WITH CONVICTION SEL EC T ED WO RKS O F A RCH I T EC T U RE A N D U RBA N D ESI G N | 405.620.2900 | A dynamic, results-driven individual, adept at confident decision-making, seeking to utilize analytical skills and experience to contribute to a design studio culture and collaborate in a team environment.
University of Pennsylvania Master of Architecture II Certificate in Urban Design May 2012 - GPA 3.78 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Robert G. Sinclair Architecture Milwaukee, Wisconsin September 2012 - Present Intern Architect
MAD Architects Beijing, China May - August 2011 Intern Architect
buildingcommunityWORKSHOP Dallas, TX June - August 2010 Volunteer/Intern Architect
University of Oklahoma
Bachelor of Architecture Minor in Interior Design May 2011 - GPA 3.65 with distinction, Magna Cum Laude Norman, Oklahoma
Responsibilities involve schematic design, design development, construction document preparation, and construction administration of projects including several large private residences in De Pere, Wisconsin and Aspen, Colorado.
Responsibilities involved design development of Harbin Opera house and Harbin Wood Sculpture Museum, including HVAC, structural, and detail design with consultants.
Responsibilities involved construction on a Congo Street house and schematic design on the Jubilee Park Senior Housing, including physical model building and community meetings.
Hans Director of Architecture, University of Oklahoma Sebastian Principal, Johnsen Schmaling Architects
Art Institute of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Wisconsin October 2012 - March 2013 Adjunct Instructor
Interior Design Department: Taught Beginning AutoCad, wrote curriculum for and taught Sustainable Design, advised dean in curriculum development for B.A. in Interior Design program.
Finalist - ULI/Hines Student Urban Design Competition 3rd Place - TEXO/ASC Region V Design-Build Competition Pi Kappa Phi Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Research Who’s Who Among American College & University Students AIA Oklahoma Scholarship Bockus-Payne Leadership & Ethics Scholarship Dean’s Honor Roll Eagle Scout
2011 2010, 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2006-2011 2003
OU: American Institute of Architecture Students Vice President, Mentorship Chair OU: Bruce Goff Chair of Creative Architecture Lecture Series Senior Lecture Assistant OU: College of Architecture Student Council Architecture Representative OU: Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity Pledge Class President, Rush Chair OU: Freedom By Design Penn: Volunteer 3rd Grade Architecture Teacher
Hand rendering: Intangibles:
Revit, AutoCad Architecture, Rhinoceros 3d, Maxwell, Grasshopper, Maya, Processing, SketchUp, V-Ray, 3d Studio Max, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign graphite, colored pencil, marker, charcoal terrific public speaker, calm under pressure, outstanding leadership, great sense of humor :)
Beijing, Berlin, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Florence, Frankfurt, Hangzhou, Houston, Kansas City, Kyoto, London, Miami, Milwaukee, Munich, Nanjing, Naples, New York City, Osaka, Paris, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pisa, Rome, San Francisco, Seattle, Shanghai, St. Louis, Suzhou, Tokyo, Toronto, Venice, Washington DC
A Library as a Locus for Community_____Norman, OK
Lobby Staff Offices Computer Lab Book Stacks Storage Cafe Community Room Men’s Restroom Women’s Restroom
5 6 5
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
7 4
8 2
9 1
Main Level Plan
Libraries today serve as gathering places, community centers, and cafes. We need to stop viewing libraries as sacred temples of reading and research and more as a collective gathering place of people, ideas, events, and resources; a place that incites imagination and satisfies curiousity - a veritable flowering of culture. With a form that evokes the Oklahoma Rose, this library has a multilayered skin that passively filters light, sound, and visitors to the library. These ‘petals’ diffuse the light entering the library, reducing solar heat gain and providing excellent reading light.
Sunken Courtyard
Finalist: ULI/Hines Student Urban Design Competition_____Seattle, WA Trail Connections to Cheasty Belt Lowe’s & Cultural Park Community Center & Small Business Resource Department Xeriscaped Garage Roofs for Storm Water Control Underground Parking Access Ramp Townhouses & Courtyard Park Towncenter & Public Plaza Rainier Brewery Gastropub at Rainier Tower Pedestrian Passthrough Seattle Pilots Baseball Gallery Outfield Garden Hotel
Underground Parking Access Ramp King County Metro Bus Transfer Center Rite-Aid Artspace Digital Library and Bookstore Mt. Baker Rail Plaza Seattle Bike Share Station
Site Plan
Franklin High School Field Proposed Streetcar to First Hill Line
Towncenter & Public Plaza
Sick’s Park
Transforming a suburban wasteland of big-box stores and parking lots with a highway running through the middle into a transit-oriented walkable neighborhood requires a rethinking of our autocentric culture. Located just north of a newly built bus station and light rail line and serving a community of very diverse ethnic and economic backgrounds, this design focuses on transforming the existing Rainier Avenue into a truly great street lined with trees - most of which are currently existing. This development makes an effort to create places for people and connect green spaces surrounding the site, enhancing the theme of connectivity so crucial to a transitoriented development.
