Table of Contents Introduction .........................................................................3 Chapter1-How to create your own unbelievable success with a successful mindset....................................................4 Determination......................................................................4 Knowledge...........................................................................4 Invest...................................................................................4 No fear of failure..................................................................5 Chapter2-Starting an internet business online: How to make money online..............................................................6 Chapter3-How to stop procrastinating and get more done in less time............................................................................8 Chapter4-Build multiple sources of income to create your own economy.....................................................................10 Chapter5-How Online digital Video has become the future of technology......................................................................12 Chapter 6-How e-mail marketing has become an indispensable tool in marketing.........................................14 Chapter7-Opt-in list: How to build a loyal and successful list ............................................................................................16 Chapter8- Simple Ways To Increase Your Productivity.......18 Chapter9-How to Develop an Effective Article Marketing Strategy..............................................................................20 Conclusion..........................................................................22 Bibliography/Resources......................................................23
Introduction My name is John Hyland and I would like to quickly introduce myself and this ebook. I have brought this information together to assist internet marketers in understanding the fundamentals of the various techniques that can be used to get targeted traffic to your website or blog.. You will find here all the information you need to help you get a basic understanding of the traffic techniques that i have used to get traffic to my websites. There are also a number of articles in this e-book which will help to motivate you to move your business on wards and upwards. I trust you will find this information useful – please feel free to contact me should you need any further assistance ... Kindest Regards, John
Chapter1-How to create your own unbelievable success with a successful mindset. In order to succeed in life, whether it be in business, relationships or sports, you will need to have the right mindset. How you think and the thoughts that you allow to enter your mind can be the determining factor behind your success. People fail simply because they don’t realise how powerful their minds are and if they adjust their minds to the right mindset they become capable of achieving whatever goals they wish to achieve The five traits listed below are essential if you are to succeed. Determination Any person who is successful in any given field has one trait that stands out from the rest and that is determination. This trait is crucial as you meet diversity head on and deal with problems as they unfold. The way that you deal with diversity and problems, in a relaxed and focused manner will shape who you are from a personal and business point. Success will come to you if you can master this trait. Knowledge Knowledge here is not about grades in college ,but gaining the right knowledge and education so that you will learn everything that you will need to know so that you can make your business as successful as you can. Learn and master all the skills and never stop learning and improving your skills. Invest You must not be afraid to invest in yourself. Successful people invest in themselves whether it is for training, seminars, DVD's ,e-books. Investing in yourself and your business will help with your success.
If you are attending a business meeting or a gathering of like minded people dress to impress. Remember you are representing your business and what it stands for. No fear of failure You must rid your mind from the fear of failure. This fear is the worst of all and if it is not mastered quickly it can finish you before you even get started. If something does not work for you try another way, but always keep trying and never be afraid to ask for help. You will find that a lot of people are only to willing to help and only waiting to be asked. Some people never even get started with a project or business because of the fear of failure. The best cure for this is to take massive action and keep taking action until you find success. When you master this trait you will see success a lot clearer. If you try to incorporate these traits in all aspects of your life you will find success.
Chapter2-Starting an internet business online: How to make money online. Starting an internet business online might seem a daunting task to some, it need not be if you build a solid foundation from the start. It is essential to do your research before you start however. pick out two or three niches that appeal to you. For example you might have an interest in golf. This is a huge niche market, just like internet marketing. The health and weight loss niches are also great niches to get involved in. When you have decided which niche you are going to market, it is essential to get a squeeze page online as quickly as possible. Creating a squeeze page is one of the best methods for marketing your niche. Creating a squeeze page is not as hard as it might sound. There are a lot of good quality e-books, DVD's, and training courses supplied by top internet marketers online, most of these courses, e-books and DVD's are often given away for nothing or for as little as $5 or $7. When you have your squeeze page up and running and online, it is important to have an auto responder on your squeeze page. An auto responder is one of the most important tools you will use as a internet marketer. This tool will be used to capture the e-mail of your subscribers to your squeeze page. With this tool you will build what is called an opt-in list. Your opt-in list will become the life blood of your online business. You can create an e-mail campaign to your opt-in list through your auto responder. You can send educational, inspirational e-mails as well as newsletters and promotions offering your products and services. When your squeeze page is set up and your auto responder is ready to accept e-mail from your subscribers , it is now essential to start driving traffic to your squeeze page. One of the best traffic strategies you can use is article marketing. By submitting quality articles to the article directories you will soon get target traffic from people who are interested in the topics and niches that you are covering. There are other methods that you can use in order to get traffic to your squeeze page.
