John Eric - Chinese Foreign Investment Book

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New York might have Fifth Avenue. And, Beverly Hills may have Rodeo Drive. But, the Washington region is home to some of the best shopping in the country. Gucci, Tiffanys, Prada and Hermes – they are all here. Not to mention hundreds of other stores and shops that will keep even the most active shopper busy. In Washington, stores like Neiman Marcus, Burberry and Bloomingdales are on the scene. Georgetown hosts shops from Ralph Lauren to Gap to Restoration Hardware to Coach to BCBG. It is easy to spend the day walking down Connecticut Avenue or M Street to catch the hottest styles and trends on offer. Tyson’s Corner, Virginia, is home to one of the largest shopping complexes in the country. Bally, Bottega Veneta, Cartier, Chanel, Emporio Armani, Kate Spade and Louis Vuitton are all found in one easily accessed center. Nearby is another massive shopping mall holding stores such as Banana Republic, Diesel, Lego and Steinway Piano. And, we can’t forget suburban Maryland. In Chevy Chase, at the Shops at Wisconsin Place, MAC, Cole Han and Bloomingdales draw a multitude of shoppers. Chevy Chase Pavilion is a small yet upscale shopping mall. Stores include Pottery Barn, J Crew, Ann Taylor Loft, Talbots, World Market, Hold Everything and more. And, across the street, Tiffanys, Saks Fifth Avenue and Saks Jandel are special stores to enjoy a shopping spree.

纽约有第五大道,比佛利山庄有罗迪欧大道,但华盛顿地区有一些全国最佳购物场所。这里有古奇、蒂 芬妮、普拉达和爱马仕,还有数百家让购物狂也能忙个不停的其它门店。 华盛顿有内曼•马库斯(Neiman Marcus)、巴宝莉(Burberry)和布鲁明戴尔(Bloomingdales)等门店。乔治城 有拉夫•劳伦(Ralph Lauren)、Gap、Restoration Hardware、蔻驰(Coach)、BCBG等门店。在康涅狄格大道 或M Street游荡,寻找供您选择的最热门款式和潮流,一天很容易就会过去。 弗吉尼亚州的Tyson’s Corner是全国最大的购物中心之一。这个交通便利的购物中心拥有众多知名品 牌,如巴利、宝缇嘉、卡地亚、香奈儿、阿玛尼、凯特•丝蓓和路易•威登。附近是另一家大型购物中 心,拥有Banana Republic、Diesel、乐高(Lego)和斯坦威钢琴(Steinway Piano)等门店。 此外,不要忘了马里兰州郊区。Chevy Chase、Wisconsin Place的门店、MAC、Cole Han和Bloomingdales都 吸引了众多购物者。Chevy Chase Pavilion是家小型高档购物中心,拥有Pottery Barn、J Crew、Ann Taylor Loft、 Talbots、World Market、Hold Everything等多家门店。此外,在街对面有蒂芬妮、萨克斯第五大道 (Saks Fifth Avenue)和Saks Jandel,您可以在这些特别门店尽享购物狂欢。


Calling all Foodies! Washington’s culinary scene has exploded. It is now home to more Michelin Star chefs then at any other time. The days of restrictive dining choices left Washington decades ago. Now, choosing a five-star restaurant that offers amazing food is easy and convenient. And, many restaurants deliver to your home. While chefs such as Wolfgang Puck and Jose Andreas have made Washington a home, the city hosts a wide diversity of culinary choices. From luxury dining to burgers on the go – you can find whatever your heart and your stomach desires in DC.

多的米其林星级厨师。几十年前华盛顿就餐选择的受限性已经一去不返。现在,选择一家提供美味食物 的五星级餐馆非常简单、方便。并且,很多餐馆提供送餐上门的服务。 当像沃尔夫冈·普克(Wolfgang Puck)和约瑟·安德里亚斯(Jose Andreas )这样的大厨在华盛顿安家时, 这座城市便拥有了广泛而多样的烹饪选择。从奢华餐饮到速食汉堡——您可以在华盛顿地区找到任何既 符合您心意又对您胃口的食物。 食品杂货购买在华盛顿地区也是轻而易举的事。从大型民族食品商店如Great Wall (长城),到稍小些 的有机商店如Yes! Organic Market(对!有机市场)——您所需要的配料总能在附近找到。

Grocery shopping is also a breeze in the Washington area. From large, ethnic food stores, such as Great Wall to smaller organic shops such as Yes! Organic Market – the ingredients you need are always nearby. Washington DC Area Food Stores Dean and Deluca Balducci’s Safeway Capitol Supermarket Yes! Organic Market Whole Foods Giant The Great Wall Supermarket

Washington DC Area Celebrity Chef Restaurants DBGB Kitchen & Bar – Downtown | City Center Risika & Risika West – Penn Quarter | West End Minibar by José Andrés - Penn Quarter/Chinatown The Source - Penn Quarter/Chinatown CityZen (inside Mandarin Oriental) - Southwest Federal Center Fiola & Fiola Mare - Penn Quarter/Chinatown | Georgetown Restaurant Eve – Alexandria Bistro Provence - Bethesda

华盛顿地区食品商店: Dean and Deluca(汀恩德鲁卡) Balducci’s(巴尔杜奇) Safeway(西夫韦连锁超市) Capitol Supermarket(卡匹托尔超市) Yes! Organic Market(对!有机市场) Whole Foods(全食食品超市) Giant(巨人) The Great Wall Supermarket(长城超市)

华盛顿地区名厨餐厅: DBGB 厨房 & 酒吧 —— 闹市区 | 市中心 Risika & Risika West —— 潘恩区 | 西区 Minibar by José Andrés —— 潘恩区/中国城 The Source —— 潘恩区/中国城 CityZen (文华东方酒店内) —— 西南联邦中心 Fiola & Fiola Mare —— 潘恩区/中国城 | 乔治城 Restaurant Eve(伊芙餐厅) —— 亚历山德里亚 Bistro Provence(普罗旺斯小酒馆) —— 贝塞斯达


Wellness is something in which we are all concerned. The Washington, DC area provides myriad traditional Chinese sources for medicine and exercise. Doctors of Traditional Chinese Medicine are found throughout the region. Patients can visit doctors in places such as the East West Wellness Center in Gaithersburg, MD, the City Acupuncture Club in Dupont Circle, Washington, DC and the Glory Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Center in Merrifield, VA. The Washington area is home to some of the most beautiful parks and lakes in the country, perfect places to practice morning tai chi. If, however, someone practicing prefers a group setting or one that is indoors, the metro area does not disappoint. Spread throughout Montgomery County, MD, Washington DC and Northern Virginia are countless groups that daily meet to practice. Essence Tai Chi has locations throughout Montgomery County. The Tai Chi Chuan Center, based in Northern Virginia, also has centers spread throughout the city of Washington and Northern Virginia. These are only two centers devoted to Tai Chi – countless more are found across the region.

