Reeditare electronică cu acceptul direct al coordonatorilor SANTOSH KUMAR BISWA & LENUŞ LUNGU şi al Bibliotecii Cronopedia, realizată de Ioan Muntean
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Santosh Kumar Biswa & Lenuş Lungu coordinators
want Peace,
Santosh Kumar Biswa & Lenuş Lungu
we don't want war ~ poems, anthology ~
We want Peace, we don't want war
Redactor: Lenuş Lungu
Coperta: Ioan Muntean (prelucrare foto web)
Tehnoredactare şi corectură: Ioan Muntean Grafică, ilustrare: Ioan Muntean (foto web)
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We want Peace, we don't want war: poems, anthology / coord.: Santosh Kumar Biswa & Lenuş
Lungu. Bucureşti: Fast Editing, 2022 ISBN 978-606-9095-73-7
I. Santosh Kumar Biswa (coord.)
II. Lungu, Lenuş (coord.)
EDITURA FAST EDITING TF. 0723 585 542 e mail Tipărit de SIRANI GRUP
Santosh Kumar Biswa & Lenuş Lungu coordinators
We want Peace, we don't want war 3
We want Peace, we don't want war ~ poems, anthology ~ Editura Fast Editing ~ Bucureşti, 2022 ~
We want Peace, we don't want war
Let'sgivePeaceachance! WithstrengthandcouragewecryforPeace. Wewantpeace!
Call for peace
These wars must end. Stop the genocide!
Rivers of blood and bitter tears flowed enough. People are killed by bullets. We should think about the future, about a better life for children. Do constructive things, don't destroy everything in your path. The war changed the world, but not literary values. Every day we are more and more devastated to see so much human suffering, anxiety, despair and destruction. Most of the women and children were forced to flee the war to other countries. Our hearts, our emotions go out to all these innocent victims. On the one hand, we have a heavy heart. We have to keep our heads clear. The war changed the world. Stand in solidarity with all the victims of too many wars in our fragile world, appeal to world political leaders.
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
Let's give Peace a chance!
The immense deliberate destruction, but above all the thousands of lives lost - soldiers, civilians, men, women and children must prompt all the world's political leaders, the entire international community, to take a firm stand against the atrocities, but also for the responsibility of those who produced them. Join the rest of the world for peace. Let's give freedom a chance, let's give a better life a chance, let's give children a chance for education. We hope that the Euro Atlantic political forces can find a way for a peaceful dialogue. People cannot be dictated when and whom to fear, when and whom to pity. No state has so far been able to control people's feelings. Instead of flying pigeons, we see flying rockets. The world we live in will not improve with war, only with peacekeeping measures.
With strength and courage we cry for Peace.
We want peace!
Lenuş Lungu
Giuseppe Iannarelli
Giuseppe Iannarelli, nasce nel piccolo paese Lucano di Colobraro, Italia, il 25 dicembre 1973 da padre italiano e madre tedesca. Oggi vive a Rocca Imperiale, Calabria, Italia. Poeta impegnato da diversi anni nella lotta per i diritti umani, difesa dell'ambiente e la pace nel mondo. Ha pubblicato diversi libri di poesia e un saggio in prosa, presente su numerose antologie poetiche in Italia e nel mondo.
Organizzatore di eventi finalizzati alla sensibilizzazione per la salvaguardia ambientale, la difesa dei diritti umani e la Pace nel mondo. Membro attivo di 100 Thousand Poets for Change e diversi gruppi Internazionali di poesia e letteratura impegnata. Nel 2022 riceve la nomina di Ambasciatore Internazionale di Pace dal World Literary Forum for Peace and Human Rights.
Tra le sue frasi più celebri, scritta durante i mesi più difficili della pandemia, si ricorda:
Abbiamo dovuto subire il carcere del corpo per conoscere le vere prigioni della nostra anima.
We want Peace, we don't want war
Scomparso il tuo nome cancellato. Identità rubata alla storia al pianto di tua madre, alla gloria.
Scomparso nel silenzio della notte, fra le mani della morte, nei campi di concentramento.
Scomparso disobbediente, contestatore, o solo diverso, nemico di ogni dittatore
Scomparso nel volo della morte. Corpo caduto dal cielo fra le correnti del Rio de la plata, nelle gelide acque dell’Atlantico.
Scomparso fra le braccia vuote di una mamma. Il tuo nome, il tuo ricordo
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
nel suo pianto, Plaza de Mayo, il suo canto.
Scomparso fra enormi cumuli di ossa, fra mille croci anonime, nei gulag russi, nelle foibe triestine.
Scomparso fra le ceneri di Auschwitz, nelle camere a gas di Dachau nel ghetto di Varsavia.
Scomparso in una vasca di calce viva nel lager di Fenestrelle. Cancellato dai libri di storia.
Scomparso qualunque sia la tua Nazione, la tua resistenza, la tua storia, nel cuore conservo la tua memoria. Desaperecidos.
I cingoli dei carri armati
Forse, sotto l'asfalto tritato dai cingoli dei carri armati dei germogli nasceranno, quando da tempo, negli antri bui dei palazzi bombardati resiste ancora un solo valoroso soldato.
Fra le macerie, combattono uomini armati forse veterani o volontari. Forse, qualcuno li ha semplicemente obbligati. L'uno contro l'altro, impauriti, disperati. Fra di loro uno vincerà e conquisterà una terra dove l'altro ha seppellito i suoi morti, ha piantato le sue croci. Forse ritorneranno le giovani madri fuggite a piedi con i figli.
Forse, troveranno un marito da abbracciare o neanche una croce sulla quale piangere.
We want Peace, we don't want war
I bimbi torneranno a giocare nelle piazze, sulle pozze di sangue da tempo cancellate. Forse, sotto l'asfalto tritato dai cingoli dei carri armati un germoglio si fa strada portando alla luce un fiore. Presto nascerà il fiore della libertà avrà mille volti diversi. Presto, la guerra avrà conquistato quattro pagine in un libro di storia. Ci sarà un tribunale per i vinti e i vincitori. Qualcuno giudicherà, assolverà i giusti e condannerà chi ha sbagliato. Le carceri avranno i loro criminali. Le Nazioni celebreranno nuovi eroi e commemoreranno nuovi martiri.
I nostalgici ricorderanno
In clandestinità il loro leader criminale. Nasceranno nuove piazze con monumenti dedicati ai caduti, dove ogni anno un nuovo Presidente poserà una corona di fiori e un nuovo Papa si inginocchierà a pregare,
We want Peace, we don't want war 11
We want Peace, we don't want war
chiederà perdono ed ammonirà: mai più nella storia dell'umanità. I bambini scampati alle bombe diverranno anziani sopravvissuti, racconteranno la loro guerra daranno un volto e una storia a quei nomi ammassati su una lapide, erano Uomini e Donne e, qualcuno, piangendo dirà: la mia mamma é morta per la libertà, questo soldato era il mio Papà, ma nessuno gli darà ascolto. Gli Stati torneranno ancora a fare le guerre, ed avranno ogni uno la propria terra dove seppellire nuovi morti. Quando, sotto l'asfalto tritato dai cingoli dei carri armati, in un paese lontano nascerà un germoglio e porterà alla luce il fiore della pace, saremo forse troppo distanti per credere che si possa morire in guerra da soldati, fratelli, l'uno contro l'altro schierati. O da civili indifesi, donne, bambini e anziani schiacciati dai cingoli dei carri armati.
Naufrago in una tempesta di miserie umane.
Una lacrima che cadendo muore inghiottita in un oceano di pregiudizi.
Una mano tesa verso l'indifferenza, trascinata a fondo da un corpo che annega nel mare dell'odio, nel mare dell’indolenza.
Avrei dovuto abitarci con l’anima nei tuoi pensieri nelle tue emozioni nei tuoi desideri nelle tue paure,
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
come un devoto che entra nel tempio della sua divinità.
Ma più facile è stato occuparti come una stanza d’albergo, dove mai sarei tornato una seconda volta, lasciata all’ultimo minuto, incurante di non aver tirato neppure lo sciacquone.
Come un diavolo che abbandona una chiesa sconsacrata.
Temporale estivo
Ci sono giorni dove la luce ha origini sconosciute e le nuvole si increspano ovattate disegnando metafore congeniali ai più fantasiosi. Nel silenzio fuligginoso
We want Peace, we don't want war
i pensieri si trascinano su sentieri asfaltati di sogni e la vita resta sospesa in un'atmosfera uggiosa. Come in una cartolina in bianco e nero tutto ha un sapore remoto ed il rumore dei colori tace.
Ci sono giorni che mitigano l'estate con scrosci d'acqua improvvisi e fulmini che squarciano il cielo, adatti a far respirare la solitudine, l'abbandono, l'arretratezza che già persiste nell'aria prima che si spengano anche gli ultimi fuochi fatui.
Bogdana Găgeanu
My name is Bogdana Găgeanu. I am a writer. I have received many international awards and national awards. I published in many anthologies.
I had interviews with Ayo Gutierrez, Loi Monroe, Gelda Castro, Dennis Brown, Helen Sarita,Dustin Pickering,Veronica Pingol.
Some of my poems were recited by Alan Johnson.
I was the coordinator of the First International Congress of Poet, organised by Lenuș Lungu.
We say „Peace”, but we action as war
Do we really know what does it mean the word”peace”? Do we understand the real value of this word?
Some of us use it just in theory but not in practice. We just like being semn as peaceful people but we do not prove it. That is why war starts . Peace means to not conquer other territory, to respect other territory and its value. Peace does not mean to be superior to others.
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
If we make war,, we destroy the harmony of the Universe. The war starts because some of us want power, not harmony. When somebody wants power, that person wants to become the supreme leader of the world.In this case, power means distruction. Peace means living a normal life together, with borders of respect and unity when it comes to humanity.
Do you have conscience?
Do you have conscience
When you kill somebody?
Do you feel guilt?
Maybe you will receive a trophy
And have a bigger function
But you won’t have the silence of your soul. Because that spirit wants justice
To be restored and it will be haunting you.
The giving gift
When you give, think about happiness
Think about a smiling face
Think about the comfort
Think about a barefoot wearing a shoe
We want Peace, we don't want war
Think about a hot soup in winter time
Think about a cake for a homeless birthday
The giving gift means the warmth
The warmth of restoring hearts.
Plenty space
There is plenty space
Plenty space in my heart
If you want to join me.
I know it is a modest space
But it is filled with love
Because my heart is kind And it is bigger.
Kindness makes it bigger.
What would you...
What would you buy?
A car or a book?
What would you give?
Your life or your conscience?
What would you be?
A spirit or a machine?
What would you do?
Would you copy or would you change the rules
Sofija Đokić Sofke
Sofija Đokić Sofke was born in 1970 in the Republic of Croatia. She writes poetry and prose for adults and children. She lives and works in Serbia. Man
Man, you are powerful only then when you rule yourself and not others... When you win with your mind and you leave the past court of time... True, the way you were born without condemnation and prejudice it was given to you by god your true nature! That is your purpose
want Peace, we
don't want war 19
We want Peace, we don't want war
which should remain in you and with you forever! And that is your power!
The heart of the poet
Nobody in the world knows who I am, or where I live... And I want to give a meaning to your life I am an optimist and I will not give up because for each other we need to know! We also have bruises and our wounds are also bleeding both mine and that from the other end of the planet!
And so we provide each other's hands and let the verses fly full of love and warmth! And you will see how strong it is and omnipotent the heart of a poet which connects differences and distances!
We want Peace, we don't want war
Take of your mask, restore your identity and have your own self! Stop pleasing others! Don't be submissive not committed be beautiful and free. If you once stepped into the mud that doesn t mean that light illuminate your feet! Shine, you are dry gold and say, tell everyone in the mustache that which lies on your soul. Destroy, rot everything without waiting and guessing. Woman, it's a shame to be silent!
I don't know who you are and you don't know who I am... I'm sending my thoughts tonight... And I collect tears from your cheeks just enough to see
that you are not alone in the sorrow of their defeats ..! I'm far, on the other side of the world and I can't do anything else to give and give to you, in addition to support and a few words to realize that you are not alone! And tomorrow, when it dawns new day, I hope you will be happy And I will be smiling, together with you!
We want Peace, we don't want war
I don’t have such big hands that can embrace the whole world!
But again I have for that solution too! That whole big world it stands in my heart, sometimes I take it out I pardon and return... And then I realize! That whole world is me touched the same way.
We want Peace, we don't want war
He returned my love without touch. Because... It is quite easy to love you just need to have a heart. And we humans have it! .
Vasanth Kumar
I’m Mr. Vasanth Kumar VP, professionally I’m a teacher in a High School, working for about 24 years and teaching English. I’m a bilingual Poet. I write both in Kannada and English. Writing poetry is my hobby and I started it when I was studying +2. In the beginning I was writing in Kannada as my mother tongue is the same language. Then I was encouraged by my friends and inspired by Shakespearean writings. Some of my English poems were published in the National News Paper called *The New Indian Express*. I seriously started writing during the lockdown period in 2019. It’s a great privilege for me and I made the best use of that time. Even I have participated in a poetic marathon called *#Pet Me Not Leave*.This event brought me immense pleasure and instilled confidence.
Now I have written more than 600 poems, many articles and essays. I’m actively participating in many International Literary Organizations. FB is my great platform where I recognized by hundreds of Literary Organizations /Groups and helped me to recognize myself even.
The followings are my Awards & Appointments:
Award of INSPIRATOR conferred by WHO.
International Writers Award 2020 Inker of the year 2020
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
Outstanding / Masterpiece Award for my Poems by ILA Magazine
Global Vice President GLC Nigeria
Ambassador Peace and Love Inkers Society
Child Rescue Ambassador IQRA Foundation
*The Most Powerful Thinker*of the year 2021 GLT Nigeria
Ambassador IFCH Morocco
Group Ambassador Passion Of Poetry
Ambassador A Compendium Of Literary Minds
Founding member of many poetic groups.
Stop holocaust, stand for peace
Is the Holocaust justified?
No religion is infected
With affection, love and mercy
Nature’s pure proportions Are just that…
For their stupidity
For their cowardice
And for their bullets
The innocents are becoming victims
The terror may have been
A moment of triumph
But, it is neither real victory
Nor eternal
Humanity is the foundation of any religion
We want Peace, we don't want war
Religion is the source of kindness
They cannot make this world of their own
By sucking the blood of orphans
The helpless and the destitute
Dear folks give up your persistence
Instead, join hands for peace and prosperity of all.
Humanity and human beings (a short essay)
Humanity is nothing but the ability to forgive others in their grief. How does true humanity manifest itself?
Humanity is the capacity for compassion. However, this quality should not be confused with mercy.
The one who shows mercy to others sees them as inferior, unable to trust their power. A compassionate person is one who understands the feelings of another.
But, in most cases where there is no room for understanding, true humanity manifests itself. Humanity is also concerned about the care of older children and their aged parents.
Another source of humanity is nothing but morality.