Classified ads, submitting to forums, social media like facebook, twitter, pinterest are all popular methods to drive traffic to your squeeze page. When you have your online business up and running and you are getting people signing up to your list ,remember the golden rule! Look after your subscribers for they will become your customers. Always offer them top quality products and services and build a relationship with them.
Chapter3-How to stop procrastinating and get more done in less time If you want to stop procrastinating and get more done in less time, you will need to be more clear about what you want and what you have to do to achieve it. Once you have done this the easier it is for you to overcome procrastination. A major reason for procrastination and lack of motivation is vagueness, confusion and a fuzzy mind about what you are supposed to do and in what order and for what reason. Strive for greater clarity in everything you do. One of the great rules for success is to think on paper. Write all your ideas down. f you are serious about wanting to stop procrastinating, there are seven simple steps that if followed will triple your productivity. Step 1 - Decide exactly what you want. One of the worst uses of time is to do something very well that need not be done at all. Step 2 – Write it down, think on paper, crystallize your goals and put energy behind it. Create something that you can touch and see. Step 3 – Set a deadline on your goal. A goal or a decision without a deadline has no urgency. Step 4 – Make a list of everything that you can think of that you are going to have to do in order to achieve your goal. Keep adding to the list until it is complete. A list gives you a visual picture of the larger task or objective. It will increase the likelihood that you will achieve your goals as you have defined it and on schedule. Step 5 – Organise the list into a plan. It will be easier to achieve your goal when you break it down into individual tasks. With a written goal and an organised plan of action, you will be far more productive and efficient.
Step 6 – Take action on your plan immediately. Do something! Do anything! For you to achieve any kind of success, execution is everything. Step 7 – Do something every day, resolve to do something everyday that moves you towards your major goal. Never miss a day, keep pushing forward. Once you start moving, keep moving. Don’t stop! Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement. Think about your goals and review them daily. Take action on the most important task you can accomplish and achieve your most important goal at the moment. If you decide to take these simple steps onboard and implement them into your daily routine, you will soon see a big change in your personal and business life. I wish you all the best on the road to achieving your goals.
Chapter4-Build multiple sources of income to create your own economy If you intend to build multiple sources of income in order to create your own economy you will have to change your programme. You will have to learn to work smart not hard. Develop a positive image, have definite demands that will get you definite results. Get into a creative state in order to bring income up to meet your standard of living, build multiple sources of income so that money becomes a medium. It’s not about how much money you have but how you use it ,how you spend ]your days doing what you love to do. You can never change things by fighting the existing reality. Invest in yourself, to change something build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete .Invest time and money in yourself. There are two things you have to know to create wealth. ( 1) where you are (2) where you are going. Change the paradigms or nothing changes. What are paradigms? you may ask, paradigms are multiple habits, other peoples habits that are passed on from one generation to another. Paradigms control our logic, success, time, creativity, happiness and our ability to earn money. Can I change my paradigms?.....The answer is YES!! Begin to think, when you have hope you have options ,you have to be willing and able to change your paradigms to be able to shape your future. By becoming connected you can enjoy multiple sources of income Focus all your energy on your dream, dream big, build a profitable business by overcoming all challenges that you may face. Don’t procrastinate, get focused and take massive action. If you take these on board you will get out of debt and be more content. What do you focus your attention on? If you wrap your mind around your goal, by visualising and focusing on your goals at night before you sleep and also focus on your goal first thing in the morning. Be clear what you want, focus on opportunity, identify a structure and follow it.
Focus on what you want, put it into action by taking the first step. What steps are you going to take to move your goal forward? Desire for something greater in your life. Don’t follow the masses, give yourself a command and follow it. Build the dream and plant it in your heart. Keep feeding your dream, decide what you really want to do. Make a decision and your actions will change your results.
