John Eric Home Magazine | July-Sept 2023 | Luxury Edition

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Compass is a licensed real estate brokerage that abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. All measurements and square footages are approximate. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Compass is licensed as Compass Real Estate in DC and as Compass in Virginia and Maryland. 1232 31st Street NW, Washington, DC 20007 |202.448.9002
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64 | Seven trends in luxury furniture.

70 | Luxury jewels. It’s all about the necessities.

76 | Details

Grab one of these hand creams for a luxurious and skin benefitting experience.

77 | Designer Spotlight

Annie Elliott of Annie Elliott Design.

82 | What do luxury home buyers want? We have the answer.

84 | Pet luxe – learn more about it.

86 | Arts

Learning chiaroscuro in Florence, Italy.

88 | Stay in these luxury hotels while hopping around the world..

90 | It’s all about the truffles, caviar, and champagne.

96 | Travel in luxury and style.

106 | Black Book

Next time you are in Paris, London, New York, Rome, or Tokyo, stop by one of these original stores of world renowned jewelers.

108 | Foodie

Cooking with caviar, champagne, and truffles.

114 | Mixology

Our mixologist Charles Tappan presents luxurious drinks for the summer.

120 | Take a Masterclass in the luxury market from the iconic auction house Christies.

122 | Take yourself out to sea.

Letter from the Publisher 8 | A Tribute to Adele & Jake 16 | John’s Favorites 19 | Trevor’s Favorites 21 | Telling time in luxury. 24 | Design Feature
Luxury: Tracy
of Tracy Morris Design shares trade secrets for creating luxurious spaces. 34 | Design News
sustainable modular
offer travelers truly private and luxury accommodations immersed in their surroundings. 38 | Time is the ultimate luxury. 44 | Who doesn’t love an Aston Martin?
Unlocking the secrets of luxury hospitality.
culinary voyage with
52 |
JULY | SEPT 2023 114 77 90 38 JOHN ERIC HOME

128 | Destinations

Glamor, gambling, and the Grand Prix –spend some time with us in Monaco.

140 | It’s all about quiet luxury.

144 | The world of SFERRA. A Q&A with Michelle Klein, CEO and President of this iconic luxury brand.

154 | Top luxury wellness trends.

156 | Health & Wellness

Training for life and working on your optimal health.

158 | Money & Finance

Common sense health insurance strategies to consider.

160 | Cutting Edge Fashion Designers.

162 | Stylist

The ever-changing luxury fashion market.

164 | Buzz

The luxury news that everyone is talking about.

165 | Culture

Karl Lagerfeld on exhibit at the Met.

166 | Technology meets luxury at REALM.

174 | Diplomacy

News and events from around Embassy Row.


176 | Real Estate

John Eric + Trevor Moore brings you the best in luxury real estate from all across the metropolitan region and the country.

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CHARLES M. TAPPAN, JR. One day, looking to find the fountain of youth, Charles went to bartending school and decided to become a bartender. Afterwards, over a decade in the beverage industry, he has gone from working at multiple restaurants that would receive Micheline stars, to competing in national cocktail competitions, to working with some of the largest brands, and eventually becoming a teacher and spirits educator. He has achieved a Bar Ready from the Beverage Alcohol Resource, as well as a Certified Spirits Specialist from the Society of Wine Educators, and a Level 3 in sprits plus a Level 2 Spirits Certified Educator from the Wine and Spirits Educational Trust. The cocktail section is put together with the most honest knowledge he has with regards to brands and ingredients, in order to make the best possible drinks for you at home.

MARC SCHLIEFER has been in the financial planning business since 1978, when he joined Equity Planning Institute, Inc. He became President of Equity Planning Institute, Inc. in 1996. With over 33 years of practicing financial planning, Marc has worked mainly on individual financial planning and counsels clients on all aspects of their financial life.

SHERRY MOELLER co-founder and principal of MoKi Media, was a previous editor in chief of Capitol File magazine/Niche Media covering politicians, celebrities, fashion, travel, hospitality and lifestyle in Washington, DC and around the country. She now specializes in public relations for interior design, architecture and hospitality clients, among other luxury brands.

HANNAH JENNER For fifteen years,Hannah Jenner was a professional sailor, racing across oceans, leading teams in the most extreme environments,and setting records along the way. In 2007 Hannah led a team of amateur sailors in the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race and in doing so became the first female captain to successfully circumnavigate the globe in that race. Retiring from sailing in 2017, Hannah wasted no time in continuing to pursue her passion of helping others to realize their potential. One year later she founded Achieving Awesome Nutrition & Lifestyle coaching and is qualified as a Master Health Coach specializing in sports performance nutrition and behavioral change. Hannah also coaches Crossfit, designs and manages Crossfit competitions, hosts the Before& After podcast, and works in project management.


John Eric


Angela Casey


Louis Kwasniewski


Hillary Broadwater EDITORIAL

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The word itself evokes a multitude of thoughts and images, often associated with opulence, exclusivity, and abundance. We often link luxury with material possessions, assuming that the more wealth one possesses, the more luxurious their life must be. But let me challenge this notion and invite you to explore a different perspective.

Welcome to the latest issue of John Eric Home, where we redefine luxury beyond its conventional boundaries. We believe that true luxury goes far beyond monetary value and lavish possessions. It transcends material wealth and resides in the realm of the intangible—the state of mind and the art of savoring life's experiences.

Luxury is about time. In a fast-paced world, where every second counts, taking the time to indulge in life's simple pleasures becomes a luxurious act. It's about allowing ourselves to appreciate the beauty of a tranquil sunrise, the soothing sound of raindrops on a windowpane, or the laughter shared with loved ones. It's those stolen moments of peace and tranquility that infuse our lives with a sense of true richness and fulfillment.

Luxury is about enjoying experiences, and yes, products. But it's about choosing quality over quantity, authenticity over trends. True luxury lies in cultivating a discerning eye and nurturing a deep appreciation for craftsmanship, artistry, and the stories behind the creations. It's the joy of discovering hidden gems, whether in the form of an exquisite piece of artwork, a thoughtfully curated meal, or a well-crafted piece of furniture.

In this issue, you will discover inspiring stories embracing the concept of luxury. We delve into the creative minds of designers and share tips on how to infuse everyday life with a touch of luxury.Join us on this journey. Let us inspire and empower you to embrace the luxury of time, the luxury of experiences, and the luxury of a life well-lived.Thank you for being a part of the John Eric Home community. We hope this issue brings you joy, inspiration, and a renewed appreciation for the extraordinary moments that shape our lives.

With warm regard

“Real luxury is understanding quality, and having the time to enjoy it.”
— G. Bruce Boyer

Adele & Jake

Losing a beloved pet brings indescribable heartache. For those of us who have had the privilege of sharing our lives with dogs, the pain is especially profound. Today, I want to share the stories of Adele and Jake, our two extraordinary canine kids that recently crossed the rainbow bridge. Their legacies are a testament to the boundless love and cherished memories they brought into our lives.



Adele Kwasniewski-Stanley 2013-2023

She passed gracefully and peacefully at 9:38 AM, April 10, 2023, with her fathers’ caresses and tears at home. She was the sun, the moon, the stars, and everything that is good. She is forever loved and forever missed.

She arrived quiet and timid on the night of Halloween 2013, a gift from City Dogs Rescue. And from that day on, our lives were changed forever.

From the beginning, she ran the house by her rules, from what she was willing to eat to the unfortunate timing of her morning walks. The early years were filled with dogfriendly trips and vacations, outside restaurant visits, play dates with Bear, Ollie, and Tank, and long walks through new neighborhoods with one of her dads. She was the center of attention no matter where she went, and not just because she was gorgeous (she really was), but because of her gracious and approachable demeanor. She was Adele, and everyone knew it!

When her brother Jake arrived during the summer of 2015, she wasn’t quite sure what to make of him, this scrawny little pup who tried to steal her food and toys. What she did do, however, was to make sure that he knew that this was her house and that he had better follow her rules.

Soon after though, they bonded and became inseparable. Perched above the driveway, peering through the glass doors, they guarded the neighborhood together. Sound the alarms if a deer, a fox, or the everpresent squirrels, or chipmunks showed up on the hill in the back. They operated as a team. And if one of us became sick, Adele led that team, whether it be on or beside the bed, giving comfort and always keeping watch until we recovered.

One of her favorite games was “I’m gonna get you” which involved one of her dads chasing her, toy in mouth,

around and under the dining room table while saying “I’m gonna get you.” She was so graceful as she walked up the stairs at bedtime. She would stop midway, turn around and look at you as if to say “Are you coming? What’s taking so long?” It brought such joy when you would kneel on the floor, usually in the kitchen, and say “Give me a hug.” She would do a slight jump, lift her paws onto your shoulders and lean in as if to kiss you. And oh, was she free with the kisses! Kneel, get close, and say “Gimme a kiss.” The love and the joy flowed freely.

We thought we were going to lose her in 2018 when she became ill and was diagnosed with PLE, an often-fatal condition. Thanks to the amazing Dr. Daniel the staff at Friendship Hospital for Animals, she beat the odds. Over the course of several months, we got back to our routines, albeit with the addition of special dog food and some meds.

For one person, walking Adele and Jake together became untenable. Of course, Adele became the beneficiary of that change. It was back to one-on-one time with long lunchtime walks. It was during one of these walks in August of 2022, that we noticed something was not right, a slowness, lack of interest, tiring easily. A trip to the hospital and some bloodwork delivered a diagnosis of lymphoma. Two weeks, we were told. Well again, thanks to Friendship Hospital, Dr. Foskett, and the oncology staff, Adele became a cancer survivor. However, the joy associated with Adele’s victory was short-lived. Less than a month later, a UTI, a hospital stay, and kidney damage proved to be too much for our little girl. Add on the loss of her brother, Jake, two days prior, and it was too much. There was no fight left. She was ready to go. All the love that we had for her was not enough this time.


Jake Jake Kwasniewski-Stanley 2015 - 2023

Our beloved little boy passed peacefully at home, at 3:05 p.m., on April 8, 2023. He was surrounded by his dads and sister and much love.

Rescued from a kill shelter in Kentucky and then nursed through parvo, ‘male mix very friendly #241’ joined our family on August 17, 2015, and was christened ‘Jake’.

At 5 mos. and barely 20 lbs., he arrived with a voracious appetite and little tolerance for other canines, except for Adele and the occasional golden retriever. As a bonus, he was already housebroken.

Jake only craved security and love. In our family, he found both. And in return, he gave us undying loyalty and unconditional love. We feel honored to have been able to rescue him. It also could be said that he rescued us.

He wasn’t supposed to go first. He was always the healthy one, the strong one, the protector of his family. When Adele was diagnosed with lymphoma, he always greeted her with a kiss when returning from her multiple chemo treatments. He was always nearby, keeping watch as we tended to her needs. A recent extended hospital stay for Adele caused him great angst with noticeable changes in his behavior.

He was good until he wasn’t. An emergency visit to the vet, a blood test, and a scan revealed internal bleeding and inoperable liver cancer. Days, maybe a week or more, but not much more. He tired more easily, his breathing, especially at rest, became more labored, and the swelling in his abdomen was noticeably more prominent. From the initial vet visit to his passing, 9 days!

We are heartbroken, devastated, and shedding constant tears, but we are forever grateful. We love you and will forever miss you!

“Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together….”

— Author unknown



Julie has made her 20+ year career working with affluent clientele and understanding and defining luxury hospitality, technology, marketing, fashion, and real estate. Most recently, Julie was named one of 2023’s “Women to Watch in Luxury” by Luxury Daily as a result of her unique insight into what shapes consumer psychology in luxury buying.

Amongst her many accomplishments, Julie is the CEO and Founder of REALM, a real estate technology platform that serves elite real estate professionals. In 2022, REALM was recognized as the “Best Luxury Technology” by Inman Media. In addition, Julie cofounded the largest real estate company in the Teton Region, and she is a member of the top producing real estate team Graham-Faupel-Mendenhall who are historically ranked in the top 100 teams in the US by the Wall Street Journal/Real Trends.

Julie is a frequent media expert and has been interviewed by: Wall Street Journal, Forbes, New York Times, Luxury Daily and Leaders Magazine. Julie is a member of the Young President’s Organization where she serves the Global One chapter as Membership Chair.



Ever since designing her first pair of earrings as a 19-yearold college student, Lisa has been a jewelry enthusiast. With a bachelor’s degree in mass communications from the University of California, Berkeley, she has 15 years of experience in jewelry retail. Currently, Lisa works for Lang Antique & Estate Jewelry, the world-renowned jeweler located in San Francisco, California.

As part of the Lang marketing team, Lisa combines her love of beautiful jewelry with her passion for writing about it. Lisa also writes blog posts for Lang’s Antique Jewelry University and assists with describing Lang's exquisite offerings.


A seasoned and dynamic leader, with more than 20 years of experience in the luxury home industry, Michelle Klein began her career at Bloomingdale’s in New York in 1994. In 2008, she joined Roche Bobois as Vice President of its North American subsidiary, responsible for a network of 30 stores in the US and Canada, the national marketing campaign of the company in North America, and the supervision of the brand image. Her journey in the luxury home world, continued when Michelle joined Baccarat in 2012 as President and CEO of their Americas’ region. The brand celebrated its 250th anniversary under her leadership.

Michelle joined SFERRA as the Global CEO and President in 2016. As its leader, she has guided the brand beyond the United States with a branded shop-in-shop within the London luxury department store, Harrods. Most recently, Michelle led the acquisition of Pratesi, the 115 year-old Italian luxury linens brand and its relaunch in early 2022. With much room to grow for both brands, Michelle continues to spearhead opportunities of sales and distribution growth in the US and beyond.


Kelli’s passion for travel began at age 4 when her mom took her on her first flight to visit her dad in the Navy. She remembers everything. Wearing a plaid dress and red leather shoes. Sitting in the window seat. It was nighttime. With her nose pressed against the window; she was fascinated by the cobalt blue lights along the runway. Once that plane took off, she hasn’t landed since.

Alexander has traveled extensively. Beginning her career in television broadcasting and communications, she realized her heart was in firmly touching the world and sharing it with all who are ready and open. She established PlanetKelli, a high-end luxury travel and destination planning company. With her myriad connections around the world, in the most sought-after locations, she provides clients a VIP treatment as she knows not just the destinations but how to match travelers with their perfect choices and options.



1. Hermann Bungalows - Hermann Bungalows in Palm Springs is a captivating desert retreat that seamlessly blends mid-century modern aesthetics with a touch of whimsical charm. Nestled amidst the picturesque landscape of Palm Springs, these iconic bungalows offer an unforgettable experience for those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation. Each meticulously designed bungalow boasts a unique personality, adorned with vibrant colors, retro furnishings, and contemporary amenities. The lush outdoor spaces invite guests to unwind by the sparkling pool surrounded by swaying palm trees and breathtaking mountain views. With its perfect fusion of style, comfort, and natural beauty, Hermann Bungalows in Palm Springs promises an enchanting escape that captures the essence of the desert oasis.

2. The Claremont Hotel - Nestled in the idyllic coastal town of Southwest Harbor, Maine, The Claremont Hotel stands as a beacon of refined luxury and timeless sophistication. This exclusive retreat, located on the pristine shores of Mount Desert Island, offers discerning guests an unparalleled experience of opulence and tranquility. From the moment you step foot into this historic haven, you are enveloped in an atmosphere of indulgence and grace. Lavishly appointed suites and rooms exude an air of refined elegance, featuring exquisite furnishings, plush linens, and state-of-the-art amenities. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking vistas of the Atlantic Ocean from your suite’s private balcony or rejuvenate your senses in the hotel's world-class spa where skilled therapists pamper you with bespoke treatments. With its privileged location near the enchanting Acadia National Park and a myriad of coastal wonders, The Claremont Hotel is an unparalleled sanctuary where luxury and natural beauty converge to create an unforgettable retreat for the most discerning travelers.



1. OOFOS slide sandals - These are my favorite sandals to wear post run or workout. They feel like you’re walking on clouds. 2. FOHA Friends Of Homeless Animals - My family and I went for a tour recently. This animal shelter has been around since 1973 and they’ve help save over 16,000 animals. This is a fantastic organization that is making a difference. If you’re considering adopting or want to donate I would highly recommend FOHA.

3. Bose Portable Smart Speaker - This was a birthday gift from my wife. This is one of the best bluetooth speakers I’ve ever had. The sounds quality is amazing




Watches are accessories that are both functional and a statement of one’s personal style and taste. In the luxury market, watches have a rich history and are coveted by enthusiasts and collectors the world over. But what sets them apart from each other?

Rolex is, of course, one of the world’s most well-known and prestigious watch brands. This British-founded Swiss manufacturer is considered to be and has earned its reputation as the ultimate luxury watch. Since 1905, the company has consistently produced highquality watches that are both stylish and reliable.