Previously, it's believed to be the law of relationships between *The God and The Human Beings*.Everyone has this quality and its basis is nothing but, conscience. Morality always protects our spiritual and mental health. This quality helps us to strengthen the human relationships
We want Peace, we don't want war
we remain just a member of this Universe. Why don’t we establish a Universal Brotherhood?
Humanity is an acquired and conscious expression, and it's formed in the process of socialization and education of the individual on the example of significant authorities and it's the highest quality and the human dignity. It's a personality trait and characterized by moral and ethical principles that express humanity in relation to people's daily relationships. The quality of humanity includes kindness, self sacrifice for the good of others. Helpfulness, honesty, compassion, generosity, respect, humility etc. The people are different sometime strict, sometime lenient and sometime cheerful and good natured.
Humanity is the strength of personality and the value of consciously appearing and its expression enriches life.
Either it helps a person or the animal to save their lives. Or it focuses on the status and need of friends and strangers even. So, I hereby would like to proclaim that we all the human beings cultivate humanity *First Be Man* is a great saying of Swamy Vivekananda, a great Indian Hindu Monk and a philosopher.
Oh God!
Where are you?
While there is injustice in the world
And the lawlessness
Will you be here
We want Peace, we don't want war
Despite the difference
You are here without seeing
What nation has worshiped you? Is society changing? Is life changing?
Moving harder? Nothing Oh God!
First make him human being Tell him to learn to live What did God give me? What else did I do?
Instead of being weary What did I do to someone?
Sit in silence
Let him consider himself Oh God?
If a man realizes his mistakes Then he will be saved
This society is also uplifting God, will you be here forever?
Need a serious discussion a short essay)
The main reason for war and communalism is nothing but the lack of communication. It fueling the flames of *International Conflict*. The direct exchange of ideas between the two or more countries is reduced. They rely on
We want Peace, we don't want war
second class media that transmits twisted information about each other. These second class medias include not only the provocative speeches of political and religious leaders, but also the print and electronic media. Now social media has also been instrumental in spreading misconception and rumors.
Religious class in the meantime a system of direct, broad and continuous exchange of ideas is required at all levels. This mutual exchange must take place at the highest leadership and intellectual level and at the village level and on the streets and at the grassroots level. There should be a permanent system of such exchange of ideas. If necessary, misunderstanding each other at the right time and quickly.
There is also a need to convince the neighboring countries of the seriousness of the problem.
Many countries are involved in intense internal strife and this fire is now uncontrolled by any country in a vast globe. The fire can be taken away by any country. This can make the dreams of the minorities as well as the dreams of majority. Therefore, no matter what the political stance of the people, all must unite to fight against racism and communalism on the social level. It’s necessary to convince the people of the countries that this tendency is fatal to the whole globe. The rule of law is the most important foundation of any civil society and the collective responsibility of the society or country is to resist the lethal tendency of law enforcement. Influential people of all the classes must be brought forward to create
We want Peace, we don't want war
communal harmony in society. Intellectuals social and religious leaders, women, student leaders, journalists, advocates need to be activated. There should be serious discussion in the open environment on matters of rational and religious disagreement.
Fight for peace and prosperity
Blood is blood
Whether it’s poor man Or the rich, it’s red All human being s Are bom to live But, while growing They become different Some becomes rich And some becomes poor The hierarchy begins within People starts discriminate
People starts hate
Why these differences among folks?
Why the war?
Though he knows That it brings us mar
Whether the war happens In the East or the west Or it happens in the North or the South Wherever it happens
We want Peace, we don't want war
It bring us bloodshed
And destroys the peace among the folks
And broken the hearts of the innocents
We are advanced in Economics We are advanced in Politics
Advanced in Arms and Ammunition
What’s there in the celebration of victory?
What’s the point of the defeat?
Whatever the development... But, we failed in bringing hearts closer
Join hearts with join hands
Let us change our perspective And all fight for peace and prosperity.
Radha Raman Singh India
War must be the last resort
Conflict and confrontations
Battles and wars
Have remained on this Planet Earth Since time immemorial At every juncture of history And the same would exist Somehow, somewhere.
History of human civilisations
Has witnessed
Battle and war Less or more, near and far
As long as Human ego and arrogance persist Lust of power would exist, Conflict is bound to proliferate Consequently, war is ultimate threat.
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
Preamble to the Constitution of UNESCO Reminds us all
"Since wars begin in the minds of men That in the minds of men, Defences of peace must be constructed " We have deliberately forgotten Lessons from disastrous Consequences of the two World Wars in the past
That war mustn't be The first option but the last.
Eradication of war From our pshyche Is as Utopian as Creation of Utmost just and equal society.
Be that as it may Let's not give up For we have dreams to live up.
War is a man made disaster
Unleashed by man Imposed over mankind Where winner is none Lost by one and all.
Let's all come together To veto the vicious Veto To weed out and vote out
We want Peace, we don't want war
This tool of threat by the P 5, To the rest of the world. This Veto is panacea for the P 5, But which prima facie Degrades and berates Negates and denigrates That very motto of This world body, the UNO "Only One Earth".
Let's all come together To make an all out effort To resolve that War must be The last resort.
Terror is terror only
First you create, nurture, support and promote terror
To intimidate, insulate and run down your rivals Keep them under check Restrict and repress your adversaries And call them good terrorists.
Post disintegration of USSR
You became Big Boss Of this unipolar world And started dictating the terms.
When it boomeranged on you At the cost of colossal loss of lives and property
Only then you felt the pangs of terror
You declare war, Forge a global alliance To tackle the terror Bombard and destroy Wherever you like, Whoever you choose
It's alright, not even iota of protest You wage the war against humanity Continue to occupy The territories sans borders UNO ignored and bypassed Universal Declaration of Human Rights Sidelined and undermined Geneva convention forgotten.
Under the garb of restoring peace
You unleashed the unspeakable terror Exploited and robbed their mines and minerals,
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
Left them in lurch Land absolutely barren n worthless Region resourceless and regressive Populace perplexed and hostile. And then starts unipolar world order Rather than tanks and missiles Modern wars are won with Narratives and rhetorics
Peace like oxygen
Let there be peace anywhere, everywhere. But only to those Who deserve it, Who can conserve it Since it's in danger Anywhere, everywhere.
It must be preserved and protected like endangered wild lives. Those who got it Without any worth Are hell bent upon Making it scarce and rare, Unleashing chaos n terror, Peace must be like oxygen
Which we have around But hardly we care Unless we need it to survive at all costs. Bottom line is unrest anywhere is threat to Peace and order everywhere.
Then comes good terrorism. Mind it man "Terrorism is terrorism is terrorism" Is quite relevant and pertinent quote Coined by your think tank Blackwill Terror can't be justified or legitimised In fact, terror is mindless, senseless and ruthless killing of mankind. It can't be like good or bad Taliban
Taliban has replaced Taliban Terror for terror will decimate
Humanity on this earth. This is just trailor of chaos and anarchy And rest we can see in nightmares. Ghosts of terror will haunt This whole world forever With repercussions graver.
We want Peace, we don't want war
No God made any religion
God made us all the sun and moon, Flora and fauna, Earth and sky, Man and woman.
God didn't create Quran or Bible, Vedas or Adi granth But we, human did.
God didn't made us Hindu, Muslims etc. either Better nor worse
Everyone equal But His best creation Mankind did. Then man made progress In science and thoughts, Work and worship, Faith and philosophy, Then we made religions Followed by division of God Mine and yours.
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
God also didn't make Jesus and Ram But we made them all God.
Then started conflict and war Religions claimed more lives Than wars Ironically, no religion nor any scripture Preaches hatred But mine and yours Have made all the chaos, And upset the cycle.
Better to be atheist than Superstitious. Let's go back to basics. Be just mankind Bereft of conflicting faiths and beliefs Religions and rituals.
Let it be straight chat Between God and His wards From now onwards.
Stateless Afghanistan
After return of Taliban, Afganistan is again In the state of absolute anarchy, Chaos and turmoil
As never before.
Hope of peace and order Survives no more.
Entire populace is under Intense stress running for shelter Hapless, hopeless and helpless Crowds running helter and skeltar Everyone on the soil of Afganistan Is wary of impending war, Anarchy prevails from Kabul to Kandhar.
Governance is out of gear
Everyone, be it pauper or Premier Is living in constant fear
President left the nation in lurch
Enemies of peace, out in his search State of the nation Is in utmost disorder
Stateless, nameless and voiceless Afghans are fleeing out of border.
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
Guns are driving the governance Sharia reinforced at thugs' instance
Goons and ganglords, calling the shots There is none to untangle the knots.
Womenfolk placed again under the veil
Sharia replaced rule of law, under the deal Mind it man, Bombs and bullets can't build trust
Sharia can't sort out all evils, just Guns can't cultivate hopes n grains
Tanks alone can't tackle turbulence Discontent can't be stifled n muzzled
Leaving the vast lot, perplexed n puzzled.
Stateless Afghanistan, is now a barren soil
Where state of the nation Is in absolute turmoil.
Olga Aranđelović
OLGA ARANĐELOVIĆ is an active writer and poet from Serbia. Born in 1948 in Sombor, Serbia. She is a law graduate with a degree from the Judicial Academy. She is a member of the Association of Writers in the Homeland and Diaspora, Novi Sad and the Literary Association of Yugoslavia, Belgrade, as well as many International Literary Societies, with the status of International Ambassador of Peace (World Literary Forum for Peace and Human Rights), Iqra Foundation., Ambassador of Humanity (Every Child Lifeline Foundation) and Ambassador of Culture for 2022 (International Cultural Forum for Humanity and Creativity Syria)
Published collection of poems entitled: "Quarry", first edition, publisher ROID "Vuk Karadzic", Paracin, 1989. ISBN 86 7493 012 3. ISBN 86 7493 017 4. The second book of poetry is in preparation.
She has published her poems in magazines, Almanacs, National and International Anthologies. Awarded by National and International Literary Groups and Societies. Through poetry, she reflects her work on the humanitarian affairs of humanity.
We want Peace, we don't want war
Peace is a light, magic, wisdom and sublimity
Everything that is not peace is suffering Sail into quiet and magical waters through love Praying and seeking more light
The world has always been misled, let it wake up Because it can never reach heavenly charisma and humanity
While there are wars, peace is an illusion
I forgive everyone, because a man is born blind
War is a terrible crime
Terrorism is an even greater crime
A country that allows terrorists to enter and live on its territory is not a state (Author's quote)
War is a crime, Terrorism without a declaration of war is an even greater crime, Those two evils except for individual murders Are the greatest evils for humanity
If in these two evils beside adults Children and babies are suffering,
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
If they are organs for transfusion and transplantation, It's not evil anymore, it's a slaughterhouse, Of living human beings
Where were you citizens of this planet then? Do you know? Are you informed?
When terrorists set fire to living people They bombed sovereign states Ruined "Twins"
Those slaughterhouses had their names
Sometimes these two evils come together, In their hypocrisy, they become victims And at the same time the killers of their nation
Be free, Only by being properly informed, That way you will all be brothers and children of God, That way you will save yourself from hatred and evil That way you will keep the peace And be pure in front of God
Did the dead die in vain
Do you know what war is?
In the war, all feathers fell silent
All the muses disappear
All love dies
Only the soldier's feathers creaked
All happiness and hope are gone
Man's destiny is uncertain
Only cannonade cannons are heard
And great human suffering
Do you know what war is, if you don't have children in it?
These are the students embracing in front of the firing squad
Children thrown into bunkers
Mothers with bloody milk on their breasts
The sum of all the victims of firearms
Mute and silent biological and chemical battle
Everyone suffers, regardless of nation, color and status
Dreams without realization
A sample of all evils
Suicide of a civilization
There is no winner
War provoking neurosis
Free essay topic
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
Would it be better if the war did not happen
To have world without victims
It would be better
Nothing has changed during the war
The dead died in vain
A world without hunger
A world without poverty
A planet without poisoners
Can you imagine a world without hunger?
And a world without poverty?
For some, food is now just a dream
Hunger confuses thoughts and leads to irreversibility
Hunger says: Let me dream, to at least eat in my dreams
With paradise beauties on the planet
The planet says: No,you will be hungry again, they are poisoning me
Those beauties disappear, the erosion of sleep occurs
Theychange climate with poisoning
Will a grain of dream sprout?
Life is a tent that needs to be turned into a golden carpet
And we are the threads that are connected Which intertwine in the tent
We are all one ray of God's light
We want Peace, we don't want war
Is it all a big challenge for us?
Or it just depends on us?
Will we let life guide us?
Or will we manage life?
Do you afraid more of life than death?
There are times when you are desperate You need more courage to live
Don’t give in to character
Believe in yourself, believe in God No pit is deep enough
Not a single cave is dark enough That you can't get out of it Don’t look for salvation
You poor people that have nothing
And you rich people that have everything
Help each other as much as you can Because big disasters come from small mistakes
Children are victims of war, Children are always victims
War poisons the soul
War pervades everything, devastates and leaves ashes behind War is pointless
Death comes at any moment They kill you or you become a killer
We want Peace, we don't want war
In any case, children are victims of war
Whether they were sitting at home looking out the window At ruined houses
Whether they are holding a rifle somewhere in the whirlwind of war
When they lose their parents in the war
They are fighting for a bare life
Children are victims of war
When they watch horrible crimes
When they see death around them
Scattered corpses on the streets
They know it can happen to them too And it happens Mutilated by bombing
And there is a killer for them too
They take part in armed conflicts
They are being judged
They were arrested and imprisoned
In any case, children are victims
They starve in war, they starve in peace
Imprisoned and killed in bunkers
They feel abandoned and helpless
Everyone forgets about them
There is no one to protect them
No one hears them
We want Peace, we don't want war
During peace
They are victims of rape and murder
Kidnapping victims
Tortured by hunger
Made by work
They are persecuted by many states
Exposed to violence
Abandoned by parents
Kidnapped by parents
Placed in other families
The children are refugees
With denied rights
Deprived of childhood
Lost lives
Children just disappear
We want Peace, we don't want war
Professionally I am High School Teacher, working for about 25 years and teaching English. I am a bilingual Poet I write both in Kannada and in English. Writing poetry started even since my college days. Many of my poems published in a National News Paper Called*The New Indian Express*in the year 2000 and 2001 then onwards I left writing for many years. During the lock down period in 2019 due to Covid 19.1 seriously started writing and even participated in a continuous Eight Days Poetic Marathon called * # Pet Me Not Leave*. This event brought me an immense pleasure and confidence to participate with great Luminaries like Ashok Chakravathy Tholana from INDIA and Poetess Ms. Turkan Ergor from TURKEY.
Now I have written more than 600 poems, Many Articles and Essays . I am regularly writing and posting.
Face Book is my best Media and platform for me to recognize and brought me more than 300 certificates and Awards. The followings are the best Awards:
• Award of INSPIRATOR conferred by WHO.
• International Writers Award 2020.
• Inker Of The Year-2020.
• Outstanding Award for Master Of Poems by ILA
• Global Vice President GLC/GLT Nigeria
• Ambassador Peace And Love Inkers Society
We want Peace, we don't want war
• Child Rescue Ambassador IQRA Foundation.
