CHOOSING YOUR OPTIONS The information in this booklet gives more detailed information on the core and option subjects offered to students.
MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE Your decison is a very important one as it will effect: Your progress over the next two years Your choices for the future study at the end of these two years Your prospects for employment
As a school we firmly believe in studying the correct courses to suit your needs and to support your future aspirations. Along with recommendation from the school’s leadership team and the data we have analysed, we have designed 3 blocks for you. You will be guided to select your options based on these pathways and we would advise that you consider these carefully before making your decision.
ADVICE ON CHOOSING COURSES In order to make the best of your opportunities please consider your answers to these questions.
What What What What What What
are the subjects you want to do? is your progress like in these subjects? Will you be successful? will your choices lead to in the sixth form, college or employment? is available after the sixth form or college? career do you want? are your skills?
When making your choices: DO
Opt for a balanced choice of subjects to keep your future options open
Just follow your friend’s choice. This is about your future and it shouldn’t be based on anything other than your dreams and aspirations
Talk to parents, tutors and subject teachers about courses and your capacity to be successful
Choose the course because your like a particular teacher
Read the subject details carefully and ask if you need more information
Be misled by the title of a subject into thinking you need it for a career Avoid a subject because of your experiences of being taught by a particular teacher
In general, select subjects that you enjoy, support your career plans (if you have them) and that you are successful in.
WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF QUALIFICATIONS Students in Year 10 and 11 will begin subjects at Level 2. The majority of these ‘academic’ subjects assessed by GCSEs, although there are opportunities for students to study vocational subjects.
Academic GCSE
Vocational BTEC
Vocational V-Cert
GCSE stands for ‘General Certificate of Secondary Education’. These are academic qualifications that are recognised and valued by schools, colleges, employers and universities so they will be useful whatever you are planning to do in the future. GCSE courses involve studying the theory of a subject and usually includes some investigation work. Some may involve practical work. GCSEs are Level 1 and 2 qualifications and are graded 9-1. Some subjects have ‘tiers’ of entry (Higher and Foundation) to support students studying at different levels of ability. BTEC (Business and Technology Education Council) qualifications are work-related or vocational courses suitable for a wide range of learners. Like GCSEs they are nationally recognised and have been designed to meet the needs of employers and allow progression to further study. They provide a practical, real world approach to learning. BTECs are assessed through coursework and generally have one examination. These courses are suitable for students who might not show their full potential in courses that are assessed through lots of examinations. NCFE V Cert qualifications have been developed in-line with the new Department for Education measures as to what meets GCSE equivalency. V Cert qualifications are graded and contain both internally and externally assessed elements. Each V Cert qualification is equivalent to one GCSE.
ENGLISH BACCALAUREATE In November 2010 the Department of Education introduced a new qualification for students at 16 years called the English Baccalaureate (EBACC).
English Mathematics Two Sciences (one of which can be computing) History or Geography A Foreign Language
The subjects the government have included are designed to ensure that all students have the opportunity to study a broad core of subjects, ensuring that doors are not closed off to them in terms of future progression to certain universities. Students will study History or Geography and a Modern Foreign Language so you are in the best possible postion when applying for Sixth Form College, the world of work or to University.
CHANGES TO THE GRADING SYSTEM The grading system for GCSE has changed. This applies to the majority of subjects but not all. Grades will now be given as a level grade rather than a letter grade. These are not the same as the number levels you have been used to at KS3. The diagram below gives some indication of how they correspound to the old GCSE letter grades to help you understand. It is important to note that GCSEs in general have been made tougher and hence the grade changes reflect this.
Grade 9 - Top A* performers Grade 7 - Equivalent to a current A grade pass Grade 5 - International benchmark. Pitched at two thirds of a grade above the current C Pass Grade 4 - Equivalent to a current C grade pass Grade 1 - Equivalent to current grade F and G passes. The bottom of grade 1 will be aligned with the bottom of grade G. Important note: It is expected that a good pass will be a 4. However this is expected to rise to a 5 in the coming years.
