Garratt Publishing Catalogue 2012

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books & resources catalogue | 2012 religion | spirituality | education

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A new look and new way to share and learn about faith New digital resources for education

Great new titles Support for sacramental programs Better service for you

John Garratt Publishing has developed and evolved over the past few years with new staff, new product types and in the context of the significant changes taking place in both the publishing industry and the religious landscape in Australia.

Across these three pillars is a digital platform as we develop new ways to distribute content in and ever increasingly digital world.

New People Recently, we went in search of a new publisher who would lead us in this change and develop the innovative resources needed in this changing world. Rosanna Morales has joined us. Her experience in educational publishing is extensive. Already she has commenced researching the needs of our customers and has spoken to many people.

These changes have caused us to review our business and take stock of what we do and what we represent. So over the last few months we have undertaken a process to determine our mission as a religious publisher and look at the type of business we want to be now and well into the future. As we approach the end of this process a new image has been developed which signals the introduction of an exciting era for us as publishers. Introducing ‘Garratt Publishing’ The name change is subtle; however the look and feel of our logo is dramatically different. Gone is the beloved feather which has represented us well for the last 15 odd years. For us, its red and black colours symbolised renewal, while the feather itself was a symbol of the creativity and power of the written word. Our new logo is designed to provide a more modern image. It maintains our link to the written word with the use of quotation marks which subtly also represent the Trinity and people together in communication. The colours represent the three main pillars of our business: Religion, Spirituality and Education

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So Garratt Publishing is born from a proud history of publishing quality Catholic books and materials in Australian education and today we produce innovative products to reach global audiences who have an interest in Christianity and social justice. We are like a platform for people to share, connect and learn about their faith, their past and their future. As a national, independent publishing company we specialise in Catholic material for schools and communities with innovative streams of content across new and traditional media to reach broader target markets. Jesus remains at the core of what we do. Our goals are to improve the wellbeing of people around the world through education, raising awareness and sharing knowledge about Christianity to develop life-strengthening relationships that encourage social justice and inner peace. These changes are therefore not only ‘skin-deep’. I hope that you will see a lot more than just a cosmetic change to our appearance as well. All of us at Garratt Publishing are striving to provide the best service and value for money for all our customers.

We are forging partnerships. We are introducing a new imprint with The Broken Bay Institute. ‘Vaughan Publishing’ will focus on theology and offer resources that we develop jointly. It strengthens our connections with the theology institutions in Australia and provides us with additional expertise and knowledge. These are early days and more information will be forthcoming shortly. New Website In the coming weeks our website will be completely redesigned to be clearer, and easier for you to use. It will enable us to provide more service via downloaded content and sample chapters of many books, and give us the ability to share ideas, thoughts and reviews about the products we supply. We are also planning to provide you cheaper prices on line. You will also be able to check your account balance, and get copies of statements as well. Better Service We are conscious that in the recent past our service may have dropped away. We are pulling out all stops to improve our service to you quite dramatically. We have already recruited a new warehouse assistant to ensure we get your orders out in a moretimely manner and have set ourselves a goal to ship most orders in 24 hours.

New titles from Garratt Publishing Better Value We are looking at our pricing structures and will shortly announce many price reductions with even better incentives for purchases made online. We are also about to announce reductions in shipping charges to provide even more value and we are developing a range of innovative and free resources for you to use in your parish school or for yourself. Furthermore, we are also developing a number new email services: the first ‘ReMail’ will be sent to all schools shortly and will be packed with many resources that will help teachers with RE: to follow will be a similar service for parishes and people involved in mission and pastoral care. Innovative Products and Services As publishers we cannot escape the digital revolution that is engulfing our industry, nor do we wish to. In the coming weeks you will see many new digital products being introduced by us. We have already created and have schools using our digital school diary. I believe this is the first of its kind in the world and based on feedback from schools so far will transform the way schools interact with their students and parents. See more on page 21. So I invite you to participate in our journey. Check out the progress of our website, download our free resources, join in the conversations that our books generate and let us know what you think. We are here to help you do God’s work. Blessings Tony Biviano CEO, Garratt Publishing

NEW! Vatican II Reception and implementation in the Australian Church

NEW! Santamaria’s


Working for the National Catholic Rural Movement 1959–1961

Edited by Neil Ormerod

When the Australian bishops joined the Catholic bishops from around the world in Rome for the start of the Second Vatican Council in 1962, they may never have imagined the immediate or the lasting impact that their contribution would have on the lives of the Catholic community back home in Australia. This book marks the 50th anniversary of the convening of that council. The result is a fascinating examination of how Australian Catholics responded to the changes and challenges of the council. Neil Ormerod is joined by emeritus scholars, theologians and historians from around Australia to not only look at the council and who from Australia participated, but also the attitudes and expectations of Catholics here towards the council in 1962. Other contributors include Clare Johnson, Joel Hodge, David Pascoe, Orm Rush, Gerard Kelly, David Ranson, Margaret Beirne, Peta Goldberg, Matt Digges, Vicki Clarke, Richard Lennan, Francis J Moloney and Anthony Kelly. Includes 13 essays, a preface by Gerald O’Collins SJ and a foreword by Archbishop Philip Wilson. ISBN 978 1921 9462 57 Available June 2012

RRP $54.95

Kevin Peoples

Author Kevin Peoples was a leader in the YCW in the 1950s. His book celebrates the critical role played by young workers in the Church and their world in the 1950s, and the genius of Joseph Cardijn whose ‘See Judge and Act’ technique of formation integrated the spiritual with the secular. Peoples was an organiser for the NCRM from 1959–1961. Within the narrative frame of his own involvement, the author shows how Santamaria’s charisma and authoritarian character continuously subverted the NCRM’s aims as an official form of Catholic Action. After the attack on Santamaria’s industrial movement by the leader of the ALP, Dr HV Evatt in October 1954, Santamaria controversially pressed the NCRM into acting as his anti-communist arm in rural Australia. The book analyses opposing views of Catholic action and argues that Santamaria’s failure to adopt the Jocist system of Catholic Action was one of the main reasons for the failure of the NCRM. The drama in this new memoir highlights the clash between Santamaria and the then Fr John N Molony, now emeritus Professor of History at the Australian National University, at the La Verna Monastery in Melbourne in 1961. Molony tired to wrest control of the NCRM in an attempt to establish an adult movement of Catholic Action based on YCW principles. ISBN 978 1 921946 21 9 Available Now

RRP $54.95

Garratt Publishing | 32 Glenvale Crescent Mulgrave Vic 3170 | Visit our website | 1300 650 878  > 3

NEW! Flying in

the Face of Tradition Louis DeThomasis FSC

The quandary in which the Catholic Church finds itself right now is what Brother Louis De Thomasis calls ‘a crisis of confidence’. In this insightful, provocative and hopeful new book, he points to a way of unravelling the quandary by returning to the church’s historic belief in tradition – ‘the lived experience of the faithful’ – as a source of ongoing revelation and renewal. This is not an attack by someone intent on bringing down the church but rather a wake-up call for the church itself to recognise and embrace globalisation, diversity and democratisation, and begin to rebuild what DeThomasis calls koinonia or communion. In this book he urges the institutional church to change quickly and fundamentally if it is to recover its credibility and authority. Louis DeThomasis FSC is a brother of the De LaSalle community of brothers. He was president and professor of interdisciplinary studies at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota from 1984 to 2005, and is co-founder and former president of the Christian Brothers Investment Services, Inc. He is currently president of CBISGLOBAL Europe based in Rome where he now resident. He is the author of books and articles on Christian education and has received much recognition for his lifetime of service to the church. ISBN 978 19219 4628 8 Available May 2012

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RRP $14.95

NEW! Women

NEW! Women in


Deacons Past, Present, Future

Gary Macy, William T Ditewig and Phyllis Zagano Foreword by Susan A Ross

The tremendous growth of the permanent order of the deacon in the Catholic church carries with it lingering and inevitable questions about women deacons. In these three original essays by experts on the diaconate, Gary Macy, William T Ditewig and Phyllis Zagano evaluate the question of women deacons from historical, contemporary and future perspectives in conversation with one another and with the whole church. The result is essential reading for all who are interested in ecclesiology and in questions of women in ministry, as well as for deacons and deacon directors. Gary Macy, Phd, is the John Nobili, SJ, Professor of Theology at Santa Clara University. Deacon William T. Ditewig, PhD, is director of lay and deacon formation in the Diocese of Monterey in California and former executive director of the Secretariat for the Diaconate of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington, DC. Phyllis Zagano, PhD, is senior research associate-in-residence and adjunct professor of religion at Hofstra University. ISBN 978 1 92194 617 2 Available Now

RRP $19.95

Written by Phyllis Zagano

This book makes an important contribution to the international conversation on the place of women in ministry. The essays are both readable and infused with research on the restoration of ordained women deacons. Dr. Zagano has clearly scoped a legitimate area of discussion and is providing invaluable assistance to the Church in moving forward to a renewed future. Bernadette Flanagan, PhD, Head of Research, All Hallows College, Dublin City University, Ireland

Phyllis Zagano examines early ecclesial practices, cites current realities within churches in communion with Rome, and articulates implications for participation in church governance as she carefully and cogently invites readers to consider the ordination of women as deacons – a blessed and sacred form of ministry – within the Roman Catholic Church. Readers are left with only one question: Why not? Mary Hughes, OP, Prioress, Dominican Sisters of Amityville and past president, Leadership Conference of Women Religious ISBN 978 192194 618 9 Available June 2012

RRP $24.95

NEW! This Time of

the Church

NEW! Jesus and

the Natural World

Written by Frank O’Loughlin

Young People Developing a vision for a Catholic Youth Ministry

Written by Denis Edwards

Author Frank O’Loughlin argues that the decline in attendance and numbers of those entering religious life in the Western world can be attributed to a shift from Christianity to pluralism which originated in Western Europe. “We are dealing with a changing situation which goes beyond the church while affecting it radically”. O’Loughlin, a senior priest in the Melbourne Archdiocese, argues that the resultant social, cultural and political changes have enormous religious repercussions at a time when people are also troubled by the church’s handling of numerous crises including the sexual abuse crisis, pastoral inadequacy and even pastoral failure. ISBN 978 1921 9462 64 Available May 2012

NEW! Empowering

RRP $24.95

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“Ecological conversion … is the radical change of mind and heart that leads to a deeper love and respect for all creatures as having their own integrity before God: it involves change to a sustainable lifestyle, to sustainable patterns of production and consumption and to sustainable economic and political choices.” If the good news is that many people around the globe have begun to recognise that we are called to a new way of being on Earth, how can we be sure that this is congruous with the message of Jesus in the gospels? In this new book Denis Edwards encourages us as Christians to wholeheartedly embrace ecological conversation and to connect with people around the globe in their deepening commitment to the survival of life on earth.

Christian Fini OFM

“If we are truly the body of Christ with many parts, we have an obligation to include young people because the church community…is incomplete without them.” The young people around us are a gift to our church, not just as the keepers of our beliefs and traditions, but also our calling to live the values of the gospels. Yet reaching the hearts and minds of these people and keeping them engaged and involved is not always easy. This book will ultimately challenge every Catholic community to welcome young people.

From an easy-to-understand history of the universe and the Earth, the evolution of life on this planet and our role in ensuring its future, Edwards shows that stewardship is pivotal in the Christian message for the world, and that the process of conversion includes a responsibility that all creation is a precious gift that is to be loved, respected and protected.

The invitation to actively participate is the greatest gift that we can offer young people, together with a healthy understanding of what a human being is and a care for that human being and a healthy place where they encounter Jesus Christ. In this new book by Christian Fini, a priest of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate based in Melbourne, we are told that the challenge of every parish community is to find ways to engage young people and to give them a community of which they can be a part.

ISBN 978 1921 9462 26 Available April 2012

ISBN 978 1921 9462 40 Available June 2012

RRP $34.95

RRP $24.95

Garratt Publishing | 32 Glenvale Crescent Mulgrave Vic 3170 | Visit our website | 1300 650 878  > 5

Reflections on the Psalms

A Year with Saint Benedict

Written by Sr Joan Chittister

Written by Sr Joan Chittister OSB

An explosive critique from Australian Bishop Geoffrey Robinson

Through the story of sexual abuse and the church’s response, I came to the unshakeable belief that within the Catholic Church there absolutely must be profound and enduring change. In particular, there must be change on the two subjects of power and sex.

In this simple and profound book, Sr Joan offers poignant and challenging reflections on 25 psalms, each offering a spiritual oasis away from the stresses of a world that demands more than the human soul can sometimes bear. She believes that the psalms, all pieces of poetry and music, have rich meaning for people today. Her hope is that readers will find new meaning here and then make songs of their own. Who but Sr Joan Chittister could break open the psalms in such fresh and piercingly tender ways! Her “soul points” and “wisdom stories” are unforgettable, both contemporary and timeless – Melanie Svoboda SND author of By the Way: 100 Reflections on the Spiritual Life. Joan Chittister is a Benedictine nun, author and speaker, and is a bold, clear voice who shows the way to God in all aspects of life, and particularly through prayer. ISBN 978 1 92194 611 0

From the Introduction

Drawing on his own experience in responding to abuse, Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, in this explosive work, methodically offers a critique of the church’s use and misuse of power, from the pope proclaiming infallibly down to the preacher claiming a divine authority for every word spoken from the pulpit. Going back to the bible and, above all, to the teaching of Jesus, he presents an approach to sexual morality that is profound, compassionate and people-centred. He stresses the priority of the hierarchy of holiness over the hierarchy of power. He offers nothing less than a vision for a church of the third millennium – a church that wants to see in its members the responsibility appropriate to adults rather than the obedience appropriate to children, and wants to help all people to grow to become all they are capable of being. Readers will love or hate this book, but will not be able to be neutral. Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, who has degrees in Philosophy, Theology and Church Law, was Auxiliary Bishop in the Archdiocese of Sydney from 1984 until his retirement in 2004. In 1994 he was elected by the Australian Bishops to the National Committee for Professional Standards, coordinating the response of the Catholic Church in Australia to revelations of sexual abuse, and from 1997 until 2003 he was co-chairman of this committee.



Very little in this world stays fresh and life-giving for 1500 years. But when that happens, we should ask ourselves why and what that had to do with us… print ROBINSON COVER.indd 1

In The Radical Christian Life: A Year with Saint Benedict, Joan Chittister encourages us to look at these questions. In a masterful introductory essay, she considers how the insights and values of the sixth-century monk can illuminate today’s search for a meaningful life. Then she leads us through the year with twelve stories from Benedict’s life, one for each month, drawing nourishment from them with daily reflections that help us develop our own spiritual lives in this day and age. In this book again, Joan Chittister charges the reader to respond to our Christian calling. ISBN 978 1 92194 619 6

RRP $19.95

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Going back to the bible and, above all, to the teaching of Jesus, he presents an approach to sexual morality that is profound, compassionate and focused on people. He stresses the priority of the hierarchy of holiness over the hierarchy of power. Bishop Geoffrey Robinson was Auxiliary Bishop in the Archdiocese of Sydney from 1984 until his retirement in 2004. ISBN 978 1 92072 147 3

Also available

ISBN 978 1 92068 205 7

RRP $16.95

God’s Tender Mercy ISBN 978 1 92068 223 1

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RRP $16.95

Written by Bishop Geoffrey Robinson

Drawing on his own experiences in responding to abuse, Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, in this explosive work, methodically offers a critique of the church’s use and misuse of power, from the Pope proclaiming infallibility down to the preacher claiming a divine authority for every word spoken from the pulpit.

RRP $16.95

The Breath of the Soul

Confronting Power and Sex in the Catholic Church Reclaiming the Spirit of Jesus


The Radical Christian Life

Confronting Power and Sex in the Catholic Church

Songs of the Heart

Order online: or freecall 1300 650 878

RRP $34.95

and so it is. However it is also a y Catholics. Geoffrey Robinson olic asks at some stage on the h? Is there any realistic chance d of church I could give myself n the meantime? And questions rson asks at some stage in their Where am I going? What is the offrey Robinson’s journey is your d as believers. His questions are


Bishop Geoffrey roBinson

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osophy, Theology and Church Law, was m 1984 until his retirement in 2004. He atholic Church which was published by


The Road to Eternal Life

Written by Bishop Geoffrey Robinson

Reflections on the Prologue of Benedict’s Rule

Love’s Urgent Longings is the story of Bishop B G r Geoffrey Robinson’s own spiritual journey made over the past few years. In his search for answers, he revisits the basics to encounter the spiritual and to consciously respond to the force of his deepest desires and how they have moved him towards higher goals.

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Wrestling with belief in today’s church






This is a journey that resonates well with many Catholics and the book looks at questions that any searching spiritual Catholic will ask at some stage on their own journey, about identity, our history and our destiny and ultimately the purpose of our existence. This beautiful book has touched the hearts and minds of all who have read it. It is a book for both young and old who are wrestling with belief in today’s church. ISBN 978 1 92068 221 7

RRP $19.95

A Modern Credo


rawing on his many years of communicating the Christ story within different cultural settings, Kevin Treston offers an inclusive approach to telling the Christ story within the context of creation. For two thousand years the Christ story has been a significant influence on the story of humankind, especially in Western orientated countries. However, there is now clear evidence that the Christ story is being marginalised in Western countries. A growing awareness about ecological concerns and sustainability of the earth’s resources is now challenging people to review their ecological responsibilities. Modern science and cosmology observe an interrelatedness among all things in creation. All cultural and religious traditions stand on the common ground of the earth. In a world where there is growing ecological and global consciousness among peoples, there is an urgency for humanity to unite to work for humane and just living for all as well as for care of the earth. Religious faith must speak about both human destiny and the destiny of creation. For Christians, the Incarnation places the Christ story right at the heart of the web of life in the universe. How can the Christ story be told and lived so that it becomes the Universal Christ story for Christians and for those from other religious traditions and cultures? The aim of the Universal Christ story is to enhance the wellbeing of all beings in creation and blend the Christ story with other religious and cultural stories so that the heart of the Gospel message of ‘life in abundance’ is realised. In this book Kevin proposes a way forward for the Christian community which draws its inspiration from the story of Jesus the Christ and the story of the universe. Each chapter concludes with questions for reflection. Kevin TresTon has worked for many years across the globe in the areas of education, leadership, spirituality, theology, scripture and personal development. He has a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA) and post doctoral studies from Washington, Chicago and Boston educational institutions. Kevin is a member of the Association of Practical Theology Oceania with a special interest in practical theology applied to creation and is the author of seventeen books. Kevin and his wife Kathryn live in Brisbane, Australia. johngarrattpublishing

Written by Michael Casey OSCO credo_cover.indd 1

Written by Kevin Treston

Drawing on his many years of communicating the Christ story within different cultural settings, Kevin Treston offers an inclusive approach to telling the Christ story within the context of creation. 1/12/10 9:29:40 AM

In the Prologue of his Rule, St Benedict maps out the road that leads to heaven; he lays the foundation for life in a community that seeks God. The themes that are present throughout the Rule – obedience, humility, prayer, fear of the Lord, eternal life – are grounded in this important Prologue. Michael Casey delves into the richness of meaning that can be found in Benedict’s words. These reflections, first given as talks made available on his community’s web site, build a bridge between the sixth-century text and twenty-first century Christians. Michael Casey OCSO has been a monk of Tarrawarra Abbey since 1960. After completing a degree in Scripture at Leuven, he received his doctorate from Melbourne College of Divinity for a study of desire for God in the writings of Bernard of Clairvaux. ISBN 978 1 92194 615 8

Telling the Christ Story Within the Context of Creation


obinson is not trying to reject all w building from the foundations ng or become vaguely ‘spiritual’. d, I want to do so only because I t in its place”.

Love’s Urgent Longings


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A growing awareness about ecological concerns and sustainability of the earth’s resources is now challenging people to review their ecological responsibilities. Modern science and cosmology observe an inter-relatedness among all things in creation. All cultural and religious traditions stand on the common ground of the earth. Kevin Treston has worked for many years across the globe in the areas of education, leadership, spirituality, theology, scripture and personal development. ISBN 978 1 92068 216 3

RRP AU$34.95

RRP $29.95

Garratt Publishing | 32 Glenvale Crescent Mulgrave Vic 3170 | Visit our website | 1300 650 878  > 7

Sacramental resources from Garratt Publishing Baptism

Reconciliation aims to support you as you help your child prepare to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation. Its main teaching is that the sacrament re-affirms the constant truth of God’s love and forgiveness for the times we fail and need forgiveness.


Jesus brings hope and healing We celebrate forgiveness Reviewing the day The shape of Reconciliation Building bridges — making peace

A Practical Guide for Parents

A Guide for Parents

Kathy Horan provides a brief introduction to the Church’s teachings on Reconciliation and explains how the celebration of the sacrament has changed since the Second Vatican Council. She uses brief reflections from Scripture to demonstrate that Jesus always proclaimed God’s readiness to forgive our wrongdoings no matter the circumstances. She offers ten themes that parents and children can explore together: Created in God’s image The Baptism of Jesus Baptism – a new creation We make choices Brokenness

Geoffrey Plant

Eucharist aims to strengthen your relationship with your child and affirm your role as parents. It provides a brief introduction to the key teachings of the Catholic Church on the significance of the Eucharist, together with Baptism and Confirmation, in initiating people into full membership of the Church.

A Practical Workbook for Parents and Children

A practical workbook for parents and children

Each session contains a scripture story, family reflection and a prayer time. With the help of Ian James’s illustrations, she clearly outlines the procedure for the different forms of the Rite.

Kathy Horan provides ten sessions to facilitate your discussions with your child during the preparation time. She links your role to how the gospels portray the way that Mary and Joseph went about preparing Jesus to become a full member of their Jewish community. In doing so, Kathy links the gospel stories to everyday family events and provides an explanation of the meaning of the Mass and how we should approach reception of Eucharist. She provides material for ten sessions: The family at Nazareth Joseph and Mary took Jesus to the Temple Jesus with family and friends Jesus with Martha, Mary and Lazarus at Bethany The Last Supper Jesus continues to be present The Catholic community The shape of the Eucharist (Mass) Called to share Jesus’ mission to the world

Kathy Horan has worked extensively in leadership positions in Catholic schools in South Australia. She is currently Deputy Principal and Religious Education Coordinator at Rosary School, Prospect. Kathy holds Masters degrees in Theology and Educational Leadership and a Graduate Certificate in Catholic Studies. She has been a Religious Education consultant for the Archdiocese of Adelaide and has a particular interest in supporting the faith formation of families.

This book examines Baptism and amid the rite of Christian initiation.

Kathy Horan

Kathy horan

Geoffrey Plant

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This booklet offers a simple explanation of the various stages of the celebration of baptism and the rich symbolism if this ancient ritual. It also explains the role of parents and godparents so that they can participate meaningfully in the ceremony.

