John Paul College Positions of Leadership

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John Paul College – Positions of Leadership 2024 - 2026 2 Contents About John Paul College 3 College Mission and Vision 3 College Values 3 Child Safety 4 Faith Community 4 The College’s visions for Learning and Wellbeing.......................................................................... 4 Learning and Teaching Vision 5 Student Wellbeing Vision 6 Leadership at John Paul College ...................................................................................................7 Organisation Chart - Leadership Team 7 Organisation Chart - Wellbeing 8 Organisation Chart - Learning and Teaching 9 Organisation Chart - Faith and Mission 10 Organisation Chart - College Organisation 10 Application Process 11 Positions of Leadership ............................................................................................................... 12 Director of Faith and Mission 12 Director of College Organisation 16 Head of Senior School Learning ..................................................................................................19 Head of Middle School Learning 23 Professional Learning Coordinator 26 Learning Area Leader 29 Head of Resource Centre 35 Head of Careers 37 Gifted and Talented Coordinator 40 Head of Senior School Wellbeing 42 Head of Middle School Wellbeing ................................................................................................ 45 Senior Wellbeing Coordinator (Chaminade / D’Houet / Olsen / Turner) 48 Head of Year (7, 8 & 9)................................................................................................................ 51 Assistant Head of Year (7, 8 & 9) 54 House Leader (Chaminade / D’Houet / Olsen / Turner) 57 Student Leadership Coordinator 59 Catholic Identity Coordinator 61 Faith Programs Coordinator 64 Daily Organiser 67 Sports Coordinator 69

About John Paul College

John Paul College is a coeducational Catholic secondary College situated in Frankston, which operates with the consent of the Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne and is owned, operated and governed by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS).

College Mission and Vision

Inspired by the Gospels’ values, John Paul College provides an exemplary and holistic education within the Catholic tradition.

Our community welcomes students and their families from the parishes and communities of the greater Frankston region.

We believe every student’s success is grounded in quality learning and teaching, and a school culture that fosters wellbeing, promotes resilience and inspires faith in action.


Jn 10:10

Our motto is our vision – the commitment to ensure every member of our community is empowered to achieve success, act with integrity and contribute to the common good – Christian discipleship for a just world.

College Values

We treasure our spirit of community and the values that flow from it – courage, perseverance and generosity.

The strength of our House system is anchored in these values and the charism we inherit from the lives of our founders.

Today, we live by our values and animate them within a culture that:

• Respects the dignity of every person

• Is inclusive, compassionate, just and forgiving, and

• Honours the integrity of creation through careful stewardship

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Child Safety

The John Paul College community promotes the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children. We are a child safe employer who is committed to the welfare of children and young people in our protection. All potentional empoyees and volunteers will be required to comply with our Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy and our Child Safety Code of Conduct. This includes

• Ensure adherence to all child safety standards and mandatory reporting requirements.

• Attend training to maintain compliance with all child safety legislation, standards and regulations.

• Complete all mandatory reporting in a timely manner.

• Escalate and report all matters related to student safety immediately.

• Understand and work diligently to deliver student duty of care responsibilities.

Faith Community

John Paul College offers parents, students and staff an opportunity to experience community life in a faith filled environment. Each student is invited to develop their personal faith and the meaning and value in life through sacramental celebration, prayer, liturgy, retreats and other religious celebrations. The College provides participation in the life of the Church and recognition of the need for a more just society. The life of the faith community is a cooperative venture of each and every member of the College family.

The College’s visions for Learning and Wellbeing

John Paul College visions for Learning and Teaching and a Student Wellbeing provide a clear purpose and direction for both learning and wellbeing as a College community. Our Wellbeing Vision and Learning and Teaching Vision are complementary documents that provide a frame of reference for all in this community to which we hold ourselves accountable. Our approach to Wellbeing and Learning enables us to realise each student’s unique potential through physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development.

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Learning and Teaching Vision

John Paul College’s vision for Learning and Teaching presents our aim and purpose for learning as a school, from Years 7 - Year 12.

Our vision for learning was created through staff, student, and parent feedback. The vision created supports our teachers and students to work with a unified set of values and beliefs which will drive the development of improving student outcomes and the learning experience for all our students.

Our vision acts as a frame of reference that also ensures our teachers evaluate their current practice. The new professional learning model at John Paul College, also aligns with our Elements for Learning to ensure teachers are actively incorporating the vision into our classrooms each day.

Our vision comprises of a number of statements which reflect the College’s collective values surround learning. Our vision states that we believe Learning is not just about knowledge and content, but growth. This includes emotional and intellectual growth, to ensure all our students can thrive to be their best self.

The Vision is organised around three elements for learning: Knowledge, Capabilities and Self. These elements describe the key behaviours and skills that our students will develop both in and out of the classroom to become successful learners. The three Elements combine to highlight the importance of a wholistic education for students at John Paul College. Finally, we believe in delivering our Learning and Teaching programs in a culture of high expectations, to encourage and show our students that they can achieve and succeed.

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Student Wellbeing Vision

The Student Wellbeing Vision outlines how the College actively promotes Wellbeing to improve learning and life outcomes for our students. The Vision is the result of extensive collaboration between staff and students and aims to help every student realise their unique potential through physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development.

Wellbeing and academic outcomes are inextricably linked. Our Student Wellbeing Vision and Learning and Teaching Vision are complementary documents. Our approach to wellbeing and learning enables us to realise one’s unique potential through physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development.

The document identifies four key elements of wellbeing – Pastoral Care, Community Engagement, Child Safety, and Student Voice and Agency. Each of these areas outlines how we Enable, Learn, Engage, and Connect with these elements through structures, policies and education.

The Wellbeing Vision is inspired by ‘Horizons of Hope’ and ‘Excel – Wellbeing for learning’ and identifies four key elements – Pastoral Care, Community Engagement, Child Safety and Student Voice and Agency. Using language common to these documents, we help our students to ‘Enable, Connect, Engage and Learn’ with their individual wellbeing. At John Paul College we have a “commitment to ensure every member of our community is empowered to achieve success, act with integrity and contribute to the common good – Christian discipleship for a just world.”

By embedding these four elements and explicitly teaching wellbeing we realise the mission of our College.

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Leadership at John Paul College

As a leader in the College, all staff members exercise a shared responsibility to ensure that the mission of the Catholic Church is brought to life in the College. Each leadership role is predicated on the belief that, to be effective, the staff member’s work will be informed by a vision of Catholic education that is Gospel-based, people-centred, inclusive and holistic. All leaders give witness to gospel values in all aspects of their work and encourage and support staff to do likewise.

Organisation Chart - Leadership Team


Organisation Chart - Wellbeing

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Organisation Chart - Learning and Teaching

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Organisation Chart - Faith and Mission

Organisation Chart - College Organisation

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Application Process

External Applicants

Applicants are asked to provide a cover letter, addressed to the Principal, of no more than two pages, addressing the major responsibilities of the role, and a current CV (one document). Please clearly indicate which role(s) you are applying for.

Internal Applicants

Applicants are asked to upload a resume (this should be a document which outlines your skills and experience) and a cover letter which clearly states which position(s) you wish to apply for and the reasons for applying.

PoL Application & Interview Process

Role Descriptions for all Positions of Leadership (PoL) are available in this booklet. It is anticipated that interviews will be conducted between Monday 17 July and Friday 28 July for most positions.


The interview panel will be made up of selected staff from the following roles: the Principal, members of the College Leadership Team, the HR Manager and other Senior Leaders of the College.

Post Interview

The Human Resources Manager will notify applicants of the outcome of the interview as soon as practicable after the interview.

Successful applicants will be issued with a letter of appointment, documenting the tenure and conditions of appointment.


PoL appointments will have tenure for three years with the successful candidates also receiving an ongoing teaching position.

Within the three-year cycle the opportunity to participate in a review process will be provided. This will normally be in the second year of the appointment.

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Positions of Leadership

*JPC has a 6 period, 50 minute lesson length day timetable.

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Position of Leadership Release Time (periods)* PoL Level Leadership Team Director of Faith and Mission 24 6 Director of College Organisation 24 6 Learning and Teaching Head of Senior School Learning 22 4 Head of Middle School Learning 22 4 Professional Learning Coordinator 15 4 Learning Area Leader 10 3 Head of Resource Centre 44 3 Head of Careers 6 2 Gifted and Talented Coordinator 3 1 Wellbeing Head of Senior School Wellbeing 22 4 Head of Middle School Wellbeing 22 4 Senior Wellbeing Coordinators (Chaminade / D’Houet / Olsen / Turner) 14 3 Head of Year (7, 8 & 9) 14 3 Assistant Head of Year (7, 8 & 9) 4 2 House Leaders (Chaminade / D’Houet / Olsen / Turner) 4 2 Student Leadership Coordinator 3 1 Faith and Social Justice Catholic Identity Coordinator 6 2 Faith Program Coordinator 6 2 Organisation Daily Organiser 10 2 Sports Coordinator 9 2

Director of Faith and Mission

Purpose of Position

The Director of Faith and Mission is a key leadership role within the College. The Director of Faith and Mission, along with the Principal, encourages and advances the Catholic character and ethos of the school. The Director of Faith and Mission acts in unison with the Principal and in collaboration with the college chaplains to enable, enrich and bring to fruition the integration of life and faith within the College community. The Director of Faith and Mission is a member of the Pastoral Care Team and the Leadership Team and reports to the Principal.

The Director of Faith and Mission has specific responsibilities in relation to the development and implementation of programmes related to the faith development of students and members of the wider school community. These specific responsibilities include the Social Justice/Outreach Program and the College’s retreat programme. The Director of Faith and Mission will lead the Faith Development Team which includes the Catholic Identity Coordinator, Faith Programs Coordinator, the Learning Area Leader - Religious Education and other key staff.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Director of Faith and Mission are:

• Leadership

• Develop and implement student faith development activities.

• Promote issues to do with faith and spirituality throughout the wider school community.

• Develop and coordinate the College Retreat Program.

• Develop and implement the Social Justice/Outreach Program.

• Manage Faith Development programs.

• Coordinate the Faith Development Team.

• Develop and coordinate opportunities for staff to achieve accreditation.

• Other duties as directed.

Specific Tasks


• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.

• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with the staff they lead.

• Supports teams and individuals to embrace change and innovation.

• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.

Develop and implement student faith development activities

• Liaises with the Principal and Faith Development Team regarding programs related to student faith development.

• Provides opportunities for student prayer, meditation, and reflection.

• Develops and implements a range of faith development activities - for individuals, groups, whole school.

• Implements and coordinates a sacramental preparation program for students.

• Liaises with local parishes regarding programs as required.

• Raises student awareness of wider Church activities and ministries, particularly related to the local parishes.

• Supports student leaders with spiritual direction.

• Will be available to students regarding matters of faith and spirituality.

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Promote issues to do with faith and spirituality throughout the wider school community

• Encourages understanding within the school community of the tradition of John Paul College whilst reflecting and respecting the charisms of the Sisters – Faithful Companions of Jesus and the Society of Mary (Marianists).

• Encourages and supports the reflection on matters of faith and spirituality in school publications, including website and on special school occasions.

• Promotes and reports on significant faith development activities to others within the school community.

• Will be available to parents and others in the wider school community as a reference point for matters concerning faith and spirituality.

Develop and coordinate the College Retreat Program

• Plans and oversees the Retreat program including the budget.

• Develops and implements the program for Year 12 retreats.

• Support staff regarding the running of the Retreat Program.

• Liaises with the appropriate staff to organise the Year 12 Retreat.

• Plans and implements Retreat activities for other year levels and members of the College community.

Develop and implement the Social Justice/Outreach Program

• Encourages a range of opportunities for social justice/student outreach activities.

• Oversees outreach activities throughout the school, including staff.

• Develops and implements the Social Justice/Outreach Policy, particularly through the Faith Development Team and the Pastoral Care Team.

• Liaises with the Learning Area Leader - RE to ensure that the RE program and social justice/outreach activities complement each other.

