Reeditare electronică cu acceptul direct al autorului BOGDANA GĂGEANU şi al Bibliotecii Cronopedia, realizată de Ioan Muntean Reproducerea integrală sau parţială a lucrării şi difuzarea ei pe cale electronică sunt autorizate pentru folosul privat al cititorului şi pentru scopuri necomerciale. 2022
Bogdana Găgeanu My soul pyramid ~ poems, English version ~ editura Fast Editing Bucureşti, 2022
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 2 ~ Redactor: Lenuş Lungu Coperta: Ioan Muntean (prelucrare foto web) Tehnoredactare şi corectură: Ioan Muntean Grafică, ilustrare: Ioan Muntean (foto web) Ediţie apărută şi îngrijită sub egida administraţiei reţelei Cronopedia (http://cronopedia.ning.com) Toate drepturile asupra acestei ediţii aparţin autorului şi reţelei Cronopedia. EDITURA FAST EDITING TF. 0723 585 542 e mail geni.duta@gmail.com Tipărit de SIRANI GRUP Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României GĂGEANU,BOGDANA My soul pyramid ~ poems, English version ~/Bogdana Găgeanu. Bucureşti: Fast Editing, 2022 ISBN978 606 9095 71 3 821.135.1
My soul pyramid ~ 3 ~ Bogdana Găgeanu My soul pyramid ~ poems, English version ~ Editura Fast Editing ~ Bucureşti, 2022 ~
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 4 ~ Associatione culturale for Peace and Humanity & World Literary Forum for Peace and Human Rights Competition results "A reflection of souls" Special Award Bogdana Găgeanu -150 books Contest coordinators: Lenuș Lungu & Santosh Kumar Biswa (Bhutan)
To comfort somebody For sickness or for loneliness I wish I could be a toy Because I am perfect for all the ages. Earthquake I can’t live in buildings With too many floors. I am afraid of them There, my wife and my kids died When it was an earthquake. I am emotionally exhausted Always remembering that day And blaming myself for living. I can’t stand higher places Because my heartbeat is very low. I can’t stand higher places And my scars are still asking for answers.
My soul
I wish I could be a toy
pyramid ~ 5 ~ Toy
A teddy bear And I wish that somebody Would hold me in the arms
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 6 ~ Kites I love kites. They make me happy And give me the adrenaline That I need. Kites love the company of kids And play with them all the time. You know why? Because kids don’t grow up They don’t obey rules Just like kites. When I release kites in the air, I imagine that I release a bird. Death is life I saw an abandoned building Very old and very rusty Time has given the verdict there. Usually, abandoned places Are dead places But not now This was a place full of people Full of life,
pyramid ~ 7 ~
Instead of toys.
My soul
Full of children that were laughing Playing with stones
People that were happy Because it was less cold than outside Even if the windows were broken. Here, death is life And the darkness is not black enough. Unfair I was unfair when you died. I blamed God for your death Because it was too painful. But now I realise I was wrong You were suffering too much And God chose to stop your pain. I was selfish I was thinking how much I would miss you Now, I understand. It is better for you beyond this world If that makes you happy.
He’s barking even in the evening He feels the danger at extreme.
He’s barking sometimes to go crazy Not having reasons after all When there’s no barking, he’s too lazy But he’s with me at my next call. My loyal barking is forever My loyal dog who can not die I won’t forget him, never, never... His barking never said a lie. The painter I painted an unusual painting A painting against the rules That comes from the heart Not from the mind. So, they decided to break my hand Not being able to paint any longer
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 8 ~
The loyal barking
He’s barking always in the morning Because he needs to do routine
In order to be happy I think I should feel miserable Because I am happy for my accomplishments But sad for other’s failure I am happy for my situation But I feel miserable for the ones who have nothing I am happy for what I have But I feel miserable that I keep asking I am happy for being healthy But I forget that other people lost somebody You feel happy and miserable Happy misery of conscience.
My soul pyramid ~ 9 ~ Because I disrespect the rules. I am sorry but I can not paint with rules Only with my soul. I prefer a broken arm Than a broken soul With a formal art. Happy misery
To make them true
Enough pleasure for the things you do.