The brand is known for its attention to detail and commitment to precision and for its iconic designs, including the Submariner, the Daytona, and the Datejust. Rolex watches are made from the finest materials, including 18k gold, stainless steel, and sapphire crystal, and are crafted to perfection by skilled watchmakers.

Although Rolex is perhaps the most well-known, Patek Philippe produces some of the most exquisite timepieces. Founded in 1839, the company has a long history of making some of the world’s most beautiful and intricate watches. They are highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts.

The Patek Philippe brand is known for its exceptional quality. Each watch is made by hand and takes months to complete. The brand is also known for its complicated watches, which can feature moon phases, perpetual calendars, and minute repeaters. Each Patek Philippe watch is a work of art.

An hour away from Patek Philippe’s base in Geneva, you will find the home of Audemars Piguet in Le Brassus, Switzerland – the cradle of fine watchmaking. Founded in 1875 by watchmaker Jules-Louis Audemars and Edwards-Auguste Piguet, this watchmaker remains an independent family business.


Audemars Piguet is known for its unique designs, which often feature bold shapes and colors. They are particularly famous for their Royal Oak collection, which features watches with octagonal bezels and integrated bracelets. The timepieces are made from high-quality materials such as gold, platinum, and titanium, and are known for their durability and precision.

The Omega luxury watch brand has an interesting story to tell. It started life as part of La Generale Watch Company in 1848, the year Louis Brandt founded the company. He assembled key-wound precision pocket watches from parts supplied by local craftsmen and sold them from Italy to Scandinavia by way of England. His two sons Louis-Paul and César developed their own in-house manufacturing and total production control system that allowed component parts to be interchangeable. Watches developed with these techniques were marketed under the Omega brand of La Generale Watch Co. and the success of the Omega brand led La Generale Watch Co to spin off Omega as its own company, thereby officially founding the Omega brand in 1903.

Today, Omega is known for producing high-quality watches of incredible precision and accuracy. Due to this accuracy, its watches have been used by NASA and the British Royal Flying Corps. These timepieces are also known for their stylish designs, which include the iconic Speedmaster and the Seamaster. Made from materials such as stainless steel, gold, and sapphire crystal, they are built to last a lifetime.

Luxury watches are timeless accessories that never go out of style. Although there are commonalities in the watches in all the above brands, they each have their own unique styles and features. Whether you are a collector or simply looking for a beautiful and functional watch, these watches will surely provide you with a timepiece to cherish for years to come.



Making spaces luxurious, but also livable is the hallmark of Tracy Morris Design, Maybe it’s something simple like the calming fragrance of a candle or a personalized coaster on your bedside table; these small, but thoughtful items can make all the difference. Tracy Morris shares tips for adding touches of luxury while also making spaces comfortable for you, your family, and guests.

Tracy Morris of Tracy Morris Design shares trade secrets for creating luxurious spaces Photos by Greg Powers and Jennifer Hughes

How do you add elements of luxury to a space? Suggest a few luxury items, such as throws, pillows, accessories and where to purchase them, that elevate a space.

Luxury for your home can be added in many ways. Of course, you can add beautiful throws, pillows and candles to your space. It always feels luxurious to light a great smelling candle and cuddle up with a soft throw; however, luxury can come in the form of conveniences as well. This can be achieved by adding a wood tray to your great room table to have a place to set a book or having a beautiful set of coasters for guests to set down drinks. Other ways to add luxury include adding a soft rug to your bathroom instead of using a small bathmat or switching out your day-to-day kitchen items with bespoke pieces. Really, adding items to your space that help save you time and energy is the ultimate luxury.

Here are two local Virginia stores that are my favorite places to purchase luxury goods: Le Village Marche in Shirlington, Virginia,, and Kellogg Collection in McLean, Virginia,, with additional locations throughout the DC region. One of my favorite stores in the country to purchase luxury goods is The Primary Essentials in Brooklyn, New York, Their ceramic goods are just the best!

How do you make a living room feel luxurious and livable? What types of fabrics and finishes achieve this look?

For me, a space feels luxurious when it is usable. We have all experienced spaces that are gorgeous, but delicate. You are in awe of the amazing pieces, but don’t want to touch anything or sit down. Luxury does not have to equal overly precious. We make spaces luxurious, yet livable with our fabric and finish selections.


First, use fabrics that are indoor/outdoor rated like Perennials. Second, use finishes that are beautiful tones, but have protective finishes. This way, if someone puts a glass down or drags something across your space, you don’t have to panic. Last, use rugs that are soft, but impervious to staining. The above formula is livable luxury at its best!

A primary bedroom suite seems like an idea spot to add touches of luxury. Explain how you would create that high-end hotel feel in a bedroom and continue it into the bathroom.

The primary bedroom is the perfect space to add touches of luxury. Make your bedside table a place of beauty with a personalized coaster, a water kraft or silver bottle holder, and a lamp that has outlets placed in the base to easily plug in devices. To continue this feeling into the bathroom, try adding a small table in front of your tub to hold salts, candles and a glass of your drink of choice. Make your primary space feel like a hotel with the simple pleasures: a fluffy bathrobe on the back of your door, a folded duvet at the end of your bed, and an outlet behind your vanity to plug in hair accessories. These are the small things, but they make all the difference!

Can a small space feel luxurious? If so, how do you achieve that no matter what the size of the room is?

Of course, a small space can feel luxurious! You just need pieces with multifunction, texture, and convenience. One idea is to cover a storage ottoman in washable velvet and fill it with your favorite throws. Another idea is to consider alternatives for the standard table and chairs scenario. Instead, try building a banquette that allows for plenty of seating and hidden storage. You now have a place to eat, work and play.


What can you do to outdoor spaces to give them a boost of luxury?

Outdoor spaces can be equally as luxurious as your interior spaces. Best way to give them a boost of luxury is to:

a. Add unexpected appliances like a pizza oven, Evo grill or pellet ice machine; makes it feel like you are on vacation all year round.

b. Consider unique seating, such as a hammock chair or porch swing.

c. Incorporate a weather resistant rug to your porch or pool house. It always feels great underfoot.

d. Add a bathroom to your exterior space. It’s a true luxury, but you will never regret the decision.

e. If in a cooler climate, install a heat source to allow the space to be used all year round.

What’s your overall best tip for creating luxurious spaces?

Add items that make you feel calm and relaxed. Also, creating convenience counts as a luxury, too. It does not have to mean incorporating “fluffy stuff;” it can be installing an appliance, piece of furniture, or a cabinet - anything that makes your life easier.




Tomu’s Sustainable Modular Villas Offer Travelers Truly Private and Luxury Accommodations Immersed in their Surroundings

With a shift in consumers’ travel preferences, especially away from heavily populated locations and more toward unique experiences, Tomu,, has developed sustainably-focused villas using a proprietary modular building system that expands and enhances the hotel industry.

Tomu’s Villa Collection is comprised of three modular floor plan options - studio, one-bedroom and twobedroom villas - each providing luxury accommodations within freestanding units. The company’s Japanese and Scandinavian designs use commercial-grade building materials and offer more square footage than the average hotel guest room. These private turnkey travel solutions allow travelers to experience untapped areas, as the villas function as their own luxury resort.

“Our modular villas offer travelers a more private and meaningful experience,” says Chris Osaka, Tomu CEO.

“We’re creating larger luxury lodging accommodations at a comfortable price point.”

Osaka shares more insight about what to expect from Tomu today and in the future.


It really came out of personal need and seeing how the hotel and lodging landscape was changing as travelers emerged from the pandemic. I originally wanted to create a boutique hotel property of my own in this new lifestyle/ experiential segment that is emerging, but the cost of traditional construction became prohibitive. Even when researching other modular options in the market, we found most were tailored to residential use and that’s when we felt like we found an opportunity focused around our hospitality backgrounds.

Photos and renderings courtesy of Tomu


My background is in hospitality, marketing, and retail development and had been struck by how rigid and slow to change the hospitality industry is compared to some of the previous industries I’ve been in. The idea of having every property site-built felt cumbersome when the brands themselves can be so standardized and have a business interest in reaching scale quickly. Yet with so much change happening in the industry in terms of traveler preferences and lodging shortages, nothing seems to truly address this. The challenge really resonated with my past experiences in retail development in how we approached the standardization and value engineering of retail concepts that needed to be rolled out across dozens of new locations.


Part of our original design brief was around the assumption that many of our clients would want to place Tomu units in more remote locations that can often be cost prohibitive to build onsite. Our units need to be able to be delivered in

remote places with minimal work required to set the units once onsite. Whether it be in the mountains or on a beach, as a single unit or within a cluster, the possibilities could be endless.


Over the past few years, we’ve seen a gradual increase in the average hotel length of stay in the industry. What may be doable from a guest’s perspective for 1 or 2 nights, just doesn’t work when we start talking about 3 or 4 nights. With that, traveler lodging preferences have also shifted in parallel with things like remote work. We incorporate elements to ensure comfort and productivity regardless of the length of stay. Things like more specious bathrooms and living spaces for comfort and working spaces for productivity. Regardless of the length of stay, we approach our designs with leisure as the priority in a way that is distinctly different than how most residential homes are typically laid out.



Hospitality as an industry represents a huge opportunity for reducing waste. If you think of the typical hotel stay, it can be highly wasteful from the amount of water used from guests taking showers to the amount of electricity used in constantly running things like air conditioning. Tomu is sustainable in several ways. First, our modular building system reduces the upfront construction waste normally associated with onsite construction since our material usage can be more efficiently planned. Second, we use high-efficiency materials from windows and insulation to fixtures and finishes to reduce not just the upfront impact, but also the long-term cost of operating the units over time. By driving more education around what is possible with modular building, we hope to drive a shift towards greater sustainability in the hospitality development industry.


The reaction from developers have been overwhelmingly positive. They recognize the potential of Tomu to offer a more sustainable and cost-effective solution for adapting to the new types of accommodations that travelers are looking for. Many are excited about the possibilities that our modular building system presents, from the speed of deployment to the flexibility it offers in terms of design and amenities. We’re currently in discussions with several developers about their upcoming projects, and we’re excited about the opportunities ahead.

To learn more, visit



Time is often overlooked in the pursuit of luxury. In our fast-paced, modern world of rushing around, juggling work, family, friends, social engagements, and personal interests, we find ourselves tugged in many different directions. Time has become an increasingly scarce resource.

In our technological world, where we are always connected to our smartphones and laptops, where we surf Instagram and the Internet, where we buy products online and then respond by filling out surveys and reviews and providing comments – these things all eat away at our time. We rarely take the time to disconnect, be present in the moment, and claim our time back.

Luxury is about indulging in the things that bring us joy and that make us feel truly alive. It's about taking the time to savor a delicious meal, read a book long postponed, take a long walk and appreciate nature, or spend quality time with loved ones. It’s not only about material possessions, expensive cars, designer clothing, or exotic vacations. However, although time is perhaps THE most important luxury in our lives, one that can’t be bought, it must be prioritized, and many of us don’t.

When we prioritize time as a luxury, we allow ourselves to slow down and enjoy life's simple pleasures. We become more present, mindful, and aware of the beauty surrounding us. We learn to appreciate the small moments, the quiet moments, and the moments of pure joy that make life worth living.

Luxury and time are interconnected in so many ways. Luxury allows us to create space in our lives for the things that matter most, whether that's pursuing a passion, spending time with loved ones, or simply relaxing and recharging our batteries. When we have time to indulge in the things we love, we feel more fulfilled, more inspired, and more alive.

True luxury is being able to own your time – to be able to take a walk, sit on your porch, read the paper, not take the call, not be compelled by obligation.
— Ashton Kutcher

But luxury and time are also a paradox. While time is a luxury, luxury can also be a drain on our time. We can spend hours shopping for the perfect outfit or planning the ultimate vacation, only to find that we are left with little time to actually enjoy it. We can become so focused on accumulating material possessions that we lose sight of what truly matters in life.

The key to finding the balance between luxury and time is to be intentional about how we spend our time. We need to be mindful of how we use our time and prioritize the things that truly matter to us. We need to learn to say no to the things that don't align with our values or goals and make space for the things that do.

In the end, luxury and time are not mutually exclusive. They can coexist in a beautiful and harmonious way if we approach them with intention and mindfulness. By prioritizing time as a luxury, we can create a life that is rich in meaning, joy, and fulfillment. We can savor the small moments and cherish the time we have with the people we love. In doing so, we can create a truly luxurious life in every sense of the word.



Aston Martin, a name synonymous with sophistication, elegance, and raw power, has been captivating automotive enthusiasts and luxury aficionados for over a century. With a rich heritage and a portfolio of iconic cars, Aston Martin represents the pinnacle of British automotive craftsmanship. Beyond the cars themselves, Aston Martin embodies a lifestyle that merges the thrill of highperformance driving with an aura of refined luxury.

A Legacy of Excellence:

Founded in 1913 by Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford, Aston Martin quickly established itself as a manufacturer of high-performance sports cars. Over the years, the brand has cemented its status as a purveyor of automotive excellence, epitomizing the finest in British engineering and design. Aston Martin's commitment to uncompromising quality and attention to detail has resulted in a legacy that few other brands can match.

Exquisite Craftsmanship:

Every Aston Martin vehicle is a testament to the brand's commitment to craftsmanship and artistry. From the initial sketches to the final touches, each car is meticulously crafted by a team of skilled artisans who take pride in their work. Aston Martin vehicles exude a sense of timelessness, with elegant lines, sleek silhouettes, and hand-finished interiors adorned with the finest materials.

Power and Performance:

Aston Martin has earned a reputation for delivering exhilarating performance on the road and the track. With powerful engines, precise handling, and cutting-edge technology, Aston Martin cars offer a driving experience that is as thrilling as it is refined. From the heart-pounding acceleration of the Vantage to the grand touring prowess of the DB11 and the track-ready performance of the DBS Superleggera, each Aston Martin model is a testament to the brand's commitment to creating cars that inspire and exhilarate.


Iconic Designs:

Aston Martin has given birth to some of the most iconic automotive designs in history. The DB5, forever associated with James Bond, represents the pinnacle of elegance and style. Its timeless design and luxurious appointments have made it an automotive icon. The DB9 and the more recent DB11 have continued this tradition, blending contemporary aesthetics with classic Aston Martin design cues. Every Aston Martin vehicle exudes an aura of sophistication, turning heads wherever they go.

A Lifestyle of Refinement:

Owning an Aston Martin goes beyond the thrill of driving a remarkable machine. It represents a way of life characterized by refined tastes, impeccable style, and a sense of adventure. The Aston Martin lifestyle is about embracing luxury in all its forms, from bespoke tailoring and exquisite timepieces to curated travel experiences and exclusive events. It's a world where elegance, exclusivity, and attention to detail define every aspect of life.

Aston Martin stands as a symbol of automotive excellence, offering a fusion of exquisite craftsmanship, exhilarating performance, and timeless luxury. From the moment you lay eyes on an Aston Martin, you become immersed in a world where every detail has been carefully considered, and the pursuit of perfection is evident. Whether you're behind the wheel, attending an exclusive event, or simply admiring the stunning lines of an Aston Martin car, you're experiencing a brand that has transcended the automotive realm to become a true icon of elegance and style.


Unlocking the Secrets of Luxury Hospitality:

A Culinary Voyage with Adam Crocini

In the realm of luxury hotels, every stay promises an immersive experience that reveals new and captivating facets at every turn. It's an enchanting world where impeccable service, meticulous design, and indulgent amenities converge to create a symphony of opulence. From the moment you sink into the crisp sheets and bask in the cascading embrace of a waterfall showerhead, to the breathtaking views that greet your every gaze, each element intertwines to craft an unforgettable journey into the lap of extravagance.

And at the heart of this extraordinary universe lies a culinary maestro, Adam Crocini, the Senior Vice President and Global Head of Food and Beverage Brands for the esteemed Hilton brand. With a portfolio that oversees an impressive 46 Conrad properties and numerous other Hilton establishments, Crocini is a visionary, constantly pushing boundaries and redefining the very essence of gastronomy.

Crocini's illustrious journey in the realm of food and beverage began as a part-time endeavor at the Max Group, but it swiftly transformed into an all-consuming passion. His remarkable career path includes managing iconic culinary institutions like Spago and The Source, working alongside the legendary Wolfgang Puck for 12 transformative years. Together, they brought forth culinary sensations such as Wolfgang Bar and Grille and Cut, leaving an indelible mark on the vibrant culinary scene of Las Vegas.

Fueling his unquenchable thirst for innovation, Crocini embarked on an adventure to Singapore's renowned Marina Bay Sands, where he opened Cut Singapore—the first Michelin-starred steakhouse in all of Asia. Here, he flawlessly blended his expertise with Puck's genius, tantalizing the palates of discerning guests and cementing his reputation as a master of epicurean excellence.