• Ensures that the school community is kept informed regarding opportunities for social justice/outreach activities within and outside the school.

• Works with the Principal and Catholic Identity Coordinator and Faith Programs Coordinator and others to ensure that the College fundraising program fits within the College Mission and Vision.

• Develops and communicates an awareness of the work and needs of organisations supported under the Social Justice/Outreach Policy.

Manage Faith Development Programs

• Ensures the provision of adequate and appropriate resources for the Faith Development Program.

• Prepares an annual budget and supervises the expenditure of these funds.

• Oversees the purchase, storage and auditing of resources.

Coordinate the Faith Development Team

• Liaises with members of the Faith Development Team in the implementation of specific activities.

• Chairs regular meetings of the Faith Development Team and maintains an overview of faith development activities resulting from these meetings.

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Develop and coordinate opportunities for staff to achieve accreditation

• Provides information, guidance, and learning opportunities for new staff with regards to accreditation.

• Provides opportunities and direction to all teaching staff to increase the number of staff who fulfil the requirements of “Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School”, and “Accreditation to Teach Religious Education in a Catholic School” in line with CECV and MACS policies.

Key Selection Critieria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.

• A high level of discretion when handling confidential and sensitive information.

• Possess a collaborative and flexible approach.

• An openness to change and to learning in all situations.

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

• Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, personably and effectively.

• The ability to form teams and sustain teamwork throughout the term of the appointment.

• The capacity to reflect on one’s leadership performance and style.

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety

• Demonstrated leadership capacity.

Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL6

• Time allowance: 0.545 FTE (24 / 44 periods per cycle).

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

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Director of College Organisation

Purpose of Position

The Director of College Organisation is a key leadership role and is responsible for the management of staff absences, publication of the College calendar, organisation of the College timetable and ensures the smooth running of the College. The Director of College Organisation is a member of the Leadership Team, the Building and Maintenance Group and the Occupational Health and Safety Committee. The Director of College Organisation reports to the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching and oversees and works in conjunction with the Daily Organiser.

The Director of College Organisation is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Director of College Organisation will provide students with a child-safe environment, which proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Director of College Organisation are:

• Leadership

• Daily management of the College

• Administration of staff absences

• The College timetable

• Other duties as directed.

Specific Tasks


• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.

• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with the staff they lead.

• Supports teams and individuals to embrace change and innovation.

• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.

Daily management of the College

• Arranges schedules for yard duty, bus duty, gate duty, litter sweep, room changes and specialist room bookings.

• Manages the daily operations of Yard Duties including; ICOM’s, high-vis vests, first aid kits, opens and closes duties for extreme weather days and oversees and acts upon all ICOM calls for each duty.

• Manages (in conjunction with the Sustainability Risk & Compliance Manager) interstate and overseas excursions (paying particular attention to the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) compliance guidelines, and risk management procedures).

• Manages and approves (in conjunction with the Sustainability Risk & Compliance Manager all school activities (onsite and offsite) in relation to appropriate dates, staffing, MACS compliance guidelines, student attendance, resources needed and parent notification.

• Organises and meets (in conjunction with the Sustainability Risk & Compliance Manager with the organising staff of all major activities, excursions or incursions to seek feedback and review the activity. Seeking constant improvement in organisation and effectiveness of each program.

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• Liases with members of the Leadership Team, the Sustainability Risk and Compliance Manager and relevant staff regarding organisational aspects of all school activities

• Oversees whole school activities such as Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews, Senior School Expo and Awards Evening.

• Liases regularly with the Sustainability Risk and Compliance Manager to review and publish the Emergency Management Plan procedures and implements practice of same.

• Liaises with the College Leadership Team to create the annual college calendar.

• Liases with the Deputy Principals and Senior Student Learning Coordinator to construct and publish examination timetables.

• Ensures that data for the organisational aspects of the Learning Management System are accurate and current.

Administration of staff absences

• Publishes, at the beginning of each year, a policy regarding the allocation of extras, replacements, and classes in lieu.

• Manages and publishes daily changes via Bulletin, timetable email and uploads replacements and absences to SIMON and allocates extras, replacements and classes in lieu.

• Engages and monitors emergency teachers ensuring Employment of Staff procedures are followed. Including interviewing and referee checking all potential applicants.

• Implements approved leave requests from staff.

• Provides information to allow the Receptionist to maintain an accurate record of staff absence on the CEVN site.

• Informs Finance Staff of absences regarding leave, student teacher supervision payment, emergency teacher hours and learning support officer hours.

• Collaborates with Daily Organiser to organise and publish the weekly bulletin one week in advance to improve communication and college organisation. Including upcoming school activities, excursions, professional development, staff meeting release and absences.

The College Timetable

• Liaises with the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching to organise the process of student subject selection.

• Liaises with staff and students, regarding issues to do with student subject selection and the timetable.

• Liaises with the Deputy Principals and the Principal regarding timetabling priorities and allocations of classes and rooms.

• Implements ongoing adjustments to the timetable throughout the year eg. room changes, staffing changes, student subject changes.

• Works alongside the Deputy Principals in timetabling matters and construction.

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Key Selection Critieria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission

• The ability to work collaboratively, flexibly, independently, and creatively in a demanding environment.

• A demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, personably, and effectively in ways that engage staff.

• A high level of discretion when handling confidential and sensitive information.

• Possess a collaborative and flexible approach.

• An openness to change and to learning in all situations.

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

• Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, personably and effectively.

• The ability to form teams and sustain teamwork throughout the term of the appointment.

• The capacity to reflect on one’s leadership performance and style.

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety

• Demonstrated ability to work with others towards a common goal.

• Demonstrated leadership capacity.

Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL6.

• Time allowance: 0.545 FTE (24 / 44 periods per cycle).

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

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Head of Senior School Learning

Purpose of Position

The Head of Senior School Learning holds a crucial leadership position, sharing responsibility for promoting excellence in learning and teaching while overseeing the educational programs of students enrolled in the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), Vocational Major (VM), and Victorian Pathway Certificate (VPC). This role encompasses membership in both the Teaching and Learning Committee and the Wellbeing for Learning Committee. Reporting directly to the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching, the Head of Senior School Learning assumes a senior role within the curriculum domain.

The Head of Senior School Learning is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Senior School Learning Coordinator will provide students with a child-safe environment, which will proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Head of Senior School Learning are:

• Leadership

• Curriculum Development and Innovation

• Wellbeing for Learning

• Progression of Learning

• Student Learning Programs

• Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)

• Vocational Education and Training (VET)

• Victorian Certificate of Education External Assessments

• Victorian Assessment Software System (VASS)

• Virtual Schools Victoria (VSV) and the Victorian School of Languages (VSL)

• Other responsibilities as required

Specific Tasks


• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes

• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with staff

• Supports teams and individuals to embrace continual improvement and innovation

• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.

Curriculum Development and Innovation

The Head of Senior School Learning, works with the Teaching and Learning Committee to:

• Ensure the learning and teaching program reflects College goals, vision, areas of specialisation and innovation.

• Ensure the College curriculum and assessment practices are compliant with the advice published by the Victorian Regulations and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and the Victorian

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Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) and Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic School (MACS).

• Review College curriculum offerings for students studying the VCE, VM, VPC and VET and make recommendations for change.

• Liaise with the relevant Learning Area Leader in the completion of VCE Audits scheduled by VCAA.

Wellbeing for Learning

The Head of Senior School Learning works with the Senior Wellbeing Coordinators and Head of Senior School Wellbeing to:

• Analyse transition to senior school information with the key focus of providing a quality education which caters for the individual needs of students.

• Analyse external and local data to identify students at risk and recommend to the Deputy Principal Learning adjustments to individual learning programs in consultation with other staff as required e.g. Deputy Principals, Head of Learning Diversity, Head of Senior School Wellbeing, Learning Area Leaders.

• Analyse external and local data to identify high-achieving students and recommend to the Deputy Principal Learning and the Teaching and Learning Committee adjustments to individual learning programs and provision of further opportunities.

• Analyse external and local data to track student’ learning progression to inform future discussions and actions.

• Make whole school recommendations based on the collection of external and internal data to improve the progression of students’ wellbeing for learning.

• Make recommendations regarding external award nominations e.g. Kwong Lee Dow, Monash Scholars Program.

• Share findings and outcomes of the Wellbeing for Learning Committee with the Teaching and Learning Committee and other key staff as appropriate e.g. subject teachers, College leadership.

Progression of Learning

• Works with the Deputy Principal Learning and Staff, Careers Staff, Learning Area Leaders, VM and VET, Head of Learning Diversity and Senior Wellbeing Coordinators to discuss each student’s learning program as they enter Year 11 and follow-up with students and parents/carers as required.

• Convenes and chairs meetings in consultation with students, parents/carers and other staff as appropriate regarding a student’s progression in their learning program.

• Works with the Deputy Principal Learning and Learning Area Leaders to analyse VCE Results with the purpose of identifying areas of growth and areas for improvement.

• Work with the Learning Area Leaders, Head of Middle School Learning and the Deputy Principal of Learning and Teaching to identify students who are approved to accelerate.

Student Learning Programs

• Initiates, plans, organises and implements program initiatives to complement the study of VCE and VM.

• Contribute to College documentation outlining Student Learning Program Offerings.

• Supports and contributes to the Senior School Subject Selection and Careers Expo.

• Provides information to families regarding student learning programs, procedures and processes.

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• Convenes and chairs meetings in consultation with students, parents/carers and other staff as appropriate regarding a student’s learning program.

• Liaise with students, parents/carers and staff to collect evidence and complete applications for students who meet the criteria for Special Provision in the VCE. Communicate with staff as appropriate.

• Communicates change of subject information to the Director of College Organisation.

• Is the school’s contact person for the Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars program and the Monash Scholars Program.

Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)

• Prepares and publishes the College Senior School Administrative Handbook in consultation with the Deputy Principal Learning and Staff.

• Develops and publishes Senior School Policies and Procedures in consultation with the Deputy Principal Learning and Staff.

• In conjunction with the Learning Area Leaders, disseminates VCAA information to staff.

• Convenes and chairs panels in consultation with students, parents/carers and other staff as appropriate regarding breaches of VCAA rules.

• Liaises with the Teaching and Learning Committee to establish the trial examination schedule.

• Disseminates the trial examination schedule to staff and students.

• Ensures staff and students are aware of the code of conduct in the trial examination room.

• Coordinates and oversees the daily conduct of the trial examinations.

Victorian Certificate of Education External Assessments

• Ensures external assessments including the General Achievement Test (GAT) and examinations are run in accordance with VCAA Rules and Regulations.

• Disseminates external examination materials to students.

• Ensures students are aware of the code of conduct in the examination room.

• Works with the Principal to appoint the VCE Chief Supervisor.

• Oversees the work of the VCE Chief Supervisor.

• Works with the Principal to appoint the Assistant Supervisors.

• Works with the Principal and VCE Chief Supervisor to oversee the work of the Assistant Supervisors.

• Oversees the payment of all supervisors.

• Coordinates and oversees the daily conduct of the examinations. Publishes and displays the seating plan outside the examination centre for each examination.

• Coordinates and oversees special examination applications and arrangements.

• Meets with students and parents/carers to initiate and complete the Derived Examination Score Application.

Victorian Assessment Software System (VASS)

The Head of Senior School Learning works with the VASS Administrative Services Officer to:

• Ensure accurate enrolment of students studying the VCE and VCAL.

• Ensure VASS data is consistent with SIMON data.

• Liaise with teachers to ensure timeliness and accuracy of VASS entry of results.

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Virtual Schools Victoria (VSV) and the Victorian School of Languages (VSL)

• Ensures accurate enrolment of students in VSV and the VSL.

• Ensures dissemination of material from VSV and the VSL.

• Arranges supervision of assessments required in VSV and the VSL.

• Provides support to VSV and the VSL students and their parent and carers.

