John Garratt Publishing August Newsletter

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Vo l 1 9 N o 3 A u g u s t 2 0 1 1 • w w w. j o h n g a r r a t t . c o m . a u • P h o n e 1 3 0 0 6 5 0 8 7 8

Reflections on writing ‘A Modern Credo: Telling the Christ Story within the Context of Creation’ creation. Gradually Western consciousness is growing in appreciation of the wisdoms of the First Peoples who celebrate the essential unity of creation.

In my latest book A Modern Credo: Telling the Christ Story within the Context of Creation I hope to offer a readable and accessible book to those seeking to better appreciate the Christ story within contemporary culture, especially within the framework of the great story of the universe.

How might the Christ story be told more creatively to people within a Western orientated environment that is infused with consumerism and facing challenges to planetary wellbeing? Does the telling of the Christ story not imply an ecological conversion to recover the integrity of the first covenant ‘between myself (God) and you and every living creature, in a world of all living things’ (Genesis 9:15).

As a teacher for over 50 years and international consultant for many years in Western-orientated as well as in developing countries, I’ve had ample opportunities to interact with people in diverse cultural contexts, especially in relationship to the significance of the Christ story in their lives. Contemporary religious research more than confirms my own experience that the Christ story has a waning appeal to people in Western countries, especially in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The story of Jesus who became the Christ is surely one of the most important stories ever told in terms of its influence of billions of people and world culture during the last 2000 years. About one third of the world’s population profess affiliation to Christianity although regular participation in the liturgical church of Western countries is declining and less than 13% generally and 5% for young people. The Christ story is a narrative within a great story of the universe which is almost 14 billion years old and 5 billion years old for our galaxy. If the Incarnation is to be taken seriously (Jn.1:14), then it would seem that Christians should also take seriously their relationships with the earth, especially in an era of climate change, critical ecological issues and rapid increases in population. After all, everything in creation has its origin in the ashes of dead stars and inherits a billion-year past. It is something of a paradox that the history of the Christian Church in relationship to the earth portrays an attitude of ambivalence. A major strand tended to view the earth more as a testing ground for eternity. A minor strand, typified by the Franciscans, viewed creation and redemption as a holistic expression of God’s relationship in

In the book I have tried to offer a way forward for the story tellers of Christ to be attuned to a new era of consciousness which is characterised by globalisation, cyber connectedness, ecumenism, rapid cultural change, dislocation of people, feminism, and growing disparity of wealth distribution. One response of some Church leadership to this era of cultural transformation is to turn to theological fundamentalism and excessive central control. Another response of Christians in an emerging Church is to seek to recover the dynamism of the original Christ story and bring the Christ story and the insights of modern cosmology into a harmonious vision for ‘life in abundance’(John 10:10). When we reflect on the breathtaking wonder of the universe, revealing a God of immense creative energy and love, then the Christ story portrays a God of amazing compassion and love. In his teaching and healing works of mercy, Jesus , who became the Christ, presented a Creator God much bigger and more gracious than we could ever imagine. At the conclusion of the book readers are invited to compose their own Credo. The word ‘creed’ comes from the Latin words cor dare meaning to ‘give one’s heart. To encounter Christ in a Credo is much more than a formulation of doctrinal statements but as a ‘giving one’s heart’. Kevin’s book A Modern Credo: Telling the Christ Story within the Context of Creation is available. See page 5, order online directly from John Garratt or buy from any good bookstore.

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:mElanniE s vob oda , s n d author of By the Way: 100 Reflections on the Spiritual Life

Joan Chittister, a Benedictine nun, author, and speaker, is a bold, clear voice who shows the way to God in all aspects of life, and particularly through prayer. She is author of The Breath of the Soul and God’s Tender Mercy.

Songs heart Joan Chit tiste‰

of the


Reflections on the psalms


Who but Sr. Joan Chittister could break open the psalms in such fresh and piercingly tender ways! Her “soul points” and “wisdom stories” are unforgettable, both contemporary and timeless.


R E L I G I O N / P R AY E R

n this simple and profound book, Sr. Joan offers poignant and challenging reflections on twentyfive psalms, each offering a spiritual oasis away from the stresses of a world that demands more than the human soul can sometimes bear. She believes that the psalms, all pieces of poetry and music, have rich meaning for people today. Her hope is that readers will find new meaning here and johngarrattpublishing then make songs of their own.

Joan Chittiste‰


New from

Songs heart

Sr Joan Chittister

of the

See page 6

Reflections on

THE Psalms


songs of the heart _jgp.indd 1

Insights to Theology Page 2

Ideas for Education Page 3

10/5/11 6:28:46 AM

Inspired titles from John Garratt Page 6

Inventive titles for Parishes Page 8

John Garratt Publishing 32 Glenvale Crescent Mulgrave Vic 3170 - Visit our website - 1300 650 878

Inviting ideas for Prayers and Spirituality Page 9

Jesus: An Historical Approximation The book Jesus: An Historical Approximation has brought with it praising review at a very high level from around the world. But discussion about the book has not always been so supportive and the result has been a discussion beyond the theological understanding of most individuals. In this extract from the book’s foreword, Pagola himself explains why he wrote the book. What do I offer in this book? - José Antonio Pagola As a Christian I have tried to follow Jesus, not always as faithfully as I would like, in the heart of the Catholic church. That is where I nourish and celebrate my faith in Jesus Christ, and try to serve the reign of God that he proclaimed. But I did not write this book in order to study and expound the content of my faith in Jesus Christ, the son of God incarnate for our salvation. As the subtitle says, this is an ‘historical approximation’ to the figure of Jesus, using the methodology and the means employed in modern scholarship. Readers will find in these pages an historical study of Jesus which tries to answer questions like these: What was he like? How did he understand his life? What were the basic characteristics of his activity, the thrust and essential content of his message? Why did they kill him? How did the adventure of his life end? For some years scholars have talked about the ‘historical Jesus’ and the ‘Christ of faith’ as if they were two different ways or paths to reach Jesus. By ‘historical Jesus’ we mean the knowledge of Jesus that historians can obtain through the scientific methods of modern historical research. In contrast, when we say ‘Christ of faith’, we mean the knowledge to which the Church comes by responding in faith to the revealing acts of God incarnate in Jesus. My study of the ‘historical Jesus’ should not be confused with a study on the ‘Christ of faith’ in whom we Christians believe. But why do Christians need historical research, if by faith we can understand the mystery of Jesus? Is this a legitimate study? Is it necessary? It is not only legitimate; it is an ineluctable task of the Church. The reason is simple. If we believe in Jesus as the Son of God incarnate in our own history, how can we not use all the methods available to us to understand better his

historical dimension and his concrete human life? Our faith itself demands it. Nevertheless we must be modest and realistic in this approach to Jesus. It is not possible through historical research to gain access to ‘the total reality of Jesus’; we can only begin by gathering an incomplete and flawed portrait of his activity in Galilee in the decade of the thirties in the first century. Historical research on the life of Jesus clearly cannot by itself awaken faith in Jesus Christ, the son of God incarnate for our salvation. The Church’s faith in Jesus Christ is not dependent on the work of the scholars. If we Christians believe in Jesus Christ, it is not because of the studies published by JP Meier, J Gnilka, RE Brown, J Schlosser and others. But that said, we must affirm that historical research, rigorously applied, can awaken in many people an attraction, interest and admiration for Jesus. For many men and women today, overwhelmed by religious crisis and upheaval, knowing him vividly and concretely can be the first step towards a more vivid, real and profound relationship with him. It can help renew the faith of believers in Jesus Christ. For those with little or no belief, it is an invitation to seek him more sincerely. What makes the historical figure of Jesus so attractive? Simply that it brings us a ‘flesh and blood’ Jesus, makes his humanity concrete and alive. We Christians confess Jesus as ‘true God and true man’. But we often emphasise much more forcefully that he is God. We have to do so, because otherwise our faith would be destroyed. But if by emphasising his diving nature we forget that Jesus is a man, if we ignore his concrete human life, that can also dissolve our faith. It is significant that the pope has expressed his ‘highest appreciation’ to modern exegesis ‘for all that it has given and continues to give us’. Concretely, J Ratzinger is grateful that ‘it has given us a great quantity of material and knowledge through which the figure of Jesus can become present to us with a vitality and depth that we could not even imagine a few decades ago’. This book is available from John Garratt Publishing. Buy it online from or see page 3 of this newsletter.

Theology Banquet: A Reading from the Fifth Suran of the Qur’an

Morality in Social Life

Michel Guypers

Sergio Bastianel

Cuyper’s work is a groundbreaking contribution to Islamic-Christian studies. He applies recent methods of rhetorical textual studies to the analysis of the Koran, the holy book of Islam, which previously has been seen by many as a fragmented text with little sense of order. He has achieved a systematic and organised reading of the Koran text that is in absolute accordance with the Islamic faith, a task that has never been accomplished before. Both Muslim and Christian theologians around the world recognise his achievement as one of the most important contributions to an understanding of Islam based on Christian scholarship. Michel Cuypers is Belgian Brother of Jesus who resided in Iran for twelve years, first at a leper colony and later studying Persian language and literature in Tehran. He now lives in Cairo.

Bastianel views moral personal life as more than a private and individual reality. Indeed, one’s relationship with the other is basic to the moral experience, and it constitutes part of the inner unity of a free and conscious responsible person. Human beings live out their relationships within the historic concreteness of life commonality with others. The historical expression of that which is morally wrong takes the form of scattered and dividing relationships with the intention of possession, domination, fighting and division. On the other hand, history shows us that the human quality of relationships affecting that which is good is expressed through acceptance and the capability of creating shared forms of life.