SUBJECT CHOICES At Key Stage 4 it is compulsory for all students at John Madejski Academy to study the core subjects of English, English Literature, Mathematics, Double Science and PE. In addition we expect students to take a Humanity (Geography or History) and in most cases a Modern Foreign Language. As a part of guided choices, most students will choose a further subject from the list below (1st choice and 2nd choice). Please identify whether you want to study: Option A - Geography or History Option B - Any subject from the list below (please give first and second choices) Option C - Any subject from the list below (please give first and second choices) Some students will be signposted for Triple Science. Individual course guides for the options subjects are available on the Academy Website on the Guided Choices page. Geography
Health & Social Care
Triple Science
English / Maths support
NOTE: English and Maths intervention will run for identified students. All subject choices are provisional and dependent on sufficent students selecting that subject.
Year 9 Guided Choices Evening - Thursday 11th January 2018 (5.00 – 6.00 pm) Student / Parent Guided Choices Interviews (Academic Review Day) - Friday 19th January 2018 Year 9 Parents’ Evening - Guided Choices confirmation - Tuesday 5th June 2018
CORE SUBJECTS COURSE GUIDE - ENGLISH LANGUAGE / ENGLISH LITERATURE Why is English a core subject? The need to communicate effectively is required for many aspects of life and success in education. A good qualification in English is an entry requirement of almost all higher levels of education and training. What will I study? You will study for 2 separate GCSEs: English language and English literature. These are taught in a combined course over 2 years. English Language You will learn to analyse a range of pre 20th Century and 20th Century fiction and non-fiction writing. You will learn to write creatively in response to a picture and to write a non-fiction piece for a specified audience. English Literature You will study and learn to analyse Shakespeare’s Macbeth, An Inspector Calls and Stevenson’s Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde as well as a range of poetry. You will learn to write critical essays.
How will I be assessed? English Language Paper 1: Explorations in creative reading and writing (fiction and creative writing) (1hr 45) Paper 2: Writers’ viewpoints and perspectives (non-fiction reading and writing) (1hr 45) These exams include multiple choice, short answer and extended writing questions. English Literature Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century novel (1hr 45) Paper 2: modern texts and poetry (2hr 15) These exams are answered with essays.
How can I progress? English and English literature build on the basic literacy skills and English studies of previous key stages. To progress in this subject you will need to read a wide range of texts and develop your critical approach and vocabulary.
Further Information
CORE SUBJECTS COURSE GUIDE - MATHEMATICS Why is Mathematics a core subject? Mathematics is the key to opportunity. No longer just the language of science, mathematics now contributes in direct and fundamental ways to business, finance, health, and defense. For students, it opens doors to careers. For citizens, it enables informed decisions. For nations, it provides knowledge to compete in a technological community. To participate fully in the world of the future, we must tap the power of mathematics.
What will I study?
How will I be assessed? Edexcel Linear 1MA1. 100% examined (No coursework). THREE written exams Paper 1: Non- calculator (80 marks) 1:30hours Paper 2: Calculator (80 marks) 1:30hours Paper 3: Calculator (80 marks) 1:30hours
How can I progress? Booster materials and revision sites:,,, BBC bitesize. Attend intervention sessions and revision sessions.
Further Information
Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Mathematics Pearson qualifications
CORE SUBJECTS COURSE GUIDE - DOUBLE SCIENCE Why is Science a core subject? Under changes to GCSE’s introduced last year, all students must undertake at least combined science which consists of two GCSE’s. Science is the framework for which the real world exists and the study of this is vitally important in creating the next generation of thinkers, innovators and analysing minds of our modern world.