Continuous Tree Canopy Through Traffic Lanes Retained Mature Street Trees Sidewalk Cafes Transparent Building Facade at Street Level Wide Pedestrian Throughway Shared Local Lane: Bike and Auto Permeable On-Street Parking Surface
Rainier Boulevard
Cheasty Belt Hike & Bike Trails Roundabout with Sculpture Art
Site Section
Cultural Park Featuring Ethnic Artwork
Community and Business Resource Center
Rainier Retained Street Boulevard Trees
Rainier Tower and Brewery Regal Cinema Anchor Retail Views to Cheasty Belt and Mt. Baker Hill Affordable Retail Tenants Way-Finding to Multi-Modal Hub “Pedestrian Only” Street During Market Days Towncenter Farmers Market
Towncenter Plaza
Regal Cinema
Towncenter Retail Street
Rainier Brewery Tower
MLK Jr. Way Flats and Townhomes Underground Parking Access
Trails from Neighborhood and Mt. Baker Park
Ed Bacon Student Urban Design Competition_____Philadelphia, PA Green Roofs Bio-swales
Mixed Use Buildings Sidewalk Cafes
Pedestrian Realm
Trolley Stop
8’ 5’ 10’
Front St. (Access)
Multi-Modal Boulevard Section
Bus/Trolley Stop
Riverfront Park
11’ 11’
Express Lanes
11’ 11’ 257’
Express Lanes
Trolley Line
10’ 5’ 8’ 8’
Columbus Ave. (Access)
Pedestrian Realm
New Mixed-Use Urban Infill Race Pier The objective of this competition was to better integrate a major transportation corridor into the city fabric. This design seeks to achieve that by developing the existing highway into a multiway, multi-modal boulevard to activate the urban edge.
Delaware Urban Boulevard Penn’s Landing Green Ferry Station Riverfront Park
Additionally, this design extends the city transit grid to the river, connecting the city back to its waterfront and conceives a master plan for a holistically sustainable, mixed-use walkable neighborhood. Lastly, the existing wasteland of warehouses and parking lots was given a new identity as “Penn Pier”, a lively entertainment hub on the river.
Existing Neighborhood Gloria Dei (Old Sedes) Church Constructed Wetlands
Trolley Station Plaza
Penn Pier Entertainment District
Trolley Terminus Museum of Industrial Heritage Penn Pier Entertainment Fair
Proposed Site Plan
Train-to-Truck Container Terminal: Logistics Center
Bird’s Eye View
Existing Figure Ground
New Figure Ground
Existing Street Grid
New Street Grid
Conceptual Framework
View of a park in the Penn Pier neighborhood looking towards Columbus Avenue. The Penn Pier entertainment district connects the city to the Delaware River. Looking towards the Industrial Heritage Museum housed in an old electrical plant on the river. New parks on the piers connect open spaces to the city’s riverside industrial heritage in one seamless experience.
AIR-RIGHTS INFILL D3: Housing Tomorrow Competition_____Norman, OK
Current Urban Proportions
Modified Urban Proportions
Once the poster child of Norman Rockwell’s Americana, Norman, Oklahoma is now the poster child for suburban sprawl. This project attempts to remedy this tragic shift through the implementation of high-density housing along Main Street. Through air-rights development, apartments or condominiums may be built above the big-box or strip mall parking lots immediately along a given street right-of-way. Sidewalks would be planted with street trees to further encourage walking. These improvements would modify the proportions of the urban corridor, defining a much more pedestrian-friendly scale. This urban restructuring brings people and housing closer to cultural and commercial amenities.
Existing Right-of-Way
Modified Right-of-Way
Street Elevation
capacity: 36,000 VPD crossing time: 15 seconds design speed: 35+ mph
capacity: 22,000 VPD crossing time: 13 seconds design speed: 25-30 mph
“backyard� balconies condos circulation hall street facade
Typical Floor Plan
A Light Rail Station for the University of Oklahoma_____Norman, OK
Elevation - Physical Model
1/4” = 1’-0”
Platform - Physical Model
Roof Detail - Physical Model
1/4” = 1’-0”
jan. clo.
ticket windows staff offices
vending bicycle storage
1/4” = 1’-0”
Floor Plan The design of this station draws upon the industrial heritage of railroad travel to derive its form from the horizontal billow of smoke which followed a train making its way across the plain. The plan of the station was developed by tracing a circulation diagram between different programmatic elements - sinuous walls flowing along with visitors as they move through the space. The glass tubes that make up the skin of the building further convey this smoke aesthetic by refracting light throughout the building, the light patterns changing and dancing as the sun moves across the sky.