健康是我们大家都很关心的事情。在华盛顿地区有无数来自中国的传统医学和锻 炼资源。 在这里到处都可以找到传统中医医师。患者可以在马里兰州盖瑟斯堡东西方健康 中心(East West Wellness Center )、华盛顿特区杜邦环岛的市针灸俱乐部(City Acupuncture Club),以及弗吉尼亚州梅里菲尔德的荣耀针灸与东方医学中心(Glory Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Center)就医。 华盛顿地区拥有一些美国最美丽的公园和湖泊,是早晨练太极的 理想场所。不过,如果有人喜欢组队练习或在室内练习,那 么,都会区绝不会让您失望。在马里兰州蒙哥马利县、华 盛顿特区和北弗吉尼亚地区,每天都有无数团体聚集在 这里练习太极。简式太极的练习场所在整个蒙哥马 利郡随处可见。总部设于北弗吉尼亚地区 的太极拳也在华盛顿市区和北弗吉 尼亚各地设有多个分中心。这只 是两个专注于太极拳的练习中 心——在该地区还有无数类 似场所。



In Arlington, over 70% of adults have bachelor’s degrees or higher

40% 1st

Almost 40% have earned graduate or professional degrees

Maryland – placed 1st in the Forbes list of America’s most educated small towns

The Washington area is one of the most highly educated metropolitan areas in the world. In Arlington, over 70% of adults have bachelor’s degrees or higher and almost 40% have earned graduate or professional degrees. And, Bethesda, Maryland placed 1st in the Forbes list of America’s most educated small towns. Bethesda also placed first on’s list of top-earning American towns in 2012. One of the most important decisions that parents make is the decision on what school is best for the education of their children. Washington, DC has a surplus of fine learning institutions, whether they be private or public in nature. According to US News and World report’s ranking of the top 150 high schools in the country, 10 are located right in the Washington, DC area, which is not a surprise, considering some of the nation’s best universities are also located nearby. From Georgetown University to Johns Hopkins, and the University of Virginia to George Washington University, the Washington, DC area offers some of the very best education opportunities in the country.

华盛顿地区是世界上受教育程度最高的大都市区域之一。在阿 灵顿,70%以上的成年人拥有硕士及以上学历,近40%获得了研 究生或专业学位。此外,马里兰州贝塞斯达在福布斯排行榜中 被列为受教育程度最高的美国小城镇。2012年,贝塞斯达还被 CNNMoney.com列为收入最高的美国城镇之一。 对于父母来说,他们要做的最重要的决定之一就是应为自己的孩 子选择一个最适合他们的教育的学校。华盛顿特区拥有大量优秀 的私立或公立教育机构。根据美国新闻与世界报道所公布的美国 前150强中学名单,其中有10所就位于华盛顿特区,而这并不稀 奇,毕竟附近还有一些美国最好的大学。从乔治城大学到约翰普 金斯大学,从弗吉尼亚大学到乔治华盛顿大学,华盛顿地区向人 们提供了一些全国最好的教育机会。


DC Private Schools Aidan Montessori The Field School Georgetown Day School Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School Gonzaga College Sidwell Friends St. Albans School Washington International School Universities American University Galludet University George Mason University The George Washington University Georgetown University Howard University University of the District of Columbia University of Maryland

特区私立学校 艾丹蒙特梭利 菲尔德中学 乔治城日间学校 乔治城预备女校 公撒格书院 西德威尔友谊中学 圣奥尔本斯学校 华盛顿国际学校

大学 美国大学 高立德大学 乔治梅森大学 乔治华盛顿大学 乔治城大学 霍华德大学 哥伦比亚特区大学 马里兰大学

LONG GONE ARE THE DAYS OF WASHINGTON, DC AS THE MODEL OF MONOTONOUS LIVING. THE CITY IS ALIVE WITH A CULTURE THAT IS BECOMING WORLD-RENOWNED. Long gone are the days of Washington, DC as the model of monotonous living. The city is alive with a culture that is becoming world-renowned. It is enjoyed by all residents, both young and old. Local theaters such as Source and venerable theaters such as The Kennedy Center host nightly performances that pack audiences. The Fringe Festival, held every summer, draws in thousands of spectators. While the world-renowned Shakespeare Company performs its annual Free-For-All each August. But, it isn’t just theater that draws the crowds. Music choices are abundant too. Top 40 pop artists entertain at the Verizon Center, the classical notes of the National Symphony Orchestra inspire at the Kennedy Center and smoky jazz singers are found at clubs throughout the city.

Art rages on the cultural scene as well. Of course, Washington is home to some of the best museums and galleries in the world. These museums host both exhibitions, special events and lectures that draw every age of people. But, it is also home to a great number of small private galleries, such as Gallery Plan B, and small museums with amazing collections such as The Phillips Collection. For those more sports minded, the Washington area is home to five professional sports teams. It is impossible to ever be bored. The Nationals (baseball), Redskins (football), Capitals (hockey), Wizards (basketball) and United (soccer) all have legions of Washingtonians supporting their teams. And, the festivals…..every year, Adam’s Morgan Day has thousands of attendees wandering around the neighborhood enjoying good food and great music. Chinese New Year finds throngs of spectators crowding the streets watching dragon dances. And, the Fourth of July finds Washington hosting millions of people on the National Mall. Part of Washington’s charm is its status as an international, cosmopolitan city. The area has long been a magnet for people from other countries, but never more so than today. More than 1 in 5 residents of the metropolitan area were born outside the US. 30% of Montgomery County, MD and 29% of Fairfax County, VA residents are foreign-born. Many embassies host events for the public and many Washingtonians respond. Washingtonians enjoy everything from theater to restaurants, from festivals to international events. The culture of the city is definitely one to enjoy.

华盛顿特区作为单调乏味生活模板的日子早已一去不复返。这座 城市充满正变得有全球知名的文化。它受到所有居民喜爱,无论 老少。 华盛顿特区作为单调乏味生活模板的日子早已一去不复返。这座城市充满正变得 有全球知名的文化。它受到所有居民喜爱,无论老少。 本地剧院如 Source和庄严的肯尼迪中心举办众多观众云集的夜间表演。每年夏天 举行的艺穗节(Fringe Festival)吸引数千名观众。世界著名的莎士比亚公司(Shakespeare Company)每年八月还举行年度免费活动(Free-For-All)。 但不只是剧院在吸引人潮,还有众多音乐选择。40位顶尖的流行歌手在Verizon中 心献艺,国家交响乐团的古典音符在肯尼迪中心激荡,全城的俱乐部都有火热的 爵士歌手为您表演。 艺术也在文化圈中风行。华盛顿拥有一些全球最佳博物馆和画廊。这些博物馆举 办吸引各个年龄段人士的展览、特别活动和讲座。但它还是众多小型私人画廊的 基地,如Gallery Plan B和大量拥有惊人藏品的小博物馆,如菲利普斯收藏(Phillips Collection)。 对更有运动头脑的人来说,华盛顿地区有五家专业运动队。不可能感到无聊。The Nationals(棒球)、Redskins(橄榄球)、Capitals(曲棍球),Wizards(篮球)和 United(足球)都有众多华盛顿人支持他们的团队。 还有节日……每年,有成千上万人参加亚当摩根日(Adam’s Morgan Day)庆典,他 们在社区附近徘徊,享受美食和美妙的音乐。在中国春节(Chinese New Year),成 群观众在街头观看舞龙表演,人群熙熙攘攘。在美国国庆日,数百万人在国家广 场(National Mall)举行庆典。 华盛顿作为一个国际化大都市的地位也是其魅力的一部分。该地区长期以来一直 吸引着海外人士,当今更是如此。超过五分之一的都会区居民均在美国以外出 生。马里兰州(MD)蒙哥马利县(Montgomery County)有30%,弗吉尼亚州(VA)费尔 法克斯县(Fairfax County)有29%的居民在海外出生。许多大使馆为市民举办各种活 动,众多华盛顿人积极参与。 华盛顿人尽享一切,从剧院到餐厅,从节日到国际赛事。这座城市的文化绝对是 一个享受。

The Chinese community in the Washington, DC region is strong, vibrant and tightly-knit. Members of the community stretch from Washington, DC to Montgomery County, MD to Northern Virginia. They enjoy their cultural heritage in the capital area of the United States; whether it’s finding a favorite tea, sending children to Chinese educational workshops or school or purchasing a daily newspaper, living in the Washington area is convenient for many Chinese.

