Welcome New Students
With Him is the fullness of life Jn 10:10
Our motto is our vision—the commitment to ensure every member of our community is empowered to achieve success, act with integrity and contribute to the common good—Christian discipleship for a just world.
Mission Statement Inspired by the Gospels’ values, John Paul College provides an exemplary and holistic education within the Catholic tradition. Our community welcomes students and their families from the parishes and communities of the greater Frankston region. We believe every student’s success is grounded in quality learning and teaching, and a school culture that fosters wellbeing, promotes resilience and inspires faith in action.
Our Values We treasure our spirit of community and the values that flow from it courage perseverance and generosity. The strength of our House system is anchored in these values and the charism we inherit from the lives of our founders. Today, we live by our values and animate them within a culture that: • • •
Respects the dignity of every person Is inclusive, compassionate, just and forgiving, and Honours the integrity of creation through careful stewardship.
A message from the Principal Welcome to John Paul College. We thank parents for choosing our College for their child’s secondary education. The time of transition to a new school can be both an anxious and exciting time for students and their parents/guardians. It is an opportunity to explore new horizons and undertake new learning experiences but it also means leaving behind the familiarity of the student’s previous school and the need to develop new relationships with staff and students. This takes a degree of courage and resilience and is not undertaken lightly.
This partnership supports students to grow and thrive in all aspects of their education. We strive to be a school where each student’s success is grounded in quality learning and teaching and foster a school culture that fosters wellbeing, promotes resilience and inspires faith in action. The sense of belonging is important for students in this transition time and we are committed to ensuring that each and every student is known and feels a part of this community.
Our aim at John Paul College is to make this time of transition as smooth as possible and to support students and their families to feel comfortable and at home. Each of you are now families who belong to the John Paul College Community and we look forward to sharing the journey through to Year 12 with you as partners in this educational process.
My best wishes for the journey ahead.
John Visentin Principal
Connecting through Faith The Faith and Mission of John Paul College is the foundation of all that we do as a learning community. Developing the faith and spirituality of young people is part of delivering a holistic education. Religious Education
There are a variety of ways for students to engage with their faith throughout their time at John Paul College. We are proud to be a leading school in provision of Youth Ministry providing contemporary and engaging faith experiences for young people.
Our learning and teaching of Religious Education follows the Archdiocesan curriculum with its focus on the ‘pedagogy of encounter’. Understanding the developmental stages of our young people, this curriculum endeavours to recontextualise our rich Catholic faith in the modern era. Consequently, we encourage our students to deeply engage with and question elements of faith and spirituality acknowledging the variety of beliefs of their peers of John Paul College and indeed the world. Core questions underpinning elements of the curriculum that focus this growth of your child’s faith and spirituality within religious education at John Paul College are:
Our Catholic faith has a particular call to service to others, particularly the marginalised in our community. John Paul College endeavours to develop truly altruistic service experiences for young people that they may become passionate agents of change in the world.
Retreats are conducted throughout Years 7 to 12. These days are a chance for young people to stop, reflect and focus on important areas of their lives and faith.
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Youth Groups
John Paul College conducts a number of youth groups for students both at school and in our local parishes. Different activities and events are always on offer throughout the year. All are welcome.
What they themselves think What others around them think What the Catholic viewpoint is and why What other religions have to say and why And lastly, students assimilate all these viewpoints, reconsider their own, and formulate a new, stronger opinion or belief.
We want every student to rise to challenges, to ask questions, and to be curious thinkers. We educate our students on the Catholic perspective and embrace valued traditions, while encouraging students to question and consider ideas, developing the crucial lifelong skill of critical and analytical thinking.
Prayer & Liturgy
Students engage in prayer each day in their Pastoral Care group and once a week as a House group. Students are invited to engage in Mass and other liturgical celebrations throughout the year. Friday Chapel is a favourite of our students allowing young people to gather to share each other’s company.
Social Justice & Volunteering
Younger year levels participate each year in Mission Action Day raising money for their House causes. At Christmas, Pastoral Care groups create hampers for St. Vincent de Paul to distribute to those in need. The Community Companion, the John Paul College Soup Van, allows young people at senior year levels the chance to volunteer assisting the homeless and marginalised in Frankston. At senior year levels, students have the option of participating in social justice immersions to Timor Leste, Philippines and India.
Connecting through Pastoral Care At John Paul College we have a commitment to ensure every member of our community is empowered to achieve success, act with integrity and contribute to the common good—Christian discipleship for a just world. Pastoral Care at John Paul College is a framework of support for our students from Year 7 to Year 12. It has a dual foundation of relationships and learning and is an integral element of our visible focus on wellbeing. Whilst we have designated pastoral care lessons, this focus permeates all aspects of the College. We continually seek opportunities to tap into a diverse range of resources, expertise and innovations within and beyond the school community to strengthen engagement in everyday work, thereby further supporting the social, emotional, spiritual and academic growth of our students.