Other responsibilities as required

• Fulfils other responsibilities as directed by the College Principal and Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching.

Key Selection Critieria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.

• A demonstrated commitment to personal professional learning.

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

• A demonstrated knowledge of their teaching areas, including sound knowledge of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and/or the Victorian Curriculum studies which are within the auspices of their learning area.

• Demonstrated commitment to achieving best practice in teaching and learning, especially for students with diverse /ongoing needs.

• A well-articulated vision of contemporary pedagogical approaches.

• An understanding of the challenges of teaching in a 21st century classroom.

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety.

• Demonstrated ability to work with others towards a common goal.

• Demonstrated leadership capacity.

Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL4.

• Time allowance: 0.5 FTE (22 / 44 periods per cycle).

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

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Head of Middle School Learning

Purpose of Position

The Head of Middle School Learning is a key leadership role and is jointly responsible for leading excellence in learning and teaching and overseeing the learning programs of students studying the Victorian Curriculum and Catholic Education Melbourne Religious Education Curriculum. The Head of Middle School Learning is a member of the Teaching and Learning Committee and the Wellbeing for Learning Committee. The Head of Middle School Learning reports to the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching.

The Head of Middle School Learning is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Head of Middle School Learning will provide students with a child-safe environment, which will proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Head of Middle School Learning are:

• Leadership

• Curriculum Development and Innovation

• Wellbeing for Learning

• Progression of Learning

• Student Learning Programs

• Other responsibilities as required

Specific Tasks


• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.

• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with staff.

• Supports teams and individuals to embrace continual improvement and innovation.

• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.

Curriculum Development and Innovation

The Head of Middle School Learning works with the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching and Learning Area Leaders to:

• Ensure the learning and teaching program reflects College goals, vision, areas of specialisation and innovation.

• Ensure the College curriculum and assessment is compliant with the advice published by the Victorian Regulations and Qualifications Authority (VRQA), Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) and Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic School (MACS).

• Ensure the Victorian Curriculum capabilities are taught explicitly in and through the learning areas.

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• Embed the cross-curriculum priorities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia, and Sustainability in the learning and teaching program.

• Embed the learning and teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering and Technology (STEM) in the curriculum and extend this learning with the provision extra-curricular opportunities.

• Provide a high-level summary of the coverage of all the curriculum areas delivered in the College learning and teaching program.

• Initiate and implement innovation within the curriculum.

• Encourage and Implement initiatives to improve student literacy and numeracy.

• Model and initiate strategies for differentiating teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities.

• Model and initiate strategies for assessment for learning and assessment of learning.

• Initiate and implement innovation in the provision of extra-curricular activities to meet the specific learning needs and interests of students across the full range of abilities.

Wellbeing for Learning

The Head of Middle School Learning works with the Heads of Year (7, 8 & 9), Assistant Heads of Year (7, 8 & 9) and Head of Middle School Wellbeing team to:

• Analyse transition information with the key focus of providing a quality education which caters for the individual needs of students.

• Analyse external and local data (ACER PAT, NAPLAN, local data and knowledge) to identify students at risk and recommend to the Deputy Principal Learning adjustments to individual learning programs in consultation with other staff as required e.g. Deputy Principals, Head of Learning Diversity, Head of Wellbeing, Learning Area Leaders.

• Analyse external and local data to identify high-achieving students and recommend to the Deputy Principal Learning and the Teaching and Learning Committee adjustments to individual learning programs and provision of further opportunities.

• Analyse external and local data to track student’ learning progression to inform future discussions and actions.

• Make whole school recommendations based on the collection of external and internal data to improve the progression of students’ wellbeing for learning.

• Share findings and outcomes of the Wellbeing for Learning Committee with the Teaching and Learning Committee and other key staff as appropriate e.g. subject teachers, College leadership.

Progression of Learning

• Works with the Deputy Principal Learning and Staff to analyse diagnostic test data e.g. ACER PAT, NAPLAN with the purpose of identifying areas of growth and areas for improvement.

• Work with the Learning Area Leaders, Head of Senior School Learning and the Deputy Principal of Learning and Teaching to identify students who are approved to accelerate.

• Analyses data with the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching and the Wellbeing for Learning Committee to identify students at risk and actions required.

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Student Learning Programs

• Works with the Teaching and Learning Committee and Director of College Organisation to develop the Year 7 to 9 examination program.

• Works with the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching, the Wellbeing for Learning Committee and the Head of Learning Diversity to approve subject changes.

• Supervises the administration of the NAPLAN and PAT testing program.

Other responsibilities as required

• Fulfils other responsibilities as directed by the College Principal and Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching.

Key Selection Critieria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.

• A demonstrated commitment to personal professional learning.

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

• Demonstrated commitment to achieving best practice in teaching and learning, especially for students with diverse /ongoing needs.

• A well-articulated vision of contemporary pedagogical approaches.

• An understanding of the challenges of teaching in a 21st century classroom.

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety.

• Demonstrated ability to work with others towards a common goal.

• Demonstrated leadership capacity.

Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL4.

• Time allowance: 0.5 FTE (22 / 44 periods per cycle).

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

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Professional Learning Coordinator

Purpose of Position

The Professional Learning Coordinator is responsible for leading, promoting, supporting, and sustaining a dynamic learning culture that models and promotes the effective use of evidence-based research for learning. As a member of the College Learning and Teaching Team, the Professional Learning Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that all teaching and learning policies, processes and procedures adhere to Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) and Catholic Education Melbourne requirements. The Professional Learning is responsible for implementing the Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework with a focus on improved student learning outcomes. Reporting directly to the Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching, the Professional Learning Coordinator will work closely with the Human Resources Manager, Learning Area Leaders, Head of Senior School Learning, Head of Middle School Learning, Daily Organiser and other positions as appropriate.

The Professional Learning Coordinator is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Professional Learning Coordinator will provide students with a child-safe environment, which proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Professional Learning Coordinator are:

• Leadership

• Performance and Development

• Early Career Teacher Mentor

• Staff Induction

• Student Teacher Administration

• Other duties as directed.

Specific Tasks


• Models, inspires and supports staff with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.

• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with staff.

• Model and provide information about contemporary pedagogy and positive classroom strategies for all teaching staff.

• Research, model and provide information about contemporary pedagogy relating to assessment as, of and for learning.

• Supports Learning Area leaders and individual teachers to embrace continual improvement and innovation.

• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.

• Coordinates with the Deputy Principal - Learning and Teaching Professional Learning Committee the College’s professional learning program.

• Oversee the Professional Learning Budget.

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Performance and Development

The Professional Learning Coordinator develops and implements a systematic, regular performance and development program which includes:

• Reflection and Goal Setting – all teachers have a set of agreed documented and regularly reviewed goals derived from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and ways of measuring them. Goals are in line with the School Improvement Plan and College priorities.

• Professional Practice and Learning– all teachers are supported in working towards their goals with evidence gained from multiple sources including student outcome data, classroom observations, class survey data.

• Feedback and Review – all teachers have access to regular formal and informal feedback on their performance.

• Provides coaching for teaching staff to reach their individual goals.

• Supports teachers in their application for HALT Certification or Assessor Certification.

Early Career Teacher Mentor

• Implements and coordinates a mentoring program to support early career teachers both individually and collectively.

• Provides a forum for early career teachers to express their achievement and challenges in a safe environment.

• Provides regular observation and feedback for early career teachers to support their goal setting, action plans and professional development.

• Develops and coordinates a systematic support process to encourage and enable provisionally registered teachers to move to full teacher registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching.

Staff Induction

• The Professional Learning Coordinator works with the Human Resource Manager to support the induction of new teaching staff. This includes conducting professional learning session for staff new to the college

Student Teacher Administration

• Coordinates student teacher supervision within the College.

• Liaises with teacher training institutions.

• Liaises with Learning Area Leaders to allocate student teachers to appropriate staff.

• Manages induction of student teachers

• Ensures the wellbeing of student teachers whilst they are working in the College.

• Holds regular meetings with student teachers to discuss progress.

• Collects student teacher reports and forward to the teacher training institution as appropriate.

• Arranges for payment of student teacher allowance to staff.

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Key Selection Critieria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.

• A demonstrated commitment to personal professional learning.

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

• Demonstrated capacity and leadership experience in teaching excellence.

• Expert knowledge of programs, practices, and protocols for Staff Professional Learning.

• The capacity to provide leadership characterised by lateral thinking, innovation and a willingness for ongoing improvement.

• The ability to dialogue with staff in a collegial manner to achieve improved learning outcomes for students.

• The capacity to create and maintain an environment that supports continuous improvement in teacher practice and leading to the achievement of high-quality outcomes for all students.

• Well-developed interpersonal skills including a demonstrated ability to work and communicate within a team environment.

• Proven organisational skills and capacity to show initiative in working independently

• An understanding of the challenges of teaching in a 21st century classroom.

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety.

Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL4

• Time allowance: 0.3409 FTE (15 / 44 periods per cycle).

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

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Learning Area Leader

Purpose of Position

The Learning Area Leader is a key leadership role and is jointly responsible for leading excellence in learning and teaching. The Learning Area Leader is a member of the Teaching and Learning Committee. The Learning Area Leader reports to the Deputy Principal Learning and Staff.

The Learning Area Leader is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Learning Area Leader will provide students with a child-safe environment, which proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.

See the appendix at the end of this Position Description for individual Learning Area descriptions.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Learning Area Leader are:

• Leadership

• Performance and Development

• Leading and Building Team Capacity

• Curriculum Development and Innovation

• Progression of Learning

• Student Learning Programs

• Management of the Learning Area

• Other duties as directed.

Specific Tasks


• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.

• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with the staff they lead.

• Supports teams and individuals to embrace change and innovation.

• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.

Performance and Development

• Assists with the induction and mentoring of new staff.

• Assists staff in reflection and goal setting.

• Supports staff in working towards their goals with evidence gained from multiple sources including student outcome data, classroom observations and surveys.

• Provides regular formal and informal feedback to staff regarding progress towards meeting their goals.

• Promotes and organises external professional learning for staff in line with College goals and individual goals.

• Conducts EMS 360 Reviews with staff and ensures that the process is a positive experience for colleagues, being developmental, yet none the less challenging.

• Ensuring that appropriate strategies are in place to support teacher progress against the AITSL teaching standards and initiating intervention strategies as necessary.

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Leading and Building Team Capacity

• Participates in interview panels as requested and contributes to the panel’s recommendations to the Principal regarding the appointment of new staff.

• Liaises with the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching and Learning Area Leaders to make staff allotment recommendations.

• Leads regular learning area team meetings; driving school improvement by seeking innovative and creative strategies and solutions, initiating dialogue and debate around key issues, and raising agenda items which address school improvement and student attainment.

• Regularly liaises with, supervises and supports the development of technical support staff.

• Builds practice excellence by providing opportunities for collaboration, reflection and feedback with staff they lead.

• Builds practice excellence by providing opportunities for professional learning, professional reading, reflection and action

• Enthusiastically leads colleagues within a positive and supportive working atmosphere, with a common vision for success.

• Promotes practice excellence and recognises success.

• Is aware of strengths and challenges within the team, and is supportive of development, whilst challenging any underperformance.

• Supports and mentors staff who experience challenging situations in the classroom.

• Supports the wellbeing of staff.

• Leads, encourages and supports participation and membership of regional, state and national networks, seminars, conferences and other professional learning activities.

Curriculum Development and Innovation

The Learning Area Leader, works with the Teaching and Learning Committee to:

• Ensure the learning and teaching program reflects College goals, vision, areas of specialisation and innovation.

• Ensure the curriculum, assessment and reporting procedures within the learning area are compliant with the advice published by the Victorian Regulations and Qualifications Authority (VRQA), Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) and Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic School (MACS).

• Ensure the Victorian Curriculum capabilities are taught explicitly in and through the learning areas.

• Embed the cross-curriculum priorities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia, and Sustainability in the learning and teaching program.