华盛顿地区的华人社区很强大、有活力和联系紧密。社区中的成员从华盛顿特区延伸到蒙哥马利郡,从 马里兰州到北弗吉尼亚。他们在美国的首都地区享受着他们的文化传统。无论是寻找一款自己喜爱的 茶、送小孩去上中文教育讲习班或学校,还是购买日报,对于许多华人来说,华盛顿地区的生活都是非 常便捷的。

Montgomery County, Maryland, which borders Washington, DC, is home to many Chinese stores, organizations and schools. Here, shops such as World Journal Bookstore stock newspapers, magazines, books, dictionaries, maobi and paper used for calligraphy, while, The Social Tea House and Ten Ren offer staple and exotic green and white teas. Nearby is the Great Wall grocery store that sells both Chinese specialty and common ingredients used in cooking. Terrific Chinese restaurants, such as A&J on Rockville Pike, are found throughout the county – both specializing in traditional-style Chinese cooking and wonderful treats such as dim sum.

马里兰州蒙哥马利郡与华盛顿特区相邻,这里有许多中国商店、机构和学校。这里有像世界日报书店、 股票报、杂志、书籍、字典,以及用于书法的毛笔和纸等。Social Tea House(社交茶馆)和Ten Ren(天仁 茗茶)提供常见和独特的绿茶及白茶。附近是长城杂货店,这里既卖中国特产,也有烹饪的一般原料。 整个郡到处都有非常棒的中国餐厅——既有特色和传统风味的中国烹饪,也有像点心一样的美味小点, 如:洛克维尔大道上的A&J。

Also, in Rockville, is the Rockville Chinese School, which offers classes in Mandarin and teaches students classes in culture and Chinese sports. Children keep current on cultural events and learn traditions and history. Of course, Washington, DC has its own Chinatown, and is a sister city to Beijing. Chinatown is a thriving and active neighborhood in the city. It is home to not only Chinese restaurants, but also some of the best Western food the city has to offer. During Chinese New Year, the area lights up in song and dance, as both residents and non-residents alike celebrate. Northern Virginia is also home to the Chinese community. Here, restaurants such as A&J (in Annandale), China Garden (in Rosslyn), and Hong Kong Pearl (at Seven Corner) offer some of the best Chinese cuisine in the region. The Washington region serves as home to a multitude of Chinese organizations and cultural institutions. Annually, major Chinese celebrations such as Autumn Festival, Spring Festival and the Dragon Boat races are held throughout the region.

此外,在洛克维尔大道上也有洛克维尔中文学校,设有普通话班,教授学生中国文化和体育运动。孩子 们能够了解最新的文化活动并学习传统和历史。 当然,华盛顿特区也有它自己的唐人街,还是北京的姐妹城市。唐人街是这座城市中的一个欣欣向荣、 充满活力的社区。这里不仅有许多中国餐厅,也拥有这座城市能够向人们提供的一些最佳西方食品。在 中国新年期间,随着这里的居民和非居民一起庆祝新年,整个区域在歌曲和舞蹈中都变得热闹喜庆。 北弗吉尼亚也有华人社区。在这里,像A&J(在安嫩代尔)、中国园(在罗斯林),以及香港明珠(在 Seven Corners)等餐馆为大家提供该地区最出色的中国美食。 华盛顿地区拥有许多中国组织和文化机构。每年,这个地区都会举办大型华人庆祝活动,如:中秋节、 春节,以及龙舟赛。



FOR¤IGN INVESTMENT DC, Open for Business

by John Eric | Vice President of TTR | Sotheby’s International Realty

Washington Harbour

When the national housing market spiraled downward during the recession, DC’s market held firm and then quickly resumed its growth pattern. The Washington area is considered safe not only for Americans but for international investors as well. While currencies shift and companies go bankrupt, the real estate market in the American capital remains the safest investment to many global financiers.

当全国房产市场在萧条期间大幅下挫时,华盛顿市场保持坚挺,且很快恢复了其增长模式。华盛顿区被 认为不仅对美国人,而且对国际投资者来说很安全。在货币汇率变化和公司破产的环境下,美国首都房 地产市场对许多国际投资者来说仍是最安全的投资。

Chinese investors have contributed to foreign investment throughout the city. At the ribbon-cutting for the new Marriott Marquis hotel, Mayor of the District of Columbia, Vincent Gray, gave a nod to this faith in the Washington market by announcing that the first direct flights on Air China between D.C. and Beijing would begin that day.

中国投资者对全市的海外投资都有贡献。在全新马奎斯万豪酒店(Marriott Marquis hotel)的剪彩仪式上,哥 伦比亚特区市长Vincent Gray宣布当天将开启中国国航在华盛顿和北京间的首条直飞航线,借此认可了大 家对华盛顿市场的信心。

According to the house sales website Trulia, investors throughout Asia are snapping up US real estate. They view the U.S. real estate market as relatively cheap and the federal government as relatively stable. While Asian investors have always been interested in US real estate, the recent increase in wealth among Asian countries has made it even more common for people to buy US property. The Washington area is one of the top markets for foreign investment due to the region’s entry point to the US market, its international assets and its residential charms. The District is the only U.S. city that can claim 176 embassies and international organizations such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Pan American Health Organization. Washington is in a unique position for foreign investors who seek a US presence and high return on investments due to its access to so many international entities within the city. The Washington Metropolitan area now ranks 4th in foreign investment in the US according to the Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate. And, according to Jones Lang LaSalle, more than $2.6 billion in commercial real estate was purchased by foreign investment capital in 2013. From commercial to residential real estate, the world is recognizing both the potential and the savvy of investing in Washington area real estate.

房屋销售网站Trulia声称,全亚洲的投资者都在抢购美国房地产。他们认为美国房地产市场相对廉价,并 且联邦政府相对稳定。亚洲投资者一直以来都对美国房地产感兴趣,亚洲国家近年来的财富增加让人们 购买美国房产更为普遍。 由于华盛顿区是美国市场的切入点、还有其国际资产和居住魅力,该区是国际投资最佳市场之一。该区 是唯一拥有176家大使馆和国际组织的美国城市,世界银行、国际货币基金组织和泛美健康组织等国际组 织都坐落在该区。由于华盛顿城内有如此多国际组织,华盛顿对寻求在美国有一席之地和高投资回报的 国际投资者来说处于独特的位置。 据“房地产国际投资者协会”称,华盛顿大都会区目前在美国海外投资方面位列第四。而且Jones Lang LaSalle称,2013年超过$26亿的商业地产由境外投资资金购买。 从商业到住宅房地产,世界正在认可在华盛顿地区投资房地产的潜力和精明之处。

BEAUTIFUL HOMES Atlantic Plumbing Lofts | Logan Circle Washington, DC Units: 62 Pricing: $300,000 to $1.9 million

2030 8th Street at Atlantic Plumbing features 62 unique residences with over 9-foot ceilings, expansive windows offering unparalleled views of the city and a highly appointed rooftop terrace. Customized interior finishes pay homage to the industrial DNA of the original Atlantic Plumbing Supply building and reflect the neighborhood’s position at the center of the arts, entertainment, and cultural landscape. Amenities: • Full-service concierge • A resident lounge with communal kitchen and bar • Fitness center • Reserved garage parking for residents

Gas Light Lofts | Rosslyn North Arlington

Units: 117 Unit sizes: 1,100 - 1,900 sq. ft. Pricing: $695,000 - $1.5 million Gaslight Square is an innovative condominium development that brings together the best features of Abdo’s award-winning residences over the last 15 years, including direct access elevators and double-height ceilings. Inside and out, each residence features Abdo’s signature Elegance with an Edge™ style, blending classic architecture with contemporary details. Amenities: • Private elevators • 19-foot ceilings for some units, • Outdoor spaces, • Electric car charging stations