Our program provides opportunities for students to feel part of a group that encourages cross age support, friendship, inclusivity and community involvement. “It is this feeling of being known, valued and understood that provides the foundation for learning and success.” (Horizons of Hope CEM 2016)
Personal Development
To provide opportunities for each student to mature as a unique, holistic individual equipped with the life skills, emotional resilience and confidence to develop their potential and share their gifts. “Every individual has a personal narrative, a story of experiences that colour what they question, the answers they seek, the possibilities they see, and the ways they come to know truth” (Horizons of Hope CEM 2016)
Middle Pastoral Care teachers meet with their Pastoral Care group each morning and once per cycle for a full period. Senior Pastoral Care teachers meet each morning and twice per cycle for a full period. The morning sessions provide an opportunity to develop relationships amongst the students and communicate with the teacher, who is always considered as the first point of contact for all school related matters.
Life Long Learning
To support students as reflective lifelong learners through explicit teaching of goal setting, time management, establishing a homework routine and effective use of a daily planner, and by encouraging engagement, motivation, and the pursuit of excellence. We place a focus on developing environments where young people cultivate curiosity, creativity, imagination, inquiry, experimentation and investigation.
The aims of our Pastoral Program are: Relationship & Connection
To foster student connectedness and belonging to the school community by nurturing strong interpersonal relationships between teachers, students and families. Connectedness generates a sense of belonging – a sense that you matter and that your contributions are valued.
“Catholic schools support students to grow in virtue and to embrace a view of themselves and the world that leads to peace, justice and the prospering of the whole of creation” (Horizons of Hope CEM 2016)
Connecting through the Curriculum At the heart of John Paul College is the desire for the full flourishing of each student, across religious, physical, cognitive, emotional and social domains. Students enjoy coming to school as their personal narrative is known, respected and valued. Students are continually challenged to achieve academic success and model excellent learning skills and work habits. A diverse and rich curriculum is provided in all year levels to ensure interests, talents and aspirations are catered for and nurtured. In Years 7 and 8 students study across all learning areas including Religious Education, English and Language, Health and Physical Education, Mathematics, Science, Technology, The Arts and The Humanities.
What can I do to enhance my learning?
In Years 9 and 10 students study core subjects and make informed decisions regarding elective choices. Year 9 students who achieve high academic results are invited to accelerate their learning by studying a Victorian Certificate of Education subject in Year 10. In the senior years, students study the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning or the Victorian Certificate of Education. A strong partnership with Chisholm Frankston and other institutions enables ready access to Vocational Education and Training Certificates. John Paul College recognises that the best learning occurs when staff, families and students are in partnership. A sense of belonging in the learning community, collaboration and respect for each other are one of the many drivers of confidence and growth in each individual.
In the classroom – actively engage in all activities, collaborate with others, ask and respond to questions and seek help when required
At home – develop a homework and study timetable with your parent/carer, set up a learning space and engage in conversations about your learning with your family
As a learner – continue to develop your skills and ability to set goals, be pro-active in taking charge of your learning, build resilience and work consistently to achieve your very best.
Connecting through Technology Central to John Paul College’s mission is the importance of preparing students with the skills and values to engage successfully in the twenty first century world. Laptop Responsibilities for students
Students must navigate an increasingly sophisticated cyber world that will be central to their educational, professional and social lives. To do this the College is committed to developing in students the understanding and skills to use Information and Communication Technology but also values such as mutual respect and personal responsibility, alongside skills in critical thinking. As a Catholic College, we recognise the characteristics of the community for which our students are being prepared and equips them to make a positive contribution to it.
• Keep your device away from food, drink, pets and younger siblings
• Use a bag to protect your device from breaks, spills or drops.
• Secure your device in your locker during recess and lunchtime.
• Make sure your device is fully charged at the
The College acknowledges the increased use and ownership of electronic devices within the community and in particular by students. As such it requires that teachers, students and parents take steps to ensure that electronic devices are used responsibly. Students will receive the College Electronic Device Policy at the start of the 2021 academic year. Parents are advised to discuss the policy, and the Agreement with their child to ensure ICT requirements of the College are followed and for online safety.
beginning of each day.
• Keep your passwords private.
Connecting through the Arts John Paul College offers a contemporary, dynamic, vibrant Arts Program, which allows its students to excel in whichever facet of the arts sparks their passion. Involvement in the Arts at John Paul College allows students to develop their creativity, teamwork and confidence in a supportive, challenging and engaging environment. Our Arts curriculum is delivered by a passionate team of staff and provides students with opportunities for learning and experiences in all areas of the Arts, including Music, Theatre Studies & Drama, Dance, Media, Visual Communication Design and Studio Arts. Running parallel to the diverse Arts curriculum are the varied extra-curricular opportunities offered to cater to students with a passion for both the Performing and Visual Arts.