ISBN 9781934996058 Convivium Press $100.00 Sophia $80.00

ISBN 9781934996140 Convivium Press $64.95 Sophia $51.96

A New Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels Roland Meynet

Transparencies of Eternity Rubem Alves Rubem Alves relates events and experiences in life where God, religiosity, love, beauty and the meaning of life are always present. They are his Transparencies of Eternity, a collection of poetic and spiritual chronicles in which the author draws transparent and multicolour stained glass windows, using as raw material the existence and the multiple faces of God. In this book are collected texts that masterfully comprise both a profound knowledge and the major existential questions of humankind Rubem Alves is a pedagogue, poet, philosopher, theologian and psychoanalyst. He is one of Brazil’s most respected intellectuals, he is a prolific writer with more than fifty titles in different languages. ISBN 9781934996195 Convivium Press $14.95 Sophia $11.96

In this book Meynet offers an entirely new perspective on the study of the Synoptic gospels, adding further insights within the growing body of modern research into the meanings of the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Utilising the rhetorical method of analysis, of which he is a leading proponent, Meynet studies the composition of the gospels as they were written and makes it possible to understand them in systematic and until now unexpected ways. Roland Meyney is a French Jesuit who is professor of biblical theology at Gregoriana in Rome. ISBN 9781934996119 Convivium Press $57.95 Sophia $46.36

Bioethics Matters A Guide for Concerned Catholics revised edition Moira McQueen

God on the Go Version 2 of the popular God on the Go USB Flash Drive is now here. Featuring the full NRSV Catholic Edition of the Bible, you can now take the scriptures with you wherever you go, simply by plugging this device into your computer or laptop. It’s an ideal gift for students, teachers, ministers and laity at home and work. Featuring a comprehensive verse and subject index, and the ability to bookmark favourite scripture verses and passages, Version 2 includes a copy-and-paste functionality on a larger flash drive and at a lower price than the original version.

A practical, must-read book for Catholics who want to know how Church teaching can help them work their way through tough decisions and choices. This succinct yet comprehensive guide clearly sets out Catholic teaching on today’s hot button issues such as stemcell research, reproductive technologies, euthanasia and more. By presenting real-life situations, this guide provides the reader with Catholic ethical decision-making in action. Dr Moira McQueen is the director of the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute and a professor of moral theology at the Toronto School of Theology. She is interested in the interdisciplinary aspects of theology, law and medicine as they apply in daily life.

ISBN 9780879464554 ACTA Publications $44.95 Sophia $40.46

ISBN 9782896463930 Novalis $14.95 Sophia $11.96

NRSV Catholic version 2


August 2011 - For immediate delivery phone 1300 650 878, fax 03 8545 2922 or email

Theology New Collegeville Bible Commentary series

Jesus - An Historical Approximation

Comprehensive and understandable, the New Collegeville Bible Commentary series brings the timeless messages and relevance of the Bible to today’s readers. With recent scholarship, this series provides vital background and addresses important questions such as authorship and cultural context. The New Collegeville Bible Commentary includes New American Bible translation and will appeal to preachers, teachers, Bible study groups and all Bible readers.

José Antonio Pagola

Liturgical Press $9.95 Sophia $7.76

Genesis ISBN 9780814628362

Exodus ISBN 9780814628379

Leviticus ISBN 9780814628386

Numbers ISBN 9780814628393

Deuteronomy ISBN 9780814628409

In this Spanish bestseller, now available in English for the first time, the Biblical scholar José Antonio Pagola reconstructs the historical Jesus with a scholarly exegetical and theological approach. He addresses basic questions about who Jesus was, how he understood his life, what was the originality of his message, how the vision of the Kingdom of God centred his life, as well as why he was executed and who intervened in the process. The author presents a lively and passionate narrative of Jesus of Nazareth within the milieu of the first century, locating him in his social, economical, political and religious contexts based on current and accepted research. He also analyses the perspectives and conclusions of the most important scholars in this research and presents a profound and extensive scholarly theological reflection about Jesus. ISBN 9781934996096 Convivium Press $62.95 Sophia $50.36

Called to Freedom Roland Meynet Meynet posits that the concept of freedom in the Hebrew Bible is the guiding core of all the socio-political distinctions within the religious experience and history of Israel. He guides us into a new reading of the Law as an expression of the search for the authentic meaning of human freedom. ISBN 9781934996089 Convivium Press $89.95 Sophia $71.96

Name our new imprint and win!

John Garratt Publishing has teamed with the Broken Bay Institute to establish a new imprint. The imprint is still to be named and we are looking for help to come up with the name! With the wealth of knowledge and the powerhouse of authors and educators shared by both John Garratt Publishing and Broken Bay Institute, the imprint will become a powerful tool in harnessing the mission of both organisations, and is sure to be a major leader in the ongoing dialogue of religious education and faith formation in the Catholic world. The name that you suggest could become a well-recognised name used throughout the world!

So, send in your suggestions for your chance to win some great prizes. Names should be short and memorable, as well as encapsulating the mission of both organisations. The person who comes up with the winning name will be awarded the complete set of BBI eConference DVDs and a copy of the St John’s Bible Gospel and Acts book which is valued at $250. There is no limit to how many times you can enter so start sending your suggestions to or by post to John Garratt Publishing, Private Bag 400, Mulgrave, Vic 3170.

Conditions - The closing date for entries is 30 September, 2011. Entries will not be accepted after this date. If more than one entry with the same imprint name is received the first entry received will be accepted (ie the winner will be the person whose entry is received first). The decision of the judges is final and no further correspondence will be entered into.


Invaluable resources for inspirational teaching

Studying the Bible just got more enjoyable!






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NRSV Catholic Edition


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ISBN 9781599821290 Saint Mary’s Press $42.95 Sophia $34.36

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6/2/2011 1:14:19 PM



Invaluable resources for inspirational teaching

We Offer You This Day

Living in Christ series

A Yearbook for Teachers

W e offer you W e offer you this Day this Day…

The Living In Christ series is a new resource for use in secondary schools across Australia and indeed in the English-speaking world.

Teaching Religion to middle and senior school students can be a daunting if rewarding experience. For busy professionals who find themselves stretched many ways, finding or creating resources for prayer places an extra demand on their limited preparation time. We Offer You This Day has been created to make teachers’ lives easier and students’ experiences of prayer richer. With a prayer for every school day, reflections on the Gospels, teaching ideas, articles, ways to pray and prayer for special occasions, this valuable new resource will prove indispensable to all classroom teachers and teachers of religion. Presented in a sturdy, functional format with contemporary design We Offer You This Day is full of inspirational ideas and trustworthy practical advice to enhance the prayer life of both staff and students in Catholic schools.

A teacher’s yearbook 2




The Bible The Living Word of God

Student Text Robert Rabe ISBN 9780884899068 Saint Mary’s Press $39.95 Sophia $31.96

All teachers should have a copy! Some highlights of We Offer You This Day: • Spiral binding with extra flap • Calendar pages • Prayer services • Scripture • Cartoons

Each title has been designed to make the most of the wisdom and experience of Catholic high school teachers as they empower and guide students to participate in their own learning. Furthermore, each book has been written to engage the students’ intellect and help them in their own quest to find God, while at the same time encouraging faith in action through carefully crafted learning objectives, lessons, activities, active learning and summative projects that address multiple learning styles.

• Opens flat • A prayer for each school day • Illustrations • Reflections • Inspirational quotes

ISBN 9781921946097 John Garratt Publishing $49.95 Sophia $41.36 Purchase 10 or more copies for $34.95 each (no further discounts)

The Bible Living the World of God Teacher Guide Lauren M Lefrancois and Vanessa Sibley Mudd

The Bible: The Living Word of God provides an introduction to the sacred scriptures and to the unfolding of salvation history, with a particular focus on Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of salvation history. Revelation, both divine and natural, is explored, as are inspiration, interpretation and exegesis. ISBN 9781599820019 $51.95 Sophia $41.56

Great People of the Bible Brian Singer-Towns The Great People of the Bible is a parish curriculum specifically designed for middle school students. It provides 25 1 hour sessions designed to fit in with your parish calendar with full flexibility for the Catechist to complete student activities in class or use as family learning assignments in the home. The student book covers both the Old and New Testament and supports the ABC’s of biblical literacy. Saint Mary’s Press Catechist Guide 9780884898696 $34.95 Sophia $27.96 Student Book 9780884896906 $12.95 Sophia $10.36

Student Book Brian Singer-Towns ISBN 9781599820583 $39.95 Sophia $31.96

The Paschal Mystery Christ’s Mission of Salvation

Saint Mary’s Press Essential Guide to Biblical Life and Times Martin C Albl Understanding the cultural context is an important skill in biblical literacy. Why were certain animals not okay to eat? Why were people in the bible always sacrificing animals? What did they use for money and what did people do for a living? This mini-encyclopedia on biblical life and times will raise your scriptural knowledge and understanding to the next level. Features comprehensive indexes to topics and relevant articles. ISBN 9780884898986 Saint Mary’s Press $29.95 Sophia $23.96

Saint Mary’s Press Essential Bible Dictionary

Teacher Guide Rita E Cutarelli and Carrie J Schroeder The Paschal Mystery: Christ’s Mission of Salvation guides students towards a deeper understanding of our need for redemption and how Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promise of redemption. ISBN 9781599820590 Saint Mary’s Press $51.95 Sophia $41.56

The Church Christ in the World Today Student Book Martin C Albl ISBN 9781599820606 Saint Mary’s Press $39.95 Sophia $31.96

Dr Sheila O’Connell-Roussel This dictionary offers concise definitions for the essential people, places, events and themes of the scriptures. This resource is designed to help young people and others deepen their understanding of the words and themes found in the Word of God.

The Church Christ in the World Today

ISBN 9780884898726 Saint Mary’s Press $27.95 Sophia $22.36

Anne Herrick

Short Guide to Writing a Thesis

ISBN 9781599820613 Saint Mary’s Press $51.95 Sophia $41.56

What to Do and What Not to Do Gerald O’Collins This book is a guide. It aims to offer straight-forward suggestions about doing research, putting the results into a convincing form and dealing with difficulties that inevitably arise. The overall objective of this book is to provide students and their supervisors with some down-to-earth proposals about things to do and things to avoid when preparing a long essay or a thesis. ISBN 9781921511875 ATF Press $24.00 Sophia $19.20

Biblical Literacy Made Easy

Teacher Guide The Church: Christ in the World Today guides the students in exploring and understanding the Catholic church, as well as its origin, structure and mission.

