Construction environment A01 Logbook week3-10 Student name: Xiahui Chen
Student number:681952
WEEK 3 Key terms
Definition and /or property
are measured by the product of the force magnitude and the perpendicular distance between the line of the action of the force and the point
Retaining Wall
are used to bound soils between two different elevations often in areas of terrain possessing undesirable slopes or in areas where the landscape needs to be shaped severely and engineered for more specific purposes like hillside farming or roadway overpasses(wikipedia,2014a)
Strip footing
are the continuous spread footings of foundation wall
a concrete slab may be placed at or near grade level to serve as a combined floor and foundation system(Ching, 2014)
strong in compression, but week in tension
is a type of masonry material
Structural elements
-slab -beams -joints -bracing -panels
Activity: On Site Location 1: Lot 6 Cafe
The major material of this building is concrete, which is a solid and artificial material. In the picture, we can see the concrete beams and columns transfer the loads to the grand. The foundation of this building may be consisted of several isolated footing. The isolated footings are the individual spread footings supporting freestanding columns and piers
The two dark line are the joints within the concrete column. These joints are the week spots and enable the builders to know the cracks on the column.
Location 2:Underground carpark & South Lawn In order to plant the trees above the carpark, these large, hallow columns are applied to the structural system. Distinctly, theses columns are made of concrete which is made in situ. Meanwhile, these concrete columns are able to transfer the load from above structure.
We can see the joint on the column that separate it into two section. This can make the builders to control and build the column.
Each column is connected to the foundation below, where is separated from the flooring. When one of the column has collapsed, it would not cause the whole structure collapse,
Location 3: Stairs on west end of Union House The stairs are made of galvanized steel which can protect the steel from rusting. The stair seem to be hang by the horizontal beams on the wall above. However, these wires do not have any function of transferring the loads. In fact, the loads are transfer through the beams and columns below the stairs. In addition, beams and column are connected by the rigid joints that ensure there is no movement within the construction.
Location 4: North Court Union House This construction is a kind of membrane structure. Membranes are thin, flexible surfaces that carry loads primarily through the development of tensile stresses. They may be suspended or stretched between posts, or be supported by air pressure. (Ching, 2014)
The wires are under tension and torsion that protect the construction from collapse. Also, the hole in the middle allow the air go through it. This may lead to a air pressure to support the construction.
Week 4 Key terms
Definition and /or property
-open-web steel joist: are lightweight, shopfabricated steel members having a trussed web/may be supported by a bearing wall of masonry or reinforce concrete, or by steel beams or joist girders (Ching, 2014) -wood joist: are an essential subsystem of wood light-frame construction(Ching, 2014)
Steel decking
metal decking is corrugated to increase its stiffness and spanning capacity(Ching, 2014)
is the distance measured between two structural supports. (ENVS1003,2014a)
is a support beam used in construction
is the repeating distance between a series of like or similar elements. (ENVS1003,2014b)
1.List the types of information found in the title block on the floor plan page •Consultants •Compass •Client •Project title •Drawing title •Drawing number •Construction issues 2. Why might this information be important? This information can provide the details that are essential for the project
3. Is there a grid? What system is used for identifying the grid lines?
4.How are window and doors identified? Provide and example of each. Is there a rationale to their numbering? What do these numbers mean? Can you find the answer somewhere in the drawing?
5.Illustrate how floor levels are noted on the plan
6. What type of information is shown in this elevation? How does it differ from the information shown on the plan? •Dimension •Outside view of structure The elevation show the external details of the building. Is there a grid? No, it isn’t. Illustrate how the doors and windows are identified on the elevations The doors and windows are draw on the picture and also marked by the symbols
Week 5 Key terms
Definition and /or property
carries vertical loads while sheathing or diagonal bracing stiffens the plane of the wall(Ching, 2014)
Nogging Lintel
can be a load-bearing building component, a decorative architectural element, or a combined ornamented structural item(Wikipedia, 2014b)
Axial Load
a load that creates a force parallel to the axis of an object(2014)
is the sudden lateral or tensional instability of a slender structural member included by the action of an axial load before the yield stress of the material is reached(Ching, 2014)
Short column
is subject to failure by crushing rather than by buckling(Ching, 2014)
Long column
is subject to failure by buckling rather than by crushing(Ching, 2014)
Activity: STRUCTURAL CONCEPTS In this week’s activity, I was assigned to a group to complete the scale model of a canopy structure. This canopy section includes the trusses, beams and columns. Our group design to create the model by using the balsa wood. The pieces of balsa are cut up as many thin wood strip.
Once we finished a section of the canopy, we labeled the information on the model.
We firstly measure the lengths of each component on the drawing and then calculate the actual lengths on the model In this process, it is very important for us to get the accurate measurement. Then we connected the strips by glue.
The truss system is good in compression and is a lightweight structure.(Ching, 2014). This canopy may be a type of Belgian truss that have only inclined web members. (Ching, 2014). The wed system of the truss can transfer more loads within the structure. When we finished the model, we found that the model could not be stood since the material is too weak and the bracings are unable to support the system.
On the left picture, this group was making a similar truss structure as we did. However, they were using a stronger timber material which had a solid and stable function on their system
On the right picture, this group was making a model which represent the function of the columns and bearing wall as they are used to support the superstructure.