It was during his tenure as the Executive Director of the prestigious Marina Bay Sands portfolio that Crocini solidified his position as a trailblazer in the realm of hotel dining. Managing an awe-inspiring service that amassed a staggering USD $500 million annually, he orchestrated the harmonious collaboration of multiple Michelin-starred chefs, curated unrivaled programming, and fine-tuned every aspect of the space's design to create an experience that delighted the nearly 4,000 guests who graced its halls each day.

Not content to rest on his laurels, Crocini's remarkable journey led him to the esteemed Capella group, where he served as Vice President and further delved into the world of ultra-luxury hospitality. With his visionary touch, he meticulously crafted exquisite properties in Sydney, Bangkok, the Maldives, Hong Kong, and Shanghai, elevating the standards of indulgence to unparalleled heights. Hilton, recognizing the unmistakable allure of Crocini's expertise, called upon his unrivaled talents to refresh and invigorate their luxury portfolio. Embracing the challenge with fervor, Crocini has consistently delivered gastronomic marvels that have mesmerized even the most discerning palates. His visionary approach to luxury hotel food and beverage services has earned him accolades and admiration throughout the industry.

Moreover, the illustrious John Eric Home sought Crocini's enlightened perspective, granting us a glimpse into the symphony of elements that converge to create the quintessential food and beverage experience. And as our culinary voyage continues, we embark on a privileged exploration of three bespoke Conrad hotels, each a testament to Crocini's artistry and Hilton's unwavering commitment to providing an extraordinary level of luxury and refinement.

Join us as we delve deeper into the enchanting world where unrivaled opulence and gastronomic innovation intertwine, creating an experience that is destined to leave an indelible mark on the soul of every discerning traveler.


Within the realm of luxury properties, an extraordinary fusion of talent, expertise, and boundless creativity converges to shape the ultimate dining experience. Conrad Properties, renowned for its mastery in curating unparalleled moments of opulence, have perfected the art of weaving together these diverse elements, setting new standards for the industry.

Adam Crocini sheds light on the intricacies involved in crafting these extraordinary experiences. With deep insight, he emphasizes the importance of understanding the unique dynamics of each market. "Customers and guests in each

individual market dictate their desires," Crocini explains. “Through comprehensive market studies and conceptual exploration, the team delves into the culinary landscape, meticulously considering factors such as cuisine styles and price points.”

By identifying unexplored opportunities and aligning them with evolving consumer tastes, he and his team create bespoke offerings that not only cater to preferences but also introduce refreshing and captivating elements, captivating even the most discerning palates. Ultimately, what guests are paying for is not merely a meal but an unforgettable experience that resonates on a deeply personal level.

Yet, the landscape has shifted dramatically with the advent of the pandemic, profoundly impacting the realm of luxury hospitality. Crocini reflects on this transformative era, heralding a "golden age of travel." “During extended periods at home,” he says, “individuals immersed themselves in culinary shows and content, fostering an unprecedented level of knowledge and sophistication. They are more educated. As a result, the industry must reimagine itself, pushing boundaries, and embracing revolutionary concepts that captivate and inspire guests.”

However, the pursuit of the extraordinary extends far beyond exquisite food and drink. It encompasses a symphony of details meticulously orchestrated to elevate the entire sensory experience. From the gentle rustle of napkins to the careful interplay of lighting, design, and music, every aspect is meticulously designed to create an atmosphere that envelops guests in a world of tailored luxury. The uniforms worn by the staff and the courtesies extended all contribute to the harmonious orchestration of an unforgettable affair, leaving an indelible impression on guests.

Crocini passionately emphasizes the importance of creating a narrative—a touchpoint that deeply resonates with guests. “In this realm of refined indulgence,” he remarks, “every decision is deliberate and thoughtful. It is a profound acknowledgment of the investment guests make, both in terms of their time and hard-earned resources.” By weaving together cohesive pillars of vision, every detail aligns to tell a captivating story, creating an immersive experience that feels intimately tailored to each individual.

As Conrad Properties continues to redefine the boundaries of luxury hospitality, its unwavering commitment to crafting exceptional narratives sets them apart. The fusion of innovation and imagination propels them forward, shaping the future of high-end dining, and ensuring that every encounter is an extraordinary symphony of opulence, where dreams are transformed into reality.



Throughout its storied history, Hilton has etched its name as a pioneer of the hospitality industry, continuously introducing groundbreaking concepts that redefine luxury. From the inception of room service, which was standardized at the iconic Waldorf Astoria New York, to the installation of televisions in guest rooms at the Roosevelt New York, Hilton has remained at the forefront of transformative experiences. Ramón "Monchito" Marrero, the visionary bartender at Caribe Hilton in Puerto Rico, experimented with a delightful concoction—a blend of rum, coconut cream, and pineapple juice. With a touch of innovation, the iconic Pina Colada was born, forever etching its place in cocktail history.

Further exemplifying their commitment to pioneering excellence, Hilton revolutionized the guest experience with the introduction of Hilton's Digital Key technology, spearheading the utilization of smartphones as room keys. This transformative leap embraced the ever-evolving landscape of technology, enhancing convenience and ease for guests worldwide.

Under the leadership of Adam Crocini, Hilton's penchant for innovation continues to flourish, setting the stage for a new era of "firsts" and groundbreaking partnerships that redefine the boundaries of luxury. A testament to this ethos is Hilton's unprecedented collaboration with the James Beard Foundation, serving as a Premier Sponsor for the prestigious 2023 Restaurant and Chef Awards. This is a fusion of hospitality and culinary excellence which unites two industry powerhouses and celebrates outstanding restaurants and visionary chefs in categories that honor the finest establishments and talents across the American culinary landscape.

But the James Beard Foundation is just one of Hilton's remarkable partnerships. Another notable collaboration has been forged with Proof & Company's esteemed bar and beverage consultancy arm, Proof Creative. Together, they reimagine the beverage experience at Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts' renowned Peacock Alley locations worldwide. This partnership marries Hilton's dedication to hospitality excellence with Proof & Company's unrivaled expertise, promising an extraordinary libation experience that transcends expectations.

While forging remarkable partnerships, Crocini and his team also strive to elevate in-house bar programs to unprecedented heights. “We have a laser focus on luxury mixology, style, and service,” says Crocini. “We seek to perfect every aspect, right down to the art of handing over a bottle.” One remarkable example of their commitment to excellence lies in their use of Japanese clear ice—a meticulously crafted frozen masterpiece that retains its form longer, preserving the integrity of each sip.

Crocini underscores the profound impact of a well-crafted cocktail, declaring, "Our ice program, whether expertly shaved or carefully cut, ensures unparalleled quality from the first sip to the last. We firmly believe that a thoughtfully curated cocktail serves as an integral part of the overall experience."

As Hilton continues to push the boundaries of luxury, their unwavering commitment to innovation and the art of indulgence prevails. By embracing transformative partnerships and refining every element of the guest journey, they pave the way for a future where unparalleled experiences are not only anticipated but intricately woven into the very fabric of luxury hospitality.


“Old is becoming new again,” says Crocini. “It’s cyclical with all things in life.”

Conrad Orlando has embraced the resurgence of the tiki bar trend, aiming to bring back nostalgic experiences and Polynesian themes. According to Crocini, the property boasts the largest crystal lagoon in the world, featuring a walk-in sand "beach" that doubles as a pool. To enhance this beachside ambiance, the renowned mixologist Paul McGee, recognized as America's premier expert in Polynesian drinks, was approached.

Crocini explains, "Knowing the resurgence of the tiki bar, we wanted to harken back on childhood experiences and Polynesian themes. I contacted Paul McGee. Paul signed onto it, and now Conrad will be home to a beachside and poolside restaurant – the Papaya Bar. It provides a luxury air to something whimsical."

The Papaya Bar at Conrad Orlando offers an immersive beverage program, showcasing bold flavors like fresh pineapple, coconut, guava, and papaya. In addition to these enticing flavors, the bar also serves a variety of inspired low- and no-alcohol drinks. Each beverage is elegantly presented in custom ceramic pieces or pineapple and coconut shells, adding to the overall experience.

Complementing the drinks is a playful food menu, with the pu pu platter taking center stage. The menu also features delicious options such as pork skewers, shrimp and scallop siu mai, and crab wontons, all designed to enhance the enjoyment of the Papaya Club's vibrant atmosphere.


“Conrad Los Angeles distinguishes itself from Waldorf Astoria by focusing on a more local approach to luxury,” says Crocini. While Waldorf Astoria aims for global recognition, Conrad strives to earn local awards and provide customers with effortless luxury.


An example of Conrad Los Angeles embracing its local identity is the partnership with acclaimed chef and humanitarian, José Andrés. Crocini explains, "Only locally grown California products are used. He has put his Spanish flair into menu programming. And his philanthropy speaks local, what we want Conrad to represent."

The hotel's 10th floor is home to San Laurel, the first of José Andrés' restaurants. With its stunning views of the iconic Disney concert hall, San Laurel offers diners a tour of flavors. The dishes draw inspiration from Spain while incorporating fresh, local ingredients sourced from California's bountiful resources.

Adjacent to San Laurel, on the hotel's outdoor terrace, lies Agua Viva, the second Andrés restaurant. This chic rooftop dining spot brings together Latin and Asian flavors on its menu. Here, diners can mingle over shared plates and refreshing cocktails while enjoying the vibrant atmosphere and breathtaking views.

Conrad Los Angeles, through its collaboration with José Andrés, showcases the fusion of local ingredients, Spanish influences, and philanthropic values, reflecting the essence of the Conrad brand.


"We fully embrace the history of Mexican cuisine," says Crocini, emphasizing the importance of Mexican culture in the culinary offerings at Conrad Punta de Mita. The opening of this Conrad property marks a new era of luxury along Mexico's Riviera Nayarit, inviting travelers to indulge in contemporary luxury amidst the breathtaking setting of a two-mile-long beach beside the Pacific Ocean.

The resort's design, crafted by renowned architecture firm SB Architects, serves as a gateway to the region's landscape, history, and rich multicultural identity. Lush tropical vegetation, open corridors, and contemporary coastal décor create a nature-centric aesthetic that promotes wellness and echoes the Huichol belief that connection to nature facilitates personal transformation and development.

Throughout the property, thoughtfully designed spaces blur the boundaries between the natural and built environments. From the butterfly roof in the resort beach grill and sunset bar to the event lawn surrounded by mangroves, each area provides glimpses of the natural world, fostering a deep connection with the surroundings.

Crocini highlights the culinary offerings at Punta de Mita, explaining, "At Punta de Mita, we have seven unique food and beverage services. Each of these restaurants has its own distinct music programs and playlists. Each has its own look and feel – unlike so many resorts – we are not the same. We take experience very seriously."

One unique beverage experience available on the property is a private tasting of mescals and tequilas. Conrad Punta de Mita boasts an agave tasting room, housing a remarkable collection of 100 or more varieties of mescals and tequilas. Guests can book a private tasting session with a specialist who will guide them through the intricacies of these spirits. If guests discover a particular tequila they enjoy, they have the option to have it boxed and shipped to their home. The music played during the tasting can also be preserved through a Spotify playlist, allowing guests to reminisce and relive the experience in the comfort of their own homes.


Crocini has developed a deep appreciation for the culinary world. He remarks, "I am from a big Italian family, and from traveling, both internationally and domestically, I got to experience food culture. I was enamored by it. Hospitality is about engaging with people and producing great food and drinks."

In conversations with Crocini, one can sense his infectious energy and genuine passion for his work. He not only strives to provide premier service but also aims to create a premier experience for the guests at his properties. His dedication to delivering exceptional hospitality is evident.

When asked if he had any last-minute thoughts to share, Crocini offers two insightful reflections. He says, "A true Foodie never picks up a travel mag to figure out where to go – they are on blogs," highlighting the importance of seeking authentic food recommendations from online sources that cater to food enthusiasts. Additionally, he emphasizes the value of thoughtfulness, stating, "Be thoughtful – I use that phrase all of the time." This sentiment underscores the significance of considering every detail and ensuring a thoughtful approach to providing an exceptional experience to guests.

Crocini's enthusiasm for the culinary world, commitment to delivering exceptional service, and reminders to explore food culture through unconventional means and embrace thoughtfulness exemplify his passion and dedication in his role.

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SUSTAINABLE AND ECO-FRIENDLY MATERIALS: Consumers are increasingly conscious of the environment and are looking for furniture made from sustainable materials like bamboo, reclaimed wood, and recycled metal.

ART DECO REVIVAL: The Art Deco style originated in the 1920s and has been coming back in recent years. It’s characterized by bold geometric shapes, luxurious materials like marble and brass, and a glamorous, vintage feel.

MIXED MATERIALS: Blending different materials like wood, metal, and glass is becoming more popular as consumers look for visually interesting and unique furniture.

BOLD COLORS: Neutral colors have been popular for many years, but bold, saturated colors are now making a comeback. This trend includes furniture in shades like deep green, navy blue, and rich burgundy.

COMFORT AND FUNCTIONALITY: Luxury furniture is no longer just about aesthetics but also about comfort and functionality. Consumers are looking for beautiful and practical furniture with features like built-in storage and ergonomic designs.


STATEMENT PIECES: Bold, eye-catching pieces of furniture are becoming increasingly popular as consumers look for ways to make a statement in their homes. This trend includes pieces like oversized sofas, sculptural chairs, and unique lighting fixtures.

NATURAL AND ORGANIC SHAPES: Organic shapes inspired by nature are becoming more popular in luxury furniture design. This trend includes furniture with curved lines, irregular shapes, and natural textures.




Paraphrasing the trusted guardian of our lexicon--the dictionary--luxury adds pleasure or comfort but is not absolutely necessary. It is an indulgence in something that provides pleasure, satisfaction, or ease. For some that might mean a month-long stay at a posh resort. For others, a cup of tea and a good book by the fire are luxuries of the highest order. As different as those experiences are, what they both have in common is that each is perfectly suited for the individual. And isn’t that what we all want on some level?

We want our essence, our uniqueness known in how we choose to spend our time, decorate our homes--and ourselves. We want to break through all the noise, trends, and outside influences. We want to make our stamp on this stage of life. When we look around our homes, we take satisfaction in the fact that they reflect our tastes, personality, and even our quirks. The same holds true for how we choose to adorn ourselves. There is a thrill and satisfaction in finding just the right scarf, coat, dress, or jewel-one that captivates our spirit.


That kind of satisfaction is pleasurable indeed, especially when we come upon something that tells our story in a truly unique way. Vintage jewelry is a particularly personal storyteller.

Whether it’s a pair of antique Georgian earrings or a bold and glamorous Retro brooch—such pieces tell the world something about you without you saying a single word. There is a story behind them, even while you are creating your own, something from the past that clicks with who you are or are becoming right now. So, what are those pieces, the ones that say the most, turn heads, cause eyes to linger, and prompt questions? They are those that are often seen gracing celebrities on red carpets from coast to coast; on royals for both high occasions and in daily life; and on the colorful characters in your favorite period drama. They are pieces that can be yours.

Oh, but where to start? A few suggestions…

First, educate yourself by becoming familiar with the aesthetics and characteristics of each era, and then decide what is naturally appealing to you and what fits with your lifestyle (bold, dainty, understated, ornate). The beauty of antique and vintage jewelry is that should your tastes change over time, there is always something that will be perfect for you. Seeing the jewelry in person is essential to training your eye to recognize and appreciate the nuances, craftsmanship, and special charm of these works of art. And, of course, developing a relationship with a reputable, knowledgeable, and trustworthy jeweler is invaluable.

Then, the magic of discovery and collecting begins. To build your collection of luxe and lovely antique and vintage jewels, begin with some ever-classic essentials. Day or night, studs or drop earrings with antique diamonds such as rose, old mine, and European cuts add a special fire to your lobes. And there’s no better way to fidget than fingering a long and fabulous French gold chain— one is elegant, and a cascade of several is beyond chic.

Now, a word about pins. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright created her own not-so-subtle diplomatic language by wearing pins that visually expressed her sentiments and mood—it’s a language that you can speak as well. A Victorian cameo, a lacy diamond-set Edwardian bow pin, or a whimsical MidCentury brooch can each give a glimpse of your tone on any given day.


And men are giving Madeleine Albright a run for her money by donning unequivocally cool brooches from times past too. Ke Huy Quan has been shown wearing a black diamond-trimmed Art Nouveau pansy pin, while Fred Leighton donned one that perfectly set off his black tux at the 95th Academy Awards this past March. We can’t forget the vintage 1934 Cartier lapel clip that Michael B. Jordan wore to the 76th Golden Globe Awards – it was exquisite. Men, and not just celebrities, are enjoying a fresh freedom of expression by accessorizing beyond the conventional.

