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Dr. Imdadul Islam 14

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Yusuf M Khalid

Yusuf M Khalid

World Literary Art Impressions Magazine No. 1 – autumn, 2022 Like a lady with black hairs. On the head set with pearl strings. Where the cloud licking palaces With bright women with smiling faces With coloured pictures, having drums struck for music To enjoy with couples, And with well polished surface With compare themselves. By the virtues with high shinings Having lightening entire city The ladies have to play With different games.

Hark with care


Fairy, fairy, oh fairy, hark with care, You are beautiful, you have full freedom, Please come in our hamlet, kindly come here, You can fly everywhere, sharp your wisdom. I'll give you sweets and sandwich with kefir, You can also stroll here and there for days, I'll give fancy garments of green colour, Will you not come in our house for joys?

Fairy, fairy, oh fairy, hear me well, I'll offer you all of me for your glad, But, want your wings, in sky to stray and dwell. The Lord does not gift it to make me pleased. Will you donate me your beautiful wings? If you agree, I'll thank your true feelings. Dr. Imdadul Islam


Delicious thoughts words

I put off sleep for tomorrow because I want to live another journey that will never end I will walk every hour of my life let heart and soul be united forever

let the night become my sister of the day every season of the year will be friendly to me let the wings of dreams fully unfold before the eyes of death fall asleep a shadow

I love you, life, although you make me unpleasant though the logs keep falling at my feet it is good that you do not bleed my heart because joy also happens to me

let the cliche of life go round without stopping let him give me the strength to survive may God ordain my every second so that I could write down my emotions in poems

I will not fall asleep tomorrow either because I do not waste time it is so sad to waste running minutes especially when the sunny weather in my soul and legs still eager to put on shoes

i love you life - it is a sin not to love it is wonderful to be able to speak, think and breathe it's great to be able to overcome obstacles Listen to the heartbeat even though you can't see it. Adam Żemojtel

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