Included are the metric system measurements, matter, energy and work, simple machines, motion, atomic structure, periodic table, and chemical bonding.

American Government 2106310 Length: 1 semester Level: 12 Academic Prerequisite: American History I & II Description: This course is designed to help students understand the organization and functions of our American democratic system. The federal government as well as state and local governments are explored and studied. The Constitution and its importance today as well as in early America will be looked at.

Physics 2003390 Length: 1 year Level: 12 Honors Prerequisite: Geometry, Chemistry; and Algebra II with a grade of C or higher; Trig with a grade of C or higher or currently enrolled. Description: This course presents the basic principles of physics and gives the students a solid foundation for further scientific study. The desire is to equip the student with a good understanding of the methods and language of this science so that he/she can enter college physics and its related courses adequately prepared. The study covers the areas of measurement and problem solving, resolution and composition of forces, linear, curvilinear, and harmonic motion, conservation of energy and momentum, work, electricity, wave theory, and optics.

Social Sciences

exploration, colonization, revolution, federalism, nationalism and reforms, Civil War and Reconstruction. People, places and events which have made the United States a world power and brought them into the 20th century will be explored. Primary source readings will be used to enhance students’ knowledge of factual, historical data. American History I 2100320 Length: 1 year Level: 10 Honors Prerequisite: World History Honors with a grade of 85 or higher and teacher recommendation. Description: This course is a chronological and thematic study of U.S. history from European expansion through 1900. Special emphasis will be on the people, places, and events which have shaped our nation’s history. Students will be expected to read primary source essays and evaluate them for their historical fact. Documents will be read and explored, and students will be expected to show how the U.S. entered the 20th century as a world power.

American History II 2100390 Length: 1 year Level: 11 Academic Prerequisite: American History I Description: This course extends to a worldwide perspective. It covers developments in Europe, the effect of imperialism throughout the world, and the emerging role of today’s superpowers following 1900. It continues both the study of world history and the study of U.S. history. Students will be expected to master the use of maps, American Government 2106320 graphs, and timelines. Primary source Length: 1 semester Level: 12 Honors Prerequisite: American History H I & II readings will be used to reinforce students’ with a grade of 85 or higher and teacher knowledge of historical fact. recommendation. American History II 526 Description: This course allows the student Length: 1 year Level: 11 Honors to become a more knowledgeable partici- Prerequisite: American History I Honors pant in our federal system of government. with a grade of 85 or higher or teacher recAll levels of our democratic system will be ommendation. studied and explored, and students will be Description: This course extends to a expected to show understanding of our gov- worldwide perspective. It covers developments in Europe, the effect of imperialism ernment at work. throughout the world, and the emerging role of today’s superpowers following 1900. It American History I 2100310 continues both the study of world history Length: 1 year Level: 10 Academic and the study of U.S. history. Primary Prerequisite: World History source essays will be used to determine the Description: This course is a chronologiextent of the students’ knowledge of past cal and thematic study of the United States events. Maps, graphs, and time lines will from European expansion through 1900. be used extensively to reinforce geography Students will study topics which include skills.

Economics 2102310 Length: 1 semester Level: 12 Academic Prerequisite: American History I & II Description: This course covers the American economic system and how it relates to us and the world. Basic economic questions are studied and evaluated. Students are expected to understand how economics relates to them in a global community. Some topics covered will be supply and demand, scarcity, and business organizations. Economics 2102320 Length: 1 semester Level: 12 Honors Prerequisite: American History Honors I & II with a grade of 85 or higher and teacher recommendation. Description: This course is the study of the American economic system as it relates to our global community. Basic economic questions and issues will be explored through research. Students will be expected to understand their role in the economic community and how U. S. economics fits into the global picture. Supply and demand, scarcity, business organizations, market structures, and other economic issues will be covered. Students will read and interpret economic charts and graphs. AP Human Geography 2103400 Length: 1 year Level: 10, 11, 12 Advanced Placement Prerequisite: A or B in previous year’s English class and teacher recommendation. Description: This course introduces students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of the earth’s surface. Students will learn the tools, themes, and concepts of geography; geographic problems on the global, national, and local scales; the diversity of global cultures; and the creation and change of cultural landscapes. AP Macroeconomics 2102370 Length: 1 semester Level: 12 Advanced Placement Prerequisite: 85 or higher in honors American History I & II Description: This course gives students a thorough understanding of the principles of economics that apply to an economic system as a whole. Particular emphasis will be given to the study of national income and price-level measures, the financial sector, stabilization policies, economic