ISBN 978 1 92072 175 6

RRP $9.95

Each session includes a summary of the gospel passage, a reflection time, a prayer time, and a suitable prayer. You will also find an explanation of the symbols used and common prayers of the Church. In addition, you can download free children’s activity sheets, parish invitations and prayer services related to these themes. See and click on sacraments.

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K at h y h o r a n

Kathy Horan 27/3/08 2:10:17 PM

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Reconciliation aims to support you as you help your child prepare to receive the sacrament of reconciliation. Its main teaching is that the sacrament re-affirms the constant truth of God’s love and forgiveness for the times we fail and need forgiveness.

With the help of illustrations by Ian James, Horan clearly outlines the procedure for the different forms of the rite. The book is backed up by worksheets which can be downloaded. Popular author Kathy Horan provides a brief introduction to the church’s teachings on reconciliation and explains how the celebration of the sacrament has changed since the Second Vatican Council.

Confirmation Seven Flames Wooden Cross 30013CNB


Eucharist Wheat and Grapes



Chalice and Host Wooden Cross



Bubinga and Maple Stylised Inlay





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This is an excellent resource for parents. Attractively presented and written in very accessible language, the workbook provides just the right balance of theological information, gospel stories, prayers and practical suggestions to enable parents to accompany their children in their faith journey. Jenny O’Brien, Liturgy educatOr, Office fOr WOrship, adeLaide.

eucharist cover.indd 1

ISBN 978 1 92072 173 2

Abstract Wooden Cross

A Practical Workbook for Parents and Children

The layout is family friendly and easy to follow. The thematic approach allows families to centre upon relevant biblical stories as the basis for discussion, prayer and reflection time together. Carmen Balales, Pastoral assoCiate, reC for Parish and family –Based CateChesis, flinders Park/hindmarsh, sa

The book offers ten themes that parents and children can explore together. Each session contains a scripture story, family reflection and a prayer time.

Fr Geoffrey Plant is a priest based in Sydney. His ministry has been in education at secondary and tertiary levels, but parish work is his first love. Other titles by Geoff Plant include Releasing the Captive, Welcoming the Outsider and Ascending the Mountain.

Eucharist A practical workbook for parents and children

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In presenting a child for baptism, parents are preparing for a second birth, like a birth in to the Christian community.

Kathy Horan is Campus Principal of Nazareth Catholic College, Flinders Park primary campus, and has worked extensively in leadership in Catholic schools within South Australia. She holds a Master of Theology degree, Master of Educational Leadership, and Graduate Certificate in Catholic studies. Kathy has worked for Catholic Education SA as a Religious Education Consultant and has a particular interest in supporting the faith formation of families.

RRP $9.95

Eucharist aims to strengthen your relationship with your child and affirm your role as parents. It provides a brief introduction to the key teachings of the Catholic church on the significance of the eucharist, together with baptism and confirmation initiating people into full membership of the church. Kathy Horan provides ten sessions to facilitate your discussions with your child during the preparation time. She links your role to how the gospels portray the way that Mary and Joseph went about preparing Jesus to become a full member of their Jewish community. In doing so, she links the gospel stories to everyday family events and provides an explanation of the meaning of the mass and how we should approach reception of eucharist. Download free worksheets to in conjunction with most sacramental programs. ISBN 978 1 92072 157 2

RRP $9.95


ating Confirmation a follower of Jesus as a Spirit-filled follower of Jesus to mission

on contains a scripture story, family and prayer time. With the help of s illustrations, she clearly describes ony itself. In addition, parents and an download free children’s activity ted to the themes from .

A practical w o r k b o o k for parents a n d c h i l d r e n

A Practical Workbook for Parents and Children

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Kathy horan

Kathy Horan

Becoming Catholic

Becoming a parent's guide to baptism, confirmation, eucharist, & reconciliation

A Parent’s Guide to Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist and Reconciliation Kathy Horan

Becoming Catholic sets out in word and illustration to explain to parents the changes that have taken place in the celebration of the sacraments. It looks specifically to provide easy answers to why things are different now, what it means to be a part of a Christian community, why baptism, confirmation and eucharist are called the sacraments of initiation and the different ways to celebrate reconciliation. It also explains how parents can help in the preparation of their children, as well as providing assistance on how to participate in the different parts of the mass. The trend has been to make sacramental celebrations a parish event and to involve parents in the preparation of their children. This new collaboration has been accompanied by a re-discovery of how the sacraments were celebrated in the early church. Kathy Horan

with illustrations by Ian James

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Confirmation has received particular renewal following the Second Vatican Council. It is now seen, along with baptism and eucharist, as part of the process of initiation into the Catholic church. Reception of the sacrament varies from diocese to diocese; some offer the sacrament together with first eucharist; others separately at the end of primary school. Kathy Horan explains the changes that have taken place and points out that, whatever the diocesan practice; confirmation is seen by all as the second formal step of initiation. She provides ten themes around relevant scripture passages to help parents explain the sacrament to their children.



26/7/06, 3:14 PM

ISBN 978 1 92072 127 5

Certificates Eucharist certificate “I am the living bread that came down from Heaven”

RRP $9.95

Galatians 5.25



c onfirmation

date parish priest


sacra cert 09/07.indd 3

ISBN 978 1 92072 171 8

RRP $1.50

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ISBN 978 1 92072 172 5

Reconciliation certificate

Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

Confirmation certificate “The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, faith…”

received the

S acrament


Each session contains a scripture story, family reflection and prayer time. With the help of illustrations by Ian James, Horan clearly describes the ceremony itself. ISBN 978 1 92072 174 9

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.

Baptism certificate

name birthdate

RRP $1.50

date of baptism

celebrated for the first time the

S acrament

Order online: or freecall 1300 650 878


r econciliation

“Forgive and you will be forgiven”

date parish celebrant

was baptized into the Christian Community in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit





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ISBN 978 1 92072 170 1

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RRP $1.50

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ISBN 978 1 92072 169 5

RRP $1.50

Garratt Publishing | 32 Glenvale Crescent Mulgrave Vic 3170 | Visit our website | 1300 650 878  > 9

Liturgical resources from Garratt Publishing Liturgical Year Years A, B and C with Fr Geoff Plant Geoff Plant uses the element of surprise to when introducing the gospels to a faith community. In these reflections, he invites us to share his delight in something from his own discovery of our contemporary secular world which has made its mark, from people to places. In a deft conclusion, he draws the two worlds together so that we are suddenly, clearly and unforgettably instructed in holy understanding. Spiritual growth is the result. These homilies will be welcomed by priests and Church workers, any one taking bible studies in groups or as individuals, and anyone wishing to enrich their own spiritual understanding. FR GEOFFREY PLANT is pastor of St Luke’s Parish, Revesby, within the Archdiocese of Sydney. Ordained in 1972, Geoffrey’s ministry has been in education at secondary and tertiary levels, but parish work is his first love. He studied theology at the Yarra Theological Union in Melbourne, and at Sydney University.

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– From the Introduction




About the Author Geoffrey Plant is pastor of St Michael’s Parish, Lane Cove, within the Archdiocese of Sydney. Ordained in 1972, Geoffrey’s ministry has been in education at secondary and tertiary levels, but parish work is his first love. He studied theology at the Yarra Theological Union in Melbourne, and at Sydney University.

Fr Geoff Plant



Ascending the Mountain is a collection of homilies for Year A of the liturgical cycle, the year of Matthew. It is a companion to a similar volume for Year C, Welcoming the Outsider. Each of the evangelists offers us a different perspective on the life and ministry of Jesus, portraying him in a way that would meet the spiritual and pastoral needs of the community for which he was writing. 15/9/10 3:11:33 PM

Matthew’s community consisted of Jews who had accepted Jesus as their Messiah, but also of gentiles. These Jewish Christians were no longer welcome in the local Jewish synagogues and they were struggling to hold in tension their Jewish identity with the revelation of God in Christ, the old with the new. They’re going through an identity crisis.

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– From the Introduction

Geoff Plant’s homilies teach by surprise! In each, he first devotes time to offer his knowledge of the biblical aspect of the given reading, from settings to scholarship. Then he invites us to share his delight in something from his own discovery of our contemporary secular world which has made its mark, from people to places. In a deft conclusion, he draws the two worlds together so we are suddenly, clearly and unforgettably instructed in holy understanding. Spiritual growth is the result.

Reflections for the Year of Mark Year B

These homilies will be welcomed by priests and Church workers, students of Biblical Studies, Bible Study groups and individuals wishing to enrich their own spiritual understanding. About the Author

Fr Geoff Plant

Geoffrey Plant is pastor of St Luke’s Parish, Revesby, within the Archdiocese of Sydney. Ordained in 1972, Geoffrey’s ministry has been in education at secondary and tertiary levels, but parish work is his first love. He studied theology at the Yarra Theological Union in Melbourne, and at Sydney University.



Releasing the Captive is a collection of reflections for Year B of the liturgical cycle, the year of Mark. Geoffrey Plant


ISBN 978 1 92068 225 5

I have called this collection of homilies Welcoming the Outsider, thereby sounding a note that resonates throughout Luke’s gospel, and which is particularly evident in stories unique to Luke…In Luke’s gospel, the final words that Jesus spoke from the cross to another human being were addressed to an outsider: “Today you will be with me in paradise.” Jesus died as he had lived, welcoming the outsider.

RRP $29.95

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The evocative title of this volume arises from the incident that Mark places at the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry which may also provide an interpretative key to the gospel. This dramatic event is an exorcism in the synagogue at Capernaum. We meet a man with symptoms that a modern reader might identify with epilepsy, and Jesus heals him. He has been set free, released from captivity, and that is what exorcism is all about. Jesus invites us into the desert to confront the truth about our own lives and the choices we make, to make a personal stocktake. ISBN 978 1 92194 613 4

RRP $39.95

Welcoming the Outsider WELCOMING THE

outsider Homilies for the year of Luke

Reflections for the Year of Luke Year C Fr Geoff Plant



Resonating throughout Luke’s Gospel is the theme of welcoming the outsider, one of the many themes discussed by Geoff Plant in this popular book of meditations on the Gospel of Luke and following the Sundays of Year C. GEOFFREY PLANT







Releasing the Captive


Reflections for the Year of Matthew Year A

Reflections foR the YeaR of MaRk



in the Archdiocese of Sydney. econdary and tertiary levels, but heological Union in Melbourne,


proves that he is an eloquent , drawing together the biblical illuminating the text to deepen Sunday liturgy. These homilies of Biblical Studies, Bible Study iritual understanding.


Releasing the Captive is a collection of reflections for Year B of the liturgical cycle, the year of Mark. It is a companion volume to Ascending the Mountain (Year A, the year of Matthew) and Welcoming the Outsider (Year C, the year of Luke). The evocative title of this volume arises from the incident that Mark places at the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry which may also provide an interpretative key to the gospel. This dramatic event is an exorcism in the synagogue at Capernaum. We meet a man with symptoms that a modern reader might identify with epilepsy, and Jesus heals him. He has been set free, released from captivity, and that is what exorcism is all about. Exorcism does not feature in the everyday experience of most 21st century readers. But the reality behind demonic possession is very much with us today because we are held captive by forces over which we have little or no control, forces that rob us of freedom, alienate us from God and others, and stunt our human growth. Many modern addictions can hold us captive. Not only the substance addictions which may come easily to mind but also our addiction to possessions, to wealth, to position and power and to busyness. Jesus invites us into the desert to confront the truth about our own lives and the choices we make, to make a personal stocktake. Geoff Plant’s third volume of gospel reflections also issues an invitation: to engage more deeply with the word by reflecting on the Sunday gospels. He once again proves that he is an eloquent and engrossing master storyteller. He breaks open the word, drawing together the biblical and contemporary contexts. His stories inform and delight illuminating the text to deepen understanding of the Gospels and enhance participation in the Sunday liturgy. These reflections will be welcomed by priests and pastoral associates, students of Biblical Studies, Bible Study groups, teachers and individuals wishing to enrich their own spiritual understanding.