The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth Teacher Guide (second edition) Patrick Green and Michael Green The all-new Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth Teacher Guide provides everything you need to offer an overview course about Catholic beliefs and practices. Using the engaging material in The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth as the core content, the teacher guide follows the principles of Understanding by Design and offers creative effective and meaningful lessons. The teacher guide is structured as a seven-unit, semester-long course. ISBN 9781599821283 Saint Mary’s Press $42.95 Sophia $34.36

A Practical Guide for Catechists, Teachers and Youth Ministers All catechists, teachers and youth ministers share a responsibility for teaching biblical literacy, even if their course is not specifically on the Scriptures. This practical guide provides catechists, teachers and youth ministers with the foundational background necessary to form biblically literate young people. In just a few hours they will learn to teach the ABCs of biblical literacy to young people. Help young people become knowledgeable and comfortable in using the Bible, to understand the biblical story of salvation history and to understand how to interpret Bible books and passages in their proper contexts. ISBN 9780884899563 Saint Mary’s Press $10.95 Sophia $8.76


The Paschal Mystery Christ’s Mission of Salvation

Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth (second edition) Brian Singer-Towns The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Second Edition is an understandable and down-to-earth guide to all things Catholic. ISBN 9780884899877 Saint Mary’s Press $31.95 Sophia $25.56

August 2011 - For immediate delivery phone 1300 650 878, fax 03 8545 2922 or email


Invaluable resources for inspirational teaching

My Prayer Book

The Australian Children’s Mass Book CD

My Prayer Book is an ideal gift for First Communion or perfect for youngsters entering Catholic primary school. This charmingly illustrated book introduces children to Catholicism’s most beloved prayers. It contains specially commissioned prayers to the Jesuit Martyrs, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, Saint Brother Andrew and Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys. There is also a special place for the children to write their own personal prayers and create a keepsake they can always treasure.

The supplementary materials on this disc complement The Australian Children’s Mass Book. Children will respond enthusiastically to the same delightful illustrations and clear layout. These resources are ideal for use in classroom and parish settings and will prove an invaluable catechetical tool to reinforce the new texts and enhance understanding of the new translation of the Order of the Mass.

ISBN 9782896462384 Novalis Publishing $5.95 Sophia $4.76

70 Prayer Starters for Children… and those who teach them Patricia Mathson Seventy engaging and creative prayer experiences for children aged 3 to 10 feature in this new book by experienced director of religious education Patricia Mathson. Each prayer invites children to make prayer a part of their daily lives. These prayer experiences can be used by any catechist, beginners as well as veterans, but also by parents because they offer inspiration and guidance for teaching about prayer at home. There are seven chapters, each with a number of creative activities to celebrate and learn about prayer. ISBN 9781585958405 Twenty-Third Publications $16.95 Sophia $13.56

My Weekly Mass Journal Preparing for Confirmation

CONTENTS OF THE CD The CD contains individual slides for use with a data projector or interactive white board which cover: The Order of the Mass The Order of the Mass - Overview We Gather to praise God We Listen to God’s word in the Bible We Give Thanks for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ We Receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in communion We Go out to be peacemakers and hope-givers Prayers of the Mass Penitential Act The Gloria The Apostles’ Creed Holy, Holy, Holy The Lord’s Prayer (Our Father) Lamb of God

The CD Contains images of all 12 Posters

Revelation and Sacred Scripture A Primary Source Reader

Felicia Navarro

Timothy Milinovich

Every week, God gives you an incredible gift, something you can see, touch, hear and taste. It’s the Mass, and you are especially invited. As you prepare for confirmation, God invites you to experience this gift more deeply. This little book can help. Inside, you’ll find ways to see the Mass with new eyes so that you can discover its hidden meaning for your own life. Take it to Mass with you. Afterwards, use it to write down your thoughts and things you notice on the weekly journal pages. Felicia Navarro has spent more than twenty years working with youth and parishes; from singing in her mother’s choir as a child, to serving in peer ministry as a teen, to singing with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal for World Youth Day.

Revelation and Sacred Scripture: A Primary Source Reader allows students to grow in their understanding of the Revelation of Jesus Christ in Sacred Scripture. This primary source reader provides a collection of readings that will supplement any course on sacred scripture or the bible.

ISBN 9781585958429 Twenty-Third Publications $11.95 Sophia $9.56

Working with these primary resources will help students gain a deeper understanding of who Jesus Christ is and his significance for their lives. The readings are accompanied by introductions, reflection questions, definitions and sidebars that offer background.

Prayer from A to Z For Catechists and Those They Teach Sr Janet Schaeffler OP

ISBN 9781599821276 Saint Mary’s Press $18.95 Sophia $15.16

Who is Jesus Christ? A Primary Source Reader Robert Feduccia Jr and Maura Thompson Hagarty

ISBN 9781599821269 Saint Mary’s Press $18.95 Sophia $15.16

Sr Janet addresses the awesome task of catechists to share prayer with those they teach. She not only offers pertinent reflections for catechists themselves, but over 100 creative ways they can share prayer with those they teach, using the alphabet as her guide. Sr Janet Schaeffler is an Adrian Dominican Sister, and is a consultant in catechetics and adult faith formation and a facilitator of retreats, parish mission and workshops.

Teaching Activities Manual for Breakthrough! The Bible for Young Catholics

ISBN 9781585958382 Twenty-Third Publications $16.95 Sophia $13.56

Brian Singer-Towns (general editor)

Spirit and Truth A Self-Guided Study of the Holy Spirit for Confirmation and Beyond Michael Carotta Spirit and Truth vividly illustrates how life in the Spirit is at the heart of what the Church celebrates in confirmation. In a study-journal format, it allows candidates to work through a structured self-study in their own time, engaging in spiritual formation ‘on their minutes’; study over 80 Old Testament passages as well as what the church teaches about the spirit; reflect on their personal experience with the Spirit through open-ended questions based on scripture passages. Spirit and Truth complements Have Faith and does not replicate any of the material. Candidates can use either or both this journal and Have Faith as part of their preparation. ISBN 9781585958399 Twenty-Third Publications $12.95 Sophia $10.36

Supplementary resources for The Australian Children’s Mass Book Order of the Mass poster set Illustrations by Geoff Hocking ISBN 9781921946073

Prayers of the Mass poster set

Getting to Know Jesus Getting to Know Jesus invites young adolescents to get to know Jesus through his varied qualities and gifts and during different times in his life. Each chapter in the Getting to Know Jesus teaching activities manual includes an overview, key Scripture passages, related Breakthrough! articles, correlations between the life of Jesus and the lives of young adolescents and activities that familiarize them with stories from the Gospels and Jesus himself. ISBN 9780884899792 Saint Mary’s Press $26.95 Sophia $21.56

Teaching Activities Manual for Breakthrough! The Bible for Young People An Introduction to People of Faith and Getting to Know Jesus The teaching activities manual helps Catholic middle school teachers, parish catechists and youth ministers further engage students in their exploration of the bible. ISBN 9780884899082 Saint Mary’s Press $43.95 Sophia $35.16

The Bible Timeline Guided Journal Sarah Christmyer

Children will respond enthusiastically to the same delightful illustrations and clear layout. These posters are ideal for use in either classroom or parish settings and will prove an invaluable catechetical tool to reinforce the new texts.

This is more than just a journal. It is a personal guide through the story of salvation history. This valuable journal will assist you with a ninety-day plan for reading the fourteen narrative books of the bible. With plenty of room for notes, this resource contains thought-provoking questions to help jump-start your journaling, tips on how to study the bible, and a prayer for each day of readings.

Laminated A1 size (approximately 84 x 89 cm)

ISBN 9781934217160 Ascension Press $22.95 Sophia $18.36

Illustrations by Geoff Hocking

ISBN 9781921946066 $44.95 Sophia $35.96 each

John Garratt Publishing 32 Glenvale Crescent Mulgrave Vic 3170 - Visit our website



Great gifts for graduating students

Send students forth in the spirit of the Gospel church school


8:40 PM

World Wide Open

Page 68

Primary Graduation Gift Book

Secondary Graduation Gift Book

world wide

Celebrating You Juliet Hughes-Norwood

Juliet Hughes-Norwood

Completing primary school and commencing secondary college is an important milestone in any child’s life. It engenders a rush of emotions: excitement, anxiety, anticipation, concern and so many others all at once. The care that the primary school and its staff and parents have given to their students does not cease when the move on and there are many things that you would no doubt like to tell them and have them carry onward to secondary school. To remind them of what they have learned, of how precious they are, to allay some of their fears as they approach this new environment, to advise them on handling some of the situations they many encounter and to let them know that your thoughts and prayers go with them wherever they are. These thoughts have been the stimulus for the development of Celebrating You by John Garratt Publishing. This book is intended as a gift for students as they leave primary school. It contains advice that is both witty and sage, inspirational and practical from author Juliette Hughes-Norwood. All wrapped up in delightful illustrations by Geoff Hocking, known to many through his enchanting artwork for the Australian Children’s Mass Book. Celebrating You is a book to give and a book to keep, a reference and a treasure for students moving ahead on their educational journey.