The Lauren |Bethesda Maryland

CityCenter | Washington, DC

Ideally situated on the western edge of Woodmont Avenue between Hampden Lane and Montgomery Lane, The Lauren offers a rare opportunity to enjoy an uncommonly quiet and peaceful location while still being in the heart of Bethesda. Outside your door, you can enjoy the restaurants of Bethesda Row, the eclectic shops along Bethesda Avenue, Wisconsin Avenue, and the Woodmont Triangle and, you are only steps away from the Crescent Trail. The Lauren will be a boutique property with only 29 residences available and will feature iconic architecture and an unsurpassed level of customer attention and concierge services designed to anticipate your every request. The location, the lifestyle and the fit and finish are unlike anything else in Bethesda. Residences The Lauren will be a one-of-a-kind luxury residential condominium built for the most discerning buyer. Floor plans ranging from 1,444 sq. ft. to more than 6,000 sq. ft. will reflect the quality one would expect at this level of residence. Amenities: • Direct access elevators • Nine and ten-foot ceilings • Private roof top terraces for select units • Home Automation System featuring iPad control of your thermostat, electronic equipment, shades, and more • High-end fixture/appliance packages included standard • Vented fireplaces • Grand two-story lobby • Expansive open floor plans • Private wine storage

The Residences at CityCenter bring the ease and sophistication of modern city living to the heart of Downtown Washington. Designed by internationally renowned architecture firm Foster + Partners, its 216 condominiums provide homes with open layouts where light, air and outdoor spaces are fundamental. The Residences feature signature hallmarks of Foster + Partners’ design including light-filled modern interiors, natural colored materials and collaborations with quality manufacturers for custom designs. Every residence is crafted with high quality, custom details and environmentally responsible materials that offer thoughtful living in a modern environment. Amenities: • Concierge • 24-Hour security • Parking • Key fob access • Storage • Fitness center • Yoga studio • Two roof parks • Outdoor kitchens • Outdoor dining room • Lounge • Wine storage • Bar lounge • Dining room • Catering kitchen • Executive board room • Guest suite • Spa treatment room • Landscaped terrace

Units: 29 Pricing: 1 Million – 6 Million Unit Sizes: 1,444 to 6000 sq. ft.

No. of units: 216 Unit sizes: 675 - 2,675 sq. ft. Pricing $700K - $5,000,000 USD RESIDENTIAL LIVING AT CITYCENTER

Quarry Springs | Bethesda

No. of units: 97 Unit sizes: 2200 – 4,500 sq. ft. Pricing $700K - $3,000,000 USD Condominiums that make a true estate-ment Homeowners accustomed to the spaciousness and elegance of an estate home will immediately feel at home at Quarry Springs. Ten-foot ceilings, crown molding, hardwood flooring, open layouts and climate-controlled storage areas are standard. Other amenities include garage-to-foyer private elevators, real hearth-stone fireplaces and spacious terraces overlooking elegantly sculpted common areas, waterfall and lawns. Floor plans range from 2,200 to over 4,500 square feet. Amenities: • Clubhouse • Fitness center/yoga studio • Spa • Outdoor pool • Lawn & grounds • Monitored access • Concierge services

美丽家 Atlantic Plumbing 顶楼公寓–洛根圈|华盛顿特区

Lauren(劳伦) |贝塞斯达

CityCenter |华盛顿特区

Quarry Springs |贝塞斯达





价格:$30万至 $190万


单元大小:675 – 2675平方英尺

单元大小:2200 – 4500平方英尺

第八大街2030 号Atlantic Plumbing拥有62套独一无二的住

单元大小:1444 至 6000平方英尺


价格:70万– 300万美元


Lauren位于伍德蒙特大道(Woodmont Avenue)西边缘汉普




顿路(Hampden Lane)和蒙哥马利路(Montgomery Lane)


习惯于宽敞优雅居家房产的业主一来到Quarry Springs便肯

台。定制室内装修既表达了对Atlantic Plumbing Supply最初


顿市区的中心地带。该住宅由国际知名建筑公司Foster +










斯达大道(Bethesda Avenue)、威斯康星大道(Wisconsin

有Foster + Partners的特色标志性设计,其中包括明亮的时


• 提供全方位服务的门房




• 配有公共厨房和酒吧的住户休息室

且,您离新月步道(Crescent Trail)仅几步之遥。Laurent



• 健身中心




• 住户专用预留车库停车位



• 俱乐部会所


• 门房服务

• 健身中心 / 瑜珈工作室

Gas Light 顶楼公寓 | 罗斯林 | 北阿灵顿


• 24小时安防




• 停车

• 户外泳池

单元面积:1100 – 1900平方英尺


• 密匙卡门禁

• 草坪和庭院

价格:$69.5万 - $150万

• 存储

• 受监控的门禁

Gaslight Square(煤气灯广场)是一个创新性共管公寓住


• 健身中心

• 门房服务



• 瑜珈工作室



• 两个屋顶停车场

都为Edge™ 样式,将经典建筑与现代室内细节设计相结

• 直达电梯

• 户外厨房


• 9英尺和10英尺高的天花板

• 户外餐厅


• 精选单元拥有私人屋顶露台

• 休息室

• 私人电梯

• 家居行动化系统,使用iPad对您的恒温器、电子

• 酒窑

• 有些单元的天花板高度为19英尺,

• 酒吧休闲室

• 室外空间,

• 包含高端设备/电器套件

• 餐厅

• 电动汽车充电站

• 通风式壁炉

• 厨房

• 宏伟的二层楼大厅

• 行政会议室

• 宽敞的开放式楼层设计

• 客人套房

• 私人酒窑

• 温泉治疗房

一出家门就可以看到Bethesda Row的餐厅,沿着贝塞



• 景观露台





Recordation/Transfer Tax (Paid when purchasing real property)

.333% of the purchase price (and loan amount, if any)

.5% of the purchase price for State transfer tax.

1.1% of the purchase price for transaction less than $400,000.00. 1.45% of the purchase price for transaction $400,000.00 or more.

Deed Recording Fee




Mortgage (Deed of Trust) Recoding Fee




Annual Real Estate Taxes

Varies by County (approximately 1% of tax assessed value)

Varies by County (approximately 1.2% of tax assessed value)

.85% for most residential property

*This information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed, and is subject to change. There are additional costs in all jurisdictions for settlement fees, title insurance, and loan related charges if a mortgage is obtained. Information provided by RGS, Arlington, VA

How real property is owned in the United States

In general, real estate in the United States is owned in as a Freehold Estate, as opposed to a Leasehold Estate or tenancy. This type of ownership may differ from what some foreign buyers are used to in their country of origin or other countries in which they have purchased property. A Freehold Estate is, basically, an ownership interest in real property that has no fixed duration of ownership. It lasts until the property is sold or otherwise transferred.

Foreign Investment Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA)

When a non-resident alien (someone who is not a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Lawful Resident (Green Card holder)) sells real estate in the United States, the IRS requires that 10% of the sale price be withheld at settlement and paid to the IRS. These funds may be recovered by the seller, and in some instances the withholding requirement may be avoided if the IRS issues an exemption letter to the seller prior to the sale. It is best to discuss this with your tax accountant or attorney well in advance of selling your property so that proper steps may be taken within sufficient time.

