Title IX: Case Dismissed – Brown University Posted by stormbraindev on December 21, 2018
Latest Title IX battle ends in another exoneration. Local college student who engaged in consensual sex was accused almost a year after the fact that his partner was incapacitated. The accused denied that anything non-consensual had occurred and hired us immediately. A careful investigation including piles of digital evidence, witness statements and more revealed a very different set of facts than what was alleged by the accuser. Working with the investigator, we were able to expose the truth. Case dismissed just in time for Christmas. If you or your college student is accused of campus sexual misconduct, do not wait one minute to secure an experienced Title IX attorney. Every minute counts. The Result – Case Dismissed. If you have a college student in your life, discuss with him or her the facts of this new era. Even if your student doesn’t want to hear it, say it out loud anyway. If you find yourself in one of these situations, please call me. I have successfully advocated for dozens of college students. I can help you, too.
About Criminal Defense Attorney John R. Grasso: Attorney John R. Grasso is admitted to practice law in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and the Federal District Courts, and is a member of the Bar of the United States Supreme Court. He has represented criminal defendants charged with misdemeanor and felony crimes in the Rhode Island District and Superior Courts, Traffic Tribunal, Massachusetts District and Superior Courts and the First Circuit Court of Appeals. Attorney Grasso is an adjunct faculty member at Roger Williams University School of Law where he teaches Trial Advocacy and Criminal Litigation. Attorney Grasso has represented many college and university students accused of student conduct offenses to include campus sexual assault and other violations of the student code of conduct.
Website: www.Johngrassolaw.com Phone: (401) 519-9022