Week 6: Key terms
Definition and /or property
is one of a series of sloped structural members (beams) that extend from the ridge or hip to the wall plate, downslope perimeter or eave, and that are designed to support the roof deck and its associated loads(Wikipedia, 2014c)
is the bottom edge of a roof
Purlin Cantilever
is a beam anchored at only one end
Portal frame
Consist of a series of braced rigid frames with purlins for the roof and girts for the walls(ENVS1003, 2014c)
Top Chord Alloy Soffit truss
Trusses are generally fabricated by welding or bolting structural angles and tees together to form the triangulated framework. (Ching, 2014).
Plates structure are rigid, planar, usually monolithic structures that disperse applied loads in a multidirectional pattern, with the loads generally following the shortest and stiffest routes to the supports. (Ching, 2014).
Week 7 Key terms
Definition and /or property
are curved structure for spanning an opening, designed to support a vertical load primarily by axial compression. (Ching, 2014).
is a spherical surface structure having a circular plan and constructed of stacked blocks, a continuous rigid material like reinforce concrete, or of short, linear elements. (Ching, 2014).
are thin, curved plate structure typically constructed of reinforced concrete. (Ching, 2014).
refers to thin continuous pieces of metal or other impervious material installed to prevent the passage of water into a structure from an angle or joint. (Ching, 2014).
Thermal Insulation
the primary purpose of thermal insulation is to control the flow or transfer of heat through the exterior assemblies of a building and thereby prevent excessive heat loss in cold season and heat gain in hot weather.(Ching, 2014).
Gutter Sealant
Week 8 Key terms
Definition and /or property
-consists of formers, fluxes and stabilizers -non-porous -medium-high density -high hardness -high fragility -very low ductility -typically high embodied energy(ENVS1003, 2014d)
is the perpendicular distance a spanning member deviates from a true course under transverse loading, increasing with load and span, and decreasing with an increase in the moment of inertia of the section or the modulus of elasticity of the material. (Ching, 2014).
Bending stress
is a combination of compressive and tension stresses developed at a cross section of a structural member to resist a transverse force, having a maximum value at the surface furthest from the neutral axis(Ching, 2014).
refers to the fixed or movable framework of a window in which panes of glass are set. (Ching, 2014).
refers to the panes or sheets of glass set in the sashes of a window(Ching, 2014). -single glazing and double glazing
Shear force
Activity: IN DETAIL
Week 9 key terms
Definition and /or property
Moment of inertia
is the sum of the products of each element of an area and the square of its distance from a coplanar axis of rotation. (Ching, 2014).
Movement joints
-expansion joints -control joints -isolation joints
to provide an effective seal against the passage of water and air, a joint sealant must be durable, resilient, and have both cohesive and adhesive strength. (Ching, 2014).
refers to any of various mixtures applied in a pasty for to the surfaces of walls or ceilings in a plastic state and allowed to harden and dry. (Ching, 2014).
Gypsum board
is a sheet material used for covering walls or as lath. (Ching, 2014).
Skirting Cornice
Activity: OFF CAMPUS
The carpark is constructed underground and supported by the concrete columns. The concrete slabs are poured on site and connect with the precast concrete columns as we can see the joints between the columns and slabs. Moreover, the drainage pipelines cross through the slabs may transport the water from superstructure.
The concrete wall seem to be soaked by the water may indicate that the construction is not waterproofing.
The steel framework within the apartment is consisted of light-gauge steel studs with the C-shape. Lightgauge steel are manufactured by cold-forming sheet or strip steel.(Ching, 2014).Those framework enable the builders to divide the space for the layout and install the pipes and toilet system.
Week 10 Key terms
Definition and /or property
Lateral forces
Resistance to lateral loads is a major design concern for building in many geographical location. Lateral loads are mostly due to wind and earthquakes.(ENVS1003, 2014e)
Shear wall
is a structural system composed of braced panels to counter the effects of lateral load acting on a structure (Wikipedia, 2014d
Soft Storey Braced Frame Lifecycle assessment
the evaluation building materials should extend beyond their functional, economic, and aesthetic aspects and include assessing the environmental consequences associated with their selection and use.
Defect Fascia Corrosion
is the gradual destruction of materials (usually metals) by chemical reaction with its environment(Wikipedia, 2014e
Construction Workshop In the construction workshop, the tutor asked me to create a model that have a span of 1 meter and can be bear a strong compression. However, I and my partner misunderstood the meaning of span and made a wrong model. The first idea is to create a construction like a ‘bridge’. The columns may support the horizontal pinewood under the compression force. In addition, we tried to use some diagonal pinewood to reinforce this model. But since we did not have enough time, the plywood is instead of pinewood. The picture shows the final model.
When pushing the forces on the middle, a diagonal plywood firstly cracked before the whole model fails. Those plywood could be under a tension force. The whole structure finally collapse from the middle of the horizontal pinewood when the load reached 250kg.
This group had created a model like a simple truss. The triangle shape seem to be a more stable structure and the vertical pinewood may have the capacity of reinforcing this model. When this model was under a vertical force, we could visibly see the bending on the horizontal pinewood. The model finally collapse when the force over 400kg that show this structure have a good capacity of bearing compression force.
Reference list Wikipedia, (2014a), retrieved from ENVS1003, (2014a), retrieved from K%2004/SPAN%20AND%20SPACING.pdf ENVS1003, (2014b), retrieved from K%2004/SPAN%20AND%20SPACING.pdf Wikipedia, (2014b), retrieved from (2014), retrieved from Wikipedia, (2014c), retrieved from ENVS1003, (2014c), retrieved from ENVS1003, (2014d), retrieved from ENVS1003, (2014e), retrieved from
Wikipedia, (2014d), retrieved from Wikipedia, (2014e), retrieved from Ching, F.D.F. (2014). Building Construction Illustrated (Fourth ed.). Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.