Insider's Secrets To Building Your Email List Fast

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4 Steps To List Building Success Who wouldn't want to learn how to create an online system that builds multiple income streams on autopilot and does this consistently, converting sales at a high rate? Any marketer would love to generate 300 Leads/day that pay for themselves (FREE) or pull a profit and allow you to add a big extra income or replace your current one, take advantage of and harness online trends, technology, video, social networking etc. This Blueprint has allowed people to: Build REAL businesses without cold calling or bugging friends & family, build networks of simple but powerful sites that generate thousands of leads per day and hundreds of thousands in commissions, multiple streams of income to the tune of hundreds of thousands PLUS the biggest teams in various business opportunities. Here is the specific method to you can use to model what professional marketers have been doing for years online. It's important to understand that the Internet changed EVERYTHING in the home based business industry. The Internet created Problems and Opportunities that must be mitigated or exploited to your advantage in the creation of a REAL business. The list of problems inclue: 1. Increase in Competition and Increase in Information Competitors are Advertising on your keywords daily. Pricing and other private information is now instantly revealed online by competitors on blogs, forums and social networking sites. The Trend of "Bash and Redirect" marketing by your competition online is rediculous and really harms the whole industry. There are negative reviews, and positive reviews and a whole lot of misinformation and reports created by competition to make you look bad. 2. Decrease In Prospect's Attention Spans  You have 2-3 seconds to grab their attention and put them in a marketing process. We live in a microwave "A.D.D." culture and you must engage your prospect with relevant information fast or lose them to someone who does. 3. Decrease in Customer Retention Rates

Related to attention span this applies specially with business opportunity builders. You have 2 months to involve them or else they're gone. If they don't see the results they expected with your product, service or opportunity, they will search the internet, click on a competitor's add and they are gone. There is no long term 'residual' income anymore. Downlines are just not hanging around enough to make this a reality. The reasons for this are: So much information is available at anyone's fingertips that people are easily distracted. There is such short attention spans that people begin to hop from message to message and makes them susceptible to 'program hopping' and this happens within weeks of a new marketer joining you and there is nothing you can do to keep them from the internet. We're living in the era of the 'PreLaunch' where new competing programs, courses and products are being designed every week and your customers and prospects are searching, finding and filling out forms on web sites left and right. This KILLS "Residual" Income. If you don't build a system that effectively deals with this issues you will burn out. Marketers are working harder, while their businesses are stagnating, or worse, decreasing in profitability. 4. Increase in Legal Oversight Big companies don't want the risk the inherent liability with allowing their inexperienced, unprofessional sales reps to market on the internet and potentially expose the company to lawsuits and complaints. Inexperienced marketers use hype and overexaggerated claims in their ads, blogs, sites and marketing messages and it's hard to control the quality of the marketing being published by hundreds of thousands of sales reps desperate to make a sale. The answer for big MLM companies? They prohibit online marketing. So those are the big four issues that have been created as the MLM/Network Marketing arena came to the internet. How do you get around this? I call it The Internet Marketing Success Formula and the main concept is simply this:  You, Inc. Direct Response Marketing. Attraction Marketing and List Building. The specific strategy is designed to accomplish a couple things: 1. Enable anyone  to generate free leads using online list building. 2. Allow Attraction Market to sell your opportunity for you automatically. This creates significant leverage. Traditional home business prospecting tactics provide no leverage. Phone prospecting provides NO leverage. You can only call so many people one on one each day to make a profit. No leverage. No system. Attraction Marketing and Online List Building allows you to leverage the power of the internet to use lead capture pages, web sites, autoresponders and email marketing to reach thousands of people each day on autopilot and deliver a simple, professional message whether you're new or

