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This Valentine

Contemporary Poetry Anthology by Santosh Kumar Biswa

This Valentine


In love, I wish for this Valentine, To make promises of thousands of bonds, Between you and me, until death, And of love, different than ever earlier, In a lifetime, to label it as a symbolic one.

Let it be, not like the kisses and hugs, And just an unstable merry making, Made before, so ordinary and alike. Let us be different, to make it different.

We shall dissolve totally in blue, Unlike others, at least, not in lust. Let others make promises, So youthful, with their wine and dine, So fragile, that last for a while.

Let us create a more promising one, Which no one’s done, right before an altar, With no lust or wine or dine, but, With the binding of our passion in an orison.

Contemporary Poetry Anthology by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Heaven would be our witness, And scriptures be the guide, To lead us to the new height, So gross, with rectifications in us, In what, we flushed it before in chunks.

Let us see about each other more, Blanking out the unacceptable one, And taking in with new insights, Thus, for greater love and better tomorrow.

Let our valentine be surrounded by candles, And songs be replaced by chanting, Then shall our love be an immortal one, So firm and stronger than in front, Alive, even after our last breath, in Eden.

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