CAPODOCIA, TURKEY byel izabethpreske Hot Air Balloon Festival
ballooning is very gentle and its calming effect seems to put the world below into Cappadocia is perspective. Rock one of the most formations and perfect places on world-famous earth, not only for fairy chimneys its beautiful drift into view, landscape, but giving you an also for soaring unmatched peacefully in hot feeling of being air balloons. The above it all. sensation of Cappadocia is
the place where over 100 hot ai balloons flying everyday. It?s like we have the fiesta everyday. The Fiesta truly is a sight that can only be seen in Ürgüp. Held over four days in July at Ürgüp Center, the event is completely free with charges
made for parking on the event site. Alongside the fantastic site of hot air balloons filling the skies, we have a large number of great trade stands, fairground rides and entertainment. 2
There?s something recent past, it was in colourful
hot air. Occupied
in the air in
pigeons, lured to
balloons that lift
for millennia by
roost in hollows
off in their dozens
peoples who
Some say it?s the
bored in the soft
each dawn.
hacked homes,
winged spirits ?
rock by farmers
But despite that
churches, wineries
?peri? ,in Turkish ?
who gathered the
aerial overview
and mills out of
that reputedly
droppings for
being all many
the volcanic tuff,
inhabit the
fertiliser. Today,
visitors see,
it?s a land rich in
region?s famous, phallic geological
though, it?s mostly Cappadocia?s tourists floating reputation isn?t
marvels, ?fairy
high above this
chimneys?.In the
unique landscape,
based merely on
history and humanity.
HOWTO TRAVELbySO LO theeditors " whytravel al one?
own, and your triumphs all Solo travel can be the the more exciting. There?s ultimate in self-indulgence; no worrying that your you can rest when you insistence on trekking all want and pour it on when the way across town to a you?re feeling ambitious. museum that was closed Another benefit is that ruined your partner ?s day; your mistakes are your it?s your own day to
salvage or chalk up to a learning experience.Also, you can do exactly what you want to do? all the time. Always wanted to try surfing? Sign up for a class and go for it; there?s no one sitting on the beach feeling bored while you have the time of your life.
howtotravel al one safely It?s perhaps the foremost question of the solo or single traveler: ?Is solo travel safe?? Without a companion to watch your back, you are more vulnerable to criminals and scam artists, as well as simple health worries.
But the saying ?safety in numbers? isn?t always true? a solo traveler can blend in more easily than a group, and not drawing attention to yourself as a tourist is one way to stay secure. Do you r h om ew or k bef or e you ar r ive.Know how
long it takes and how much it costs to get from the airport to your hotel or to the city center. Solo travelers are more likely to be ?taken for a ride,? so ask the taxi driver for an estimated fare before you leave. If it?s considerably different from what
you know to be true, take a different cab.
TheEast Coast The East Coast is legendary for its landmarks and attractions. Think Statute of Liberty in New York, the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial or the African American Civil War Memorial in Washington, D. C., Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, the Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum, among others. While there?s something to be said for sticking to the familiar, the East Coast is also home to plenty of under the radar and underrated places. Check out a few of them. 6
M ar t in Cou n t y, Flor ida Miami, Orlando, and the Keys get all the press, but make your way to Martin County. Martin County on the Treasure Coast of South Florida is along the Atlantic Ocean between Orlando and Miami. Enjoy more than 22 miles of beaches where you won?t have to worry about crowds. Greenery is plentiful, some 100,000 acres of parks and conservation lands. One bragging point, the county boasts the most bio-diverse
Martin Glade Scenic
artisans. This museum is worth a trip to Baltimore
Highway, an intertwined
because it?s not like anything you?ve seen before.
canopy of 100-year-old
The works are wildly creative, like DeVon Smith?s
oak trees that form a
World?s First Robot Family, Fifi the Pink Poodle, a
verdant tunnel flanked
13-foot tall, human-powered, twin-seated, kinetic
by gnarled tree trunks
sculpture by Theresa Segreti or the Matchstick Bust
and exposed roots. Then
by Gerald Hawke or just some of the thousands of
there?s the Blowing Rocks
pieces that you?ll be talking about for some time.
Preserve, beloved for its rocky Anastasia is the longest on the Atlantic coast. The Georges Valentine Shipwreck off the coast of Hutchinson Island is on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.
