How A Defense Attorney Can Help Your Case The selection of a criminal defense attorney is an important decision to ensure you secure the best representation for your particular case, whether facing misdemeanor or felony charges. A defense attorney will provide effective representation to clients facing misdemeanor and felony charges from child pornography cases to marijuana possession and driving under the influence charges to immigration disputes. Any criminal charges can be defended by these experienced attorneys. These experienced lawyers take the time to evaluate the charges against you along with any evidence to put a winning argument together to help you secure a fair and fast resolution wherever possible. How long a case takes to resolve is determined on numerous factors with no two cases ever being the same. Another important service provided by these lawyers is that they can stop the charges being filed by working with the District Attorney to secure a fast resolution. The defense attorney will be responsible for putting a defense strategy together. This takes hours of research and reviewing, looking into old and similar cases to find winning solutions that can be incorporated into your case to achieve the best possible result. You should be kept up to date on the progress of the defense strategy and case at all times, so you always know what to expect next and how your case is being handled overall in the long run. One of the things you may come across during your case is a plea bargain. A plea bargain enables you to come to a resolution without having to go to court. This is often an agreement with the District Attorney. There are advantages and disadvantages to going with a plea bargain and whether it’s worth your while will be determined by the charges against you and the possible outcome of your case. This should be discussed in detail with your defense attorney to ensure the decision you make is the right one moving forward. In addition to this, your criminal defense attorney will be able to assist with the emotional aspects of the case. It’s not uncommon to feel scared and stressed when facing criminal charges. Your attorney and team should be able to help you with the emotional roller coaster you are going to experience, offering you empathy while keeping you updated on the progress of your case in the long run. Further, you will find that your attorney will provide you with objective insight into the process of the case. Every case has its time scale from start to resolution, but each case will follow a set process. Knowing and understanding the process can help you be prepared for what comes next.
Your criminal defense attorney will be able to provide you with advice, assistance, and support when it comes to the laws and rules that apply to your particular case. They will be able to tell you what to expect and the outcome they are working towards. They will be able to tell you the potential outcomes on your case, though of course this cannot be guaranteed until you have the resolution agreed. Your attorney wilt represents you in court while they are also responsible for compiling evidence and witness statements. They will also be responsible for negotiating your sentencing, securing the best possible sentencing moving forward.
About Us: John R Grasso is an attorney admitted to practice in Rhode Island, Massachusetts. He is also admitted to the Federal District Courts. He is a member of the Bar of the United States Supreme Court and has an experienced support team working alongside him to help focus on securing a resolution in the shortest period. John Grasso represents criminal defendants on misdemeanors and felony charges throughout the area. He handles a wide range of cases daily from domestic violence cases to immigration disputes and DUI cases to robbery and so much more. To find out more, visit