growth, and international economics. The AP exam is required. AP Psychology 2107350 Length: 1 year Level: 11, 12 Advanced Placement Prerequisite: A or B in Introduction to High School English and World Literature and teacher recommendation. Description: This course introduces the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals. Students will study psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology. Ethics and methods which psychologists use in their science and practice will also be studied. The AP exam is required. AP United States History 2100330 Length: 1 year Level: 11 Advanced Placement Prerequisite: Grade of 85 in American History I Honors or teacher recommendation. Description: This course provides students with the analytic skills and factual knowledge to deal critically with the problems and materials in U.S. history. The period from the first European explorations of the Americas to the present will be examined. Students will learn to assess historical materials in preparation for the Advanced Placement Examination. The AP exam is required. AP US Governement and Politics 2106420 Length: 1 semester Level: 12 Advanced Placement Prerequisite: 85 or higher in honors American History I & II Description: This course introduces political science concepts in the context of familiar American institutions and practices. Students will learn facts, concepts, and theories; understand typical pattersn of political processes and behavior; analyze and interpret basic relevant data using charts, tables, and other formats; and critically analyze theories and concepts, apply them appropriately, and develop their connections across the curriculum. Even though this course ends in December, the required AP exam will not be administered until May. World History 2109310 Length: 1 year Level: 9 Academic

Prerequisite: None Description: This course covers the development of some of the world’s major civilizations. Students examine the intellectual, religious, social, political, and economic patterns from the Renaissance to the 1990s. People, places, and events which have shaped our world are given emphasis. World History 2109320 Length: 1 year Level: 9 Honors Prerequisite: None Description: This course is a chronological and topical study of some of our world’s great civilizations. Students will study the social, intellectual, religious, economic, and political patterns that have formed civilizations from the Renaissance to the 1990s. Emphasis will be placed on people, places, and events that play a role in shaping our world today. Projects and reports will be assigned throughout the year.




Step one: You must be a junior or senior Mathematics with a 3.0 unweighted cumulative GPA. (Algebra I required) Step two: If you choose a course which requires a test score, you must have Science attained that score before you register for (Biology required) the course. ACT 17 English 18 Reading 23+ Math

3 credits

Religious Studies

4 credits

Personal Fitness

1/2 credit

Life Management

1/2 credit


3 credits

AMH 2010 American History I 1st semester 3 hrs. credit Requires English and Reading scores AMH 2020 American History II 2nd semester 3 hrs. credit Requires English and Reading scores CGS 1060 College Computing 3 hrs. credit CGS 1821 Website Development 3 hrs. credit CGS 1876 Web Animation 3 hrs. credit (Prerequisite: CGS 1821)

GEB 1011 Introduction to Business 3 hrs. credit BUL 2241 Business Law I 1st semester 3 hrs. credit BUL 2242 Business Law II 2nd semester 3 hrs. credit (prereq = BUL 2241) SLS 1101 Student Success 3 hrs. credit

4 credits

Social Studies 4 credits (World History, American History I & II, American Government, Economics)

SAT 440 Critical Reading 520+Math (counts as Eng. & Rdg.)

PERT (for college credit) 99 English 44+ Challenge Math 104 Reading

4 credits

*Classes in bold print are on IRSC’s campus during our 1st period and require the JCHS student to provide his or her own transportation. If you are not dual enrolled through our early admissions program, you may not take more than 11 hours per semester at IRSC.

Fine Arts 1 credit (Music, Art, Theater, Speech, Debate, Yearbook, Website Development, Web Animation, Web Animation Advanced, Stagecraft)



General Eligibility Criteria: Florida Resident, Florida High School Graduate, Not Guilty of a Felony, Attend College or University in Florida, Error-free FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) completed and submitted, No FAFSA = No $ Florida Academic Scholars (FAS) 3.5 State Weighted GPA, 1290 SAT or 29 ACT Academic courses used for GPA: 4 English, 4 Math (Alg. I & higher), 3 Science (2 with labs), 3 Social Science, 2 Foreign Language (same language) - additional academic courses may be used to raise GPA, 100 Hours of Community Service Florida Medallion Scholars (FMS) 3.0 State Weighted GPA, 1170 SAT or 26 ACT Academic courses used for GPA: 4 English, 4 Math (Alg. I & higher), 3 Science (2 with labs), 3 Social Science, 2 Foreign Language (same language) - additional academic courses may be used to raise GPA, 100 hours of Community Service Award Amounts: Please refer to FACTS.org Renewal Criteria Please refer to FACTS.org Admission requirements for institutions in the Florida university system include successful completion of two years of the same foreign language, Algebra I and II, Geometry and above. Above average ACT/ SAT scores are also required. *Liberal Arts Math does not meet Bright Futures requirements.* To apply for a Bright Futures Scholarship, students must submit a complete Florida Student Financial Aid application (FSFA) during their last year of high school (after December 1 and prior to graduation). They may access www.FloridaStudentFinancialAid.org to apply online (select Grants, Scholarships, and Applications, then Apply Here.) Students must enter their biographical information electronically. Test Score Requirements for Florida Academic Scholars and Florida Medallion Scholars

High School Graduation Year Florida Academic Scholars 2013-14 and thereafter

Florida Medallion Scholars 2013-14 and thereafter

SAT* 1290 1170

ACT** 29

* SAT based on Critical Reading and Math sections only.


** ACT based on English, Reading, Math, and Science sections only.


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