MOUNT SINAI HEALTH SYSTEM: A proud sponsor of the 53rd Annual African American Day Parade
2023’s Parade Theme Presents: Good Health is Essential
Harlem and the parade play a historical role in the Black communities nation wide.
One year after the Civil Rights Act was established, the first Parade took place September 21, 1969.
Our grand marshals lead the way
Mount Sinai
Grand Marshals from left: Pamela Abner, MPA, CXXP Gary Butts, MD
The first AADP Grand Marshals Adam Clayton Powell, Jr and Shirley Chishom
Kente cloth is an iconic visual and one of the key symbols of African heritage and pride in African ancestry.
Diversity Driven. Equity Focused. Unrivaled Health Care.
The Mount Sinai Health System is proud to celebrate the 53rd annual African American Day Parade.
Congratulations to our Grand Marshals
Pamela Abner, MPA, CPXP, and Gary Butts, MD.
We salute all of the 2022 Grand Marshals and Marshals.
Pamela Abner, MPA, CPXP Vice President and Chief Diversity Operations O cer, Mount Sinai Hospital Groups Gary Butts, MD Executive Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Chief Diversity and Inclusion O cer, Mount Sinai Health System; and Dean, Diversity Programs, Policy and CommunityA airs, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
We foster a health care and learning environment that allows all to thrive and receive culturally appropriate care and services.
down Adam Clayton Powell Blvd.To address the high incidence of prostate cancer in the Black community by focusing on NYC neighborhoods.
Joined by our Prostate Cancer screening vanThe pride and joy was overwhelming
Our message was loud and clear.
Diversity Driven.
Equity Focused.
Unrivaled Health Care.
The crowd showed unwavering support