精明的房地产 外国公民购买/拥有/出售房产时的须知事项

购买/拥有房地产的相关费用 费用* 登记/转移税 (购买房地产时支付)

费用* 购买价格的0.333%(以 及贷款金额,如果有的 话)

费用* 购买价格的0.5%作为 州 转移税。 马里兰州各郡也收取登 记税和转移税,最高可 达购买价格的2.5%。这 些税可由买家或卖家支 付,或双方分摊。

费用* 对低于$400,000.00的交 易来说,为购买价格的 1.1%。 对高于$400,000.00的交 易来说,为购买价格的 1.45%。





按揭(信托契约)登记 费 每年的房产税




根据郡变化(大约为税 估价值的1%)

根据郡变化(大约为税 估价值的1.2%)

对于大多数住宅房产来 说,为0.85%

*此信息被视为可靠但无保证的,且会改变。在所有司法管辖区内还有额外的开支,包括结算费用、产权保险和贷款相关费用(如果 获得按揭贷款的话)。

信息: RGS, Arlington, VA

在美国房地产是如何被拥有的 一般来说,美国的房地产归属于自由保有地产,而不是租赁持有地产或租屋。这种拥有方式可能不同于一 些外国买家在他们本国或其他已购买地产的国家所习惯的拥有方式。从根本上来说,自由保有地产是没有 固定所有权期限的房地产的所有权权益。这种权益会一直持续到资产被卖出或转移。 外商投资房地产税法(FIRPTA) 当一个无居留权的外国人(不是美国公民或永久合法居民(绿卡持有者))在美国出售房地产时,IRS要 求在结算时扣取出售价格的10%并支付给IRS。这些资金可能由卖家重新获得,并且在某些情况下,如果 IRS在地产出售前给卖家出具免除信,扣缴要求可以被避免。您最好在出售地产前,和您的税务会计师或 律师讨论这些,以便有充足的时间采取合适的应对措施。


METRO The region’s Metro services millions of locals and tourists and extends beyond the Beltway. Residents who live in Alexandria, Arlington, Reston, Bethesda, Chevy Chase and Rockville have an easy commute into the city. Metro Center and its neighboring station, Gallery Place, provide easy access to five of the six subway lines. The newly opened Silver Line will bring an estimated 20 real estate development projects near its five stations and is sure to become a hot spot in the region’s landscape. A Purple Line, which will expand transportation in Suburban Maryland is currently being developed.

该地区的地铁为数百万当地人和游客服务,并且它并延伸至环 城公路外。生活在亚历山德里亚、阿灵顿、雷斯顿、贝塞斯 达、切维蔡斯和罗克维尔的居民进城上下班非常便利。地铁中 心站及其附近车站Gallery Place让人们可方便搭乘6条地铁线路 中的5条。新开通的Silver Line将为其5个车站附近带来预计20 个房地产开发项目,这必将成为该地区景观中的热点。Purple Line目前正在建设中,它将扩展马里兰郊区的交通运输线路。


Another convenient mode of transportation found throughout the area is The Capital Bike Share program. It offers thousands of bikes at over 300 stations located conveniently throughout Washington, Arlington, Virginia and Montgomery County, Maryland.

There are a number of ways of getting around the Washington metro area. Whether on foot, by bike or on Metro, it is both easy and convenient. “首都自行车共享项目”遍及该地区,它是另一种方便的交通方式。它 在超过300个车站提供数千辆自行车,这些车站遍及华盛顿、阿灵顿、 弗吉尼亚和马里兰州蒙哥马利郡,为人们提供了便捷。 在华盛顿都会区观光游历有众多方式。无论是步行、骑自行车还是坐地 铁,都既简单又方便。

The Washington area is home to some of the most beautiful neighborhoods in the United States. Not only that, it is the top walkable urban area in the country. In June, 2014, researchers at the George Washington University released a study confirming that Washington walks. The walk score of many areas in Washington DC is an impressive 98. Walking to work, running errands or meeting up with friends for an evening out -- in Washington social activities can be enjoyed with or without a car.

WALKIN 华盛顿地区拥有一些美国最美丽的街区。不仅如此,它还是这个国家最 适于步行的城市地区。2014年6月,乔治华盛顿大学的研究人员发布了 一项研究,它证实了华盛顿确实适于步行。华盛顿特区众多区域的步 行指数达到惊人的98。在华盛顿,人们可以驱车或步行参加各种社交活 动,人们可以跑步去工作、外出办事或与朋友享受一个美好的夜晚。

Sources: -- Capital Bike Share



Washington is a safe and convenient gateway to major cities across the city and around the world. Whether traveling to New York, London, San Francisco, Beijing or Toronto, living in the area is a dream for travelers. There are many ways to leave town for a day, for the weekend or, for longer trips. Metro residents are served by three airports. Washington Dulles (IAD) and Baltimore/ Washington (BWI) airports provide easy international travel. Recently, Air China opened direct flights from Washington, DC to Beijing at Washington Dulles. It is one of few airports that can boast this claim. United Airlines has been servicing cities in China for over a decade. Both the Dulles and Baltimore/Washington airports have scores of flights traveling to Europe, Asia and Latin America. For domestic flights throughout the United States, Reagan National Airport (DCA) offers scores of flights, including hourly shuttles from Washington to New York and Boston on a weekday basis. Direct flights to Los Angeles, Miami, Houston, Chicago, San Francisco and a large host of other American cities, make it easy to travel throughout the country. The Washington area is convenient for both train travelers as well. Union Station, Washington’s main train station, is where AMTRAK passengers catch trains to New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia and other cities and regions throughout the country.

华盛顿是安全方便地进入城市和世界各地主要城市的入口。无论是前往纽约、伦 敦、旧金山、北京或多伦多,住在该地区都是旅行者的梦想。有许多方法可以出 城来一个为期一天、一个周末或更长的旅行。 市区居民可得到三个机场的服务。华盛顿杜勒斯国际机场(Washington Dulles (IAD))和巴尔第摩/华盛顿国际机场(Baltimore/Washington (BWI))机场能提供 轻松的国际旅行。最近,中国国航开通了在华盛顿杜勒斯国际机场(Washington Dulles)从华盛顿到北京的直飞航班。它是为数不多的几个可以骄傲推出这项服务 的机场。美国联合航空服务中国城市已有十多年历史。杜勒斯(Dulles)和巴尔第 摩/华盛顿机场(Baltimore/Washington)都有几十班航班飞往欧洲、亚洲和拉丁美 洲。


对于美国各地的国内航班,里根国家机场(Reagan National Airport (DCA) )提供几 十班航班,包括每小时从华盛顿到纽约和波士顿的周中短途航班。到洛杉矶、迈 阿密、休斯顿、芝加哥、旧金山和许多其他美国城市的直飞航班让在全国各地旅 行变得轻松。 华盛顿区域对火车旅行者也很方便。联合车站,华盛顿的主要火车站是AMTRAK 乘客搭乘火车去纽约、巴尔第摩、费城和其他遍布全国的城市和地区的主要途 径。


Red Line • Glenmont to Shady Grove


Orange Line • Newcarrolton to Vienna


Blue Line • Franconia-Springfield to Largo Town Center


Green Line • Branch Ave. to Greenbelt


Yellow Line • Huntington to Fort Totten


Silver Line • Dulles Corridor Line

Washington, DC is within a few hour’s drive from several casinos and gambling destinations. You don’t have to drive 3.5 hours to Atlantic City to enjoy the excitement of playing slots and blackjack or betting on horse races. Whether you prefer to take a day trip or an extended getaway, you can find a variety of casinos and gambling venues near Washington, DC. 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区距数家赌场和博彩目的地仅几个小时的车程。您不需要驱车3.5小时去大西洋城畅玩令人振奋的老虎机、二 十一点,或者赌马。无论您是想要一日游还是长时间的度假,都可在华盛顿特区附近找到各种各样赌场和博彩场所。

Maryland Live! Casino at Arundel Mills Arundel Mills, MD. Opened in June 2012, located between Baltimore and Washington, DC. The largest gaming facility in Maryland features 4,750 slot and electric table games, including black jack, roulette, craps and poker, as well as several upscale dining establishments and an intimate live music venue. MGM Casino at National Harbor National Harbor, MD. The resort casino will soon be built at this prime location along the Potomac River in Prince George’s County, near Washington, DC and Old Town Alexandria. The resort will include a casino with 3,600 slots, 140 table games, including poker, a 300‐suite, 4.5‐star quality hotel with luxury spa and rooftop pool, high-end branded retail, fine and casual dining, a dedicated 1,200-seat theater venue, and 35,000 square feet of meeting and event space. Hollywood Casino at Charles Town Races Charles Town, WV. Located about an hour and a half from Washington, DC, the world-class gambling and entertainment venue is one of the fastest growing destinations in the region. The facility features more than 5,000 slot machines, 85 table games, including Blackjack, Craps, Roulette, live poker, Mini-Baccarat and Pai Gow Poker, live and simulcast horse racing, live entertainment and a variety of dining options. Pimlico Race Course Baltimore, MD. Opened in 1870, Pimlico is the country’s second oldest racetrack and serves as the annual host of the Preakness Stakes, the second leg in thoroughbred racing’s Triple Crown and one of the premiere sporting events in the United States. Pimlico features a one-mile oval track, a 7/8-mile turf course and fixed seating for approximately 15,000 spectators.