experienced. 3. Immunize your business from competition. There are millions of other representatives globally marketing thousands of business opportunities like yours. There is a ton of competition in your own company and outside of your company that you need to insulate yourself from. 4. Multiple Streams of Income It's more powerful to be able to use ONE system to make ten times more money for your efforts versus just building one company. What is You, Inc? In a typical home based business, people are trying to build a 'downline' and they assume that they are building a business. A downline in a network marketing program is not a real business. You don't own anything. You don't own any assets. You don't own any significant equity in the company, it's plant, equipment or goodwill. Real businesses allow you to have and own real assets. Most home based businesses position you as a commission only sales rep. The company can take away your business at any time. They can strip your database from you, all the other distributors in your group and they can forfeit your commissions for a wide variety of reasons. This puts you at risk as an entrepreneur. Your entire business does not belong to you and you don't really control anything other than making sales today. Companies touted that you were building a legacy that could be willed to your children. This has RARELY, if ever happened. If you are not constantly building and working your business... it's dying. This is how you can own a real business where you have equity, own assets that nobody can take away from you and where you can generate multiple income streams from building one business. YOU INC. The concept of You,Inc consists of you building and owning: 1. Your List/Social Networks - Distribution Channel. Asset.The List IS your business 2. Building a Relationship with your list which gives it its value. Goodwill. Equity. Net Value. You are the owner of a distribution channel. For people who doubt that this simple concept works, it's how professional marketers are able to send out a collection of 3-4 emails to their lists promoting an information product or coaching program that is relevant to their list and they generate over $239,221 in sales in a matter of days. This happens consistently online with marketers that know how to build a list and build relationships with the people on their list. This is powerful leverage. That is the power of the You,

Inc business model. Let's Break Down The Formula: 1. Build Your List 2. Build Relationship with  your list 3. Market to your List Let's cover each step in a bit more detail: 1. Build List Advertising and driving traffic online using Facebook, Twitter, Articles, Search Engine Marketing, Videos, and Pay Per Click ads, etc. You drive this traffic to lead capture pages that capture the prospect's contact information so you can follow up by using an email autoresponder service to send out a series of education and relationship building emails. You offer value and relevant information to build trust. People buy from sources they know, like and trust. 2. Relationship Building with the people on your list. This creates the most important value in your list, which is basically your own distribution channel. In order to build effective relationships with the people on your list you must be willing to GIVE without expecting anything in return. Giving them value FIRST without want. How can you serve others more? Reciprocity, leadership, trust, value, and equity are some of the qualities and tactics used in attraction marketing to endear you to your follower list. You don't need the biggest list around. You need to build a responsive,  valuable list that knows, likes and trusts you so they will buy from you. 3. Market/Monetize Your List  Being able to build a list that buys from you gives you the ability to basically generate free leads. You advertise consistently for traffic, which builds your list. You then offer them compelling information that generates profits to your upfront before they join your primary business opportunity. These sales help you offset the cost of generating them in the first place and now you can use your follow up system to generate repeat sales long term. Leads are not cheap to buy or generate. The average leads costs about $5 each. It's critically important to generate them for free. You can use effective online advertising to generate them for $5 each. You can then use a marketing funded proposal to earn $10 back each. This income gives you the leverage to keep advertising indefinitely and generate more sales on the back end of your marketing system. This Builds true leverage. An email autoresponder series can teach and train and promote to your prospects on autopilot. It produces sales, profits and leverage. You can set up 12 months worth of messages and put your business on cruise control.

This concept allows you to: Systematize List Building, systematize relationship building, systematize the monetization into multiple sources of sales, and it allows for Instant downline building. Leaders who are skilled in this tactic are the ones who can join a company one day, recommend it to their list via an email and invite their prospects to a webinar, or conference call or web site that explains the opportunity and generates an instant downline, over night. It's exactly how that is done. You now have ultimate security. The only way to lose this type of business and equity is to lose your reputation and credibility with your list. You do not have this with a Business Opportunity program alone. With this optimized business model you create a couple important things: You own a distributions channel. You have a relationship with that channel. You monetize that channel. This provides the ultimate in: Leverage. Security. The details behind these steps are found in a variety of courses and ebooks, audios and videos available online. The actual step by step action items you can take to build this are easily accessible. This is a simple to understand and follow blueprint that  allows you to tap into and harness the internet to build a real business. It's works for everyone. Anywhere in the world. Own a real asset and a real business. Be able to produce as many leads as you want for free. Be able to tap into the power of multiple streams of income. Be able to sponsor people automatically into your primary. Be able to create cash any time that you want to. Just by sitting down and sending out an email... That is what today's online marketing world is all about. 

Franco Gonzalez is a professional internet marketing coach who helps families build full time home businesses on the internet quickly and affordably. His Free Attraction Marketing Newsletter teaches step by step internet marketing tactics via video tutorials, blogs and email. Click here to learn more about List Building to learn the specific steps described above in more detail.

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