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essay 47-51

Raúl Bolaños Romero



PINOCHO: An initiatory novel.

Few are those who know that Pinocchio, the wooden doll out of the mind and creativity of the Italian writer Carlo Lorenzo Fillipo Giovanni Lorenzini; better known by his pseudonym Carlo Collodi, it is not a children's story. In fact, by its length it is a novel, but its alleged childhood plot is no more than the vehicle through which Collodi tried to deliver a deep spiritual, initiatory, esoteric and inner and personal development message. Indeed, the first thing that would have been pointed out is that the author, Carlo Collodi, was a member of the Masonic Order, an institution that guards and studies the ancient hermetic traditions attributed to Hermes Trimegistus, Gnosis, Qabbalah, Yoga, Pythagorean mathematics, etc. Collodi wrote "The Adventures of Pinocchio" that was published in 1882, under a convulsive atmosphere in the Italian reunification that was also directed by another Freemason José Garibaldi. A superficial analysis of the work reveals an apology for education and a denunciation of vice and laziness. Ideals typical of Western culture, but which are inescapable mandates for esoteric orders. Walt Disney, who immortalized this story in animated films, was also a Freemason. With some variations on Collodi's original plot, he tried to maintain the esoteric and initiatory teachings of the tale. It should be noted that in those years or times gone by, Freemasonry was really constituted for the integral development of human consciousness, everyone taught them the initiatory path, they did not seek personal power but to be free internally and externally and so expressed it in this wonderful tale. Today all this is lost and they only seek the power and domination of the masses with extraordinary knowledge that great teachers left us as an inheritance.


The tale of Pinocchio is the story of the Human Soul on its journey of spiritual evolution. Pinocchio is created under the influence of two characters, one male and the other female, which symbolize the two aspects of God. It is carved by the carpenter Geppetto and the Fairy Blue which gives it life. At the same time, the Fairy chooses a cricket named Pepe and entrusts him with a mission: to stay with Pinocchio and be his conscience; This means that God places with each soul the consciousness of the truth, which always accompanies it within itself. Geppetto's greatest wish is for Pinocchio to become a real boy. And he knows that his wish can only come true if Pinocchio learns and grows, so he sends him to school; This represents our development, which is a lifelong learning process. Pinocchio walks out the front door led by his father, and he does so loaded with purpose, with the deep longing to become something superior: a real child.


But when he goes out into the world problems arise. Making use of his newfound freedom, Pinocchio makes some wrong decisions, and succumbs to the temptation of pride as it is said that he allows himself to be carried away by his ego or by the 7 deadly sins. Despite Jiminy Cricket's protests. He follows John the Honored and joins a circus troupe. The fundamental characteristic of the soul is free will, which is power at all times to choose. In the theatrical representation of him Pinocchio receives great applause, and he is very happy, but after the performance he is locked in a cage. Letting ourselves be carried away by pride, by the "I" (ego), can give us pleasure, but in the long run it always produces pain, because it enslaves the soul. The Blue Fairy comes to him, asking the cause of her confinement, and Pinocchio tries to justify himself before her by telling lies; But with every lie he tells her nose grows. Then Pinocchio discovers that evil cannot be hidden, and honestly acknowledges his mistakes, repenting of them. The same happen with us; As long as we justify ourselves and do not acknowledge our mistakes before God and before ourselves, we cannot learn. The Fairy then frees him and receives another chance. Jiminy Cricket is determined to help Pinocchio stay on track, but it doesn't take long for new temptations to present themselves. Juan el Honrado reappears, inviting you to the Island of Pleasure, a place where children can have fun all day and satisfy all their desires. Pinocchio cannot resist the attraction of traveling to the Island and joins the group. Our greattemptation is not to have to exert ourselves, to receive everything for nothing. And it happens that when Pinocchio and the other children have been on the Island for too long, they begin to turn into donkeys and forget even to speak, the donkey represents the mind and this was shown by the greatest initiate of all time when he entered Jerusalem mounted in the donkey, it is the human intellect, the mind that dominates or rides you. The same happens with the human soul, when it is brutalized by indifference and the permanent satisfaction of desire; he forgets who he is and what his mission is. Over and over again Pinocchio reaps what he sows. His bad actions lead him to an unhappy life, where the doll pays for the karma generated with suffering. But Pinocchio realizes in time. When he discovers that donkey ears and tails are growing out, he goes to Jiminy Cricket to ask for help. This saves him, because Jiminy Cricket knows how he can escape from the Island. As soon as they are free they start looking for Geppetto. But they return to his house and discover that he has disappeared; he has gone looking for Pinocchio. This image is of fundamental importance, since it makes us understand that not only are we looking for God, but that God is looking for us. Pinocchio receives indications about the whereabouts of his father. He can find it at the bottom of the sea, in the belly of a great whale that swallowed Geppetto's boat. The marine animal is an ancient symbol of the reconciliation of spirit and matter. The sea is a symbol of the unconscious. Thus, the story tells us that we

