News jan 2014

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Gauteng Region

Newsletter Volume 9 Issue: Jan 2014

Inside this issue Letter from the Editor John’s column Summer Workshop



New Bryanston Gallery RAKU with Evette Kruger 2014 Calendar

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Gauteng Committee



Affiliate South African National Association for the Visual Arts (SANAVA)

Editorial Welcome to CSA 2014

we wish that every kiln you open will glow with amazing treasures.


e are starting the year with the AGM (see details elsewhere), to be followed by an exciting workshop by Christina Bryer from the Western Cape - one of South Africa’s foremost ceramic artists .

This is a wonderful opportunity to watch and learn from a consummate professional, who will talk about her career and demonstrate how she makes her beautiful porcelain pieces. It is also an opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new ones in the CSA family. A new feature in this newsletter will introduce you to as many members as space allows during the year. We hear the names, see pictures of their work, but would like to know a little more..... We would also like to share news about special events and features in our member teaching studios. For this we will rely on you to give us information which can be included in the newsletter. This month we start with the opening of Colleen’s new studio gallery . After the success of last year’s winter workshop we have planned a summer workshop to take place on 15 MARCH - with four presenters offering an exciting selection of techniques. This is taking place early in the year to give you all some new ideas and inspiration as you plan your work for the exhibitions and potters market which will take place later. PLEASE DIARISE THIS DATE AND MAKE YOUR BOOKINGS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. All the details are elsewhere in the newsletter. Remember that this is YOUR newsletter and we would love to hear your news and views. You can e-mail me on Happy potting, Jerice.

Opinions expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Ceramics SA.

John’s Column


hat a year this promises to be. The CSA calendar is filled with opportunity to take part in a number of shows and compounding this, with Cape Town as the design Capital of the world for 2014, November is Ceramics Month. Whenever have we had a month devoted to ceramics before? So right now is perhaps a good time to plan your work for the year and consider what you want to participate in. How often do we find that deadlines have crept up on us, and the work we were thinking about just never materialised? Don’t let it happen! The Gauteng Regional is planned for June and we hope that all members will participate. It is a wonderful opportunity to have your work seen. June is four months away so there really is no reason not to submit work. In October we have the Gauteng selections for this year’s National exhibition. This is always a most prestigious event and this year it promises to be even more so. The National this year will be held in Cape Town during Ceramics month and open on the 16th November. This is certainly a great opportunity to have your work on show to appreciative viewers, both local and international. Last year saw the first Gauteng Potters Market, held at the Association of Arts in Pretoria. It will be held at the same venue again this year at the beginning of October. We are looking for a sponsor for an exhibition of members work at the Gallery at the Association of Arts at the same time. So there we have it, a number of exhibitions as well as a market to take part in. Please diarise these dates and put them up in your studios to remind yourself of them. There is plenty of time to realise those pieces you have been dreaming about. Let this be the year!

Summer workshops Saturday 15 March Tshwane South College, Centurion.

4 WORKSHOPS IN ONE DAY Sign up to participate in any two and have the chance to eavesdrop on the other two. 10.00 to 12:00 - morning workshop of your choice 12:00 to 13.00 - all break for lunch and fellowship - a light snack will be provided. 13.00 to 15.00 - afternoon workshop of your choice. Details of the materials, tools etc you will need for each workshop will be sent to you when you book. These are all participating workshops and each is structured so that you can complete a piece in that time framework. BOOK NOW – Contact Cynthia McAlpine on or 011 791 5153. Cost R300 (members) R400 (non-members) - please note the price applies to the full day and there will be no discount if only one workshp is attended.

FOUR TALENTED AND EXPERIENCED PRESENTERS RHODA HENNING – Decorating techniques with paper, wax and latex resist, watercolour effects on bisque, decorating on light and dark backgrounds. Rhoda is a well known ceramic artist with a large teaching studio in Pretoria – has been working with clay since 1978, exhibited on many exhibitions and in 1994 won the Premier Award at the Ceramics Biennale for her unusual dinner service.