Rosecroft Raceway Fort Washington, MD. The 5/8-mile racetrack, located near Washington, DC, offers live harness racing yearround. The raceway is open seven days a week.

生气勃勃的马里兰!Arundel Mills赌场 马里兰州的Arundel Mills赌场开业于2012年6月,位于巴尔的摩和华盛顿特区之间。这座马里兰州最大的赌 场拥有4750部老虎机和电子桌面游戏,包括二十一点、轮盘赌、掷骰子,、扑克牌,以及数家高档餐厅和 舒适的音乐演奏场所。 国家海港的美高梅赌场(MGM Casino) 马里兰州国家海港。这座度假村赌场很快将在乔治王子郡内波托马克河沿岸的这个黄金地段建成,离华 盛顿特区和亚历山大古城不远。该度假村将包含一家配有3600部老虎机、140款桌面游戏(包括扑克牌) 的赌场;它是一座配有豪华温泉浴场和屋顶泳池的4.5星级酒店,拥有300间套房的;高端品牌零售;精致 而随意的餐厅;1200座的专用剧院;35000平方英尺的会议和活动场地。

查尔斯镇赛马会的好莱坞赌场 西弗吉尼亚的查尔斯镇距华盛顿特区大约一个半小时的路程,是世界级的博彩和娱乐场所,也是该地区 发展最快的赌博目的地之一。赌场配有5000多部老虎机、85种桌面游戏,包括二十一点、掷骰子、轮盘 赌、现场扑克、迷你百家乐和牌九扑克、现场以及同播赛马、现场娱乐活动,以及各种餐饮,等等。 皮姆利科赛马场 马里兰州巴尔的摩于1870年开业,皮姆利科是全国第二古老的赛马场,是纯种马三冠赛第二段赛程普利尼 斯站的年度举办地,这也是美国最重要的赛事之一。皮姆利科备有一英里的椭圆开赛道、7/8英里的草地 跑马场,以及可容纳大约15000名观众的固定座位。 Rosecroft赛道 马里兰州的华盛顿要塞。这条5/8英里的赛道位于华盛顿特区附近,全年提供现场轻驾马车比赛。赛道每 周开放七天。


DC RIGHT AT YOUR FINGERTIPS The John Eric Group’s website provides up-to-the-minute information on John Eric properties and a whole lot more. All of the group’s current and past property listings are available to view. Select properties are highlighted on the website and Buyers Guides for both Washington, DC and Arlington, Virginia, are accessible. Of course, all information regarding the John Eric Group is at your fingertips too. Featured on the site is Washington area news, the John Eric blog, and the portal for John Eric Home. It is, also, the place to find the Community Spotlight page, which highlights a different neighborhood in the Washington area each week. Make sure to follow the John Eric Group’s website ( and facebook news feed (John Eric Real Estate TTR Sotheby’s International Realty) to maximize your knowledge of the Washington market.

约翰•埃里克集团(The John Eric Group)的网站提供最新的关于约翰•埃里克地产的即时信息及许多其 他资讯。 集团所有目前和过去的地产名单都可以浏览。选择的地产在网站上会着重展示,而且也有针对华盛顿特 区和弗吉尼亚艾灵顿地区的买家指导。当然,所有关于约翰•埃里克集团(The John Eric Group)的信息 您也唾手可得。 在网站上还有华盛顿地区的新闻、约翰•埃里克博客和约翰•埃里克之家的入口。那里也是找到社区关 注页面的地方,每周会聚焦华盛顿地区的一个不同的社区。 一定要关注约翰•埃里克集团(The John Eric Group)的网站(和Facebook新闻(约 翰•埃里克房地产 TTR苏富比的国际地产)以最大化您对华盛顿市场的了解。



GIVING YOU MORE OF WHAT YOU WANT. Every issue of John Eric Home magazine brings you inspiration, imagination and information to help you live the lifestyle that you deserve. Visit our digital edition at where you will find everything you want and need to know. Every month, Buzzletter provides Washingtonians, and those who enjoy keeping up on the region’s news, a quick rundown on Washington buzz. Whether it is the hottest properties on the market, a fantastic restaurant review or an insightful feature covering life in the Washington area, be sure to read all about it in Buzzletter. Visit for the most current issue.

给您更多您想要的。 每一期的《约翰•埃里克家庭杂志》(John Eric Home Magazine)都会给您带来灵感、想象力和 信息,帮助您过上您应该得到的生活方式。请访问我们的johneric.com数字版本,在这里您会找到 您想要并且需要知道的一切。 每个月,Buzzletter都会向华盛顿人和喜欢该地区的人们提供华盛顿新闻事件的简要介绍。无论是 市场上最热门的地产、一个梦幻般的餐厅评论还是有关华盛顿地区生活的富有洞察力的专栏,一 切尽在Buzzletter中,一定要阅读哟。访问johneric.com了解最新一期杂志。



Prior to becoming a full time real estate agent in 2003, John Eric worked in the worlds of print, radio and television advertising, media, marketing and politics. John Eric has been featured in Washingtonian Magazine, Capitol File Magazine, The Washington Post, Washington Life and other local publications. John Eric is originally from California but considers himself a proud Washingtonian, having lived in the Washington, DC area for the last 26 years. He came here to attend college and decided to stay after graduation. John Eric and his group are extensively involved in assisting local charities and educational groups throughout the Washington, DC Metropolitan area. John Eric and his group are proud to support the River School, Kinderhaven School, The Point Foundation, DC Central Kitchen, Food & Friends, the Animal Welfare League of Arlington, and The Washington Humane Society

JOHN ERIC John Eric is the Founder and Principal of the John Eric Companies which includes John Eric Real Estate, John Eric Properties and John Eric “The Brand”. John Eric is a licensed real estate agent in Virginia, Washington, DC and Maryland. John Eric and his group have achieved sales in excess of 300 Million to date. He and the John Eric Real Estate Group have been working under the TTR Sotheby’s International Realty Brokerage since 2013. John Eric and his group have expanded their sales territory from primarily Northern Virginia and DC to all three jurisdictions in the Washington, DC Metro area. John Eric and his team have established new standards for marketing, advertising, customer service and sales success in the local real estate market. His exceptional marketing has been singled out by clients and fellow realtors as truly being some of the finest in the real estate industry. From private industry to government to The White House, John Eric and his group have worked with a number of the area’s CEO’s, business executives and political leaders of both sides of the aisle. While specializing in upper bracket properties, John Eric and his group work in all price point ranges to assist all buyers and sellers. John Eric and his group were most recently affiliated with Washington Fine Properties from 2009 to 2013 with continued sales success and impressive sales numbers. Prior to joining Washington Fine Properties, The John Eric Group was formerly affiliated with and sold under the Long and Foster Brokerage firm from 2004 to 2009. During this time, they established themselves as real estate market leaders assisting buyers and sellers in Arlington, Mclean and the other Northern Virginia markets.

