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ACETS Awards and Certificates in Education AEA Advanced Extension Award AEB Associated Examining Board for the General Certificate of Education AEGIS Association for the Education and Guardianship of International Students AGBIS Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools AHIS Association of Heads of Independent Schools AJIS Association of Junior Independent Schools ALP Association of Learning Providers ANTC The Association of Nursery Training Colleges AOC Association of Colleges AP Advanced Placement ASCL Association of School & College Leaders ASL Additional and Specialist Learning ATI The Association of Tutors Incorporated AQA Assessment and Qualification Alliance/ Northern Examinations and Assessment Board BA Bachelor of Arts BAC British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education BAECE The British Association for Early Childhood Education BD Bachelor of Divinity BEA Boarding Educational Alliance BEd Bachelor of Education BLitt Bachelor of Letters BPrimEd Bachelor of Primary Education BSA Boarding Schools’ Association BSc Bachelor of Science BTEC Range of work-related, practical programmes leading to qualifications equivalent to GCSEs and A levels awarded by Edexcel Cantab Cambridge University CATSC Catholic Association of Teachers in Schools and Colleges CCEA Council for the Curriculum, Examination and Assessment CDT Craft, Design and Technology CE Common Entrance Examination CEAS Children’s Education Advisory Service CertEd Certificate of Education CIE Cambridge International Examinations CIFE Conference for Independent Education CIS Council of International Schools CISC Catholic Independent Schools’ Conference CLAIT Computer Literacy and Information Technology CNED Centre National d’enseignement (National Centre of long distance learning) COBIS Council of British International ) CSA The Choir Schools’ Association CST The Christian Schools’ Trust DfE Department for Education (formerly DfES and DCFS) DipEd Diploma of Education DipTchngDiploma of Teaching EAIE European Association for International Education ECIS European Council of International Schools EdD Doctor of Education Edexcel GCSE Examining group, incorporating Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) and University of London Examinations and Assessment Council (ULEAC) EFL English as a Foreign Language ELAS Educational Law Association EPQ Extended Project qualification ESL English as a Second Language FCoT Fellow of the College of Teachers (TESOL) FEFC Further Education Funding Council FRSA Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts FSMQ Free-Standing Mathematics Qualification GCE General Certificate of Education GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education GDST Girls’ Day School Trust GNVQ General National Vocational Qualifications GOML Graded Objectives in Modern Languages GSA Girls’ Schools Association GSVQ General Scottish Vocational Qualifications HMC Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference HMCJ Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference Junior Schools HNC Higher National Certificate HND Higher National Diploma IAPS Independent Association of Prep Schools IB International Baccalaureate ICT Information and Communication Technology IFF Inspiring Futures Foundation (formerly ISCO) IGCSE International General Certificate of Secondary Education INSET In service training ISA Independent Schools Association ISBA Independent Schools’ Bursars’ Association ISCis Independent Schools Council information service ISC Independent Schools Council ISEB Independent Schools Examination Board ISST International Schools Sports Tournament ISTA International Schools Theatre Association
ITEC International Examination Council JET Joint Educational Trust LA Local Authority LISA London International Schools Association MA Master of Arts MCIL Member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists MEd Master of Education MIoD Member of the Institute of Directors MLitt Master of Letters MSc Master of Science MusD Doctor of Music MYP Middle Years Programme NABSS National Association of British Schools in Spain NAGC National Association for Gifted Children NAHT National Association of Head Teachers NAIS National Association of Independent Schools NASS National Association of Independent Schools & Non-maintained Special Schools NDNA National Day Nurseries Association NEASC New England Association of Schools and Colleges NFER National Federation of Educational Research NPA National Progression Award NQ National Qualification NQF National Qualifications Framework NQT Newly Qualified Teacher NVQ National Vocational Qualifications OCR Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations OLA Online Language Assessment for Modern Languages Oxon Oxford PGCE Post Graduate Certificate in Education PhD Doctor of Philosophy PL Principal Learning PNEU Parents’ National Education Union PYP Primary Years Programme QCA Qualifications and Curriculum Authority QCF Qualifications and Credit Framework RSIS The Round Square Schools SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test SATIPS Support & Training in Prep Schools/Society of Assistant Teachers in Prep Schools SBSA State Boarding Schools Association SCE Service Children’s Education SCIS Scottish Council of Independent Schools SCQF Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework SEC The Society of Educational Consultants SEN Special Educational Needs SFCF Sixth Form Colleges’ Forum SFIA School Fees Insurance Agency Limited SFIAET SFIA Educational Trust SMA Schools Music Association SoH The Society of Heads SQA Scottish Qualifications Authority STEP Second Term Entrance Paper (Cambridge) SVQ Scottish Vocational Qualifications SWSF Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship TABS The Association of Boarding Schools TISCA The Independent Schools Christian Alliance TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Language UCAS Universities and Colleges Admissions Service for the UK UCST United Church Schools Trust UKLA UK Literacy Association UKCISA The UK Council for International Education UWC United World Colleges WISC World International Studies Committee WJEC Welsh Joint Education Committee WSSA Welsh Secondary Schools Association