The coupler volume 3 issue 6

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Steel City Coupler Publication of the Steel City Division Southeastern Region - NMRA Volume 3, Issue 6

June 2013

Steel City Division Meeting Please plan to attend the next meeting on

Thursday, June 20th, 2013 7:00pm Vestavia Hills United Methodist Church, Room 203

Inside This Issue: Editor Jason Parham ( ©2013 The Steel City Division, SER-NMRA The Steel City Coupler is published monthly.

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This Month’s Meeting Layout Tour Along the Line – Prototype Railroad News Superintendent’s Office Clerk’s Desk NMRA and SER News Mystery Image Timetable

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June Meeting: Railroads, Red Ore and Red Hot Metal This presentation was very well received at last year’s National Annual Meeting of the R&LHS and is a unique look at the Red Ore Mines of Birmingham and in particular the transportation system that moved red ore from mine to mill. Many of the images in this presentation show how the actual underground mine railway system worked and many have not been seen in years. We are indeed fortunate to have Eric’s knowledge and graphics to show how red ore moved both underground and above ground to make steel in the Birmingham Industrial District. Eric McFerrin is the (First) Park Ranger for the Red Mountain Park. He is an avid photographer ( and a model railroader of the Rio Grande Western. He is a fervent industrial historian is “in the trenches” of day to day work of preserving Birmingham’s wonderful rail and industrial history. Eric’s job at Red Mountain Park lets him enjoy and discover our industrial heritage every working day. I urge you to come to our June Division meeting to see Eric’s presentation of mines and railroading in Birmingham. You will see pictures of things that very few have seen unless they worked in the mines and drove the trains, and you won’t be disappointed. Remember to bring a friend! Model of the Month: As a tie in to our presentation, feel free to bring in any mining related model for show and tell. Structures, motive power, and rolling stock are all fair game and could be related to mining any sort of material (coal, ore, etc.) Remember, this is YOUR Division – what do YOU want to do? Tell us what you would like to do or see in our Division activities: The Steel City Coupler – June 2013


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