But you have little time
This cigarette finishes very quickly You don’t have time to have pleasure
I wish no hate, no blood, no war
There happened a strange crime
Burning Life is a cigarette It lights up with dreams
With hopes, with wind in your mind’s boat
And fill the world with sparkling good I wish the life not to be sour Let’s make the world our neighborhood.
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 10 ~
A witch came in my room
And killed my cat with broom Once upon a time.
Once upon a time
Touching the sky was their shooting
He was waiting for her round Didn’t know she was a pray.
They really liked parachuting
Flying above Heaven
It seemed... there was a price to pay. He jumped... and it was all right
Flying was their biggest passion Flying was their living fashion Until that terrible day. That day, everything seemed normal But stood behind paranormal Weather seemed like a good friend
It was sunny, perfect sight
The, he landed to the ground
My soul pyramid ~ 11 ~ You are always in a race You are always on the edge And when you finish it, When you finish accomplishing, You don’t have time to live. The cigarette burns And what you did is only smoke.
It seemed there was no crying end
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 12 ~ Now, it really came her turn Didn’t know he’s gonna mourn And gave her a kiss... no shame She jumped... but the nightmare came She was gonna die today. The parachute didn’t open And his heart was just so broken She just died under his eyes She just fell out of the skies All the clouds became so grey. Cherita Homeless and hungry Today, thanking God for less Hoping for more tomorrow Invisible for people Visible for hungry dogs Touched by the mercy of angels in dreams.
~ 13 ~
What If I’m cash broke? I don’t have rich worries. What If I’m love broke? I will find the right guy. What if I’m friends broke? I don’t need false friends. What if I’m hope broke? I will borrow it from God. What if I’m dream broke? I will borrow one from a bird. Broken Broken feathers of a dream Broken nights with sound of scream Broken spells and broken songs Broken mirror beauty longs Broken pages of a book Broken train the one I took Broken clouds are full of rain Broken heart a love in vain.
My soul pyramid Broke
This curse river is coming Through sad people It choses only them Because they get more wiser From all the trouble they have. The curse river is not for everybody Only for the ones who can Accept fate with no hate.
I am coming to your pyramid
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 14 ~ Couplet
Your heart pyramid To connect with your supernatural power. You are my energetic inspiration And when I feel you I become a super woman. The reflections in your voice
Loving me is my only treasure That the world can not take and measure. Curse river
My soul pyramid ~ 15 ~ Make me feel your inner guidance. I am coming to your pyramid Where the gods are humans. I wish I could... I wish I could tell you That I was a strong oak Before becoming an old wood That I was a beautiful flower Before withering so quickly That I was a talented musician Before my voice died That I saw beauty Before I was blind I wish I could, but you don’t listen. Chess game What for am I chosen? Am I chosen to protect my family Or to protect my country? What should I choose? I am caught in this chess game And I don’t know what move to make.
It seems like yesterday
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 16 ~
Two worlds
How can I choose?
It was a child, a butterfly in flowers Being so free and happy
Somebody will win, but not me Because I can’t breathe with a half of heart My destiny is to forget, but will I forget him?
And then, everything is grey
And all she does is counting money
Yesterday was just the world I lost today. Magazine
I wish my life to be a magazine
But a magazine with truth Not with fake images
With no hope, just chains. I feel I can’t breathe I feel I can’t live I am a puppet without smile I lost the girl I used to play with She is an adult, full of worries
The clouds want to come But they don’t start the rain They are blushing in front of you Amazed by you. The rain does not start Because she is jealous on you That if you are wet, You will be more beautiful. And so, the sun remains your partner
My soul pyramid ~ 17 ~ With real things Not with a false happiness With a heavy road Not with a false success A magazine with a whole person With angels and bad spirits With backward and forward I wish my life to be a magazine With real pages of becoming somebody.
Blushing Today is a beautiful day And you are beautiful
He is the spotlight and you, the model.
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 18 ~ Too much quiet When we were too busy, We were complaining That is too much noise And we wanted a break Now, there is quiet Too much quiet And empty places No people, no atmosphere. I miss noisy people Only a dog is barking Asking me why There is so much quiet. Falling down Sometimes, I’m down But I realise I have to move on For the sake of people I love Because they want me high They want me to reach the top So, this is my motivation This is the engine that has superpowers If I fall, they fall, too.