约翰·埃里克是约翰·埃里克公司的创始人和负责人,其中包括约翰·埃里克房地产,约翰·埃里克地产和约 翰·埃里克的“品牌”。约翰·埃里克是弗吉尼亚州、华盛顿特区和马里兰州的一名持牌地产代理。迄今为 止,约翰·埃里克和他的团队取得了超过3亿美元的销售业绩。自2013年以来,他和约翰·埃里克地产集团在 TTR苏富比国际地产经纪公司工作。约翰·埃里克和他的团队已经将销售区域从主要是北弗吉尼亚州和特 区扩大到华盛顿特区都会区的所有三个司法管辖区。 约翰·埃里克和他的团队已经在当地房地产市场建立了市场营销、广告、客户服务和销售成功的新标准。 他出色的营销,被客户和同行认为是在房地产行业中真正最优秀的。从私人企业到政府到白宫,约翰·埃 里克和他的团队曾与该地区的许多首席执行官、企业高管和两党的政治领袖合作。虽然专于高级地产, 但约翰·埃里克和他的团队工作于所有价格范围,并协助所有的买家和卖家。 约翰·埃里克和他的团队从2009年至2013年隶属于华盛顿优良资产公司,并持续取得销售的成功和骄人的 销售数字。在加盟华盛顿优良资产之前,从2004年到2009年,约翰·埃里克集团隶属于龙-福斯特经纪公 司。在此期间,他们将自己树立成为房地产市场的引领者,协助阿灵顿、麦克莱恩和其他北弗吉尼亚州 市场的买家和卖家。 2003年,约翰·埃里克成为一名全职房地产经纪人。在此之前,他曾在报刊、电台和电视广告、媒体、市 场营销和政治的领域工作。《华盛顿人杂志》,《国会大厦文件周刊》,《华盛顿邮报》,《华盛顿生 活》和其他地方出版物上已经对约翰·埃里克做过重点报道。 约翰·埃里克来自加州,但认为自己是个骄傲的华盛顿人,在过去的26年,他居住在华盛顿地区。他来这 里上大学,毕业后决定留在这里。约翰·埃里克和他的团队广泛参与协助遍及华盛顿大都会区的当地慈善 机构和教育团体。约翰·埃里克和他的团队非常自豪能够支持礼佛学校、肯德海文学校、珀恩特基金会、 特区中央厨房、食品和朋友、阿灵顿动物福利联盟以及华盛顿动物保护协会。

ANGELA CASEY Angela Casey heads communications for the John Eric Group and is responsible for public outreach, media, advertising, marketing and working with the team in promoting real estate in the Washington region. She is Managing Editor of the John Eric Home magazine, the hallmark publication of the John Eric Group, and has worked in marketing communications for over twenty years. Ms. Casey is a native of the Pocono Mountains and has lived in the Washington region for twenty-five years. She understands the neighborhoods of Washington and enjoys promoting them. She holds both a Bachelor’s Degree (obtained from The George Washington University, Washington DC) and a Master’s Degree (obtained from the University of Leeds, United Kingdom) in Chinese Studies. Ms. Casey is fluent in Mandarin Chinese and Chinese culture, history and economic issues. She has lived in Hefei, China, Hong Kong, China and Taipei, Taiwan. In her free time, she often lectures on Chinese themes and teaches Mandarin Chinese to children. Also, in her free time, Ms. Casey has volunteered for esteemed Washington organizations such as the National Alzheimer’s Association and The Torpedo Factory Arts Center. Along with Mandarin Chinese, she speaks fluent French, intermediate Cantonese, beginning Mongolian and is learning Italian. She enjoys playing the piano, reading and cooking.

Angela Casey是John Eric 集团的公关主管,负责公共推广、媒体、营销,并与其团队合作宣传华盛顿地区 的房地产。她是John Eric集团标志性出版物《John Eric Home》杂志的主编,并已在营销传播业工作二十多 年。 Casey女士原籍Pocono Mountains地区,已在华盛顿地区居住二十五年。她深深了解并喜欢宣传华盛顿地 区。 她拥有学士学位(从华盛顿特的乔治华盛顿大学获得)和中国研究硕士学位(从英国的利兹大学获得) 。Casey女士能说流利的中国普通话,并熟悉中国文化、历史和经济问题。她曾居住在中国合肥、中国香 港和台湾台北。业余时间,她经常教孩子们汉语和华夏文化。 闲暇时,Casey女士还在几个有名望的华盛顿机构担任义工,如国家阿尔茨海默氏症协会(National Alzheimer’s Association)和鱼雷工厂艺术中心(The Torpedo Factory Arts Center)。除中国普通话外,她也能说流利 的法语、中级粤语、初级蒙古语,并正在学习意大利语。她喜欢弹钢琴、阅读和烹饪。



Many Washingtonians bandy about his name as if they knew him from way back when. But, how much do we really know about Pierre L’Enfant? Pierre Charles L’Enfant was born on August 9, 1754, in Anet, Eune et Loire to an aristocratic family. L’Enfant studied at the Royal Academy of the Louvre until making his way to America at the age of 22, after being recruited by Pierre Agustin Caron de Beaumarchais to join the American army during the Revolutionary War. L’Enfant served with George Washington at Valley Forge and befriended the first President. It was George Washington that confirmed L’Enfant’s appointment as the architect of the America’s nascent capital. The architect arrived in Georgetown on March 9, 1791, and began his work from the Suter’s Fountain Inn. He drafted a plan that would be both unique and practical, utilizing undeveloped land to create a system of streets and parks meant to distinguish this capital from all others. L’Enfant’s plan featured ceremonial spaces and grand radial patterns of avenues, while highlighting the natural contours of

the land. Underneath this pattern, a traditional grid-like design would provide functionality to the city’s new citizens. Together, they created a spectacular array of architectural planning. L’Enfant designated the two most important sites of the city to be the placements of the Congress and the Executive Mansion. The “Congress House” would be erected on Jenkins Hill and the “President’s House” located on a ridge parallel to the Potomac River. From these, he specified that the avenues should radiate outwards. These grand avenues would be named after the newly created states. Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia would be the first avenues of the new capital. On his plan, L’Enfant shaded and numbered fifteen large, open spaces. These spaces were found at the intersections of the grand avenues and would feature statues and memorials to honor citizens. Among those to be featured were McPherson Square, Farragut Square, Washington Circle, Dupont Circle, Logan Circle, Scott Circle and Pershing Park. One of the only aspects of the original plan that failed was the site of what is now the National Mall. Originally, L’Enfant had envisioned the area as a “grand avenue,” not a park. He laid out a 400 foot-wide, garden-lined avenue, that would be 1 mile long and run on an east-west axis. Pennsylvania Avenue took the place of this “grand avenue” and the National Mall filled its stead. L’Enfant’s insistence that his city design be realized as a whole

brought him into conflict with city commissioners, who wanted to direct the limited funds into the construction of federal buildings. After being relieved of his work, L’Enfant left Washington. He served as a professor of engineering at West Point from 1813-1817 and worked on small projects. On June 14, 1825, L’Enfant died nearly penniless and was buried at the Green Hill farm in Chillum, Prince George’s County, Maryland. At the instigation of Jean Jules Jusserand, a French ambassador to the United States, L’Enfant’s adopted nation recognized his contributions. In 1909, after lying in state in the Capitol rotunda, L’Enfant’s remains were re-interred at Arlington National Cemetery, on a hill overlooking the city that he had designed. Since then, many honors have been made in his name. In 1942, a Liberty Ship named the SS Pierre L’Enfant was launched. L’Enfant Plaza was dedicated in Washington in 1968. In 2003, L’Enfant’s plan for Washington was commemorated on a United States Postal Service postage stamp. The Government of the District of Columbia has commissioned a statue of L’Enfant, which is meant for the National Statuary Hall Collection in the Capitol Building. And, since 2005, the National Building Museum has held an annual “L’Enfant Lecture on City Planning and Design” to draw attention to critical issues in city. The name of Pierre L’Enfant daily rings through this city. His contributions, not only to the District of Columbia but to the United States, will be honored and remembered forever.