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Ascending the Mountain


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Year A of the liturgical cycle,



28/8/09 4:19:13 PM

One of the criticisms constantly leveled against Jesus by they Pharisees was that he welcomed sinners and ate with them. Anthropologists point out that you can learn a great deal about a society by looking closely at who eats together. They argue that the dining table is a miniature of society at large. In choosing to eat with ‘outsiders’, Jesus confronts us with a powerful parable of the kingdom, not in words but in action. ISBN 978 1 92068 201 9

RRP $29.95

Welcoming the Word with Sr Verna Holyhead In these volumes of weekly reflections on the Sunday Lectionary, Australian Good Samaritan Sr Verna Holyhead moves deftly between the Old and New Testament readings providing theological context and tying the texts to contemporary concerns. Rich in references to poetry and history, these reflections are infused with the Rule of St Benedict, which invites Christians to take the two testaments as ‘the truest guides for human life’. The supplementary series of conversations between the Liturgy of the Word and the Rule extend the weekly reflection. A sourcebook for pastoral ministry or a reference for personal or communal reflection, this volume will assist believers who desire to engage more deeply with the Word.

There is much comfort to be found in these pages, and challenge too. Building on Rock will certainly help many readers to move the liturgical texts in the direction of a personal lectio divina and to feel more acutely the urgency of the biblical message in their own daily lives. Fr. Michael Casey, OCSO, Tarrawarra Abbey

ISBN 978 1 92072 150 3

Welcoming the Word in Year A

Welcoming the Word in Year B

Welcoming the Word in Year C

Building Rock

Sowing the Seed

With Burning Hearts

RRP $24.95

ISBN 978 1 92072 177 0

RRP $24.95

ISBN 978 1 92072 131 2

RRP $24.95

Sundays Under the Southern Cross with Mary L Coloe An economical resource for readers, teachers and anyone wanting a brief informed reflection on the gospels. Mary Coloe’s gospel reflections offer readers brief yet thoughtful, contemporary introductions to the Sunday gospels of the liturgical year. Luke is the focus of Year C. He shows Jesus giving a message of joy and celebration, of inclusion, and of faith moving forward. Such progress and honesty met resistance, and Luke’s Gospel continues to challenge each of us today in our own faith practice. Mary Coloe interprets the gospel message and then draws out these challenges in a modern Australian context in a quiet, questioning manner.

ISBN 978 1 92072 153 4

Sundays Under the Southern Cross

Sundays Under the Southern Cross

Sundays Under the Southern Cross

Year A Gospel Reflections Matthew

Year B Gospel Reflections Mark

Year C Gospel Reflections Luke

RRP $9.95

ISBN 978 1 92072 153 4

RRP $9.95

ISBN 978 1 92072 135 0

RRP $9.95

Garratt Publishing | 32 Glenvale Crescent Mulgrave Vic 3170 | Visit our website | 1300 650 878  > 11

Friendly Guide series NEW! A Friendly

Guide to Social Justice Written by Bruce Duncan

Giving everyone on earth a sense of value and hope is central to the gospel message. In Matthew’s Gospel, we are instructed by Jesus to feed the hungry, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, tend the sick and visit those in prison.

A Friendly Guide to Social Justice is an ideal resource for use in schools or in parish and community education programs. It shows that social justice is at the very heart of our faith and traditions in both the old and new testaments and how this became a way of life for Christians over the centuries. The book provides insight into the papal encyclicals that have placed the church at the forefront of international campaigns demanding social justice for all. It also provides examples of leading figures who have worked hard to guarantee social justice, not least our very own Mary MacKillop and Julian Tennyson Woods, Archbishop Daniel Mannix, Cardinal Moran and Mum Shirl, as well as leading international figures such as the founder of the St Vincent de Paul Society, Frederick Ozanam, Raissa and Jacques Maritain, Popes John XXIII and Paul VI, Barbara Ward, Archbishop Romero and Archbishop Helder Camara. This book will help Catholics, young and old, see how they too can strive for social justice in our communities and cities, in remote regions of Australia, and indeed

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internationally where people might be unable to support themselves or their families. Bruce Duncan is a Redemptorist priest. He has a doctorate in political science from the University of Sydney and teaches at the Yarra Theological Union where he coordinates the program of social justice studies. ISBN 978 192194 629 5 Available June 2012



A Friendly Guide to Vatican II Written by Fr Max Vodola

When the bishops of the Catholic world gathered in the Vatican in 1962 for the Second Vatican Council, they initiated a process of change which would restyle the way Catholics worshipped and celebrated liturgy. In the style which is typical of the other books in the Friendly Guide series, Vodola explains in easy terms the history of change that was already happening in the church prior to Pope John XXIII initiating the council and how he became focussed on the process of modernisation early in the 20th Century. Vodola offers an easy-to-understand explanation of the Second Vatican Council, the changes and what it means for us today in the 50 years since the council was convened. This book will be welcomed by teachers, religious and lay people wishing to know more about Vatican II. ISBN 978 1 92194 630 1 Available June 2012

RRP $24.95

NEW! A Friendly

Guide to Mark Francis J Moloney SDB

One of Australia’s greatest living scripture theologians Francis J Moloney again brings the world of the gospels to life in this addition to the Friendly Guide series of books. He introduces us to the Gospel of Mark in a style that is not only friendly, but which provides a foundation for any further study of Mark and the relevance of this gospel as we live our own modern lives. Moloney explains that while the Gospel of Mark is the shortest, it is in some ways the most challenging of the four Gospels. From what we have already seen in tracing the relationship between Jesus and the disciples in the gospel, it is clear that there are at least two parts to the gospel. Francis J Moloney SDB is an internationally renowned scripture scholar and leader of the Australian province for the Society of Don Bosco. ISBN 978 1 92194 620 2

RRP $24.95

Coming soon... A Friendly Guide to Luke’s Gospel by Stuart Moran, due August 2012 A Friendly Guide to Matthew’s Gospel by Dorothy Lea, due October 2012 A Friendly Guide to John’s Gospel by Mary Coloe IBVM, due September 2012 A Friendly Guide to the Old Testament Coming 2013


Whelan is a Marist Father and was ordained in 1972. ined his PhD in 1984, while studying under Adrian at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. ael is Director of the Aquinas Academy in Sydney also lectures in spirituality. 94 Michael helped set up Catalyst for Renewal which ed to promoting conversation for renewal within the Church and beyond. He is currently the Executive of that association. He was Editor of its journal, The -2007). In 1995 he co-founded Spirituality in the currently operates in a number of venues around


tradition of the Friendly Guides series Guide to Prayer is a beautifully presented book. tones and exquisite images marry perfectly with g text so eloquently presented by Michael Whelan. ook for everyone, for the novice, the student, the ed, the expert. There is something here to touch s heart.


NEW! A Friendly


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Michael Whelan

The tradition of prayer within the Catholic church is rich and varied and complex. There are many people and themes and practices and sources that could be usefully studied. A much larger book would be required to do that however. michaelj francis whelan sm moloney sdb

or Catholics the celebration of the Mass is central to the expression of their faith. It is celebrated thousands of times a day in many places, in many languages, by many, many people and has been celebrated every day for centuries. It has many names and a variety of cultural guises. It means different things to different people. “For some it is a meal. For some it is a sacrifice. For some it is a ritual act, sacred and set apart. Others like to emphasise the community aspect – the community gathering together, very conscious of one another. For some it is a deeply personal prayer. For others it is a sacramental celebration embracing the entire world. For some its very essence is expressed in the coming together (the communion) of those present. For others, it is the moment to celebrate the sacredness of life in joy and gratitude. For some worshippers it is a celebration of a reconciliation which forgives and unites. For others, unity and reconciliation are pre-requisites for its proper celebration. Some celebrate it once a year. Others celebrate it four times a year. Some celebrate it every Sunday and for others it is a daily event of thanksgiving and grace.” (From the Introduction) In A Friendly Guide to the Mass Tony Doherty opens up the treasures of the Mass and through story, humour, history and colourful imagery he offers us an insight into the heart of this ritual

Friendly Guides are a new initiative by John Garratt Publishing designed to provide easily accessible information on themes fundamental to understanding the Catholic faith. This new series is written and presented in the style of the highly successful So You’re Working for the Catholic Church and its companion volumes. Some of Australia’s foremost scholars and theologians have accepted the invitation to write at an introductory level in their fields of expertise and

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tony Doherty is currently the pastor of a Sydney parish. During four decades of pastoral ministry as a diocesan priest, he has been a hospital chaplain, adult educator and contributed to ABC radio and television. His life-time search is to find an appropriate language of faith for contemporary adults. He is the author of a very successful series of books So You’re Working for the Catholic Church, So You’re Seeking to Renew Your Faith and So You’re Sending Your Child to a Catholic School published by John Garratt Publishing.

suited to an introductory level readership. For students and teachers it will be an invaluable resource to supplement the Religious Education program. Similarly, parish groups, RCIA teams and candidates or anyone wanting to improve their understanding of the foundations of scripture, will find this text indispensable.

have produced texts which are clear, concise and readable. The Friendly Guides are bursting with colour and creativity, featuring photos, icons, maps, charts, summary boxes and original artwork. The format is attractive and engaging and will provide an invaluable resource for teachers, students, parish groups, RCIA teams and candidates and anyone searching for a clear explanation of Catholic tradition. Other titles available are The New Testament and The Mass. FRIENDLY GUIDES — A NEW SERIES


riendly Guides are a new initiative by John Garratt Publishing designed to provide easily accessible information on themes fundamental to understanding the Catholic faith. This new series is written and presented in the style of the highly successful So You’re Working for the Catholic Church and its companion volumes. Some of Australia’s foremost scholars and theologians have accepted the invitation to write at an introductory level



rancis J Moloney is the provincial Superior of the Salesians of Don Bosco in Australia. A member of the Order of Australia, he has held major academic positions in several universities, most recently professor of New Testament at the Catholic University of America. He is the author of numerous scholarly and popular books on the New Testament.

in their fields of expertise and have produced texts which are clear, concise and readable. The Friendly Guides are bursting with colour and creativity, featuring photos, icons, maps, charts, summary boxes and original artwork. The format is attractive and engaging and will provide an invaluable resource for teachers, students, parish groups, RCIA teams and candidates and anyone searching for a clear explanation of Catholic tradition. Titles soon to be published include Jesus and The Mass.