With their secondary education completed the students rush headlong into their new lives marked by greater freedom and responsibility, perhaps further study, perhaps fulltime work. It is important to mark this milestone and schools do so in a variety of ways. The care and concern that the teachers, staff and parents have for their students

ISBN 9781921946011 John Garratt Publishing $11.95 Sophia $9.56

world wide

do not cease when they finish their studies and a meaningful gift is one way to both mark the occasion and assure them of that continuing care. World Wide Open is a gift for secondary school graduates that John Garratt Publishing has developed for just this purpose. To put in writing many of the things that you would like to tell these young adults and have them carry with them as they leave your care. To remind them of what they have learned, of how precious they are, to allay some of their fears as they approach this new environment, to advise them on handling some of the situations they many encounter and to let them know that your thoughts and prayers go with them wherever they are. Author Juliette HughesNorwood has written a practical and inspirational text which advises and encourages, reminds them of the tradition that has nurtured them and offers reassurance when the road is not so smooth. With bright contemporary design by Lynne Muir, World Wide Open is a book that will appeal to teachers, parents and students. A thoughtful gift to give and a book to be kept and opened time and time again. ISBN 9781921946028 John Garratt Publishing $24.95 Sophia $19.96

New titles from John Garratt Songs of the Heart


Refelections on the Psalms Sr Joan Chittister

:mElanni E s vob oda, snd author of By the Way: 100 Reflections on the Spiritual Life

Joan Chittister, a Benedictine nun, author, and speaker, is a bold, clear voice who shows the way to God in all aspects of life, and particularly through prayer. She is author of The Breath of the Soul and God’s Tender Mercy.

Songs heart Joan Chit tiste‰


Reflections on the psalms


Who but Sr. Joan Chittister could break open the psalms in such fresh and piercingly tender ways! Her “soul points” and “wisdom stories” are unforgettable, both contemporary and timeless.

n this simple and profound book, Sr. Joan offers poignant and challenging reflections on twentyfive psalms, each offering a spiritual oasis away from the stresses of a world that demands more than the human soul can sometimes bear. She believes that the psalms, all pieces of poetry and music, have rich meaning for people today. Her hope is that readers will find new meaning here and johngarrattpublishing then make songs of their own.

songs of the heart _jgp.indd 1

Songs heart

This beautifully illustrated addition to the John Garratt Publishing Gift of… series is now available! Saint John Bosco, affectionately known asS ‘Don’ Bosco was a man ahead of his time. He was wholeheartedly committed to poor and troubled youth and revolutionised educational practices and approaches to youth spirituality by harnessing the power of peer-mentoring and meeting young people in activities where they were most comfortable. At a time when teacher and student were expected to remain distant from each other, where discipline was rigid and punishment harsh, Don Bosco modelled his educational system on an extended family where good and Christian learning was to happen in an environment of familiarity, spontaneity, trust and joy. He felt that the key to forming good citizens and good Christians was in loving relationships, lived out through the use of reason, religion and loving-kindness. He founded the ‘Salesians of Don Bosco’ and the ‘Daughters of Mary Help of Christians’. Their work keeps Don Bosco’s dream alive all over the world. His gift is that of genuine hope for youth in an ever-changing world. Challenged by reality, inspired by dream–visions, animated by his enduring closeness to God, he responded innovatively to gift the young with a sense of realism and hope through joy-filled practice of their faith. He responded to the particular needs of his place and time but left an attitude and system geared for adaptation to the future. Peter Carroll

of the

The Gift of Don Bosco is an inspirational book, johngarrattpublishing with heartfelt text penned by one of Don Bosco’s Salesians, Peter Carroll sdb and enchanting and tender illustrations and calligraphy by Lynne Muir.

Peter Carroll sdb lynne Muir

Reflections on

THE Psalms

boscocover_toprint.indd 1

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ISBN 9781921946110 John Garratt Publishing $16.95 Sophia $13.56

A Retreat with Thomas Merton A seven-day spiritual journey Esther de Waal Time apart is not simply a gift to oneself, it is a necessity. Acknowledging our total dependence on God and our need for him is vital for all our relationships. With one of the greatest modern spiritual writers as our guide, Esther de Waal provides a complete resource, including practical help, for a retreat over seven days that can be taken at home or in any quiet place.

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The exposition of the teaching of Thomas Merton by so perceptive a writer as Esther de Waal would in itself bring into focus many layers of experience; but this book does more than that…Two valuable aids help this process: the finely chosen psalm verses and above all Merton’s photographs, which are themselves sheer poetry. – Church Times

Challenged by reality, inspired by dream–visions, animated by his enduring closeness to God, he responded innovatively to gift the young with a sense of realism and hope through joy-filled practice of their faith. He responded to the particular needs of his place and time but left an attitude and system geared for adaptation to the future. – Peter Carroll The Gift of Don Bosco is an inspirational book, with heartfelt text penned by one of Don Bosco’s Salesians, Peter Carroll SDB enhanced by enchanting and tender illustrations and calligraphy by Lynne Muir.

ISBN 9781921946035 John Garratt Publishing $24.95 Sophia $19.96

ISBN 9781921946103 John Garratt Publishing $24.95 Sophia $19.96

Esther de Waal has captured the essence of Merton’s spirituality in a miraculous way and has given us an opportunity for a retreat with Merton himself. I warmly recommend this book. – Richard Holloway An exceptionally beautiful book. Bearing witness to her appreciation of the place of images in spiritual life, Esther de Waal has joined her text to a fine collection of Merton’s photographic studies of the world around him. – The Tablet


Peter Carroll with illustrations by Lynne Muir

aint John Bosco, affectionately known as ‘Don’ Bosco was a man ahead of his time. He was wholeheartedly committed to poor and troubled youth and revolutionised educational practices and approaches to youth spirituality by harnessing the power of peer-mentoring and meeting young people in activities where they were most comfortable. At a time when teacher and student were expected to remain distant from each other, where discipline was rigid and punishment harsh, Don Bosco modelled his educational system on an extended family where good and Christian learning was to happen in an environment of familiarity, spontaneity, trust and joy. He felt that the key to forming good citizens and good Christians was in loving relationships, lived out through the use of reason, religion and loving-kindness. He founded the Salesians of Don Bosco and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.Their work keeps Don Bosco’s dream alive all over the world. His gift is that of genuine hope for youth in an ever-changing world.

Joan Chittiste‰

New the Gift of don bosCo • Carroll • Muir



Who but Sr Joan Chittister could break open the psalms in such fresh and piercingly tender ways! Her ‘soul points’ and ‘wisdom stories’ are unforgettable, both contemporary and timeless. Joan Chittister, a Benedictine nun, author and speaker, is a bold, clear of the voice who shows the way to God in all aspects of life, and particularly through prayer. She is author of The Breath of The Soul and the best-selling book, God’s Tender Mercy. In this simple and profound book, Sr Joan offers poignant and challenging reflections on twenty-five psalms, each offering a spiritual johngarrattpublishing oasis away from the stresses of a world that demands more than the human soul can sometimes bear. She believes that the psalms, all pieces of poetry and music, have rich meaning for people today. Her hope is that readers will find new meaning here and then make songs of their own.

The Gift of Don Bosco

August 2011 - For immediate delivery phone 1300 650 878, fax 03 8545 2922 or email

Recent titles from John Garratt 365 Children’s Prayers





James Bethan

by Bethan James Illustrated by Heather Stuart

365 Children’s Prayers has become a popular thisresource in prayers schools illustrated collection provides to help children pray about all the different experiences have day by day and homes across Australia. Prayers are grouped intheysubjects that and to learn to share them all with God. suit every occasion and major life events. What’s more, it features a comprehensive index, delightful illustrations, prayers written by the author and children. This beautiful casebound volume is sturdy and will be attractive to any child. johngarrattpublishing Use the book at home, in the classroom, in liturgical and paraliturgical settings. Terrific sacramental gift. erfect for bedtime or anytime,

C H I LD R E N ’ S



Bethan James

Illustrated by

Heather Stuart

Telling the Christ Story Within the Context of Creation Kevin Treston Drawing on his many years of communicating the Christ story within different cultural settings, Kevin Treston offers an inclusive approach to telling the Christ story within the context of creation. For two thousand years the Christ story has been a significant influence on the story of humankind, especially in Western orientated countries. However, there is now clear evidence that the Christ story is being marginalised in Western countries. For Christians, the Incarnation places the Christ story right at the heart of the web of life in the universe. How can the Christ story be told and lived so that it becomes the Universal Christ story for Christians and for those from other religious traditions and cultures? The aim of the Universal Christ story is to enhance the august wellbeing of all beings in creation and to blend the Christ story with other religious and cultural stories so that the heart of the Gospel message of ‘life in abundance’ is realised. In this book Kevin proposes a way forward for the Christian community which draws its inspiration from the story of Jesus the Christ and the story of the universe. Each chapter concludes with questions for reflection. Kevin Treston has worked for many years across the globe in the areas of education, leadership, spirituality, theology, scripture and personal development. He has a PhD from the University of Notre Dame in Indiana in the USA, and has completed post-doctoral studies at other major educational institutions in Washington, Chicago and Boston.

Kevin will be speaking in our bookroom on 25 August, 2011. Contact us on 1300 650 878 for more info or visit our website ISBN 9781920682163 John Garratt Publishing $34.95 Sophia $27.96

Michael Morwood


n this charming and deeply spiritual tale, a woman named Hope explores many of life’s most profound questions—surprisingly assisted by her cat Faith and her bird George. These three talk about God’s presence and about suffering and death and the meaning of life. They talk about a prayerful relationship with God, “the presence all around us holding everything together”. Together they tackle some very tough questions, and through this sharing and reflection, Hope gains a new and deeper understanding of Jesus, God, faith, and religion. Through this deceptively simple book, Morwood offers an invitation to all believers to reflect, pray, discuss, and grow so that they too might experience God, Jesus, and the Spirit more deeply and profoundly.