哥伦比亚特区的新居民,用不了多久就都会碰到皮埃尔朗方的 名字。但是,对皮埃尔·朗方本人,我们究竟知道多少呢? 1754年8月9日,皮埃尔·查尔斯·朗方出生于Eune et Loire省Anet的一 个贵族家庭。22岁时,他在革命战争期间被招募加入美国军队, 来到了美国。朗方曾与乔治·华盛顿在福吉谷一起服役,并结识了 第一任总统。正是乔治·华盛顿确认任命朗方为美国新国都的建筑 师。 1791年3月9日,建筑师到达乔治敦。他起草了一份既独特又实用 的规划,利用未开发的土地建造街道和公园系统,使国都与众不 同。朗方的规划以仪式场地和巨大径向模式的大道为特色,同时 突出了土地的自然轮廓。在这个模式中,传统的格状设计,为城 市的新公民提供功能性。他们一起创造了一系列壮观的建筑规 划。 朗方指定了城市的两个最重要的地点,为国会和行政大楼。“国 会大厦”将被竖立在詹金斯山,“总统府”则位于与波托马克河 的平行的山脊上。他指定,大道应从这些地方向外辐射。这些大 道将以新创建的州的名字命名。康涅狄格州,特拉华州,印第安 纳州,肯塔基州,路易斯安那州,马里兰州,马萨诸塞州,新罕

布什尔州,新泽西州,纽约州,宾夕法尼亚州,佐治亚州,罗得 岛,南卡罗来纳州,田纳西州,佛蒙特州和弗吉尼亚州,将成为 新首都的首批街道名称。 在他的规划中,朗方把15处大型开放式空间涂上阴影,并编号。 这些场所位于大道的交叉点,并将以雕像和纪念碑为特色,来对 公民表示敬意。这些特色场所之中有麦弗逊广场,法拉格特广 场,华盛顿环岛,杜邦环岛,洛根环岛,斯科特环岛和潘兴公 园。 从1813年至1817年,朗方曾在西点担任工程教授,并从事一些小项 目。1825年6月14日,朗方在几乎身无分文中去世,葬在马里兰州 乔治王子郡齐乐母的青山农场。 在法国驻美国大使让·朱尔斯·朱瑟朗的推动下,朗方的收养国认可 了他的贡献。 1909年,在国会大厦圆形大厅摆放后,朗方的遗体 被重新安葬在阿灵顿国家公墓,坐落于俯瞰他设计过的全城的一 座小山上。 从那时起,许多荣誉以他的名字命名。 1942年,命名为SS皮埃尔· 朗方的自由之船下水。1968年,朗方广场在华盛顿献给他。2003

年,朗方为华盛顿所做的规划被印在美国邮政服务邮票上,作为 纪念。哥伦比亚特区政府已为朗方做了雕像,收入国会大厦的国 立雕像大厅的收藏品。自2005年以来,国家建筑博物馆每年都举 行一次“朗方讲座:关于城市规划与设计”,以引起人们对城市 关键问题的关注。 每天,此城市到处都响着皮埃尔·朗方的名字。他对于不仅是哥伦 比亚特区,而且是全美国的贡献,应该受到尊重。



While many associate Washington with government and politics – both national and international – the area is, also, home to a diverse number of top American companies. These corporations illustrate the diversity and the importance of the Washington region. The following companies are all headquartered throughout the District, Northern Virginia and suburban Maryland: THE DISTRICT: Fannie Mae Danaher Corp. Pepco Holdings MARYLAND: Lockheed Martin Marriott International Coventry Health Care Catalyst Health Solutions Host Hotels & Resorts Discovery Networks NORTHERN VIRGINIA: Freddie Mac General Dynamics Northrop Grumman Capital One Financial AES Corp. Computer Sciences Corp. SAIC NII Holdings ITT Exelis Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Gannett Co. Inc. Hilton International Group Alliant Techsystems (Source: Washington Business Journal)

许多人将华盛顿与政府和政治联系起来——国内和国际,但该区域也是许多不同美国顶尖 公司的基地。这些公司显示出华盛顿地区的多样性和重要性。以下公司的总部都设在特 区、北弗吉尼亚州和马里兰州郊县:

In addition, dozens of up-and-coming companies are basing their corporate headquarters in the Washington, DC area. The metropolitan area is quickly becoming the region in which to do business.








(来源: 华盛顿商报)

THE DISTRICT: LivingSocial/Revenue: $536 million Sol Systems/Revenue: $9.1 million DC





MARYLAND: NSR Solutions/Revenue: $10.1 million DSFederal/Revenue: $9.4 million






SOL SYSTEMS/收入: $910万 华盛顿


VIRGINIA: $49.6 million OBXtek/Revenue: $29.6 million Celerity Ventures/Revenue: $15.8 million VA


Source: 2013 Inc. 5000





第一资本投资国际集团(CAPITAL ONE

OBXTEK/收入: $2960万


CELERITY 资本/收入: $1580万 弗吉尼亚

马里兰州: NSR SOLUTIONS/收入: $1010万


DSFEDERAL/收入: $940万



来源: 2013 INC. 5000



1 The MLK Memorial was made in China. Chinese sculptor Lei Yixin was in charge of the project and made King’s image out of 159 pieces of pink Chinese granite. 马丁路德金纪念馆 是在中国制造。中国雕 塑家雷一心负责该项 目,并用159块粉红色的 中国花岗岩,雕塑出金 的形象。




Washington icon, the Old Ebbitt Grill, is the city’s oldest bar and restaurant, and though it has relocated twice -- most recently to 15th Street, two blocks from the White House in 1983 -- many of the original spot’s artifacts, including taxidermy and gas lamps, made the move.

When it was completed in 1884, the Washington Monument was the tallest structure in the world. It was soon passed by the Eiffel Tower and numerous other buildings have eclipsed it since then.

On March 29, 1961, residents of Washington were given the right to vote in presidential elections.

华盛顿的地标——老爱 比特烧烤店,是这座城 市最古老的酒吧餐厅, 虽然它已搬迁两次—— 最近一次,在1983年搬 到距离白宫两条街的第 15街——但许多原来地 点的文物,包括动物标 本和煤气灯,也成功搬 迁。

当它在1884年建成时, 华盛顿纪念碑是世界上 最高的建筑。但它很 快就被埃菲尔铁塔超过 了,从那时起,许多其 他建筑也都让它黯然失 色。

1961年3月29日,华盛顿 的居民被授予总统选举 的投票权。

5 Washington, DC’s geographic center is located at 4th and L Streets, NW. 华盛顿特区的地理中心 位于第4街和L街(西 北)。

6 J Street was likely omitted from the grid because the letters I and J, in 18th century English, were largely interchangeable – having both an “I” and a “J” street would have been redundant and confusing. J街从网格中省略,可能 是因为在18世纪的英语 中,字母I和J在很大程度 上是可以互换的——同 时具有“I”街和“J” 街,会造成重复和混 乱。

7 Gallaudet University began the tradition of the football huddle in the 1890’s, in order to conceal their signed plays from the opposing team. 在19世纪90年代,为了 向对方球队隐瞒自己签 约的比赛,加劳德特大 学开始了橄榄球赛拥挤 的传统。

8 The White House Executive Chef heads three White House kitchens, a staff of four sous-chefs, and reports directly to the chief usher. The Executive Chef works with the First Lady, Chief Usher, White House Social Secretary and the Executive Pastry Chef to plan menus for State Dinners, receptions, and day-to-day non-official meals. 白宫的执行主厨领导三 所白宫厨房,四位副主 厨,并直接向首席招待 员报告。执行主厨与第 一夫人、首席招待员、 白宫社交秘书及执行糕 点主厨一起规划国宴菜 单、接待会和日常每天 的非官方饭菜。


JOHN ERIC +1 703 798 0097

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.