So, I have to push them forward And the world could be a galaxy of dreamers. Once Once, I met a Nigerian friend He had a good soul But he was afraid to show himself. I showed him the mirror And I told him to look inside him To discover his real image. He started to get out from the shell And saw the beauty of being natural. Maybe, there are also bad characters But he should let them vanish He is like a postcard that needs to arrive Only to people who need him. Fortune teller I don’t know if I would like To be a fortune teller I don’t know how I would react If I would predict unhappy things If I will be able to tell the truth to people
My soul
pyramid ~ 19 ~
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 20 ~
Or if I would feel miserable And prefer to tell them a lie. This is a hard choice Especially when you are working With porcelain hearts. Spilled coffee I was rushing to work When I stumbled upon him And I spilled his coffee On his new suit. But, in that moment I fell in love with him. That spilled coffee spilled attraction Between our eyes I told him I would clean his suit He told me he would clean my soul We kissed and the smell of our love Was the smell of hot, burning coffee.
My soul pyramid ~ 21 ~ Kiwi You blew away the candles And had a wish: To have an exotic vacation. I did not have so much money For an exotic place But I bought you kiwi And I filled the fridge with it So it could be exotic. I painted you a kiwi on the ceiling So it could be exotic. Our home is an exotic place Because it’s just you and me And our love, Our wild love. I am poor I know I am poor And I have no money Everybody judges me Only looking in my wallet. But I give smiles every day, Free of charge.
shining in the morning Even for blind people They can’t see it But they feel it.
your mouth! If you
your eye!
smile, It
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 22 ~ I wish I could only buy a bread one day With a smile. Wrapped
If want a is wrapped on want a is wrapped in If you want a It is wrapped in your If you want faith, It is wrapped in your soul! If you want conscience, It is wrapped in your mind! has given to many are still is
tear, It
gifts Which
wrapped! Doing good The sun
My soul pyramid ~ 23 ~ I continue doing good deeds Even for people who are too blind to see it Hoping that, one day, They would feel it. Love as gas I stopped at the gas station To buy some gas for my engine But they don’t have What I am looking for. I need love gas Cause my heart, my engine Won’t work without it. Hey, Sir, can you borrow me some love gas? Darts You are playing with me darts You are throwing your arrows in me With no mercy. I am like a game for you Without life, Just for fun. But what happens
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 24 ~ If I become the arrow? Haiku Memories haunt me They have a strong bitter taste The fog of my past... Fishing I am fishing new ideas, Words that were lost in the ocean I am fishing hearts That need to be discovered I am fishing hopes for a better world I am fishing dreams That were forgotten I am fishing stories That must be read I am fishing the sunrise From the sky. You can start fishing, too! You won’t succeed at first But have patience, you will make it!
My soul pyramid ~ 25 ~ Beggars Are we beggars, If we search for love? Are we beggars, If we search for compassion? Are we beggars, If we search for help? Are we beggars Or only souls in need? Nonet The land of Tibet is so sacred Buddha is living here disguised As a powerful, strong yak People eat his good meat I can never eat I worship him As Pray.Leaderfather
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 26 ~ Alcohol addiction I, usually, don’t drink alcohol But now I am addicted I drink it all the time. I am an BecauseBecausealcoholicofyou,Ilostyou. You can’t see my tears I drowned them in this bottle And left them behind. You say I have a lover My only lover is my bottle That gives me kisses day and night. Bloody Mary Come to the bar! Would you like to drink A Bloody Mary?
I found my solace at the monastery Where, every day, I talked to the sky. When it was sunny, I knew my soul spreads light When it was raining, I knew I had blue ocean In my eyes. I realized that I started To search for my soul again. I asked the birds where I can find it They sang a song About small pieces of soul Which were left To different people. Each bird will come back With a small piece
My soul pyramid ~ 27 ~ It is made from the bitterness of life Mixed with the taste of a fresh tomato Fresh like my love for you. Try and drink! You are my vampire And I am your victim. Monastery
And God will blow His grace Above them And reborn my soul. The lake
I am a
I am beautiful Because I have lotus Which has a lot of buds. But when the winter is coming, I am frozen And only skaters come To dance with me. Cartoon I want to be a cartoon To make people laugh When they are sad. I want to be a cartoon To look myself in the mirror And laugh when I am sad.