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Francis J Moloney SDB is an internationally renowned scripture scholar and leader of the Australian province for the Society of Don Bosco. ISBN 978 1 92072 194 7

which is at once both ancient and new. The language is clear and accessible, the style is, as the title suggests, friendly. There are references to the Catechism and the scriptures, useful facts and reflective quotes. Tony takes a gentle but thorough approach which will appeal to students and teachers, catechists and RCIA candidates, seekers and searchers of all ages and levels of education. In keeping with the format of the Friendly Guides series this book is beautifully presented in full colour with photos, information boxes and bright and engaging design.

ho wrote the New Testament? How has it come down to us in its present form? What did the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ mean for Jesus’ first followers, St Paul and the early Christians? How can we use New Testament scripture to deepen our faith? Francis J Moloney SDB answers such questions in A friendly guide to the New Testament. Beautifully presented and illustrated throughout in colour with icons and original artwork, the guide is written from historical and faith-based perspectives and is designed for those who are new to Bible study. It contains readings and commentary on specific passages of scripture, helpful ‘Did you know’ boxes for each chapter and a step by step guided experience of praying with scripture. Written by internationally renowned scripture scholar Francis Moloney, A friendly guide to the New Testament is clear, concise and accessible, ideally

RRP $24.95

A Friendly Guide to the Mass


Monsignor Tony Doherty



riendly Guides are a new initiative by John Garratt Publishing designed to provide easily accessible information on themes fundamental to understanding the Catholic faith. This new series is written and presented in the style of the highly successful So You’re Working for the Catholic Church and its companion volumes. Some of Australia’s foremost scholars and theologians have accepted the invitation to write at an introductory level in their fields of expertise and


have produced texts which are clear, concise and readable. The Friendly Guides are bursting with colour and creativity, featuring photos, icons, maps, charts, summary boxes and original artwork. The format is attractive and engaging and will provide an invaluable resource for teachers, students, parish groups, RCIA teams and candidates and anyone searching for a clear explanation of Catholic tradition. Titles soon to be published include Jesus and The Mass.

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ISBN 978 1 92194 614 1 RRP $24.95 Available now


rancis J Moloney is the provincial Superior of the Salesians of Don Bosco in Australia. A member of the Order of Australia, he has held major academic ons in several universities, most recently fessor of New Testament at the Catholic sity of America. He is the author of ous scholarly and popular books on the estament.

A Friendly Guide to the New Testament



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Fr Frank Moloney explores who wrote the New Testament, how it came down to us in its present form, what the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ meant for his followers, St Paul and the early Christians and how we can use the New Testament to 23/4/10 5:31:01 PM

A Friendly Guide to Jesus


Andrew Hamilton SJ

Friendly Guides — AWNew Series

In this beautifully presented and easy-tofollow new book, readers will be guided to find the enormous riches and complexity F of the Catholic prayer tradition; enough practical guidance to enable them to begin – or perhaps to simply refine and deepen – their practice of prayer; as well as encouragement to go on exploring the F possibilities in prayer for them personally, their families, friends and the wider community.


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About the Author

Andrew Hamilton is a Jesuit priest. He teaches Theology at the United Faculty of Theology in Melbourne. The focus of his teaching has been on Christology, the Sacraments and the history and theology of the Early Church. He is also editorial consultant at Jesuit Communications in Melbourne, whose magazines include Eureka Street, Australian Catholics and Madonna. He has contributed extensively to these magazines, and also to a range of other theological journals and religious magazines. Andy has an interest in asylum seekers and refugee communities and issues, being involved in community groups. He has served for many years as chaplain to the Melbourne Laotian and Cambodian Catholic communities, has written widely on refugee issues and is chaplain to the Immigration Detention Centre in Melbourne.

In A Friendly Guide to Jesus, Andrew Hamilton SJ looks for answers to questions about Jesus. Not just who was he but who is he for us today. How can faith in Jesus help us to understand what really matters? What does it mean to be a follower of Jesus – how can we live happily and well as Christians? It is a guide book in the search for meaning, incorporating story and art, maps, charts, scripture guides and information boxes. The second title in John Garratt Publishing’s Friendly Guides series, A friendly guide to Jesus is clear, concise and accessible, ideally suited to an introductory level readership. For students and teachers it will be an invaluable resource to supplement the Religious Education program. Similarly,

25/10/11 1:21:12 PM

ible, ideally suited to an introductory eadership. For students and teachers it an invaluable resource to supplement ligious Education program. Similarly, groups, RCIA teams and candidates one wanting to improve their standing of the foundations of Scripture, nd this text indispensable.

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parish groups, RCIA teams and candidates or anyone wanting to improve their understanding of the life and mission of Jesus, will find this text indispensable. Throughout this book Jan Hynes’s stunning paintings of the urban landscape of contemporary Australia, as well as one of Australian wilderness, illustrate the life of Jesus in a fresh and vivid way. Her explanations of the imagery in each painting add layers of meaning to the viewer’s experience.

Young people are right to be asking big questions. They want to explore what their lives and the world are about. But they don’t just want big answers to these questions. They want answers that will make a difference in their lives. They want to know how to live happily and well. So do we all. That is what faith in Jesus is about.” From the Introduction

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was reminded of the story of the big sign erected outside a church. It announced, ‘Jesus is the answer.’ Underneath it someone had written in big letters, ‘Yeah, but what is the question?’

Guide to Prayer

the author of three books and a number of journal the field of Spirituality.

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deepen our faith. This book will help “I bring the richness of the Bible word into the lives of ordinary believers. Attractively presented with surprising gems, it is engaging and nurturing. Like all titles in the Friendly Guide series, this book is bursting with colour and creativity featuring photographs, icons, maps, charts, summary boxes and original artwork.

Tony Doherty opens up the treasures of the Mass and through story, humour and colourful imagery, offers an insight to the heart of this ritual. The gentle but thorough approach will appeal to students and teachers, catechists and RCIA candidates. In clear and accessible language, this title is a friendly introduction to the Mass. It includes references to the catechism and the scriptures, useful facts and reflective quotes. Tony Doherty is a popular priest in Sydney. His earlier book, ‘So You’re Seeking to Renew Your Faith’ has introduced many thousands of people to our Catholic faith and tradition. tony doherty

12/11/10 2:45:59 PM

ISBN 978 1 92072 195 4

This book presents a search for answers to questions about Jesus, who he was and who he is for us today. It also looks at how faith in Jesus can help us to understand what really matters, what it means to be a follower of Jesus and how we can live happily and well as Christians. The book features the outstanding artwork of Jan Hynes, depicting the Christ story in remarkable urban scenes. Andrew Hamilton takes the reader on a journey to discover meaning, incorporating story and art, maps, charts, scripture guides and information boxes. andrew hamilton sj

12/11/10 2:19:53 PM

This book is ideal for students and teachers and will be an invaluable resource to supplement the religious education program. Similarly, parish groups, RCIA teams and candidates or anyone wanting to improve their understanding of the life and mission of Jesus will find this text indispensable. ISBN 978 1 92072 197 8

RRP $24.95

Order online: or freecall 1300 650 878

RRP $24.95

Garratt Publishing | 32 Glenvale Crescent Mulgrave Vic 3170 | Visit our website | 1300 650 878  > 13

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Clip art is widely used in liturgical celebrations to encourage prayerfulness as people are more fully engaged. Popular Australian artist Susan Daily IBVM has produced a series of clip art for each liturgical year, including major feasts and seasons and parish sacramental celebrations.

Clip Art for Celebrating the Sacrament of Eucharist ISBN 9781920721213

Ideal for use in parishes, schools and wherever people gather to pray.

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14 <

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Also available Clip Art for Celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism 9781920721442

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Our popular Gift Of series The Gift of Julian of Norwich

The titles in the Gift of series trace the lives of saints and mystics who remain popular in our faith communities today. Written by wellknown international experts in their field, each book has been illustrated by awardwinning artist and calligrapher Lynne Muir.

Karen Manton

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n 1922 Pope Pius XI proclaimed St Ignatius the patron saint of Spiritual Exercises (retreats) for the universal Church. In one sense the book known as The Spiritual Exercises is the gift of Ignatius to the Church and the world. It is estimated that Ignatius’ little book has been published over 5000 times. In another sense the lived reality of what that book led to in the lives of followers of Ignatius is his gift. Ignatius’ life journey shows how he was led through conversion, pilgrimage, study, constant prayer, reflection and discernment to perfect his Spiritual Exercises. These Exercises incorporated a theology and a ‘way of proceeding’ that would enrich the Church for centuries to come. From the Introduction

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John Davis

2/5/09 9:34:00 AM

Little Gift of Julian of Norwich

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Garratt Publishing | 32 Glenvale Crescent Mulgrave Vic 3170 | Visit our website | 1300 650 878  > 15

So You’re series NEW! So You’re

So You’re books

planning a wedding


atholics are not very different from anyone else in the community but we do hold certain beliefs which affect the way we think about ourselves, about other people, about the world around us. Catholic upbringing has a strong influence on the way we lead our lives — even if we no longer go to church. If you are planning to send your child to a Catholic school this book is designed to help you appreciate a little better the culture you are coming into and what makes this school the place that it is, and something of the vision that caused it to be established in the first place.

Monsignor Tony Doherty has written one book that can be sued in three different contexts. It’s a beautiful and informative booklet that sets out to provide a friendly introduction to the Catholic faith. from The


Monsignor Tony Doherty

Personalised Editions Available


Tony DoherTy baPTising Darcy o’brien

This book has been written as a simple guide C for anyone marrying in a Catholic church. Normally that will be when each partner is Catholic; sometimes one of the parties is not a Catholic.

monsignor Tony DoherTy is currently the pastor of a Sydney parish. During four decades of pastoral ministry as a diocesan priest, he has been a hospital chaplain, adult educator, contributed to ABC radio and television, including the two TV series ‘Echo of a Distant Drum’ (the story of the Irish in Australia) and the award winning ‘Brides of Christ’. In 1995 he co-ordinated the visit of Pope John Paul II to beatify Australia’s first saint Blessed Mary MacKillop. While Dean of Sydney’s St Mary’s Cathedral, he received the 2004 Community Relations Commission medal for his contribution to Inter-Faith dialogue. His lifetime search is to find an appropriate language of faith for contemporary adults.

So You’re Working for the Catholic Church

atholics are not very different from anyone else in the community but they do hold certain beliefs which affect the way they think about themselves, about other people, about the world around them. Catholic upbringing has a strong influence on the way they lead their lives — even if they no longer go to church. If you are planning to work for the Church this book is designed to help you appreciate a little better the culture you are coming into and what makes this school, this hospital, this social welfare office, the place that it is, and something of the vision that caused it to be established in the first place. from The



After a few suggestions about the preparation for the ceremony of your marriage the book sets out to explain some of the things Catholics most value in their beliefs. Tony DoherTy baPTising Darcy o’brien

monsignor Tony DoherTy is currently the pastor of a Sydney parish. During four decades of pastoral ministry as a diocesan priest, he has been a hospital chaplain, adult educator, contributed to ABC radio and television, including the two TV series ‘Echo of a Distant Drum’ (the story of the Irish in Australia) and the award winning ‘Brides of Christ’. In 1995 he co-ordinated the visit of Pope John Paul II to beatify Australia’s first saint, Blessed Mary MacKillop. While Dean of Sydney’s St Mary’s Cathedral, he received the 2004 Community Relations Commission medal for his contribution to Inter-Faith dialogue. His lifetime search is to find an appropriate language of faith for contemporary adults.

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CAtholiC trAdition

14/3/08 8:44:23 AM

ISBN 978 192072 158 9

RRP $14.95



from The

Tony DoherTy baPTising Darcy o’brien

monsignor Tony DoherTy is currently the pastor of a Sydney parish. During four decades of pastoral ministry as a diocesan priest, he has been a hospital chaplain, adult educator, contributed to ABC radio and television, including the two TV series ‘Echo of a Distant Drum’ (the story of the Irish in Australia) and the award winning ‘Brides of Christ’. In 1995 he co-ordinated the visit of Pope John Paul II to beatify Australia’s first saint, Blessed Mary MacKillop. While Dean of Sydney’s St Mary’s Cathedral, he received the 2004 Community Relations Commission medal for his contribution to Inter-Faith dialogue. His lifetime search is to find an appropriate language of faith for contemporary adults.

