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Cultural differences

Contemporary Poetry Anthology by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Cultural differences


Although same features we carry, You and I are of different cultures and ethnicity. Yours views and ways of life aren’t similar to mine, ‘Cause you belong to the East and me to West.

I should know ‘bout you and you ’bout me, in-depth, Then shall we progress with a better bond, For progressive cooperation and collaboration.

Let us make our own sides strong sincerely, But, never to debate and point at each other, So as to uphold our identity and mentality.

Let us not criticize one another’s beliefs, But, respect everyone’s moral codes, So as to strengthen ‘Moral Relativism.’

Contemporary Poetry Anthology by Santosh Kumar Biswa

It is us, you and me, who can make the difference, To mold our existing society into a vibrant one. Listen, criticism multiplies enemies, But, reformation and wise acts in oneself don’t.

Thus, let us all change for change to bring, For a better society tomorrow - that exchanges peace. To make the land that we live on, a heaven, And avoid all the differences that we have within.

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