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 28 ~
To remind me that I am
My soul be a
An adult with a child’s soul. Flick-flack
Jump Whenover.youhave negative thoughts, Do some flick flack And change them into positive thoughts. When your mind is blocked, Do some flick flack And fight the right solution. When your heart is hurt, Do some flick flack And find the right person. Do some flick flack
To become stronger And to make life a great gymnast.
pyramid ~ 29 ~ I want to
When you have obstacles in your way, Do some flick flack
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 30 ~ The lost composer You were the lemon in my tea You showed me life is not easy You were so healthy, but so sour You started in my heart a war. You were, in fact, my strongest brandy I was for you, your little candy You were for me, the greatest essence I was for you, your sweetest presence. Now, you’re a singer without song Because there’s something going wrong You can’t compose me any more There will be nothing like before. Books People are books. Some of them have white pages They have nothing to tell. Some of them have a few written pages They experience Still, they have to learn
To be blind, but to see beyond his eyes Chosen by God To feel what others can not feel To feel the beauty of inside And not the fake from the outside. He was destined to see only the truth And not the lies on people’s lips
He was chosen by God
Destiny’s choice
My soul pyramid ~ 31 ~ And some of them Have the whole written book And leave behind memories. Garbage Today, you threw away my things You said they’re only garbage But you threw away my life, too. You threw away my wishes You threw away my love Because you made them garbage.
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 32 ~ He was happy not to see So many masks around This child was destined to smile Although he was blind. People thought he was crazy But he thanked God For seeing what he had to see. Stumble I stumble like a baby Always learning how to walk Always learning how to make steps. Even if am not a child any more I am still a baby Because I always stumble When learning new things And I am very curious. I do baby learning every day And life teaches me new games.
My soul pyramid ~ 33 ~ Casino My whole life is a casino I played everything And risked everything To become what I want. I played my tears, my mistakes I played my sleep and my awake hours I played my questions and my answers I hope my life will have a five star ticket. The souls need to be read The souls need to be read Like books. The souls need to be opened Like books. Don’t read them like newspapers In a Readhurry.them carefully! Pay attention to details! If you skip something, You might lose a lesson of life.
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 34 ~ Twisting game Use your tongue Either as a snake To kill Cleopatra Either as Cleopatra To make men fall at her feet. The owl Life taught me to be an owl I distinguish much better The hidden traps In the dark night. I am not afraid I have better senses I am a wise owl Facing the black part of life. Look through me! Look through me! Watch inside me! I am your mirror! Give me your pain
My soul pyramid ~ 35 ~ I will give you love Give me your mistakes I will give you the correct path Give me your slippers And I will put you on high heels After all, the mirror is the other side of the problem! Poetry as a prayer Is poetry a prayer? Yes, it Becauseis.the poet is praying For a better world And he is revealing his soul Talking to God in rhymes, Giving Him riddles to solve And asking His unlimited mercy. Time speaks Time is our enemy He is the lawyer of accusation He speaks for himself. He is not our defender He fights against us With his weapon:the clock.
AndImmortalnotsurrounded by death. But even gods can die In people’s hearts When they are not worshiped. Haiku The taste is bitter Take some honey from my soul For this global tea.
When something do you want to say Think twice, so it will be okay Cause all you do it has a price Karma’s the whole world device. Gods We want to be like gods
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 36 ~ Karma’s device
pyramid ~ 37 ~ Seasons
My soul
When I am born, I am like a blossomed tree But when I die, The winter of Death takes everything from me. After the storm After the storm comes, Not many friends remain And so, you clean your life In the hard times. Needs I am so hungry But I don’t want a steak Just a piece of bread. I want a roof above my head But I don’t want a villa I want a small house. I am so cold But I don’t want fashion clothes Just clothes to keep me warm.
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 38 ~ These are normal needs But for me, they mean God’s existence. Haiku MyBitesRestlessnessinnervoice. Dreams Dreams are like flowers They come true When you take care of them every day And you don’t neglect them. That is when they start to blossom. Slice We always want more: A slice of pizza, A slice of cake, A slice of free time, A slice of tenderness, A slice of life.