will find our spiritual inspiration, our true nature, in our own unconscious self, deep within ourselves. Remember the biblical passage of Jonas who lives in the belly of the whale here is more wisdom of the soul. When Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket look for Geppetto in the sea, he is swallowed by the same whale. The interior of the whale represents the Masonic chamber of reflections, the descent to the center of the Earth. In her womb there takes place a joyous reunion of Pinocchio with his father, but they soon realize that they must escape to continue together in daylight and on dry land. In other words, our spiritual journey does not end when we begin to reconnect with our spiritual depths in our dreams, in our prayers, or in our meditations. The next step is to bring this higher state of consciousness into daily life, and that is often the hardest part. By candlelight, Pinocchio meditates on his fate and decides to change, leaving his past of unconsciousness behind. In the story, Pinocchio has a plan. He comes up with a way to escape, which requires a lot of strength and courage, and he succeeds. But when they are in the middle of the sea, Geppetto seems to be drowning and Pinocchio sacrifices himself to save him. And this is precisely the key, what will make him worthy of being a real child; selfless love. When the other's need is more important than mine, when “I” cease to be me and the center of my life, the door opens that gives way to the miracle. When Geppetto returns to himself on the beach, he finds next to him the lifeless body of his son Pinocchio who does not survive the fury of the ocean and finally drowns. This death of the doll is the "mystical death" of the profane being initiated, the total death of the ego or of the 7 deadly sins. Very upset, he takes him home and puts him on the bed. But the boy's action of love, giving his life for his father, has made him worthy of being a real boy. He is resurrected andhis destiny is thus fulfilled; be a real child. This tale is the symbol of our own journey of spiritual unfoldment. The meaning of life is that we go through the process of realizing our true nature in God. Conscious and cocreators. The whole key to this is love, the selfless offering, which in turn means the renunciation of the personal and selfish “I”. The purpose of life shared by all men is to manifest the infinite in the finite, bring the divine to the human, and give individual expression to our spiritual qualities. There are more stories that call them Fairies but they are the living symbol of inner wisdom and unfortunately this humanity has already lost the wisdom of the soul, it only addresses its mind and intellect, preventing its consciousness from acting in its dailylife. It should be clarified that the ego has disguised itself as the attributes of consciousness and now believes that it is the cricket that speaks to it inside when it is the ego that does. Many stories tell the story of the state of human unconsciousness and that within it there are the 7 deadly sins (the ego) this same is described in all the religions of the world