• The Most Powerful Thinker * Of The Year 2021 GLT Nigeria
• Ambassador IFCH Morocco.
• Ambassador Passion Of Poetry ( Esteemed Literary Group)
• Ambassador A Compendium of Literary Minds (An Esteemed Literary Group)
• Founding Member of Poetry Centre.
Stop holocaust, stand for peace
Is the Holocaust justified?
No religion is infected
With affection, love and mercy
Nature’s pure proportions
Are just that
For their stupidity
For their cowardice
And for their bullet
The innocents are becoming victim
The terror may have been A moment of triumph
But, it is neither real victory
Nor eternal
Humanity is the foundation of any religion
Religion is the source of kindness
They cannot make this world of their own
By sucking the blood of orphans
The helpless and the destitute
We want Peace, we don't want war
Dear folks give up your persistence And join hands for peace and
Will you be here forever?
Oh God!
Where are you?
While there is injustice in the world And the lawlessness
Despite the difference
You are here without seeing
What nation has worshiped you?
Is society changing?
Is life changing? Moving harder? Nothing Oh God!
First make him human being Tell him to learn to live
What did God give me? What else did I do?
Instead of being weary
What did I do to someone? Sit in silence
Let him consider himself
Oh God?
If a man realizes his mistakes
Then he will be saved
This society is also uplifting God, will you be here forever?
Need a serious discussion (essay)
The main reason for war and communalism is nothing but the lack of communication. It fuelling the flames of “"International Conflict*. The direct exchange of ideas between the two countries is reduced. They rely on secondclass media that transmits twisted information about each other. These second class media include not only the provocative speeches of political and religious leaders, but also the print and electronic media. Now social media has also been instrumental in spreading misconception and, rumours.
Religious class in the meantime a system of direct, broad and continuous exchange of ideas is required at all levels. This mutual exchange must take place at the highest leadership and intellectual level, and at the village level, and on the streets and at the grassroots level. There should be a permanent system of such exchange of ideas. If necessary, misunderstand each other at the right time and quickly. There is also a need to convince the neighbouring countries of the seriousness of the problem.
Many countries are involved in intense internal strife and this fire is now uncontrolled by any country. In a vast globe. The fire can be taken away by any country. This can make the dreams of the minorities as well as the dreams of majority. Therefore, no matter what the political stance of
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
the people, all must unite to fight against racism and communalism on the social level.
It’s necessary to convince the people of the countries that this tendency is fatal to the whole globe. The rule of law is the most important foundation of any civil society and the collective responsibility of the entire society or country is to resist the lethal tendency of law enforcement.
Influential people of all the classes must be brought forward to create communal harmony in society. Intellectuals, social and religious leaders, women, student leaders, journalists, advocates need to be activated.
There should be serious discuss in the open environment on matters of rational and religious disagreement.
Fight for peace and prosperity
Blood is blood
Whether it’s poor man Or the rich, it’s red All human being s Are bom to live But, while growing They become different Some becomes rich And some becomes poor The hierarchy begins within
We want Peace, we don't want war
People starts discriminate People starts hate
Why these differences among folks?
Why the war? Though he knows That it brings us mar Whether the war happens In the East or the west
Or it happens in the North or the South Wherever it happens It bring us bloodshed And destroys the peace among the folks And broken the hearts of the innocents
We are advanced in Economics We are advanced in Politics Advanced in Arms and Ammunition
What’s there in the celebration of victory? What’s the point of the defeat? Whatever the development...
But, we failed in bringing hearts closer Join hearts with join hands
Let us change our perspective And all fight for peace and prosperity.
Jashobanta Biswal
A real man
The real man is the one who owns the other
Only real people can know the pain of others Only real people can understand the feelings of others
It is the real man who forgets his own happiness and stands in the misery of others
It is the real person who takes the time to help others
Gold is only visible when it is recognized Unrecognized turns into brass Human beings suffer from violence
Man suffers from arrogance
The real man is to treat everyone equally
So that, service to mankind is service to God
We want Peace, we don't want war
what to do in this life who didn't get along with you what was love by giving true heart Eye dedication you infidel turned out to be
wanted you wholeheartedly got cheated for love gave heart and life to you how midstream on left what fault did we do that you can hurt us so much We understood the piece of heart how did you infidel you just broke that heart the heart that worshiped you Heart is not wet even if it is broken what was yours to say even if we do what to do now
It's still difficult to be alive the one who used to beat from the chest it's not ours it's yours now
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
The feast of destruction has begun
Get ahead of time careful
The psyche is spluttering
Amlajan is not available
Nature is scared, Earth is afraid of human's glory
An emerging epidemic, How many
In front of the eyes
kindred companions
Passing in such a day, Of the great holocaust
On the path of destruction
Miracle of compassion has been auspicious Falling like this all the time An epidemic is creating a catastrophe today
Dancing on dead body's edge
The picture of the season has changed here
Earth is burning in heat
cold, rain, Spring Hemant Don't see water Justify progress
The factory is growing and moving day by day
Earth is happening Desert
We want Peace, we don't want war
People are wandering here for water
Not able to handle Hot
Increasing air pollution
Oh my heart! Pioneer of science
How many animal bids in this living world Are ending every day
Air temperature is not handling
In the day unseen Come on you hurricane
Flooding Big flood Rain shower Divine murder of nature Noise made all around Still Humana don't worry, Doing torture, The beggar of the nomads
I know
Many people in the world find happiness
Still looking for happiness But I'm so sorry
There is no one in the world for me
Neither a happy mother nor a father
There is no money or respect
Begging is my ultimate happiness
We want Peace, we don't want war
Sleeping at someone's door is my ultimate happiness
It's my pleasure to be slapped by someone
It's my pleasure to be abused by anyone
Walking around is my absolute pleasure
It is my greatest pleasure to sleep in fasting
It's my pleasure to be slapped by someone
It is my pleasure to eat the food of others
I don't know if it's hot
No, it's not raining anymore
I don't know if it's winter
I don't know, Paul's in bed
Don't know where to stay
However, I remain silent Silent
I am the best man in the world
I have as much happiness
No one else
My nomadic life
The door is wide open for me
It flew from one branch to another like a bird
Ash heap
When I leave the world
What can I say? What can I say? But
I'll leave some ashes and some bones
But there is no such thing as noise or shouting
What is my existence? Empty ashes and bones Alas, my life, my life has not been worth it Why why?
There was no such thing as my hard work, no worries Empty noise is fun
There were no parents Worries No, the boy went to the girl! That's the way life is. Blood,Meat, Bone marrow, This body is made of skin
All that remains is ashes and ashes. All the crocodiles ate meat. The tiger preyed
Ubudubu in the gloomy darkness Cuckoo begs no one to listen to It will not be cold or hot. All the rest of the world is the rest of the world. Empty ashes and ashes.
We want Peace, we don't want war
Mahmoud Said Kawash
Mahmoud Said Kawash, born in Palestine, resides in Denmark. A poet, writer and researcher, he holds two degrees in management and literature with experience in the fields of higher education, translation and written and audio media. He served as the director of an Arabic speaking radio, and authored three books in literature and politics.
Which reads first, the heart or the sight?
With you, life is blessed and has the fragrance of faith Crammed with confusion, bewilderment and anxiety
You are the pearl of oceans and the secret of beauty on earth
How splendid the poem becomes when your letters adorn it
When it turns into a bow that hits with the arrows of rhymes
When it becomes a bullet that goes without a deadline
When life begins with it and knows no end or limit of time
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
How powerful your pen becomes when its ink flows
Draws you magical pulses inside me
Writes you golden verses on the strings of my heart
Makes roses grow on my cheeks
Makes almonds bloom on my mouth
Makes the drip drips from between my lips
Makes questions overrun over the fringes of my eyes
Glows and spreads light of optimism in my soul
Slides a burning flame on the snow of my heart
Then excites it and sets fire inside its four rooms!!
Oh the angelic prince of my heart
Am I not the neighbourhood doe who loves you
Who searches refuge from thirst in your pastoral fields
Am I not wandering among the sides of your meadows
Looking for water, because you are the rain and the blessing
Aren’t your letters looking like diamonds in form and content
While I am monotheistic in your own world
Life is now reduced to a gesture from you
When it was not reduced before to a gesture from the moon
Not even from the deafening stone or the echo in a deep valley
O silent sea, I know that your waves indicate the start, not the end
You should know that the heart is no longer asking the eyes:
Is it ebb or tide and which reads your letters first, the heart or the sight?
Keep loving, smiling and helping
“Power is not in muscles, wealth or position”
In life, I meet ups and downs
I see good and bad days
I don’t get everything I want But I get what I need
I wake up with some aches and pains But I wake up
My life may not be perfect But I am blessed and happy
There are countless planets and stars in the universe
Each has its own place, importance and it is unique
Every single person has a special place and role in the world
No matter who is he, he is equally important as others
We are all “a planet or a shining star” in someone's life
Be positive and never hesitate to help those who need you So, God may bless you and make you happy
I don’t really understand how someone can tell so many lies
Without blinking, hesitating and being shameful
Or regretful and feel bad about that Power is not in muscles, wealth or position
So show your personality through giving and helping others
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
Be a handful of goodness and blessings
To relieve the burdens you carry on your shoulders and be blessed
Neither the nights nor the problems can defeat sunrise or hope
So try and never lose hope to achieve what you dream of Even if you don’t achieve it, at least you try your best
And will not regret to leave this world
Life is too short like a Sunrise to Sunset
Keep loving, Smiling, helping and stay away from negativity
May God bless you and make you happy
Have pity on my guitar
My heart drifted away
How can I forget
That night when love called me
Her shadow pierced within Tangling with my blood
Standing at her door... Come, I whispered
Her bust longing for an embrace
She threw herself swiftly, unhesitant
In the arms of her fervent lover
I scented her ecstatic wet lips
That blasted pure nectar
Feeling her concealed eagerness
I stealthily touched her breast
Whose temperament so suave, so intense
We want Peace, we don't want war
My lips almost touching hers
Burning an ardent flame
I gathered my strengths to hold her tight And felt her hasty bliss
Revealing her divine thick lips
Soon emerged redness on her cheeks
Reminding me of the moment
When the sun blends with the horizon
Oh virgin! In the depths of your fine ear
Live the murmurs that I solicit you to hear I beseech you to pierce my broken heart Brunette Blonde
My days with you are scarce
Hoping you fulfil your promise
Pity my guitar! Break the serment
Oh virgin
For this ardent fiery passion
Slowly! I plead
My torment, my persecutor
For my blood is effusively flowing Brunette Blonde
Be compassionate
Appease my shattered feelings
Am I not your revered sacrilege
Her promised affection lurked around me Intoxicated by her breath
I remove her veil to sense her Feeling her every supple curve My insatiable desire is quenched at last. I never forget that night When love called me and my heart drifted away I never forget how her shadow pierced within Tangling with my blood.
The meaning of the word "serment":
The word "serment" means "a solemn promise, usually invoking a divine witness, regarding the future acts or behaviour".
It’s a French word in origin and its translation in English: nom masculin 1 (devant une autorité) oath
déclarer sous serment to declare on (anglais britannique) ou under oath prêter serment to take the oath un serment professionnel a professional oath.
We want Peace, we don't want war 67
The friends are either blessings or curses
"Life is a circle of giving and taking!!"
Our hearts do not hurt, it is our brains which do Let us be positive and make people happy with our humanity
Let us accustom ourselves to smile and be cheerful
There is no charge for a little laugh or a simple smile
One or both can change the life of someone here or there Do your best to distance yourself from negativity
That is the only way to achieve inner peace and tranquility
The friends are either blessings or curses
Some come as heavy burdens and abuse our life
Others come as gifts and give us useful lessons
The second kind makes us aware, keeping our eyes opened
It makes us realise that people are not the same
That life is different according to times and places That there are complications in our way to achieve success
As long as we believe in God, our only saviour
We keep smiling to our successes as well as to our fails
We keep doing our best to help staying real humans
I wish I could soar as high in the sky as I possibly can
We want Peace, we don't want war
Where there is no harm or disturbance, with birds
Where I can touch the stars, day and night
Where I sit with angels and bring peace in every heart
As long as we believe in God, our only saviour
We need to learn to let bad things burn
We need to thank people who cause harm to us
They make us better, stronger and never trust them again We need to forgive them and let them go free, live and grow Thanks to them, because we owe them that we get better
It should be so, because life is a circle of giving and taking!!
Never be negative
As love is not just how to find the right person But how to create a right relationship
It’s not how much love you have at the beginning But how will the end of this love be Marriage is so too!!
As wisdom is sometimes taken from the mouth of the insane
Too many lessons are best learned through pain and suffering
Sometimes, our visions clear only after our eyes are washed with tears
Sometimes, we have to be broken, so we can be whole again!!
Let the matter be understandable and clear to you:
If Allah, the Almighty made the day to be completely perfect,
We want Peace, we don't want war 69
We want Peace, we don't want war
He wouldn’t let you dream of tomorrow and after tomorrow, He wouldn’t make them full of pleasant and sad surprises, He wouldn’t give us the ability to forget and overcome pain!!
Keep Positive, hopeful and optimist
Make people happy with your welcome smile
No charge for it, but it can change someone’s life
Don't ever start your day with broken pieces of yesterday
Every morning we wake up is the first day of the rest of life
It is right that we can not help everyone, But it is right too that everyone can help someone Start your day with blessing someone Never be negative, hopeless and pessimist
Allah, the Almighty, is the greatest Whenever you feel like giving up,
Thinking of all the people would love to see you fail, Never give up even till your last breath!!
If you want to be extremely happy in life find someone who'll never get tired of kissing you who'll hug you when you become jealous who'll understandingly keep silent when you get mad who'll squeeze your hand when you're not in the mood who'll plan and imagine your future with you This is how you stay positive and never be negative!!
Franco Carta Italy
Born in Cagliari on 1 December 1961 Graduated in dentistry in 1986
I have been writing poetry since adolescence, in Italian and Sardinian for this reason I chose the name of art Poet Hybrid.
I only started in 2020 to share my poems with an audience, for many years they remained kept in a drawer.
The poems in the Sardinian language are born directly like those in Italian from the inspiration of the moment and only later are they translated.
The strongest bonds are covalent and they settle down by joining the couple.
want Peace, we don't want war
When a moment it is so important there is no mechanism that measures an instant.
Encounter Unexpected he arrives a single wonderful encounter that Tabula Rasa demands of all yours incorruptible certainties Franco Carta
I look forward to the sunset, Take flight one last time Without falling I count, I see the peak higher and higher,
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
I will never return to this branch, Because now I see the goal. If I don't get there It doesn't matter I have to try. In conclusion, to be there.
The Twilight
Twilight, a prelude to the night, still leads to daydreams. Jellyfish like lights that illuminate the darkness. Thoughts on the terrace as more hidden expectations.
Alessandra Sorcinelli
Alessandra Sorcinelli was born in Cagliari Sardegna Italy in the 1966.