For jewelry that you can look at all day long sans mirror, bracelets and rings are at your service. Victorian hand-engraved gold bangles are scene-stealing stacked or mixed with other gemstone bracelets. A diamond line bracelet, think Art Deco, creates a scintillating circle of light around the wrist, whether worn alone or in the eclectic company of others. Gemstone bracelets create a party of color above your hand, while a bold and glamorous gold retro tread bracelet makes a stunning solo statement. And finger candy is the best kind of candy! Art Deco dinner rings, Victorian five-stone rings, and gemstone rings—from the graceful and curvaceous Art Nouveau to the large and angular cocktail—all provide a tantalizing distraction.

While all these divine jewels might not be “absolutely necessary,” they are indeed everyday luxuries that absolutely make you shine a little differently than everyone else. But sometimes, you want to shine in a more spectacular, dare we say indulgent, way…

The tiara does not just rest upon the heads of royals, and Vogue editor Anna Wintour’s neck is not the only one to be graced with layers of drop-dead gorgeous Georgian rivière necklaces. While Gugu Mbatha-Raw and Emily Blunt utterly transform their tresses with diamondencrusted Victorian brooches, so can you. The bigger the better! You will be the star of the show.

Indeed, there is always a reason, whether stepping out for a shopping trip or for a night at the opera, to adorn yourself with something exquisite, something that conveys a spark—however brief—of your unique essence. An indulgence? Perhaps. But who is worthy of your indulgence if not you?

To discover and learn more about antique jewelry, please visit



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In Annie Elliott’s just released, lighthearted and conversational book, “My Neighbor Saw Me Naked and Other Reasons You Need Drapes,” the designer delves into “the most important things you need to know about decorating” your home. It’s a design guide for every level of homeowner or renter with tips on window treatments, rugs, furniture, lighting, paint color, wallpaper, art, accessories, and more.

Elliott of Annie Elliott Design,, trained as an art historian and worked in some of the nation’s top museums, including Philadelphia’s Museum & Library, the Corcoran Gallery of Art, and the Smithsonian. Through coursework at Corcoran College of Art + Design, Elliott took her love of art and color as well as her knowledge of scale, balance and proportion and shifted to interior design. Working in Washington, DC and beyond, Elliott and her Annie Elliott Design team create refined homes that mix modern furnishings with antiques and art.

She was recently nominated for a Webby Award for her fast-growing TikTok platform where she shares her

tips and tricks of the design trade, annieelliottdesign. Find out more about the inspiration behind “My Neighbor Saw Me Naked and Other Reasons You Need Drapes” below, as well as how to purchase her book here:

What made you decide to write a book? What was your inspiration?

The book grew out of my design blog, which I’ve written for more than 12 years. I love to write, so I started the blog with little thoughts and snippits and graduated to posts that I thought people would find helpful. Advice, best of...things like that.

In a way, I started to write the book for myself. “A brief treatise on decorating” was my original subtitle!

Photos by Stacy Zarin Goldberg and Kip Dawkins

Who is your audience?

I wrote the book for anyone interested in decorating -- especially if they find the process intimidating or overwhelming. I like to think, though, that anyone would find the book amusing to read, even if they’re decorating-averse.

What can readers of your book expect to learn? Or that you hope they learn?

I hope readers learn some basic information, such as the difference between nylon and wool rugs, and why white “plantation shutters” should not be your default window treatment.

More importantly, though, I hope that reading this book will give people confidence to decorate bravely. “Rules” about interior design -- and the infinite number of merchandise options in the marketplace -- can be so overwhelming. This book focuses on only the most important things you need to know about decorating. Then you should trust yourself to riff.

How did you narrow down the topics in the book? Which topic resonates the most with you?

I thought about my work -- the homes I work on and the clients I work with -- and the challenges every job presents. As different as each project is, there are commonalities. We need rugs. Paint colors (or better yet: wallpaper!). Window treatments. Etc. I thought I’d try and compile the most basic information about each of those areas and create a simplified cheat sheet for myself. Before I knew it, I’d written a handbook.

My background is in art history, so the chapter on collecting art is especially near and dear to my heart! My bottom-line piece of advice is to buy art you love. And buy big -- 30” x 20” at a minimum.

If you had to select a few tips that everyone should remember, which ones would they be?

Oooh -- there are so many! How about:

• When you’re buying dining chairs, watch the height of the arms. You want to make sure you can push the chairs under the table.

• The ideal level of warmth for light bulbs is 2700 lumens. And finally,

• Cut yourself some slack about clutter in your front hall. I offer some storage solutions, but there’s only so much you can do.

Tell us about your design services and the types of projects you work on in DC and beyond?

We’re a full-service, residential interior firm, and we especially love working on historic homes with great architectural details. We’re great at working with people who crave color and pattern -- people who are sick of living with neutrals. They’re so ready for change!

Our happiest clients trust us. We may push them a little bit, but that’s our job. They initially might think that doing wallpaper in the family room is just too much, but after we present the perfect wallcovering and give them a minute to sit with the idea, they’re sold. I mean, if they could have thought of it themselves, they wouldn’t need us, right?







High-end finishes and materials. There is no ‘faking it’ in luxury homes. They all feature high-quality finishes and materials, such as marble or quartz countertops, hardwood or stone flooring, and custom cabinetry.


Smart home technology. Smart home technology that allows for remote control of lighting, temperature, security, and entertainment systems is becoming increasingly important to luxury consumers.


Outdoor living spaces. Outdoor living spaces such as patios, decks, and outdoor kitchens that are perfect for entertaining or relaxing are always in high demand.


Home theaters. Home theaters are popular among luxury consumers who love to watch movies at home and in a highquality setting.


Location. The old adage – location, location, location is especially true in the luxury home market. Desirable neighborhoods, with easy access to amenities such as restaurants, shopping, and entertainment are a must.


Views. Properties with stunning views – such as ocean horizons, city skylines, or mountain crests are always sought after.


Privacy and Security. Privacy and security are perhaps the common themes on all luxury property wish lists. They are important to luxury consumers, who often seek homes that are gated or have security systems already in place.




When it comes to fur babies, adoptive parents are prepared to spend. The pet luxury market is proving to be incredibly buoyant. Items for pets, from designer clothing and luxury beds to toys and gourmet treats, are all the rage. So are luxury grooming services and doggy daycares and pet hotels.

One of the drivers of the growing pet luxury market was the surge in pet ownership during lockdown. Another driver was the constant companionship given while being isolated at home. And while it’s not news that pets are important members of the family, more time, attention, and devotion were given to our four-legged friends during this time, thus tightening the emotional bonds. They became members of the family who deserve luxurious experiences and treats. And people truly enjoy spoiling their animals, often treating their pets before they treat themselves.

So how can you spoil your furry family member now and in the future?

1. Customized nutrition plans: Specialized pet nutritionists can analyze and cater to pets' unique nutritional needs. This can include personalized meal plans and supplements.

2. Smart toys and accessories: High-tech toys and accessories that can interact with pets in new ways will become more common. These may include interactive smart collars, automated fetch machines, and robotic companions.

3. Advanced grooming services: Spa-like grooming services are available to pets, including specialized shampoos, conditioners, and treatments. Some groomers may also offer massage, aromatherapy, and other wellness services.

4. Luxury accommodations: Pet hotels and resorts will offer high-end amenities such as in-room televisions, luxury bedding, and personalized playtime activities. Some may even have pet spas and fitness centers.

5. Personalized training: Personalized training sessions with certified pet trainers will be available to help pets develop specific skills and behaviors, such as agility training or obedience training.

Pet luxury is expected to become even more advanced and tailored to each pet’s needs. It will continue to evolve to meet the demands of pet owners who want to provide the best care for their furry companions.


In this issue, Arts takes a different approach. We invite you to become an active participant in the Arts scene. How? By introducing you to a wonderful art school in the heart of Florence, Italy. Sign up for art classes in the city that sparked the arts movement during the Renaissance and is still home to the most Renaissance art in the world.

At the Accademia del Giglio art classes are held in English and Italian in their fully equipped studio, located in the heart of Florence, a few steps from the Duomo and the Uffizi Gallery. Some lessons may also take place outdoors, in the squares and streets of the city.

Most of the courses run on weekdays in the afternoon, but intensive workshops and seminars may also be held in the morning or over the weekends. The complete course in


Art is divided into 9 units (from unit A to unit I) and lasts 9 months. Students are however welcome to attend specific parts of the course (minimum 1 week). Courses normally start on any Monday.

Instructors evaluate the students’ skills at the beginning of each unit and help them to establish their objectives. Each unit lasts 4 weeks, for a total of 56 hours, inclusive of 8 hours of living models. All teachers are highly qualified and experts in various disciplines and techniques such as classical drawing, oil painting, watercolor, sculpture with clay and fresco.

First units introduce foundation studies in drawing and painting techniques while the following units aim at developing and improving students’ artistic

skills. In the end, students will have acquired the basic knowledge required for making their personal portfolios and will concentrate on studying one specific technique.

The lessons are integrated with conversations on art history. To ensure the highest quality of tuition, classes are restricted to ten students per group.

So, walk the same streets that Michelangelo and Davinci traveled as you take your own personal journey in the arts.

For more information visit: Accademia del Giglio


TAKING A ROMP AROUND THE WORLD: The Best Luxury Hotels on Each Continent

and Region

There are many luxury hotels and resorts scattered around the world. But these are ranked as some of the very best. Make sure to put a stay in each on your bucket list!



Raffles Sentosa Resort & Spa, Singapore

More than 135 years after the original Raffles opened its doors, Singapore got its second Raffles. It is the first villaonly resort in the country, set among over 7.5 acres of tropical gardens alongside the beautiful South China Sea. The 62 villas all feature private swimming pools and terrace areas for the ultimate seclusion and comfort. The markers that make Raffles a legendary name — including the famous Raffles Butlers and Raffles Spa — are also central to the Raffles Sentosa resort experience.


Manna Arcadia, Greece

Surrounded by forest at an elevation of nearly 4,000 feet in the dreamy region of Arcadia, Manna is Greece’s latest addition to its luxury hotel scene. It’s situated in a former sanatorium renovated by the K-Studio team to create a 32-room hotel that celebrates serenity, purity, pleasure, and craftsmanship. The hotel focuses on well-being and connecting with nature, with amenities such as a spa with treatment rooms, a library, and lounge areas. Wild treks and sunset yoga sessions are just some of the activities offered to guests.

Latin America

Banyan Tree Veya Valle de Guadalupe, Mexico

Banyan Tree Veya Valle de Guadalupe is a luxury resort located in the emerging food and wine parts of Baja California. The resort features 31 villas — all with swimming pools — and is home to Banyan Tree Group’s first proprietary winery. The resort occupies 39 acres of land and follows the brand’s philosophy of “sanctuary for the senses” offering a unique, luxurious experience that connects guests with the beauty of the surrounding valley.

North America

Little Palm Island, The Florida Keys

Little Palm Island is as close as you can get to reserving an exclusive private island in the continental United States. Accessible only by boat or seaplane, this Florida Keys resort is a secluded world of lush tropical gardens, crushed seashell paths, and 30 thatched-roof, Bahamas-style bungalows. With no phones or television, the soundtrack at this resort is the lapping of ocean waves, the rustle of the leaves in the breeze, and the melody of neighboring birds and tree frogs. Days are spent in hammocks fixed to the palm trees, lounge chairs on the small beach, and the world-class restaurant and spa.


Qualia Great Barrier Reef, Hamilton Island, Queensland

The resort's sun-drenched location on the secluded northernmost tip of Hamilton Island provides the ideal location to appreciate the passing beauty of each day, with a choice

of 60 extremely private individual pavilions, many of which have a private plunge pool and natural touches like outdoor showers. Guests may indulge and unwind at the stunning Spa qualia, or play at Australia’s only island championship golf course, the Hamilton Island Golf Club, with stunning 360-degree views of the Whitsunday Islands from every hole.


The Homestead, Nambiti Game Reserve, South Africa

The Homestead is a lodge with twelve luxury suites that blend into the landscape of Nambiti. It’s a little-explored Private Game Reserve and South Africa’s hidden gem. The ethos of the Homestead centers on sustainability, with a range of initiatives as part of the lodge’s daily operations: tree planting, rainwater tanks, and a solar farm that supplies most of the electricity. The suites, or bungalows, are true five-star luxury abodes. Six feature individual infinity pools — ideal for couples or solo travelers — while families or groups can choose among six garden suites.

Middle East Nujuma, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve, Saudi Arabia

The Nujuma is a luxury destination with 63 one- to fourbedroom water and beach villas and a range of luxurious amenities and services. Occupying a coveted spot in a small archipelago in Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea, the reserve makes for an easy choice for travelers seeking a distinct and luxurious escape in a chic, relaxed, and intimate setting.

Indian Ocean

SO/ Maldives, Maldives

SO/ Maldives is a luxurious 80-villa resort set on a private island only a 15-minute speedboat ride from Malé’s Velana International Airport. The spectacular villas are positioned on the beachfront or over-water, designed with avant-garde style and sophistication. The facilities here also include a chic beach club, a 30-berth yacht marina, and the Marine Discovery Centre with meeting spaces.


Truffles, Champagne, and Caviar

Truffles, champagne, and caviar – pure indulgence. Each is unique, expensive, and top luxury lists. Each also sends taste buds into frenzies…


It is believed that ancient Sumerians were the first to discover and eat this delicacy. The white truffle became popular in 14th-century Italy when an appreciation of good food was re-established during the Renaissance.

The reason behind the high costs of this amazing fungus is its scarcity. Truffles are seasonal, extremely difficult to grow, and take many years to cultivate. They require a very specific climate to grow and require lots of oak trees, which is why they're often found in woodlands. Truffles also have a short shelf life.

The white truffle growing in the woods of Alba, Piedmont, Italy is the rarest and most expensive truffle in the world. This truffle is bigger, more fragrant, and more flavorful than other types, with a hint of nuts and sweet garlic.

Fun Facts:

1. If you’ve ever eaten truffle fries or any other food that makes use of truffle oil, odds are that they don’t contain real truffles. Truffle oil can contain any type of oil, but olive oil is the most common. More neutral and flavorless oils, such as grapeseed and canola, can also be used. Some truffle oils may contain residues of truffles or even pieces of them in the bottle but contain the compounds that are responsible for some of the truffles’ aroma and flavor. These compounds, such as 2,4-dithiapentane, can be manufactured synthetically and be legally called truffle aroma or truffle flavor.

2. For centuries, humans have relied on the keen-smelling sense of pigs and dogs to locate truffles. However, dogs, who are known to be more obedient than pigs and have less of an affinity towards the taste of truffles, have overtaken the role.

3. Many people wrongly believe that you should store a truffle in rice. Truffles are 80% water so the rice will actually dry out the truffles and ruin the taste. Truffles should be eaten within 4 days and stored in a fridge. The fresher the better.

Most Expensive Ever Sold: 2.86 Pound Croatian Truffle – $330,000

This 2.86 Italian white truffle made waves at an international auction in 2009, when it was dug up in Tuscany by truffle-hunting father-son duo Luciano and Cristiano Savini, along with their dog Rocco. While not the largest truffle to be discovered, at almost 3 pounds, this fungus greatly surpassed the average size that most other truffles are found.




The Persians were the first to discover and eat caviar, however the first known record of caviar dates to the Greek scholar Aristotle. In the 4th Century B.C. Aristotle described this delicacy as the eggs of the sturgeon, heralded into banquets amongst “trumpets and flowers”. Caviar then migrated to Russian courts where the Tsars would serve it at their lavish Imperial banquets. Interest in caviar started to grow steadily in other European countries, though it was still primarily confined to the elite.

Caviar is the roe (eggs, also sometimes referred to as "berries" or "pearls") of the female sturgeon. Sturgeons can grow to over 3000 pounds but average 60. This migratory fish has roamed the cold waters of the northern hemisphere for over 250 million years, mainly in the Caspian Sea – which laps the shore of the two major caviar-producing countries in the world, Russia and Iran. It is also found in the Black Sea, some parts of the Pacific Northwest, and the South Atlantic regions of North America and is common in the big lakes and rivers in Europe. Although it is a saltwater fish, it spawns in freshwater.

Fun Facts:

1. Caviar is a French word, but this French word is actually derived from the word khayah, the Persian word for egg.

2. Kaluga Queen, the largest producer of caviar, farm sturgeons at Qiandao Lake in China. Rearing more than 50,000 sturgeons, it sells 60 tons of caviar every year. It provides caviar for 21 out of the 26 Michelin 3-starred restaurants in Paris. Despite the large supply of caviar due to farm-raised sturgeons, the demand for caviar is still higher than the supply.

3. Although the rarity of the type of caviar determines its price, it does not mean that the rare caviar tastes better. Factors such as the species of the fish, how it was raised, and how the roe is treated can affect the final flavor of the caviar. Caviar can vary between batches, and even between tins.

Most Expensive Sold: Strottarga Bianco - $113.63 per gram

The most expensive caviar of all time is Strottarga Bianco. This dehydrated white caviar was created by order by Austrian fish farmer Walter Grüll. The roe used to make this caviar is harvested from albino sturgeon and mixed with powdered 22-carat gold leaf.