Chapter5-How Online digital Video has become the future of technology. Over the next few years we are going to see even more change with the onset in popularity of online digital video. Websites like youtube, facebook ,myspace ,metacafe have sprung up and it will be interesting to see what is to follow. Online digital video has now made its mark on our society and if you are of a generation that has seen computers go from a huge noisy box on a desk to a sleek hand held device the change has been dramatic. We have now changed the way we entertain ourselves, we can watch the latest sport, movie or favourite t.v. programme on the go. This change is down to easy access to the internet and particularly online media. Most people of a particular age turn to the internet and online digital video for their viewing needs. Close to fifty percent of people under the age of 33 watch videos online at least once a week. There is a huge shift the away people now watch movies and keep up to date with current events. We no longer have to sit in front of the television waiting for the six o clock news to keep up with current events. Companies and the media industry as a whole have had to change the way they advertise. Online digital video advertising, a $121 million market in 2004 is now estimated to be worth well over $3billion by 2013. This is now all part of our changing society and with change comes problems, like issues with copyrights, band with and even internet addition has become a problem for some. Leaving the problems behind it is to the future we look with anticipation.
What is the future of online digital video? The media world is starting to push all video media online and cable television will soon become a thing of the past. A video signal will come through a internet connection, probably to a wireless flat panel screen on your living room or bedroom wall. Online digital technology is constantly being developed or are under development. Gaming devices like the Nintendo wii and xbox also allow you to connect to the internet and these products are moving us forward. The future of media consumption has already arrived with sites like movie link and net flix offering users digital rentals or purchase from a huge selection of movies and television shows. The big players are quick to spot where future technology is heading. The media industry has to accept that the traditional method of media delivery is no longer enough and online digital video is the future technology.
Chapter 6-How e-mail marketing has become an indispensable tool in marketing E-mail marketing is a really effective way to spread your message across the world wide web. The advent of modern technology has taken its toll in the field of marketing. Electronic mail or e-mail is now an indispensable medium of marketing on the internet. The internet has a wide marketing area because it is spread over the whole world. This makes it accessible to practically every country and person across the globe. E-mails are developing as an indispensable media of marketing because of its speed and effectiveness. Corporate business now realize that e-mail marketing carries a lot of advantages with it. Her are some of the benefits: a)Speed: The advantage of high speed delivery is why e-mail marketing is considered to be head and shoulders above other media's of marketing. Within seconds a person can transfer information at very high speed to another person on the internet worldwide where it can be viewed anywhere in the world. The beauty of sending e-mails is that you don’t have to be at a desk to send it, e-mail can be sent from your phone at any time from any where. (b) Reach: E-mail marketing can reach people world wide and knows no boundaries. People can conduct their marketing strategies on a much larger scale than other media's of marketing. A higher number of people are attracted to marketing through e-mail and thereby assists the whole marketing process. With e-mail marketing you can focus on a more targeted audience and cut out expense and wasting time.
(c ) Inexpensive: Every company big and small are looking for ways to do business with less expense and e-mail marketing is an inexpensive way to market than the other media's of marketing. There are no extra costs and being inexpensive it makes it more attractive for people to resort to e-mail marketing than the other media's. (d)Effective: E-mail marketing is more effective than the other media's of marketing because of all the reasons mentioned above. It is a cost effective way of getting your message across to potential customers it is fast and reliable and this is what makes the whole package of e-mail marketing so attractive to business all over the world. (e)Personalized marketing: E-mail marketing gives people the opportunity to conduct in personalized marketing. This means that e-mails will only be sent to people who would be genuinely interested in the product or products being marketed. E-mail marketing has truly turned out to be an indispensable tool in marketing.
Chapter7-Opt-in list: How to build a loyal and successful list One of the most important aspects of building a successful opt-in list is to use attention grabbing subject in order to get the attention of your readers. Building an opt-in list will make yourself a good list of loyal followers and build a solid foundation, Having satisfied visitors and web traffic and make your business grow from there. Having an opt-in list will allow you to provide newsletters to your subscribers with their consent. When people sign up to your list they know that they will be receiving updates and news, via e-mail from your site and the niche you represent. In order to get people who have subscribed to your opt-in list to open your e-mail you must provide them with a well thought out and well written subject. You don’t want to waste all your time and effort used in making the newsletters, you want people to read them and have them looking for more. You have to keep their interest and build trust with your subscribers so that when the time comes for you to offer them a paid product. They will be interested enough to go to your website and look around and most importantly purchase and acquire your products or services. One of the best methods of getting people to subscribe to your list is by providing a free report, e-book, set of "how to" videos. To get the recipient of your e-mail to open and read an e- mail, you must provide attention grabbing content. This is vital and is the most important aspect of your promotional e-mail. Keep the subject short and to the point. Give them a summery for the content of the e-mail so that they will have a basic knowledge of the content.
