Garratt Publishing Education Catalogue June 2014

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JUNE 2014

EXCEPTIONAL CATHOLIC EDUCATION RESOURCES Designed to promote your school’s Catholic Curriculum and make RE your students’ favourite class

Garratt Publishing resources now linked to the Australian Curriculum.


Garratt Publishing’s resources have been assessed against ACARA’s National Standards, so you can be certain of quality resources that, not only enrich your students’ faith development, they also develop other critical academic capabilities, required of the National Curriculum Standards. See

Resources that welcome and inform new families & new staff SO YOU'RE SENDING YOUR CHILD TO A CATHOLIC SCHOOL: A Friendly Guide to the Catholic tradition So You’re Working for the Catholic Church is designed to be a friendly and gentle introduction to a few of the beliefs and values which make Catholics tick. It is a modest overview for people coming in touch with the Church, perhaps for the first time, or refreshing their acquaintance. It has been written for people working in the wide range of employment offered by the Catholic Church.

Ї a worker in a homeless shelter or working with kids on the street Ї a worker in a St Vincent de Paul store…

administrator Ї a medical practitioner working in a Catholic hospital Ї a carer in an Aged Care facility Ї a nurse or counselor in a Catholic hospice Ї one of the vast number of

…or dozens of other ministries and occupations within the Church.

non-medical workers in Catholic health care Ї an administrator in a Social Justice office

that caused the place where you work to exist in the first place.

Monsignor tony doherty is currently the pastor of a Sydney parish. during four decades of pastoral ministry as a diocesan priest, he has been a hospital chaplain, adult educator, contributed to ABC radio and television, including the two tV series ‘echo of a distant drum’ (the story of the Irish in Australia) and the award winning ‘Brides of Christ’. In 1995 he co-ordinated the visit of Pope John Paul II to beatify Australia’s first saint, Blessed Mary Mackillop. While dean of Sydney’s St Mary’s Cathedral, he received the 2004 Community relations Commission medal for his contribution to Inter-faith dialogue. his life-time search is to find an appropriate language of faith for contemporary adults.

Sending a child to a Catholic school is an important undertaking. Help your new students settle in quickly, by ensuring that their parents have an understanding of what Catholic education is all about as well as giving them an awareness of the ‘basics’ about Catholic beliefs and traditions. It will also help you appreciate a small paraworking in, and to learn something of the reasons

A Friendly Guide to the Catholic Tradition Tony Doherty

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21/7/13 1:55:29 PM

so you're working new cover.indd 1

Ideal for students entering at any level, but especially perfect for children entering at Prep and Year 7 levels. RRP $19.95 Sophia $15.96 9781922152084

Special Offer

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So You’re sending your child to a catholic school

You may be: Ї a nurse or administrator in a Catholic hospital Ї a teacher in a Catholic school Ї a parish secretary, or office

So You’re WorkIng for the CAtholIC ChurCh


onsignor Tony oherty is currently e pastor of a Sydney arish. During four ecades of pastoral inistry as a diocesan iest, he has been a ospital chaplain, adult ducator, contributed ABC radio and levision, including the wo TV series ‘Echo of a stant Drum’ (the story the Irish in Australia) nd the award winning rides of Christ’. In 1995 e co-ordinated the sit of Pope John Paul to beatify Australiaís st saint, Blessed Mary acKillop. While Dean Sydney’s St Mary’s athedral, he received e 2004 Community elations Commission edal for his contriution to Inter-Faith alogue. His life-time arch is to find an ppropriate language of ith for contemporary dults.

Take the guess work out of selecting quality RE resources

SO YOU'RE WORKING FOR THE CATHOLIC CHURCH: A Friendly Guide to the Catholic tradition So You’re Working for the Catholic church

Provide an excellent welcome and induction to your new staff with this professional, easy-to-read, informative insight into Catholic culture and values. Perfect for new staff and a great refresher, for those who might have some familiarity with the Catholic faith. A Friendly Guide to the Catholic Tradition Tony Doherty

21/7/13 1:57:25 PM

9781922152060 RRP $19.95 Sophia $15.96 Build your school’s identity and culture - both resources can be easily and affordably customised with your school’s details, colours, logo etc. Contact us for more information.

Order 50+ copies and pay only $15 each (Sophia $12 each)

REmail Are you challenged to constantly find new RE material? Do you want new information and lesson plans to teach traditional topics? Look no further – REmail is here! REmail is a complimentary service, offered by Garratt Publishing, to enrich your RE teaching. Register NOW at A great opportunity to receive comprehensive and stimulating classroom material! Lesson plans, classroom activities and learning checks are included.


1300 650 878


The best Sacramental Program available in Australia

Just Published in 2014

Prepare your 2014 Sacramental candidates in a 21st century way. Ensure your students receive sacramental preparation and celebration that is second- to-none with Australia’s newest and best Sacramental Program; the Becoming Catholic Sacramental Series. The Becoming Catholic series is:

✔ Totally and uniquely family centric ✔ Bursting with vibrancy, colour, and real-life photographs ✔ Comprehensive program – fully supported in the classroom, as well as at home Compare Becoming Catholic Sacramental Program with other Sacramental Programs Features

Becoming Catholic

Other Sacramental Programs

Separate booklet for each Sacrament

Candidate activities included in booklet

Themes explored in the light of children’s own experience of their families

Written specifically for 21st century learners

Parents central to program

Extensive emphasis placed on family prayer time

Comprehensive program supported by classroom resources for group instruction

Colourful and vibrant with real life photographs to interest candidates and their families

Colourful certificates match workbooks and celebrate the receiving of each Sacrament

A PARENT’S GUIDE TO BAPTISM, CONFIRMATION, EUCHARIST & RECONCILIATION RRP$12.95 Sophia $10.36 9781922152008 EUCHARIST: A Practical Guide for Families RRP$11.95 Sophia $9.56 9781922152022 CONFIRMATION: A Practical Guide for Families RRP$11.95 Sophia $9.56 9781922152046 RECONCILIATION: A Practial Guide for Families RRP$11.95 Sophia $9.56 9781922152039

Special discounted prices apply for bulk orders. Give us a call on 1300 650 878 or email us at for details.

Try before you buy! Review the program for yourself. Review Pack available for only $29.95. Contains a copy of each Sacramental Practial Guide and the Parent’s Guide. Further information is available at 37.5cm

Stunning Becoming Catholic Big Books now available

Becoming Catholic

BAPTISM & CONFIRMATION RRP $89.95 Sophia $71.96 9781922152756

This Reconciliation & Eucharist big book aims to support children’s preparation to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.

eparation on.