As far back as the 1st century, Romans were cultivating vines and making wine in what was then northern Gaul, now the Champagne region. Over centuries, Champagne evolved from being a pale, pinkish still wine made from Pinot Noir to a sparkling wine. When Hugh Capet was crowned King of France in 987 at the Cathedral of Reims, he started a tradition that brought successive monarchs to the region—with the local wine being on prominent display at the coronation banquets.

Dom Perignon, circa 1693, pioneered many of the important techniques still used in Champagne production today. He first made Champagne out of black grape varieties and created the traditional second fermentation process, or méthode champenoise. Perignon also first used corks with hemp, to stop the wine bottles from exploding. The muselet wire cage was later added by French inventor, Adolphe Jacquesson, to seal the bottles more securely.

By the early 18th century, the Duke of Orléans had made it the drink of choice amongst the French elite. With its growing popularity, new Champagne houses were established to meet the demand for fine sparkling wine. Ruinart was first to open its cellar doors in 1729, with Taittinger (formerly Forrest Fourneaux) following in 1734. Moet opened soon after in 1743, then Lanson (formerly Delemotte) in 1760, Louis Roederer (formerly Dubois Père & Fils) in 1770, Veuve Clicquot in 1772, and Heidsieck in 1785.

Since the days of the early Champagne houses, the appeal of Champagne has continued to grow. Its association with royalty and high society continues to this day, and Champagne is still a drink synonymous with luxury, opulence and celebration.

Fun Facts:

1. Legend has it that back in 1693 upon first tasting the (technically) spoiled sparkling wine Dom Perignon exclaimed “Come quickly, I am tasting the stars!” and made it his mission to find a way to bottle the fine fizzy wine. Although romantic, it’s not true. It’s believed to be an embellished marketing campaign started in the 1800s to increase the prestige of the Abbey of Saint-Vanne wine. Most historians believe Dom Perignon actually spent a lot of time trying to remove what he considered defective bubbles.

2. 300 million bottles of Champagne are produced every year. Out of that figure, around 180 million bottles are exported. In 2021, the UK was the second biggest consumer of Champagne, with 5,970,288 gallons. This was just behind the French, who consumed 26,945,549 gallons of Champagne in total.

3. According to the scientist Bill Lembeck, there are approximately 9,800,000 bubbles in a glass of Champagne, and 49 million bubbles in one Champagne bottle. For an average glass, they can emerge at a rate of approximately 30 bubbles per second.

Most Expensive Ever Sold: Champagne Avenue Foch, 2017 - $2.5 Million

In 2022, A Champagne Avenue Foch, 2017, a magnum bottle of champagne adorned with digital collectible Bored Ape shattered auction records as it sold for $2.5 million.



Freedom is a true luxury. Free to move about the planet on a whim is the ultimate. The thrill of witnessing planes taking off and landing fills me with excitement. The thought of reaching any destination on the globe within about 24 hours is simply mind-blowing. It has a hypnotic effect on me, putting me in a trans-like state of wonder. Traveling, however, is not just about any kind of travel; it's about traveling well, in style and comfort.

Gone are the days of uninspired accommodations, generic mass tours, and rough sheets. I prefer a different kind of travel, where exceptional service reigns supreme. I crave tailor-made experiences, crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail, just like a finely tailored Italian suit. The feeling of slipping into silky smooth linens made of the finest cotton is pure bliss, engulfing me in a cocoon of comfort reminiscent of whipped cream. It's like a home away from home, only better. Letting someone else take care of making the bed to perfection is a small joy I appreciate.

When it comes to cuisine, I yearn for artistry that tantalizes the palate. I work hard for my clients, striving for their expectations to be exceeded, so, when I embark on a journey, I also want nothing but the best, allowing my cup of joy to overflow. I am a passionate advocate for extraordinary travel experiences. I don't believe in limiting myself to a "bucket list" mindset, as travel is an ongoing adventure. It's like a daily stream of never-ending tasks, and I intend to replay and savor it like my favorite movies. Paris, for example, is always a good idea, and I find myself drawn to its allure time and time again. Africa, too, is an expansive continent with countless breathtaking destinations waiting to be discovered. It truly offers the greatest show on earth. I am irresistibly attracted to Africa's warm and welcoming people, diverse cultures, unparalleled hospitality, captivating sights, mouthwatering Michelin- worthy cuisine, exquisite wines, and, of course, its incredible wildlife. And I revel in experiencing all of this in an imaginative and unparalleled state of luxury. I simply envision it, and it becomes a reality. Period. Now, let's talk about the most comfortable way to reach these and other destinations. It all starts at the airport. For some, navigating it can be daunting, but for those who know the insider secrets, it's a breeze. The only way to fly is in a premium cabin, where check-in is exclusive to First and Business Class guests. And fear not, the often-dreaded security lines lose their sting when you have access to Clear! While Clear is currently available only in the United States, it offers a whole new level of fast-tracking past the crowds. This biometric technology is positively impressive. As a Clear member, you effortlessly glide past non-members and are greeted by a Clear representative who guides you through a seamless identity verification process. Your boarding pass is checked, and like the VIP that you are, you are escorted to the front of the TSA line. Of course, it's assumed that you possess TSA/Global Entry (and you should!). This travel-savvy approach often elicits envious looks, but it's all about making the most of your journey, isn't it? With TSA, there's no need to remove your shoes or belt, and sometimes even laptops stay in your bag (although guidelines may vary depending on the city).


Let's not forget about the airport lounge. Leave behind the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary - after all, you're traveling in style. Arriving a few hours early allows you to unwind, sip a glass of something delightful, and relish the experience of leaving the world behind... with flair. For long-haul journeys, consider airlines such as Emirates, where first-class offers spacious apartment-like quarters, complete with extra-large seating and an ensuite bathroom featuring a shower. It's like feeling at home above the clouds. Alternatively, airlines like Qatar Airways with their Q-Suites, or those flying the iconic Boeing 747 with their upper deck, provide personal pod spaces or private suites for a secluded and tranquil journey. For those seeking the ultimate in exclusivity, why not indulge in a private jet experience? Traveling on your own terms and at your own pace, you can forget about lines altogether. Whether it's the sleek and spacious Bombardier Global 7500 for long distances or the luxurious Gulfstream 500 & 600 or Bombardier Challenger 300 for mid-sized journeys, you'll enjoy unparalleled comfort and convenience. Passport control even comes to you on the tarmac, and your meals are served on demand, accompanied by a crisp Grand Cru and perfectly paired with exquisite South African Pinotage.

Speaking of convenience, one of the remarkable services I highly recommend is private valet airport assistance. Especially in challenging airports, having a personal escort by your side is a game-changer. From curbside meet

and greet to handling your bags, check-in, and seamless navigation from point to point, your guide ensures a stressfree experience. As you bid them farewell at the jetway, you can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for their expertise in orchestrating your journey above the chaos. The same level of exceptional service awaits you at your destination, where you're met at the aircraft's sleeve and guided to your waiting chauffeur. This is nothing short of poetry, adding a touch of magic to your travel experience.

Now, let's talk about the enchantment of hotels. Some may say that the hotel is merely a place to sleep, but I disagree. A hotel is theatre, and every detail should be meticulously set to create a show that surpasses our everyday lives. It should offer a heightened experience, filled with delightful surprises for the senses. Imagine indulging in luxurious Hermes bath products, wrapping yourself in sumptuous Turkish towels, and immersing yourself in a rain shower that transports you to the lush Amazon. A smile lights up your face when you discover a selection of pastel macarons and a refreshing pink gin and tonic elegantly arranged on a side table. And the view from your room? It captures the essence of the destination, be it the majestic Table Mountain or the iconic Taj Mahal. The decor not only aligns with your personal taste but also inspires you to infuse your own home with new and vibrant colors. For the duration of your stay, the hotel becomes a destination in itself.


Perhaps you yearn for something exceptional—a stay in an authentic Scottish castle in the enchanting Highlands, where you can imagine your own future triumphs in the very chambers where history was made. Or a palace stay in India, where the Mahrajas lived and the royal treatment of guests continue as elephants still parade the grounds. For those seeking an immersive experience, consider an overwater or underwater villa in the Maldives, where you can marvel at the vibrant marine life, or a multi-bedroom villa in London, complete with a private screening room and a subterranean bowling alley. Imagine aiming for pins down your own lanes where gutters don’t matter as all you care about is striking up the laughs among friends over copious amounts of champagne. The possibilities are endless, limited only by our imagination and your hearts' desires. Rest assured, anything you dream of is not just possible—it will become your reality.

Let's move beyond cookie-cutter tours and crowded vehicles. Instead, embrace experiences crafted exclusively for you, surpassing mere fantasy to touch the depths of your soul. How about attending a perfume workshop in the charming Marais district or indulging in a high tea experience at the renowned Mount Nelson, conducted by your own tea sommelier? Imagine being introduced to a collection of 56 tea varieties, each tickling your taste buds and possessing medicinal properties to soothe and delight. It's an experience that transcends the ordinary and immerses you in a world of sensory pleasure.

But let's take it a step further. Picture this: a clandestine dinner planned just for you and your special companions in a remote and idyllic location, whether it's nestled in the heart of the bush, amidst a serene forest, or beside a hidden lake. As you embark on a tour, a delightful surprise awaits—a beautifully set table adorned with flickering candles and an exquisite feast prepared by your personal chef, sous chef, and attentive staff. It's an al fresco dining experience that caters exclusively to your desires and creates unforgettable memories. This is the epitome of luxury travel—freedom, choices, and experiences that breathe life into your spirit.

In conclusion, luxury travel is about more than material possessions or superficial indulgences. It's a symphony of curated moments, where every aspect of your journey is tailored to create a sense of wonder, joy, and fulfillment. It's about transcending the ordinary and immersing yourself in extraordinary experiences that nourish your soul. Whether it's the comfort and exclusivity of premium cabins, the convenience of private airport assistance, the enchantment of exceptional hotels, or the personalized and awe-inspiring adventures, luxury travel is a celebration of the human spirit's innate desire to explore, discover, and be captivated by the world. So, embrace this privilege, embark on your next adventure, and let the allure of luxury travel whisk you away to a realm of unlimited possibilities.


Remember, luxury travel is not just a privilege reserved for a select few. It is an invitation for everyone to step out of the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary. It's about cherishing the moments of freedom, savoring the experiences that ignite your senses, and nurturing a deep connection with the world around you.

So, whether you find solace in the exhilaration of taking off on a plane, marveling at the diverse landscapes of Africa, or surrendering to the comforts of a finely curated hotel, let your heart guide you toward the joys of travel. Seek out the hidden gems, the bespoke encounters, and the moments that will forever be etched in your memory.

Luxury travel is about more than material opulence; it's about enriching your soul, broadening your perspective, and embracing the beauty of our interconnected world. It's a celebration of life's wonders, a testament to the human spirit's capacity for awe and appreciation.

So, let your wanderlust ignite, and embark on a journey

that transcends the ordinary. Discover the symphony of luxury, where every note resonates with elegance, authenticity, and a deep appreciation for the art of travel. It's a voyage that offers you the freedom to create your own narrative, to forge meaningful connections, and return home with a renewed sense of wonder and gratitude.

Luxury travel is an invitation to explore, dream, and immerse yourself in the extraordinary. It's an open door to a world of possibilities, where your imagination takes flight, and the boundaries of what is possible dissolve. So, embrace this invitation, embark on your own odyssey, and let the magic of luxury travel envelop you in its embrace.

To discover and learn more about luxury travel, please visit

Bon voyage!




Talented jewelers create visual works of art which are also investments for their clients. However, very few rise to claim a stratospheric reputation. Sotitios Voulgaris, Harry Winston, Enri Cartier-Bresson, Mikimoto Kokichi, and Laurence Graff are five such jewelers. The next time you are on a trip – pleasure or business – stop by one of the original stores of these famous jewelers and pick up a bauble (or two) …


Via dei Condotti 10, Rome

From its humble beginnings in a small Greek village, the Bvlgari jewelry company has risen to become one of the most famous jewelers in the world. Founded in the 1870s by Greek jeweler Sotirios Voulgaris, Bvlgari opened its first store in Rome in 1884. The company soon became known for its bold, distinctive designs, especially its architectural styles featuring heavy gold links and its creative use of colored stones such as sapphires.


701 5th Avenue, New York

Founded in New York City in 1932, Harry Winston was bestowed the moniker “King of Diamonds” by Cosmopolitan magazine in 1947. Of all the most famous jewelers in the world, the Harry Winston Jewelry Company is one the few whose fame and reputation were built by a single brilliant individual. Winston was one of the finest jewelry designers and craftsmen the world has ever seen. His instinct for gem quality was said to be inborn—legend has it that at the age of 12, Winston recognized a two-carat emerald being sold as a faux gemstone, purchased it for 25 cents, and resold it for $800 days later. He later developed a reputation for owning some of the world’s most famous diamonds, including the Hope Diamond, which he later donated to the Smithsonian Institute.


13 Rue de la Paix, Paris

Founded by Louis-Francois Cartier in Paris in 1847, the Cartier jewelry and wristwatch company is one of the world’s most famous jewelers and the only one that can truly claim to be “jeweler to the kings.” From the crown worn by King Edward VII at his 1904 coronation to the tiara worn by Kate Middleton at her 2010 wedding to Prince William, Cartier has outfitted literally dozens of royal family members from ten different countries.


4-chōme-5-5 Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo

Mikimoto has been designing pearl jewelry of the highest quality and design technique since 1899. It was started by a Japanese designer named Mikimoto Kokichi, who was the first to make cultured pearls.


6-8 New Bond Street. London

Laurence Graff started his career as a designer in England when he was just 15. He finished an apprenticeship and then started Graff Diamonds company – with his first store opening in 1962, and multiple stores soon after in London. Apart from designing exquisite diamond jewelry, he is known for buying infamous diamonds and resetting them. His best work includes working with a 600-carat diamond, which is a testimony to his talent and his command over techniques.






Artisan Bread


Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Black Truffle Sauce - Buy Here


Slice and toast bread

Peel and rub garlic on bread slices

Spread a generous amount of Truffle Sauce on toasted bread slices

Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil

Serve and enjoy it!




4 tablespoons unsalted butter

2 cloves garlic minced or grated

4 leaves sage chopped

4 ounces cream cheese at room temperature

2 cups heavy cream (or 1 cup milk 1 cup cream)

1 ½ cups champagne may sub chicken or veggie broth if desired

1 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese plus more for topping

½ cup gorgonzola cheese, crumbled pinch of freshly grated nutmeg

1 pound fettuccine pasta fresh parsley for topping

2 tablespoons truffle oil or as needed


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Heat a large cast iron skillet or brasier with high sides over medium-high heat. Add the butter, garlic and sage. Cook for 3-5 minutes or until the garlic is fragrant and the sage crispy.

Stir in the cream (and milk if using) and cream cheese. Bring to a boil and simmer until smooth and creamy, about 5 minutes. Add the champagne, gorgonzola, crushed red pepper, nutmeg, and a good pinch of pepper. Whisk until the cheese has fully melted. Stir in one cup of water, bring to a boil, and then add the dry pasta noodles and place the lid on the pot.

Once the noodles have softened into the sauce (they can still be hard) transfer the pasta and sauce to a 9x13” dish and bake for 20-25 minutes. Stir the pasta and season with salt and pepper.

To serve, plate the pasta. Garnish with parsley, black pepper and truffle oil.




1/2 cup stemmed sorrel leaves

1 ounce caviar

1 cup chicken stock or vegetable broth

3/4 teaspoon unflavored gelatin

1 tablespoon red wine vinegar

3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

Salt and freshly ground white pepper

1/4 cup heavy cream or fresh cream


In a blender, puree the sorrel with 3/4 cup of the chicken stock until smooth. In a small bowl, sprinkle the gelatin over the remaining 1/4 cup of chicken stock and let stand until softened, about 2 minutes. Microwave the gelatin at medium power just until melted, 5 to 10 seconds.

Add the gelatin mixture to the blender along with 2 tablespoons of the lemon juice and the red wine vinegar. Season with salt and white pepper and puree until very smooth. Add 1 cup of the heavy cream and pulse just until very lightly whipped, about 1 minute.

Transfer the sorrel mousse to a measuring cup and pour it into 6 small glasses. Refrigerate the mousse until set, about 4 hours.

Meanwhile, in a bowl, whisk the remaining 1/4 cup of cream and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with the crème fraîche to soft peaks. Season with salt and white pepper. Dollop the lemon cream on the mousse and top with the caviar. Serve chilled.






Chilled Cocktail Glass


1 oz. Libelula Tequila

.5 oz Agave Nectar

.5 oz. Lemon Juice

5 Mint Leaves

2 oz. Marques de Caceres Cava Brut

Garnish: Lemon Twist


Combine ingredients (except for sparkling) into a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake vigorously until properly chilled then strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Top with sparkling, garnish, serve, and enjoy!