Faith Hope and a Bird Called George is a charming and deeply spiritual tale that has captured the hearts and minds of many of our and a regular customer. Written by popular author Michael Morwood, this charming and deeply spiritual tale of a woman named Hope who is on a quest to explore many of life’s most profound questions. With her johngarrattpublishing cat Faith and her bird George, she explores what Christ’s presence A Spiritual Fable means in everyday life, about suffering, death and the meaning of life. Through the meaningful dialogue in the book, Hope gains a new and deeper understanding of Jesus, God, faith and religion. Michael Morwood has written seven books, including Tomorrow’s Catholic: Understanding God and Jesus in a New Millennium. He presents workshops, retreats and reflection days in Australia, the USA, Canada, Ireland and England, and remains a popular author in Australia and internationally. Michael Morwood is author of seven books, including Tomorrow’s Catholic: Understanding God and Jesus in a New Millennium (Twenty-Third Publications). He presents workshops, retreats, and reflection days in Australia, USA, Canada, Ireland, and England.

Faith, Hope, Bird Called George

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ISBN 9781920682354 John Garratt Publishing $12.95 Sophia $10.36

Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Pike

The Power of Story is a collection of reflections, parables and stories which illustrate both aspects of the Catholic tradition and Australian Aboriginal spirituality. These threads, along with autobiographical reminiscences of the author, Elizabeth Pike, weave effortlessly through the pages of this anthology to create a collection which will delight, entertain and inspire. Readers will find treasures which give pause for thought, stimulate discussion and perhaps even encourage prayer. Reflections on the Cross, the Rosary and Mary combine with tales from the Dreaming such as Tunbi the Owl and the Story of the Platypus which is close to the author’s own heart. She tells her own story and the stories of other inspiring Aboriginal Australians with humility but with a clarity and eloquence which will make The Power of Story accessible to readers of all ages and backgrounds.


Spirit of the Dreaming


The Power of Story

Elizabeth Pike



elizabeth pike

This series of brief stories and meditations reveal the power of story for hope, healing and embracing spirit. With characteristic hope and About the Author of wisdom, Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Pike presents pathways for dialogue between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Springing forth from her own journey of discovery and self-acceptance, Betty writes as one who s p i ri t o f t h e d r e a m i n g has was wrestled with understanding Aboriginality and its significance for today. The book includes a moving account of her own experiences as one of the ‘Forgotten Generation’, and of her own path to selfunderstanding. The volume includes a collection of Betty’s original prayers, poems and reflections, including her classic ‘An Australian Blessing’. Aboriginal elder Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Pike is a Nyoongah woman whose ancestors are the Aboriginal people of south-west Australia and an Irish convict. She is writer in residence at Aboriginal Catholic Ministry. She is the author of numerous articles with an Aboriginal focus, and her work has appeared in the publications Developing an Australian Theology and Bread for the Table and journals and magazines including Madonna, Outlook, Summit, Nelen Yubu, Kairos and EarthSong. She is also the author of A River Dreaming.

A Guide for Parents

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ISBN 9781920721756 John Garratt Publishing $9.95 Sophia $7.96

A Friendly Guide to the New Testament Francis J Moloney SDB Fr Frank Moloney explores who wrote the New Testament, how it came down to us in its present form, what the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ meant for his followers, St Paul and the early Christians and how we can use the New Testament to deepen our faith. This book will help bring the richness of the Bible word into the lives of ordinary believers. Attractively presented with surprising gems, it is engaging and nurturing. Like all titles in the Friendly Guide series, this book is bursting with colour and creativity featuring photographs, icons, maps, charts, summary boxes and original artwork. ISBN 9781920721947 John Garratt Publishing $24.95 Sophia $19.96

Faith, hope and a Bird called GeorG

A Spiritual Fable

This booklet offers a simple explanation of the various stages of the celebration of baptism and the rich symbolism of this ancient ritual. It also explains the role of parents and godparents so that they can participate meaningfully in the ceremony. In presenting a child for baptism, parents are preparing for a second birth, like a birth into the Christian community. No-one is ever born Christian, which is unlike the experience in the Jewish tradition in which a person is Jewish if their mother is Jewish. That is why the baptismal font is sometimes referred to as the ‘womb’ of the church. Other books by Geoff Plant include the Embracing the Word series consisting of Ascending the Mountain (ISBN 9781920682255 RRP $29.95 Sophia $23.96) which is a collection of homilies for Year A of the liturgical cycle, the Year of Matthew and Welcoming the Outsider (ISBN 9781920682019 RRP $29.95 Sophia $23.96) which focusses on the liturgical cycle for Year C. These books have become irreplaceable resources for priests and church workers, students of Biblical studies, Bible study groups and individuals hoping to increase their own spiritual understanding. Geoff Plant is a priest in Sydney. His ministry has covered work in education at secondary and tertiary levels, but he says that parish work remains his first love. Other titles by Geoff include Embracing the Word, a series of books that look at the gospels and readings for Sundays and places them within easy reach the individual, the homilist, or the community working together to learn about the gospels and Sunday readings. baptism_MASTER_3.indd 1

Modern Credo

Faith, Hope, and a Bird Called George A Spiritual Fable Michael Morwood

Geoffrey Plant

Geoffrey Plant

ISBN 9781920682323 John Garratt Publishing $16.95 Sophia $13.56

Faith Hope and a Bird Called George

Baptism A Guide for Parents


A Friendly Guide to the Mass Monsignor Anthony Doherty Tony Doherty opens up the treasures of the Mass and through story, humour and colourful imagery, offers an insight to the heart of this ritual. The gentle but thorough approach will appeal to students and teachers, catechists and RCIA candidates. In clear and accessible language, this title is a friendly introduction to the Mass. It includes references to the catechism, and the scriptures, useful facts and reflective quotes. ISBN 9781920721954 John Garratt Publishing $24.95 Sophia $19.96

A Friendly Guide to Jesus Fr Andrew Hamilton SJ This book presents a search for answers to questions about Jesus, who he was and who he is for us today. It also looks at how faith in Jesus can help us to understand what really matters, what it means to be a follower of Jesus and how we can live happily and well as Christians. The book features the outstanding artwork of Jan Hynes, depicting the Christ story in remarkable urban scenes. Andrew Hamilton takes the reader on a journey to discover meaning, incorporating story and art, maps, charts, scripture guides and information boxes. This book is ideal for students and teachers and will be an invaluable resource to supplement the religious education program. Similarly, parish groups, RCIA teams and candidates or anyone wanting to improve their understanding of the life and mission of Jesus will find this text indispensable. ISBN 9781920721978 John Garratt Publishing $24.95 Sophia $19.96

ISBN 9781920682248 John Garratt Publishing $32.95 Sophia $26.36

Our Fathers

The Australian Children’s Mass Book

What Australian Catholic priests really think about their lives and their church

Tricia Murray with Illustrations by Geoff Hocking

Written by Chris McGillion and John O’Carroll

Designed to introduce children across Australia to the new liturgy, The Australian Children’s Mass Book will delight and engage younger readers as they participate more fully in the Mass. With playful and inclusive illustrations by Geoff Hocking, this missal for juniors will become the new essential resource for schools, parishes and catechists, as well as a much sought-after sacramental gift. The text in this book has been approved for use in Australia by the Australian Bishop’s Committee for Liturgy and ICEL. The Australian Children’s Mass Book is contemporary, incorporates the changes in the liturgy and presents a very clear and accessible understanding of what it is that the Catholic community is engaged in when it gathers to celebrate the Eucharist. Changes in the liturgy have been incorporated simply, and the colourful illustrations attract attention to and enhance the text. – Kathy Horan, author and primary school principal

While many people assume they know what priests think, the reality is that the private views of priests are rarely known outside their own ranks and the small circle of their closest friends. This book, based on a survey sent to every priest working in parish ministry in Australia as well as on interviews with more than 50 priests across the country, reveals the true thoughts of priests about their vocation, their working lives, and issues confronting the church today. The results will inform, shock and challenge all Catholics. Chris McGillion is a former religious affairs editor for the Sydney Morning Herald and has written on religious issues for newspapers and magazines including The Age, Brisbane Times, Eureka Street, the Tablet (UK), and the National Catholic Reporter (US). John O’Carroll has written extensively on religious and philosophical issues. Both teach at Charles Sturt University.

ISBN 9781921946004 John Garratt Publishing $9.95 Sophia $7.96

ISBN 9781920682262 John Garratt Publishing $29.95 Sophia $23.96

John Garratt Publishing 32 Glenvale Crescent Mulgrave Vic 3170 - Visit our website


Parish Titles The Third Book of Catholic Jokes

Reflections on Renewal

Tom Sheridan

Lay Ecclesial Ministry in the Church

Many of you have been waiting for it and it’s back! The third volume in the runaway bestelling series of Catholic jokes focusses on the universal, and often hilarious, human experience of relating to one another and growing old together. Tom Sheridan is a veteran writer and editor. In addition to a long career at the Chicago Sun-Times, he is also the former editor of The Catholic New World and general manager of publications for the Archdiocese of Chicago. An ordained deacon, he is author of many books, including The Gift of Baptism and The Gift of Godparents. ISBN 9780879464615 ACTA Publications $14.95 Sophia $11.96 The Second Book of Catholic Jokes ISBN 9780879464257 $14.95 Sophia $11.96

This Land Our Water Water Challenges for the 21st Century A Collection of Papers by Peter Cullen Edited by Vicki Cullen This book opens with a biography by Peter’s wife, the Reverend Vicky Cullen, offering the reader an insight into Peter’s personal life and the influences that inspired his passion and drive as an academic and ‘water guru’. The eulogy by Kate Andrews, written in March 2008, provides another perspective on Peter’s life. Peter Cullen was an influential communicator in many debates on the sustainable use of water in Australia. Complemented with resplendent colour imagery of Australia. This book will inspire a sense of conservation and sense of awe and wonder to promote the longevity of our water supplies. ISBN 9781921511042 ATF Press $79.95 Sophia $63.96

Practice Makes Catholic Joe Paprocki Why do Catholics do what they do? This helpful book gets to the heart of the question, and to the heart of what it really means to be Catholic. In Practice Makes Catholic, Paprocki addresses the all-important ‘why’ of many Catholic practices. Based on research he conducted, Paprocki articulates five key characteristics that form our Catholic identity: a sense of sacramentality, a commitment to community, a respect for the dignity of human life and a commitment to justice, a reverence for tradition, and a disposition to faith and hope rather than despair. Under each of these categories, he explores and explains the multiple practices, then describes how following each practice can make a profound difference in our faith and in our daily lives. Written in Paprocki’s trademark style which is informative and inviting, this book is ideal for RCIA candidates and sponsors, as well as for Catholics returning to the faith. Truly, anyone who is more comfortable letting his or her actions speak louder than words when it comes to spreading the Gospel will embrace the message of this book. Joe Paprocki, DMin is a consultant in the US for faith formation at Loyola Press. He has 30 years experience in ministry and has taught at high school, college and general adult levels, and currently serves as a fourth-grade catechist. He is a popular speaker as well as the author of several books, including The Catechist’s Toolbox.