Grab the attention of your subscribers and get them to want to open your e-mail. The subject of your e-mail must grab the attention of your reader straight away. People only spend a short time looking over their e-mails, so you must ignite their emotions and their curiosity to get the recipient to open your e-mail. You need to use specific words like "How to", "Free report", "Tips" .You can also put the subject in question form like "Do you want to build an online business now? " You must reach out to your subscriber's emotions because they are already interested in the niche on your site that they have signed up to. This is a very effective method to literally force the recipient to open the mail because you are reaching out to your subscriber's emotions. You can use a command subject like "Build an online business now!" or "Beat the recession-make money online! " The command subject deals with the benefits that you can provide to your subscribers with your products and services. You can also use a breaking news subject like "Announcing a new video course-"How to get massive traffic to your webpage". This type of subject creates curiosity and will lead the reader to open and read the email.
Chapter8- Simple Ways To Increase Your Productivity There are many ways to increase your productivity when you are working online. The five techniques listed below will help you to stay focused and teach you how to implement a daily plan to keep you right on the edge to succeed online. Working for yourself online or offline requires self motivation, to think deeply and to have a sharp focus on how successful you want to be. So here are five techniques to increase your productivity. Work in the morning Most people find after waking up, having a shower and eating breakfast that their mind is stimulated and there for gain more focus. If you are a slow starter and are not so focused in the mornings try working during the middle of the day around 2.00-3.00pm. Remove distractions Distractions are a huge obstacle for people building an online business. Gain momentum and stay fully focused through out building your online business, you must remove all distractions around you. Switch off face book and your cell phone and stop checking e-mail. Really spend time concentrating on what you are doing. Outsource If you find that certain areas of your online business is taking up a lot of your time, outsourcing your work is the way to go. There are many people online willing to write articles, create banners, create images and a multitude of other work for you for as little as $5.
Get an education Building an online business is like any other business, there are a number of skills that you will have to learn in order to succeed online. Finding a mentor who has been where you are and is willing to pass on their knowledge which you can implement is hugely important. Joining a good membership site will increase your productivity because you will be receiving knowledge that you can implement. Relax When working online it is important to take sufficient breaks. Create time blocks for yourself, work for an hour then take a coffee break, work for another hour then another break and so on. If you find that you lack focus take a breather, go for a walk this will prevent you from struggling and help you to be more focused when you go back. I am sure you will find that at least one of these tips will work for you and increase your productivity. Everybody is different and deal with situations and experiences in different ways. I do hope that you will gain something positive from these techniques.
Chapter9-How to Develop an Effective Article Marketing Strategy In this article we are about to explore the various steps you need to take in order to Develop an effective article marketing strategy. When a company develops an appropriate article marketing strategy, it will lead to A broadening of the company’s online presence. It will increase traffic to the company’s website, generate leads and new customers and by using this strategy you will build brand awareness and the company’s reputation online. Article marketing plays a crucial role in the success of any online business. The first step involved in developing an effective article marketing strategy is by crafting an appropriate article. You will need to have content that is relevant to your targeted traffic. An effective article with appropriate information that interests your audience will help market yourself. One of the keys to success is by placing proper key words to optimise s.e.o. You can either write your own articles or out source the services of online writers. Why out source? The more articles you write the more you will improve your article writing skills and help you create good quality articles that will attract traffic to your site and generate more leads. The next step to developing an effective article marketing strategy is getting your article out there in front of your targeted audience. You will have to submit your article to what is known as article directories. What are article directories? article directories are websites where people post
hundreds of articles. These directories are the best place to submit your article to generate traffic, specially the popular directories like e-zine articles and go-articles. You will have to sign up to each directory that you want to submit to, create a profile and log in each time you want to submit a article. You can then log in and submit your article any time you want to. Measuring the effectiveness of your article in a marketing campaign is really essential. Evaluation and self assessment of your techniques in any marketing campaign is critical. You must be able to visualize whether the campaign was able to generate targeted business leads and help to improve your methods and tactics. If you wish to implement an article marketing campaign you should employ the above strategy and follow these basic steps to attain business purposes. Each of these steps are really crucial and demands that you follow certain techniques for example techniques to improve the content of your article, to optimize SEO, to develop links, and to search for appropriate article directories. These are a few of the techniques which a marketer must undergo to develop an effective article marketing strategy.
I do hope you enjoyed the articles that I put together for this e-book. Please apply the information to move your business forward. You can also keep it handy to use as a reference if at any time you feel stuck for ideas. Stay positive and take massive action to get the best out of your online business. Yours. John. http://www.johnhylandonline.com/
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