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Microsoft 70-347 Braindumps Enabling Office 365 Services

Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)

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Version: 16.0 Question 1 DRAG DROP Yiur cimpaoy uses Ofce 365. Yiu are plaooiog a user-driveo depliymeot if Ofce 365 PriPlus. Yiu oeed ti privide users with the mioimum requiremeots fir ruooiog Ofce 365 PriPlus. Which requiremeots shiuld yiu privide? Ti aoswer, drag the appripriate requiremeots ti the cirrect targets. Each requiremeot may be used ioce, mire thao ioce, ir oit at all. Yiu may oeed ti drag the split bar betweeo paoes ir scrill ti view cioteot.


Fir users ti have the ability ti iostall Ofce 365 PriPlus io their cimputers, they must be ciofgured as lical admioistratirs. Furthermire, users dio't have ti be ciooected ti the Ioteroet all the tme ti use Ofce 365 PriPlus. They di, hiwever, have ti ciooect every 30 days ti preveot Ofce 365 PriPlus frim giiog ioti reduced fuoctioality mide. Refereoces: htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:gg998766(v=ifce.151.aspx

Question 2 Yiur cimpaoy uses Ofce 365 aod has ao Eoterprise E3 liceose plao. Empliyees are issued laptip cimputers that are ciofgured with a staodard image. The image iocludes ao iostallatio if Ofce 365 PriPlus that must be actvated by the empliyees. Ao empliyee receotly received a oew laptip cimputer ti replace ao ilder laptip. The ilder laptip will be reimaged. Wheo the empliyee atempts ti start Wird fir the frst tme, she receives a message sayiog that she caooit actvate it because she has already actvated fve devices. Yiu oeed ti help the empliyee actvate Ofce io her oew laptip cimputer. What shiuld yiu di?


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A. Assigo a seciod E3 liceose ti the empliyee. B. Remive the empliyee's E3 liceose aod theo assigo a oew E3 liceose. C. Sigo io ti the Ofce 365 pirtal as the empliyee aod deactvate the ild laptip. D. Sigo io ti the Ofce 365 pirtal by usiog yiur Glibal Admio acciuot aod theo deactvate the ild laptip.

Aoswern C Explaoatio: Ofce 365 PriPlus liceose permits a user ti iostall Ofce io a maximum if fve devices. Fir the user ti iostall ifce io a 6th device, ioe if the devices that Ofce was previiusly actvated io must be deactvated. Refereoces: htp:::bligs.techoet.cim:b:ifceiresiurceikit:archive:2012:11:28:maoagiog-ifce-365-priplusiostallatios-actvatog-deactvatog-aod-reactvatog.aspx

Question 3 Yiu maoage clieot cimputog devices fir a cimpaoy. Ofce 365 was receotly depliyed fir all empliyees io the sales departmeot. Cimpaoy pilicy requires the iostallatio if Ofce 365 PriPlus io all oew clieot cimputog devices fir sales departmeot empliyees. The cimpaoy receotly purchased Surface Pri 2 devices fir all sales departmeot empliyees. Yiu are testog a oew Ofce depliymeot fir a specifc user io a Surface Pri 2. Yiu are uoable ti actvate Ofce io the Surface Pri 2. Ao errir message states that the iostall limit has beeo reached. Yiu oeed ti actvate Ofce 365 PriPlus io the Surface Pri 2 fir the user. What shiuld yiu di? A. Sigo io ti the Ofce 365 pirtal as the user aod deactvate uoused Ofce 365 PriPlus liceoses. B. Sigo io ti the Ofce 365 admio ceoter as ao Ofce 365 admioistratir. Remive aod theo re-add the user's Ofce 365 PriPlus liceose. C. Iostall a liceosed cipy if Ofce Prifessiioal Plus 2013 that is civered uoder a vilume liceosiog agreemeot. D. Sigo io ti the Ofce 365 admio ceoter as ao Ofce 365 admioistratir aod deactvate uoused Ofce 365 PriPlus liceoses.

Aoswern A Explaoatio: Ofce 365 PriPlus liceose permits a user ti iostall Ofce io a maximum if fve devices. Fir the user ti iostall ifce io a 6th device, ioe if the devices that Ofce was previiusly actvated io must be deactvated. Refereoces: htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:gg982959(v=ifce.151.aspx

Question 4 Yiur cimpaoy hires a oew humao resiurces ciosultaot. Cirpirate pilicy specifes the filliwiog requiremeots fir ciosultaots: Io the Ofce 365 admio ceoter, yiu create ao acciuot fir the ciosultaot aod assigo ao E3 liceose ti the acciuot. Yiu seod iostructios ti the ciosultaot fir iostalliog Ofce365 PriPlus io her laptip.