• Embed the learning and teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering and Technology (STEM) in the curriculum and extend this learning with the provision extra-curricular opportunities.

• Provide a high-level summary of the coverage of the curriculum delivered in the College learning and teaching program.

• Initiate and implement innovation within the curriculum.

• Encourage and Implement initiatives to improve student literacy and numeracy.

• Model and initiate strategies for differentiating teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities.

• Model and initiate strategies for assessment for learning and assessment of learning.

• Initiate and implement innovation in the provision of extra-curricular activities to meet the specific learning needs and interests of students across the full range of abilities.

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Progression of Learning

• Works with staff to analyse diagnostic test data eg. ACER PAT, NAPLAN with the purpose of identifying areas of growth and improvement.

• Works with staff in using data to evaluate the on-going progress and quality of achievement of individual students, groups of learners and subject areas within the learning area.

• Works with staff to analyse VCE results with the purpose of identifying areas of growth, areas for improvement and future goals.

Student Learning Programs

• Makes recommendations to the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching the Head of Senior/Middle School Learning regarding subject choices for individual students.

• Liaises with students, parents/carers and staff to address any concerns raised regarding a student’s learning program and progression of learning within their learning area.

• Supports and liaises with staff, students and parents/carers regarding areas of concerns raised that relate to a student’s learning in the respective learning area.

Management of the Learning Area

• Works with staff to maintain the learning management system.

• Ensures that the appropriate planning, legislative compliance and risk assessments are undertaken for any learning area camp or excursion.

• Recommends and oversees the learning area budget in accordance with Finance Office guidelines.

• Recommends capital resources for their learning area.

• Prepares the booklist for their learning area.

• Supports teachers in the completion of VCE Audits scheduled by VCAA.

• Ensures the maintenance and organisation of specialist rooms, technology rooms, workshops and laboratories (science, performing arts, visual arts, technology etc) to create a conductive and safe learning environment for students to engage in hands on experiences and practical projects in an optimal learning and safe environment.

Other responsibilities as required

• Fulfils other responsibilities as directed by the College Principal and Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching.

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Key Selection Critieria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.

• A demonstrated commitment to personal professional learning.

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

• A demonstrated knowledge of their teaching areas, including sound knowledge of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and/or the Victorian Curriculum studies which are within the auspices of their learning area.

• Demonstrated commitment to achieving best practice in teaching and learning, especially for students with diverse /ongoing needs.

• A well-articulated vision of contemporary pedagogical approaches.

• An understanding of the challenges of teaching in a 21st century classroom.

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety.

• Demonstrated ability to work with others towards a common goal.

• Demonstrated leadership capacity.

Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL3.

• Time allowance: 0.227 FTE (10 / 44 periods per cycle).

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.


Additional responsibilities:

Performing Arts:

• Organizes and oversees major events, including but not limited to Performing Arts Nights, House Music, and Productions.

• Manages the College's Instrumental Program, including maintaining records and processing pay sheets.

• Coordinates student participation in SIS Events such as Music Performances and assists in the coordination of SIS Theatre Sports.

• Collaborates with Music and Performing Arts teachers to prepare assembly performances.

• Plans and coordinates public music performances, such as Open Evenings and Ensemble Evenings.

• Facilitates the coordination of musical items for School Masses.

• Takes on a key production role as Director, Musical Director, Choreographer, or Producer.

• Oversees the budget for Productions and Music, ensuring effective financial management.

• Organizes and promotes student involvement in Music across the college, fostering student engagement and participation.

• Along with the Visual Arts Learning Area Leader, oversee the role of the Arts Assistant, including recruitment, training, and performance management.

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• Oversees the Science Laboratory Technicians, including recruitment, training, and performance management, to ensure efficient operation and maintenance of laboratory equipment and resources.

• Oversees the maintenance and upkeep of the science laboratories, ensuring they are safe, wellequipped, and conducive to effective teaching and learning. This includes coordinating repairs, renovations, and equipment upgrades, as well as implementing regular safety inspections and protocols to maintain a high standard of laboratory facilities.

Health and PE

• Along with the Head of Sport, oversee the Sport and PE Assistant, including recruitment, training, and performance management, to ensure effective coordination and support for physical education classes and extracurricular sports activities.

Visual Arts

• Along with the Performing Arts Learning Area Leader, oversee the role of the Arts Assistant, including recruitment, training, and performance management.


• Oversees the Technology Technician including recruitment, training, and performance management.

Religious Education

• Collaborates with the Director of Faith and Mission on areas such as religious ceremonies, prayer services, and retreats, ensuring their alignment with the school's religious identity and providing opportunities for spiritual growth and reflection among students.

Vocational Major

• Reviews student applications for studying VCE VM & VET program and advises students and parents/carers on the suitability of the VCE VM & VET program to students’ needs/pathways in consultation with other staff (Head of Careers, Head of Senior School Learning, and Senior Wellbeing Coordinators).

• Oversees student participation in events run by external providers (e.g.: the Frankston Mornington Peninsula Local Learning and Employment Network (FMPLLEN).

• Investigates and implements connections with external agencies to establish suitable partnerships with the VCE VM program.

• Maintains membership and attends regular meetings of the Peninsula VCE VM Association (PVAL) and the Peninsula VET Association (PVET), to enhance community connections and students’ learning outcomes.

• Presents and participates at Information Evenings relating to Applied Learning Senior School Pathways.

• Maintains involvement with the PVET network and the School TAFE Alliance for Regional Training (START) trade training centre partnership.

• Liaises with students, their parents/carers and the Careers staff in relation to possible VET options on offer

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• Acts at the contact/liaison point between students enrolling in external VET programs and VET providers and ensure all applications and ongoing paperwork is completed and submitted.

• Coordinates with the Registered Training Organisations (RTOs), students and families to facilitate School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBATs) contracts and training plans.

• Obtains and provides individual student VET course codes, titles and units of competency and results to the VASS Administrator by the enrolment deadline.

• Creates student enrolment information packages and information sessions in line with the College guidelines

• Sources and /or coordinates SWL placements throughout the year and ensures all paperwork conforms with legal and child safety obligations

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Head of Resource Centre

Purpose of Position

The Head of the Resource Centre is a key leadership role and ensures the efficient and effective running of the Resource Centre responsible for supporting teachers and students within the College Community. The Head of Resource Centre is a member of the Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) and leader of the Resource Centre team. The Head of Resource Centre reports to the Deputy Principal of Learning and Teaching.

The Head of Resource Centre is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Head of Resource Centre will provide students with a child-safe environment, which proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Head of Resource Centre are:

• Leadership

• Resource Centre Management

• Learning and Teaching

• Staff Support

• Reading and Literacy Support and Development

• Other duties as directed.

Specific Tasks


• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.

• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with the staff they lead.

• Supports teams and individuals to embrace change and innovation.

• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.

Resource Centre Management

• Provides advice and recommendations to the College Leadership Team on matters related to Information Services.

• Prepares and administers an annual budget.

• Develops and reviews policies and procedures for use in the Resource Centre.

• Articulates a vision for the direction of the Resource Centre in light of the current curriculum and future needs.

• Ensures that the Resource Centre environment is welcoming, service-based and meets the needs of learners.

• Develops and implements improvements in the efficient and effective use of resources within the Resource Centre.

Learning and Teaching

• Participates in planning, implementing and evaluating school policies relating to curriculum.

• Is inclusive of the diverse needs of learners in providing spaces and resources for learning.

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• Develops and implements programs, procedures and technologies which will enhance student learning.

• Develops and actively promotes, in cooperation with teachers and Resource Centre staff, a school wide information skills continuum across the curriculum.

• Designs and provides effective training for staff, students and the College community in relevant areas via workshops, presentations, tutorials, or documentation at point of need.

Staff Support

• Promotes team building to achieve the vision for the Resource Centre.

• Is responsible for the pastoral care and professional learning of Resource Centre staff.

• Holds regular meetings of the team to develop goals and strategies.

Reading and Literacy Support and Development

• Provides a range of literacy opportunities and formats.

• Implements strategies to develop and sustain a culture of reading and learning.

• Promotes best quality literature and authors reflecting a variety of cultures and themes.

• Develops programs, in conjunction, with Learning Area Leaders to develop literature-based reading programs.

• Provides opportunities and activities that promote the love of reading.

• Coordinates special events and activities to support a culture of reading.

Key Selection Critieria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.

• A demonstrated commitment to personal professional learning.

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

• A demonstrated knowledge of their teaching areas, including sound knowledge of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and/or the Victorian Curriculum studies which are within the auspices of their learning area.

• Demonstrated commitment to achieving best practice in teaching and learning, especially for students with diverse /ongoing needs.

• A well-articulated vision of contemporary pedagogical approaches.

• An understanding of the challenges of teaching in a 21st century classroom.

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety.

• Demonstrated ability to work with others towards a common goal.

• Demonstrated leadership capacity.

Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL3

• Time allowance: 1.0 FTE (44 / 44 periods per cycle).

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

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Head of Careers

Purpose of Position

The Head of Careers is a key leadership role responsible for providing guidance and support to students in their career development journey. This position plays a vital role in assisting students in making informed decisions regarding their future pathways, including further education, training, and employment opportunities. The Head of Careers reports to the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching.

The Head of Careers is required to be familiar with and comply with the College's Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. They will provide students with a child-safe environment, proactively monitoring and supporting student wellbeing, and exercising pastoral care in a manner that reflects the school's values.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Head of Careers are:

• Leadership

• Career guidance and development

• Partnership and networking

• Program development and implementation

• Student support and advocacy

• Collaboration with staff and parents

• Management of resources

• Other duties as directed.

Specific Tasks


• Provide guidance and support to the Careers Practitioner, overseeing their work and ensuring the delivery of high-quality career guidance services to students.

• Model, inspire, and support staff and students with a clear focus on career development and wellbeing outcomes.

• Foster and promote reflective practice, professional dialogue, and a collaborative approach with staff.

• Support teams and individuals in embracing continual improvement and innovation in career guidance.

• Support College Leadership by implementing College strategic and annual goals related to career development.

Career Guidance and Development

• Provide expert career guidance to students, assisting them in exploring and identifying their strengths, interests, and career aspirations.

• Develop and implement career education programs that enhance students' understanding of career pathways, employability skills, and work readiness.

• Collaborate with teaching staff to embed career development activities within the curriculum, ensuring alignment with relevant learning outcomes and subject areas.

• Along with the Careers Practitioner, facilitate individual career counselling sessions with students to address their specific needs and concerns.

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• Coordinate and administer career assessment tools and resources to support students' selfawareness and career exploration.

Partnership and Networking

• Establish and maintain partnerships with external stakeholders, such as industry professionals, employers, universities, vocational training providers, and community organisations.

• Organise and coordinate work experience placements, internships, and industry visits to expose students to real-world work environments and develop their industry networks when required.

• Stay updated on industry trends, labour market demands, and post-secondary education pathways to provide accurate and current information to students.

Program Development and Implementation

• Develop and implement comprehensive career development programs that cater to the diverse needs and aspirations of students.

• Design and deliver workshops, seminars, and guest speaker sessions on various career-related topics, including resume writing, job interview skills, and career planning.

• Coordinate and promote career-related events and activities, such as career expos, industry forums, and mock interview sessions.

• Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of career development initiatives, making data-informed decisions to enhance program outcomes.

Student Support and Advocacy

• Provide personalised support and guidance to students facing challenges or barriers to their career aspirations.

• Advocate for students' career interests and needs within the school community and liaise with relevant support services or agencies when necessary.

• Collaborate with the Wellbeing team to integrate career development with student wellbeing programs, ensuring a holistic approach to supporting student growth and success.

Collaboration with Staff and Parents

• Collaborate with teaching staff to integrate career education into the curriculum and facilitate cross-disciplinary learning experiences.

• Work closely with the Head of Senior School Learning and Learning Area Leaders to provide career-related information and resources for subject selection and course planning.

• Engage and communicate with parents, providing them with resources, workshops, and individual consultations to support their involvement in their child's career development.