What will I study? Biology
1. Cell biology 2. Organisation 3. Infection and response 4. Bioenergetics 5. Homeostasis and response 6. Inheritance, variation and evolution 7. Ecology
1. Atomic structure and the periodic table 2. Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter 3. Quantitative chemistry 4. Chemical changes 5. Energy changes 6. The rate and extent of chemical change 7. Organic chemistry 8. Chemical analysis 9. Chemistry of the atmosphere 10. Using resources
1. Energy 2. Electricity 3. Particle model of matter 4. Atomic structure 5. Forces 6. Waves 7. Magnetism and electromagnetism
How will I be assessed? There are six papers: two biology, two chemistry and two physics. Each of the papers will assess knowledge and understanding from distinct topic areas. Each paper is 1 hour 15 mins each and are each 16.7% of the Combined Sciences GCSE’s. Questions consist of multiple choice, structured, closed short answer, and open response.
How can I progress?
Full engagement with the required practical’s of the course will increase student outcomes on exam due to the increased presence of these questions on exam papers. Proficient mathematical skills will be needed as an increased amount of maths based science questions will be on exam papers as well as less equations given on data sheets. Students must engage will all homework tasks and must be seen to be actively studying for frequent progress tests and mock papers.
Further Information
CORE SUBJECTS COURSE GUIDE - BTEC SPORT Why is Sport a core subject? The need to communicate effectively is required for many aspects of life and success in education. Sport is important in improving physical and emotional well-being. PE, school sport and physical activity is proven to enhance physical health, boosts mental wellbeing, builds resilience, lifts academic achievement and creates active habits for life. It also instils in young people the core values of creativity, aspirations, resilience and empathy which in turn contribute to wellbeing and achievement.
What will I study? You will study for the First Award in Sport which is the equivalent of 1 GCSE. This is taught over 2 years. You will study fitness testing and training, practical sport, sports leadership and improving fitness levels.
How will I be assessed? Fitness testing and training: A one hour online exam Practical sport: 3 pieces of coursework which includes practical performance in 2 sports Sports leadership: 3 pieces of coursework which include a practical leadership session. Fitness training: 4 pieces of coursework which includes 6 fitness training sessions All units are assessed from level 1 to distinction grade.
How can I progress? The BTEC Sport can be used as one of your 4-9 grades to aid in progression to further education. Progression to level 3 Extended Diploma in Sport
Further Information
EBACC SUBJECTS COURSE GUIDE - GCSE MFL (SPANISH) What is MFL? MFL (Modern Foreign Languages) gives the opportunity to study key terminology of Spanish.
What will I study? You will study three main themes: “Me, myself and family” where you will learn to understand and talk about relationships with family and friends and views on marriage and partnerships “Technology in everyday life” where you will learn to understand and talk about social media and mobile technology. “Free-time activities” where you will learn to understand and talk about music preferences, cinema and TV, sport and food and eating.
How will I be assessed? You will be assessed by means of a terminal examination in year 11. You will have one exam per skill: listening, speaking, reading and writing. All skills have an equal weighing of 25% and are as follow: Listening: a written exam of either 35 or 45 minutes depending on tier of entry (foundation or higher) with a selection of question types such as multiple choice, true or false, pick correct statements from a list and open questions in either English or target language based on French/Spanish recordings that are played twice. Speaking: conducted and recorded by your subject teacher totalling from 7 to 12 minutes (plus preparation time) including a role play, a conversation triggered by a given photo card and a general conversation. Reading: a written exam of either 45 or 60 minutes of a similar profile than the listening element but based on a given variety of written prompts and texts. This exam also includes a French/Spanish to English translation element. Writing: a 60 to 75 minutes written exam where students write sentences in response to a photo, write from 40 to 150 words in response to directed bullet points from one of two tasks, and translate a short passage from English to the language of study.
How can I progress? MFL includes understanding key terminology and grammar of a language. To progress in this subject you need a clear understanding of the meaning of words, clear explanations of grammar. You need to understand a range of vocabulary which you should practice regularly both in written form and verbally.
Further Information
EBACC SUBJECTS COURSE GUIDE - GCSE GEOGRAPHY What is Geography? Geography is the study of people and places. This GCSE offers students the opportunity to study the world we live in. The course will give you an in-depth understanding of how people relate to the world that we live in as well as natural environments. You will focus on research skills as well as presentations and developing your written work.