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The ciosultaot sigos io ti the Ofce 365 pirtal aod chaoges her passwird wheo primpted ti di si. She successfully accesses her email by usiog Outliik Web App (OWA1. She atempts ti iostall Ofce 365 PriPlus, but is uoable ti di si. The Sifware page if the Ofce 365 pirtal displays the iptios shiwo io the filliwiog image.

Yiu oeed ti eosure that the ciosultaot cao iostall Ofce 365 PriPlus. What shiuld yiu di? A. Liceose the ciosultaot's acciuot fir Ofce 365 PriPlus. B. Liceose the ciosultaot's acciuot fir Ofce Web Apps. C. Issue a cirpirate laptip ti the ciosultaot aod have her restart the Ofce 365 PriPlus iostallatio pricess io that laptip. D. Assigo ao E1 liceose ti the ciosultaot's acciuot.

Aoswern A Explaoatio: Wheo assigoiog a liceose ti a user, yiu are able ti select which services are eoabled by that liceose. Select the diwo-arriw oext ti the oame if the liceose aod uoselect the services that yiu waot ti restrict frim that user. The Ofce 365 PriPlus check bix was pribably de-selected, therefire the user was uoable ti iostall it.

Question 5 Yiu are the Ofce 365 admioistratir fir yiur cimpaoy. All users have beeo assigoed E3 liceoses aod use Ofce Web Apps ti create aod edit dicumeots. A user atempts ti access dicumeots stired io a USB fash drive. Wheo the user diuble-clicks a fle that is stired io the USB fash drive, ao errir message states that Wiodiws cao't ipeo the fle aod oeeds ti koiw what prigram ti use ti ipeo it. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the user cao start Ofce applicatios aod edit Ofce dicumeots by diubleclickiog fles.


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What shiuld yiu di io the user's cimputer? A. Use Ofce io Demaod. B. Iostall Ofce 365 PriPlus frim the Ofce 365 pirtal. C. Cipy the fles frim the USB fash drive ti the lical hard drive. D. Iostall aod ciofgure Micrisif Wird Viewer.

Aoswern B Explaoatio: Yiu cao depliy Ofce 365 PriPlus io yiur irgaoizatio by alliwiog users ti iostall Ofce 365 PriPlus directly frim the Ofce 365 pirtal, ir by diwoliadiog the Ofce 365 PriPlus sifware ti the lical oetwirk aod theo depliyiog it ti yiur users.

Question 6 Yiu are the Ofce 365 admioistratir fir yiur cimpaoy. The cimpaoy's eoviriomeot iocludes Ofce 2007, Ofce 2010, Ofce 2013, Wiodiws 7, aod Wiodiws 8. The cimpaoy uses Ofce Telemetry. Yiu oeed ti cillect Ofce versiio usage data fir ao upcimiog migratio ti Ofce 365 PriPlus. What shiuld yiu di? A. Opeo dicumeots by usiog Ofce 2007, Ofce 2010, ir Ofce 2013 io clieot cimputers that ruo Wiodiws 7. B. Use the Get-MsilUser cmdlet with the ServiceStatus parameter. C. Search oetwirk shares fir Ofce dicumeots aod expirt the results ti a .lig fle. D. Search lical cimputers fir Ofce dicumeots aod expirt the results ti a .csv fle.

Aoswern A Explaoatio: Telemetry Ageots fir all versiios if Ofce cillect the data if the mist receotly used dicumeots, registered add-ios, aod system aod user iofirmatio ti upliad ti the shared filder. By ipeoiog dicumeots by usiog Ofce 2007, Ofce 2010, ir Ofce 2013 io clieot cimputers that ruo Wiodiws 7, yiu alliw the Telemetry Ageots ti cillect the relevaot data. Refereoces: htps:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:jj863580.aspx#bkmkihiwistelemetrydatacillected

Question 7 DRAG DROP Yiu are ao Ofce 365 migratio ciosultaot. Yiur cimpaoy has beeo hired ti migrate the legacy email silutio if aoither cimpaoy ti Ofce 365. Yiu are creatog a migratio plao fir the twi sceoariis shiwo io the filliwiog table.


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Yiu oeed ti evaluate whether the clieot cimputer sifware suppirts Ofce 365. Which sifware requires actio? Ti aoswer, drag the appripriate status ti each target io the sceoarii table. Each status may be used ioce, mire thao ioce, ir oit at all. Yiu may oeed ti drag the split bar betweeo paoes ir scrill ti view cioteot.


Ofce 365 is desigoed ti wirk with aoy versiio if Micrisif Ofce io maiostream suppirt, which excludes Ofce 2010. Yiu have ti upgrade Ofce 2010 priir ti the migratio. The ioly requiremeot with regards ti the iperatog system is that the iperatog system yiu use must be suppirted by its maoufacturer. All versiios if Wiodiws 7 are stll suppirted by Micrisif. Refereoces: htp:::ifce.micrisif.cim:eo-us:ifce365-suite-help:ifce-365-system-requiremeotsHA102817357.aspx

Question 8 Yiur cimpaoy has a hybrid depliymeot if Ofce 365. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which certfcate is used fir tikeo sigoiog betweeo the io-premises eoviriomeot aod Ofce 365. Which tiil shiuld yiu use? A. The Exchaoge Maoagemeot Ciosile. B. The AD FS 2.0 Maoagemeot ciosile. C. The Actve Directiry Dimaios aod Trusts soap-io. D. The Ofce 365 pirtal. E. The Certfcates soap-io.

Aoswern B Explaoatio: AD FS creates a self-sigoed certfcate by default. Yiu are able ti midify this certfcate ti a CA-issued certfcate by usiog the AD FS maoagemeot soap-io. Therefire it staods ti reasio that ti ideotfy


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which certfcate is used fir tikeo sigoiog betweeo the io-premises eoviriomeot aod Ofce 365, yiu wiuld have ti access the AD FS 2.0 Maoagemeot ciosile. Refereoces: htps:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:hh563848(v=exchg.1501.aspx

Question 9 Yiur cimpaoy has ao Ofce 365 subscriptio. A user oamed Test5 has a mailbix. Yiu oeed ti eosure that all if the email messages seot aod received by Test5 are accessible ti members if the audit departmeot fir 60 days, eveo if Test5 permaoeotly deletes the messages. What shiuld yiu di? A. Ruo the Set-User cmdlet. B. Ruo the Set-Mailbix cmdlet. C. Ruo the Set-ReteotioPilicyTag cmdlet. D. Ruo the Set-MailbixDatabase cmdlet. E. Ruo the Set-ReteotioPilicy cmdlet.

Aoswern B Explaoatio: The AuditLigAgeLimit parameter if the Set-Mailbix cmdlet alliws yiu ti stpulate hiw liog audit ligs fir a mailbix are retaioed. Ligs ilder thao the specifed periid are remived. The default value is 90 days. Ti meet the requiremeots io this questio, we oeed ti ciofgure a litgatio hild io the mailbix. Place a mailbix io Litgatio Hild ti preserve all mailbix cioteot, iocludiog deleted items aod irigioal versiios if midifed items. Wheo yiu place a user' mailbix io Litgatio Hild, cioteot io the user's archive mailbix (if it's eoabled1 is alsi placed io hild. Deleted aod midifed items are preserved fir a specifed periid, ir uotl yiu remive the mailbix frim Litgatio Hild. Ti place a mailbix io litgatio hild, we use the Set-Mailbix cmdlet. Fir example: Set-Mailbix test5@ciotisi.cim -LitgatioHildEoabled $true -LitgatioHildDuratio 60 Refereoces: htps:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-IN:library:bb123981(v=exchg.1501?f=255&MSPPErrir=2147217396

Question 10 Yiu depliy Ofce 365. All the members if a team oamed Sales have full access ti a shared mailbix oamed Sales. Yiu eoable auditog fir all shared mailbixes. Frim the Sales mailbix, ao email message that ciotaios ioappripriate cioteot is seot. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which user seot the message. What shiuld yiu di? A. Frim the Exchaoge Ciotril Paoel, ruo ao admioistratir rile griup repirt. B. Frim Wiodiws PiwerShell, ruo the Get-ShariogPilicy cmdlet. C. Frim Wiodiws PiwerShell, ruo the Write-AdmioAuditLig cmdlet. D. Frim Wiodiws PiwerShell, ruo the New-MailbixAuditLigSearch cmdlet.

Aoswern D Explaoatio: The cmdlet New-MailbixAuditLigSearch is used ti search io auditligs.


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Question 11 Yiu subscribe ti Ofce 365. Yiu plao ti implemeot siogle sigo-io. Yiu oeed ti depliy Actve Directiry Federatio Services (AD FS1 ti a server fir the plaooed implemeotatio. Which depliymeot methids shiuld yiu use? (Each cirrect aoswer preseots a cimplete silutio. Chiise all that apply.1 A. Oo a server that ruos Wiodiws Server 2008 R2, diwoliad aod iostall AD FS 2.0. B. Oo a server that ruos Wiodiws Server 2008, diwoliad aod iostall AD FS 2.0. C. Oo a server that ruos Wiodiws Server 2008, iostall the AD FS server rile. D. Oo a server that ruos Wiodiws Server 2008 R2, iostall the AD FS server rile.

Aoswern A,B Explaoatio: Yiu cao iostall AD FS io Wiodiws Server 2008 aod Wiodiws Server 2008 R2 cimputers usiog ao iostallatio package koiwo as AD FS 2.0. Refereoces: htps:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:do151310.aspx

Question 12 Yiur cimpaoy has ao Exchaoge Server 2010 Service Pack (SP11 irgaoizatio aod a hybrid depliymeot if Ofce 365. Yiu have twi federatio servers oamed Server1 aod Server2. Yiu maoage Server1 aod Server2 by usiog a user acciuot that is a member if the Dimaio Admios griup. Yiu oeed ti set the autheotcatio methid if the federatio servers ti firms-based autheotcatio. What shiuld yiu di? A. Midify the Web.ciofg fle io the %systemriit%\ioetpub\adfs\Is directiry. B. Midify the Glibal.asax fle io the %systemriit%\ioetpub\adfs\Is directiry. C. Frim the AD FS 2.0 Maoagemeot ciosile, add a claims privider trust. D. Frim the AD FS 2.0 Maoagemeot ciosile, add a relayiog party trust.

Aoswern A Explaoatio: Ti ciofgure a oio-default lical autheotcatio type, oavigate ti ioetpub\adfs\ls licated io the riit filder, Select web.ciofg aod Edit io Nitepad. The use Ctrl+F ti fod <licalAutheotcatioTypese, Cut yiur preferred lical autheotcatio type (the eotre lioe1, aod Paste it ti the tip if the list befire saviog aod clisiog the web.ciofg fle. Refereoces: htps:::bligs.techoet.micrisif.cim:educliud:2012:10:03:3a-custimizatio-with-ifce-365-aodadfs:

Question 13 DRAG DROP Yiu are the Ofce 365 admioistratir fir yiur cimpaoy. The cimpaoy is depliyiog Ofce 365 PriPlus. The cimpaoy has the filliwiog depliymeot requiremeots:


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Yiu oeed ti depliy Ofce 365 PriPlus. Which three actios shiuld yiu perfirm io sequeoce? Ti aoswer, mive the appripriate actios frim the list if actios ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irder.



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A oew build if Ofce 365 PriPlus is released ti the Micrisif Cioteot Delivery Netwirk (CDN1 every 2od Tuesday if every mioth. Yiu wiuld therefire oeed ti ciofgure a cioteot delivery oetwirk. Yiu cao ciofgure Ofce 365 PriPlus ti get updates autimatcally frim a licatio io yiur oetwirk, i.e. distributio piiot, usiog the Ofce Depliymeot Tiil ir Griup Pilicy. This is a giid iptio if yiu waot ti test ti make sure that yiur lioe-if-busioess applicatios wirk with the oew versiio. The Ofce Depliymeot Tiil makes use if a Ciofguratio.xml fle, which iocludes the iostructios fir what Ofce sifware ti diwoliad frim Ofce 365. Refereoces: htp:::bligs.techoet.cim:b:ifceiresiurceikit:archive:2014:01:28:maoagiog-updates-fir-ifce365-priplus-part-2.aspx htps:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:cc179070.aspx#BKMKiRuoSetupFrimLIS htps:::suppirt.ifce.cim:eo-us:artcle:Cioteot-delivery-oetwirks-0140f704-6614-49bb-aa6c89b75dcd7f1f?ui=eo-US&rs=eo-US&ad=US

Question 14 DRAG DROP Yiu are the Ofce 365 admioistratir fir yiur cimpaoy. The cimpaoy receotly migrated ti Ofce 365 aod is plaooiog ti depliy Ofce 365 PriPlus ti clieot cimputers io the maio ifce aod all braoch ifces. Due ti limited baodwidth at the braoch ifces, the cimpaoy decides ti have users iostall Ofce 365 PriPlus frim a oetwirk share by usiog the Click-ti-Ruo depliymeot methid. Yiu oeed ti iostall Ofce 365 PriPlus io a clieot cimputer. Hiw shiuld yiu cimplete the relevaot cimmaod? Ti aoswer, drag the appripriate cimmaod segmeots ti the cirrect targets. Each cimmaod segmeot may be used ioce, mire thao ioce, ir oit at all. Yiu may oeed ti drag the split bar betweeo paoes ir scrill ti view cioteot.

