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John O'Dowd

Dublin, Ireland

I lecture in the School of Law at UCD Dublin, Ireland. Currently, I am helping design our new building, the Sutherland School of Law Building (opening early '12.) Other favourite films: Crimes and Misdemeanors-Allen The Ipcress File-Furie Performance-Cammell & Roeg Donnie Darko-Kelly Cet obscur objet du désir-Buñuel Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie-Buñuel 8½-Fellini Double Indemnity-Wilder The Lost Weekend-Wilder Sunset Boulevard-Wilder Ace in the Hole-Wilder Some Like It Hot-Wilder The Apartment-Wilder The 39 Steps-Hitchcock Notorious-Hitchcock The Lady Vanishes-Hitchcock Strangers on a Train-Hitchcock Rear Window-Hitchcock Vertigo-Hitchcock North by Northwest-Hitchcock Psycho-Hitchcock La Nuit américaine-Truffaut Les Quatre Cents Coups-Truffaut Jules et Jim-Truffaut Le genou de Claire-Rohmer Pauline à la plage-Rohmer La Belle Noiseuse-Rivette Tous les matins du monde-Corneau Les Am


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