Northern Hemisphere
M u seu m , Balt im or e
Tract, which extends down through the Keys. You?ll find world-class fishing and gems like The
England isn?t the only place with a Stonehenge. Salem, New Hampshire has its own, mysterious human-made maze of chambers, walls and ceremonial meeting places. It?s more than 4,000 years old? making it the oldest human-made structure in the United
Am er ican Vision ar y Ar t
the Florida Coral Reef
Salem , New Ham psh ir e
limestone shoreline that
lagoon ecosystem in the and marks the start of
Am er ica?s St on eh en ge,
States. Like its counterpart in England, this site was
In most museums the
built with a fascinating
artwork is from the
element of astronomy in
masters. Here, it?s quirky
mind and can still be used
art from regular folks
to determine solar and
who are self-taught
lunar events.
In t er n at ion al Spy M u seu m , Wash in gt on , D.C. Few things are as cool as spy stuff. Get a peek into the rarified world of spies. You can fantasize what it?s like to walk in the shoes of MI6, the KGB, CIA and other intelligence agencies across the world. The museum is full of artifacts from spies be it the Bond Car, Aston Martin DB5 from 1964, and other goodies from the ?60s like a KGB Lipstick Pistol, a CIA Rectal Tool Kit, and the Shoe With Heel Transmitter from Eastern Europe. You also get a behind the scenes glimpse of how these uber powerful intelligence agencies do their thing.
Here'sthecoronavirussafety gear youshouldpackif you reallymust travel this holidayseason ByJohannaRead With COVID-19 cases increasing, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is urging Americans to avoid traveling and seeing other families this holiday season to minimize the risk of contracting the disease yourself or inadvertently spreading it to others. 9
The holidays are here, and with them comes theincreased temptation to travelto spend time with family or friends. But with COVID-19 cases surging throughout the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
isurging Americans to stay home. Despitethose warnings, many people still plan to travel across town for dinner oracross the countryto see family or friends. The safest way to do this is for both households to self-isolate for 14
days before and after getting together, limit all social interactions to their own homes, and continue to wear a mask and practice social distancing. Dr. Abe Malkin, and the founder and medical director ofConcierge MD
LA, told Insider that the most important precautions are keeping your hands clean, avoiding touching your face, and keeping a distance from people you don't live with. That last point is especially vital while traveling.
Phot os r eveal how much f lying has changed since it s ?Golden Age? By Monica Buchanan Pit r elli
Commercial air travel has come a long way since the ?Golden Age of Travel? ? an era marked by glamour, gourmet food and dapper passengers.
today?s customer experience may not be as bad as some believe.
While seats are undeniably smaller, aircraft safety, speed, ticket prices and inflight While complaints entertainment about smaller seats have improved ? a and expensive fact to keep in tickets are rife mind while today, a look into perusing the history of photographs of commercial commercial aircraft aviation shows that from the past.
Wh y Ar e t h e Bor der s Bet w een t h e U.S. an d Eu r ope St ill Closed? an d Wh en Will Th ey Open ? Between the upcoming U.S. presidential election, the number of governments and entities that need to work together and agree, and reciprocity issues, there are a lot of hurdles. Who could have thought back in mid-March? when history-altering travel bans brought travel between the
U.S. and Europe to a standstill? that seven months later those bans would still be in place? Yet here we are with little sign of travel between Europe and the United States opening up on any significant level imminently. What isn?t helping move things along is the fact that the United
States is currently embroiled in an extremely distracting and politically disruptive presidential election. ?The fact that we?re here with less than a month before the election? both sides are making calculations as to how relief [for businesses] or reopening [travel] or
lack thereof helps them best,? says Tori Emerson Barnes, executive vice president of public affairs and policy for the Washington, D.C.?basedU.S. Travel Association, which represents the U.S. travel and tourism industry. ?From an international reopening
standpoint, we absolutely think that getting the borders open is critical,? says Barnes. But, she adds, ?Ultimately, the lack of certainty around what happens in this election is creating an inability to actually move forward.? And it?s not just about swaying voters one way or the other, notes Barnes. A big part of
the challenge is the implementation and execution of any processes that are put in place prior to the November 3 election. For instance, if the Trump Administration were to initiate any agreements toward reopening travel, who?s to say that a President Joe Biden wouldn?t decide on a different tack that would complicate
efforts already underway? Another (at times seemingly insurmountable) issue facing both the United States and Europe is coordination. In the U.S., it?s the coordination of states that poses challenges, and in Europe, it?s the coordination of countries. ?It?s a much more complicated process beyond just, could
there be an executive order that says OK, yes, we can have international travel [again],? says Barnes.