Order online: or freecall 1300 650 878

AAFnrIendly GuIde to Gthe cAtholIc trAdItIon I ntroductory uIde to c AtholIcIsm Ttoony ny d Doherty oherTy

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4/1/08 10:18:35 AM

4/1/08 10:18:35 AM

to the

CAtholiC trAdition

Tony DoherTy

11/2/10 10:27:16 AM

So You’re Sending Your Child to a Catholic School We know from surveys that less than 10% of parents sending their children to Catholic schools attend church regularly, this booklet will enable them to understand the rationale behind the programs in the school. ISBN 978 192072 166 4

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“I have no hesitation in recommending this ‘friendly and gentle introduction’ as one of the best resources available to Australians today.” Gerard Rummery fsc, Lasallian Education Centre

“It is a humane invitation to respectful Feedback on the understanding of all that is Catholic – It’s original book suggested a great introduction for Catholic beginners that with a changed and a friendly primer for those who have preface it would be a lost touch over the years.” valuable support for Catholics seeking to renew Frank Brennan SJ, Professor, their faith and for Catholics Institute of Legal Studies, More than who have had little contact Australian Catholic University 45,000 with the church. It’s an ideal copies sold book to use in parish renewal programs, discussion groups or RCIA programs. 11/2/10 10:13:45 AM

ISBN 978 192072 167 1

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So You’re Seeking to Renew Your Faith

o You’re Seeking to Renew Your Faith is designed to be a friendly and accessible overview for adult Catholics wanting to refresh their appreciation of this Catholic tradition, and look at it with new eyes in the light of the challenges in their contemporary lives. It is a modest overview for people — perhaps caught up in the confusion of many things — wanting to breathe some new life into their Catholic faith and make better sense of it. My hope is that these reflections on the Catholic story may stimulate a renewed appreciation of their faith, particularly as adults, and enliven a fresh understanding of the good news which they already possess.

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to the

Tony DoherTy

There are chapters about the meaning of Mass, about the place of prayer in our busy lives, about the importance of justice in our faith and, as we believe that marriage is a sacrament, about what we mean when we use the word ‘sacrament’. S

This book is intended for staff working in schools, hospitals, welfare agencies – anyone who works in a Catholicsponsored institution. There is no dogmatic presentation to alienate non-Catholics or non-believers but rather an invitation to understand the special ethos of Catholic institutions. A Friendly Guide

4/1/08 10:18:35 AM

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ISBN 978 192194 627 1 Available April 2012

A Friendly Guide jgp_logo_type.indd 1

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RRP $14.95

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in getting a diverse group

bout their vocation, their

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s. Our Fathers represents

and love of their church in

o understand the Catholic

nal Council of Priests of Australia

Sydney Morning Herald and

gazines including the Age, rattpublishing National Catholic Reporter

d philosophical issues. Both

our fathers

John: My brother drifts away When David informs me that he has not only found God but now it is the Christ re–incarnated, I advise him even more strongly to get that second opinion. But I am soon forced to change my humour. He is serious. I can see it in his eyes. His eyes are full of horror, horror at my reaction… Our Uncle Terry, the old warrior, has warned me not to expect too much, that I will be disappointed in fact: ‘It’s impossible to hold a conversation with someone who is ‘gone with God’’… It seems at St Michael’s there is a lot of goings on about our evil world, and casting out of devils. It is being touted as the only way of getting into heaven for those possessed. The trouble is: it isn’t kosher, is not Anglican dogma and apparently most church-goers agree. My little brother is out on a limb, with a Minister who has gone mad and a woman who says she is Christ. It is bizarre!

What Australian Catholic priests ’ really think about their lives and their church

So begins David Ayliffe’s 16 years of enslavement to the destructive cult called the ‘Zion Full Salvation Ministry’ and to ‘the Woman’, Violet Pryor, who rants: If you ever leave me, I will kill you!…God has informed me that the Lord’s Anointed is the chosen one and the purpose of the end-time ministry is to prepare the Bride for the coming of the Bridegroom. …The Father has also issued a confirmation: do not by-pass the Woman!

what Australian Catholic priests really think about their lives and their church

Psychological pain, drama, control and secrecy: all were trade marks of Zion. Friend was set against friend, families deliberately broken up, and assets appropriated. But as David, the insider, interlaces his journey with John, his brother on the outside, a strange thing happens. The two brothers re-discover each other in a way that belies their early separation, and the tale of horror becomes one of enduring love and true redemption.


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The True Story of Surviving 16 Years in a Destructive Cult

Chris McGillion is a former religious affairs editor for the Sydney Morning Herald and has written on religious issues for newspapers and magazines including The Age, Brisbane Times, Eureka Street, the Tablet (UK), and the National Catholic Reporter (US). John O’Carroll has written extensively on religious and philosophical issues. Both teach at Charles Sturt University. RRP $23.95

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Richard Rohr

Through The sTories, mediTaTions, and TesTed PracTices in This book, richard rohr will helP you: Awaken your desire for God

The Ayliffe brothers saga is gripping, baffling, horrifying, and, most importantly, redemptive. - PHILIP YANCEY, author of the million-seller, What’s So Amazing about Grace?

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David and John Ayliffe

iChard ohr is a revered speaker and million-selling author. he is the founder of the Center for action and Contemplation, a guest on the radio show Oprah and Friends, a regular contributor to Sojourners and Tikkun, and the author of books such as Adam’s Return, The Enneagram, Everything Belongs, Simplicity, and Things Hidden. spirituality / religion

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s book, particularly those

hat affect their lives.

Chris McGillion and John O’Carroll

em and their church today.

‘ Our Fathers


our fathers

hat priests think, the s are rarely known ircle of their closest sent to every priest well as on interviews ntry, reveals the true their working lives, ay. The results will

My Brother’s Eyes tells the sad but true story of a dangerous religious cult that operated in NSW. Brothers David and John wrote the book together as they believe people need to know how secretive religious groups operate and the damage they cause to families. Naked Now_cover.indd 1

26/7/09, 10:11 AM

In fact, David was involved with the group from his late teenage years and didn’t leave until his early 40s. Called Zion Full Salvation Ministry, the cult began as part of an innercity Anglican Church in Sydney. It was founded by a woman who claimed to have Christ’s stigmata and to be the embodiment of God on earth.

My Brother’s Eyes is a troubling story but at least it has a happy ending as it tells the story of the separation of the brothers and then their eventual restoration. True insight into the psychology of a sect both from the inside and the out is very rare. This account by two brothers is illuminating, fascinating and intelligent. Bryce Courtenay

The enlightenment you seek in other religions has been present in Christianity from the beginning. Richard Rohr, a global leader in spiritual awakening, helps you recognise the forces (such as ego resistance and dual thinking) that separate you from your deeper self. Then, drawing from the gospels and the greatest Christian contemplatives, he shows you what it means to be spiritually awake. 8/4/09 3:23:05 PM

For Christians seeking a way of thinking outside of strict dualities, this guide explores methods for letting go of division and living in the present. Drawn from the Gospels, Jesus, Paul, and the great Christian contemplatives, this examination reveals how many of the hidden truths of Christianity have been misunderstood or lost and how to read them with the eyes of the mystics rather than interpreting them through rational thought. Filled with sayings, stories, quotations, and appeals to the heart, specific methods for identifying dualistic thinking are presented with simple practices for stripping away ego and the fear of dwelling in the present. 9781920682040 RRP

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Gift books for students And for graduates from secondary schools

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World Wide Open

erfect for bedtime or anytime, this illustrated collection provides prayers to help children pray about all the different experiences they have day by day and to learn to share them all with God.

Written by Juliette Hughes-Norwood Illustrated by Lynne Muir 2/08/11 9:42 am


Bethan James

Illustrated by

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World Wide Open is a terrific way to give students confidence as they move away from the circle of care offered by the school environment, and to take with them the values that they have learnt in our outstanding Catholic education system. World Wide Open is packed with information to help them carry the Gospel message into the real world. It will encourage them in whatever they choose to do so that they can make a real and lasting impact on the world. ISBN 978 1 92194 602 8

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Beautiful illustrated book with 365 prayers…one for each day!!! Grouped in topics and featuring extensive topical index, this book is an ideal resource for schools or for use in any liturgical celebration with children, but also a beautiful memento or gift. 9781920682323

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Resources for young people PrayerPosters


7:53 PM

Prayers of the Mass

Page 1

Teaching Religion to middle and senior school students can be a daunting if rewarding experience. For busy professionals who find themselves stretched many ways, finding or creating resources for prayer places an extra demand on their limited preparation time.

Priest Brothers and sisters let us acknowledge our sins and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries

We offer you this Day… has been created to make teachers’ lives easier and students’ experiences of prayer richer. With a prayer for every school day, reflections on the Gospels, teaching ideas, articles, ways to pray and prayer for special occasions, this valuable new resource will prove indispensable to all classroom teachers and teachers of religion. Presented in a sturdy, functional format with contemporary design We offer you this Day… is full of inspirational ideas and trustworthy practical advice to enhance the prayer life of both staff and students in Catholic schools.

A1 poster set

Some highlights of We offer you this Day…

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• Inspirational quotes

ISBN 978 192194 600 4

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I welcome the timely publication of this Australian Children’s Mass Book. The Mass Book is contemporary, incorporates the changes in the liturgy and presents a very clear and accessible understanding of what it is that the Catholic community is engaged in when it gathers to celebrate the Eucharist. Changes in the liturgy have been incorporated simply, and the colourful illustrations attract attention to and enhance the text. Children and their parents will find this Mass book a great assistance for understanding the Mass and for prayerful reflection and involvement in the liturgy. CD book


2:17 PM



12:19 PM

Page 7


to praise God

INTRODUCTORY RITES Entrance song and Procession Sign of the cross Greeting Penitential Rite The Gloria Opening Prayer WE LISTEN to God's word

in the Bible

THE LITURGY OF THE WORD First Reading Responsorial Psalm Gospel Acclamation Gospel Homily Profession of Faith Prayer of the Faithful

Order of the Mass

WE GIVE THANKS for the life death and resurrection of Jesus Christ

THE LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Offertory Procession The Eucharistic Prayer Preface Holy Holy (Sanctus) Eucharistic Acclamation Doxology Great Amen The Communion Rite Our Father Sign of Peace Lamb of God

A1 poster set

WE RECEIVE the Body and

Blood of Jesus Christ in communion

Communion Procession Time of silent prayer Prayer after Communion

ISBN 978 192194 605 9

WE GO out to be peacemakers and hope givers


Design & illustrations by Geoff Hocking

Australian Children’s Mass Book disc (CMBCD) a CD which includes both sets of posters and additional material designed to be used on a data projector or interactive whiteboard

Page 1

The supplementary materials, on this disc complement THE AUSTRALIAN CHILDREN S MASS BOOK published by John Garratt Publishing. Children will respond enthusiastically to the

, The Australian Children s Mass Book Supplementary Material

same delightful illustrations and clear layout. These resources are ideal for use in classroom and parish settings and will prove an invaluable catechetical tool to reinforce the new texts and enhance understanding of the new translation of the Order of the Mass. CONTENTS OF THE CD: The CD contains individual slides for use with a data projector or interactive white board which cover:


The Order of the Mass - Overview We Gather to praise God We Listen to God,s word in the Bible We Give Thanks for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ

We Receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in communion

We Offer You This Day has been created to make teachers’ lives easier and students’ We offer you this Day… experiences of prayer Margaret Ghosn richer. With reflections on the Gospels, teaching ideas, articles, prayers for every school day and ways to pray for special occasions, this valuable new resource will prove indispensable to all classroom teachers and teachers of religion. Presented in a sturdy, functional format with contemporary design, We Offer You This Day is full of inspirational ideas and trustworthy practical advice to enhance the prayer life of both staff and students in Catholic schools. A Teacher’s Yearbook 2012

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Design & illustrations by Geoff Hocking

Designed to introduce children across Australia to the new liturgy, The Australian Children’s Mass Book will delight and engage younger readers as they participate more fully in the Mass. With playful and inclusive illustrations by Geoff Hocking, and text approved for use in Australia, this missal for juniors will become the new essential resource for schools, parishes and catechists, as well as a much sought-after sacramental gift. The text in this book has been approved for use in Australia by the Australian Bishop’s Committee for Liturgy, ICEL and the Archdiocese of Melbourne.