She' s a poetry . She likes write.
Power On Eyes Trough Real Years
My cat is very nice: my shadow in the night. Misterious animal, without sound. My cat as also me: a woman with green eyes.
We want Peace, we don't want war
Se loves me
He loves me
We love us. Love's she me? Doesnt love she me? So, the flower answered: only you can really love you.
Beach sun and a kiss: this is my life.
A great stone with a bird. A beatiful world around me. For ever for never: i drink with my hands. Freedom and hope.
A flower
One two are numbers .
A B C are letters . What is a kiss?
What is love? To be or not to be: this is the answer.
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
Imdadul Islam India
Now the world needs peace
Which can only be obtained Through our selflessness
That comes from heart's sanctity Sprouted from our selflessness
Tanka - Peace
We've no bar to dream
For social equality
That must need tussle
Against every aversion
To make a world heavenly.
Tanka - Equality
To be human being
One should know humanity And see everything That's happening around us And think about the orphans.
Tanka - Orphans
Tanka - Destitution
Quash destitution
As it may be quashed by us
Through the affection Full of aids and candidness That can change one's destiny.
Tanka - Arts
Let's take care of arts
As it blooms our true wisdom Keeping under care And gifts us entertainment Which can make one really free.
We want Peace, we don't want war
Prasanna Kumar Mohapatra
I'm a retired person of LnT company,Odisha, India, retired on 1st January 2014. After that I had joined in Life insurance company and it's now continued. I started my career in writing English poetries since last one year. I have joined in renowned Poetic groups and shared my poetries, got so many near about 300 rewarded certificates and also got the Honorary Doctorate award certificates. I'm now residing in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, along with my wife, son and daughter.I am a Post Graduate in M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics.
Flag For Entity
Let my body buried in the soil of country, Let my flesh and bones fillup the depth of soil, Let the country people walk on my chest, Let me feel myself proud the ashes in the soil, Let the people fight for the sovereignty!
The power of love
A force from above Cleaning my soul,
We want Peace, we don't want war
Flame on burn desire
Love with tongues of fire, Love is such a powerful emotion. It can wash the dust from us. In troubled times we need it more than ever. My country is called a secular state because there is no discrimination of religions by the government or the Constitution,
Remember those we loved, Who fought for us, and died; And those we never knew For whom others mourned and cried, Let's honor our military, The men and women who serve, Whose dedication to our country, Does not falter, halt or swerve, Let's respect them for their courage; They're ready to do what's right To keep our country safe, So we can sleep better at night. We fight all forms of oppression, Helping victims far and near, To keep the world from chaos, To protect what we hold dear, Our golden land of liberty; Flag of stars and stripes inspires us, To remember we are free, When we sing our national Anthem, Unity reins, and we are One!!!
We want Peace, we don't want war 79
We want Peace, we don't want war
The national flag is a sign of pride and patriotism, The flag not just represents the freedom we enjoy but also the effort of our great leaders who struggled to achieve thisfreedom, The national flag represents the nation as an Entity.
The Success Path
A path is a ray of light to follow to achieve a specified goal or result.
The core of joy and happiness in life is all about living our life with a purpose.
To live our lives with meaning, we must follow the path that is right for us.
To live our life’s purpose, discover and leverage our gifts, skills, and abilities and select a path.
Where we have the liberty to use this gift of creatively as possible to have a positive impact in the world.
Water is the most perfect traveler because when it travels it becomes the path itself.
But remember, nothing comes without a price. Our paths are not made as per our purpose.
Don’t compare our path with anybody else’s. Our path is unique to us.
All paths are the same, oposite in directions. Therefore, choose a path with our conscious mind.
Life is a journey of adventure and no matter how bad the roads and destination point.
If you can dream it, you can do it. Follow our path, and let the people talk.
All we need in this life is an unawareness and self confident, and then success is in our foot.
Remember that wherever our heart is, there we will find our hidden treasure.
Drop by drop rain water makes the river, Likewise, the wise man, gathering it little by little, fills in their heart for the good purpose.
So Success of the path is awaiting ahead, go in a good vision.
Was a Day for me
I was loving a beautiful girl
Her name was "Time", forgetting day and night.
"An Ounce of Love"
I was filled with gratitude, looking forward, I was filled with vision looking within, I discovered peace in her heart.
That time my life was a mirror to all, those were in my life were true reflexes of mine and they gave me the opportunity to grow and change.
Her secret desire was on me ravished, She was extraordinary nearly lovey with something of both satin and velvet in her.
Her eyes were blue and moist, her mouth glowed, her skin reflected the light, and saw my ingnited hot lips on her skin.
We want Peace, we don't want war 81
We want Peace, we don't want war
And when I kissed I felt the energies of a thousand lives on our lips, like our souls had known of us all along. Oh! What happened in our love, it's a Question for me! Actually I wanted the binary love of a*b=we, where our two souls would be met and loved like a ocean of love.
May be it was not happed in our life for an Ounce of Love, because for the age factor and I couldn't measure the depth of her love and I spent every ounce of energy trying to hide.
Hey! Time, still then I love you very much, it wasn't a promising start to a working relationship but I will continue to carry the " Miracle Ounce"not only because It can keep my heart beating through a cold neight!
My Question to all my beloved Poets and Poetess of around the world, can we the old couple love eachother and enjoy as like you all!!!
Yes! Our life will go oneday but our Goodwill soul will remain in everyone's heart. Om! Om!
"For the sake of vermillion"
I love you, you may ingore or may not ingore, I'm your nature, you take care your health, I'm your lamp, you see the right path, I'm the fire you feel the warmth of your body, You gesture you love me, I'm a writer you are the pages of my love, I'm your dream you are my Angel,
I'm your wind you are my destiny, I'm your cloud you are the rain, I'm your hungry you are my thirsty, I'm your Rhyme you are my Peacock, I'm venom you are my antidote, I'm tears you are my laughing love, I'm a flower you are the smeller, I'm a singer you are my musical notes, I'm a Bee you are my honey, I'm memory you are my dream, I'm spring you are my happiness, I wish you luck, my luck in your hands, I'm your beautiful husband you are my beautiful wife, I'm seeing vermillion hides from your hairs on head, It means I can't die in prematurely, We keep faith in Hindu religion....
" If a woman is filled with vermillion in her demand, her husband's life is longer".
Oh! I'm very much happy on you because..... In a faith you fill vermilion on your head in my name, in demand for life and good health of me forever.
Oh! My sweet darling tell me... should I praise or should I remain Silent!!!
(Note: The Vermilion is the Symbol of matrimony in Indian household and an essential part of woman's marriage).
We want Peace, we don't want war 83
Human Nature
If once the promise is deceived, and if your faith on suspectness arise then there is a loop holes in your faith and you can't keep faith on anyone's.
Human life is full of promises, sometimes it shines like a sun, sometimes it is like a shadow of mind with an aspirational desire.
Growing up like a full moon, and fades away when new moon comes. Sometimes he stumbles and sometimes he falls at every moment of his life's journey.
In every steps he kills humanity and ditaches the love of affection "the bond" of belongingness and also trying to change the path of nature.
Though he knows one day he will die but doing the bad things instead of doing noble things.
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
When his memories losses, You think that his game of life is over, means he kills his span of life.
Always trying to win the race by leg pulling others but failed to achieve the goal, like which well is digging for his use he fall into that well.
He doesn't know oneday his ashes of the cemetery will flow into the river of water.
Ecaterina Rolea
With domicile in place. Campulung Muscel, Argeș county. Born on July 20, 1960, Gârceni town, Vaslui county. Married with two children and two adorable grandchildren. I love poetry and prose, I write poems as a child. I finished the High School in Câmpulung then I studied Topography, Laboratory, C.T.C, Human Resources, Accounting and Social Worker. I have practiced in these fields with responsibility. Literary debut: I published poems in Literature, Culture and Art Magazines. With two published books, "Destiny Carried by Angels" and "Soul Buds" Liric Graph Publishing House. And two more in preparation. I am a Member of the World Poets Association with the Excellence in Literature Award. At the Romania Șapte Inimi Poetry Gala, I was awarded 5 Diamond and Platinum Poetic Lodge awards. They are in various National and International Anthologies. Literature, culture and art magazine Luceafarul din Vale with Diplomas and Medals. Aguilla de Oro Literary Excellence Trophy and Plaque, Universal International Literary Academic Trophy Certificate of Excellence Global Poet and Poetry. Columbian Cultural Institute Casa Poetica Magia y Plumas: Fran Kafka International Literature Prize Cervantes Saavedra Literary Merit Medal. Diploma and Trophy of Excellence, Aguilla de Aur Literary Excellence Trophy and Plaque, Certificato International Academic Trophy of Universal Literature Academic Certificate and Literary Cup of Gold, GENESIS WORLD WRITERS, e book, 2021, Galaxy, volume I, Globart Universum Publishing House... And many more...!
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want peace in the world
I have the wing of thought stuck in dreams My pain goes to the heavens on writing, My eyes are watery and red with tears. From the bloody war, the blood is still flowing!
I think of corpses lying in pits, For babies who no longer have mothers and fathers, War has robbed them of their happiness, they are in tears, They will be childless, horrified and troubled!
I think it's time to tell the world,
Definitely: We don't want war anymore! No famine, no poverty so unjustly, Beaten, raped, unworthy women!
Let us carry the buds of the love of Peace into the world, With lights of warm, pure and pure souls Let them arise in their hearts every morning, May we have joy in souls with a zest for life!
Let holy fountains of waters and love spring forth, No cruel differences between people and cultures Time is so short and he dies too fast, We are not Aladdin, a magician or a king in a city!
We want Peace, we don't want war
Let us love, let us defeat bridges of opposition, The corolla of forgetfulness is shrouded in waste and longing Bleeding clothes are embroidered in uneasiness Empires of pride, good man, you can unlock them!
It is played through human faces, the rays of the sun
Through the silent weeping of winter in the lap of the weather, Sadness flows in streams of tears
Too many illusions have crept into your pockets!
How many enslaved dreams did you untie with tears
And how many fear fighting battles killed you? That you have rowed through the seas with overwhelmed passions,
But you hid them in you like an outlaw fugitive.
Humanity is the tab of humanity in people What heaven has in souls of care and devotion, Which sows love, respect and appreciation all around And through the dry stubble fields and dry valleys!
I passed the mountains of worry without a murmur, When for a moment it seemed that life had defeated us, You saved the butterfly of love from the clutches of deception, And in darkness you have kindled many hearts in love!
We want Peace, we don't want war
Over the floating rivers you embraced white water lilies, To the poor and only of what you had, you gave to him, That this means complete happiness for you, Only by loving and giving did you become so rich!
We look in silence at the answer of humanity is known, The story of life is not about what you were and are, Love, defeat your self, be full of high humanity, With celestial myrrh you touch those struck to meet them!
It's just sadness around and colds without words I see you in the fog and on willow frosty evenings, I don't remember any dreams written in jewels, I say a prayer again which I think is not too late!
In absurd pressures the hours pass through the terrible frost, The white lace flowers are finely engraved with snow But I freeze silently on the cold and fleeting thoughts, Winter is like a life that has cold temples to live in!
We want Peace, we don't want war 89
The pain is written in the sky and on hard working bodies, Cold, famine and helplessness burn the earth day and night, Burning houses, innocent victims on deserted streets, The bells are ringing, bitter tears are flowing for all hell.
We are at war but we want peace!
Under the command of Putin, who has no empathy, This wonderful and adored glie is believed to be sovereign, He doesn't care about the suffering and pain of the world, It's unscrupulous. His cruelty and indifference know no bounds.
When no one seems to hear or see them, But I see solidarity with the poor Their soul is good and gives them little hospitality Humanity is the heavenly hand in the world of quality!
The children are sad, weeping bitterly at the windows; That from above the birds sprinkle lead and metals, It's snowing but the snow from the bombs is black gray, The earth is flooded with tears.
With a commotion in their hearts, the children cry out that they want freedom, Their desires are carved with bullets and handcuffs, There are thousands of prayers with lights in houses and altars, That they are called the Angels of the light of the setting stars.
The field is charred in purple black by so much fire, The dead bodies are put together in plastic, Throw yourself into the pit without a shred of pity and light, I mourn them, but their souls sigh for so much torment.
We want Peace, we don't want war
Over the shoulders of the gentle sky, solidarity does not die, Hope is desperate for neighbors abroad, The prayers turned with a humble face to the west, A helping hand and my people have gladly given them, We all want to hear that the Ukrainian war is over!
Today life struggles between peace with divine light and the cruel and unjust war full of darkness that I never thought we'd see him so close to us. There is so much suffering around me that I can't find the right words to describe this condition. Cold bullets, tanks and gloomy bombs have darkened our days since the war began and have spread pain through their pipes around the world. The feelings of pain, bitterness and fear for the lives of Ukrainians have marked all the people of the earth, but the feelings of the people are of an unimaginable cruelty in the century in which we live. I understand that for the Russian people and their leader, Putin has no compassion and empathy other than money and the power to occupy other unscrupulous peoples. History is written in innocent blood that has taken away all their value and humanity. It is hard to describe the feelings that are sifting around the world, of total disapproval for this cruel and disgusting war. The beating of Russian hearts is dead, that's why they pass over
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
corpses, they destroy everything in their path for some whims when human life is very important and it is so short... Let's think that; no one takes anything with him when he goes into the world of the righteous, but his sins are repaid! God has given us life and only He can take it from us. Consciousness is the voice of God in us! The earth weeps over so much fire and mourning...
These atrocities are a mirror of the Russian people who will be darkened forever and will never be able to wash or light up again! Maybe someone will see this in time and reflect with their heart. Let this stupid war stop because it worries us all and affects our souls. Here are mountains of corpses that are not buried but lie on the streets or under the ruins mercilessly bombarded by Dombas, Harakov, Mariopol, Lviv... etc... These areas are completely destroyed and inside they feel cries of pain and helplessness... Mothers look at their helpless children... that besides the hell they live in, they can't give their children any piece of bread, water and warmth that they had but now they have been stolen by the war that continues and does not stop at all. These things dry their souls in pain but they continue to fight with courage and courage for their piece of land in which they were born, defending it and the children with free arms and hopes in heaven. I am rebuked by a pain that overwhelms me that these victims are like birds without a nest and those with the power in their hands who can change something do not. The hourglass of life bleeds gathering days and nights sick of the alienation of the world
We want Peace, we don't want war
that we forgot to taste the liqueur of love and faith, limiting ourselves to look at the silvery smoke of the east through the echo of war where raw green no longer exists and the mists kiss the gray dust.
The infinite nightmare of the universe is felt and a voice blurs the falling rays through the clouds. It is sad that time does not stop when the heart cries and is suffocated.
But the time worn shadows open the Pandora's Box and we stare at her helplessly. Peace is a dream tattooed on every human being on the crystal path of life but it is like a fragile reed on the altar of the dream. I would like to see peace pigeons flying happily and unhindered all over the world and children playing with their parents and having other opportunities to enjoy life! Peace is the ultimate dream of every human being on earth!
