Diet Isn’t Everything
Diet - that dirty little D word. We’re on them. We’re off them. We love them and we dread them. It starts with excitement and motivation but often leads to feeling tired, defeated and confused. We cheat on the weekends and start again on Monday. New year’s resolutions, spring detoxes and juice cleanses are all part of the vicious cycle, and I’m here to tell you how to break it. Focusing solely on your diet is not painting a complete picture and is oftentimes misleading. Fixing a problem needs deeper insight than just looking at symptoms. Holistic nutrition focuses on much more than the food found on your plate to uncover the root cause. Of course, diet is a key aspect of health, but it’s only a small part of the puzzle in the grand scheme of things. Other areas of life such as deep connection to others, fulfillment in your career, physical activity and your spirituality influence your food habits.
by Marah Young 50