This book contributes to efforts to reshape ministerial language and practices in the church, continuing the processes started with the document of the US bishops entitled Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord. It explores the theological and pastoral foundations of ministry, including how all ministry is founded in the sacraments of initiation and suggests ways of refining or redefining our understandings of lay ecclesial and ordained ministries, so that we as church can respond more fully to the call of God in our lives and world. At the same time, the book recognises that lay ministry developed organically as the work of the Spirit and is, foremost, a cause for rejoicing. This collection of essays is grounded in the commitment of Fordham University to the church and its mission in the world. It honours the thousands of lay people who have answered a call to serve the church in ministry. Donna Eschenauer is the director of religious education and the catechumenate at the Cathedral Parish of St Agnes in Rockville Centre, New York. Harold Daly Horell is an assistant professor of religious education at the Fordham Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education. ISBN 9780814680162 Liturgical Press $25.95 Sophia $20.76

Seeing the Word Illuminations and Music Volume II CD Enhance your experience of the Seeing the Word program with this supplementary collection of music and projectable illuminations, both on disc. Seeing the Word: Illuminations and Music is a recommended resource for any individual or facilitator striving to amplify the visio divina process, which is the framework of Seeing the Word. The first disc contains ten illuminations from The Saint John’s Bible that have been specially formatted for projection, allowing viewers to study the breathtaking art more closely. The second disc, which is accompanied by a correlation chart, includes a beautiful collection of songs from Psallite (pronounced SAHlee-tay), a liturgical music program inspired by the antiphons and psalms of the Roman Missal. Together, the large-scale imagery and memorable music create an effective tool for promoting deeper reflection on God’s word. ISBN 9780814691717 Liturgical Press $195.00 Sophia $156.00

Living Liturgy for Cantors Year B 2012

Living Liturgy for Cantors is a resource to help cantors prepare themselves to sing the responsorial psalm. This book offers cantors insight into how the psalm is connected to the readings of the day as well as to their daily lives. Gaining a sense of these connections, cantors will be able to sing the psalm with greater understanding and to lead the assembly more effectively in surrendering to the mystery of Christ made present in the Liturgy of the Word.

ISBN 9780829433227 Loyola Press $12.95 Sophia $10.36

ISBN 9780814633359 Liturgical Press $12.95 Sophia $10.36

Prepare! Celebrate! Live! Seasonal Prayer Services for the Whole Parish

Abiding Word

Mariette Martineau This comprehensive resource helps catechetical, school and pastoral leaders prepare for, engage in and live out the gospel challenges of central feasts, seasons and milestones of the liturgical year. It also helps them prepare participants, age and grade specific (K-12) and intergenerational, to participate fully in the seasonal prayer services included here: beginning of the school year; All Saints; All Souls; Thanksgiving; Advent; Christmas; Lent/Ash Wednesday; Lent/ Reconciliation; the Triduum/Easter; and Mary. There are also resources to engage the ‘home church’ in the praying, serving and learning about the focus of prayer at home. This is a wonderful resource, filled with invaluable information and guidelines for effective and meaningful parish, school and home prayer celebrations. ISBN 9781585958375 Twenty-Third Publications $25.95 Sophia $20.76

Illuminating Ministry A Journal Volume 2 Illuminating Ministry provides an opportunity for church leaders and those in ministerial formation to engage in community and prayer. By focussing on seven distinct charisms or values of Benedictine spirituality and basing its prayer movement on lectio divina, this journal inspires reflection on one’s own life and ministry. Illuminating Ministry, which promotes spiritual companioning in groups, becomes an exceptional tool for exploring and renewing one’s call to ministry. ISBN 9780814633717 Liturgical Press $25.95 Sophia $20.76

Living Liturgy for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy communion Year B 2012

Living Liturgy for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion is a resource that provides a way for all extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion to prepare for the coming Sunday. This little book offers encouragement for Communion ministers and includes personal reflections for each Sunday. It is an indispensable aid for those who take Holy Communion to the sick and homebound. This book begins with the First Sunday of Advent 2011. ISBN 9780814633342 Liturgical Press $12.95 Sophia $10.36


Edited by Donna M Eschenauer and Harold Daly Horell

Sunday Reflections for Year B Barbara Reid OP

‘Remain in me, as I remain in you’. Jesus’s disciples are given this command in John’s gospel, and it is a command that extends to every one of his followers, including us. We deepen this mutual indwelling, we in Christ and Christ in us, each Sunday through the word and at the table. In Abiding Word, Barbara Reid OP takes the Sunday experience to every day with accessible weekly meditations on the lectionary readings of the year. This collection of articles, which includes scripture readings for Sundays and solemnities followed by reflections, allows readers to meditate on the connection between the sacred text and their daily lives. Living with the word day by day invites us into a closer relationship with Christ, the God who became flesh. Barbara Reid is known for her contributions to ‘The Word’, a widely read column in America magazine. This collection showcases some of her finest entries. Due September 2011. ISBN 9780814633120 Liturgical Press $24.95 Sophia $19.96

A Year of Sundays Gospel Reflections 2012 Cackie Upchurch and Cliffor M Yeary In the liturgical year that begins on the first Sunday of Advent 2011 and ends on the feast of Christ the King in November 2012, much of what we will hear comes from the Gospel of Mark. This is a text that is punctuated with a sense of urgency. Jesus is always moving from one place to the next, and the story unfolds in rapid sequence from the desert where Jesus began his ministry, to the empty tomb outside Jerusalem. This little book is filled with brief but insightful reflections for each Sunday, as well as Christmas, Ash Wednesday and the Triduum. A question for meditation follows each reflection. Cackie (Catherine) Upchurch is the director of Little Rock Scripture Study and has written study guides and wrap-up lectures for this biblical study ministry. Clifford M Yeary is the associate director of Little Rock Scripture Study, for which he writes and revises study materials and represents wrap-up lectures. Due September 2011 ISBN 9780814636442 Liturgical Press $2.95 Sophia $2.36

August 2011 - For immediate delivery phone 1300 650 878, fax 03 8545 2922 or email

Prayer & Spirituality Grace Notes

Studying the Life of Saint Francis of Assisi

Brian Doyle

A Beginner’s Workbook second edition

Brian Doyle might just be the most passionate storyteller in America. Grace Notes is an eclectic and compelling collection of stories about discovering the incarnated Spirit of God every time he turns around, often in the most unlikely of people, places and things. In 37 short snapshots, he captures the spiritual essence of everyday life from the perspective of a committed Catholic who loves his faith, his family, his community and his church, even with all their warts and failings. (Hence the beautiful Argentine tree frog that graces the cover). Be prepared to take a beautiful, breathtaking tear-jerking ride on some of the most accomplished, outside-the-box writing you’ve ever read. Brian Doyle is the editor of Portland magazine and author of nine books. He lives in the US city of Portland with his wife and three children. Available October 2011

William Hugo

ISBN 9780879464349 ACTA Publications $27.95 Sophia $22.36

Simple Life-Changing Prayer Discovering the Power of St Ignatius Loyola’s Examen Jim Manney For most people most of the time, prayer is hard. It is especially difficult, not to mention unsatisfying, when people experience it as formal, dry, and repetitious. But what might happen if you discovered a simple prayer that changed all that? What if you discovered a prayer that changed you? In A Simple Life-Changing Prayer, Jim Manney introduces Christians to a 500-year-old form of prayer that dramatically altered his perception of prayer and the way he prayed. The prayer is the examen, which St Ignatius Loyola developed for the purpose of nurturing a reflective habit of mind that is constantly attuned to God’s presence.

There has never been a richer time for Franciscan studies than now, thanks in great part to the publication of Francis of Assisi: Early documents (FA:ED) in 2002. It also includes new scholarship and new bibliographic references. More than half the worksheets of the previous edition have been revised, and others have been added. The worksheets can be done by individuals or in groups or seminars. General readers will enjoy learning about Saint Francis and how hagiography shaped the public stories of medieval saints. William Hugo has ministered in initial formation since 1980 and taught the life of Francis of Assisi for over 26 years to Capuchins at various levels of formation and to Secular Franciscans. ISBN 9781565483972 New City Press $25.95 Sophia $20.76

15 Days of Prayer with Eusebe-Henri Menard Christian Rodembourg Christian Rodembourge invites us to join Fr Eusebe-Henri Menard in a bold spiritual adventure bolstered in ‘divine tenderness for our world’. A renowned Franciscan preacher, Fr Menard probed, charmed and inspired many young adults to join with him and follow Jesus to be leaven in the world around them; to be that divine tenderness. ISBN 9781565484030 New City Press $16.95 Sophia $13.56

ISBN 9780829435351 Loyola Press $14.95 Sophia $11.96

Changed Heart Changed World The Transforming Freedom of Friendship with God William A Barry

15 Days of Prayer with Saint Therese of Lisieux Constant Tonnelier

Changed Heart, Changed World helps explode the myth that our inner life is somehow separate from our outer life. Employing a highly personable tone, Fr Barry provides practical ways to integrate the inner life, where we experience a relationship with God, with the outer life, where we live in relationship with our world. Fr Barry begins the book by reviewing how an individual develops a friendship with God; from there, he delves into such topics as how that friendship influences our role in society, how to see forgiveness as a way of life and how compassion can make its mark on the world.