It offers the following key themes and main teachings that can be explored during the preparations:

Reconciliation Created in God’s image We make choices Brokenness Jesus brings hope and healing Reviewing our choices We celebrate forgiveness The shape of Reconciliation Building bridges

Eucharist • • • • •

Meals and Celebrations Justice Mission Celebrating the Eucharist The structure of the Mass

Becoming Catholic

Reconciliation & Eucharist

Baptism & Confirmation


• • • • • • • •

Each theme offers children opportunities to explore the Scriptures and take part in reflection activities. The accompanying CD-ROM includes the eBook version of this big book and reflection activity sheets. TiTlEs in ThE BEcoming caTholic sERiEs:

Confirmation is one of the sacraments that has received particular renewal following the Second Vatican Council. It is now seen, along with Baptism and Eucharist, as part of the process of initiation into the Catholic Church. Reception of the sacrament varies from diocese to diocese: some offer the sacrament together with First Eucharist, others separately at the end of primary school.

Becoming Catholic

She offers ten themes that parents and children can explore together: 1. Created in God’s image 2. the Baptism of Jesus 3. Baptism: a new creation 4. We make choices 5. Brokenness 6. Jesus brings hope and healing 7. We celebrate forgiveness 8. reviewing the day 9. the shape of reconciliation 10. Building bridges: making peace

A parent’s guide to Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist & Reconciliation

Each session contains a scripture story, family reflection activities and prayers.

‘I am happy to endorse these revised editions of the Becoming Catholic sacramental series of books authored by Kathy Horan, who works in the Catholic Education system in Adelaide and is a member of the Archdiocese of Adelaide Liturgical Commission. I am sure that everyone who uses these resources will find them K Athy to be a great help and source of information.’ Most Rev Philip Wilson DD JCL Archbishop of Adelaide

K at hy h o r a n

A practical guide for families

Each session contains a scripture story, family reflection activities and prayers.

‘I am happy to endorse these revised editions of the Becoming Catholic sacramental series of books authored by Kathy Horan, who works in the Catholic Education system in Adelaide and is a member of the Archdiocese K At h y of Adelaide Liturgical Commission. I am sure that everyone who uses these resources will find them to be a great help and source of information.’

h o r An

KAt h y h or A n








Ca Toll free: 1300 650 878

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Toll free: 1300 650 878

BC_Reconciliation_CVR.indd All Pages

K atConfirmation hy horan Becoming Catholic

Eucharist A practical guide for families

A practical guide for families

Most Rev Philip Wilson DD JCL Archbishop of Adelaide

Ca Toll free: 1300 650 878

BC_ParentsGuide_CVR.indd All Pages

Kathy horan explains the changes that have taken place and points out that, whatever the diocesan practice, Confirmation is seen by all as the second formal step of initiation. She provides ten themes around relevant scripture passages to help parents explain the sacrament to their children: 1. Jesus is baptised 2. Baptism: the journey begins 3. the Church: a community of disciples 4. Pentecost 5. the Spirit of Jesus is alive in us 6. Confirmation: confirming Baptism 7. Celebrating Confirmation 8. Being a follower of Jesus 9. Living as a Spirit-filled follower of Jesus 10. Called to mission

Becoming Catholic

Becoming Catholic


KAthy h or A n




RECONCILIATION & EUCHARIST RRP $89.95 Sophia $71.96 9781922152763

i ng

Kathy horan provides a brief introduction to the Church’s teachings on reconciliation and explains how the celebration of the sacrament has changed since the Second Vatican Council. She uses brief reflections from Scripture to demonstrate that Jesus always proclaimed God’s readiness to forgive our wrongdoings no matter the circumstances.

Be c o m

Reconciliation aims to support you as you help your child prepare to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation. Its main teaching is that the sacrament re-affirms the constant truth of God’s love and forgiveness for the times we fail and need forgiveness.

‘I am happy to endorse these revised editions of the Becoming Catholic sacramental series of books authored by Kathy Horan, who works in the Catholic Education system in Adelaide and is a member of the Archdiocese of Adelaide Liturgical Commission. I am sure that everyone who uses these resources will find them to be a great help and source of information.’ Most Rev Philip Wilson DD JCL Archbishop of Adelaide


In recent years there has been a renewed emphasis on understanding sacramental celebrations as parish events. Parents are engaged more significantly in the process of preparing their children to celebrate the sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist. This collaboration has come about as a result of a rediscovery of how the sacraments were celebrated in the early Church. As a result, the Church once again speaks of the ‘process of initiation’ and sees Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist as steps along the path to becoming fully initiated members of a parish community and the Catholic Church. In some dioceses this has meant that Confirmation is now celebrated at the time of First Eucharist rather than at the end of primary school.

Becoming Catholic sets out to explain to parents the changes that have taken place in the celebration of the sacraments: • Why is everything different now? • What does it mean to be part of a Christian community?  •  Why do we call Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist,  ‘the sacraments of Initiation’?  • What are the different ways of celebrating Reconciliation today?  •  How can parents help in the preparation of their children?  • What are the parts of the Mass and how do we participate?

10/12/13 11:24 PM

1300 650 878


BIG Books Wonderings Big Books

Wow your class with these vibrant, over-sized books. Teach fundamentals about the Bible, the Catholic faith, and foster Christian dialogue. Ideal for shared reading and group discussion.

✔ Spark curiosity and encourage children to wonder about God ✔ Encourage young children to have a relationship with Jesus ✔ Foster early concepts of social justice and caring for God’s earth.



Sacred objectS and SymbolS




Wonderi n gs


god s earth

by Luke Edwards

by Mary-Ann Casanova

The Wonderings Big Book series has been designed for shared reading and to provide teachers with key wonderings questions to encourage Christian dialogue with their young students.

Accompanying the book is a CD-ROM with interactive teaching activities and assessment of learning worksheets.

Mary-Ann Casanova

Toll free: 1300 650 878

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Toll free: 1300 650 878

JesusandJustice_CVR.indd 1

CaringforGod'sEarth_CVR.indd 1

Kathryn Robinson

jesus and justice

Accompanying the book is a CD-ROM with interactive teaching activities and assessment of learning worksheets.

THE BIBLE: God’s Great Book of Books

GodsGreatBookofBooks_CVR_PPS.indd 1

Wonderi n gs

This large format book explains what the Gospels reveal to us, how and when Jesus lived, and where he carried out his ministry. Each spread focuses on ways students can live in the mission of Jesus by making justice real in their homes, schools and communities; and encouraging them to reach out to those in need.

This large format book explains that God has given us the responsibility to be stewards of the earth. Each spread provides support on how we must care for each other, and the environment, so we are able to effectively cooperate with God’s creative plan.

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Wonderi n gs

g jesus carin for jus , tice

caring for

Kathy god Horan,s earth RRP $129.95 Sophia $103.96 9781921946387 The Wonderings Big Book series has been designed for shared reading and to provide teachers with key wonderings questions to encourage Christian dialogue with their young students.

Kathy Horan SacredObjectsandSymbols_CVR_PPS.indd 1

Kathryn Robinson RRP $129.95 Sophia $103.96 9781921946929

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Luke Edwards 31/01/13 2:48 PM



Maryanne Casanova RRP $89.95 Sophia $71.96 9781921946936

Luke Edwards RRP $89.95 Sophia $71.96 9781921946943

ORDER these outstanding Educational Resources only from Garratt Publishing TODAY. View all our Big Books on

Each Big Book comes with a CD-ROM containing digital resources for the whole class, including printable assessment material.