MARENTIA JORDAAN - Surface decoration with lino and lace – you will be shown how to cut a lino stencil and will have a variety of prepared stencils to use during the two hour workshop. Marentia teaches at the Centurion College and has worked across a wide range of clays, making and firing techniques. Has taken part in many regional and national exhibitions.

JOHN SHIRLEY -“ The image transfer that I will be doing is a photolithographic process where laser printed images can be transferred onto leatherhard clay without any specialised equipment.” John needs no introduction. He has been involved in ceramics as a lecturer at UJ and is now teaching and giving specialised courses at Colleen’s studio. His work in porcelain and bone china is highly valued by collectors.


- Small sculptural pieces using slabs

and coiling techniques.

Minette is well known for her horses and other sculptural work, where she uses the techniques she will show you. She also has many years of teaching experience and has exhibited widely throughout the country.




does so much…

Every member knows Cynthia, as a voice on the telephone, a signature on an e-mail or a face behind a desk, but not everyone knows what an important and essential role she fills as the Administrator of Ceramics SA. Nineteen years ago she became the secretary of the Southern Transvaal Region of the then Association of Potters of Southern Africa, where her main function was to control the membership and conduct the correspondence. This was done on a part time basis, leaving her a lot of free time to concentrate on her family and pursue various personal interests. A pleasant, simple job for her retirement, she might have thought, after a career in business which had included positions such as the Personal Assistant to the Executive Director of the Association of Chambers of Commerce of SA. But “part time” and “simple” have never been options for Cynthia. As the various regions (Northern Transvaal, Vaal Triangle, Western Cape, Kwa Zulu Natal and Eastern Cape) grew in numbers and interaction with one another, Cynthia became the Administrator of the newly named Ceramics Southern Africa as well as managing the affairs of what had by then become Gauteng. As the saying goes “the rest is history” When he retired, Cynthia’s husband, Andrew, became the Honorary Treasurer. Between them they manage the administration of an organisation that has grown into a highly professional body, with members countrywide and in Namibia. Cynthia has her pulse on everything, from keeping track of old and new members, to organising Clay Festival and doing all the administration and logistics for the various exhibitions. She has a phenomenal memory and retrieval system from the data base which she has built up over the years.





Apart from all her regular tasks she is always there to answer questions, listen to problems, give advice and generally keep us all on the right path in whatever we may be doing. Chairmen and committees have come and gone, but Cynthia has remained firmly in control – and is the reason why CSA has remained a constant presence both locally and internationally on the ceramic scene. Although she has never worked with clay, Cynthia has developed an understanding of and love for this art form through personal involvement with ceramic artists and watching them at work. Getting to know the members on a personal level has, she said, widened her circle of friends an honour which she appreciates and values greatly. Cynthia – we salute you.


2013 2014 2015 20

Gallery @ The Pottery Studio

‘I need a gift, do you have anything available to sell?’ started becoming an embarrassing question. I knew I had work, but it was in the store room and not easily accessible. I rarely knew exactly what stock I had and it was never priced. I knew something had to change. I kept thinking I didn’t have enough space, was too busy, all the usual excuses. One day John suggested that my office was turning into another store room and why didn’t I rather convert it into a gallery? I was excited about the suggestion and when I looked at it honestly it was a mess, full of boxes of pots, books and lots of unknowns. I never did any office work in there anymore, I could hardly get to the desk. I already have 2 storerooms – one for recycling clay and the other one for….. storing things! I didn’t want to keep adding storerooms and knew a big clean out was necessary. I took over the unused Wendy house and my desk, bookshelf and essential paperwork fitted in just fine. We had told students that we were launching a gallery and they all gave us their support and encouragement. It’s a small space and I was a bit unsure about the colour John chose but once Mike painted the walls grey (Hong Kong Mist) and the ceiling white, I knew John had chosen the right colour! We installed spotlights and painted my existing plinths the same grey as the walls. It all started coming together and I was amazed at the transformation. For an accent colour John suggested Acid yellow which we painted onto the back of clear glass that we placed on top of some of the plinths. To be honest, I thought at first that he was crazy, but after the walls, I trusted him enough to buy the paint and paint the glass. As soon as we put the glass on the plinths, I knew then that it was just what was needed to make the display really ‘pop’. The final job was sandblasting the glass portion of the door. John and I agreed on a font that we both liked and I went to visit Bryanston Glass to select a border. When they installed the glass we were delighted with the results!

