Trewarren House, AJ, 14 February 2013

Page 1

First look

John Pardey 'far out' house realised Following a planning battle won on appeal, John Pardey Architects' 'modern ti mber-framed Welsh vernacular' home come~ ro fruition Wl'.:iT \\' \tF-S ]fJhn Pudc-y

hilkof'ly. Th<' l()wo::r il9or h<>u,;e'i

Ar<:hitc<:ts Ius «.~m p)c l t:d Pc mbi Ol:e~h hc: Cot~l N~tlM:tl

four btdroom and ('(lnneett tu the hillside gudc-n. Oc.f~ribtd by the pt:tcdcc :ts

P:trL: on·rluoking-tht N<Wpl)fl

'modem timhrr-lramt"d \Vdsh

E~ll.l!lry it.~ wc~;rcrn W:. lc.c.

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ll>nvitC's room" ~nd Exrl.aln i ng- lh<' .::::on fo:-sn:.-1

b<:oe;•lll a Un.bu raftC!1t<l •·oof. 1htl' l [vir.~g r.p.1 t;C hr~< :1 fuJJ hdg-ht, dlditl.!!, jj;b:ted .!lcreen proce~t.. prllttkc

thit £975,000 hnme in


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tradidonlrl entJugh'".

So dl(Y tllul)tly CC'.fuu·~ if/ 1he pb.m-were 11pptovcd on •PP"'• I in 200?. The tchcmc w:a~ d<"Si,!;.nt'd ns n ha li d.ay h(ll~l! for ll 'nry gJ:~.Mo rnuc• C"O')t1pl<- lmm Surrc-r :~. nd­

thdr (our ch11JI'en ;uHi l:.~ exptcttd in th<" long tt'Jm , to br>:(lm(' thei r reti rement fctcc:'l t. R i:/:.#rd Wait<'

Upp<~r qtouQd IIO'M-

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