Teaching and fostering prayerful children ALL TOGETHER: Creative Prayer with Children

by Bethan James Illustrated by Heather Stuart



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C H I LD R E N ’ S



Bethan James

Illustrated by

Heather Stuart



ENRICHING FAITH: Lessons and Activities On Prayer

Ed Hone & Roisin Coll

Lisa Freemantle & Les Miller

9781847301796 RRP $32.95 Sophia $26.36

9782896462391 RRP $39.95 Sophia $31.96

9781585959471 RRP $ 24.95 Sophia $19.96



Bethan James

Lisa Freemantle & Carmela Caporiccio

ENRICHING FAITH: Prayers and Lessons & Activities on Service

9781920682323 RRP $16.95 Sophia $13.56

9782896464081 RRP $33.95 Sophia $27.16

1300 650 878

Catherine Stewart

Patricia Mathson 9781585959372 RRP $24.95 Sophia $19.96

A missal for our youngest church goers Guided ReadinG Packs

A unique literacy series


Each pack contains 6 copies of the same title and the Educator’s Guide.

BROadBand ReadinG LeVeLs LeVeLs 1–2

LeVeLs 3–5

i can see god’s love 9781921946653 NoN-fictioN

Have you ever seen...? 9781921946660 NoN-fictioN

LeVeLs 6–8 (16 pages)

LeVeLs 9–11 (16 pages)

LeVeLs 12–14 (16 pages)

LeVeLs 15–17 (16 pages)

LeVeLs 18–20 (16 pages)

LeVeLs 21–23 (16 pages)

LeVeLs 24–26 LeVeLs 27–30 (24 pages)

(24 pages)

Theme sTRand Packs


GOd Theme Pack LEvELS 1–14

Illustrated by Geoff Hocking with educational explanations by Trisha Murray god’s dream 9781921946677 NoN-fictioN

i Hear god’s love 9781921946684 NoN-fictioN

god’s cHildren 9781921946691 NoN-fictioN

sensing god’s love 9781922152343 NoN-fictioN

god’s voice 9781922152398 NoN-fictioN

living witH god’s joy 9781922152442 NoN-fictioN

we can make a difference 9781922152497 NoN-fictioN

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our best friend 9781921946714 NoN-fictioN

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tHe nativity star 9781922152404 NoN-fictioN

jesus and parables 9781922152459 NoN-fictioN

tHe song of jesus 9781922152503 NoN-fictioN


Parables, Psalms, Gospels



Stories to Live By

LiVinG VaLues



Jesus Theme Pack LEvELS 15–30

dun’s journal 9781922152558 NoN-fictioN


PRaYeR Theme Pack LEvELS 1–14 9780170169622

PRaYeR Theme Pack LEvELS 15–30

Enable children to become full participants in the Mass from an early age – thanks to The Australian Children’s Mass Book. Written in a simple, easy to follow way, children are gently guided through the order of the Mass using colourful diagrams and prompts. An essential resource for schools and parishes and a great, little sacramental gift. LeVeL Packs


GOd Theme Pack LEvELS 15–30

wHat is rigHt in my Heart 9781922152541 NoN-fictioN

Jesus Theme Pack LEvELS 1–14



(12 pages)


Silence, Meditation, Talking to God and Jesus



Jesus in My Life


Engaging With the Mystery of God

(8 pages)

wHere i pray 9781921946752 NoN-fictioN

wHen i am still 9781921946769 NoN-fictioN

praying togetHer 9781921946776 NoN-fictioN

i open my Heart 9781921946783 NoN-fictioN

anywHere, any time 9781921946790 NoN-fictioN

our prayer posters 9781922152367 NoN-fictioN

our forgiving Hearts 9781922152411 NoN-fictioN

a space for joy 9781922152466 NoN-fictioN

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wHat is god like? 9781921946844 NoN-fictioN

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tHe wet day 9781921946868 fictioN

i forgive you 9781921946875 fictioN

i’m sorry 9781921946882 fictioN

just like me 9781921946899 fictioN

after tHe flood 9781922152381 fictioN

wHen i feel angry 9781922152435 fictioN

marisa’s joy diary 9781922152480 fictioN

ben and sopHia 9781922152534 fictioN

tHe promise 9781922152589 fictioN

LeVeLs 1–2

LeVeLs 3–5

LeVeLs 6–8

LeVeLs 9–11

LeVeLs 12–14

LeVeLs 15–17

LeVeLs 18–20

LeVeLs 21–23

LeVeLs 24–26

LeVeLs 27–30











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cOmPLeTe Packs cOmPLeTe Pack LEvELS 1–30 300 books, 50 Educator’s Guides and 2 Interactive Assessment Activities CD-ROMs 9780170326667

cOmPLeTe Pack LEvELS 1–14 150 books, 25 Educator Guides and Interactive Assessment Activities CD-ROM 9780170169547

Start With Your Heart ng porary guided readi series with Christian themes A contem

cOmPLeTe Pack LEvELS 15–30 150 books, 25 Educator Guides and Interactive Assessment Activities CD-ROM 9780170326674

scRiPTuRe Theme Pack LEvELS 1–14 9780170169639

scRiPTuRe Theme Pack LEvELS 15–30

Written in consu Daniel O’Le ltation with ary, author of Begin with the religious educa Heart, tors and leading theol ogians


LiVinG VaLues Theme Pack LEvELS 1–14 9780170169646

LiVinG VaLues Theme Pack LEvELS 15–30 9780170326773

NELSON NEW ZEALAND CUSTOMER SERVICE PHONE: 0800 449 725 FAX: 0800 442 104 EMAIL: 4B/331 Rosedale Road, Albany, Auckland 0632

RRP $9.95 Sophia $7.96 9781921946004

Special discounted prices apply for bulk orders. Give us a call on 1300 650 878 or email us at for details. The Australian Children’s Mass Book is supported with quality supplemental classroom resources. See for information.


Series has received Imprimatur from the Catholic Church

A contemporary, guided reading series with Christian themes. Develop students’ literacy, religious language and personal understanding of their relationship with God, Jesus and others. Key Features

✔ Texts are carefully levelled according to both reading ability and cognition of Christian concepts ✔ Educator’s Guides available. Explore themes around a combination of literal, inferential and ‘wonderings’ questions. Exclusively distributed by Cengage Learning Australia. For all enquiries, please contact Cengage Learning Australia online at, phone 1300 790 853 or email

Ignite a love of the Bible from the earliest age – a complete bible, created especially for young children Ideal for ages 6 to 10


The Catholic Children’s Bible understands young children and knows how to present the Bible in a way that interests, and has meaning to early readers. Packed with vibrant illustrations, borders and easy to read text. Each Bible story includes an ‘Understand It! Live it! Tell it’ section – ensuring students comprehend the passage and can apply the meaning of each story to their own young lives. Hardcover: RRP $54.95 Sophia $43.96 9781599821788 Paperback: RRP $44.95 Sophia $35.96 9781599821771 THE CATHOLIC CHILDREN'S BIBLE: Leader's Guide


RRP $74.95 Sophia $59.96 9781599820422

RRP $64.95 Sophia $51.96 9781599821818

1300 650 878



Show your youngest students God’s word

in a BIG way!