and ancient cultures. The sleeping beauty, clear allusion to the consciousness that sleeps within the human being and the 7 dwarfs of him. A beautiful princess who has to be rescued from a dungeon and the knight who has to face the dragon that has her captive, a clear allusion to the conscience locked in the human subconscious and the dragon (the ego has her prisoner. Doña blanca (conscience) encased in pillars of gold and silver, terrible materialism. All are clear hidden messages, which in other times could not be transmitted to humanity directly, because the inquisition burned them alive or on the rack. There are no inquisitors anymore, but that fear has been etched in them and the mental atoms have been passed from generation to generation that they are diabolical things or black magic, because the inquisitive mind still continues in thousands of people. It is necessary to educate our brothers with a didactics and a dialectic, so that they know their interior and thus recover the paradise lost, or their consciousness (awaken from deep sleep) awakening all their powers that it contains, since it contains the wisdom of creation . In POPOL VUH, the sacred book of the Mayans, he narrates that the gods created men of wood, a clear allusion to us, but that they have not yet become complete human beings or that consciousness is not crystallized within the human being. Everywhere they shout the wisdom of the Soul. Zoran Radosavljević

Bosna i Hercegovina


Hvala ti sto si tu i dajes svetlosti trag... hvala ti sto osecam tvoj miris blag... hvala ti sto u vremenu trazenja... nadjosmo istinu o nama... bajka samo nama znana..gde se val sudara o val... gde morske zvezde zele na bal..gde ljubav srcem svira... ljubav je miris budjenja na livadi rosnih dodira... Negde izmedju postoji proslost trenutkom zapletena... Cutanjem ne postizemo nista ”niti menjamo niti pokrecemo... cutanjem jedno drugom u zagrljaj ne slecemo... Mora se pricati da volis “i ako si sama u svojoj sobi” razgovor u tisini sobe gde se pomalo bojis... razgovor da se ne predajes... da celu sebe ljubavi toj dajes” da pricas dok ne svane zora..ti si moja ljubavnica mora... jer svaki tvoj nezni dodir” pokrece okeane... leteti recima tvojih dodira... znam da umes... znam da razumes... Ti me vidis svojim ocima koje i tamu boje... volim sve najdraze mojeti si moj otkucaj srca... Svaki dan neki osecaju izgore u ocima... svaka samoca najgora je nocima..preko dana donosim ti pune ruke neznosti... potrosimo svaki sekund jer vreme moze prekinuti igru bez da nas upozori... Svaku moc te sanjam i tu si mi sjajna... cuvam te u snu kao da si tajna... ono sto se najduze ceka..najace se grli... kad mi nedostajes ja svoje snove jako zagrlim i isplacem sve sto ti zelim reci a ne mogu... Sakrijem zelje iza zalazeceg sunca. Sa novim jutrom budit ce se zelje

zajedno sa mnom... .ti to umes..ti me najbolje razumes... ... nekako uvek fali... jos jedan... jos jedan zagrljaj... jos jedan poljubac... . jos jedan trenutak... jos jedan sat... jos jedan san.. Sameer Goel


The Sophisticating Decision

Clamouring around the street of your mind turns you into a hothead fool.

The desert won't receive rain because it Giveth not rain to the sky, so is every man who never respects others instruction will cease to be heroes of all. None will throw honour of gold around his name as an outstanding leader of all.

Few will recognize the truth but self Greed residing beneath will hide some into a cage of unending satisfaction of penury. They pour lies into the basket of our emotion with enticing sweet words but they only want us to see what they want us to see by depriving people from seeing the future opportunities which are before us which give no help to the system. They have smooth evil tricky words capable of turning drops of water to the ocean: all lies will be exposed and everyone engulfed shall be set free to see the glorious light. Why must we engage in evil conspiracy sending awful messages into the data-mind of fresh young generation builders? Cultivate goodness, let it spread around the desert so others can rise and proclaim good things about you. Why such a stone heart even impulsive person can understand this message. Listen, you that sophisticated people with lies: remember the tree never changes direction after falling only in the air it has the opportunity to swing like a pendulum bulb.

Few times from now those whocare about you will begin to careless about you, because you have not taken diligence on others' opinions. In all, excellence is the position of the mindset, a great leader sets the word ablaze demanding people coming up to fight and catch up. Great name is not built one day but is recorded how many people can stand shoulder to shoulder and say thank you for supporting, innovating, inspiring, encouraging them to reach their ultimate happiness.

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