To enjoy and embrace luxury, money is required. Yet, cash might not be in abundance. The simplest option, grow it on a tree. A backyard Money Tree. While that may not exist in the real world, it doesn’t mean you can’t have a drink with styles and profiles that is deliciously easy and inexpensive to make.

This drink starts out with the most famous flavors in the entire world, tequila, citrus, and sweet. If that sounds familiar, yes – you got it – it’s the Margarita. Add some sparkling. Nothing shines like bubbles and connotates wealth! The familiar mixture of bright citrus and light sweetness paired with overlying tones of rich earth and floral flavorings, tastes like a stay at the Waldorf Astoria. The signature spark of sparkling wine cranks this from a stay at the Waldorf to a stay in a luxury Mediterranean villa. We may wish we had a money tree growing in our backyard, but you can have the next best thing with a luxury cocktail. Just don’t have too many, or you really will need a money tree to recover!

(For true luxury switch out Libelula for Don Julio 1942 and Marques de Caceres for Veuve Clicquot).



Glassware: Chilled Cocktail Glass


2 oz. Dolin Dry Vermouth

.75 oz Barr Hill Gin

.5 oz. Luxardo Maraschino

2 Dash Regan’s Orange Bitters

Garnish: Orange Twist


Combine all ingredients with ice in a mixing glass. Stir till the drink is properly chilled and mixed, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish, serve and enjoy!

To enjoy luxury on the regular, it doesn’t come cheap. Instead of being part of the rat race, trying to rack up the dollars, try the right lottery numbers. You might instantly hit the big time.

After your win, a proper luxury drink is in order. The Martini. Elegant and beautiful, enjoyed through the ages and all over the world (and on the silver screen), the martini is a drink that lets people know the drinker appreciates quality. This variant uses vermouth as its base. Light, with floral and rustic notes, dry vermouth is one of the most misunderstood ingredients. Often tasting horrible (due to being improperly stored after opening) this fortified wine adds flavor and a classic touch. Its lower ABV means that you can enjoy many! Sweet maraschino liquor and a splash of bitters balance out the vermouth and make way for brilliant botanicals stored in a great gin. This cocktail is stirred to a chill, which adds a silkysmooth feel – luxury envelopes the pallet with every sip. If it’s hard to find that winning ticket, mix this gem at home and raise a glass with friends.

(For true luxury switch out Barr Hill for JCB Gin).



Glassware: Chilled Cocktail Glass


1.5 oz. Meyer’s Dark Rum

3/4 oz. Hayman’s Sloe Gin

3/4 oz. Rothman and Winter Apricot Liquor

1 oz. Lime Juice

Garnish: Lime Wheel or Twist

Directions: Combine ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake vigorously until properly chilled, then strain into a chilled cocktail glass, garnish, serve and enjoy!

What better way to embrace luxury than ordering a drink that literally spells it out in its name? Claimed to be based upon several recipes that appeared in cocktail books throughout the 1930s, the Millionaire is part of cocktail history. Originally, an overly sweet cocktail made to mask the harsh flavors of yesteryear’s hooch, this tipple hits all the notes.

Class, elegance, sweetness, tartness, citrus, and richness are all tied up in one drink. Plus, who can’t wait to ask, “Can you make me a Millionaire?” When the crew gathers for a drink, make a toast with a cocktail that screams “lifestyles of the rich and famous” yet doesn’t dent the wallet.

Recipe courtesy of Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails by Ted Haigh. (For true luxury switch out Meyer’s for Ron Zacapa 23.)


The Luxury Masterclass Certificate Masterclass:

If you’re thinking about a new luxury career, building a luxury brand, or are just interested in luxury jewelry, watches, and handbags… think about this:

Christie’s is offering an Education’s Luxury Masterclass Certificate. This twelve-month certificate program is designed to help those interested in pursuing a career in the world of luxury brands. The Certificate offers a pioneering blended learning experience, bringing together the best of Christie’s pre-recorded online courses, live virtual programming, and tutor contact. Over a twelve-month period, participants study a selection of four pre-recorded online courses and two live virtual courses.

Alongside a foundation in jewelry, handbags and watches, the Certificate provides the tools needed to expand careers with a live virtual course dedicated to managing a luxury brand. Each prerecorded online class is of a six-week duration, while the live virtual courses are each intensive five-day programs. Students have one year from registration to complete all elements required to receive their Luxury Masterclass Certificate.

This class is meant for students to develop a solid understanding of the design, value, and history of jewelry, watches, and handbags over the twentieth and twenty-first centuries as well as an understanding of the unique structures of the luxury markets. Students will also gain indepth knowledge of luxury brands and how they approach marketing, retail, and design while acquiring insight into digital developments in the luxury market.

For more information: Visit Christies


Take Yourself Out to

What is a Live Aboard Sail course?

A live aboard sailing course is the ultimate way to learn to sail! For a week you will eat, live, learn and play aboard a modern sailing yacht under the careful watch of a highly rated instructor. Each day you will set sail exploring numerous islands, putting your new-found learning and skills to the test. This is an opportunity to get a taste of what the cruising lifestyle is all about!

Live Aboard courses are intense and immersive experiences.

Catamaran sailing courses

Catamarans have exploded in popularity in the last 5 years. They are faster on most points of sail, more spacious and comfortable, allow access to shallower water, and typically have more amenities onboard (think air conditioning, water maker, and multiple fridges).

Monohull sailing courses

Monohulls are a blast to sail. For those who love the feel of heeling and the purity of sailing, these courses are a great option. If you know you will be buying a monohull or only sailing monohulls, then you should definitely learn to sail on a monohull.

If you have ever fancied yourself a sailor, but have never taken a class, we have you covered.
There is a great firm, Nautilus Sailing, that has some pretty supreme offerings through their Live Aboard Sailing courses. The destinations where you learn are an added bonus.
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The Sea of Cortez

The Sea of Cortez in Mexico, between the Baja peninsula and Mainland Mexico is truly an exceptional place to sail. Picture white sand beaches, crystal clear water, and astounding marine life. The Sea of Cortez has 972 islands (only 1 is inhabited!) with stunning desert topography that meets gorgeous beaches. One of the highlights of this area is the picturesque anchorages you may well have all to yourself.

Grenada and the Grenadines

Grenada and the Grenadines, form the southern end of the islands in the Caribbean. This area of the Caribbean is what most of the Caribbean was like 30 years ago, pristine. The topography has dramatic jungle-covered peaks and white sand beaches. The vibrant local culture is beautiful, and the locals are genuine and friendly. Consistent trade winds and warm weather make this one of the favorite Caribbean destinations.

The Exumas

The Exumas in the Bahamas is a spectacular island group comprising 365 islands. The islands offer endless opportunities for beach exploration, paddle boarding, and snorkeling healthy reefs teeming with life. Enjoy snorkeling at Thunderball Grotto, a spectacular cave with the wreck of a drug lord's plane.


Tahiti is the quintessential South Seas sailing destination and is Nautilus' premium sailing course and experience. The islands of Tahiti are some of the most spectacular on the planet. Jagged volcanic peaks thrust upwards from white sandy beaches. Each island is surrounded by shallow lagoons, teeming with coral and marine life. The Polynesian locals are warm and welcoming, and love sharing their island paradise with visitors. Additionally, you will be awed by the incredible local food that is a fusion of Polynesian and French cultures.


Mallorca, in the Balearic Islands, is truly a magical place. These Mediterranean Islands are rich in history and culture. You will love the old towns and fortresses on the adventure! One of the highlights of sailing in this part of Spain is the incredible food and wine everywhere you go. As if that's not enough, picture gorgeous coves and white sand beaches.


Croatia is one of the most famous and beautiful locations in the Mediterranean, with hundreds of islands and ancient villages that cascade down to the sea. Lying on the Adriatic Sea, Croatia is truly a breathtaking place to sail! The endless islands that dot the area offer rocky coves, quiet beaches, and sapphire waters. The steady winds make for great sailing, and at the end of the day moor in a tiny village and go ashore to sample the incredible seafood and wine the area is famous for.

The cost varies for each destination but the majority tallies to $6,475 for a monohull class and $7,475 for a catamaran (week live aboard).

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On the northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, lies a kingdom that sparkles in the sun. Its name is synonymous with extravagance and opulence. Tourism is mostly oriented toward the wealthy clientèle that the city pampers, and its royal family is quite often found in the public eye. In this issue, Destinations heads to the fabled and fabulous Monaco…


Surrounded on land by its neighbor France, with the Italian border a mere 10 miles away, Monaco was birthed in 1297. The Italian Genoese leader Francesco Grimaldi disguised himself as a monk (Monaco translates to monk in Italian) stealing himself to this region. On the “Rock” he founded an independent principality and instituted the Grimaldi dynasty. A lot has changed since Grimaldi first landed on “The Rock” but the vibe of the former Genoese leader remains – there is no other place on earth like Monaco. Independent, charming, rebellious, and elite.


It’s true. There is much more to Monaco than sipping bubbly, dripping diamonds, exploring intoxicating cuisine, and joining glamorous parties that last all night long. There is a cultural and historic scene in the principality even though its culture and history also tend to bend to the elite and exotic sides, mirroring Monaco’s overall vibe.

Monaco’s Old Town is picturesque, found on a hill that is surrounded on three sides by the Mediterranean. After a stroll to the top of the hill, you’ll find yourself in the Place du Palais in front of the Prince’s Palace. The palace belongs to the current Prince of Monaco, Albert II of the Grimaldi House, and his family – Princess Charlene Wittstock and twin children Gabriella and Jacques. Grace Kelly also lived here until her death in 1982. The building is open to visitors, and tickets can be bought at the box office in front of the palace.

The Prince’s Palace houses splendors that illustrate the seven hundred years of uninterrupted reign by the Grimaldi family. A tour of the palace is a journey in time, from the Renaissance to the Napoleonic era. From the palace’s courtyard, a double stairway leads to the Grand Apartments where sumptuous furnishings and frescoes adorn the Mazarin Salon, the York Room, and the imposing Throne Room. The Grimaldi family’s ex-fortress has the best view in town, but you can also book tickets for a tour of the decadent state apartments or the even more decadent car collection. If you are not interested in a tour – possibly the casinos are calling –make sure to at least stop by to see the Changing of the Guard, the Compagnie des Carabiniers. It takes place every day at 11:55 am on the square in front of the Palace and attracts thousands of spectators.


While at the square, make sure to take in its surroundings. The square is spacious and provides a view of Monaco’s port and the buildings running up to the Monte Carlo district. A good eye will even be able to see the famous Monte Carlo Casino. In the other direction, you can see the Fontvieille district where Monaco’s stadium stands with the border with France just beyond it.

Walking around the streets of the Old Town, you can feel the atmosphere of old Monaco. During the high season, it’s full of tourists, but you can always find quiet and peaceful corners. More than likely you will find yourself close to St. Nicholas Cathedral. This is where the wedding of Grace Kelly was held and also the site of both her and her husband Prince Ranier III’s final resting place. Their tombs can be found just behind the altar and are open to visitors.

The slope in front of the cathedral is rich with the exotic plants of St. Martin Gardens (Jardins Saint-Martin), which was created in 1830. Here you’ll find plenty of shade, which is pleasant in the summer, but also great views of the Fontvieille district and the helicopters taking off. The garden’s paths lead to the Oceanographic Museum, which is also worth visiting.


In 1856 Prince Charles III of Monaco granted a charter allowing a joint stock company to build a casino. The casino opened in 1861, and five years later the district around it was declared by the prince to be Monte-Carlo. Today, this district hums with activity and beckons high rollers the world over to its casino.

Whether you like to gamble or not, the Monte Carlo Casino is a must-see. The ornate, Belle Epoque centerpiece is glitzy even by Monaco standards. Bookable audio tours run each morning, but you can’t gamble before 2 pm. If you want to tour and then play, it’s best to wait until the afternoon to visit. If you’re only interested in the play, wait until the evening hours. Then you can wear your most fashionable outfit, take photos in front of the outside fountains and Ferraris, and spend hours drinking fizz, rolling dice, or just observing others. Make sure to not overindulge though – especially if you are planning on walking the renowned Monaco Grand Prix route the next morning.


The Monaco Grand Prix is not only one of the most glamorous races, but also one of the oldest. The event was first held back in 1929. It is also one of the most difficult racing circuits as drivers must change gears a staggering 54 times per lap. Their skills are much more relevant and important than pure technology.

The city circuit runs through roughly two miles of the tight and twisting streets of Monte Carlo and fans throng the route observing the race. The most coveted observation spots to watch the competition are from the private homes outfitted with gorgeous terraces that overlook the racetrack and the harbor full of yachts. Although the Monaco circuit is the shortest of the Grand Prix tracks, it boasts the highest ratio of millionaires per yard in the entire world.

Monaco hosts the annual race at the end of May. The rest of the year, you’re free to loop its hallowed tarmac. Fans of the Formula 1 can be found making the trek by foot as it’s a wonderful way to both see Monaco and claim bragging rights that you made it around the notoriously challenging Monaco Grand Prix track.


Monaco has many dining, drinking, and dancing spots that curry the favor of the wealthy and celebrities. If you are more interested in these types of sightings and not tourist sites, drop into one of the following…

For the more casual, La Note Bleue is a great choice. It’s a shoreside restaurant, bar and terrace that has its own private beach in the summer months. Here, aside from the residents and their friends from this very fine postcode, you will find internationally renowned bands and artists. They entertain crowds Wednesday through Saturday nights all summer long. A reservation’s a good idea as the place is always in high demand.


For the less casual, have a drink at Le Bar Américain. Guests are invited to observe a certain dress code: cocktail or evening dresses for the ladies, shirts and jackets for the men. Unlike some other Monaco nightclubs, this one offers a truly chic and elegant atmosphere. This classy vibe, however, does not make Le Bar Américain any less fun or vibrant.

Once there, you unwittingly relive the story of the Great Gatsby: live jazz music, elegant bar design and great cocktails — everything that reminds one of the Roaring Twenties. The program of live performances changes every month, but the genre remains the same: soul, jazz, blues, pop and funk are played. This iconic cocktail bar is regularly listed among the best in the world, and its restaurant has three Michelin stars. It’s a hangout for the famous – even the fictional famous as James Bond has drunk here in two different films – but be prepared to pay for this lap of luxury experience. A signature cocktail will cost you around $30 each…

Jimmy’z has attracted celebrities for more than 40 years with its incendiary parties. This legendary place is the result of Régine Zylberberg’s collaboration with SBM. In 1970, the “Queen of the Night”, better known as Régine, performed in Monaco. And so began her love story with the principality, where a year later she opened Jimmy’z. Today it has become one of the most popular nightclubs in Monaco; its program always includes world-famous names.

This legendary place even offers a canal cruise in a small canoe, whilst watching the crowds partying and champagne splashing. Thanks to its proximity to the Sporting Gala and Concert Hall, Jimmy’z Monte-Carlo is a favourite after-party venue for such international social events as the Rose Ball.

And, then there are the uber-wealthy clubs. Twiga is a meeting point for jet setters from all over the world. Being one of the world-famous Billionaires Clubs, it is run by Italian businessman Flavio Briatore. The award-winning restaurant serves Japanese and Italian cuisine and offers hookahs. After 1 a.m. live-music performances turn into dancing to the fiery music of invited DJs. Hollywood celebrities, soccer stars, Formula 1 drivers, and renowned businessmen and women often are found in the space.

Finally, if you happen to travel to Monaco in September, stop by the Hotel Metropole. It’s where celebrities and millionaires/billionaires tend to stay during the principalities annual yacht show.

A small place with a big personality…

Monaco is tiny. So tiny in fact that you can walk the length of the principality in under an hour. But for what it lacks in size, it makes up for with its larger-than-life personality.




There is a new catchphrase working its way through social channels – “quiet luxury.” The keyword is nearing 40 billion views on TikTok. The fact, however, is that “quiet luxury” is nothing new. This ethos has been around for a very long time. Its definition is simple. Understated Wealth. Elegance, simplicity, and timelessness are its hallmarks. This is how the uber-wealthy have lived generation to generation. Old money has always walked this walk.

Although current Instagram influencers concentrate on fashion, “quiet luxury” has always been found nearly everywhere. A singularly created, unique parfum stands in the stead of easily purchased high-end fragrances for the body. In the kitchen, a quiet set of dishes – specially designed, crafted, and hand-painted in an Italian artisan’s workshop is a must. For the home, forget about the painting already hanging in a gallery, it is all about commissioning an artist to create one’s own unique masterpiece.

Of course, where it is most visible – hence the social media concentration – is in fashion. In the past, “quiet luxury” has been effortlessly worn. Loud Gucci is a nono. A beautifully cut suit, made from the finest fabrics and tailored in London, is a go-go. A unique polo shirt from an exclusive boutique, set on an old cobblestoned street in Paris, with no visible branding, is preferred over a mass-produced Ralph Lauren one. No label on the first indicates true wealth. Those in the know recognize it, and those not in the know don’t. It has always been the antithesis of fast fashion. And, to be frank, a quiet elitism.