Margaret Ghosn

ISBN 978 192194 604 2 • Calendar pages

• A prayer for each school day

About the Author

Dr Margaret Ghosn is a Maronite Sister of the Holy Family. She graduated as a Doctor of Ministry in 2008, and was awarded the Beth Blackall prize for outstanding thesis. Dr Ghosn has also completed a Master of Theology, Master of Education, Bachelor of Theology and Bachelor of Science (Hons). She has published articles in various journals including on youth ministry. In 2009 she took up the role of Head of Department - Pastoral Theology with the Broken Bay Institute. She is also Conjoint Lecturer / Honorary Associate for the School of Humanities and Social Science at The University of Newcastle and is an Honorary Fellow with the Australian Catholic University. She has worked extensively with Sydney Maronite youth at educational, pastoral and spiritual levels, at Our Lady of Lebanon College and Parish. Over the last decade she has been involved in Secondary education both at a teaching an administrative level. In her ministry in the local parish she directs annual retreats, spiritual days, writes weekly Gospel reflections and has contributed to a weekly Maronite radio programme.

A Teacher’s Yearbook 2012

All I confess to almighty God and to you my brothers and sisters that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words in what I have done and in what I have failed to do through my fault through my fault through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever Virgin all the Angels and Saints and you my brothers and sisters to pray for me to the Lord our God

Illustrated by Geoff Hocking with educational explanations by Trisha Murray

We Offer You This Day

We offer you this Day… A Teacher’s Yearbook


We offer you this Day…

The Australian Children’s Mass Book


Penitential Act The Gloria , The Apostles Creed Holy, Holy, Holy The Lord s Prayer Our Father Lamb of God

10/10/11 2:19 pm

Author Sr Margaret Ghosn is a Maronite Sister of the Holy Family. She has been involved in secondary education over the last ten years and has a strong ministry in local parishes where she directs annual retreats, spiritual days, writes weekly gospel reflections and has contributed to weekly radio programs. This really is the resource that every teacher should have!

We Go out to be peacemakers and hope-givers

ISBN 978 1 92194 609 7

The slides are also available as A1 sized posters.

Design & illustrations by Geoff Hocking

Kathy Horan, Principal and education consultant

Published in Australia by John Garratt Publishing 32 Glenvale Crescent, Mulgrave, Vic. 3170 Copyright ©2011 John Garratt Publishing ISBN 9781921946042

Also available

celebrate the mass with young people

RRP AU$49.95

Order online: or freecall 1300 650 878

ISBN 978 192194 608 0

Garratt Publishing | 32 Glenvale Crescent Mulgrave Vic 3170 | Visit our website | 1300 650 878  > 19

Catholic Youth Diary The standard Catholic Youth Diary consists of:

The Catholic Youth Diary is a diary that students will want to use. It has been designed specifically with Australian students in mind and has distinctly Catholic themes.

• 96 pages: two pages for the 48 weeks of the school year. This can be customised for individual schools wishing to add events and special dates. • 8 pages of special supplements on Catholic issues. • A section is set aside so that each school can include unique information. • Schools will provide material for their individualised pages. This will be typeset and configured to the size and style of the Diary. • More pages are available at an additional cost.

This ideal resource was launched in 2008. It was developed following requests by teachers and parents for a Catholic version of the standard secondary school student planner.




Monday 30

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


January 23, 2012 Matthew 4:12-23

First day of term


Boarders Breakfast Feast of St Mary

Jesus calls the first disciples Jesus left Nazareth, so that what had been spoken through the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled: “Land of Zebulun, 3rd Sunday land of Naphtali, on the road by the in Ordinary Time January sea, across the Jordan, Galilee of the2012 23, Gentiles—the people who sat in darkness Matthew have seen a great light, and for4:12-23 those who sat in the region and shadow of Jesus calls the first disciples death light has dawned.” From that time Jesus left Nazareth, so that what had Jesus began to proclaim, “Repent, for been through the prophet Isaiah the kingdom of heaven hasspoken come near.” might fulfilled: “Land of Zebulun, As he walked by the Sea of be Galilee, he land of Naphtali, on the road by the saw two brothers, Simon, called Peter, sea, across Jordan, Galilee of the and Andrew casting a net. And hethe said Gentiles—the people who sat in darkness to them, “Follow me, and I will make have seen a great light, and for those you fish for people.” Immediately they left who sat their nets and followed him. in the region and shadow of death light has dawned.” From that time As he went from there, he saw two other Jesus began to proclaim, “Repent, for brothers, James and his brother John, in the kingdom of heaven has come near.” the boat with their father, and he called As he byand the Sea of Galilee, he them. Immediately they leftwalked the boat saw two brothers, Simon, called Peter, their father, and followed him. and Andrew casting a net. And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make Reflection fish part for people.” Our name is a very you special of us. Immediately they left their nets andtofollowed It is one of the first things given us him. wentJesus from there, alongside the gift ofAs lifeheitself. calls he saw two other James his first followers bybrothers, name. He wanted and his brother John, in the boatand with theira father, and he called to know them personally, have Immediately special relationshipthem. with them. Over thethey left the boat and father, years of being withtheir Jesus they and grewfollowed to him. know and love him. They became part Reflection of his life and his dreams. With Jesus, Our name is a very special part of us. they too helped bring people into God’s It is one of the first things given to us peace and light. Today, Jesus calls you alongside gift of life itself. Jesus calls by name. He invites you into the friendship his first followers by name. He wanted with himself. to know them personally, and have a special relationship with them. Over the Prayer years ofmisuse Lord, sometimes people being our with Jesus they grew to knowfun and name and even make of love it. But youThey became part him. of ahisdeeply life and call me by name in loving and his dreams. With Jesus, they us toohow respectful way. Teach to respect helped bring people into God’s peace and light. Today, Jesus calls you ourselves and others. by name. He invites you into friendship Amen. with himself. C

Monday 30



First day of term Boarders Breakfast Feast of St Mary

Tuesday 31 Wednesday 1



Wednesday 1 Thursday 2


• A school calendar listing important Australian dates, holidays and feast days • A Gospel reflection on each page forDON’T JUST SIT THERE . . . DO SOMETHING! the working school week DON’T JUST SIT THERE . . . DO SOMETHING! • A weekly prayer • Adequate space for recording dayto-day information, homework Don’t just sit there . . . DO SOMETHING! requirements and checking


Thursday 2

Friday 3



Friday 3

Saturday 4

Sunday 5

Saturday 4

Sunday 5


Don’t just sit there . . . DO S 2




Homework Checked by (please sign)

10 1n02012 Ja Prayer


Lord, sometimes people misuse our name and even make fun of it. But you call me by name in a deeply loving and respectful way. Teach us how to respect 3 ourselves and others. Amen.

Jan 2012


Checked by (please sign)






2 3

20 <






Tuesday 31

A typical weekly spread includes


A unique version of the Catholic Youth Diary will be designed for each school. It offers a redesigned core of 48 weekly planners which contain the forthcoming Sunday gospel reading together with a reflection and prayer. It also offers other information on important events in the life of the church. The CYD has set aside 32 pages for each school to include its unique information: school rules, administration details, history and other defining information.

Contact us to discuss the development of a customised printed diary.

Digital resources from Garratt Publishing EdCal

• School information

The Digital Youth Diary™ – Planner Introducing the digital school diary! Transforming the student diary-planner for schools, Garratt Publishing has developed a richly formatted online diary for secondary schools.

• Resources Page

Contact us for a demonstration. Additional information can be found at

• Help guides

This online planner will provide each school with a feature-rich diary for use by administrators, teachers, students and parents that will improve communications and planning, and will assist the school in its mission. Better for the environment! Good for the budget! The Digital Youth Diary™ – Planner brings the school diary into the twenty-first century. The paper-free format reduces reliance on paper and will be cheaper than printed versions. Features • College name and logo • Daily Scripture, reflection and prayer • Timetable for each student • College announcements • Extra-curricular activities • Special meetings • Student and teacher initiated appointments • Assignment due dates • Homework reminders • Simple messages (teacher to multiple students, teacher to student and parent, etc) • Messages from parents

Garratt Publishing | 32 Glenvale Crescent Mulgrave Vic 3170 | Visit our website | 1300 650 878  > 21

The public’s search for information about Mary MacKillop has seen many books published about the life of this great Australian and our first canonised saint. The canonisation in August 2010 has more than fostered a search for information about not only Mary’s life, but also insight to how she lived the gospel in the very streets where Australians themselves work, walk and play! John Garratt has published a range of books about Mary MacKillop that offer the reader a deeper understanding of Mary’s commitment to God and her church. With resources for primary and secondary schools, parishes and the individual, there are numerous books that will help the reader to feel connected to Mary MacKillop as an Australian who sought to live her life by the most remarkable Australian values.



Aiming to make this compelling story of church politics and Christian service available to all Australians, Lesley O’Brien presents a moving account of the life and times of Mary MacKillop. She reveals the extraordinary story of the ‘bold’ woman behind the veil, once outlawed by the church heirarchy and now held up by the same church as a model for others. Mary is indeed a model of courage and selflessness. Her egalitarian vision and penetrating social conscience have a special relevance for Australians of our own time. Mary MacKillop was a tenacious woman who let nothing stand in the way of her care for the underprivileged. As a young woman in the 1860s, guided by the charming but eccentric priest, Julian Tenison Woods, Mary established a unique form of Australian religious life dedicated to the service of the poor, especially through the education of their children. Mary’s singular vision and determination led her into conflict with the leading churchmen of her day. As bishops and priests — including those who had once been her closest allies — attempted to wrestle control of the Sisters of St Joseph from her, Mary stood steadfast in her convictions, even when excommunicated from her beloved Catholic Church and accused of alcoholism. It was a battle she was prepared to take all the way to the Vatican itself. With the official recognition of Mary as Australia’s first saint, attention turns to the question: ‘Who was this woman?’ If Australians are to have a saint, they want one of flesh-and-blood, one truly their own. Mary MacKillop, a woman of strength, humour and compassion, does not disappoint. Foreword by Geraldine Doogue

A Great Australian

Colleen O’Sullivan RSJ Illustrations by Lynne Muir

Here’s the perfect companion volume for getting to the heart of what made Mary MacKillop so extraordinary. Colleen O’Sullivan, herself a Josephite sister, explains why and how Mary became worthy of becoming Australia’s first saint. The exquisite calligraphy and illustrations lift the reader into sharing Mary’s sensibilities.

Mary MacKillop

Written by Joan Goodwin RSM

Lesley O’Brien is an experienced journalist in both radio and print, having worked for the ABC and such publications as Cleo, Mode, She and HQ. She has written Mary MacKillop Unveiled with the full co-operation of the official Mary MacKillop Secretariat.