Ander son Cooper Ref lect s on Mak ing Gr avy w it h Lat e Fr iend Ant hony Bour dain By Kevin Mazur
Anderson Cooper is
Circle, the news anchor
reflecting on his memories
played a clip from 2015, in
that revolves around food
with late friend and famed
which he and Bourdain,
and family ? both the
chef,Anthony Bourdain.
whodied by suicide in
family you're born with
2018, whipped up a batch
and the family that you
of "Sunday Gravy."
choose or make for
For Thursday?s episode ofAnderson Cooper Full
?Obviously this is a holiday
yourself, your friends and your loved ones,? Cooper began for the Thanksgiving day show. Cooper also joked that Bourdain?s palate may have been a bit 6
more advanced than his
his own. ?He would
he certainly
traveled around
Jersey. ?In
also sort of torture
enjoyed it. Some of
the world tasting
Anthony?s 61 years
me with dishes
them actually
and cooking new
he visited more
which I would
tasted really good
foods. Cooper
than 80 countries,
normally never eat
but not so much
described the late
many of them
in a million years,
the aorta ? it?s
TV host as ?a citizen
multiple times, and
and he loved to
crunchy like you
of the world,? but
he was really a
watch me squirm
might imagine.?
their time making
citizen of the world,
as I bit into like a
"Sunday Gravy"
as well as a guy
pig?s aorta,? he
together was
from New Jersey,?
said, laughing. ?I?m
Unknownon CNN
mostly an homage
Cooper said before
not sure why that
from 2013 to 2018,
to Bourdain?s
playing the old clip,
was necessary but
in which he
upbringing in New
in which the pair
discussed the
prosperity, relative
said. ?He is so, so
origins of the red
to what they?d
missed by so
sauce in America.
grown up in,?
?It came from that
Bourdain explained
great diaspora of
as he cooked
around Cooper.
At the end of the
Italians from the
old clip, Cooper
Naples area and
came back on to
Sicily who came
address viewers.
over and
?Anthony Bourdain,
discovered this
it is so great to
wonderland of
hear his voice,? he
Top I nternati onal Desti nati ons Trendi ng f or Ch ri stmas 2020 By Patri ck Cl ark e
Ch r ist m ast im e Abr oad Hopper recently released its2020 Holiday Guidance Report, revealing that annual price drops on airfare will be compounded by lower demand for leisure travel due to theCOVID-19 pandemic, with holiday airfare expected to drop between 10 percent and 30 percent for international travel. Withmany places having reopened to Americans, the report also highlighted the hottest Christmas destinations abroad where travelers can save considerably this winter compared to last year.
M exico, Cit y, M exico Tou r ist -f r ien dly Can cu n offers international travelers some of the biggest savings this holiday season. According to Hopper 's research, Christmas vacationers stand to save nearly 50 percent on roundtrip airfare ($364) compared to the same time last year. Cancun was also the third-most-popular international destination for Thanksgiving this year, Hopper found. Elsewhere in the Caribbean, M on t ego Bay has also emerged as an appealing Christmas destination. In
addition to enhanced protocols for visitors,Jamaica is keeping tourism alivein the time of coronavirus thanks to resilient corridors and its travel insurance plan Jamaica Cares. With an average temperature of 72 degrees, it's no wonder that many travelers have their sights set on Cost a Rica this winter. The coveted Central American country recently beganwelcoming all U.S. residentsand eliminated coronavirus testing requirements. Visitors should keep in mind that they'll still need to fill out a
Health Pass questionnaire and show proof of medical insurance. Hopper found M exico Cit y to be the top international destination trending for Christmas 2020, highlighting significant savings to be had this year compared to 2019 (31 percent). It also helps that the Mexican capital, which is renowned for its history and culture, is a relatively short flight from many major American cities.
Can cu n , M exico
M on tego Bay,Jam aica
San Jose, Costa Rica