A Carmelite nun who joined the convent at the young age of fifteen, Saint Therese of Lisieux lived a cloistered life of obscurity. Though she preferred hidden sacrifice during her short life, her words, her legacy and her ‘little way’ have made her one of the more popular saints of today. Enjoy your time with Therese of Lisieux, and be prepared to be surprised as you journey with one of the most beloved spiritual figures of our time. Fr Constant Tonnelier is a chaplain for the Carmelites in Laval, France and is a renowned expert in Carmelite spirituality.

ISBN 9780829433036 Loyola Press $22.95 Sophia $18.36

ISBN 9781565483910 New City Press $16.95 Sophia $13.56

An Ignatian Pathway Experiencing the Mystical Dimension of the Spiritual Exercises

Abide: Keeping Vigil with the Word of God

Paul Coutinho SJ

Macrina Wiederkehr

Many books written about the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius Loyola are about doing; as a result, they can easily be perceived as checklists of things that should be accomplished in order to get the greatest benefit from the exercises. By contrast, An Ignatian Pathway by Paul Coutinho, SJ was written specifically to help readers enter into an experience with the Divine, an approach that amplifies the easily overlooked mystical dimension of Ignatian spirituality and appropriately reflects Fr Coutinho’s Eastern background and philosophy. Paul Coutinho SJ currently conducts an international ministry of speaking, retreat work and spiritual direction from a base at St Louis University, where he received his doctorate in historical theology. A native of India, he divides his time between his home country and the United States, He is the author of How Big Is Your God? and Just as You Are which are also available from John Garratt Publishing.

In John’s gospel we are directed to “Abide in me, as I abide in you”. This book presents an invitation to make the word of God your home through the practice of lectio divina. Macrina Wiederkehr OSB encourages you to turn the words of Scripture over in your heart as a plough turns over the soil to welcome the seed. In these scriptural meditations, the piercing reflective questions and personal prayers lead the reader into a deeper relationship with the divine.

ISBN 9780829433098 Loyola Press $14.95 Sophia $11.96

Margaret Silf

Streams of Contentment

This book is a favourite of many John Garratt customers. Margaret Silf returns to offer her warm and welcoming spiritual wisdom to this perennially popular book. Filled with daily meditations and scripture readings that follow the lectionary readings of the church year, 2012: A Book of Grace-Filled Days is a portal to God’s loving, grace-filled presence in the midst of our busy lives. Each page lists the scripture readings from the Mass for that day, a quotation from the readings, and a brief reflection to spur meditation, prayer and self-examination. Margaret Silf travels widely in her work as a retreat director and speaker on Ignatian spirituality. She is the author of numerous books.

Lessons I Learned on My Uncle’s Farm Robert J Wicks From the bestselling author of Riding the Dragon, Robert J. Wicks applies the lessons he learned as a city boy spending summers on his family’s farm to the complex and hectic reality of contemporary life. With characteristic charm and insight, Wicks, who is a highly respected spiritual guide, therapist and speaker, offers a simple prescription for finding contentment. ISBN 9781933495279 Ave Maria Press $29.95 Sophia $23.96

Saints at Heart How Fault-Filled, Problem-Prone, Imperfect People Like Us Can Be Holy

ISBN 9780814633830 Liturgical Press $22.95 Sophia $18.36

2012 A Book a Grace-Filled Days

ISBN 9780829429121 Loyola Press $14.95 Sophia $11.96

Other Side of Chaos Margaret Silf

‘You’re no saint!’ It’s a familiar phrase, one that nearly all of us probably believe accurately reflects our own hearts and lives. We assume that sanctity is reserved for an elite group of extraordinary people who follow spiritual disciplines so difficult and impractical that no ordinary person could ever perform them. But best-selling author Bert Ghezzi believes every one of us can be holy. Each of the 10 saints featured in this book illustrates a specific spiritual practice that can help us draw closer to God. For anyone who desires to draw close to God but doesn’t think it’s possible, Saints at Heart proves that it is. By following the examples of the imperfect yet God-centred saints before us, we too can be holy if we want. Bert Ghezzi holds a PhD in history and is a popular columnist and speaker, as well as the author of 20 books.

From satisfying work to sudden unemployment. From a happy marriage to a hurtful divorce. From caring for the kids to caring for an aging parent. In The Other Side of Chaos, best-selling author Margaret Silf looks closely at the subject of chaos – and the intrinsic transition it brings – through the lens of Christian spirituality. Through scripture stories and verses, personal accounts and other anecdotes, Silf helps us develop an authentic ‘spirituality of transition’ that leads us to live out life’s changes constructively, creatively and confidently. Ultimately, The Other Side of Chaos gives us the courage to trust God when life is breaking down and to see our messes not as something to be rescued from, but as something that will help us break through to a place where God makes all things new. Available September 2011

ISBN 9780829435443 Loyola Press $16.95 Sophia $13.56

ISBN 9780829433081 Loyola Press $18.95 Sophia $15.16

Bert Ghezzi

John Garratt Publishing 32 Glenvale Crescent Mulgrave Vic 3170 - Visit our website


Prayer & Spirituality The Good Shepherd

Finding God in the Dark II

Prayer Journal 2012

Taking the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius to the Movies

This prayer journal is a wonderful tool, giving us an opportunity to record our thoughts, reflections, petitions and answered prayers during our time with the Lord each day. This year’s prayer journal includes: • a scripture verse or quotation from a saint or well-known spiritual writer on each page • a complete listing of the mass readings for each day of the year • ample space for writing • an inspiring selection of prayers and quotations at the beginning of each month These features have ensured the journal’s popularity year after year.

Belonging to Borders A Sojourn in the Celtic Tradition

ISBN 9782896463169 Novalis Publishing $44.95 Sophia $35.96

ISBN 9781593251864 Word Among Us $18.95 Sophia $15.16

Bonnie Thurston Poet Bonnie Thurston was once asked by a friend who wins when a scholar and a poet wrestle inside her. Her response is written here in the pages of Belonging to Borders. In these poems, Thurston reverences the borders, literal and metaphorical, that have been a part of her life since childhood. These prayerful meditations on Celtic saints and places invite the reader to honour the borders in their own lives and to recognise the holiness of living on the borders. Bonnie Thurston, after years as a university and seminary professor, lives quietly in her home state of West Virginia. ISBN 9780814633670 Liturgical Press $19.95 Sophia $15.96

Blessings of St Benedict John Michael Talbot

This book is a devotional that brings the Rule of St Benedict to all people of every state of life. In these brief and accessible reflections on this ancient monastic rule, John Michael Talbot offers simple and timeless monastic wisdom for everyone. Dipping into the well of spirituality that is both practical and mystical, this book is designed for both monastics and monastics at heart. John Michael Talbot founded the Brothers and Sisters of Charity at Little Portion Hermitage in 1982. He founded his own record label in 1992, Troubadour for the Lord, and is now recognised as one of the most popular artists in Catholic music. ISBN 9780814633854 Liturgical Press $21.95 Sophia $17.56

Money in the Kingdom of God Six Essential Attitudes of the Followers of Christ Susan V Vogt As followers of Christ, how do we decide how to use the treasure that God gives us? How do we judge what to purchase and what to give to others? As we examine our own hearts on this topic, we must especially guard against self-righteousness and judging others for purchases and decisions that differ from our own. This is a daunting task and can only be done with prayer and the grace of God. This bible study helps us look at these issues honestly in our own lives by taking a deeper look at what the Scriptures have to say. The times are different, but the values are the same. Money on the Kingdom of God examines six characteristics that we need to live as good Christian stewards: providence, justice, generosity, contentment, gratitude and humility, and investing in the kingdom of God. ISBN 9781593251888 Word Among Us $14.95 Sophia $11.96

Conversations with Mother Teresa A Personal Portrait of the Saint, Her Mission and Her Great Love for God

Living in the Gap Religious Life and the Call to Communion Fr Dennis J Billy We yearn for communion with one another because of God’s yearning for communion with us. Fr Billy reminds us that communion, according to John Paul II’s Novo Millennio Ineunte, lies at the very heart of the Christian message. Contemplating the other. Living in unity. Accepting each other’s ‘gift’. Sharing each other’s burdens. Although such right relationship is meant to be practiced by everyone, the ‘spirituality of communion’ has special significance for religious, since they are called to be experts in its daily practice for reflection. Fr Dennis J Billy is a Redemptorist of the Baltimore Province is the author of numerous theological and spiritual books. ISBN 9781565483927 New City Press $16.95 Sophia $13.56

Psalm-Shaped Prayerfulness A Guide to the Christian Reception of the Psalms Margaret Daly-Denton For people who treasure the psalms and yet are often quite mystified by them, help is at hand. Weaving together her expertise in scripture and liturgy, Margaret Daly-Denton accompanies the reader through a profitable and enjoyable learning experience. From the Psalter as a collection of ancient Israelite religious poetry to the New Testament portrayal of Jesus as someone who prayed the psalms, Daly-Denton guides readers through the centuries-long process of reinterpretation that is ongoing as psalms sung in worship shape the everyday prayerfulness of Christians. Throughout this book, suggestions for further reading and contemplation point the reader towards self-directed learning. Margaret Daly-Denton is an organist and composer with an academic and practical involvement in liturgy. ISBN 9780814634028 Liturgical Press $32.95 Sophia $26.36

The Secret Garden of Spirituality Ann Rennie The Secret Garden of Spirituality is a book about hope and living life well and purposefully so we can extract the holy marrow of all that we are given in the blood and bone of our ordinary humanity. It is a book that offers glimpses into eternity and explores in a whimsical way the secret garden of the soul. There are words of advice and common sense, reflections and recollections and an abiding belief that faith enables us to find the heaven within and to live that out in the world. Ann Marguerite Rennie teaches English and Religious Education at Melbourne’s Genazzano College and is undertaking a PhD with the Australian Catholic University. ISBN 9780855724061 Michelle Anderson Publishing $24.95 Sophia $19.96

