READY 2016 Summer Program Photo Summary

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2016 Summer Program Work Sites & Enrichment

We began each day at the Mount Olive Community Life Center. We weeded, restored a rain garden and removed invasives

We took the READY crews to CEC to engage them in a variety of mi>ga>on ac>vi>es

Chesapeake Ecology Center

We worked at United Church of Christ 3 Days learning about and working on a minimalist garden – weeding, mulching and removing debris


We scheduled 7 Thursdays to work at a variety of loca>ons with

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We visited Church Creek and saw ďŹ rst hand why it is one of the worse and most challenging watersheds in the South River watershed.

Best Job Site

Emptying Oyster Buckets

We spent a day at the Chrysalis House plan>ng trees, weeding, removing debris and mulching. They treated us aJerwards with ice cream for lunch.

Amos GarreH was one of ďŹ ve City of Annapolis Parks that we visited. We spent 3 days weeding, removing debris, cuLng overgrowth, removing invasives and mulching

The heat index was over 100 degrees & we had to shut down at 11am several days

Barbara Neustadt Park was a three days of c;eaning rocks, removing silt and weeding

Stay Hydrated!

More of the same at Chesten & Franklin Sts. End of Street Park

Lincoln Dr. End of Street Park was by far their hardest job! They weeded & removed, cleaned over 10 tons of rocks. Someone leJed a Bal>more bench there. We got permission from the city to paint it

Annapolis Fire Department Washed the rocks on Lincoln Dr. Chief Stokes donated water boVles & backpacks

We partnered with Green Works to clear two acres at the Children’s Museum

We did extensive weeding and mulching at St. Phillip’s Episcopal Church. Thanks for the pizzas and sodas!

We cleaned and

restored the rain garden at the AA County Health Department and received a cita>on for the Chief Health OďŹƒcer – Dr. Chan

We removed invasives, weeded and mulched at the South River FederaQon OďŹƒce

Lou Etgen joined us at the Unitarian Universalist Church where we removed, cleaned and placed rock to repair a bio-swell and weeded a rain garden

We weeded and mulched a rain garden at the Annapolis Housing Authority Office. Their office staff heralded their hard work!

Did I say that Lincoln Dr. Park was their hardest job by far. The scorching heat greatly added to the amount of eort required. I was very proud of their dedica>on and commitment to ďŹ nish

Finally! We can see our hard work come to comple>on. Thank You LORD!

EMU ALERT! “Rev. Calhoun, say it ain’t so” The Davidsonville Wildlife Sanctuary had not been tended to in over two years because of a harassing Emu. They cleared trees and years of overgrowth. Along with a boat load of invasive plants

We removed protec>ve fencing and mulched at Wilenor Swamp

The Eastport Terrace & Harbor House rain garden was weeded, rocks cleaned, silt removed and mulched

Also the following sites:

Mt. Zion, Magothy UMC Empowering Believers Church Annapolis High School Annapolis Middle School Chambers Park Mount Olive AME Church Cecil UM Church Reese Funeral Home Anne Arundel Public Schools Central OďŹƒce

Ready to be enriched!

When our work schedule permiVed and during days of extreme heat, we conducted a variety of enrichment ac>vi>es

A Trip to the NaQon’s Capitol

As we transi>on to the Jr. Watershed Stewards Program & Club at Annapolis High School, I’d like to congratulate Terryl Acker-Carter, Kylie Sines and Michael Shea who have been appointed to be the President, Vice President and Secretary of the 2016 Jr. Watershed Stewards . Our aim is to foster an ongoing environmental literacy and watershed outreach effort. The JrWS’s Club has made a decision to conduct a weekly aJerschool program from elementary school students beginning in November 2016. Also, they will be available to begin weekend restora>on & maintenance support beginning the end of October 14th and look forward to suppor>ng the Hawkins Cove and other projects. We hope our partners will support our efforts and assist us in facilita>ng and maintaining our youth watershed stewardship ini>a>ves. Finally let me thank again all of our many partners and friends who have been steadfast and commiVed in suppor>ng our efforts and ini>a>ves.

Many thanks to the AA County Food Bank & the Edgewater and Annapolis Mall’s Chick-Fila’s for their kind dona>ons of food for breakfasts & lunches

Special Thanks to Our READY Partners

Special Thanks to Mel Wilkins for wri>ng and obtaining the NFWF Grant

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