We want peace in the world, we don't want war!
Folajimi Notch Shoaga
I Author, Poet, Ambassador Folajimi Notch Shoaga, discipline in mass communication and I’m so keen about human literature since my early age, this gives me strength to engage in literary researches earlier in life, so, I made a choice of rejuvenating and making people and humanity at large to live healthy and peacefully among one another irrespective of culture, background, norms and value through my literary genre. The healing of natures through true literature in peace and love is a sense of discipline to me in this universe that heterogeneous human being are in existence.
We Want Peace, We Don’t War (1)
What is the beginning of this catastrophe?
A calamity that had erupts an unending cost for life, Moreover, you have your own children, That are part and in path of human of being, Living in different nations having peace of mind, As other in line of life journey as kind.
Destruction of this lives brings harmony to pieces, And not a literature piece of piece.
We want Peace, we don't want war
We Want Peace, We Don’t War (2)
Where are the dream souls? It is a responsibility of your accountability, A required service to humanity.
What happen to the vacuum in view? This place is meant for children, As it is being taken care of by parenthood and brethren.
There is a sound of destruction in your capacity, And it is uncalled for neither on anyone nor humanity.
An atrocity against humanity out of orchestrated war, These are precious human being that needs peace and not war.
We Want Peace, We Don’t War (3)
This must stop without any constrain attached, It is human that are dying and great minds ached, The harmony of nations is justified, And not by personal vendetta been staged, The life of living cannot be steered by destructive mind. Great lives are created, established and even intermarried, In this life everyone requires peace, An everlasting love and peace,
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
In various abode of whatsoever anyone finds themselves. It is a pity you cannot create a single soul, Even life of your own children and yourself.
We Want Peace, We Don’t War (4)
Peaceful nations stands against this destructions, Exterminating lives as if they are animals in action, Living lives are destroyed and such is visible,
As you can see it in the mirror as an able. From this moment aggravation of war must stop, And the love and peace of a sane nation must be restore, Children and parent are like you perpetrators, Married in true love, having peace and not conspiracy of war.
The lives are not yours to be destroy, It is to salvage them to a peaceful abode, A place where there is no such destruction physically or spiritually.
We Want Peace, We Don’t War (5)
In the mirror as you see new dawn, It must have been a message of peace in reign, And not of war that had taken the children off this world.
And empty nation been formally occupied by peace and joy, It is a sound of turning towards and let peace be adore,
Instead of thinking of time that has no turning back.
You are a human being like any other children in this abode, The vendetta is not love and peace even to your own home, Harmony is very imperative among this nation.
It must not be deterred by sense of war anymore, In whatever actions taken in what may be seen as misunderstanding, Ceased every acts of war absolutely, For love and peace of human lives of this nation.
We want Peace, we don't want war 97
Santosh Kumar Biswa
Santosh Kumar Biswa is a Bhutanese author and poet and currently works as a teacher at Damphu Central School, Bhutan. He is a perfect source of numerous educational books and anthologies of poetry and a world inspired peacemaker, in which he promotes peace in his stead and around the world through literature. and experiences that require urgent attention and, through writing him, participate in his global concerns and seek to highlight life issues and provide examples for a more comprehensive understanding to bring peace to the world. He commits his life by promoting peace and humiliation among men for a better life in society. He also studied global citizenship education at UNICEF.
He is an award winning writer who has earned various laurels from the writing circle around the world, such as; World Icon of Literature Award, New World History Maker of English Poetry Award, Gold Level Award for Poetic Prohess and depth, Poetic Prowess Award, Poetic Parley Gold Quill Award twice, World Poetic Star Award, Global Literary Society Bronze Star Award, Writer of the Week Award, Eternal Flame Recommendations, Writer's Guild of America Honor, Motivational Band Platinum Certificate of Honor, Edgar Allan American Poet Award, and more.
We want Peace, we don't want war
Peace through Love
Peace isn't as cushy as any soul reckons, Neither could the wealth bribe, as weapons. It is, but a phenomenon away from hatred, Every single heart possesses it to be catered.
Aimlessly withering around isn't exactly enough, Like an unwise man's words that seem sough. It is, but a product of deep love and kindness, Of the humanity towards those in wryness.
Peace isn't a puppet, easily that can be hosted, Something to be held in self then love to be boosted. It is, but a respect derived from self to build unity, For one to promote it, on this mighty world with Honesty.
The love, simple it sounds, but difficult to count, To love humans isn't easy when oneself can't account. It is, but a congruent relationship that takes humility, For peace to override in love among humanity.
The patients of love, without which the world turns sketchy, For the death mind can't unite souls, but remains touchy. It is, but a love that combines variety souls, For peace to spring upwards and for common goals.
We want Peace, we don't want war 99
The Peace, as their Religion
Let the peace fly over the calm sky like the dove, The way, so tranquil, no one to irritate anyone, With tunes of angels and feelings of serenity, Nothing to stress over, nothing to fear about. The vivacity, so smoothly fortified, so calmly, Every day to sing new tunes of adoration and care, With their sorts without any limits of obstructions.
No hues to see, but equally in love to count, Along a similar ground for merriment to encourage. The peace, as their religion and their substance, No pointing of faults, but simply rectification, No disputes and jealousy in them dwell, Just the adoration in collaboration for rapture, And their ages to memorize from, what they suffice. No hatred to get wind in their wings when it folds And the tone so soft when their melody streams out And their homes lit up like the sun in affection.
The Peace, out from my Love
Until crepuscle, to an affluent city I jaunted, A voyage over the sea and the highest slopes, To abut with humans loaded up with riches,
We want Peace, we don't want war
For serenity, that dwells inside their four dividers. I went instead clashing with their dateless prides, What's more, the docket, so stiff even in their leisure.
The next, to the ghetto over the level aside, In the promise, for peace away from wealth. An easy path, I got to march with those in poverty, For serenity, that resides in their local region. My heart went wild clashing with their hope of enduring, And their rigidness to battle over friends for holding out.
At that point, over to the highest mountain I ascended, Battling the rough current of air and the calorific sun, Nigh to the Heaven for a conversation, with God. Just, I discover no God to manage, just the flimsy air. I went unsated clashing with my own denied mind And the narrow mindedness that is within me.
Back to my abbot, about life, I realized vividly, Stuck in the niche to meditate and to search for, Of peace that are conceived inside self that multiplies. And, so I raised the flag of love out of my own self, Thereof, the peace in me revived out from my love That welcomed some more, with me to sing and move.
We want Peace, we don't want war 101
O Peace! For your Realm to Sparkle
O, peace! Where have you gone to? Steadfast to prevail and conquer, The ever virulent corona that exist. All lambs are bleating high, Some are already gone apart.
We are holding up in trust For you to show up and guard. Tears are moving like the Nile, Maybe 'cause we lacked in dignity Or our disparity in actual live action, That ever made you to leave.
No more peace to see anymore, It appears to be bleak all over, In your absence all got fagged.
Come in fairness to embrace all, We implore you in veraciousness, Our spells are echt from the heart. Come to conquer the mortal corona And restore the peace that we had Of euphoria and gaiety always close by.
Our promise of regard to cultivate forever,
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
To each other in quality and equality, In your realm to sparkle in haziness, Like the moon, so unadulterated and superb.
To Paint the Peace
Smile on the face is something that mends, Divine in itself, not all can possess in prime. A chiliad horses in the combat can't equate, The deep pleasure during the victory gained, Higher in essence, the glee isn't measurable When a grin casts away the clever black bile And the rainbow that surrounds the heart For eternal bliss beyond human vision.
The cost, no penny can liken its echt values, Higher than god's mercy, it takes hold of it For the mind that yell only can weigh its depth When restored like chants in heaven's gate Like the sun that shower warmth in coldness And be the Godly human in favor of glum one To paint the peace and the stage to glow deep And smiling attenders to cherish and flourish.
Lenuş Lungu
Romania, Italy
My name is Lenuș Lungu. I was born in Romania on August 2, 1968 and settled in Italy. (manager and assistant psychologist at a nursing home).
I am the founder and director of two literary magazines: Cronos, Taifas literar. I am an editor, humanist, peace and humanity activist, anthology coordinator. Collaborator with various magazines and newspapers, founder of a non governmental cultural association in Italy.
Books: Walking through my dreams; Let's love autumn; The founders of the Romanian language; Human psychology; volume of essays; The history of beauty. Member of the Writers' Union.
Appearances of various newspapers and magazines in Romania and abroad: Colorado beetle; Italy moment; Strehaia newspaper; Steaua Dobrogei;; Thoughts and words;; Cultural association, publishing house; Association of Social Promises; Congrega letterari, numerous literary prizes and medals: Prize 3 premio letteraro Sicilia; Poesis letteraro diploma of excellence, humanitarian diplomas, ambassador of peace, platinum award in literature, gold in humanity and many other awards for peace and humanity, etc.
Project coordinator "A writer's dream come true" books by the author.
Anthology "Sorella India" volume dedicated to fundraising for non governmental organizations in the Republic of India, Carlos Grianoppa, Sicily 2017, 2019.
We want Peace, we don't want war
Cultural promoter Italy.
Appearances in anthology: Cultural harmonies; The Romanian World; Broken art; Pray without end; Rogrup aspirations; Lyrical meridians, etc.
Coordinator and editor of over 30 anthologies: Time Imprints vol 1,2,3; Carved words; Metamorphoses of nature; Words on the wings of thought (Romanian French); The flight of leaves in the sky, Peace and love, Dream wings, Constructor in the abstract, Dream words, Summer whispers, poetry and soul, etc.
Cultural promoter.
I work on various humanitarian projects. Collaborator with the Italian Red Cross for humanitarian aid. Numerous awards in humanity and peace.
He deserves the medal from the Italian Republic for peace.
Stand up
let's start together marching to freedom without wars and nuclear missiles to make peace in the world for the brothers to live no more hatred selfishness and discrimination let's start small and large in the biggest fight for peace and quiet to preserve cultural values
We want Peace, we don't want war 105
The anthem of peace
We want Peace, we don't want war
to be united, humanitarian to give love to educate children to find holy peace a land of peace and justice let us kindle the flame of peace and a life full of light.
We want peace, we don't want war
Tears of blood
it has dried up the earth rockets fly among the stars it's just smoke everywhere and the smell of burnt meat We want peace We don't want war ash rises from under the rails innocent people they fall reaped, wounded by pain of cold, hunger and humiliation in wind gusts are heard
the bullets crashing everything that gets in the way with destroyed souls leave behind houses mothers with children in their arms waiting for the light of peace
on cold, damp ground Stop the war we want peace back.
Now, more than ever, let us stand in solidarity and humanitarian.
Words don't help me and heart he does not find the courage to describe the horror a cruel war the eyes do not want to look the huge tragedy, a wounded soul and tears on his face, the hope that the human struggle will end and life will return where the fraternity it is the truth of peace.
We want Peace, we don't want war 107
The hope
Jeane Tertuliano
Jeane Tertuliano is Brazilian, poet, professor, cultural delegate and columnist for The Bard Magazine. Peace Ambassador and Dr. H. C. in Literature, she is the author of 4 books, co author of 50 collections and organizer of 13 poetic anthologies. Cultural Personality and Social Outstanding, she has been awarded several literary awards.
The essential is invisible to the eyes
When the morning finally blossoms, hope will be renewed and a new path will be trodden in new expectations. Poetry makes us believe in the possibility of success, because it welcomes us when humanity becomes silent. So, we write in blood; the tears soak the paper. The essential is invisible to the eyes I read it in a book when I was a child, and I believed it.
We want Peace, we don't want war
If only we would educate our children with the same determination with which we sow prejudices, surely the world would be a less conflictual place. There is no way to peace. We have long heard that peace itself is the way, so if we haven't learned to distinguish such a thing by now, then we need to revise our concepts of what it is to perpetuate harmony. Just like a house that needs to be built from the ground up, we must put on the agenda the changes that must be made from our childhood. Only then will we see evolution blossom in us. In this way, we will know that there is still hope and, for that, perseverance is essential.
Have you loved today?
They say love is abstract because they cannot see it. In my view, this justification is too flawed. When we are accepted the way we really are, we can clearly see love being evident in our present. So the problem that strikes us is that most individuals are unable to truly love if there are no selfish interests or spotlights under their heads.
It is painful to imagine that we are great in our littleness. However, the less we know how to love, the more we need to be loved. Perhaps, and only perhaps, it is
We want Peace, we don't want war 109
We want Peace, we don't want war
possible for us to learn to love, if we so choose, of course. The process can be difficult, it will depend on the commitment of each one. The adversities encountered in the course of our experiences can and will harden many hearts. Being human is not giving up on yourself and, consequently, on the other. Our actions say everything about us.
That way, rowing against the tide will never be an easy task and it's not meant to be. Calm sea does not make good sailors. It is in turmoil that we understand the real meaning of existence. When you understand that life is made up of phases and that love is vital for us to evolve at each step, everything else seems to take on new colors. Living without loving is just existing.
Synonymous with resistance
I write like someone who loves: diving body and soul into the bowels of poetry. Love says a lot about the craft of a poet, as it is not for money that I produce my art, but for what I feel when I speak with my heart. On the verge of my fourth book, I write harder. Life seems to have meaning at last, and that means everything to me. Being a woman is an act of courage. Being a woman who produces literature in the face of an imminent dictatorship is a feat that in itself makes the hideous structure of male, coup and tyrant society implode. I know I digress too much, but being a poet
is just that: it's translating everything that hurts my soul all the time. I don't know how to live if the pre established meaning is to be happy in a pattern contained by the gaps that echo in the homes of the endless world. Women are not silent when they are right and dreams. Oppressors may even lash out, but if science itself points out that we are the majority, there is no sense in denying the sovereignty of our existence. Writing is synonymous with resistance!
Humanity and Modernity
Modernity brought technological innovations, however, it hooked the beauty of simplicity. No one else bends to watch the dawn break. The beings stripped themselves day after day of humanity, thus suffering with the morbid nostalgia of tomorrow that has already passed through the inert gazes of individuals, overflowing with a disastrous predictability. We are no longer thinkers like our ancestors, as we spend a lot of time on social media while poor intellect and lack of affection are seen as normal. So it goes on, day after day, as the supposedly insane suffocate in the lucidity of the ignoble lethargy intricately tangled up in routine. The absurd is to question the inexact logic of someone who is not used to explaining anything. Bottled truths won't shut me up!