Management of Resources

• Manage career-related resources, including online platforms, career libraries, and industryspecific materials.

• Liaise with external organisations and service providers to ensure access to relevant career information, resources, and professional development opportunities.

• Manage the career development budget, ensuring effective utilisation of resources to maximise student support and program outcomes.

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Other responsibilities as required

• Fulfill other responsibilities as directed by the College Principal and Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching.

Key Selection Critieria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A proven record as an exemplary educator with experience in career guidance and development.

• A sound knowledge of career-related resources, industry trends, and post-secondary education pathways.

• An understanding of the challenges and opportunities in supporting students' career aspirations in a rapidly changing world.

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.

• A demonstrated commitment to personal professional learning.

• A demonstrated knowledge of their teaching areas, including sound knowledge of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and/or the Victorian Curriculum studies which are within the auspices of their learning area.

• Demonstrated commitment to achieving best practice in teaching and learning, especially for students with diverse/ongoing needs.

• A well-articulated vision of contemporary pedagogical approaches in career development.

• An understanding of the challenges of teaching in a 21st century classroom

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety

• Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with others towards a common goal.

• Demonstrated leadership capacity in guiding and supporting staff in career development initiatives.

Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL 2.

• Time allowance: 0.136 FTE (6 / 44 periods per cycle).

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

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Gifted and Talented Coordinator

Purpose of Position

The Gifted and Talented Coordinator is responsible to ensure that the learning experience for our gifted and talented students is enriched through the curriculum, programs, and extra curricular actives. This will involve the identification, tracking and support of our high potential learners, along with working in conjunction with the Professional Learning Coordinator to provide professional learning for teaching staff in best practice pedagogies for high ability students.

The Gifted & Talented Coordinator is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Gifted & Talented Coordinator will provide students with a child-safe environment, which proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Gifted and Talented Coordinator are:

• Leadership

• Lead learning and ensure achievement growth with gifted and talented students

• Lead the gifted and talented curriculum, assessment and extracurricular activities

• Engage gifted and talented students and familieis to enrich their learning experience at John Paul College

• Collaborate with the Stewart Centre on meeting the needs of gifted and talented students

• Oversee extracurricular activities

• Other duties as directed.

Specific Tasks Leadership

• Leads the learning and engagement of gifted and talented students to ensure achievement for growth through the design, development, implementation and evaluation of curriculum.

• Liaises with students and families to create a sense of belonging to enrich student learning.

• Coordinates and manage a variety of evidence-based programming options that challenge the performance of gifted and talented students.

• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.

• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with staff.

• Supports teams and individuals to embrace continual improvement and innovation.

• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.


• Establish and implement a transparent, consistent, and systematic process of assessment/identification of gifted and talented students.

• Apply and analyse appropriate assessment identification evidence to determine services and program options to meet the needs of high ability students.

• Advise of modifications and adjusted assessments for learning that allow students to demonstrate the extent of their knowledge and their learning.

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• Collate and document evidence based practice, school based and national assessment data to evaluate and track progress against the support and services provided.

• Organise, train and coordinate students in a range of academic competitions and external opportunities that allow for challenge, extension and development of skills with link minded peers.

Teaching & Learning

In collaboration with the Head of Middle School Learning, Head of Senior School Learning, Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning and teachers:

• Plan for differentiated, meaningful and appropriately challenging learning experiences, which enable demonstration of critical and creative thinking and problem-solving skills along with deep learning, growth and development.

• Ensure there is a variety of approaches to learning, extending and challenging diverse needs of learners.

• Demonstrate pedagogical content knowledge and model high standards of teaching practice based upon an understanding of varied teaching and learning approaches.

• Remain up to date of State, National and International initiatives in supporting high achieving students through ongoing professional development.

Extracurricular activities

• Identifies, promotes and coordinates student involvement in competitions, clubs and other extracurricular activities pertinent to the gifted and talented students.

Key Selection Critieria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.

• A demonstrated commitment to personal professional learning.

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

• Demonstrated commitment to achieving best practice in teaching and learning, especially for students with diverse /ongoing needs.

• A well-articulated vision of contemporary pedagogical approaches.

• An understanding of the challenges of teaching in a 21st century classroom.

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety.

• Demonstrated ability to work with others towards a common goal.

• Demonstrated leadership capacity.

Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL 1

• Time allowance: 0.068 FTE (3 / 44 periods per cycle).

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

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Head of Senior School Wellbeing

Purpose of Position

The Head of Senior School Wellbeing is a key leadership role and is jointly responsible for leading excellence in student wellbeing and overseeing the pastoral program. The Head of Senior School Wellbeing is a member of the Wellbeing for Learning Committee and the Pastoral Committee and reports to the Deputy Principal Wellbeing.

The Head of Senior School Wellbeing is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Head of Senior School Wellbeing will provide students with a child-safe environment, which will proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values. The Head of Senior School Wellbeing is a designated Child Safety Officer within the College.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Head of Senior School Wellbeing are:

• Leadership

• Implementation of the Pastoral Policy and Student Code of Conduct

• The Pastoral Care Program

• Special Year Level Events

• Other responsibilities as required

Specific Tasks


• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.

• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with staff.

• Supports teams and individuals to embrace continual improvement and innovation.

• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.

Implementation of the Student Wellbeing Vision, Pastoral Care Policy and the Student Code of Conduct

• Supports the Head of Counselling Services and teachers with ongoing behavioural/pastoral care/attendance issues.

• Supports the Head of Counselling Services, Senior Wellbeing Coordinators and their teams to ensure consistent approaches to student wellbeing and management.

• Helps lead the application of restorative practice throughout the college with a particular focus on conducting restorative conversations and mediations.

• Assists with the implementation of the student wellbeing vision as part of the wellbeing program.

• Ensures school policies are understood and adhered to by students.

• Issues consequences for breaches of these policies.

• Supervises after school Change Sessions in conjunction with rostered staff.

• Liaises and meets with the Deputy Principal Wellbeing regarding significant concerns in relation to the Pastoral Care Policy and Student Code of Conduct.

• Implements preventative approaches to support positive student behaviour.

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The Pastoral Care Program

• Is a daily presence in those areas of the College under their care.

• Leads and develops in conjunction with the Wellbeing Coordinators, the Senior Pastoral Care Program

• Liaises with the Head of Counselling Services, Deputy Principal Wellbeing and Senior Wellbeing Coordinators with regards to student wellbeing concerns.

• Leads and attends fortnightly STARS Meetings with the Head of Counselling Services, House Leaders and Head of Learning Diversity.

• Ensures the Senior School Wellbeing Program meets the John Paul College aims as set out in its Mission Statement.

• Works with House Leaders to develop their program and calendar of events.

• Participates in meetings of the Wellbeing for Learning Committee.

• Refers ongoing welfare concerns to the Deputy Principal Wellbeing and the appropriate agencies.

Special Year Level Events

• Leads the planning and coordination of the Year 10 Activities Program.

• Assists with the planning and coordination of the Year 12 celebrations.

• Attends all Year 10 - 12 Information Evenings and Pastoral Evenings.

• Attends House Assemblies and leads Year level Assemblies.

Other responsibilities as required

• It is anticipated that the Head of Senior School Wellbeing, at times be required to undertake other duties related to the role as directed by the Principal or Deputy Principal – Wellbeing.

Key Selection Critieria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.

• Up to date knowledge of wellbeing practices and procedures.

• Knowledge of appropriate avenues and resources for seeking information to support students, parents and staff.

• Broad knowledge, understanding of and commitment to the principles of restorative practice.

• Perseverance, sensitivity, compassion and patience in the face of complex and difficult situations.

• A high level of discretion when handling confidential and sensitive information.

• Possess a collaborative and flexible approach.

• An expectation that regular professional learning is undertaken in order to maintain a high level of awareness of current and best practice in the major areas of responsibility associated with the role.

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

• Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, personably and effectively.

• The ability to form teams and sustain teamwork.

• The capacity to reflect on one’s leadership performance and style.

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Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL 4.

• Time allowance: 0.5 FTE (22 / 44 periods per cycle).

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

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Head of Middle School Wellbeing

Purpose of Position

The Head of Middle School Wellbeing is a key leadership role and is jointly responsible for leading excellence in student wellbeing and overseeing the pastoral program. The Head of Middle School Wellbeing is a member of the Wellbeing for Learning Committee and the Pastoral Committee and reports to the Deputy Principal Wellbeing.

The Head of Middle School Wellbeing is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Head of Middle School Wellbeing will provide students with a child-safe environment, which will proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values. The Head of Middle School Wellbeing is a designated Child Safety Officer within the College.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Head of Middle School Wellbeing are:

• Leadership

• Implementation of the Pastoral Policy and Student Code of Conduct

• The Pastoral Care Program

• Special Year Level Events

• Other responsibilities as required

Specific Tasks


• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.

• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with staff.

• Supports teams and individuals to embrace continual improvement and innovation.

• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.

Implementation of the Student Wellbeing Vision, Pastoral Care Policy and the Student Code of Conduct

• Supports the Head of Counselling Services and Head of Year (7, 8 & 9) and teachers with ongoing behavioural/pastoral care/attendance issues.

• Supports the Head of Year (7, 8 & 9) and their teams to ensure consistent approaches to student wellbeing and management.

• Helps lead the application of restorative practices throughout the college with a particular focus on conducting restorative conversations and mediations.

• Ensures school policies are understood and adhered to by students.

• Issues consequences for breaches of these policies.

• Supervises after school Change Sessions in conjunction with rostered staff.

• Liaises and meets with the Deputy Principal Wellbeing regarding significant concerns in relation to the Pastoral Care Policy and Student Code of Conduct.

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The Pastoral Care Program

• Is a daily presence in those areas of the College under their care.

• Leads and develops in conjunction with the Head of Year (7, 8 & 9), the Middle Pastoral Care Program

• Liaises with the Head of Counselling Services, Deputy Principal Wellbeing, and Head of Year (7, 8 & 9) with regards to student wellbeing concerns.

• Leads fortnightly STARS Meetings with the Head of Counselling Services, Head of Learning Diversity and the Head of Year (7, 8 & 9).

• Ensures the Middle School Wellbeing Program meets the John Paul College aims as set out in its Mission Statement.

• Works with House Leaders to develop their program and calendar of events.

• Leads, in conjunction with the Head of Year 7, the transition program for students entering into Year 7.

• Participates in meetings of the Wellbeing for Learning Committee.

• Refers ongoing welfare concerns to the Deputy Principal Wellbeing and the appropriate agencies.

Special Year Level Events

• Assists with the planning and coordination of the Year 8 Camp

• Assists with the planning and coordination of the Year 7 Activities Week

• Assists with the planning and coordination of the Year 9 MUSE Program

• Attends all Year 7 – 9 Information Evenings and Pastoral Evenings

• Attends House and Year Level Assemblies

Other responsibilities as required

• It is anticipated that the Head of Senior School Wellbeing, at times be required to undertake other duties related to the role as directed by the Principal or Deputy Principal – Wellbeing.

Key Selection Critieria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission

• Up to date knowledge of wellbeing practices and procedures

• Knowledge of appropriate avenues and resources for seeking information to support students, parents, and staff.

• Broad knowledge, understanding of and commit to the principles of restorative practice.

• Perseverance, sensitivity, compassion, and patience in the face of complex and difficult situations

• A high level of discretion when handling confidential and sensitive information.

• Possess a collaborative and flexible approach.

• An expectation that regular professional learning is undertaken in order to maintain a high level of awareness of current and best practice in the major areas of responsibility associated with the role.

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

• Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, personably and effectively.

• The ability to form teams and sustain teamwork.

• The capacity to reflect on one’s leadership performance and style.

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Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL 4.

• Time allowance: 0.5 FTE (22 / 44 periods per cycle).