My soul pyramid ~ 39 ~ The owl in the bedroom I am a late night owl That lives in a bedroom I like the foggy night When everything is silent And I talk privately with the moon About people’s trust in stars. What foolish people! I know better the irony of not seeing. Nothing is forever Nothing is Everythingforeverdiesand then, rebirths Let it go without remorse! If you don’t, you won’t have peace. We are like nature We have all the four seasons And we suffer changes On the outside and inside. Detach from the old view Because God has other plans with you! Mankind changes all the time And gets used to new.
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 40 ~ My temple I want to speak with myself With my loneliness And nature will witness My inner lava And my struggle. Blessings We live in this world when we love it When everything is a blessing for us Even the small problems. Everything is a blessing Because we reach a higher level A level of spirituality And we understand That we have a mission. You can’t say you can’t love an orchard Only because of a worm.
My soul pyramid ~ 41 ~ cinquain SilverSnowingover trees Burning leaves are chilling Cold, fresh state of mind Winter. Inclusion What people see as a handicap It is actually a different perspective Inclusion is the best chance Of not choosing only one colour, but the whole rainbow. Too much pain I had a big surgery You broke my heart So deep, that it’s bleeding I lose a lot of blood But I can’t lose what I feel for you. I will remain with scars And with a bleeding trust In ever man I meet.
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 42 ~ Instead of „yes”, there will be „maybe” Instead of butterflies, There will be questions Instead of dreams, There will be nightmares. Drink love! Drink love If you want to live! Drink love as a magic potion For the poison of life. Don’t look for it in shops This is not original Find it in someone’s arms! My sick paradise My paradise is sick Because I was affected By the pollution from dirty minds I need to go to a washing service And clean my life’s engine.
My soul pyramid ~ 43 ~ Haiku Neverending love Neverending fairytale We are so timeless. The betrayal You were kissing other While you were swearing You love me. Your kiss is not trustful It is Juda’s kiss Your proof of betrayal What seemed to be love It is actually a selfish act What seemed to be sweet It is actually sour and painful But your lips were so sweet And I was so addicted to them!
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 44 ~ My name is Teddy You are sitting in front of the store And you are looking at me. I know you want to buy me Only for yourself But you’re ashamed Because you are a grown up. I know you still like playing I know you are still a kid Come and buy me! I will be your best friend My world is so fluffy I will give you my paw when you need. The same highway We are on the same highway Even though we started different directions But somehow, we reached the same point. This highway of love Is the point where our hands shake And our view is common Even if we are back to back Love is blind, but safe.
pyramid ~ 45 ~ Humility or humiliation?
I stand humiliation Anybody needs a chance
Humility is the sensation That can make you be a glance Being humble is the power You will use in dirty dance. Passion is my fuel Without it, I am a zombie That only breathes. No passion, no purpose to live for No passion, just robotic existence No passion means nothing to teach others. V-hearts
My soul
We are V hearts That have come from another world. V for the victory of souls Against vengeance. You are my Zorro
And I am your Spanish beauty That dances the flamenco of love fools.
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 46 ~
That scratched the V on my heart
Victory of Venice, the lovers nest!
Winter fantasy
In winter night With snowflakes on my window That are bright under the moonlight. Winter wind is singing a carol To our door and chimney And then, goes to other houses. Winter fantasy white land of pure landscape. Nightmares I am trying to have a normal life After that fire. Hidden emotions are coming back to me
And I have nightmares. I am alive But my soul is trying to survive
Winter fantasy
My soul pyramid ~ 47 ~ I can’t believe My life was about to end. Everybody thinks that I am strong But these hidden emotions terrify me: I am alive And my parents are dead. Don’t be a Pinocchio! Don’t be a Pinocchio! You know what happened to him! A liar is made from smoke No substance at all! He OnceAWhenvanishesheiscaught.liarisabadmagicianpeopleknowthetrick, You can’t fool them anymore. The toxic smell There is a toxic smell That spreads very fast Among people.