We want Peace, we don't want war 111
Tamara Nazarii
Tamara Nazarii was born on May 5, 1985 in Ukraine, Chernivtsi region. He graduated from Probotesti Incomplete High School, graduated from the College of Economics and Law University of Western Ukraine. His passion is poetry, he writes in Romanian, Ukrainian, Russian and Italian. Collaborates with Gazeta de Herța. He participates in international poetry contests in Romania, literary cenacles, where he takes first second third place, the prize of the day, the popularity prize in Gogol's Mantua magazine of culture and attitude. She is mentioned by the Word Poets Association with the Certificate of participation Word Poets Association For you literature activity, with the "GOLDEN PEN" LITERATURE WORD GROUP Certificate, with the "Eminescu Diploma" for the promotion of culture in the world. He collaborates with the Pagine del Poeta 2021 Dante Alighieri Publishing House (Rome), "Voci Versate" with the Contraste Culturale Publishing House (Romania), publishes in the Anthology "Vlăstare Eminesciene 2022" Lukval&Ken Publishing House 2022 where he is awarded the "Vlăstare Eminesciene 2022" Diploma and the medal "Vlăstare Eminesciene 2022". Collaborates with the "Luceafărul din Vale" Magazine and publishes in the Anthology "Columna Iubirilor Eterne" Lucval&Ken Petroșani Publishing House (Romania). He has a son Andrei.
We want Peace, we don't want war
With respect and thanks to all, To those who gave help to Ukraine. May God give you Tranquility, Peace and Health, GRATEFULLY thank you for your solidarity.
I worship the Earth to all common brothers, God taught us to be better today. I don't have enough words to thank you, For this beautiful human gesture!
So many sad smiles, So many lives are torn apart. So many tears shed, So many bodies buried...
War is to blame
Don't lose faith
With fear I bud the innocent trees, And the flowers would like to bloom on the hill. Every day the fog gathers in us,
We want Peace, we don't want war 113
We want Peace, we don't want war
For so many days, blood has been spilled and war has been going on in the country.
I cried so much my eyes dried up, So many lives have been torn apart. And spring seemed to frown, Even birds stop singing long ago.
Even the grass doesn't seem to be turning green anymore, Time stands still as if smoldering. So much suffering fear and terror, Even the sun's rays don't penetrate anymore.
You good people believe in God, Don't stop praying to Him. With his mercy again Peace will be, And spring in our life will come!
Let the world be peace!
Let there be peace in the world, peace on earth, On the sun and the moon, In the heart and in the mind!
Let there be peace in the world, And in the four visions, On the table, a corner of Bread And smiles in colors!
We want peace!
We don't want strife or war, We want quiet peace-between us. We want the sun to shine in Peace, Children in peace to play!
We want the flowers to bloom in the grains, And mother in peace to bake us Bread, We want pigeons and peregrines We want Peace Tranquility between peoples!
We want forever peace!
Dear spring, what have you brought?
Birds are not heard singing at sunset. Murmur springs in my mind, Cruel peoples boast on their left arm.
The tear slowly slips down the eyelid, The furrow of the earth with blood is watered. Prayers are raised in holy monasteries, For the perpetuation of Eternal love.
My native country with my heart in my chest, Life is slowly resting on your right arm.
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We want Peace, we don't want war
Smokes cease to burn in the hearth, The children can't be heard and the dogs don't bark anymore...
Dark clouds fill the skies, The fields are full of weapons and soldiers. We are all afraid we don't want war to be We want Tranquility and Peace, we believe in humanity!
Let us not fight with arms only with faith alone, The holy liturgy brings victory, We don't want innocent children to shed blood, We don't want brothers fighting each other.
We all worship the Heavenly Father, Peace is brought to the world, to the human race.
We want peace in the country, a most sacred thing, We want it to be eternal, Peace on Earth!
Maid Čorbić
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Maid Čorbić from Tuzla, 22 years old. In his spare time he writes poetry that repeatedly praised as well as rewarded. He also selflessly helps others around him, and he is moderator of the World Literature Forum WLFPH (World Literature Forum Peace and Humanity) for humanity and peace in the world in Bhutan. He is also the editor of the
First Virtual Art portal led by Dijana Uherek Stevanovic, and the selector of the competition at a page of the same name that aims to bring together all poets around the world. Many works have also been published in anthologies.
Inter-medical shadows of humanity
Every time I see the world around me
I remember; to be there
I love the wild and don’t consider myself a freak
I just like to dream about dreams
Because the galaxy for me was nebula alone
And a fictitious phenomenon every day
When I look high, up into the sky
We want
we don't want war 117
We want Peace, we don't want war
I see all the anomalies and small secrets
Although I'm not aware of that yet That the time for me is yet to come And that I am a very young man I'm just afraid of one for now Yes, my destiny is still present There, in the bosom of my soul
The intermolecularity in my heart drives me to move forward
I still find myself very special Just because I think about my universe Which is made of nuts and beauty Which no one can approach yet And even less no one to taste them
My meaning and reason for existence
Imagination can always do anything And the reason for my laughter is the nebula
Molecular space since I live My eternity, from my dear little one I don't want to be left alone When the others leave me
Because what is life if I don't dream dreams And to catch the nebula at least once more Bare hands; the space of my universe
The heart is full of love and emotions Intertwined with the most beautiful space of feeling Which still knocks forever in me
I am ready to give nebulae to someone But this time if it happens At least I give myself some hope That it's not all so easy As I think; the nebula is my view Galaxies from which I always feed Because stars and astrology give strength
To believe when it's hard for me In the impossibility of one's identity
And the nebula, the nebula is still beautiful What a great avant garde emotion When I survive I can still have realities
Which give me the energy to believe More than ever in energy The stellar paths of humanity!
Peace rules in the world
Peace for all people I just want always because I think it's the guardian of my happiness I don't need to develop with people for unrest creates in my heart dangerous
I only know how to follow them and I must never be sad just because people make fools of me and I think life is beautiful
We want Peace, we don't want war 119
We want Peace, we don't want war
I believe that my hope lies somewhere far away where no one knows how mie affects moke behavior and I believe that the existence of my soul it hides in a grain of little truth
and I know that my peace is better than anything because faith and hope give me love to the world to solve all my problems in peace and that I must not be what I am not, angry because peace is worth preserving in the world!
No more words about the war
He didn't need to say anything more about the war. Because every speech about the war It creates a deep melancholy in me
Why does this war still have to last? If peace among all of us still prevails?
The reason for all this is human negligence. Because wars achieve deep unrest I don’t want my uneasiness offered nested For people who want war to be created My meaning of love is to spread peace.
We want Peace, we don't want war
Not a word needs to be said about the war. Because every speech creates an object of sadness It hurts when the family is torn from everything. And people still don't realize that in me. It bites that equal of silence and the dimensions of darkness
I just want peace, not a new war.
Because we only achieve the spread of war We must prevent war from happening again. Because of no one's lands, the bloodthirsty people There is even greater unrest in us.
I'm just looking for a veil of purity under peace. Because war is everything that shouldn't be Darkness and hell, blood on all sides Instead of violets, we need to share It's cut around the world and happiness
And I know that I want to share peace forever. Because my love will continue to live
The name is written deep in my heart Because I seek peace and respect for all Good people who think like me, with sincerity of heart!
Still humanity can wins wars
One thing is not clear to me
Why still has to fight And there is no peace in the living world Because justice is obviously in the roars of other people And it irritates me that the war is lasting
I just want peace in Ukraine
Because we are not waging wars anywhere And such things must be pointed out My heart aches when I see innocent people How they flee from their simplicity
From the state, so young people are at war
I am afraid that unrest will come to my country as well Although we are not connected with them That despair gives me some discomfort
Accordingly, I have always been for peace
And I have no doubt that this is the beginning of something new I'm just asking everyone to have the same plow May peace be eternal in all of us
And I will try to impress everyone in Ukraine
Because we have to put an end to wars at last
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
Time does not know for my young years
Sometimes they often say to be a humanitarian It just means to say the word without cover But it is similar that I am a volunteer of the Red Cross I am aware of how much influence I have on the world
I'm going there soon, and I'm getting paid Just so I don't have to be like others Because peace needs to be finally stretched I watch people being wounded and cry
I cry like never before in my life
Because they are suffocated by the life of human beings
The light, however, lurks at the end of the tunnel Because there are still people like me
Who want to treat others without monetary compensation And it gives me hope that all of us are humanitarians We share some stories that are important to all people
And I will continue to do what I know best
Help everyone, because that is the charm of truth I love when one day people will find me Greet the streets and alleys of various And I am honoured to serve the justice of the truth And evil should be eternally criticized and escaped!
In the sea of peace, love collected survives
A sea of miles, a river of silence cries out for peace Love is given to good people. Ready to continue to support every step of the way Only the happiness that surrounds them The meaning of everything is victory and battle.
That love lies, everyone in this world knows. Without it, the world would be ruined. Which is still a glimmer of hope for us humans. Who believes that war makes no sense?
And that fighting for no one's country is absurd?
We can say that peace is justified today all day. And I look for a spark of hope in everything. That the world will understand goodness And that we will divide happiness into equal parts Love unites and gives everything to people. Who create peace as they know best, by deeds
It is a deed when we pat others on the shoulder. Love lies directed towards goodness Happiness is great if we give knowledge The power of ordinary people always has, just know I need to use the moment of my life
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
I believe that love is the meaning of life. Yes, the reason for everything is hope. Yes, continue to promote world peace. We give importance to people who are afraid. To express everything they want and feel
And I think that peace is justifiably lasting. The ball of happiness is shrouded in truth. Traces in the snow and in the mud, peace lives
Name and predicate "growth" The perpetuation of life is an embrace for me of love and attention inexhaustible!
Naila Hina Pakistan
A former Navy engineering University Instructor and an Engineer and a manager in top notch firms, an Internationally acclaimed award winning author of Fifty plus multilingual books and a poetess from Karachi Pakistan.
Naila Hina is a friend of the world, best writer of the Decade, author of thirty books, columnist, best debator, And singer. She owns a radio station named as Bahisht e Char saat. Zano. FM NAILA HINA owns NCN Naila-Hina cultural media Network. She is the C.E.O of World Press Agency Pakistan, APCESX business group, USA. Naila Hina is Humanitarian and graceful. She holds basic degree in Mechanical Engineering with MBA and CMA. She is Author Of The Year nominee and Literary Captain at StoryMirror. Multitalented she has written poems and Books since childhood.
Her first book name is Bahisht e Char Saat. Her second Book is Shadows of the Sun, her third book is Cosmic Dreams, Fourth book is Labor Of Love, Fifth is Hayat E Javedan, Sixth is Fragrance Of A Cave Girl, Seventh book is Shajar e Muhabbat.
More of her books are Love on Limbo, Qafla Bahaar Ka, A Spanish Lulluby Un Lulluby Espanol Jardin Del Amor, Love can wait, Chains of happiness, her first Persian anthology Deewan: Koh e Muattar, Faramushi, Junoon Zaad, In Good Hope, Wonder Visions, Critical Reviews, Cagito Ergo Sum, Prisoners Of One Moment, Beyond Dreams And Stars, Saturnian Necklace, Halqa Zohl, etc.
We want Peace, we don't want war
Many articles and poetry, science fiction videos and Fantasy are available online and published in the Esteemed newspapers And magazines and YouTube.
Editor of Quest, NED University of Engineering and Technology Pakistan.Upcoming books: Jam o Hina, Life Is Eternal.Her book of quotes Quoteyard is available on along with her many others.
Naila Hina is the iwomanglobalawards nominee for Literature for the year2020. Naila Hina is the first person to write in Gammo style of Poetry:
Awards and Achievements
Best Writer and Best Collaborator Of The Decade Award, World Press Agency
Diploma from World Literature Academy, Grai Romanesc, World Poets Association.
Munir Mezyed foundation award for Culture, Peace, Humanity Best debator award from Pak American Cultural center Diplomas from Poetas Unidos, LLSF, Alma de Girasol, Motivational Strips, WWWW, World’s best writers and Poets, Casa poetica magia y plumas, etc.
Waiting for Peace!
A few damn groans, few letters from the beauties
Ashes of burning images, few bodies were unconscious
Unbalmed, not mummified. Broken memories crying Scenic views polluted. Noisy madness. All not good!
Peace let sliver rivers flow through emerald valleys
Look at the leaves, their sweet melodies
We want Peace, we don't want war 127
We want Peace, we don't want war
A cool cold air trick. You don’t understand So you didn’t approach to smooth the wrinkles
Of times gone by, crawling through the mind! With love thorns in the path become roses
Canals leading waters to fields of golden wheat Roots gets showered become floral beds
Maze of trails going upwards, running downhill Fine grooves in secret tunnels, to core of fairies
Leaves brushing flowers, refreshing the air Tendencies given up in time, waiting for peace!
Trade Of Testimony
What the hell am I doing, for whom writing?
Why am I crying, laughing, scaring myself?
Neither am I familiar with him nor he is with me
Why this anonymous letter am I still reading ?
Climbing the mountains had always been my hobby In the battlefield of love, Why am I descending
Why is the reach of these enemies so far?
With whom my heart I am entrusting !
He is alive in my heart even when he died And now at his memorial I’m dying
Thanklessness is the habit of the nation
For whom day and night I am working
Here is a price fixed to open the lips To speak the truth. For the testimony, where I'm fighting !
How much more I suffer! How much more I tell you Your memory is my only treasure, o my life I miss you
My heart beats are spellbound by your beauty O spirit of beauty beyond conception, I always remember you!
Your thoughts brighten my dark painful nights Like moonlight spreading smell of Jasmine
The royal kingdom of Kaikaaoos depends upon Rustum If the two didn't fight Tehmina would have survived!
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We want Peace, we don't want war
When were you not remembered, in freedomor in Confinement May you lose the keys says my detention today!
Some bells on the temples, some crosses on the church
I search for your sake where your image may be found!
Every evening is a nightmare, There's the sun setting, here I am! The heart sinks first because of you, oTyrant!
I followed you miserably and your path blindly Thus you pushed me into the fire, same was I hoping!
Oh how much is the pain, it has no effect on you! You're enjoying to the fullest, and my life is Incomplete!
(Kashish. Included in Bahisht E Char Saat!)
Carlyle said long ago: "Man is a tool using animal."
In the mechanics of the universe We are all tools, man or animal.
We are all but mere cogs In the grand machine of the Creator.
Some slipped discs and cracked pots Don't know it for they feel useless!
The water dancer on the starless sea Just tricks of mirrors crushed in thee
They are things that left after the fire Rest are fragrant like sweet November!
Your voice is warm as a Pashmeena shawl And sweeter than the saffron tea
Your beauty is a reminder of Kashmir Envelope me in cold winter morning
While I walk in my lovely garden Grass wet with pearly dew caresses
My toes and flowers compete with Each other to be picked and plucked
They sense your love inside me And know their true purpose is To spread fragrance and colors In a heart filled with love!
We want Peace, we don't want war 131
When I touch the water It reaches out to the shore To kiss the sole of my feet And reminds me of your lips And tongue running wildly The genuine feeling of love
As free as a bird.
We are here Where are you going You are here And I am here And here and here I’m upon you and inside you
There’s nowhere to run And it’s neverwhere
I have always been A runaway bride It’s me who always slip away And you can not catch!
You are hundred percent free As free as a bird
What makes you come around
We want Peace, we don't want war
We are here in freedom
Flying like birds
On our dream skies
Fallen angels from heaven
United by love and destiny!