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

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Senior Wellbeing Coordinator (Chaminade/D’Houet / Olsen / Turner)

Purpose of Position

The Senior Wellbeing Coordinators are key leadership roles in leading the pastoral care of students, general wellbeing including academic progress. The Senior Wellbeing Coordinators are members of the Pastoral Care Team. The Senior Wellbeing Coordinators report to the Head of Senior School Wellbeing and the Deputy Principal Wellbeing.

The Senior Wellbeing Coordinators are required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Senior Wellbeing Coordinators will provide students with a child-safe environment, which will proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Senior Wellbeing Coordinator are:

• Leadership

• Implementation of Pastoral Care Policy and Code of Conduct

• Pastoral Care

• Management

• Staff Supervision

• Special House and Year Level Events

• Other duties as directed.

Specific Tasks


• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.

• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with the staff they lead.

• Supports teams and individuals to embrace continual improvement and innovation.

• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.

Implementation of Pastoral Care Policy and Student Code of Conduct

• Supports classroom teachers with ongoing discipline/pastoral care issues.

• Ensures school policies are being adhered to by students.

• Leads the student re-entry meetings following a student removal from class.

• Issues consequences for breaches of the Pastoral Care Policy and Student Code of Conduct

• Works with Pastoral teachers and parents to address challenging student patterns of behaviour.

• Develops and works in an ongoing capacity to manage appropriate use of devices in the classroom, as per the e-learning policy.

Pastoral Care

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• Is a daily presence in those areas of the college under their care.

• Liaises with the Head of Senior School Wellbeing and, Head of Counselling Services, Deputy Principal Wellbeing and Pastoral Care Teachers with regards to students’ welfare concerns.

• Attend fortnightly “Student At Risk” (STAR) meetings with the Head of Counselling Services, Head of Senior School Wellbeing, and Head of Learning Diversity.

• Provides assistance to relevant staff and implement strategies to resolve ongoing student welfare concerns.

• Refers ongoing welfare concerns to the appropriate agencies.

• Provides staff with information relevant to the education and welfare of students experiencing difficulties.

• Liaises with the Head of Senior School Wellbeing in the formulation and review of ongoing pastoral programs.

• Monitors student academic progress; meet with parents of students who are at academic risk.

• Attends PSG meetings (when required) with parent/s, PCT and Head of Learning Diversity.

• Monitors and follows up student absences from classes and school.

• Participates in the transition program for students entering the College.

• Attends Transition Information Evenings when required.

• Liaises with Pathway coordinators, VET, VCE, VCE VM to advise and organise appropriate educational pathways for students.


• Manages procedures to monitor and modify student behaviour.

• Regularly updates SIMON regarding student, staff and parent correspondence, meetings and incidents.

• Facilitates house assemblies and liturgical events.

Staff Support and Management

• Promotes Pastoral Team performance through collaboration and affirmation.

• Mentors staff experiencing difficulties.

• Chairs weekly team meetings to support staff and build a collaborative approach.

• Assists with the induction of new staff.

Special House and Year Level Events

• Attends and present awards at Awards night as required.

• Attends specific school events as required.

• Facilitates house assemblies in in conjunction with the House Leader House.

Other responsibilities as required

• It is anticipated that the Head of Senior School Wellbeing, at times be required to undertake other duties related to the role as directed by the Principal or Deputy Principal – Wellbeing.

Key Selection Critieria

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The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.

• Up to date knowledge of wellbeing practices and procedures as implemented at John Paul College.

• Perseverance, sensitivity, compassion, and patience when dealing with complex and difficult situations.

• Broad knowledge and understanding of the principles of restorative practice.

• Empathy and commitment to the learning needs of John Paul College students.

• A high level of discretion when handling confidential and sensitive information.

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

• Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, personably and effectively.

Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL 3.

• Time allowance: 0.318 FTE (14 / 44 periods per cycle).

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

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Head of Year (7, 8 & 9)

Purpose of Position

The Heads of Year (7, 8 and 9) are key leadership role in leading the pastoral care of students and monitoring their academic progress. The Heads of Year (7, 8 and 9) are a member of the Pastoral Care Team. The Heads of Year (7, 8 and 9) report to the Heads of Middle and the Deputy Principal Wellbeing.

The Heads of Year (7, 8 and 9) are required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Heads of Year (7, 8 and 9) will provide students with a child-safe environment, which will proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Head of Year are:

• Leadership

• Implementation of Pastoral Care Policy and Code of Conduct

• Pastoral Care

• Management

• Staff Supervision

• Special House and Year Level Events

• Other duties as directed.

Specific Tasks


• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.

• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with the staff they lead.

• Supports teams and individuals to embrace continual improvement and innovation.

• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.

Staff Development & Supervision

• Model, inspire and lead the Assistant Heads of Year

• Promotes Pastoral Team performance through collaboration and affirmation.

• Mentors staff experiencing difficulties.

• Chairs weekly team meetings to support staff and build a collaborative approach.

• Assists with the induction of new staff.

Implementation of Pastoral Care Policy and Student Code of Conduct

• Supports classroom teachers with ongoing discipline/pastoral care issues.

• Ensures school policies are being adhered to by students.

• Leads the student re-entry meetings following a student removal from class.

• Issues consequences for breaches of the Pastoral Care Policy and Student Code of Conduct

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• Works with Pastoral teachers and parents to address challenging student patterns of behaviour.

• Develops and works in an ongoing capacity to manage appropriate use of devices in the classroom, as per the e-learning policy.

Pastoral Care

• Is a daily presence in those areas of the college under their care.

• Liaises with the Head of Middle School Wellbeing, Head of Counselling Services, Deputy Principal Wellbeing and Pastoral Care Teachers with regard to students’ welfare concerns.

• Attend fortnightly “Student At Risk” (STAR) meetings with the Head of Counselling Services, and Head of Middle School Wellbeing and Head of Learning Diversity.

• Provides assistance to relevant staff and implement strategies to resolve ongoing student welfare concerns.

• Refers ongoing welfare concerns to the appropriate agencies.

• Provides staff with information relevant to the education and welfare of students experiencing difficulties.

• Liaises with the Head of Middle School Wellbeing in the formulation and review of ongoing pastoral programs.

• Monitors student academic progress; meet with parents of students who are at academic risk.

• Attends PSG meetings (when required) with parent/s, PCT and Head of Learning Diversity.

• Monitors and follows up student absences from classes and school.

• Participates in the transition program for students entering the College.

• Attends Transition Information Evenings when required.

• Liaises with Pathway coordinators, VET, VCE, VCE VM to advise and organise appropriate educational pathways for students.


• Manages procedures to monitor and modify student behaviour.

• Regularly updates SIMON regarding student, staff and parent correspondence, meetings and incidents.

• Facilitates year level assemblies and liturgical events

• Organises the involvement of students in House-based activities.

Special House and Year Level Events

• Leads and plans the coordination Year Level based activities including but not limited to camps, retreats and activity programs.

• Attends and present awards at Awards night as required.

• Attends specific school events as required.

Other responsibilities as required

• It is anticipated that the Head of Senior School Wellbeing, at times be required to undertake other duties related to the role as directed by the Principal or Deputy Principal – Wellbeing.

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Key Selection Criteria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.

• Up to date knowledge of wellbeing practices and procedures as implemented at John Paul College.

• Perseverance, sensitivity, compassion, and patience when dealing with complex and difficult situations.

• Broad knowledge and understanding of the principles of restorative practice.

• Empathy and commitment to the learning needs of John Paul College students.

• A high level of discretion when handling confidential and sensitive information.

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

• Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, personably and effectively.

Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL 3.

• Time allowance: 0.318 FTE (14 / 44 periods per cycle).

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

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Assistant Head of Year (7, 8 & 9)

Purpose of Position

The Assistant Heads of Year (7, 8 and 9) will provide support to the Heads of Year to lead the pastoral care of students and monitoring of general wellbeing including academic progress. The Assistant Heads of Year (7, 8 and 9) are members of the Pastoral Care Team and report to the Heads of Year (7, 8 and 9), Head of Middle School Wellbeing and the Deputy Principal Wellbeing.

The Assistant Heads of Year (7, 8 and 9) are required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Student Code of Conduct. The Assistant Heads of Year (7, 8 and 9) will provide students with a child-safe environment, which will proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Assistant Head of Year are:

• Implementation of Pastoral Care Policy and Code of Conduct

• Pastoral Care

• Management

• Special House and Year Level Events

• Other duties as directed.

Specific Tasks

Implementation of Pastoral Care Policy and Code of Conduct

• Supports classroom teachers with ongoing discipline/pastoral care issues.

• Ensures school policies are being adhered to by students.

• Assists the other Heads of Year (7, 8 & 9) with student re-entry meetings after student removal from class.

• Issues consequences for breaches of the Pastoral Care Policy and Code of Conduct

• Works with Heads of Year (7, 8 & 9), pastoral teachers and parents to address challenging student patterns of behaviour.

• Assists the Heads of Year (7, 8 & 9) to manage the appropriate use of devices in the classroom, as per the e-learning policy.

Pastoral Care

• Supports the Heads of Year (7, 8 & 9) to be a daily presence in those areas of the college under their care.

• Provides support to the Heads of Year (7, 8 & 9) when dealing with student welfare concerns and assist with the coordination and liaising between relevant staff members such as Head of Middle School Wellbeing, Head of Counselling Services, Deputy Principal Wellbeing and Pastoral Care Teachers.

• Attends meetings as directed by the Head of Year (7, 8 & 9) in relation to specific student wellbeing and learning needs.

• Provides support and assistance to the Heads of Year (7, 8 & 9) when relevant staff require assistant to implement strategies to resolve ongoing student welfare concerns.

• Provides assistance to the Heads of Year (7, 8 & 9) regarding referring ongoing welfare concerns to the appropriate agencies.

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• Provides staff with information relevant to the education and welfare of students experiencing difficulties.

• Liaises with the Head of Year (7, 8 and 9), Head of Counselling Services and Head of Middle School Wellbeing in the formulation and review of ongoing pastoral programs.

• Monitors student academic progress; and provide assistance to the Heads of Year (7, 8 & 9) when meeting with parents of students who are at academic risk.

• Attends PSG meetings (when required) with Heads of Year (7, 8 & 9), parent/s, PCT and Head of Stewart Centre.

• Assists the Heads of Year (7, 8 & 9) with monitoring and following up of student absences from classes and school.

• Participates in the transition program for students entering the College the following year.

• Attends Transition Information Evenings when required.

• Liaises with Pathway coordinators, VET, VCE, VCE VM to advise and organise appropriate educational pathways for students.


• Provides assistants to the Heads of Year (7, 8 & 9) to manage procedures to monitor and modify student behaviour.

• Regularly updates SIMON regarding student, staff and parent correspondence, meetings and incidents.

• Assists in the organisation of year level assemblies and liturgical events as directed.

Special House and Year Level Events

• Assists the Head of Year (7, 8 and 9), and Head of Middle School Wellbeing with the coordination of Year Level based activities including but not limited to camps, retreats and activity programs.

• Attends and present awards at Awards night as required.

• Attends specific school events as required.

Other responsibilities as required

• It is anticipated that the Head of Senior School Wellbeing, at times be required to undertake other duties related to the role as directed by the Principal or Deputy Principal – Wellbeing.

Key Selection Critieria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.

• Up to date knowledge of wellbeing practices and procedures as implemented at John Paul College.

• Perseverance, sensitivity, compassion, and patience when dealing with complex and difficult situations.

• Broad knowledge and understanding of the principles of restorative practice.

• Empathy and commitment to the learning needs of John Paul College students.

• A high level of discretion when handling confidential and sensitive information.

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

• Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, personably and effectively.

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Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL 2

• Time allowance: 0.091 FTE (4 / 44 periods per cycle).

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

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House Leader (Chaminade / D’Houet / Olsen / Turner)

Purpose of Position

The House Leader is responsible for providing proactive, high quality leadership and support of their nominate house and play a key role in the facilitation and implementation of the goals of the College. The role will work collaboratively to promote the House structure and animate charism from Year 7-12. As part of the Wellbeing Team this position will report directly to the Deputy Principal – Wellbeing.