This book will delight and enthral younger readers and inspire to a greater awareness of the call to live the gospel message in their own lives. Mary_Mac_A_Great_Australian.indd 1

27/8/10 12:30:34 PM

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Readers of all ages will be invited to take their own reflective pilgrimage as they follow the life of Mary from her childhood and adolescent years in Melbourne in the 1850s, to working at a young age to help provide food for her family, to leaving home to become a teacher before founding the religious order of the Josephites.

When Mary MacKillop exchanged her clothes for a simple black dress and dedicated her life to God in 1868, she embarked on a personal journey to bring the gospel message poor and underprivileged people across Australia and New Zealand. She founded schools, hospitals, aged care facilities and other charitable organisations, many of which still exist today. In August 2010, she was declared a saint by Pope Benedict .

ISBN 978 1 92072 148 0

ISBN 978 1 92068 231 6

RRP 24.95

Also available

The Little Gift of Mary MacKillop A Concertina Gift Book Illustrations by Lynne Muir ISBN 978 1 92072 149 7

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∂ A u s t r a l i a’s F i r s t S a i n t ∂

Mary MacKillop Unveiled ∂ lesley o’Brien


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Mary MacKillop titles

∂ Australia’s First Saint ∂

Mary MacKillop Unveiled Lesley O’Brien Foreword by Geraldine Doogue

Lesley O’Brien

Just who was this woman Mary MacKillop? We know about her work. We have insights to her early years. We’ve read many articles about her. But it’s this book which has so famously introduced this saint as the great Australian who took the gospel message to some of the neediest people in Australia, and established charitable organisations and services which continue to live that gospel message today. 28/5/08 3:00:49 PM

Mary MacKillop was a tenacious woman who let nothing stand in the way of her care for the underprivileged. As a young woman in the 1860s, guided by the charming yet eccentric priest, Julian Tenison Woods, Mary established a unique form of Australian religious life dedicated to the service of the poor, especially through the education of their children. ISBN 978 1 92072 162 6

RRP $29.95

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australia’s first saint Bernadette doyle • lila el-Hage • anne WalsH

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This book presents Mary MacKillop as a very inspiring role model for young people, specifically for children between the ages of 12 and 16. The text specifically encourages early secondary students to look at Mary MacKillop as an ordinary woman who transformed the church in Australia, and who tailored social justice across the country through education, healthcare and other services. Mary is shown not only as someone who lived the gospel message in her own life, but someone who was also a pioneer, an educator, feminist and a political realist, as well as a champion of anyone in need. Her attributes became actions and the changes she made to the world around her back then exist today in schools, hospitals, aged care facilities and other major charitable organisations. The focus of Mary as someone upholding gospel values and seeking opportunities to promote gospel is ideal. ISBN 978 1 87593 800 1

Founded in Penola, South Australia in 1866 we now have over a thousand Sisters living and in ministry throughout Australia and New Zealand, as well as Ireland, Peru, East Timor, Scotland and Brazil. 3:19:20 PM

Written by the children of Australia Illustrated by Lynne Muir 27/4/10


The Mary MacKillop Prayerbook for Children celebrates some of the many admirable qualities of Australia’s first saint through prayer and a story of her life, together with beautiful illustrations depicting Australian flora and fauna. memories cover to print.indd 1

This book is now a popular resource used in primary schools across Australia to encourage children to focus on the wellknown qualities which so many people associate with Australia’s first saint, such as courage, thankfulness, care for others, trust in God, her belief in goodness, ability to forgive, resilience in the face of challenge, and her great welcome for all people. The book is divided into chapters based on these themes depicting more than 80 prayers written by children from across Australia in the year of her canonisation. ISBN 978 1 9268 211 8



Written by Bernadette Doyle, Lila El Hage and Anne Walsh

The clarity of Mary MacKillop’s vision impels us to: • Identify and walk with those who are today’s poor • Harness all our energies for mission • Have a heart for mission to our last breath




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by the children of Australia Illustrated by Lynne Muir

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Cover illustration: ‘My Childhood Vision of Mother Mary’ by Luke Roberts eople, Cover design: Lynne Muir ating er er ,a utes, ralians

The Mary MacKillop Prayerbook for Children

We, the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, are a faith community passionate about our share in God’s Mission, engaged with the challenges of our reality, and with the call to mission in our times.



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The Mary MacKillop Prayer Book for Children celebrates some of the many admirable qualities of Australia’s first saint: her courage, thankfulness, care for others, trust in God, her belief in goodness, ability to forgive, resilience when facing challenge and her welcome for all people. These qualities have provided the inspiration for 80 prayers written by Australian children — the result of a country-wide search by John Garratt Publishing and the Sisters of St Joseph. The final selection includes contributions from every state by children aged 5 to 12 and has resulted in a book which is a treasure in all respects. The prayers are written from the heart, displaying both innocence and wisdom, deep faith and a quirky humour as only children can. The pages are brought to life with original paintings of Australian flora and fauna by award winning artist and calligrapher Lynne Muir. This publication would make a delightful gift for sacramental celebrations, graduation, birthdays or as a memento of the canonisation of St Mary of the Cross who is so dear to the hearts of all Australians.

Memories of Mary... by those who knew her


The Story of Mary MacKillop

The Mary MacKillop Prayerbook for Children

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Memories of Mary by those who knew her Sisters of St Joseph 1925 —1926

Memories of Mary by Those Who Knew Her

ßMother Mary MacKillop was dearly loved by the Sisters she served as these letters attest. At the same time she commanded total respect and obedience, not just because she was the Founder of the Sisters of St Joseph but because she led by example in everything she asked the Sisters to be and do. Her great love for God naturally flowed into humble service, and she was as at home establishing new communities in cities as she was being Little Sister for just a few in a remote place.

Have you ever wondered what you would write about Mary MacKillop if you had met her? That’s what this book is about. When the canonisation of Mary was first proposed shortly after her death, the sisters of the order which she founded were asked to provide their own accounts in the form of letters. The result is as intriguing as they are inspiring. This book presents those letters in one easy-to-access and readable format. These letters speak in great reverence of Mother Mary. They show us a rare glimpse of her personal side – her discipline and stamina, her humour and her fondness for her Sisters – and give a unique insight into life in the early Sisterhood.


15/1/10 12:39:51 PM

The letters were lost for many years, stored away by a very careful archivist, only to be rediscovered in recent years. ISBN 978 1 92068 210 1

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Voices series voices voicesvoices QUArtErLy ESSAyS





VoL 2 no 3 ISSn 1835-6818

The Mystical Voice •••

St Catherine of Siena –

QUarTerLY essaYs

he question ‘How secular are we?’ comes out of a perplexing background. We live in a time when, on the one hand, conservative religious movements are flourishing across the globe. On the other hand, militant atheism is also on the march, at least in the Western World. This essay explores dimensions of this present set of circumstances, and addresses another reality in our social experience, that of a growing number of the younger generation who don’t care either way. To them, the question of faith or unbelief is a matter of indifference. In an environment such as this, the future we face becomes, at the least, confusing. How are we to read the signs of our time?

the Mystical Voice

From the Introduction

The prophetic voices of the mystics, especially of female mystics, have always sounded a challenging note in Christian history. Their words and actions go to the heart of the mystery of human beings capable of transformation by God in Jesus Christ. Catherine of Siena (1347–1380) is one of the greatest of these, notable both for her spiritual wisdom and her remarkable talent for political action. A nn M Argot B oyd

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here is serious academic discussion and debate in both Western and Islamic societies about the compatibility of some Muslim religious beliefs and practices with the core values needed for the functioning of a democratic society. Access to jobs, education, health services and acceptance by the host community are important factors which facilitate that ‘wanting to belong’ attitude among migrants which is crucial for integration and social harmony. However unless migrants with strong religious identities find Australian core values to be good and no threat to their core religious beliefs, our social cohesion will collapse. In pluralist societies like Australia future social cohesion will require a shared understanding and acceptance of some key values and ways of respecting one another as well as a shared commitment to the wider community. It also requires an effort to clarify the role of religion in the public life of a secular democratic society. Frank Purcell

Denham Grierson

Also available in this series

New Era of Pastoral Leadership

The question ‘How secular are we?’ comes out of a perplexing background. We live in a time when, on the one hand, conservative religious movements are flourishing across the globe. On the other hand, militant atheism is also on the march, at least in the Western world. The following discussion explores dimensions, of this present set of circumstances, and addresses another reality in our social experience, that of a growing number of the younger generation who do not care either way…to them the question of faith or unbelief is matter of indifference. – from the introduction

Consolidation and Challenge

ISBN 9781920721886

ISBN 9781920721688


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VOl 2 nO4 ISSn 1835-6818

Islam, Christianity and the Secular State •••


rank Purcell is a member of the Inter-Church Council and Inter-faith Network, Shepparton, in Victoria’s Goulburn Valley. He was a priest for 22 years with a doctorate in theology from Rome, then service in Japan and Ireland. In 1976 he was laicised, returned to Australia and began working in health and welfare services, finally lecturing in Australian Politics at La Trobe University’s Shepparton Campus. He became interested in understanding Islam and the challenges facing Catholic and Muslim migrants in adjusting to Australian society. This essay is a summary of his research into “The Encounter of Catholicism and Islam with Australian Secular Society”.

‘In this essay I am attempting to review the main activities of the Bishops Committee for Justice, Development, Ecology and Peace under my watch, I have tried not to make the essay a mere apologia for the bishops, talking up their achievements and defending them against those critics who regarded the formation of the committee in 1987 as a retrograde step, indicative of a lack of trust in lay Catholics.’ – from the introduction

How Secular Are We?

In this resoundingly clear analysis, Frank Purcell traces the historical political position of religion in both Islamic and Western societies before investigating where it may find a place in the multicultural Australia. His progressive argument sees the formerly opposed religions uniting in a new fight to survive the secularism of the modern state, and warns of social collapse if Australia is understood to be hostile in its value system to religious tolerance.





Martin Dixon ISBN 9781920721763

RRR $24.95

2/5/09 9:13:19 AM

ISBN 9781920721909 RRR $24.95

Michael Costigan


D enham G rierson

4/1/08 10:18:35 AM

Social Justice and the Australian Catholic Bishops




Denham Grierson, formally an executive member of Free Speech Victoria, was Professor of Education, within the United Faculty of Theology, Melbourne, where he taught for 30 years, and conjointly Executive Director of the Victorian Council of Christian Education for 22 years. The author of some 16 books and publications, Denham offered a course on the encounter of world religions for 20 years. He taught extensively in Asia, the Pacific and the United States, and was a member of the World Council of Churches education committee for a number of years. Now retired, he continues to undertake occasional assignments for a variety of church and community bodies.


VoL 2 no 2 issn 1835-6818


Anne Margot Boyd

How Secular Are We?

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St Catherine of Siena


RRR $24.95

New Evangelisation in the 21st Century Removing the Roadblocks Eric Hodgens ISBN 9781920721831

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Women in Purple Women bishops in Australia Muriel Porter RRR $24.95

Islam and Christianity and the Secular State

Democratic Church

Frank Purcell

ISBN 9781920721602

Reforming the Values and Institutions of the Catholic Church Max Charlesworth RRR $24.95


ISBN 9781920721893

RRR $24.95

Religion’s relevance to public life is not understood and we underestimate the importance of religion to the process of building social harmony in a multi-faith, multicultural society. Because Christianity and Islam are missionary religions with visions of transforming both the individual and the society in which people live, the role of religion in society and the relationship of religion and politics are issues Australia cannot ignore in seeking a basis for its social harmony. F rank P urcell

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