A Competition for the Former Site of the Chicago Spire_____Chicago, IL
Site Plan
Site Section
What are the implications of inverting the skyscraper icon? Centered on the individual and his journey, high grasses cover the meditative labyrinth, allowing the visitor to focus solely on the path as it winds through the site. Sometimes rising, sometimes falling, the path gives occasional glimpses of what it is leading toward until it finally brings the visitor the edge of a massive hole. A small set of stairs floats above the gap, leading the visitor down just below ground level to a platform where he can inhabit the void in the midst of its totality and darkness. On this platform, the visitor should feel the fear and thrill of being at the top of a skyscraper, the wonder of being out of his normal habitat. Standing there, contemplating the void, the visitor begins to feel power over the darkness, drawing hope and optimism from the experience, understanding that the city will always rise above the darkness.
urban canyon
open prairie
above the earth
under the earth
The Blank Building as an Urban Incubator_____Norman, OK
Nighttime Lights
Daytime Art
Host Building
In investigating the opportunities embedded in the often underutilized vertical facade surface and exploring its potential as an engine for urban regeneration, this design developed a surface installation for a very long horizontal facade of a vacant pawn shop consisting of imageembedded, LED-lit fins attached along the facade of the building. When viewed obliquely, the fins reveal a prairie landscape that provides a stark counterpoint to this urban, autocentric environment. The fins crescendo toward the intersection and spatially jump across the street, creating continuity between this building and the adjacent sidewalk.
An Algorithmic Approach to Managing Floodwaters_____New Orleans, LA Gulf of Mexico
Lake Ponchartrain
City Scale
Mississippi River
District Scale
This graduate research project challenges classic assumptions of linear urban development and the independent relationship between built and natural orders in New Orleans. When barriers break down in a disaster, the response has been to simply build taller and longer barriers. Instead, this project proposes a system which reconciles city with nature through an emergent system of scripted design agents which organize the city and topography at various scales through the principle of diffusion limited aggregations.
Neighborhood Scale
In this bottom-up system, programmatic mass is broken into small boxes that self-organize into aggregates of varying density by responding to changes in local topography and the context of neighbor boxes. A complimentary class of sculpting agents is concurrently tasked with spontaneously ordering a new canal system to channel flood waters into (and out of) a redesigned wetlands area and redistributing landform. The purpose of this project is not to “solve� the issue of flooding. What this project proposes is a circular, open mechanism that can compile various inputs into an inter-dependent system that produces an emergent order that responds and adapts to local conditions.
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Script Iterations
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Neighborhood-Level Aggregation
Professional Work: Architecture as an Instrument of Social Change_____Dallas, TX
Ella’s House
These are two projects from a summer spent working as an Americorps volunteer with buildingcommunityWORKSHOP designing and constructing small, sustainable community interventions and housing projects for low-income inner-city residents while working with local community organizations to improve neighborhoods around downtown Dallas and combat homelessness. Approximately half my time was spent designing a complex of 12 duplex senior houses and the other half of my time was spent constructing a LEED Gold home for for a lowincome resident.
Jubilee Park Senior Housing
Professional Work: Living and Designing in a Foreign Culture_____Beijing, China
Harbin Opera House
Harbin Opera House
Over my three months of working in Beijing, I gained tremendous insight into a highly unique design methodology. During my time at MAD, I worked primarily on the Opera House segment of the Harbin Cultural Island project. The 117,000 square meter development is conceived as a mountainous public space and holds a 1,600- and 400-seat theater, studios, education facilities, an exhibition space and a variety of retail. 70% of the site will be developed to retain its existing wetland characteristics and will function as a public park while flood gates installed in the levee will allow controlled natural circulation of water into the site. The whole development, including the park, is roughly half the size of Central Park. My role involved HVAC and structural design integration, glazing and shading studies, and parametric modeling.
RGS ARCHITECTURE Professional Work: Luxury Home Design_____Milwaukee, WI
Private Residence in De Pere, WI Robert G. Sinclair Architecture specializes in high-end, highly customized residential design around the country. I have had the opportunity to work on schematic design, design development, construction documents and construction administration for several large private residences in the Aspen, Colorado and the Green Bay, Wisconsin areas. My work at RGSA has been varied: I have spent time building study models, comparing contractor bids, inspecting foundation pours, applying for building permits, and developing promotional marketing material, all the while learning more about what it takes to succeed in the architectural world.
Front Porch
Entry Foyer
Sitting Room
Sitting Room
Utility Hall
Private Residence in Aspen, CO
Mud Room Motor Court
Family Room
Powder Living Room
Private Residence in Green Bay, WI
Dining Room
Private Residence in Aspen, CO
Epilogue “We hold to the idea that architecture is not simply reducible to the container and the contained but that there exists a dynamic exchange between the life of matter and the matter of our lives.” - Reiser + Umemoto
Architecture is a process. Architecture is not ego. Architecture is neither science or art; form nor function. Architecture is an effect, a balance, a phenomenon. Architecture is iterative. An architect must dwell in the process of his work if he hopes to design buildings which will function successfully in every sense of the word. As Mies was fond of saying, “God is in the details.” Good architecture encompasses all facets of design and seeks to achieve a more holistic solution. In the end, what separates an architect from a builder is this embrace of the total process of design. I have a passion for the art and discipline of architecture, and it is this passion which drives me to continually seek an increased knowledge of the field and the profession - a constant and never-ending journey. It is this dwelling in the process of the design that will continue to propel me forward in my development, a journey I have greatly enjoyed thus far and will continue with conviction.