What will I study? The course consists of 3 key units: Unit 1: Living with the Physical Environment (includes tectonic and climatic hazards, landscapes, the living world and skills) Unit 2: Challenges in the Human Environment (includes urban issues, the economic world, resource management and skills) Unit 3: Geographical applications (includes evaluating issues, fieldwork and skills)
How will I be assessed? The GCSE comprises three exam papers: Unit 1 (35%) Unit 2 (35%) Unit 3 (30%) All are taken at the end of the two year course.
How can I progress? To succeed in Geography, you must be able to write with flair but also express your writing in a succinct way. You will be expected to describe, explain, analyse and evaluate key geographical processes and theories. You should have good communication skills, be able to work in a team and be able to manage yourself. Geography is a highly respected subject and Geographical qualifications are often desired by those in the Legal profession and Public services. Therefore it is useful for those interested in becoming a Police Officer, Town Planner, Cartographer, Outward Bound Instructor, Lecturer, Researcher, Volcanologist, Social Worker, Teacher or Lawyer.
Further Information
EBACC SUBJECTS COURSE GUIDE - HISTORY What is History? History GCSE offers students the opportunity to study historical sources and interpret their meaning alongside significant events in world and British history.
What will I study? Thematic study (a study over time) - Medicine in Britain c.1250 to present (20%) Including a study of the British sector of the Western Front: injuries, treatment and the trenches (10%) Period study - Superpower relations and the American West, c1835–c1895 (20%) British depth study - Henry VIII and his ministers, 1509–40 (20%) Modern Depth Study - Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918 – 39 (30%)
How will I be assessed? This subject has 3 exams at the end of Year 11. There is no coursework or controlled assessment. Paper 1: 1 hour and 15 minutes (52 marks) Paper 2: 1 hour and 45 minutes (64 marks) Paper 3: 1 hour and 20 minutes (52 marks) These exams include short answer and extended writing questions.
How can I progress? History uses skills such as description, evaluation and analysis. To progress in this subject, you need to understand a range of key vocabulary and be able to both explain and evaluate events in the past. Following this you need to make a judgement on their significance. You will also need to be use sources skills such as inference to analyse a range of sources in order to evaluate their usefulness.
Further Information
EBACC SUBJECTS COURSE GUIDE - GCSE TRIPLE SCIENCE What is Triple Science? Triple Science consists of three separate science GCSE’s in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Students will study more in-depth content of these specific areas of Science compared to that of the Combined Science qualification. Triple Science qualifications are highly regarded by sixth form colleges as well as universities for students who wish to study Science courses for A Levels and undergraduate courses.
What will I study? Biology
1. Cell biology 2. Organisation 3. Infection and response 4. Bioenergetics 5. Homeostasis and response 6. Inheritance, variation and evolution 7. Ecology 8. Key ideas
1. Atomic structure and the periodic table 2. Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter 3. Quantitative chemistry 4. Chemical changes 5. Energy changes 6. The rate and extent of chemical change 7. Organic chemistry 8. Chemical analysis 9. Chemistry of the atmosphere 10. Using resources
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Energy Electricity Particle model of matter Atomic structure Forces Waves Magnetism and electromagnetism Space Physics (physics only)
How will I be assessed? There are six papers: two biology, two chemistry and two physics. Each of the papers will assess knowledge and understanding from distinct topic areas. Each paper is 1 hour 45 mins each and are each worth 50% of that specific Science GCSE. Questions consist of multiple choice, structured, closed short answer, and open response.
How can I progress? Full engagement with the required practical’s of the course will increase student outcomes on exams due to the increased presence of these questions on exam papers. Proficient mathematical skills will be needed as an increased amount of maths based science questions will be on exam papers as well as less equations given on data sheets. Students must engage will all homework tasks and must be seen to be actively studying for frequent progress tests and mock papers.
Further Information
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