The Spiritual Discipline of Guidance In many ways the church today is experiencing a re-awakening. “Many are having a deep and profound experience of an Emmanuel of the Spirit—God with us; a knowledge that in the power of the Spirit, Jesus has come to guide his people himself” (Foster, Celebration of Discipline, 175). Yet as powerful and as important as this awakening is, it remains insufficient. It is not enough to experience or understand the Spiritual discipline of Divine Guidance in a personal sense, we must also come to understand it in a corporate sense. “I do not mean ‘corporate guidance’ in an organizational sense, but in an organic and functional sense. Church councils and denominational decrees are simply not of this reality” (ibid, 175). Today, there is plenty of excellent information and resources available on how God guides His people through Scripture, through reason, through circumstances, and even through the promptings of His Spirit. But there is very little information in the area on how God leads us through His people, the body of Christ. God does guide the individual richly and profoundly, but he also guides groups of people and can instruct the individual through the group experience” (ibid, 176). To see evidence of this, one only needs to spend some time reading the book of Exodus. God led Israel out of Egypt and through the desert for forty years. He guided them personally. All an Israelite needed to do to become aware of God’s guiding presence was look up and see the pillar of fire by night or the cloud of smoke by day. However, it was not long into their exodus that the people of Israel found God’s “presence to awful, too glorious and begged, ‘Let not God speak to us, lest we die’” (Exodus 20:19 in Foster, 176). At this point, Moses became their mediator. Thus began the great ministry of the prophets whose function was to hear God’s word and bring it to the people. Although this was a step away from the corporate leading of the Holy Spirit, there remained a sense of being a people together under the rule of God. But a day came when Israel rejected even the prophet in favor of a king. From that point on the prophet was the outsider. He was a lonely voice crying in the wilderness; sometimes obeyed, sometimes killed, but almost always on the outside. Patiently God prepared a people and in the fullness of time Jesus came. And with him dawned a new day. Once again a people were gathered who lived under the immediate, theocratic rule of the Spirit (ibid, 176). In 1 Corinthians 12, the Apostle Paul describes how God leads His people by using the analogy of the church being parts of one body. The essence of what he teaches them is that: “No one person [possesses] everything. Even the most mature [needs] the help of others. The most insignificant [has] something to contribute cool” (ibid, 179). The point is that we are all necessary and that God uses all of us in guiding us in His ways. During the Middle Ages, not even the greatest saints attempted “the depths of the inward journey without the help of a spiritual director” (Ibid, 185). Yet today, most Christians would not even consider searching out such a mentor. A Spiritual Director is a person who leads someone to the inward teachings of the Holy Spirit; he is “God’s usher, and must lead souls in God’s way, and not his own” (Baker in Foster, 185). Such