The House Leader is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The House Leader will provide students with a child-safe environment, which will proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the House Leader are:

• Leadership

• Special House and Year Level Events e.g.: House Music, MAD Day, Year 11 & 12 Retreats, etc

• Other duties as directed.

Specific Tasks


• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.

• Supports teams and individuals to embrace continual improvement and innovation.

• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.

• Organises the involvement of students in House-based activities.

Promoting specific House Charism across the College

• Actively promotes and embodies the core values of the school as lived through the specific house charism, encouraging a sense of pride and ownership in the house's unique identity and charism.

• Provide leadership and guidance to the members of their house, helping them understand the importance of the charism and how it translates into their daily lives and foster a supportive and inclusive atmosphere that encourages individual personal growth and development.

• Sets an example for others by demonstrating integrity, compassion, respect, and other qualities associated with the charism.

• Offer support and guidance to house members, helping them navigate challenges and make positive choices.

• Collaborate with other leaders, students and staff to foster a whole-school approach to promoting the individual house charisms, working collectively to strengthen the school's overall sense of community and purpose.

• Identifies and leads liturgy and prayer at appropriate times throughout the year to highlight the House charism.

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Special House and Year Level Events

• Collaborates with other house leaders, students and staff to plan and organise house events and activities that reflect the charism, including service projects, social events, competitions, or fundraisers, which are designed to strengthen the sense of community and shared values within the house.

• Convenes student House Leaders meetings and promotes the development of Student House Leadership.

• Facilities in conjunction with the Senior Welling Coordinator House Assemblies.

• Organises the involvement of students in House-based activities including carnivals.

Other responsibilities as required

• It is anticipated that the House Leader will, at times be required to undertake other duties related to the role as directed by the Principal or Deputy Principal – Wellbeing.

Key Selection Critieria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.

• Up to date knowledge of wellbeing practices and procedures as implemented at John Paul College.

• A demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, personably, and effectively in ways that engage staff and students.

• Possess a collaborative and flexible approach.

• Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, personably and effectively.

• The ability to form teams and sustain teamwork throughout the term of the appointment.

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL 2.

• Time allowance: 0.091 FTE (4 / 44 periods per cycle).

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

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Student Leadership Coordinator

Purpose of Position

The Student Leadership Coordinator is responsible for providing proactive, high quality leadership and supporting Student Leaders and play a key role in the facilitation and implementation of the goals of the College. The role will work collaboratively to promote the Student Leadership program across the College from Year 7-12.

The Student Leadership Coordinator is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Student Leadership Coordinator will provide students with a child-safe environment, which will proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.

As a leader in the College, the Student Leadership Coordinator exercises a shared responsibility to ensure that the mission of the Catholic Church is brought to life in the College. These leadership roles are predicated on the belief that to be effective the work of the Student Leadership Coordinator will be informed by a vision of Catholic education that is Gospel-based people-centred, inclusive, and holistic. The Student Leadership Coordinator gives witness to gospel values in all aspects of their work and encourages and supports staff to do likewise.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Student Leadership Coordinator are:

• Leadership

• Manage the Passport to leadership program across the College

• Work closely with Deputy Principal – Wellbeing to support Senior Leaders

• Other duties as directed

Specific Tasks Leadership

• Models, inspires and supports students in all leadership positions across the College.

• Supports teams and individuals to embrace continual improvement and innovation.

• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.

• Organises the involvement of students in leadership opportunities and activities.

Student Leadership

• Manages and implements the following programs:

• Middle School Leaders

• Passport to Leadership Program

• Year 7 – 12 Student Representative Council (SRC)

• Works closely with the Deputy Principal – Wellbeing to support senior leaders

• Works with other staff and student leaders to promote leadership and growth opportunities for all students.

• Identifies opportunities within the curriculum and in extracurricular activities to provide leadership growth.

Child Safety

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The John Paul College community promotes the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children. We are a child safe employer who is committed to the welfare of children and young people in our protection. All potential employees and volunteers will be required to comply with our Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy and Code of Conduct. This includes:

• Ensure adherence to all child safety standards and mandatory reporting requirements

• Attend training to maintain compliance with all child safety legislation, standards and regulations

• Complete all mandatory reporting in a timely manner.

• Escalate and report all matters related to student safety immediately

• Understand and work diligently to deliver student duty of care accountabilities.

Key Selection Critieria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.

• Up to date knowledge of wellbeing practices and procedures as implemented at John Paul College.

• A demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, personably, and effectively in ways that engage staff and students.

• Possess a collaborative and flexible approach.

• An openness to change and to learning in all situations.

• Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, personably and effectively.

• The ability to form teams and sustain teamwork throughout the term of the appointment.

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

• It is anticipated that the Student Leadership Coordinator will, at times be required to undertake other duties related to the role as directed by the Principal or Deputy Principal – Wellbeing.

• The Student Leadership Coordinator is expected to comply with legislation, occupational health and safety practices and participate in consultative processes to ensure a child safe environment and workplace safety for staff and students.

Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility is POL1.

• Time allowance: 0.068 FTE (3 /44 periods a cycle).

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

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Catholic Identity Coordinator

Purpose of Position

The Catholic Identity Coordinator is responsible for the development and implementation of programmes related to the faith development of students and staff and the development of prayer and liturgy within the wider school community. The Catholic Identity Coordinator is a member of the Faith Development Team. The Catholic Identity Coordinator reports to the Director of Faith and Mission.

The Catholic Identity Coordinator is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Catholic Identity Coordinator will provide students with a child-safe environment, which proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.

As a leader in the College, the Catholic Identity Coordinator exercises a shared responsibility to ensure that the mission of the Catholic Church is brought to life in the College. The leadership role is predicated on the belief that to be effective the Catholic Identity Coordinator’s work will be informed by a vision of Catholic education that is Gospel-based people-centred, inclusive and holistic. The Catholic Identity Coordinator gives witness to gospel values in all aspects of their work and encourages and supports staff to do likewise.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Catholic Identity Coordinator are:

• Leadership

• Develop and implement student and staff faith development activities

• Develop and coordinate the prayer and liturgical life of the College

• Community Companion

• Student leadership programs and activities

• Fundraising initiatives and programs

• Mission, Vision, Horizons of Hope Framework

• Other duties as directed.

Specific Tasks


• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.

• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with the staff they lead.

• Supports teams and individuals to embrace change and innovation.

• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.

Develop and implement students and staff faith development activities

• Works with Director of Faith and Mission and Faith Programs Coordinator to implement student and staff faith development activities

• Provides and supports reflections and prayer experiences

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• Encourages understanding within the staff community of the tradition of John Paul College whilst reflecting and respecting the charisms of the Sisters – Faithful Companions of Jesus and the Society of Mary (Marianists).

Develop and coordinate the prayer and liturgical life of the College

• Informs the community of liturgical seasons, significant religious feasts and special events.

• Holds regular meetings with the student Faith Leader to encourage and empower student liturgical events and to develop the student liturgy team

• Collaborates with Parish Priests regarding Masses and other liturgical events

• Coordinates the preparation of Masses and other liturgical events

• Supports staff in implementing prayer in the classroom.

• Provides opportunities for student and staff prayer, meditation, and reflection

• Prepares and publishes staff prayer roster and supports staff to lead morning prayer

• Initiates and supports student prayer opportunities including Daily Prayers in SIMON.

• Provides support and direction to Senior Wellbeing Coordinators, Heads of Year (7, 8 & 9), House Leaders and pastoral teachers in leading prayer for students

• Maintains the chapel as a centre of spiritual inspiration

John Paul College Community Companion

• Supports and encourages staff to be involved in the John Paul College Community Companion

• Participates on the Community Companion at least once a term.

Student Leadership Programs and Activities

• Assists in faith-based training for Year 12, Year 9 and SRC college leaders

• Assists Senior Wellbeing Coordinators and House Leaders in the development of student house leadership.

Fundraising initiatives and programs

• Works with the Director of Faith and Mission and others to ensure that the College fundraising program fits within the College Mission and Vision

• Develops resources for fundraising for House causes ensuring participation and collaboration with the Year 12 Leadership Team.

• Develops resources to educate about and promote individual House charisms.

• Facilitates Mission Action Day.

Mission, Vision, Horizons of Hope Framework

• Liaises with Director of Faith and Mission and Learning Area Leader RE to sure that the RE program and social justice/outreach activities complement each other.

• Promotes Service Based Learning as a viable pedagogy with particular reference to the development of spirituality amongst adolescents.

• Connects Social Justice initiatives of John Paul College with Catholic Social Teaching and the mission of Catholic schools with staff, students and the broader community.

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Child Safety

The John Paul College community promotes the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children. We are a child safe employer who is committed to the welfare of children and young people in our protection. All potential employees and volunteers will be required to comply with our Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy and Code of Conduct. This includes:

• Ensure adherence to all child safety standards and mandatory reporting requirements

• Attend training to maintain compliance with all child safety legislation, standards and regulations

• Complete all mandatory reporting in a timely manner

• Escalate and report all matters related to student safety immediately

• Understand and work diligently to deliver student duty of care accountabilities

Key Selection Critieria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission

• A demonstrated commitment to ongoing growth in their personal faith and spirituality

• An ability to adapt to changing needs and circumstances.

• An ability to engage young people in liturgy and prayer.

• An ability to engage and support staff in the liturgical life of the college.

• A demonstrated commitment to personal professional learning

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

• A well-articulated vision of contemporary pedagogical approaches

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety

• Demonstrated ability to work with others towards a common goal

• Demonstrated leadership capacity.

Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL 2

• Time allowance: 0.136 FTE (6 / 44 periods per cycle)

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

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Faith Programs Coordinator

Purpose of Position

The Faith Programs Coordinator is responsible for the development and implementation of programmes related to the faith development of students and staff and the development of prayer and liturgy within the wider school community. The Faith Programs Coordinator is a member of the Faith Development Team. The Faith Programs Coordinator reports to the Director of Faith and Mission.

The Faith Programs Coordinator is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Faith Programs Coordinator will provide students with a child-safe environment, which proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.

As a leader in the College, the Faith Programs Coordinator exercises a shared responsibility to ensure that the mission of the Catholic Church is brought to life in the College. The leadership role is predicated on the belief that to be effective the Faith Programs Coordinator’s work will be informed by a vision of Catholic education that is Gospel-based people-centred, inclusive and holistic. The Faith Programs Coordinator gives witness to gospel values in all aspects of their work and encourages and supports staff to do likewise.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Faith Programs Coordinator are:

• Leadership

• Develop and implement student and staff faith development activities

• Faith program and immersion

• Cross Age Pastoral Support Program

• Student Leadership Programs and Activities

• Fundraising initiatives and programs

• Mission, Vision, Horizons and Hope Framework

• Community Companion

• Youth Ministry

• Other duties as directed.

Specific Tasks


• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.

• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with the staff they lead.

• Supports teams and individuals to embrace change and innovation.

• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.

Develop and implement student and staff faith development activities

• Provides pastoral/spiritual support for individuals and groups.

• Provides and supports reflections and prayer experiences

• Assists the Director of Faith and Mission to ensure ongoing professional development for all staff in the mission of Catholic schools

John Paul College – Positions of Leadership 2024 - 2026 64

• Encourages understanding within the staff community of the tradition of John Paul College whilst reflecting and respecting the charisms of the Sisters – Faithful Companions of Jesus and the Society of Mary (Marianists).

Faith Program Coordination

Faith Program and Immersion

• Coordinates faith and immersion programs

• Advertise opportunities for faith programs for students in Years 10, 11 and 12.

• Conduct formation program for students attending faith and immersion program and coordinate application process as required.

• Coordinate family evenings for parents of students attending faith and immersion programs.

• Complete all duties related to faith programs that include travel agents, payment instalments from families, paperwork including medical forms, passports and risk assessments.