THE CATHOLIC CHILDREN’S BIBLE BIG BOOKS Five new Big Books highlighting five of the most loved Bible stories to entertain, inform and educate kids like never before! Designed to be easy for teachers to hold and read to a group of children. Each Bible Big Book uses the stunning artwork of The Catholic Children’s Bible. Also available to supplement the use of each Bible Big Book, are Student Books, Tell It! Cards and Vocabulary Cards! STUDENT BOOKS: Come in packs of six and are the same as the Big Books, just smaller. Perfect for children to read individually or in small groups! TELL IT! CARDS: Encourage students to retell the Bible stories in their own words. These sturdy laminated cards will last year after year. Highly effective, fun classroom activities! VOCABULARY CARDS: Ten vocabulary cards highlight important words and definitions. These sturdy laminated cards will last year after year. An ideal, meaningful literacy tool for young children!

Guided questi ons included in ea ch Big Book to he lp children apply these Bible lessons to their own young liv es

Seen the latest blockbuster movie? Now teach kids the real story of Noah and its meaning!

NOAH AND THE FLOOD BIG BOOK RRP $44.95 Sophia $35.96 9781599826554 NOAH AND THE FLOOD Pack of Student Books (6-pack)


NOAH AND THE FLOOD Vocabulary Cards

RRP $59.95 Sophia $47.96 9781599826585

RRP $9.95 Sophia $7.96 9781599826561

RRP $9.95 Sophia $7.96 9781599826578


Striking visuals engage, excite & immerse kids in these highly relevant stories

RRP $44.95 Sophia $35.96 9781599826592


DAVID AND GOLIATH Pack of Student Books (6-pack)


DAVID AND GOLIATH Vocabulary Cards

RRP $59.95 Sophia $47.96 9781599826622

RRP $9.95 Sophia $7.96 9781599826608

RRP $9.95 Sophia $7.96 9781599826615

1300 650 878

MOSES AND THE TEN COMMANDMENTS BIG BOOK RRP $44.95 Sophia $35.96 9781599826714 MOSES AND THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Pack of Student Books (6-pack)



RRP $59.95 Sophia $47.96 9781599826745

RRP $9.95 Sophia $7.96 9781599826721

RRP $9.95 Sophia $7.96 9781599826738

JONAH AND THE BIG FISH BIG BOOK RRP $44.95 Sophia $35.96 9781599826639 JONAH AND THE BIG FISH JONAH AND THE BIG FISH JONAH AND THE BIG FISH Pack of Student Books Tell It! Cards Vocabulary Cards (6-pack) RRP $59.95 Sophia $47.96 RRP $9.95 Sophia $7.96 9781599826660 9781599826646

RRP $9.95 Sophia $7.96 9781599826653

GOD CALLS SAMUEL BIG BOOK RRP $44.95 Sophia $35.96 9781599826677 GOD CALLS SAMUEL Pack of Student Books (6-pack)


GOD CALLS SAMUEL Vocabulary Cards

RRP $59.95 Sophia $47.96 9781599826707

RRP $9.95 Sophia $7.96 9781599826684

RRP $9.95 Sophia $7.96 9781599826691

Special Offers

Offer valid until 30 June 2014

Offer 1

Offer 2

Offer 3

Buy all 5 Bible Big Books

Buy each Big Book, one pack of student books (6 in the pack), one set of tell it! Cards and one set of vocabulary cards.

Buy all 5 Big Book Sets, (includes, all 5 Big Books, and one pack each of their corresponding Student Books (with one pack, containing 6 books), plus a set of Tell It! Cards and a set of Vocabulary Cards

for $149.95* & save! (Normally RRP $224.75) *Includes 1 copy each of Noah and the Flood, David and Goliath, Moses and the Ten Commandments, Jonah and the Big Fish and God Calls Samuel Big Books. No further discounts. Code: 5CCBBP Special Price $149.95*.

Special Price - $85.00 per set & save over $30 per set. Codes: Noah NFBBS, David DGBBS, Moses MCBBS Jonah JFBBS, Samuel GSBBS.

& pay only $435* for the lot. (Normally RRP $624.00) *No Further discounts. Code: CCBBS.

1300 650 878



Resources for years 5 -10 Jes us

the Chr ist

† He has miraculous power over sickness, demons, nature, and death.

† He was a powerful preacher who taught about the Kingdom of God. † Through his suffering, death, and Resurrection, he opened the gates of heaven.

BREAKTHROUGH! An Introduction to People of Faith

Give young Catholics the best possible opportunity to develop a life-long interest and love of the Bible. Encourage them to read the Bible by making it easier and more engaging than ever before. Hardcover: RRP $49.95 Sophia $39.96 9781599823423

BREAKTHROUGH! Getting to Know Jesus

Deepen the acquaintance students have with people of the Bible so that they have the opportunity to understand the true meaning of God’s Word.

Invite young people to get to know Jesus through his varied qualities and gifts during different times in his life and help them to see correlations between His life and your student’s own lives.

Teachers’ manual: RRP $49.95 Sophia $39.96 9780884899082

Teachers’ Manual: RRP $26.95 Sophia $21.56 9780884899792

Copyright © 2009 by Saint Mary’s Press

Student workbook: RRP $18.95 Sophia $15.16 9780884899389

Each pack contains 8 posters † God called to provide † her He was a Jewish Pharisee justice and leadership in thethe Promised Land. who persecuted first Christians.

† She has been wrongly thought of as having been a prostitute.

† She called† Barak to alead the Israelites against theJesus spoke to He had dramatic conversion when Canaanite army. him from a blinding light.

† She stood at the foot of Jesus’ cross with Mary and John.

† She praised thetraveled woman,throughout Jael, who killed the Empire and † He the Roman Canaanite commander. spread Christianity to the Gentiles, the non-Jews.

† In John’s Gospel, she is the first person to see the risen Christ, and he sent her to tell the Apostles.

† She sang†praise to God for working He wrote many letters tothrough the churches he started. unexpected heroes.

Old Testament Pack: RRP $39.95 Sophia $31.96 9781599820354

Copyright © 2009 by Saint Mary’s Press

Copyright © 2009 by Saint Mary’s Press

† They were a married couple who were tent makers by trade.

† They became dedicated Christians who were missionaries with Paul. † They established a church in Ephesus that met in their house.

† He was the son David and Bath

† He saw and heard God inEunice, the form a burning Lois, raised † His mother, andofgrandmother, bush. him in the faith.