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 48 ~ The smell of greed Is like a cannibal Who never stops Eating human flesh. Greed is never satisfied She wants all She is always hungry She always has servants That are selling their souls for a penny. Are we brave? What does it mean to be brave? To fight with a gun? To have muscles? Or maybe confronting Our own fears every day We are warriors In the jungle of the mind And in the labyrinth of heart. Venice Venice, city of people that can love The town of carnivals and nice, strange masks
My soul pyramid ~ 49 ~ Acumen strategy of christic dove And hearts that do a lot of crazy tasks. Romeo and Juliet, true love saints My soul hears vows and empty spaces paints The keys of love are there, you see the bridge? My heart is melting... love is not a fridge. Give up on you I can give up on you If you are not happy with me If you don’t feel what I feel If we can’t be as a family. I can give up on you For your sake and for your heart Because I am only a cloud That stands before the sun. I can give up on you Releasing my beautiful bird That wants to fly away For finding a new nest.
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 50 ~ Palindrome barkingDog alone death is near Dog.alonenearWistfulisdeathbarking Tautogram Born babies, bubbling beautifully Bouncing brotherhood By Big Boss Being baptized by God. Haiku The trees are talking They whisper me not to bend When the clouds are mad.
My soul pyramid ~ 51 ~ Heavy days Heavy days! Heavy clouds upon us! Heavy plays Minus and no plus. Cloudy pain No sunshine appear Cloudy rain All that I can hear. Touching God The wings of the airplane Are touching God. They found Him, Disguised as rarefied air And foggy clouds. Haiku Look at all stars Shining above the small Earth Painting hard to touch.
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 52 ~ Bullying Stop bullying! Step into my shoes for once To see how I feel. I should revenge And do the same treatment That you did to me But I am not that type. Stop bullying! Feel people! If you can’t make something good, Just walk away! It is better for you and me. Stop bullying Stop killing our own soul with hate! 96. Don’t listen to the peacock! Don’t listen to the peacock! It is your pride That wants to be the most important. Taste from the peach! It is your heart, A fruit with no worms!
bag To stand such weight They
too heavy, even for my heart.
My is contain is no such are
no such bag That bag, so it can
All my memories of life. There
soul pyramid ~ 53 ~ Clown tears Don’t underestimate my tears! I can make you cry, As much as I can make you laugh. Clown tears are more precious Than normal tears Because they contain both laughter and cry. Bag There
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 54 ~ Sweat I like when I sweat Because this is the result of hard work The result of no sleep. But this dedication for my dreams, This type of sweat Does not smell bad. Musical I play in a musical My life is on notes. Some notes are jolly, Some notes are sad. But the mixture between them Makes the musical a variety of sounds.
My soul pyramid ~ 55 ~ Cuprins Toy Earthquake5 5 Kites Death6is life 6 Unfair 7 The loyal barking 8 The painter 8 Happy misery 9 Sparkling good 10 Limerick 10 Burning 10 Flying above Heaven 11 Cherita 12 Broke CurseCoupletBroken131314river 14 Pyramid 14 I wish I could... 15
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 56 ~ Chess game 15 Two worlds 16 Magazine 16 Blushing 17 Too much quiet 18 Falling down 18 Once Fortune19 teller 19 Spilled coffee 20 Kiwi 21 I am poor 21 Wrapped 22 Doing good 22 Love as gas 23 Darts AlcoholNonetBeggarsFishingHaiku2324242525addiction 26 Bloody Mary 26 Monastery 27 The lake 28 Cartoon 28
My soul pyramid ~ 57 ~ Flick-flack 29 The lost composer 30 Books Garbage3031 Destiny’s choice 31 Stumble 32 Casino 33 The souls need to be read 33 Twisting game 34 The owl 34 Look through me! 34 Poetry as a prayer 35 Time speaks 35 Karma’s device 36 Gods AfterSeasonsHaiku363637thestorm 37 Needs 37 Haiku TheSliceDreams383838owlinthe bedroom 39 Nothing is forever 39
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 58 ~ My temple 40 Blessings 40 cinquain TooInclusion4141muchpain 41 Drink love! 42 My sick paradise 42 Haiku 43 The betrayal 43 My name is Teddy 44 The same highway 44 Humility or humiliation? 45 Fuel 45 V hearts 45 Winter fantasy 46 Nightmares 46 Don’t be a Pinocchio! 47 The toxic smell 47 Are we brave? 48 Venice 48 Give up on you 49 Palindrome 50 Tautogram 50 Haiku 50
My soul pyramid ~ 59 ~ Heavy days 51 Touching God 51 Haiku ClownBullying5152tears 53 Bag CuprinsMusicalSweat53545455
Bogdana Găgeanu ~ 60 ~
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