2 minute read

A Blessed Priest

Contemporary Poetry Anthology by Santosh Kumar Biswa

A Blessed Priest


Despite the caveat spark, above all, No alteration of its form, the proud rainbows took, Solely greed within and wrath that existed.

Then came the shower so hefty, The rainbows couldn’t resist to stand firm, So was washed, not being with the commandment handed.

The poor boatman watched over the sky, So clear it was when done, with new brightness within, Upon glancing down, was like a carpet grass, and then fresh.

He multiplied when the days multiplied, Along with his selected mate, those inside the boat, Alas! The same rainbow took its form as before, With its new outlooks and of greater greed.

And so got a blessed priest, so holy and virtuous, That Lazarus thanked most of his deeds, Not with wrath as before, but with eternal love, To paint the rainbows with new looks in them.

Contemporary Poetry Anthology by Santosh Kumar Biswa

Twelve, who were blessed set for his commission, Along with him, for the eternal life that was promised. More rainbows took new shape as pure as before, Like the snow so white, with his miraculous deeds.

With fear in mind, exclaimed Herod, “No, I am the king, not the priest.” So to subdue the priest, plotted the persecution, Then was a priest arrested, to fulfil; his egotism.

Poor priest, bitten and nailed said nothing, But thanked and subdued the things he yearned for, And left Mary and all, from the tomb, three days after, From where he came, to make a better home for those rainbows, So that they glow as bright as the sun forever.

Forty days and forty nights, he spent again his time, With his followers, before ascending to the Promised Land, To assure, he is alive still, that the rainbows remain white, And gifted the grace, so that it doesn’t fade, Forever, to remember him and the one who sent him.

Contemporary Poetry Anthology by Santosh Kumar Biswa

“Neither desire for wealth nor do worldly things make you pure, ” He proclaimed, “But the pure in heart, it does.”

Then he appointed Paul, with a commission to speak his middle, Till he came back the second time, for the judgment to add up, And to reach the new world, unlike the present.

The rainbow took its new form, after his temporary release, Upon seeing it, his eyes bled, not like on the cross, So he said, “I will wait till it is all right, then shall I come.” In melancholy, he peeped through heaven, To see the rainbows free of greed and wrath.

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