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Celebrating diversity
To mark Diversity Week, which took place the week commencing 20th February, the School celebrated diversity in all its forms. Pupils took part in a whole school assembly led by Mr Lokier and Diversity Prefect George (U6NGA), which focused on the importance of celebrating our differences, acceptance and having pride in ourselves and our multifaceted identities.
Pupils took charge of and created a rich and colourful display in the Mall Gallery depicting various types of identity, including LGBTQ+, cultural and religious identities, which provided a key focal point for discussions throughout the week and beyond. A key feature of the display was a set of hands drawn by students, which outlined what diversity meant to them.
A “Diversity through Art” event, in which pupils designed bookmarks on the theme, as well as a “Diversity Around the World” quiz were very popular, with high levels of pupil engagement.
Discussions on neurodiversity, with an emphasis on education about Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, among other conditions, also took place with the aim of helping pupils to understand better the many different conditions that enrich our world.
The week ended with the first in a series of diversity-themed videos and TED talks, titled “Gender and Me”. The talk provided a brilliant overview of gender identity and expression of identity and it was great to see so many pupils attend.

Thanks to a high level of participation and engagement from all year groups, our Diversity Week was a very successful one.n