† He was famous

† He led the outand of Egypt. † Israelites He traveled did missionary work with Paul, Silas, and others. † God gave the Ten Commandments to him on Mount Sinai. † Paul sent him to churches in Thessalonica and Corinth, and he led the church in Ephesus.

Third Space_CVRS_sample.indd 5

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The Educator’s Guide provides additional background information on each novella and is structured around a three-phase learning process for before, during and after reading the novellas and includes:


† His wives led hi

† He reigned as k

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✔ Multiple student inquiry sheets for each novella ✔ Video of the authors responding to questions about their work.

strong heart


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Written by some of Australia’s most inspiring authors, The Third Space provides a springboard for authentic and meaningful dialogue about Australia’s multicultural and multi-faith society. A series of thirteen novellas, The Third Space, presents students with true-life stories from the perspectives of young protagonists, each coming from a different ethnic and cultural background. The series is supported by a comprehensive Educator’s Guide that provides enriching activities and discussions questions for use before, during and after students read the novellas.

Copyright © 2009 by Saint Mary’s Press

† He built the Tem

F I O N A W I R R E R -G E O R G E O O C H U N Y U N G


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Copyright © 2009 by Saint Mary’s Press

eBoNY strong heart

How will she hold it all together? Y VO N N E F E I N

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Solo m

† He was found † Heand wasraised a young by Pharaoh’sChristian daughterfrom as herAsia ownMinor. son.

Fingers are often pointed at Ebony. Sometimes the people behind the fingers say things too. They say mean things, things she doesn’t always understand, things about who she is and what she is. She doesn’t always understand, but she knows what they mean. How come they get to say these things? How come they have the power to point fingers? And there’s trouble in her family, things are falling apart; and there’s always a new school and a new crowd of kids to deal with.

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† He † They fought agab the † Under their lead † to HeGp themselves cruc

Copyright © 2009 by Saint Mary’s Press

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† Jesus drove out seven demons from her.

Amir Jaiyana Rookie Jacob Rachel friend on loan Jaiyana is good at Aussie Rules: she can kick, handball, tackle and ruck with the best of them. But she’s … a she, and a Muslim. There are all sorts of people that seem to think she shouldn’t play with the boys on a club team, a ‘proper’ team. There’s her traditional-thinking father, there’s a well-meaning but worried coach, and there’s the boy who was last season’s best and fairest. Somehow, she needs to win them over. For Jaiyana, it’s not just being the best, but also the fairest…

Copyright © 2009 by Saint Mary’s Press

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† God made cova † aAn promise of faith losin of G † God’s promise t a countless † line She Jesus Christ. † At t † He was the fath heav

† They disobeyed God andrepentant committed the first sin,Jordan River. † He baptized people in the which we call original sin. † His preaching prepared the way for Jesus. † Jesus restored humanity’s relationship to God that † Hebywas beheaded for calling the king a sinner. was damaged their sin.

Copyright © 2009 by Saint Mary’s Press

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† God changed hi † She name from Abr who

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Copyright © 2009 by Saint Mary’s Press

BREAKTHROUGH! The Bible for Young Catholics

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AdaJoh m &n the Eve Bap tist † They were† the Hefirst was man the cousin of and woman,Jesus created andbytheGod soninofhis Zechariah image and likeness. and Elizabeth.

† He attracted a group of close friends and followers.

Amir friend on loan

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Ann Marguerite Rennie

arguerite Rennie is ourne writer and r. She attended zano FCJ College e University of urne. She holds s Degrees in us Education and ional Leadership he Australian c University. rites a regular n for the national ine Australian cs and is ibutor to The Age olumn and Church ces CathBlog. She o contributed and opinion to a variety of nd online journals. currently teaching and Religious ion at Genazzano. stralian Catholic Prayer Journal has —for Ann—a work combining her writing and her n the promising of the Church as the hands and of young Catholic ts all across the y.



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Francis J Moloney is the immediate past provincial Superior of the Salesians of Don Bosco in Australia. A member of the Order of Australia, he has held major academic positions in several universities, most recently professor of New Testament at the Catholic University of America. He is the author of numerous scholarly and popular books on the New Testament. He is currently a Senior Professorial Fellow at the Australian Catholic University.

including New Testament, gians have accepted the Jesus, the Mass and Prayer. invitation to write at an All are designed to provide introductory level in their johngarrattpublishing easily accessible informafields of expertise and tion on themes fundamental to understanding the Catholic faith. This new series is written and presented in the style of the highly successful So You’re Working for the Catholic Church and

have produced texts which are clear, concise and readable. The Friendly Guides are bursting with colour and creativity, featuring photos, icons, maps, charts, summary boxes

and original artwork. The format is attractive and engaging and will provide an invaluable resource for teachers, students, parish groups, RCIA teams and candidates, and anyone searching for a clear explanation of Catholic tradition. See the last page of this book for information on titles already available and those planned for the series.


The Friendly Guides series by Garratt Publishing is designed to provide easily accessible information on themes fundamental to understanding the Catholic faith. Some of Australia’s foremost scholars and theologians have ac-

cepted the invitation to write at an introductory level in their fields of expertise and have produced texts which are clear, concise and readable. The Friendly Guides are bursting with colour and creativity, featuring photos, icons, maps, charts, sum-


was reminded of the story of the big sign erected outside a church. It announced, ‘Jesus is the answer.’ Underneath it someone had written in big letters, ‘Yeah, but what is the question?’

Stuart Moran is a member of the Department of Biblical Studies at Catholic Theological College, MCD University of Divinity (Melbourne). He lectures in Greek and New Testament, in particular Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. He is a priest of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, and parish priest of St Anne's, East Kew. Moran also holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) from the University of Melbourne, a Bachelor of Theology and a Master of Theological Studies from the Melbourne College of Divinity, and a Licentiate in Sacred Scripture from the Pontifical Biblical Institute (Rome).

mary boxes and original artwork. The format is attractive and engaging and will provide an invaluable resource for teachers, students, parish groups, RCIA teams and candidates, and anyone searching for a clear explanation of Catholic tradition.

parish groups, RCIA teams and candidates or anyone wanting to improve their understanding of the life and mission of Jesus, will find this text indispensable. Throughout this book Jan Hynes’s stunning paintings of the urban landscape of contemporary Australia, as well as one of Australian wilderness, illustrate the life of Jesus in a fresh and vivid way. Her explanations of the imagery in each painting add layers of meaning to the viewer’s experience.

Young people are right to be asking big questions. They want to explore what their lives and the world are about. But they don’t just want big answers to these questions. They want answers that will make a difference in their lives. They want to know how to live happily and well. So do we all. That is what faith in Jesus is about.” From the Introduction

About the Author


Andrew Hamilton is a Jesuit priest. He teaches Theology at the United Faculty of Theology in Melbourne. The focus of his teaching has been on Christology, the Sacraments and the history and theology of the Early Church. He is also editorial consultant at Jesuit Communications in Melbourne, whose magazines include Eureka Street, Australian Catholics and Madonna. He has contributed extensively to these magazines, and also to a range of other theological journals and religious magazines. Andy has an interest in asylum seekers and refugee communities and issues, being involved in community groups. He has served for many years as chaplain to the Melbourne Laotian and Cambodian Catholic communities, has written widely on refugee issues and is chaplain to the Immigration Detention Centre in Melbourne.

In A Friendly Guide to Jesus, Andrew Hamilton SJ looks for answers to questions about Jesus. Not just who was he but who is he for us today. How can faith in Jesus help us to understand what really matters? What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus – how can we live happily and well as Christians? It is a guide book in the search for meaning, incorporating story and art, maps, charts, scripture guides and information boxes. The second title in John Garratt Publishing’s Friendly Guides series, A friendly guide to Jesus is clear, concise and accessible, ideally suited to an introductory level readership. For students and teachers it will be an invaluable resource to supplement the Religious Education program. Similarly,

Friendly Guides — AWNew Series Stuart Moran Friendly Guides are a new initiative by John Garratt Publishing designed to provide easily accessible information on themes fundamental to understanding the Catholic faith. This new series is written and presented in the style of the highly successful So You’re Working for the Catholic Church and its companion volumes. Some of Australia’s foremost scholars and theologians have accepted the invitation to write at an introductory level in their fields of expertise and

ho wrote the New Testament? How has it come down to us in its present form? What did the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ mean for Jesus’ first followers, St Paul and the early Christians? How can we use New Testament scripture to deepen our faith? Francis J Moloney SDB answers such questions in A friendly guide to the New Testament. Beautifully presented and illustrated throughout in colour with icons and original artwork, the guide is written from historical and faith-based perspectives and is designed for those who are new to Bible study. It contains readings and commentary on specific passages of scripture, helpful ‘Did you know’ boxes for each chapter and a step by step guided experience of praying with scripture. Written by internationally renowned scripture scholar Francis Moloney, A friendly guide to the New Testament is clear, concise and accessible, ideally

suited to an introductory level readership. For students and teachers it will be an invaluable resource to supplement the Religious Education program. Similarly, parish groups, RCIA teams and candidates or anyone wanting to improve their understanding of the foundations of scripture, will find this text indispensable.

have produced texts which are clear, concise and readable. The Friendly Guides are bursting with colour and creativity, featuring photos, icons, maps, charts, summary boxes and original artwork. The format is attractive and engaging and will provide an invaluable resource for teachers, students, parish groups, RCIA teams and candidates and anyone searching for a clear explanation of Catholic tradition. Other titles available are The New Testament and The Mass. FRIENDLY GUIDES — A NEW SERIES


riendly Guides are a new initiative by John Garratt Publishing designed to provide easily accessible information on themes fundamental to understanding the Catholic faith. This new series is written and presented in the style of the highly successful So You’re Working for the Catholic Church and its companion volumes. Some of Australia’s foremost scholars and theologians have accepted the invitation to write at an introductory level



rancis J Moloney is the provincial Superior of the Salesians of Don Bosco in Australia. A member of the Order of Australia, he has held major academic positions in several universities, most recently professor of New Testament at the Catholic University of America. He is the author of numerous scholarly and popular books on the New Testament.

in their fields of expertise and have produced texts which are clear, concise and readable. The Friendly Guides are bursting with colour and creativity, featuring photos, icons, maps, charts, summary boxes and original artwork. The format is attractive and engaging and will provide an invaluable resource for teachers, students, parish groups, RCIA teams and candidates and anyone searching for a clear explanation of Catholic tradition. Titles soon to be published include Jesus and The Mass.

In the tradition of the Friendly Guides series A Friendly Guide to Prayer is a beautifully presented book. Its restful tones and exquisite images marry perfectly with the moving text so eloquently presented by Michael Whelan. This is a book for everyone, for the novice, the student, the experienced, the expert. There is something here to touch everyone’s heart.


Here we are at the heart of prayer as it is understood within the Catholic Tradition. It is the way we will speak of prayer throughout this book – being present to the Presence. Our focus will therefore be primarily on attitudes and dispositions rather than specific acts and rituals. It is the prayerful person we are most interested in, rather than the person who says prayers, the prayerful life rather than the life that contains times of prayer.”

About the Author Michael Whelan is a Marist Father and was ordained in 1972. He gained his PhD in 1984, while studying under Adrian van Kaam at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Michael is Director of the Aquinas Academy in Sydney where he also lectures in spirituality. In 1994 Michael helped set up Catalyst for Renewal which is dedicated to promoting conversation for renewal within the Catholic Church and beyond. He is currently the Executive Director of that association. He was Editor of its journal, The Mix (1996-2007). In 1995 he co-founded Spirituality in the Pub which currently operates in a number of venues around Australia. He is the author of three books and a number of journal articles in the field of Spirituality.

In this process A Friendly Guide to Prayer is gentle guide and challenging coach, encouraging the reader to broaden and deepen their prayer life, offering support and providing opportunities for experience as well as knowledge. Each chapter contains sections ‘For reflection’ and ‘For practice’ to inspire readers to make best use of the material presented. The book explores the rich, varied and complex tradition of prayer within the Catholic Church and urges the reader to slow down and listen to the text on the page and the text of their own heart.

Friendly Guides – the series The Friendly Guides series by John Garratt Publishing contains numerous titles including: New Testament, Jesus, the Mass and Prayer. All are designed to provide easily accessible information on themes fundamental to understanding the Catholic faith.



andy hamilton sj

photos, icons, maps, charts, summary boxes and original artwork. The format is attractive and engaging and will provide an invaluable resource for teachers, students, parish groups, RCIA teams and candidates and anyone searching for a

This new series is written and brandclear explanation of Catholic johngarrattpublishing corporate tradition. Topics soon to be


tony doherty


“Listen with the ear of the heart.” This simple yet profound phrase from St Benedict is central to the message of Michael Whelan’s Friendly Guide to Prayer. His aim is to open our hearts to the Presence.

presented in the style of the highly successful So You’re Working for the Catholic Church and its companion volumes. Some of Australia’s foremost scholars and theologians have accepted the invitation to write at an introductory level in their fields of expertise and have produced texts which are clear, concise and readable. The Friendly Guides are bursting with colour and creativity, featuring

francis francis jj moloney sdb sdb moloney

johngarrattpublishing andrew hamilton sj


franci A franci molon ss j FRIENDLY molon j ey sdb ey sdb GUIDE TO

given the ‘Friendly Guide’ treatment are: social justice, Jesus and the natural world, youth ministry and Mark’s Gospel (the first of four individual volumes on the gospels). muir

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its companion volumes. Some of Australia’s fore-

johngarrattpublishing brandand theolocontains numerous titles corporate most scholars