But current “quiet luxury” – although adhering to the blueprint of the original –is yielding a different spin on this traditional style. This spin has largely been born by tech titans – such as Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates – who sport t-shirts and khakis that cost hundreds of dollars each. And television series such as Succession whereby not looking wealthy is the richest thing one can do. With the rise of social media and the democratization of fashion, quiet luxury has become more accessible to the masses. It is no longer just for the elite but for anyone who values quality, refinement, and understated elegance. Therefore, it is in a way, massproducing what up until now has been truncated. It is, ironically, no longer “quiet.” Rather, it is screaming to everyone and anyone.


As always, “quiet luxury” is about resisting transient fashion trends and embracing timeless design. One of the defining characteristics of the trend is its emphasis on subtle branding. Luxury brands are moving away from excessive logos and flashy branding in favor of more understated designs. This allows the quality of the product to speak for itself and is a way for consumers to express their wealth and status without being overtly showy.

Another quality of the trend is its use of subtle and neutral color palettes. Quiet luxury is all about understated elegance; muted colors like beige, gray, and navy are the perfect way to achieve this. These colors are timeless and versatile, allowing the quality of the materials and craftsmanship to shine through.

“Quiet luxury” is appealing because it is timeless. It emphasizes quality over quantity, and it is all about investing in pieces that will last. This trend is also a reaction to fast fashion, which is characterized by cheap, disposable clothing that is designed to be worn only a few times. It is also a way to express one’s individuality without relying on logos or branding.

In a time when people are gravitating towards simple sophistication, the emergence of the new brand of “quiet luxury” is a testament to the evolving tastes in personal style. The trend is influencing choices and rethinking wealth and quality.



Michelle Klein, CEO and President of SFERRA, the penultimate luxury linen company, sat down with John Eric Home to discuss the brand and its history.

Can you please share with us the history of SFERRA linens?

The company was founded in 1891 in Italy when Gennaro Sferra first set foot on the cross-Atlantic steamer which would carry him to America. It was a family history of craftsmanship that enabled him to sell the exquisite handmade lace that would become his future.

Capturing the fashion of the day, he sold Italian lace, collars, and cuffs to society’s tastemakers as they vacationed at seaside resorts up and down the East Coast. This established Sferra’s reputation for offering only the finest and most exclusive fine linens.

Gennaro had the foresight, in the early 1930s, to evolve his focus to table linens and instilled in both his sons, Enrico and Albert, a mastery of textile craftsmanship, technical know-how, and a yearning for creative exploration.

The textile aptitude shared by Gennaro’s sons helped redefine standards for the entire linen industry, making the Sferra name synonymous with luxury. Enrico would eventually be granted an introduction to Princess (later, Queen) Elizabeth due to the brand’s prestige.

Albert recognized the ability of long-staple cotton to create a quantifiably softer and smoother percale bed linen, starting a revolution in bedding that would change sleep forever. These linens were the precursors to what is now the Celeste Collection, the most celebrated (and popular) of all SFERRA linens for more than 20 years.

With continued growth and a change in ownership, the company originated ever-more-luxurious advancements, those prized enough to become the in-flight bedding for Pope John Paul II, the elegant table linens of Reagan-era state dinners, and the de rigueur bedding found in celebrity linen closets.


How did the brand evolve?

In 2001, after two years of development and refinement, SFERRA introduced the first-ever 1,020-thread-count linens, which were heralded as “turning the linen industry on its head.”

In 2004, the company evolved the brand name to the singular and more easily recognizable, SFERRA. And so, from a humble Italian immigrant pursuing the American Dream to the preeminent dreamers of innovation, SFERRA will always live at the forefront of craftsmanship and luxury.

In 2008, the company debuted a world-exclusive Egyptian cotton bedding with its suite of SFERRA Giza 45® Collections. These were woven from a special genus of extra-long-staple cotton, revered as the rarest of all fine cottons and known extravagantly as the ‘Queen of Egyptian Cotton.’ The percales, sateens, and jacquards woven from this cotton have taken up residence in the company’s pantheon of best sellers, developing a devoted and loyal fan base of fine linen connoisseurs throughout the world.

What is the Sferra principle?

Providing timeless luxury and unparalleled quality.

Through long-term relationships with our Italian mills and workrooms and an uncompromising commitment to quality using only the finest materials, SFERRA products stand up to, and transcend time.

What differentiates SFERRA from other bed and bath brands?

For us, the divine is in the details: the forethought that goes into all the fine little particulars in our line means we’ve carefully considered all the functionality inherent and desired in the products we design.

These refinements are in the finishing touches of a well-crafted hemstitch. It’s the generous sizing of our bed linens, allowing extra fabric not only for shrinkage, but also, a luxuriant turn-back on flat sheets. It’s in the all-around elastic of our fitted sheets (and, its prodigious depth), so you’ll never find yourself short-sheeted. It’s in the corner ties on the inside of duvet covers, designed to thread through the corner loop of our down stuffers to keep duvets firmly in place.

Only the very finest raw materials make the finest linens, and we are renowned for sourcing the world’s choicest natural fibers and spinning the most gossamer of yarns to weave luxury linens of impeccable quality and comfort.

What are the first three words that come to mind when thinking of SFERRA? Heritage. Craftsmanship. Innovation.


Are all products in SFERRA collections still made in Italy?

For linen connoisseurs, there is no parallel for Italian-woven fabrics. Italians are recognized throughout the world as the absolute masters of the craft. Theirs is a rich history, grounded in more than three centuries of small, family-owned textile mills dotting the Alpine foothills in the North of Italy, where SFERRA bed linens are still crafted today, continuing a heritage of unsurpassed workmanship and artistry. When it comes to our bath collections, we work with the masters of this craft which are found in both Turkey and Portugal. Both countries have centuries of expertise in crafting the softest most luxurious and absorbent bath linens.

Can you share with us how SFERRA chooses items to create a collection?

At SFERRA, we launch two collections per year – very much like a fashion house does – there are Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter collections. When deciding collections to bring to the marketplace we first and foremost listen to our customers, whether an end customer or any one of our loyal 700+ retailers around the country, what would they like to see from us next, and which motifs and colors resonate. We also look at trends and discuss with our team of creative designers what is currently inspiring them – from fashion, art, and architecture to archival designs and museums to observing naturally occurring relationships between colors and textures in nature.

To us, the key to longevity is to constantly evolve through the implementation of techniques and innovation in our designs and creations while remaining true to the DNA of the brand, which is very important to us. We look to create new collections and expand the categories of our range of products.

Can you give our readers a quick view of how SFERRA produces, for example, a luxury sheet?

For us, it all starts with the raw material and the quality level of cotton that goes into the spinning and weaving of our beautiful percale and sateen fabrics. Quality raw material, as a first step, is very important to the final outcome for hand and sleep experience on a SFERRA sheet. We do not apply any finishes to our fabrics. The soft hand comes from the chosen cotton. We then use natural processes to break in and open up the cotton yarns which adds even more softness to the fabric. This means your sheet will feel the same before and after washing as there is nothing to wash off during the laundering cycle. The fabric can then be embellished with a simple hemstitch, embroidery, and beyond.

The design usually starts as a hand drawing/sketch, which is then turned into a computer graphic which can be recreated in large scale in order to add the design onto a fabric. Once the design is applied to the fabric, it is sent to the cut and sew workroom where all the fabric gets cut and sewn using hand-guided processes by skilled artisans.


What is your favorite SFERRA product and why?

I have many favorite SFERRA products. I am lucky to be able to lead a brand that I have very much admired even before I came on board as CEO. If I were to pick one, I would say our SFERRA Giza 45 collections. Our Giza 45 Egyptian cotton is the finest cotton the world over.

As I mentioned before, Giza 45 is known as “The Queen of the Nile” and is said to be the longest-staple cotton fiber and benefits from the unique conditions of the Nile—heavy rains, humidity, and stable temperatures—in addition to the natural nutrients of the soil. It is grown in a small area to the east of the Nile Delta and is carefully hand-harvested to ensure that only the most mature cotton bolls are cultivated, avoiding the damaging effects of mechanical harvesting.

Given the precise growing conditions and laborious process required to harvest this cotton fiber, Giza 45 represents less than ½ of one percent of all the Egyptian cotton yarn exported annually, making it a rare and precious resource. This ultra-fine yet strong and resilient fiber is then imported to Italy where our masters combine craftsmanship and technology to weave an unimaginably soft fabric fit for royalty.

Even rarer, SFERRA was the first ever to develop it into an exclusive bedding line.

Is there anything else that you would like to share with our readers?

We recently opened our first flagship store, the SFERRA Townhouse, in New York City. This beautiful three-story building allows us to showcase the full breadth and range of our collections- from bed linens to mattresses, from rugs to loungewear, from bath towels to decor elements and gifts. Located in the Flatiron area, the SFERRA Townhouse is for both consumers and interior designers to discover the art that is Italian bed, bath, and table linen, and to experience it in a home-like setting.







Cryotherapy, which involves exposing the body to extremely cold temperatures, has become a popular wellness treatment. The most popular form involves sitting in a cryotherapy booth for 3–5 minutes to treat the entire body. Another form is to have a cryotherapy facial, which applies cold to the face only. Still others use a cryotherapy wand to target specific areas.


Sound healing has become an increasingly popular wellness treatment. It involves using sound waves to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. Some luxury spas and wellness centers offer sound healing treatments, such as gong baths and singing bowl therapy.


Forest bathing, or shinrin-yoku, is a Japanese practice that has become very popular in the United States. It requires spending time in nature – preferably in a grove or forest of trees – to improve overall health and well-being. Forest bathing experiences can include guided walks, meditation, and other activities.


Sleep retreats have become popular as people become more aware of the importance of sleep for overall health. Some luxury resorts and spas offer sleep retreats that focus on improving sleep quality through techniques such as sleep hygiene education, relaxation techniques, and personalized sleep plans.

Finally, many luxury resorts and hotels have started to offer wellness concierge services. These services allow guests to create customized wellness plans based on their needs and preferences. The wellness concierge arranges everything from spa treatments to fitness classes and healthy meal plans.

Is it time to reserve and give yourself a gift of wellness?




How often do you check in with yourself to ask about the “why” behind how you train or exercise? Are you working towards a specific goal or event? Do you just love the process of hitting the gym or pounding the pavement? Are you trying to burn as many calories as you can? As with anything health and fitness related, it’s important to have awareness around your habits and be mindful of your approach.

Ultimately, we all know that exercising is important for our health. Exactly what that looks like varies greatly. It depends on how you answered the questions above, alongside a whole host of other factors such as general health, previous injuries, and age to name just a few. But how do you know that what you are doing is actually achieving the desired result? And what are the signs that indicate it might be time to change things up or adjust the intensity?

There are, obviously, metrics by which you can track progress on speed, load and distance, but it is important to also consider how your training program impacts your health. Unless you are training for a specific event, which is going to push you outside of your comfort zone for a defined period, training for life/optimal health should be sufficiently challenging to elicit a response but also to allow for proper recovery.

You know what they say - variety is the spice of life. The same rings true as you train for optimal health. If all you ever do is cardio, you are likely missing out on the opportunity to build the strength needed to maintain muscle mass and bone density as you age. If all you ever do is bench press and squat, you will likely benefit from cardio to keep your heart functioning well.

More is not always better. Training until you are rolling around on the floor after each session is likely going to start breaking you down rather than building you up. It’s been proven that you will reap benefits from getting 8,000 steps per day rather than the 10,000 that advertising campaigns use to promote fitness trackers. If you’re training for optimal health and want to determine how well your exercise regime is treating you, consider the following:

• You feel some low-level soreness post-workout, but it does not interrupt sleep or leave you unable to carry on with everyday activities.

• You can climb your stairs without gasping for air or needing to hold on to a railing.

• You can carry your groceries, load and unload them from the car, or stow your own hand luggage in the overhead bins on a plane.

• You can play with your kids or go on a hike without issue.

• You can get up off the ground without help.

• You feel energized after working out rather than beat down.

• You believe exercise is a fun part of your day rather than a punishment; it’s an important part of your life, but your life does not entirely revolve around it.

Training for optimal health should also elicit a positive mental and emotional response. The body releases chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine when you exercise. These chemicals lift your mood and can have a profound effect on reducing depression, anxiety and stress. Regular exercise can (and should) provide an enormous sense of well-being and promote improved sleep and an increased energy level. If training has become a punishment or being used to earn food, it’s time to reflect on your why and maybe seek professional help to get back on a path that leads to a happy and healthy place.

Ultimately exercise should have a prominent place in everyone’s life. Find a plan or program that is enjoyable and therefore repeatable. Make sure you have a balance of cardio and resistance training as both are important for optimal health and, most importantly of all, stay present and aware of your habits and behaviors by checking with your why.





There are many types of insurance that you can purchase. In this issue, we look at several types and explore the reasons that you may or may not need a specific type as well as some of the options that you should consider.

The most important type of insurance that everyone needs is some form of health insurance. A serious illness can impact your wealth and your income. Having a good health insurance policy that covers major medical is extremely important. If you are under the age of 65, you usually obtain medical insurance through your employer. Group insurance is the way most people get their health insurance. It is important to have high limits for catastrophic conditions that include coverage of expensive tests and treatments. You want a solid group plan. It may be an HMO, PPO, High Deductible Health Plan (that is HSA eligible), or any other major medical plan. These are the most common types of plans available. You want access to a plan like the ones above to ensure that you have most of your expenses covered. You should review your plans with a health insurance expert or broker to be assured that you have what is needed in the event of a catastrophic illness or injury.

If you are over age 65, you need to make sure that you have signed up for Medicare Part A and possibly Part B if you do not have coverage considered credible (as good as) coverage by Medicare. There are also substantial and lifelong penalties for signing up late for Medicare Parts B and D.

In addition to having Medicare Parts A and B, you should purchase a Medicare supplement and a Part D supplement to cover prescriptions. It’s recommended to meet with a Medicare insurance specialist to review the many options for coverage and to help choose a plan that best suits your situation. You should start this search about a year before turning age 65 to avoid substantial lifetime penalties if a deadline is missed. There are several exceptions that allow you to avoid the penalties, but you need to make sure that you are eligible to be able to do this.

If you are still working and under the age of 65, you should also make sure that you have enough disability insurance to cover your living expenses in case you become disabled. It’s bad enough to be sick or injured and recovering, you don’t need the additional financial stress. Most employers have group disability insurance that covers

60% of your income from work. Most are maxed out at $10,000 to $15,000 per month of benefits. Group disability insurance is usually paid for by the employer and would be taxable to you if you are on a disability claim. A way to avoid the tax is to ask your employer if they will tax you on the disability premium. If you are taxed, or pay the disability premium yourself post-tax, the benefit that you collect will be tax-free. If your salary and your expenses are high, you can supplement your group disability benefits with an individual disability plan. Those policies usually allow you to insure up to 70% of your salary minus what you have from work. You usually pay for the policy with after-tax dollars and the benefit becomes tax-free.

The last type of insurance to consider is Long Term Care insurance. In general, this covers you for home health care and nursing home care. Two daily living activities must be impacted to trigger a policy. Medicare covers part of the first 100 days of nursing home care in most cases, but there are deductibles and co-pays that you will need to cover. Beyond the first 100 days, there is no further Medicare coverage, so this is where the long-term care policy becomes important, especially if this is a longlasting illness. There are several carriers that offer longterm care coverage, but the market keeps changing. You should talk to an agent that specializes in long-term care. If you are interested in exploring long-term care insurance, I can refer you to a specialist. Please email me at marcs@ I hope this helps with some of the basic medical coverage issues.

Equity Planning Inc. 7910 Woodmont Ave., Suite 900, Bethesda, MD 20814

Securities offered through Cetera Advisor Networks LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through CWM, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Cetera Advisor Networks LLC is under separate ownership from any other named entity.

This piece is not intended to provide specific legal, tax, or other professional advice. For a comprehensive review of your personal situation, always consult with a tax or legal advisor. Neither Cetera Advisor Networks LLC nor any of its representatives may give legal or tax advice.





Nepalese American fashion designer Prabal Gurung has made an industry name after launching his own eponymous label in 2009. Having worked with designers Cynthia Rowley and Bill Blass, he quickly became known for his elegant style and beautifully crafted garments. Gurung's designs are characterized by their clean lines, feminine silhouettes, and use of bold colors and prints. Often incorporating materials such as neoprene, latex, and leather into his designs, his pieces are at once playful and sophisticated, embodying a sense of youthful energy and elegance.