The Theatre Sports Squad – Budding actors at John Paul College are encouraged to join the Theatre Sports Squad. The group works to develop their improvisation and performing skills with the aim of competing in the Southern Independent Schools Theatre Sports Competition.
Southern Independent Schools Art and Technology Exhibition – Advanced students at all year levels are invited to submit their artworks to the SIS Art and Technology exhibition, which takes place annually at Cube 37 in Frankston.
The House Music Competition – The four College Houses prepare a musical performance for the House Music Competition, which takes place on Mission Action Day. The advanced Music students take on a leadership role in the preparation for this great community event.
How can I connect through the Arts?
The Full-Scale College Production – an annual event, held in our very own Ngargee Centre. This event allows students to participate as on-stage performers, as a part of the Backstage Crew, Sound and Lighting Crew, Make-up and Hair, Promotions and Front of House Teams.
Arts Night – The extravaganza concert evening, held in the Ngargee Centre which showcases the best and brightest of our Performing and Visual Arts students.
The Instrumental Music Program – Students are able to elect to learn a musical instrument of their choice from our contemporary instrumental music program.
The Senior and Junior Vocal Ensembles – Students with an interest in singing are encouraged to enter the Junior Vocal Ensemble at Year 7. At Year 9, students audition to enter the Senior Vocal Ensemble. Both of these talented groups perform frequently as a part of major College events including Masses, Assemblies and the College Arts Night.
Kevin Nguyen Arts Coordinator nguyenke@jpc.vic.edu.au
Connecting through Sport At John Paul College there are a number of opportunities for students to participate in both team and individual sports from Year 7 all the way to Year 12. Inter House Sport
All school events
Each year we have our Swimming, Cross Country and Athletic carnivals where students represent their House and compete against their rival House groups for points to win the overall House Shield.
In addition to our involvement with the SIS sporting program JPC also:
• Is an affiliated school with School Sports Victoria. • Participates in All-School sporting events such as
Students who excel at these events are then selected to represent JPC at higher level competitions which include regional and state level events.
SIS Sport
John Paul College is part of the Southern Independent Schools association (SIS) who organise all of our inter-school sporting competitions. We are one of 20 schools that are part of the SIS. We offer term sport throughout the year which is played during school time giving students many opportunities to represent the school in a variety of sporting teams.
Running club
Do you want to improve your overall fitness? Do you want to perform better in your favourite sport? Our Sport department is focussed on developing the overall fitness levels of our students to improve athletic and sporting performance. We offer a weekly running club which is held after school. It is coordinated by our Head of Sport and sessions are conducted by a local running club coach.
Some of the team sports we offer:
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the Basketball Victoria All Schools Cup and Netball Victoria All Schools Championship. Participates in the Athletics Victoria Cross Country and Track and Field seasons which includes the All – Schools Relay and State Championships. Our Aerobics team - The JPC Diamonds, participate a variety of Aerobic competitions throughout the year.
Basketball Soccer Football Cricket / Indoor Cricket Volleyball Netball Handball Tennis Lawn Bowls Golf Table Tennis Baseball
Brendan Newcomb Sport Coordinator newb@jpc.vic.edu.au
Connecting through Staff
John Visentin College Principal
Kara Baxter Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning
Craig Judkins Deputy Principal Wellbeing
Kj Maan Director of ICT
Dennis Mitsianis Chaminade Middle Coordinator
Heidi Colombani D’Houet Middle Coordinator
Yvonne Middlebrook Olsen Middle Coordinator
Scott McCleary Turner Middle Coordinator
Karis Dalton Chaminade Senior Coordinator
Louise Ward D’Houet Senior Coordinator
Alex Matson Olsen Senior Coordinator
Chris Hayes Turner Senior Coordinator
Trish Fiore College Nurse
Jacqui Duffee Student Wellbeing
Christine Ward Middle School Pastoral Coordinator
Caroline Jeremiah Senior School Pastoral Coordinator
Key Dates Tuesday 1 February
Orientation Session for New Years 8 - 11 2022 students Start: 2.00pm Finish: 3.30pm • Only Years 8 - 11 students new to John Paul College are required to attend a brief orientation session. • Bring your laptop. • Full school uniform • Meet at Student Services Office (Gate 2)
Tuesday 1 February
First Day for Year 12 2022 students Start: 8.30am Finish: 3.00pm • Bring your laptop. • Full summer school uniform
School Photos (Year 7 and 12)
Wednesday 2 February
2022 School Year Commences – All Students Start: 8.30am Finish: 3.00pm
Wednesday 9 February
School Photos (Years 8 - 11)
McMahons Road, Frankston VIC 3199 03 9784 0200 | johnpaul@jpc.vic.edu.au jpc.vic.edu.au