Friendly Guide to Luke’s to deepen their understanding Gospel is an invitation to of not just the gospels, but also embark on a journey full of what it means to be loved so of surprises. The author of Luke much by God. Just how far will was an accomplished and sophis- God go to show us this love? We ticated writer, with a keen sense can see how far Jesus understood of literary structure as well as a this and how much he strove to profound understanding of the show this to the stubborn band universal nature of God’s love. of people surrounding him. For the reader who has Moran also shows us that perhaps become used to hearLuke’s special gift is to assert the ing gospels in Sunday fragments, Good News for all the people of Stuart Moran’s commentary the earth. Written for an audiencourages us to read Luke's ence that went far beyond the Gospel as a whole book, seeing walls of Jerusalem, Moran’s it as a story crafted by a master Friendly Guide to Luke’s Gospel hand. For example, he shows the is an indispensable resource for reader Luke’s elegant balancing readers, teachers, and all who of the stories about the births of wish to deepen their underboth Jesus and John the Bapstanding of this, the tenderest of tist: the parallels are compelling all the gospels. and illuminating. And Moran’s Stuart Moran has provided analysis of the story of the Lost for a wide readership an up-toSon (known of old as the Prodidate, clear and very engaging gal Son) shows us the heart of guide to Luke’s Gospel. Enticed Luke’s insight into what Jesus by the opening paragraph, the was telling his disciples about reader is carried along effortGod: that God loves us, even to a lessly on an informative journey point that some would consider with Luke. This is popular distillaFRANCIS J MOLONEY sdb unwise. tion of sound scholarship in the This book will be a valuable best sense. Brendan Byrne resource for anyone who wishes




The Friendly Guides series by John Garratt Publishing

What follows is a further attempt to reach out to all Christians who live under the Word of God, to unlock a powerful story about Jesus, written in rough Greek almost two thousand years ago.



ollowing the success of A friendly guide to the New Testament, renowned scripture scholar Francis J Moloney now turns his attention to the Gospel of Mark. The earliest and shortest of the four Gospels, Mark is a challenging portrait of Jesus as a healer and miracle worker, and as the Christ, Son of Man and Son of God. Mark’s Gospel is explored in some detail, dealing with the structure of the whole narrative and examining specific passages more closely. In keeping with the philosophy of the Friendly Guides, the text, although scholarly, maintains its readability and appeal, and is enhanced by superb design, images and elegant calligraphy.



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dohert FRANCIS


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Teaching Social Justice to Students in the 21st Century Ecological conversion is the radical change of mind and heart that leads to a deeper love and respect for all creatures as having their own integrity before God: it involves change to a sustainable lifestyle, to sustainable patterns of production and consumption and to sustainable economic and political choices.

Bruce Duncan

In this book Denis Edwards encourages Christians to wholeheartedly embrace ecological conversion and to connect with people around the globe in their deepening commitment to the survival of life on Earth.

Father Denis’s book is a wonderful read for anyone with an interest in exploring theology and our home, planet Earth. In this book Denis gives us the fundamentals of ecological theology and he has done this all with great skill. The text is clear, accessible and compelling. His treatment of Jesus and the Natural World is of particular importance in our times as we struggle to come to terms with our responsibilities towards the Earth. Not only is this book suited to the individual reader, it is especially attractive as a genuine tool for learning in a classroom setting or adult study group owing to its many questions for reflection and Denis’s insightful answers. We are blessed to have the fundamentals of ecological theology offered to us so clearly today.

Fr Denis Edwards is associate professor of theology at Flinders University and teaches for the Catholic Theological College in Adelaide. He has written extensively on the relationship between theology and science subjects.

Enrich your student’s understanding of how biblical and Catholic traditions may be applied to social justice issues: from climate change to economic crises to the plight of Australia’s indigenous peoples. A must read for anyone interested in a fairer world. Edwards shows that stewardship is pivotal in the Christian message, and that the process of conversion includes a responsibility that all creation is a precious gift that is to be loved, respected and protected. The evergrowing movement of people who are connected in a deepening commitment to the good of the community of life on Earth is a strengthening force that includes people living in large cities, country towns and on the land, farmers, artists, school children, scientists, industrialists, politicians and religious leaders.


Denis Edwards

Denis Edwards

Jesus and the


For Christians, the deepest reason for this conversion is that we see the Earth and all its creatures as God’s good creation, the creation that God radically embraces in the incarnation of the Word made flesh. Because of this, in 2001, Pope John Paul II stressed the importance of the change of mind and of life that he called ‘ecological conversion’. After speaking of the way humans have devastated so much of the natural world, he continued: ‘We must therefore encourage and support the “ecological conversion” which in recent decades has made humanity more sensitive to the catastrophe to which it has been heading’.


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Unleash the enormous potential of your Catholic school Ideal for CEOs

Crucial reading for every Catholic school teacher Take your Catholic school leadership to the next level with this cutting-edge, thought-provoking seriesthe Mission and Education series, created in partnership with The Broken Bay Institute. Written by highly-acclaimed Australian Catholic educators and authors, the Mission and Education series challenges everyone involved in Catholic education, to explore how to put the ‘catholic’ back into Catholic schools and why it is so important.

‘At a time when government funding policies are causing Catholic education systems and school leaders to focus on the future economic prospects for Catholic schooling across Australia, Jim and Therese D’Orsa have written a book that represents the canary in the coal mine. In what they refer to as this liminal era, Catholic schooling faces new and serious risks to the integrity of its mission. This is a challenge that must engage all leaders in Catholic education if our schools are to be places where Jesus’ message of the Kingdom is a lived reality, not a history lesson. What is required is leaders who are skilled not only in strategic and operational leadership but also in mission leadership: which is the focus of this outstanding book. Mission leadership utilizes theological reflection to enhance mission thinking which assists Catholic school leaders to respond to the multi-dimensional challenges of secularisation. The book is both sophisticated and practical, which has great appeal for Catholic school and system leaders who are seeking imaginative and thought-provoking ways to develop a sure-footedness in their leadership in these uncertain times. This is certainly a book for the times and all those who treasure the mission that engages the hearts and minds of Catholic educators/leaders in our efforts to create the Kingdom spaces which transform death-dealing post-modern culture into life-giving God-giftedness.’

Jim D’Orsa Jim D’Orsa is a Catholic educator with an extensive history of teaching and senior leadership in schools and systems. He was a pioneer in preparing lay leaders to take on the development of vision and mission in Catholic colleges. Jim lectures at the Broken Bay institute, is a visiting lecturer at Yarra Theological Union, and research associate of the mCD University of Divinity.

EXPLORERS, GUIDES & MEANING-MAKERS This is a landmark publication, of great value, not only to educators in Australia, but also internationally.

Professor Gerald Grace

Director Centre for Research and Development in Catholic Education (CRDCE), University of London.

A learned and thoroughly researched study, this book should fruitfully enlighten and encourage discussion of curriculum in Catholic schools.

Professor Gerald O’Collins s.J. Emeritus Dean of Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University Rome

Professor Terence Lovat

Professor Emeritus The University of Newcastle

Jim and Therese D’Orsa

THerese D’Orsa Therese D’Orsa is a Catholic missiologist and educational . exercised leader who has a wide range of leadership roles in Catholic education systems and has taught in several tertiary institutions. she is currently conjoint professor of the University of Newcastle and the Broken Bay institute, a visiting lecturer at the Yarra Theological Union, and an honorary fellow of australian Catholic University.