Virgil Abloh is a creative genius who has become a household name. Designer, entrepreneur, artist, and DJ, he is responsible for some of the most iconic pieces of our time. His brand, Off-White was founded in 2012 and has since become one of the most popular streetwear brands in the world. It’s known for its distinctive diagonal stripes and use of industrial materials such as safety belts and hazard tape in its designs. The brand’s popularity skyrocketed after Abloh was appointed as artistic director of Louis Vuitton's menswear in 2018.

We have all heard of the fashion label Comme des Garçons. Do you know who the genius is behind it? Rei Kawakubo – that’s who! Kawakubo's career began in the late 1960s when she started working as a freelance stylist and by 1973, quickly gained a reputation for unconventional designs and use of unexpected materials. Kawakubo's designs are often characterized by their asymmetrical shapes, bold colors, and exaggerated proportions, and she is known for her ability to create challenging and beautiful garments. Kawakubo's impact on the fashion industry has been significant. She has been recognized with numerous awards and honors, including the Order of Culture from the Japanese government in 2000 and the CFDA International Award in 2012. Her designs have been worn by some of the world's most prominent figures, including Lady Gaga, Rihanna, and Bjork.

Daniella Helayel’s designs sweep you away and captivate your senses. This Brazilian fashion designer is behind the iconic Issa London brand. Founded in 2003, the brand quickly gained recognition for its signature feminine silhouettes and vibrant prints. Helayel is also recognized as a designer for Royalty. Specifically, Kate Middleton donned an iconic blue Issa London dress for her official engagement announcement to Prince William. This catapulted Helayel and her brand into the international spotlight. Helayel's designs are renowned for their vibrant prints and bold color choices. From exotic florals to eye-catching geometrics, her patterns never fail to make a statement. These vivacious prints, combined with her expert tailoring and attention to detail, create garments that celebrate femininity in all its glory.


Luxury fashion constantly evolves. With sustainability and ethical production practices becoming increasingly important, more luxury brands are incorporating these values into their collections.

Consumers are becoming more conscious of the environmental impact of fast fashion and are willing to invest in high-quality pieces that will last for years. Luxury brands are responding by creating timeless designs and using sustainable materials.

In terms of design, Retro designs from the 70s, 80s, and 90s have been making a comeback in recent years and luxury fashion is expected to continue drawing inspiration from these eras. Of course, designers will put their own spin on these styles by incorporating new materials and technology to create fresh and innovative designs.

Luxury brands are also recognizing the importance of catering to a diverse range of consumers and are expanding their collections to include more sizes, styles, and color options. This trend is not only good business sense but also promotes inclusivity and equality in the industry.

Of course, sustainability will also be a key focus for luxury brands moving forward. Many high-end designers already use eco-friendly materials, such as organic cotton and recycled fabrics. Expect to see more brands adopt these practices. Some luxury brands may even go beyond using sustainable materials and adopt circular economy practices, such as recycling and repurposing old garments.

In terms of color and fabric trends, expect to see bold, bright colors and unique textures in luxury collections. Metallics, velvets, and sequins are all popular fabrics. A shift towards earthy tones and pastels, reflecting the trend towards sustainability and nature-inspired designs, is becoming big.



An aggressive new itinerary offered by London-based luxury agency Hurlingham Travel gives discerning travelers the chance to see every single UNESCO World Heritage Site on a single jaunt around the world. The trip, which would theoretically wind its way through 157 countries, would run voyagers roughly $1.5 million -- not that you can put a price on heritage or anything.

Angkor Wat, the Pyramids, Machu Picchu and the other well-known sites like the historic center of Berat and Gjirokastra, Jesuit Block and Estancias of Córdoba, the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia, the Gobustan Rock Art Cultural Landscape, Flemish Béguinages, Wood Buffalo National Park, the Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex in Essen, Sulaiman-Too Sacred Mountain, the Bikini Atoll Nuclear Test Site, and the D.F. Wouda Steam Pumping Station are all destinations on the tour. (Huff Post)



The LVMH-owned brand opened its new lounge and restaurant at Hamad International Airport in Doha, Qatar. The lounge, which sits atop the brand’s store in the airport, is decorated with designer furniture pieces including India Mahdavi low tables and Costela armchairs by Martin Eisler. The concept includes an adjoining restaurant with a menu developed by Yannick Alléno, a three-star Michelin chef, featuring dishes that highlight local ingredients.

Like other large luxury brands, Louis Vuitton has expanded into hospitality in recent years as a way to give consumers experiences that go beyond a store visit. The Doha airport lounge is Louis Vuitton’s ninth culinary project since 2020, a list that includes everything from pop-up and permanent restaurants in stores to a chocolate shop in Tokyo. Louis Vuitton is also planning to turn its corporate headquarters in Paris into a hotel. (BOF)


The coronation of King Charles was years in the making it came with a staggering price tag of $125 million price tag. While some have criticized the expense, it is clear that this will be a once-in-a-lifetime event for the royal family and the country as a whole. (ABC News)






MAY 5TH - JULY 16TH, 2023

The Costume Institute’s spring 2023 exhibition examines the work of Karl Lagerfeld (1933–2019). Focusing on the designer’s stylistic vocabulary as expressed in aesthetic themes that appear time and again in his fashions from the 1950s to his final collection in 2019, the show spotlights the German-born designer’s unique working methodology.

Most of the approximately 150 pieces on display are accompanied by Lagerfeld’s sketches, which underscore his complex creative process and the collaborative relationships with his premières, or head seamstresses. Lagerfeld’s fluid lines united his designs for Balmain, Patou, Chloé, Fendi, Chanel, and his eponymous label, Karl Lagerfeld, creating a diverse and prolific body of work unparalleled in the history of fashion.

The clothes are certainly the focal point of the muted exhibition, which springs to life via a video projected onto the opening wall that shows Lagerfeld’s fingerless glove-clad hands sketching dresses. Each of the show’s winding, convex rooms are themed according to “Lines” of his work, for instance, “Masculine Line/Feminine Line” and “Romantic Line/Military Line,” demonstrating the duality and layered nature of Lagerfeld’s creative vision.

The first room features some Chanel greats on one side (glittering skirt suits, a gown with a cascading fish scale-like train) and a handful of Fendi furs and textured dresses on the other—a true fashion face-off. Above those dresses, video footage of interviews with seamstresses who worked closest with Lagerfeld in the Chanel atelier; below them, the typical museum placard features an added bonus: the corresponding sketch to go along with the design (if there’s no sketch, then an image of the object which served as inspiration for the look—a plate, a birdcage, or an armoire).




Over time, luxury has become a ubiquitous term. In one manner, it was being overused long before the paradigm shift of COVID and the dynamics of 2020 and 2021, but it’s also illustrative of the especially dynamic nature of “luxury” in recent years.

For example, Baby Boomers' definition of luxury may have been encapsulated in the “things” that they collected, the status implied by driving a European sports car, owning a fine watch, or carrying a specific handbag. Subsequent generations have shifted that definition of luxury to the currency of “experiences.” These consumers focus on the adventure of travel, the joy of live entertainment, or the energy of sporting events shared with friends and loved ones. Of course, unless you were there, these luxuries were less apparent than a hood ornament or a label. But today, enter the technology of social media, and we all get to share in the indulgences of our friends and family as they touted their experiences in real-time.


It used to be that a monologue of a beautiful listing – the dreaming about an incredible escape – was enough to entice a visit, a showing, or (at a minimum) an inquiry. Now, we spend literally $100’s of thousands of dollars on those same monologues with little effectiveness and no way of measuring who or why prospects reach out to us about our listings. Enter the age of innovation and change and we are seeing a new breed of trusted advisor emerge; a colleague who is both valued by their personal relationships and enhanced by the data available through technology.

At the intersection of luxury and technology come some very interesting learnings. We’ve emerged from the first three years of this decade, years riddled with uncertainty around a global pandemic, social unrest, political discourse, and natural disasters. Regardless of your age or demographic, luxury has made a monumental shift in the minds of the global population, and we are all, perhaps, a little more united in how we describe, seek and experience “luxury” in our daily life.

How many have recently enjoyed a special occasion “Zoom” call with family and/or friends that live great distances away? How many have made “new” friends over Zoom, Skype, or Google Meet? My life has become so technology-centric

that I struggle to remember whom I’ve met in person and whom I am strictly a Zoom acquaintance with. That said, I’ve also become more efficient at researching my clients, vetting buyers, and using technology to provide insight and efficiency that never existed before.

At the bottom line of this paradigm shift, there are three things driving our latest definition of luxury…



Trust. Below are some of the trends being shaped by this latest definition of luxury.


The value and emphasis on how and where we spend our time were no more evident than during the global pandemic. Emerging from quarantine those with the flexibility to ensure they are not separated from their family or loved ones were seeking refuge with larger properties and compounds. The ability to accommodate generations of family, extended family, and the necessary support staff is critical and driving demand for properties that, historically, would have been more challenging to sell.

Families traveling with chefs, educators, trainers, etc., want to ensure that they have the services they need in accordance with their schedule, and location is imperative. Even now that the borders have opened and travel has increased, technology still prevails. We can literally tour a property, understand the views, and experience the amenities without ever leaving the comfort (or safety) of our own living room, saving valued time and ensuring that our priorities remain where they should be, with family and loved ones.


The global shift in values and how we experienced the mind shift of 2020 and 2021 are also indicators of an emerging definition of luxury. No one’s experience was unilateral, and neither is anyone’s definition of their individual “truth.”

Whether clients have elected to leave the cities altogether or reallocate their time spent in different destinations, it’s become a necessity for them to understand and define their own “truth” and then find creative ways to ensure their expectations can be accommodated. Appreciation for and access to nature. Better air filtration


systems. Wellness programming. Public spaces in the city that ensure comfortable distancing for meeting friends and neighbors. A touchless delivery system for room service, dry cleaning, or packages. Developers are embracing these wants and needs and adapting their products to individual truths accordingly.


There’s no denying that there has been a flight to destination markets as we now know that “work” can happen remotely. A trend before COVID and a necessity now, developers are capturing the imagination of the aristocracy who want to be surfers, ski-bums, and cowboys and are making it happen in their high-concept communities. Whether through technology-informed communities that incorporate various lifestyle attributes or through AI that helps us to understand a deeper level of the client’s psychology, the top real estate professionals understand that we need to understand and adapt to their new “truth” before their clients do.


We hear as trusted advisors that many of our clients seeking protection from social unrest and socio-economic risk were frustrated because international travel was restricted. As a result, the affluent are now seeking passport and

residency diversification in some spectacular international destinations. In many cases, developers are offering, through the sales launch, preferential pricing, attractive rental returns, and developer buy-back options. If the project is also a Citizenship by Investment-approved developer, a villa purchase provides investors an opportunity to apply for citizenship. With visa-free access (in some cases) to over 140 countries and an attractive tax regime, the affluent are positioning themselves to take full advantage of a completely trusted environment as this trend continues to drive demand.

For many, life today is about adjusting to a new normal in the aftermath of one of the biggest disruptions of all time and the paradigm of luxury is no exception. As the psychology of the world has forever been changed, there is a silver lining in that many of the trends defining today’s luxuries are focused on family, loved ones, health and wellness, and the environment. And, more than ever, it seems that technology is playing a defining role in helping those who serve this demographic in a more efficient and effective way. It’s understood that as trusted advisors we are fostering the luxury of inclusive vs. exclusive by utilizing our own technology-enhanced tools and access to data. We are ushering in a new era of innovation and change and there is no doubt that we have a dynamic future ahead as we continue to navigate the technology and currency of luxury.



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The Washington Diplomat’s ‘Media Bash’ Honors Women in Journalism

The Washington Diplomat rolled out the red carpet for its fourth annual Media Bash on April 28—one of many events around the District leading up to the White House Correspondents Association’s annual dinner on April 29. It was focused on the First Amendment and the value of a free press. The Italian Embassy hosted this year’s Media Bash, whose theme was courageous women in journalism.

Italian Ambassador Mariangela Zappia welcomed guests to her embassy on April 28. Publisher, Victor Shiblie, opened the event with a welcome address, followed by remarks from Italian Ambassador, the first woman to represent her nation in Washington.

EU, House of Sweden Host Second Annual Awards Ceremony

On May 9, the European Union Delegation and Ambassador Stavros Lambrinidis hosted the second annual Transatlantic Bridge Awards at the House of Sweden. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Sen. Rob Portman and journalist Judy Woodruff received awards for their efforts in fostering ties between the US and Europe.

UAE Embassy Joins in Earth Day Cleanup

On April 22, the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in collaboration with Emirati students from nearby universities, and partners at Rock Creek Conservancy, hosted a cleanup at Rock Creek Park in celebration of Earth Day. The UAE’s commitment to environmentalism comes from the nation’s founder, Sheikh Zayed. Emirati diplomats in DC continued this tradition by helping local residents protect the city’s environment. Rock Creek Park has a rich history and serves as an important green space in the city. Like any natural space, it requires constant care and upkeep.

Around the World Embassy Open House

The annual “Around the World Embassy Open House” will take place on Saturday, Sep. 2. Visitors will travel the world, experiencing the food, art, dance, fashion and music of different countries. This year, participating embassies are:

African Union, Albania, Bahamas (House of the Nations), Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Burkina Faso (UDC), Burundi (African Union), Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo (African Union), Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Dominican Republic, Ecuador (UDC), Egypt (Egyptian Cultural & Educational Bureau), Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, The Gambia (UDC), Georgia, Guatemala, Haiti, Indonesia, Iraq, Jamaica, Japan (Japan Information & Culture Center), Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyz Republic, Malawi (UDC), Mauritania, Mexico (Mexican Cultural Institute), Mongolia, Morocco, Norway, Oman (Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center), Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal (African Union), Serbia, South Africa, South Korea (Korean Cultural Center), Sri Lanka, Tanzania (UDC), Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uganda (UDC), Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, and Zambia.






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179 1925 SEARS COVE VERO BEACH FLORIDA SALLY DALEY Founding Broker Associate, The Daley Group at Douglas Elliman +1 772 538 4503 PROPERTY FEATURES 9 Bedrooms 10 Full Bath | 4 Half Bath 13,050 Square Feet
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197 953 5TH AVE Unit MAIS NEW YORK NEW YORK BAHAR TAVAKOLIAN Founder, The BAHAR Team +1 917 297 7067 PROPERTY FEATURES 3 Bedrooms 5 Baths Co-opt
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201 400 5TH AVENUE Penthouse 1N NEW YORK NEW YORK TONI HABER Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Toni Haber Team | Private Client Advisors +1 917 543 1999 PROPERTY FEATURES 4 Bedrooms 3 Full Bath | 1 Half Bath 3,950 Square Feet
203 30 PARK PLACE Penthouse 77A NEW YORK NEW YORK TONI HABER Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Toni Haber Team | Private Client Advisors +1 917 543 1999 PROPERTY FEATURES 4 Bedrooms 4 Full Bath | 1 Half Bath 3,951 Square Feet
205 5585 BARTON LANE HINSDALE ILLINOIS TRACY ANDERSON Luxury Broker +1 630 452 3108 PROPERTY FEATURES 3 Bedrooms 3 Full Bath | 1 Half Bath 3,611 Square Feet
207 17201 COLLINS AVENUE UNIT 4101 ISLES BEACH FLORIDA SCOT DRUCKER Compass Sports/Entertainment +1 865 405 1581 PROPERTY FEATURES 4 Bedrooms 5 Full Bath | 1 Half Bath 5,239 Square Feet
209 OCEAN DREAM VILLAS LONG BAY PROVIDENCIALES PROPERTY FEATURES 14 Bedrooms 12 Full Bath | 2 Half Bath 22,146 Square Feet SEAN O’NEILL | IAN HURDLE Managing Director, The Agency Turks & Caicos +1 649 232 1316
211 CASA PORTENTO WEST LAKE HILLS TEXAS PROPERTY FEATURES 4 Bedrooms 4 Full Bath | 1 Half Bath 5,000 Square Feet LAUREL PRATS +1 512 636 7579
213 7165 JENSEN CANYON ROAD TETON VILLAGE WYOMING PROPERTY FEATURES 7 Bedrooms 6 Full Bath | 1 Half Bath 7,876 Square Feet Graham Faupel Mendenhall & Associates +1 307 690 0204
215 11937 LAWLER STEET LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA PROPERTY FEATURES 3 Bedrooms 1 Full Bath | 1 Half Bath 2,562 Square Feet TAMI PARDEE | PAIGE OGDEN Owner/Founder +1 310 600 7217
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225 FRANCE DEUX-SÈVRES PROPERTY FEATURES 8 Bedrooms 5 Full Bath 17,760 Square Feet ANTHONY MACKLE INDEPENDENT AGENT +33 6 71 45 59 03
229 69-1566 PUAKO BEACH DRIVE KAMUELA HAWAII PROPERTY FEATURES 6 Bedrooms 7 Full Bath 7,744 Square Feet KAREN FERRARA, MBA | ALEX FERRARA Realtor +1 808 883 0094
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