The beads of translucent tears
In her long eyelashes, she wears
Sometimes when she looks up Her brown eyes shine like suns
Some drops flow down her Glowing cheeks turning in red
Crimson lips wet with pearls
Awake desire to take her to bed
He wears white, his sheets bright, Tallest, strongest and fullbright
Puts his lips upon her tears
Eyes, cheeks, what she unwears
We want Peace, we don't want war
Why you still follow me Everywhere I am found
We want Peace, we don't want war
Slightly down touches her neck Drinks the nectar, like necklace
Golden wine tasting her skin She moans in pleasure on his touch
Tears of sorrow, with magical love Slowly turns in tears of pleasure
Hiding head in his wide shoulder She hugs him tight in soft arms
Crying in love while kissing him Wild with passion flying in heaven.
Babangida Baba
Babangida B. Shira was born in the Republic of Nigeria, Bauchi state, Shira LGA. His reading journey moved him to Azare , zone of Bauchi state, where he bagged his NCE Certificate in 2019. He studied English language and Social studies.
He is a poet, bibliophile,literary analyst, essayist, unpublished playwright, co authored of "The Art of Philosophy: A Selection of Literature and Poetry", " Sweet Poetry Anthology" etc, multiple awardee in poetry online competitions.
Babangida B. Shira was also a founder of Poetry Journal. He teaches Literature in English.
Butcher the North 'nd East. Butcher the earth 'nd sky. Butcher the toddlers in homes. Sail the lives to the grave clubs.
Butchers: Proem the world in blood
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
Jam the air, wind 'nd nostrils
Swingers of joys, blunders Of hope.Morphing the humanity In the sky...
Butchers: Whose dances over humans' Breathings. Bragging in support While the world be-silenting the ears.
Whose acts as prophets,sent! Crusade folks in bloody gospel; Bishops of Rocket, Imams of Arsenals!
Oh! Poor souls, in the eyes Of brutes,of vampires,of horrors Mirroring!
The wave of peace, of harmony By God's Wills be cuddled.
An Angel Came to me
Behold! Oh , the angel of death Ain't tired of breathing, noted! Hopes tremble over and again One fulfilled, comes alone with Huge and cherished worldly Needs. I know,the man insatiably In pleading and thundered cry Chance more breaths to build The sky, earth and his paradise "Oh! Adam, the hopes hook in The belly of thy greed stomach" Oh, you the wingy agent of God
Tell you, also,i am a virgin poor: No money, house, wife, children Even a shelter for a common rest "Oh! The tine being, of tine life
Span; tell you not:the achieved one Will come with the hundreds needs? Tell you not, you're Insatiable? Thou, have to, obey The thy Lord's call..."
Oh! Time, oh! Angel, scarce the Morning mourn of my family "Leave thou not, methinks, My Lord order overpowered My
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
Compassion here is the tunnel Follow. May thee rest in peace"
My Land
Walks in doom of darky light
Cages our hopes
Erases our dedications
Carpets our thoughts
Smiles in pain
Triples the war Encancers our souls
Swallows our freedom Deactivates our lives
Activates their political religiosity Chai! To this
Transgendered Government! Youth, find your suits please
My land runs to the grave
Keep praying
Will You meet Me Alive?
Dart.Drop. Dudes
Drag. Delight. Danger
We want Peace, we don't want war
A slept souls on beds at night
A racing arising coincide to death
A mess of sins unrepentant Awoken commotion buzzing earth
Slow. Silent. Selves. Caution. Caring. Cages.
Faffing of time, surreal of live Facing its blazing and reddish Rounding.It keeps work for us We keep delude our chances
What? Where? When?
Any atom of time frivolity we Refer it. Moment running in Mighty of time of God Desire breeding, life squeezing!
Paradise's rooms predilection Hellfire's deed materialising
Driver. Drive. Drops! When.
Caller Called Collied Most never rejected in smiling And in crying beware!
Hierarchy of understanding Diversity in character and ethics
Many and many, begets huge Let drag our precious time- in Pompous, meek and light path
Born from different Primaries Reunited at high school peak Teasing, mockering alive in Comedic class
To be bound, despite being Scatter in different Country's Plot. Some studying, some Trading as an endorsement Of each life's destiny by Allah
May the worthy, Ranking, Being higher in any life
Endeavors will not departed Our Golden friendship and Candy.
To Be Bound
We want Peace, we don't want war
Davide Rocco Colacrai
Legal and Criminologist, Davide Rocco Colacrai (born in Switzerland in 1981) has taken part in Literature Awards since 14 years and has won over thousand awards.
He is author of the following books:
• Frammenti di parole (2010)
• SoundtrackS (2014)
• Le trentatré versioni di un’ape di mezzanotte (2015) (winner of 2 awards)
• Infinitesimalità (2016) (winner of 2 awards)
• Istantanee Donna (poesie al femminile) (2017) (winner of 12 awards)
• Il dopo che si ripete, sempre in sordina (2018)
• polaroiD (2018) (winner of 3 awards)
• Asintoti e altre storie in grammi (2019) (winner of 3 awards)
• Della stessa sostanza dei padri poesie al maschile (2021) (winner of 1 award)
that he usually displays in “poetry in acting” performances.
His poems have been translated into English, Spanish, French, Russian, Albanian, Greek, Chinese and Bengali.
want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
He teaches math, studies acting, plays piano and harp, is a collector of 7” vinyl from all around the world” (he has got almost 2000 pieces), likes reading, walking in the nature with his dog Mitty and travelling.
August pain
I cannot wait for a star that chooses to fall for me, to plunge into my gravity and to appear like an angel, to talk to me, to avoid together fear, the arcane game of life, that pain that makes the universe a grief, far away from the summer.
With my nose upward, I imagine encounters and wounds, trajectories that knot themselves like snakes, correspondences and delays, absences we devote ourselves to, in order to name them, imitations and silences, hopes where we search for each other.
There’s not a truth in the celestial hand.
The day burns like the repetition of a wait on the parvis that is quiet, the night cools down the constellations of the world on the cross of the sea.
We want Peace, we don't want war
There are stories hosed down by love.
The shadow of my chair tights the crying, the heart axis in half.
The fleshy revolutions of eternity are dreams, metamorphosis of borders and abandonment, time that curses.
I cannot wait for someone who will save me.
Christ with violin dedicated to Baris Yazgi
[I am] the first day of school of a little man who is ashamed to speak Fabrizio Moro
I feel the wave watching over the meeting of my last heartbeats with its blue variations where there is no return, my name that stretches out in pentagram for those creatures that await the sky, the horizon that borders on the void before being nostalgia, I feel the day that hasn’t broken and in which, suspended like a drop, I let myself be a dream.
We want Peace, we don't want war
I am a Christ who has a violin for his cross, his strings my daily bread, his voice my forgiveness, light as shell pollen
I let myself be carried away where the starfish are flowers that sing of love and the world is a sketch that has stopped burning, upside down in the shadowy canvas that sparkle and muffled like the desire for a caress that desire remains.
I feel my body liquid, without rigging, and absolute, almost a tear that slips on the fingerprints of the sea while the sun paints its ray with which he stabs me andIfindmyselfasagroomwithout apromiseandwithouta dress
a misty albatross that stretches beyond the wave, where memories are not yet born andtheeyesare silent,whilethefingerspredictanechoofmyland.
I will be my own Sleeping Beauty
dedicated to Noa Pothoven
I will embellish (my doll) with pink ribbons, yellow flowers in her hair, she will laugh incredulously, oh doll” Patty Pravo
I. The breath is void with which my body breathes to its Sinai, a bow of the universe which, through the soul, falls silent and vanishes, the crashing of my wings against the swollen instant of a panting sky where there were once certainties, where every inch of caress marveled and the constellations wooed the harmony of a bride, almost a Madonna, with which I blessed the days that wet by silence, as I felt them, crossing them, they resembled the edges of a horizon that burns and does not dry, names that now come back chapped by a tear and that remain without a body, full of a memory that a hand shakes and it is mine.
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
II. The pain is void which tends to the echo of a spasm which I recognize as the last act, a curl of a shell who tenaciously chases love at sunset when it is a blood orchard and his psalm remains bare and without a promise in the perseverance of earth while the wind writes its score for the solitude of the step which approaches the liquid line of the infinity and tightens its knot without waiting and without forgiveness.
III. The lights will go out and life will cool.
It will snow at the foot of the curtain.
And I will be my own Sleepy Beauty in a sincere and unforgettable applause, blue, and perhaps absurd, of the heart.
There’s in the short froth of a palpitation a God waiting like a chrysalis creating the waves’ host on which lazes my name
summer dust on figs are words when sunset makes them red hot by pulp at the sunset’s forgiveness where the silence salt, the shore burnt like skin smelling Malvasia
the scorching stones at the olives’ bottom they sigh like the heart’s untamed rings, when the fishermen offshore suspend the nostalgia of the sea and undo the distance from who we let go in the line of the horizon
so many stories tell the rocks, some get caught on the nets, other collected on the water’s edge like shells, who smells them is a wet snout of a dog or the crying in which was dried out a dream.
My city is sleeping.
The pain washed by the seaweeds at the fan of Mistral.
I’m counting all my happinesses on the noise’s end, while a seagull is carring love affairs in dialect, and the sign of the cross a lucky charm.
We want Peace, we don't want war 147
The chemistry of the silence beyond
Everything remains there, beyond my silence; everything remains there. My memory is my prison, me being a man is rarefied like a dream, my footprints are a scribble of salt, and I feel myself sucked in the empty yawn of the sea; my tongue bounces while it tries to reach the last prayer; my fingers drink from the sky while it empties out, where the pain broke its virginity. My heart is bitten by the hole, while my escape cracks in the cold, when live takes shelter in a parenthesis, and it lasts a habit, an obsession, and my entire silence beyond, and me. I count the burden of the days I have not been, or maybe of those I have been too much, or maybe.
We want Peace, we don't want war
Binod Dawadi
He is Binod Dawadi from Purano Naikap 13, Kathmandu, Nepal. He has completed his Master’s Degree from Tribhuvan University in Major English. He likes to read and write literary forms. He has created many poems and stories. His hobbies are reading, writing, singing, watching movies, traveling, gardening, etc.
He likes pets. He is a creative man he does not spends his time by doing nothing. He is always helping for the poor people. He can’t see the troubles and obstacles of the people. He believes that from the writing and from the art it is possible to change the knowledge and perspectives of the people towards any things. He loves his country Nepal very much. He has known many cultures of his country as well as foreign countries. He is always thinking wisely towards any things. He solves his problems by using his mind. He dreams to be a great man in his life.
Peace is lost, There is only world war, There is only diseases, People can't live happily, People can't take their freedom,
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
They are killed and brutely murdered, They are made traumatized, Peace, harmony becomes history, Now the world is searching peace, When do it will get we don't know.
This is the modern world, The human beings forgots, Their cultures their traditions, They become selfish, greedy and worse, They forgot the humanity,
They never help poors, They never help helpless, They never love nature, animals, As well as human beings in the modern time, So, know the importance of humanity love, care and help to all.
Nations should love, Nation should help and care, To each other, Thinking one day other, Nations can be in troubles,
We want Peace, we don't want war
They can help them if they help the, Nations which are in the difficulties, So, unity, cooperation, harmony, Peace is needed for the solidarity, As well as for the happiness.
Peace And War
There is war, There is killing, People are calling for the peace, Please go peace there,
To help them, To make their life, Happier and good, Peace you can stop and win the war.
Animals And Humans Humanity Love
Animals are loyal and faithful, But human are not, Animals have humanity they show, Kindness and love to others, Human also has humanity,
We want Peace, we don't want war
But it shows its humanity, For the short times, Then they forgot that, But animals don't forgot that, Show humanity to the world human beings.
Eva Lianou
Eva Petropoulou Lianou was born in Xylokastro, Greece. Initially she loved journalism and in 1994 she worked as a journalist for the French newspaper "Le Libre Journal" but her love for Greece won her over and she returned in 2002. He haspublished books and eBooks: "Me and my other self, my shadow" Saita publications, "Geraldine and the Lake elf" in English French, as well as "The Daughter of the Moon", in the 4th edition, in Greek English, Oselotos publications. Her work has been included in the Greek Encyclopedia Haris Patsis, p. 300. Her books have been approved by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus, for the Student and Teacher library. Her new books, “The Fairy of the Amazon
Myrtia "dedicated to Myrto with a disability, and" Lefkadios Hearn, Myths and Stories of the Far East ", illustrated by Sumi e painter Dina Anastasiadou, are released in 2019. She recently published her book," The Adventures of Samurai Nogas san "in English by the publishing house OntimeBooks, based in England. Collaborates with the electronic literary magazine The poet magazine. She is his partner International Literary Union based in America. Collaborates for the promotion of literature and promotes the work of Greek poets. Eva is a member of the "Association Alia Mundi Serbia", the "International Society of Writers and Artists of Greece" and the "Piraeus Society of Letters and Arts" as well as the Corinthian Writers Society.
We want
we don't want war 153
We want Peace, we don't want war
President of Greece Mille Minds of Mexico Association
President of children’s section South America, Central America, UNAccc
International Ambassador of e magazine Namaste, India
Editorial team Las Olas del Arte Magazine Belgium
I need to write a poem
A poem that will serve as peacekeeper
Between the God And Humanity
Between the brothers and sisters
Between my self and my mood
I need to find the verses
Be completely different from the past
And so new to fit in the present
Need to have one truth
Justified and accepted
Need to write a new story
A new book about the life
Every single day is a new discovery
People become evil
Failure earn in so many levels
And love is replaced with food
People are divided
Between those who love the food Between those who love the humanity
Need to write a poem about the fear And the dark
But many of stars are shining
So must not affraid of darkness. But definitely need to re organize in our mind what the unknown is like?
People are divided
Between those who love the food Between those who love the humanity
Is so, difficult to think with the stomach full People forgot to love and they become Slaves of their stomach
Little servants of this great stomach That cannot filtre anything
Poetry unites people
Poetry travels more fast than the unknown words, that remain unborn
In the mind of an author...
Need to write a poem About the happiness
We want Peace, we don't want war 155
We want Peace, we don't want war
The smile of the childrens...
The journey that never ends....
Who is the captain of the boat??
A word that is coming out from the brave heart..
I am not asking to forgive as a Human
I am asking to forgive as a GOd
As HE has the kindness and the generosity to see the human mistakes.
I am asking to forgive not as a man
But as An Angel that every day and night Is traveling from Earth to Sky
I don't need any paper
Green or blue
I saw your heart
You had it there in front of me
I understand that silence
That silver silence
I am damned in sky and earth
I am just a soul traveling alone...
Seeking for forgiveness...
Long distance relationship
Days you smile
Nights I cry
Days u become silent
I become so communicative
Birds are coming from far lands
Back to their nest
Wondering will you come to our nest
Long distance relationship
My why become so long
Your words are a rainbow
In my rainy moments
Hope the heaven hear my prayers
Soon you are free from unknown chains
Hear my heart beat
Hear my heart voice
More and more
Every day
Every night
Singing for you
My precious man...
