Source: Penny Stock Detectives
Turnaround Trades to Buy Low/Sell High in This Market Companies making new 52-week lows on the stock market are very attractive in this market (if you don’t already own them!). The reason for this is that this market has the liquidity and the institutional interest to pounce on good news, or should I say, betterthan-expected news. Event-driven trades are plentiful in this market, and the “buy low/sell high” investment strategy is working with micro-caps. In this market, I’m not particularly in favor of taking on new positions in the stock market, specifically with large-cap companies that pay dividends. I think investors should wait until the next stock market correction is considering new positions. For riskcapital speculators, however, this is a market where the goal to buy low/sell high can be achieved. This market is not expensively priced, and you can even trade positions, making recent new lows. One such example is DragonWave Inc. (NASDAQ/DRWI), which is a micro-cap stock just bouncing off its 52-week low. This company sells microwave products for Internet Protocol (IP) networks, with customers in the telecom, utility, and enterprise markets. The business has struggled over the last few years, and the stock was trading over $12.00 a share back in 2010. Recently, however, the company reported quarterly numbers that pleased investors, and the position jumped on the stock market.
DragonWave’s stock chart is below: