Leap 2018 year end newsletter 5 21 2018

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May 21, 2018

Year End Newsletter It has been our honor and pleasure to conduct LEAP this year at the Monarch Academy. Partnering together has enabled us to have facility space and a shared commitment to engage and support the academic growth and enrichment of our youth. We appreciate you allowing us the opportunity to support your children’s educational experience at Monarch and we pray that we have had a positive impact on your child’s passion to learn and explore.

LaCreshia Battheast ser ved as the LEAP Coordinator and worked very diligently to encourage ever y L E A Pe r t o d o their best. As a teacher at the M o n a r c h Academy, she was a great asset and invaluable part of LEAP.

We are ver y thankful for the team that has heralded the responsibility of facilitating the twice weekly program. Providing snacks, homework assistance, tutoring and an environmental literacy activity.

We were blessed to have a number of committed and dedicated volunteers who served like they were being paid and assisted LEAP with a steadfast and diligent spirit. B o b Ke d d e l l o f Motivation Education was an integral and essential component of LEAP. He supported the program as a consultant a n d m a j o r co n t r i b u to r. We a l s o appreciate the assistance of Tatiana Klein, who helped to launch LEAP,

serving as LEAP Director.

The 2018 LEAP Closing Ceremony will be held Thursday, June 7th at 5pm 1

May 21, 2018

Our partnership with Monarch Academy nd Principal S u s a n My e r s h a s b e e n v e r y s u p p o r t i v e a n d accommodating. Her involvement with LEAP from the very beginning, has helped us to recruit youth, hire sta, and utilize facility space. Her assistance has been invaluable and we look for ward to a continuing partnership in the 2018-2019 school year.

Zaira Harley

Milka Reyes

We are LEAPers Big & Small

Jailynn Hill

We are LEAPers One & All We are LEAPers Because We Are Smart

Suzana Carillo

We are LEAPers And We’re Ready to Start Jasson Menjivar Laso

Jailah Smith

Alann Aguilar-Martinez

Lyric Rawlings

Julian Barton


Jaleah Felder

May 21, 2018

The Jr. Watershed Stewards Club of Annapolis High School played a critical role in providing instructional and program support. They volunteered on Mondays and Thursdays. They assisted LaCreshia with serving the snacks, providing homework assistance and implementing environmental literacy curriculum activities. The Jr. Watershed Stewards were able to accrue community service hours, as they provided invaluable and dedicated assistance. LEAP and the Jr. Watershed Stewards Club are both outreach programs of Our Creeks & Conservancy. Rev. Johnny R. Calhoun is the Executive Director and Pastor of Mount Olive AME Church.

Alaina Wong

Marissa Snowden

Fatou Gai

Lindsay Wooster

Not Pictured: Aidan O’Willey and Angel Hidalgo

Emma Wilansky

Ashlen Seebachan

Jennifer Ayala

Lena Hannahan

Teresa Nguyen

Kayla Jones 3

May 21, 2018


May 21, 2018

Not Pictured: Aidan O’Willey and Angel Hidalgo


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