Renzo Allegri Well-known Italian journalist Renzo Allegri paints a fascinating portrait of Blessed Mother Teresa based on his personal interviews and meetings with her over the years. This collection of stories, anecdotes and sayings is designed to help readers gain insight into Mother Teresa and her great love for Jesus, which motivated her to serve the poorest of the poor throughout the world. Allegri highlights the principles and beliefs that anchored this great woman of God and guided her through the many challenges she faced. Renzo Allegri is an Italian journalist, essay writer and music critic. He has written often on religious topics, including several best-selling books, Padre Pio: A Man of Hope and Teresa of the Poor. ISBN 9781593251901 Word Among Us $15.95 Sophia $12.76

Mary’s Life in the Spirit

Artist’s Rule Nurturing Your Creative Soul with Monastic Wisdom Christine Valters Paintner Summarised in the phrase ‘pray and work’, The Rule of St Benedict provides the inspiration for Christine Valters Paintner’s newest exploration of the mutually nourishing relationship between contemplative practices and creative expression. Artists of all stripes and stations in life, poets or painters, potters or photographers, will discover how traditions of Benedictine, Celtic, and desert spirituality can offer new sources of inspiration for their work. Through this twelve-week course, themes like ‘Sacred Tools and Sacred Space’, ‘Creative Solitude and Community’, and ‘Nature as a Source of Revelation and Inspiration’ are enriched by Paintner’s perceptive discussion. ISBN 9781933495293 Ave Maria Press $23.95 Sophia $19.16

Meditations on a Holy Duet

Called by Name

George T Montague


John Pungente and Monty Williams This book offers an approach to developing a spiritual life using the medium of modern movies, which can be described as the currency of popular culture. It provides an easy-to-follow format and various options for using the material by either individuals or groups, at home, in retreat, pastoral, academic or parish settings, Approximately 50 percent of the movies are new and different from the first award-winning edition, along with a few classics. John Pungente is a Jesuit and world-famous authority on media literacy. Monty Williams teaches at Regis College, part of the Toronto School of Theology at the University of Toronto.

How did Mary, filled with grace since her conception, live her life in the Holy Spirit? How can she teach us to do the same? Popular author, Fr George Montague, a Marianist priest and a highly respected biblical scholar who has been involved in the Catholic charismatic renewal since it’s beginnings, is uniquely qualified to address this topic. In short meditations, Fr Montague focusses on various aspects of Mary’s life and the Spirit’s involvement in each of them. Readers will enjoy the author’s clear and engaging writing as well as the depth of his reflections. Fr George T Montague SM is a Marianist priest known internationally for his numerous books on Scripture and spirituality, including the best-selling Holy Spirit: Make Your Home in Me.

The Inspiring Stories of 12 Men Who Became Catholic Priests

ISBN 9781593251925 Word Among Us $14.95 Sophia $11.96

ISBN 9781934217368 Ascension Press $19.95 Sophia $15.96

Dr Christine Anne Mugridge and Jerry Usher Catholic priests communicate the glory of heaven through the ministry of the word and the sacraments, especially in the holy sacrifice of the mass, the source and summit of our faith. By fulfilling this mission, these men truly become an alter Christus, another Christ. In this intriguing look at the awesome call to the priesthood, you will experience firsthand the joys, the struggles, and the extraordinary grace needed, and given by, these men we call ‘Father’.

August 2011 - For immediate delivery phone 1300 650 878, fax 03 8545 2922 or email

Prayer & Spirituality If you’re looking for ways to explore your own spirituality and bring yourself near to God, you will be interested in the prayer journals and CD collections in the Companions on the Journey (COJO) series from Good for the Soul Music.

COJO Companions on the Journey Series David Kauffman and Terrie Becan Spirit-filled music woven together with inspirational mini-talks that sing and speak to a theme along our faith journey. COJOs are perfect during a commute, walk or quiet time in prayer. COJO CDs and COJOURNALS are often used as the centrepiece of a small community fellowship, but can be used for private prayer and journaling. Try one today! Good for the Soul Music CDs $15.95 each Sophia $14.36 each Journals $12.95 each Sophia $10.36 each

A Biblical Walk Through the Mass Edward Sri STD

In this new book Dr Edward Sri takes us on a unique tour of the Liturgy. Based on the revised translation of the Mass which goes into effect in Advent 2011, this book explores the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience in the Liturgy and explains their significance. Look at the starter pack which includes a 3 DVD set, the Student workbook (9781935940012), the Leader’s Guide (9781935940036) and the book A Biblical Walk Through the Mass all for $129.95 (Sophia $103.96) ISBN 9781935940005 Ascension Press $17.95 Sophia $14.36

Walking with God A Journey Through the Bible

Some of the popular titles in the series include

Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins

In Walking with God the authors unpack the central story woven through scripture and present it in an easy-to-read and concise manner. Gray and Cavins take you on a journey through the ‘narrative’ books of the bible, the ones that tell the story, and present a panoramic view of God’s glorious plan of salvation. Witness the fascinating story of our faith unfold and see how you, at this moment in your life, fit into God’s plan for all of humanity. ISBN 9781934217894 Ascension Press $37.95 Sophia $30.36

Fragments of Your Ancient Name Surrender Journal ISBN 9780979009624 and CD 0675101192 Behold Journal ISBN 9780979009600 and CD 0675100552

Follow Me Journal ISBN 9780979009655 and CD 0026120298 Be Still Journal ISBN 9780979009617 and CD 0675100322

365 Glimpses of the Divine for Daily Meditation Joyce Rupp Bestselling author Joyce Rupp once again proves herself a wise and gentle spiritual midwife, drawing forth 365 names of God from the world’s spiritual treasury. The title, Fragments of Your Ancient Name, comes from a poem by German mystic Rainier Maria Rilke. It assembles a remarkable collection of reflections for each day of the year. This unique and profound devotional will heighten awareness of the many names by which God is known around the world. Whether drawing from the Psalms, Sufi saints, Hindu poets, Native American rituals, contemporary writers or the Christian gospels, Rupp stirs the imagination and the heart to discover a new dimension of God. Each name is explored in a ten-line poetic meditation and is complemented by a simple sentence that serves as a reminder of the name of God throughout the day. ISBN 9781933495286 Ave Maria Press $29.95 Sophia $23.96

Pathway to Our Hearts A Simple Approach to Lectio Divina with the Sermon on the Mount Archbishop Thomas Collins

Grief Journal ISBN CJROL-G and CD CJRL-G

Drawn from Archbishop Thomas Collins’ popular monthly ‘lectio divina’ series at St Michael’s Cathedral in Toronto, Pathway to Our Hearts invites readers to listen to the word of God and examine what it tells them about loving God with their mind, heart and hands. With the Sermon on the Mount as his focus, Collins welcomes readers into a nourishing encounter with the word of God, adapting the ancient practice of ‘lectio divina’ for today’s Catholics. Ideal for faith-sharing groups, parish retreats, and as a gift for Confirmation candidates, ISBN 9781594712654 Ave Maria Press $19.95 Sophia $15.96 Music Ministry Journal code CJRL-MM and CD CD-MM

Mass of Renewal Good for the Soul Music David Kauffman and William Gokelman Many parishes are now using the Mass of Renewal music setting for the new translation of the Roman Missal which was written by David Kauffman and William Gokelman. This setting won the people’s choice award from 150 other settings performed anonymously at the US National Pastoral Music Convention awards last year. The setting is well known for the beautiful melody line adaptation of the entire mass, plus new songs that have been inspired by the 3rd edition of the Roman Missal. The parish experience is that this mass setting is not only popular, but congregations have also found it easy to learn! You can listen to the full score on the John Garratt website. Go to and click on the Mass of Renewal tab on the left side.

A Willing Heart How to Serve When You Think You Can’t Marci Alborghetti What began with a traumatic home robbery became Marci Alborghetti’s first step on a journey towards a deep commitment to Christian service. Part spiritual memoir and part exhortation, A Willing Heart is for anyone who feels overwhelmed at the prospect of one more item on the weekly calendar, and for those who worry that they might not have much to offer. Alborghetti offers an inspiring invitation to personal growth through Christian action that is sensible, realistic and joyful. Each chapter presents a three-part structure of theme, story and one practical, entirely doable step toward service. Replete with inspiring vignettes from Alborghetti’s life and the lives of the saints, as well as suggestions that begin in your own living room, A Willing Heart will help you implement the practice of compassion in everyday life. Includes a foreword by Donna Markham, OP

The series consists of a SATB Choral Book, accompaniment edition for piano,-organ-choralguitar, a full-orchestral score and a well-priced booklet for the congregation. In fact, you will see that the entire series represents good value.

ISBN 9781594712487 Ave Maria Press $22.95 Sophia $18.36

SATB Choral Book ISBN 9780983414315 $8.95 Sophia $7.16

Gregory F Pierce

Piano-Organ-Choral-Guitar Accompaniment Book ISBN 9780983414308 $27.95 Sophia $22.36 Assembly Booklet ISBN 9780983414322 $1.95 Sophia $1.56 Full Orchestra Score ISBN 9780983414346 $63.95 Sophia $51.16 Recording on CD Code CD-MR $6.95 Sophia $5.56

A New Way of Seeing In this summary of the key elements from Gregory Pierce’s book The World As It Should Be: Living Authentically in the Here-and-Now Kingdom of God, readers are given an accessible and affordable introduction to creating the kingdom of God in the world as we experience it. As Pierce writes in the Introduction to this new publication: “This booklet explores the convergence of two idea: the world as it should and the kingdom of God. It presents things you should know about the Christian concept of the kingdom of God but in the context of the secular task of building the best world possible”. ISBN 9780879464578 ACTA Publications $7.95 Sophia $6.36

John Garratt Publishing 32 Glenvale Crescent Mulgrave Vic 3170 - Visit our website


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