Toll free: 1300 650 878

VauGhan PuBlIshInG a joint imprint of The Broken Bay Institute and Garratt Publishing.

a mission to the heart of Young People

EXPLORERS, GUIDES AND MEANING MAKERS: Mission Theology for Catholic Educators

leading for mission

monsignor Tom Doyle, a.O.

Former Director of Catholic Education, Archdiocese of Melbourne

THerese D’Orsa Therese D’Orsa is a Catholic missiologist and educational leader who has exercised a wide range of leadership roles in Catholic education systems and has taught in . several tertiary institutions. she is currently conjoint professor of the University of Newcastle and The Broken Bay institute, a visiting lecturer at the Yarra Theological Union, and an honorary fellow of australian Catholic University.

integrating life, Culture and faith in Catholic education

Dr. Cathy Day

Director of Catholic Education, Diocese of Townsville

Jim and Therese D’Orsa

Jim and Therese D’Orsa

Toll free: 1300 650 878

The VauGhan BrokenPuBlIshInG Bay InsTITuTe a joint imprint of Broken Bay serIes Institute MIssIon and educaTIon

CatholicCurriculum_CVR_PPS.indd 1

Jim D’Orsa Jim D’Orsa is a Catholic educator with an extensive history of teaching and senior leadership in schools and systems. He was a pioneer in preparing lay leaders to take on the development of vision and mission in Catholic colleges. Jim lectures at The Broken Bay institute, is a visiting lecturer at Yarra Theological Union, and research associate of the mCD University of Divinity.

CatholiC CurriCulum

VauGhan PuBlIshInG

Thea Broken joint imprint Bay of The InsTITuTe Broken Bay Institute and Garratt MIssIon and Publishing. educaTIon serIes

and Garratt Publishing.

ningMakers_CVR_PPS.indd 1

‘In Leading for Mission: Integrating Life, Culture and Faith in Catholic Education, Jim and Therese D’Orsa, together with the other contributors, have given us a sterling account of a striking story, one of a never-ending journey of leadership for mission and vision. The reflection on the terrain which the Church, and particularly its educational mission, has traversed in this country leaves no room for complacency. The assessment of where we are now impels us to continually revise, renew and amend our mission and our vision. This is because ours is a mission never finally achieved, but always remains the goal of pilgrimage, and of a vision both Spirit-filled and open to the realities of the world. Insightful, challenging, and constructive, this book is a “must-read” for those involved in today’s Church—especially for its leaders—and those responsible for the ever-adapting processes of Catholic education.’

Jim & Therese D’Orsa

Toll free: 1300 650 878

Prof THerese D’Orsa Therese D’Orsa is a Catholic missiologist and educational leader who has exercised a wide range of leadership roles in Catholic education systems and has taught in . several tertiary institutions. she is currently conjoint professor of the University of Newcastle and The Broken Bay institute, a visiting lecturer at the Yarra Theological Union, and an honorary fellow of australian Catholic University.

An excellent book that combines intricate knowledge and understanding of updated curriculum thinking with piercing insight into the challenges implied by such thinking for Catholic schools. The book challenges a range of facile approaches to being a Catholic school in a public setting, including that the Catholic school can ignore its wider public context or that being Catholic means simply adding a layer of RE to an essentially public enterprise. The book goes to the heart of the justification of Catholic schooling by illustrating a range of differences that might be notable in a distinctively Catholic Curriculum. In a day and age of much talk about Catholicity and Catholic Identity, the D’Orsas make it plain that there is no simple formula, nor can it ever be viable that there is only one way of being Catholic. ‘Catholic Curriculum’ is a complex term that can only be meaningfully applied in the real context of a multitude of societal influences and educational stakeholders. The book’s stated task is to reframe the conversation around Catholic Curriculum, a goal well achieved in my view

leading for mission

J Lovat

ellor (Education and Arts) ewcastle, es, Australia

Major religious and professional resource

If Catholic schools and colleges are to preserve their true mission and their religious integrity in the face of secularism and the colonising power of ‘national economic requirements’, then they must possess a distinctive cultural heart which is an authentic Catholic Curriculum. Drawing upon the wisdom of theology, missiology, sociology, history, philosophy and anthropology, the authors of this impressive text have produced a major educational resource to show Catholic educators how this could be achieved.

Mission Theology for Catholic Educators

Jim & Therese D’Orsa

erese D’Orsa’s book eology is a significant to a field invariably as being either highly verly practical. Either theology has a history of alised among theologies levance is understated or as insufficiently scholarly. ntribution of this book is these misperceptions. In ’Orsas demonstrate that ogy is well founded on larship and stands tall hile, at the same time, practicality for workers religious contexts. The rve to be commended for anding contribution.

Professor Gerald Grace

Director, Centre for Research and Development in Catholic Education, University of London, Institute of Education, United Kingdom

Dr Jim D’Orsa Jim D’Orsa is a Catholic educator with an extensive history of teaching and senior leadership in schools and systems. He was a pioneer in preparing lay leaders to take on the development of vision and mission in Catholic colleges. Jim lectures at The Broken Bay institute, is a visiting lecturer at Yarra Theological Union, and research associate of the mCD University of Divinity.

leading for mission: integrating life, Culture and faith ” in Catholic education is the third volume of the mission and education series. it is designed to provide leaders in today’s Church with the capacity to confidently match the strategic and operational elements of their leadership with a deep and contemporary commitment to mission.

Jim & Therese D’Orsa

Philip Wilson


We have to remember that Catholic education is a mission first and an academic enterprise second. This book is a major religious and professional resource to help us all to remember this and to come to a deeper understanding of what that means in practice. It is a groundbreaking and pioneering study of mission theology and mission practice in Catholic education and it should be read by all those involved in professional development and advanced study courses in Catholic education.

” in this second volume of the mission and Education series two australian Catholic educators face squarely the issue of the Catholicity of the entire formal curriculum – what is involved, and why it is a vital matter for the consideration of all those committed to the education of young people in Catholic schools.

CatholiC CurriCulum

ools connect with the wider Church. erface with society Their potential for mission is, therefore, y. In both scholarly ways Therese and Jim educators to explore l, and they provide nce for doing so. I mend this work to seeking to engage h the Church’s mission holic Education.


the community of believers, theology is not only something ” cs receive instruction in, it is something they do. In this first of the Mission and Education series, Australian Catholic rs Jim and Therese D’Orsa invite and assist colleagues to become ts’ theologians themselves. It is an invitation to deeply integrate man experience in the service of today’s young people with the c community’s living faith tradition.

22/08/13 3:25 PM

LeadingforMission_CVR_PPS.indd 1

The Broken Bay InsTITuTe MIssIon and educaTIon serIes

21/05/12 2:50 PM

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