By John Dobbs - Introduction 1. This is an introduction into some ancient Christian practices known as “Spiritual Disciplines”. These practices serve as doorways through which we invite God to change our hearts and draw us closer to Him. a. James 4:7-8a “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you…” b. In order to have a walk that is deeper on a spiritual level, we must engage in some activities that bring about a spiritual focus. 1. Modern Christianity seems to say “Be nice, Go to Church, Do the Right Thing.” 2. Many Christians end up feeling empty with advice like that. 3. We want to find some spiritual fuel for our lives that reminds us that God is real. 2. The goal of the Spiritual Disciplines is Spiritual Formation. a. “Spiritual Formation is the process of transforming the inner reality of the self in such a way that the overall life with God seen in the Bible naturally and freely comes to pass in us. Our inner world becomes the home of Jesus, by his initiative and our response. (Foster in Graybeal and Roller, p. xi, xii). b. We are seeking to form our lives and hearts into the image of Jesus Christ. 3. What are the Spiritual Disciplines that bring about this Spiritual Formation? a. They include fasting and prayer, study and service, submission and solitude, confession and worship, meditation and silence, simplicity, frugality, secrecy, sacrifice, and celebration. (Foster in Graybeal and Roller, p. xii). b. Spiritual disciplines can be described as behaviors that facilitate spiritual growth. 4. The primary requirement for investing ourselves in the Disciplines is a longing after God. a. Psalm 42:1,2, 7 “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?.. .Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.” b. "Everybody thinks of changing humanity and nobody thinks of changing himself." -Leo Tolstoy c. There are some realistic struggles as we begin this series of study. 1. STRUGGLES WE FACE WITH THE DISCIPLINES A. Ignorance. 1. The Bible calls us to fasting, prayer, worship, and celebration but gives almost no instruction on how to do them. 2. How many sermons have you heard on fasting … or on the importance of centering Prayer … solitude? 3. This has not been a topic of discussion in Christian circles in any expansive way.