We want Peace, we don't want war
This war in not a video game.. You don't have 7 lives left. There is no save button.
People are dead You cannot ask for help You are alone out there
Poetry is therapy.
Poetry, talks to humans hearts.. Like Angels talk to Jesus.. Poetry belongs to everyone And everyone belongs to poetry..
Verses are sad Verses are happy
But feelings cannot hurt Words are hurting if humans talk bad
Poetry is my language Poetry unites people
Poetry opens doors
During hard moments
Truth was intoxicated
And nothing make sense
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
Poetry opened a window
To my lonely life
I find brother and sister
In the other site of the planet
My prayers, My blessings
We keep the Light
We embrace humanity
Encourage the justice
I am the mirror of your soul
U are the mirror of my soul
We stay united
Poetry is my therapy
Poetry is my colorful life
Vesna Pesic
Vesna was born in 1961 in Belgrade, but she currently lives in Nis and works in Aleksinac and Nis. At work, she introduces high school students to psychology, and electro technicians to civic education. Her greatest treasure is her daughter, son, and two grandchildren.
She has been writing poetry since young age. She writes poems for adults and children, the latter especially since her son started reciting in elementary school. He grew up and became disinterested in reciting, but Vesna would like her poems to be recited by other children.
As a student, she worked as a journalist in the former local magazine "Zbivanja", edited the feuilleton of that magazine, and also did proofreading.
For three years, she did preparation and editing of about twenty books for the publishing company "Sagittarius" from Nis.
Her poems have been published in over 100 collections of poetry.
As a personal success, she considers the won 10th place on the international poetry contest Mili Dueli in 2015, and the 11th place on Mili Dueli in 2017.
On December 22, 2020, her first collection of poems "Tragovi na dusi" was published.
So far, 12 poems have been published on the "Tragovi blog" site.
Apart from poetry, she also likes writing travelogues and hopes she will have enough opportunities in her life for that as well.
We want Peace, we don't want war
Autumn arrived last night Sneaking up bright. The wind, crazy and enraptured, Was wandering the city all night.
Autumn arrived last night. With its yellow dress it glowed. It scattered the withered leaves On a wet, muddy road.
Autumn arrived last night Bringing dreamy rains. And now my every thought Smells of some sadness.
Autumn song
We want Peace, we don't want war
Mariana Carp
I was bordn in Brașov Romania,
I am currently domiciled in Bucharest, My formation and education speciality is human profile. My most important publications are: volumes of poetry
VOL 1 Answering to love
VOL 2 Adultery with… poetry
VOL 3 Story conversations... words, various publications written in literary journals:
Parnas XXI , under the edition of Marcel Chișcă
Echoes of the heart, founder Mariana Kiss, editor Isabela Tanasa
Anthology of Poets from Everywhere, anthologist: Mihail Tănase.
I have prefaced the volumes of other poets, I have a large volume of my own manuscripts to be published.
My poetry is a poem of peace and love with a spiritual to motivational connotation and if I resonate with your heart, my reader, it means that I have reached my goal.
We want Peace, we don't want war
A thought of peace
And the thought
You can't hear it, you can't see it, but how close it is to you! And it comes off me in the form of silence, subtle and ethereal. It masters the mirage and longs for wish. It's nowhere and nobody, but it comes to you, to everything is life, to the end of the earth. And all those who perceive knowledge and desire PEACE from the bottom of their hearts, anywhere and anytime, here, now and in every moment they should write, to be aware of the world , living on a peacefully and quiet earth!
The rainbow of peace
We are on passing earth and the soul is always hungry for peace. We don't want wars, despair, parting, enmity, all together in a living fear. And, durringa war, people die of suffering, ruin, tears, coldwalls. While that peace we know, it's a miracle for the whole world!
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
And I just carry in my soul love and peace.
I want to put an end to the war, and I want to feel peace. In each of us peace is the white dove, laurel, the green olive, an awakened feeling.
And in written words you will be with me in the entire Universe, an immense beauty, in each verse.
You will find my peace into my words.
I want everything to be like a garden, like a snowy flower, on a white written paper.
And I will courageously set my eyes up to the sky, in the name of our ancient nation, that is gone now.
For the children that live now and for those who will come.
I want to split for them the dimensions they deserve.
I offer you a little of it through my verse, as of coming from God, but I always give you peace from my soul.
On the white sky there is a rainbow!
Faith and creation
For what reason are you or not the one who thinks he is guilty of the cold from the prophets, or of the warmth of the heart?
Let us not live in painful destiny, let us wish it be happily mixed up with willing and loving.
From the unseen world the potentials of existence come from the hidden unfathomable of the Universe,
There are the plans of the feeling according to which we live in our settlement of the earth.
They surround us with good and hard days that crush tears in release with obligation.
But there are also times when people thrive and live well, stepping on the bridges towards growing, through which they grow and love each other.
We will be as we choose either we are the black of night or thewhiteofpaperandchoosetofightfornomorecrimesandwars, And let theft, prostitution and unforgiveness disappear.
So is the disease, the pride , poverty, the drug and alcohol cravings of the world that sells to addicted people.
We alone must try to make a change with our own power and start from us through us and everything will be fine. Maybe not today, not tomorrow, not in a lifetime but someday we will still succeed and change ourselves towards perfection, towards the live as we wish.
And we will hope, we will share on winning for we are the being, and not by chance we are both creation and faith.
And maybe I'll come and tell you about the virtue of being
We want Peace, we don't want war 165
We want Peace, we don't want war
and I will rush to write to you about the ascension of the dream of my life, with my work, with my poetry. And achieving the incredible by driving away the disease of violence and fear of the present. For reality is my real present, always connected with everything and your present!
Getting out… from dream!
Our shadows in the dark loved each other, they met througout time.
They had wings as if they were flying with their sleep bent and torn, or raised, they were going under a smokescreen on another road.
On the kissed night, with heavy wings, they flew towards the stars.
Hanging delicately, they could be discerned as golden haired souls, born as if from fire, from the fire of their eyes, which looked as if they were burning smoldering, indistinct, inseparable.
At night she seemed to have forgotten them in a long kiss, but with her motherly hug in the verse she recovered them. and he reproduced them in poetry.
Shadows with a desire to move and from the fairytale landscape, the huge one, seemed like a drop of illusions on earth, an oath.
They no longer had wings and lost their flight the mystery remained as a bud on the branch of passion.
But the buds came off, in front of the world it seemed like a dream I was also writing and he was talking next to me and my buds and my muse … And they blossomed and they heard my verse.
You are a god and i am a goddess
Today I took my sun guide on the Elysian plains, he is a god and I am a goddess. It was until the last minute, when through the hidden sunset in heaven he led me. The sunset at night also brought her back in her passing moment.
But he stays with me, it burns my frozen mind with my old world, which was unparalleled.
In it I had people to love and tears for the fairy tale that is over. It melted my shooting stars, he also gave me flowing rays, written fire, and subscribed. And gladly at his dawn he rose for those who read my poems in lyric and in love with the pen.
We want Peace, we don't want war 167
We want Peace, we don't want war
It was love through instinct, but also detachment, constancy as a paradox, melted by heat. ecstasy and revelation in the present spirit, the poem smells of myrrh at the end of the sunset. And I bathed him only in pure springs, in places that seem familiar, in divine ropes where the grass and flowers throb. Bliss!
And everything sublimates healing, dynamic carrier to the sun in a state of love.
A bright descent, as the life that is transformed from the loser into the higher good.
A perpetuation!
You a god and I a god, dreamy poetry as an unraveled step, manifested essence. But my place is not here and I dance to the echoes of my heart, I'm leaving the Elysha Plain, now the scar remains under my feet and I am tasting of you as an allusion to the sun above, which daily goes to the west. Always the journey of time, in which I look for the cold spring and the shadow under the tent or cloud. Light and darkness!
You a god and I a goddess in a unique existence, in perfect harmony with the sun and the moon, night and day, and the disturbance in synchronization is only fleeting love!
Dessy Tsvetkova
My name is Dessy Tsvetkova, from Bulgaria. I love writing.
Coming by the green leaves, youth awakens the eyes, contemporing all the phases. According and turbulating with freshness. My conscious chooses the state of youth as long as the spring stones last.
From the near distance of illusory realities, through the fragile fortress of dreams, deep in oblivion
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
of the memories, all the way to infinity at a sharp angle of the vicious circle, with diamond precision sometimes, but always slightly distracted, love fills all the senses, until reason surrenders and love wins ...
I'm going that way ...
Light years, slow travel ... With the steps on each one
god's creatures, with the messages of drops of blood and sweat on the feet ...
Ages are leafing through their covers, corpse centuries old eclecticism,
the Minotaurs have disappeared, the rest are only the labyrinths ...
The heroes have arranged their names on the obelisks ...
Many more time
I have to go ...
The heart knows ... Wind vanes point, the relics are cornerstones, the way is love ...
I'm going that way ... *
Life is hatching, peeks through the shell and waves with paws, with wings,
We want Peace, we don't want war 171
We want Peace, we don't want war
with hands. It comes out of the dark womb, like a sudden sunrise from a black hole, such as creating the light. And it starts to move, to crawl to ramble, to roll over ... Life, like fire magic, immediately declares himself and everything around starts to shine.
Call for peace 5
These wars must end. Stop the genocide! 5
Let's give Peace a chance! 6
Giuseppe Iannarelli 7
Desaparecidos 8
I cingoli dei carri armati 10
Immigrato 13
Stupro 13
Temporale estivo 14
Bogdana Găgeanu 16
We say „Peace”, but we action as war 16
Do you have conscience? 17
The giving gift 17
Plenty space 18
What would you... 18
Sofija Đokić Sofke 19
Man 19
The heart of the poet 20
Woman! 21
We want Peace, we don't want war
We want Peace, we don't want war
You... 21
World 22
Vasanth Kumar 24
Stop holocaust, stand for peace 25
Humanity and human beings (a short essay) 26
Will you be here forever? 27
Need a serious discussion (a short essay) 28
Fight for peace and prosperity 30
Radha Raman Singh 32
War must be the last resort 32
Terror is terror only 34 Peace like oxygen 36
No God made any religion 38 Stateless Afghanistan 40
Olga Aranđelović 42
Peace 43
War is a terrible crime Terrorism is an even greater crime 43
Did the dead die in vain 45
A world without hunger A world without poverty A planet without poisoners 46
Children are victims of war, Children are always victims 47
Mihir.V.Kumar 50
Stop holocaust, stand for peace 51
Will you be here forever? 52
Need a serious discussion (essay) 53
Fight for peace and prosperity 54
Jashobanta Biswal 56
A real man 56
Infidel 57
Request... 58
The beggar of the nomads 59
Ash heap 61
Mahmoud Said Kawash 62
Which reads first, the heart or the sight? 62
Keep loving, smiling and helping 64
Have pity on my guitar 65
The friends are either blessings or curses 68
Never be negative 69
Franco Carta 71
Ties 71
Destinies 72
Encounter 72 Sunset 72
The Twilight 73
Alessandra Sorcinelli 74
Poetry 74
We want Peace, we don't want war 175
We want Peace, we don't want war
Cleo 74
A flower 75
Sun 75
Things 75
Imdadul Islam 76
Tanka - Peace 76
Tanka - Equality 76
Tanka - Orphans 77
Tanka - Destitution 77
Tanka - Arts 77
Prasanna Kumar Mohapatra 78
Flag For Entity 78
The Success Path 80
"An Ounce of Love" 81
"For the sake of vermillion" 82
Human Nature 84
Ecaterina Rolea 86
We want peace in the world 87
Humanity 88
We are at war but we want peace! 89
Solidarity 90
Essay 91
Folajimi Notch Shoaga 94
We Want Peace, We Don’t War (1) 94
We Want Peace, We Don’t War (2) 95
We Want Peace, We Don’t War (3) 95
We Want Peace, We Don’t War (4) 96
We Want Peace, We Don’t War (5) 96
Santosh Kumar Biswa 98
Peace through Love 99
The Peace, as their Religion 100
The Peace, out from my Love 100
OPeace! For your Realmto Sparkle 102
To Paint the Peace 103
Lenuş Lungu 104
The anthem of peace 105
We want peace, we don't want war 106
The hope 107
Jeane Tertuliano 108
Theessential is invisible to the eyes 108
Perseverance 109
Have you loved today? 109
Synonymous with resistance 110
Humanity and Modernity 111
Tamara Nazarii 112
We want Peace, we don't want war 177
We want Peace, we don't want war
War is to blame 113
Don't lose faith 113
Let the world be peace! 114
We want peace! 115
We want forever peace! 115
Maid Čorbić 117
Inter-medical shadows of humanity 117
Peace rules in the world 119
No more words about the war 120
Still humanity can wins wars 122
In the sea of peace, love collected survives 124
Naila Hina 126
Waiting for Peace! 127
Trade Of Testimony 128
Attraction! 129
Reality! 130
As free as a bird. 132
Transformer 133
Babangida Baba 135
Butchers: 135
An Angel Came to me 137
My Land 138
Will You meet Me Alive? 138
To Be Bound 140
Davide Rocco Colacrai 141
August pain 142
Christ with violin 143
I will be my own Sleeping Beauty 145
Ma-la-voglia 146
The chemistry of the silence beyond 148
Binod Dawadi 149
Peace 149 Humanity 150 Solidarity 150
Peace And War 151
Animals And Humans Humanity Love 151
Eva Lianou Petropoulou 153
I need to write a poem 154
Forgiveness 156
Long distance relationship 157
Peace 158
Poetry is therapy. 158
Vesna Pesic 160
Autumn song 161
Mariana Carp 162
A thought of peace 163
We want Peace, we don't want war 179
We want Peace, we don't want war 180 The rainbow of peace 163 Faith and creation 164 Getting out… from dream! 166 You are a god and i am a goddess 167 Dessy Tsvetkova 169 * 169 * 169 Humanity 170 * 171 Contents 173 cronopedia/
❖ Bogdana Găgeanu – My soul pyramid
❖ Nicu Doftoreanu – Mordicus tango
❖ Nicu Doftoreanu Tangouri în pași de Flamenco tango en pasos Flamencos
❖ Santosh Kumar Biswa - The Rhythm Of The Butterfly
❖ Ashok Chakravarth Vibrant Musings
❖ Santosh Kumar Biswa & Lenuş Lungu - Midnight in the garden of peace
❖ Elena Tudosă - Iubire şi chin (poezii)
❖ Taifas Literary Magazine nr. 13/2022
❖ World Literary Art Impressions Magazine No. 1 – autumn, 2022
În curs de apariţie la Biblioteca Cronopedia:
❖ Encyclopedia Literary Of The World's Writers
❖ Almanac of World literary forum for Peace and Human Rights
Colecţiile Bibliotecii Cronopedia:
Vieţile sfinţilor Tradiţii Gastro&Literatura Mirific Povestiri cu tâlc Folclor internistic
Călătorii virtuale Originea numelor Gânduri altfel Revista „Cronos peniţa de aur” Revista „Taifas literar” Taifas Literary Magazine
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