Cross-Age Pastoral Support Program

• Assists Year 12 SRC leader to recruit interested Year 12 students to the Peer Support program

• Trains Year 12 volunteers in the provision of Peer Support program

• Develops and maintains workable roster for the Year 12 volunteers in the provision of Peer Support program

• Works with key Year 7 staff in the implementation of the Peer Support program.

Student Leadership Programs and Activities

• Assists in faith-based training for Year 12, Year 9 and SRC college leaders

• Assists Senior Wellbeing Coordinators and House Leaders in the development of student house leadership.

Fundraising initiatives and programs

• Works with the Director of Faith and Mission and others to ensure that the College fundraising program fits within the College Mission and Vision

• Develops awareness of the work and needs of organisations supported under the Social Justice/Outreach Policy.

• Oversees fundraising for House causes ensuring participation and collaboration with the Year 12 Leadership Team.

• Facilitates Mission Action Day.

• Liaises with Youth Ministry staff in the development and implementation of social justice activities and outreach.

Mission, Vision, Horizons of Hope Framework

• Liaises with Director of Faith and Mission and Learning Area Leader RE to sure that the RE program and social justice/outreach activities complement each other.

• Promotes Service Based Learning as a viable pedagogy with particular reference to the development of spirituality amongst adolescents.

• Connects Social Justice initiatives of John Paul College with Catholic Social Teaching and the mission of Catholic schools with staff, students and the broader community.

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John Paul College Community Companion

• Supports and encourages staff to be involved in the John Paul College Community Companion

• Participates on the Community Companion at least once a term.

Youth Ministry

• Facilitates application, interview, and selection of Youth Ministers

• Supports and mentors Youth Ministers in their roles.

Child Safety

The John Paul College community promotes the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children. We are a child safe employer who is committed to the welfare of children and young people in our protection. All potential employees and volunteers will be required to comply with our Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy and Code of Conduct. This includes:

• Ensure adherence to all child safety standards and mandatory reporting requirements

• Attend training to maintain compliance with all child safety legislation, standards and regulations

• Complete all mandatory reporting in a timely manner

• Escalate and report all matters related to student safety immediately

• Understand and work diligently to deliver student duty of care accountabilities

Key Selection Critieria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission

• A demonstrated commitment to ongoing growth in their personal faith and spirituality

• An ability to adapt to changing needs and circumstances.

• An ability to encourage young people through faith programs.

• A demonstrated commitment to personal professional learning

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

• A well-articulated vision of contemporary pedagogical approaches

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety

• Demonstrated ability to work with others towards a common goal

• Demonstrated leadership capacity.

Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL 2

• Time allowance: 0.136 FTE (6 / 44 periods per cycle)

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

John Paul College – Positions of Leadership 2024 - 2026 66

Daily Organiser

Purpose of Position

The Daily Organiser works alongside the Director of College Organisation to share responsibility for the management of staff absences and the smooth running of the College. The Daily Organiser works in conjunction with and reports to the Director of College Organisation.

The Daily Organiser is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Daily Organiser will provide students with a child-safe environment, which proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Daily Organiser are:

• Leadership

• Daily management of the College

• Administration of staff absences

• Web preferences and subject selection

• Other duties as directed.

Specific Tasks


• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.

• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with the staff they lead.

• Supports teams and individuals to embrace change and innovation.

• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.

• Displays a proficient understanding of the Catholic Education Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2022 and proficiently integrates its clauses and regulations to enhance operational practices at John Paul College.

Daily management of the College

• Liaise with the Professional Learning Coordinator regarding professional learning approvals.

• Publish term meeting schedules in consultation with all faculties and departments.

Administration of staff absences

• Publishes, at the beginning of each year, a policy regarding the allocation of extras, replacements, and classes in lieu.

• Manages and publishes daily changes via Bulletin, timetable email and uploads replacements and absences to SIMON and allocates extras, replacements, and classes in lieu.

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• Engages and monitors emergency teachers ensuring Employment of Staff procedures are followed. Including interviewing and referee checking all potential applicants.

• Implements approved leave requests from staff.

• Provides information to allow the Receptionist to maintain an accurate record of staff absence on the CEVN site.

• Informs Finance Staff of absences regarding leave, emergency teacher hours and learning support officer hours.

• At the end of each term calculate, publish and record individual staff absent count, extra + under allotted + in lieu tallies (for transparency and staff equity).

• Organises and meets with the organising staff of all major activities, excursions or incursions to seek feedback and review the activity. Seeking constant improvement in organisation and effectiveness of each program.

Web preferences and subject selection

• Liaises with the Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching to organise the process of student subject selection.

• Liaises with staff and students, regarding issues to do with student subject selection and the timetable.

Key Selection Critieria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.

• A high level of discretion when handling confidential and sensitive information.

• Possess a collaborative and flexible approach.

• An openness to change and to learning in all situations.

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

• Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, personably and effectively.

• The ability to form teams and sustain teamwork throughout the term of the appointment.

• The capacity to reflect on one’s leadership performance and style.

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety

• Demonstrated leadership capacity.

Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL 2

• Time allowance: 0.2272 FTE (10 / 44 periods per cycle).

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

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Sports Coordinator

Purpose of Position

The Sport Coordinator is a key leadership role in relation to the coordination of major sporting fixtures and events within the College and with other schools and associations. The Sport Coordinator reports to the Deputy Principal Wellbeing.

The Sport Coordinator is required to be familiar with and comply with the College’s Child Safety Policy and the Code of Conduct. The Sport Coordinator will provide students with a child-safe environment, which proactively monitor and support student wellbeing and exercise pastoral care in a manner which reflects school values.

Specific Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Sports Coordinator are:

• Leadership

• Organise and promote student involvement in sport

• Manage the resources related to sport participation

• Manage the regulatory requirements of sport participation

• Other duties as directed.

Specific Tasks


• Models, inspires and supports staff and students with a clear focus on continually improving student learning and wellbeing outcomes.

• Fosters and promotes reflective practice, professional dialogue and a collaborative approach with the staff they lead.

• Supports teams and individuals to embrace change and innovation.

• Supports College Leadership including implementing College strategic and annual goals.

Organise and promote student involvement in sport

• Coordinates co-curricular sporting involvement.

• Promotes, encourages, and facilitates the participation of students in sporting activities within the College and with external organisations.

• Liaises with the Director of College Organisation and House Leaders for the organisation of the all-school house carnivals in swimming, athletics and cross-country.

• Liaises with SIS regarding John Paul College participation in SIS carnivals and events.

• Disseminates information regarding sporting activities and club, state and national competitions and supports student involvement.

• Liaises with Deputy Principal Wellbeing and Director of College Organisation regarding the timing and arrangement of sporting fixtures.

• Attends meetings of the Pastoral Committee as scheduled by Deputy Principal Wellbeing.

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Manage the resources related to sport participation

• Plans an annual budget and supervises expenditure in accordance with Finance Office guidelines.

• Maintains an accurate inventory of equipment purchased through the Sport budget.

• Coordinates coaches, equipment and other resources related to sporting activities.

• Ensures that all facilities are safe for planned activities by liaising with the College Facilities and Maintenance Manager.

Manage the requirements of sport participation

• Ensures that all safety aspects of student involvement in sport at the College and beyond, including risk assessments for all activities, and are in line with appropriate regulations and requirements.

• Represents John Paul College on the SIS Sports Coordinators’ Committee.

• Is a member of the JPC OHS Committee and attends all meetings.

• Develops policies and procedures relating to sporting involvement in the College.

• Is responsible for dealing with any student behaviour issues related to sport in consultation with the SIS Secretary, other schools, Senior Wellbeing Coordinators and Heads of Year (7, 8 & 9) and the Deputy Principal Wellbeing as appropriate.

Key Selection Critieria

The successful applicant will need to meet the following key selection criteria:

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to the ethos of a Catholic school and its mission.

• The ability to work collaboratively, flexibly and independently in a demanding, every changing environment.

• A demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, personably, and effectively in ways that engage staff and students.

• Possess a collaborative and flexible approach.

• An openness to change and to learning in all situations.

• Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, personably and effectively.

• The ability to form teams and sustain teamwork throughout the term of the appointment.

• A demonstrated commitment to personal professional learning.

• An openness to change and to learning in all situations.

• A proven record as an exemplary teacher.

• The capacity to reflect on one’s leadership performance and style.

• A demonstrated understanding and commitment to child safety.

• Demonstrated ability to work with others towards a common goal.

• Demonstrated leadership capacity.

Conditions and Remuneration

• Level of responsibility: POL 2.

• Time allowance: 0.2045 FTE (9 / 44 periods per cycle).

• The position is employed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Victorian Catholic Multi Enterprise Agreement 2022 and any subsequent amendments and industrial agreements.

• This role is subject to ongoing review and may change to suit the requirements of John Paul College.

John Paul College – Positions of Leadership 2024 - 2026 70

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Articles inside

Daily Organiser

pages 65-68

Faith Programs Coordinator

pages 62-64

Catholic Identity Coordinator

pages 59-61

Student Leadership Coordinator

pages 57-58

House Leader (Chaminade / D’Houet / Olsen / Turner)

pages 55-56

Senior Wellbeing Coordinator (Chaminade/D’Houet / Olsen / Turner)

pages 46-54

Head of Middle School Wellbeing

pages 43-45

Head of Senior School Wellbeing

pages 40-42

Learning Area Leader

pages 29-39

Professional Learning Coordinator

pages 26-28

Head of Middle School Learning

pages 23-25

Head of Senior School Learning

pages 19-22

Positions of Leadership

pages 12-18

Application Process

page 11

Student Wellbeing Vision

pages 6-7

Learning and Teaching Vision

page 5

Faith Programs Coordinator

pages 62-67

Catholic Identity Coordinator

pages 59-61

Student Leadership Coordinator

pages 57-58

House Leader (Chaminade / D’Houet / Olsen / Turner)

pages 55-56

Senior Wellbeing Coordinator (Chaminade/D’Houet / Olsen / Turner)

pages 46-54

Head of Middle School Wellbeing

pages 43-45

Head of Senior School Wellbeing

pages 40-42

Learning Area Leader

pages 29-39

Professional Learning Coordinator

pages 26-28

Head of Middle School Learning

pages 23-25

Head of Senior School Learning

pages 19-22

Positions of Leadership

pages 12-18

Application Process

page 11

Student Wellbeing Vision

pages 6-7

Learning and Teaching Vision

page 5

Daily Organiser

pages 65-68

Faith Programs Coordinator

pages 62-64

Catholic Identity Coordinator

pages 59-61

Student Leadership Coordinator

pages 57-58

House Leader (Chaminade / D’Houet / Olsen / Turner)

pages 55-56

Senior Wellbeing Coordinator (Chaminade/D’Houet / Olsen / Turner)

pages 46-54

Head of Middle School Wellbeing

pages 43-45

Head of Senior School Wellbeing

pages 40-42

Learning Area Leader

pages 29-39

Professional Learning Coordinator

pages 26-28

Head of Middle School Learning

pages 23-25

Head of Senior School Learning

pages 19-22

Positions of Leadership

pages 12-18

Application Process

page 11

Student Wellbeing Vision

pages 6-7

Learning and Teaching Vision

page 5

Daily Organiser

pages 65-67

Faith Programs Coordinator

pages 62-64

Catholic Identity Coordinator

pages 59-61

Student Leadership Coordinator

pages 57-58

House Leader (Chaminade / D’Houet / Olsen / Turner)

pages 55-56

Senior Wellbeing Coordinator (Chaminade/D’Houet / Olsen / Turner)

pages 46-54

Head of Middle School Wellbeing

pages 43-45

Head of Senior School Wellbeing

pages 40-42

Learning Area Leader

pages 29-39

Professional Learning Coordinator

pages 26-28

Head of Middle School Learning

pages 23-25

Head of Senior School Learning

pages 19-22

Positions of Leadership

pages 12-18

Application Process

page 11

Student Wellbeing Vision

pages 6-7

Learning and Teaching Vision

page 5
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