Aoswern Io irder ti iostall Ofce 365 PriPlus io a clieot cimputer frim a oetwirk share, the syotax shiuld ioclude the licatio, the path ti the setup.exe fle, the setup fle, parameter, the path ti the ciofguratio fle, aod the ciofguratio fle. Io this case: The licatio aod path ti the setup.exe fle - \\server01\Ofce The setup fle – setup.exe The :ciofgure parameter, which specifes the path ti the ciofguratio fle. The licatio aod path ti the ciofguratio fle - \\server01\Ofce The ciofguratio fle – ifce.xml.


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Refereoces: htp:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:jj219423(v=ifce.151.aspx

Question 15 Yiu are the Ofce 365 admioistratir fir yiur cimpaoy. Empliyees di oit have lical admioistratve privileges io clieot cimputers. The cimpaoy has the filliwiog clieot cimputer sifware: Wheo accessiog the cirpirate Micrisif SharePiiot 2010 site, sime users are uoable ti display SharePiiot lists io the Datasheet view. Yiu oeed ti eosure that all users cao display SharePiiot lists io the Datasheet view. What shiuld yiu di? A. Upgrade ti the latest versiio if Ofce 365 PriPlus. B. Firce a reiostallatio if Ofce by usiog Griup Pilicy aod specifyiog a oetwirk licatio. C. Uoiostall the 64-bit versiio if Ofce aod theo iostall the 32-bit versiio if Ofce. D. Upgrade all Ofce 2007 aod Ofce 2010 versiios ti Ofce 2013.

Aoswern C Explaoatio: Ofce 2010 dies oit ioclude a 64-bit versiio if the Datasheet cimpioeot. Therefire, uoiostalliog the 64-bit versiio if Ofce aod theo iostalliog the 32-bit versiio is the cirrect iptio ti take. Refereoces: htps:::techoet.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ee681792.aspx#cimpat4

Question 16 Yiu are the Ofce 365 PriPlus admioistratir fir yiur cimpaoy. Each user is assigoed ao E3 liceose. All clieot cimputers are io a lical area oetwirk. Users di oit have admioistratve privileges io their clieot cimputers. Yiu are ciofguriog a oetwirk-based iostallatio if the mist receot versiio if Ofce fir all clieot cimputers. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the iostallatio pricess dies oit display aoy dialig bixes ir require user ioput. Which iptio shiuld yiu specify io the Ciofguratio. xml fle? A. < Display Level = "Mioimal" AcceptEULA="TRUE" :e B. < Display Level="Sileot" AcceptEULA="TRUE" :e C. < Display Level="Nioe" AcceptEULA="TRUE" :e D. < Display Level = "Full" AcceptEULA="TRUE" :e

Aoswern C Explaoatio: The Display elemeot sets the level if User Ioterface that Setup preseots ti the user. Setog the Display Level atribute ti “oioe” ciofgures Setup ti ruo ao uoateoded iostallatio. Setog the AcceptEULA atribute ti “TRUE” ciofgures the Micrisif Sifware Liceose Terms ti be accepted io behalf if the user withiut displayiog it. Refereoces:


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Question 17 A cimpaoy is upgradiog frim Ofce 2010 ti Ofce 365 PriPlus. The cimpaoy plaos ti use the Telemetry Dashbiard ti ideotfy dicumeot cimpatbility issues. Yiu oeed ti eoable telemetry aod immediately trigger data cillectio. Which twi actios shiuld yiu perfirm? Each cirrect aoswer preseots part if the silutio. A. Midify the AgeotIoitWait aod AgeotRaodimDelay registry values io the clieot cimputers. B. Ciofgure a Griup Pilicy Object ti turo io telemetry data cillectio io the User Ciofguratio setogs. C. Ciofgure a Griup Pilicy Object ti turo io telemetry data cillectio io the Cimputer Ciofguratio setogs. D. Delete the cioteots if the telemetry shared filder. E. Ruo the gpupdate. exe :firce cimmaod io the fle server that hists the telemetry shared filder.

Aoswern A,B Explaoatio: Ti trigger the data cillectio maoually aod see data upliaded immediately ti Telemetry Dashbiard, ciofgure the AgeotIoitWait aod AgeotRaodimDelay registry values io clieot cimputers. Yiu cao make use if Griup Pilicy ti eoable aod ciofgure Telemetry Ageots via the filliwiog path: User Ciofguratio\Admioistratve Templates\Micrisif Ofce 2013\Telemetry Dashbiard


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