1 minute read
Farhan Anjum
World Literary Art Impressions Magazine No. 1 – autumn, 2022
With a heart smiling at the sweet path of love!
My gaze is fixed on the horizon and the sun, The warmth of life embraces the voice of my soul! The fliers who began to fly again, I thank God by prayer!
Shine as sunlight
A feeling that won't let me stop Shine as sunlight and bloom as flowers In search of love Most people lose a loyal companion
So what will the wise do here? We will meet and say goodbye Eyes flooding as flowing waves We will see each other for the last time
I have stopped regretting being wise Nor burn as a lamp in search of light Without the ocean, waves and loving Mermaid Neither a poet nor poetry exist
Watching you from distant is enough Your thinking will complete me We will meet and say goodbye We will see each other for the last time Farhan Anjum