For the first time in 6 years we decided to hold a student end of year exhibition. We asked each student to bring one or two of their favourite pieces they had made during the year. Everyone was keen to participate and the work started trickling in. Our students have each developed their own individual styles and no two student’s work is the same. It was really gratifying to see the work on display. From delicate porcelain work to robust terracotta bowls, each piece was a delight to observe. Some students have started selling their work and we made name tags and price tags accordingly. We are so thrilled with our students’ progress and are encouraged when they participate in CSA exhibitions and the Potters Market. Four of our students participated in CSA exhibitions in 2013. Claudia Postaremczak received the New Signature award at the 2013 Gauteng Regional exhibition and Bob Wagener had his piece purchased from the Ombre exhibition for the Corobrik collection. Nici Brockwell and Esme Basson also participated in exhibitions. Nici, Bob, Claudia and myself took tables at the first Potters Market at The Association of Arts and the exposure and sales were very encouraging. Claudia, Nici and Esme sent work to the Castle in Cape Town for the Long Table exhibition and a striking picture of Esmes’ work is in the 2014 Iziko Museum brochure that is handed out to thousands of tourists! Even for those students who have not yet exhibited their work, having their work displayed at our end of year exhibition was an eye opener. They could see how their work looked against their peers, and they could get feedback from visitors. The launch of the gallery on the same evening was an exciting event. It was so worth it to see the looks on student’s faces as they showed their family around the

So if you have a small space somewhere in your studio where you can display your work – do so! Even one shelf with a few select items, visibly priced, will be a good start.

studio, they were proud of what they had achieved and their families were supportive of their creative endeavours. We decided to dedicate 1 plinth in the gallery for the student ‘pot of the month’ to draw attention to what we believe is an outstanding piece of work. I know that during 2014 we are going to be spoiled for choice! Initially we thought of only displaying the teachers’ work in the gallery, but we’ve since started thinking bigger. Why not have one or two student exhibitions during the year, possibly some solo exhibitions, and maybe even invite someone to exhibit? We decided to start by inviting one of our students to hold a solo exhibition (watch out for the invite in a few months) and she is already working on her body of work! My daughter is also keen to have an exhibition of her work. Chavonne is 15 and can’t participate in CSA exhibitions as there is unfortunately no category for children, so this is an ideal solution for her in the meantime. Her exhibition is planned for November 1st, South Africa’s Children’s Day. Perhaps someone else has a talented child that they’d like to share the exhibition with Chavonne? Let me know. We are also delighted to be hosting an exhibition for Antoinette Badenhorst in July when she comes to SA to present porcelain workshops around the country. So if you have a small space somewhere in your studio where you can display your work – do so! Even one shelf with a few select items, visibly priced, will be a good start. A studio is only as good as its teachers and I am privileged to share my space with Michelle Legg, John Shirley and Julia Kunstler. They each have exceptional talent and patience, and bring out the best in every student. The students that have been receptive to feedback have moved the greatest distance forward. Their passion for clay and all things ceramic is contagious, and I am grateful for their positive presence in my life and my studio.

RAKU WITH A TWIST Saturday 17 May Tshwane South College, Centurion

09:30 to 15:00 We have all been to Raku workshops where, as we arrive, the kiln is hissing as the gas surges in to provide the heat. Now, There is a change – EVETTE KRUGER has abandoned the gas and is firing her raku pieces in an electric kiln, with very few breakages and amazing results with her Raku glazes. Evette will present a Raku workshop, which will include resist techniques, copper matt reduction and a beer firing.

BOOKINGS ARE OPEN NOW. Workshop fee: R350 – a bargain when you are taking four finished pieces home,

Contact Cynthia at or 011 791 5153.

She will provide the Raku glazes for you to try and the solution for the beer firing. Each participant may bring four pieces which must be bisque fired. Sizes: Length 30 cm Diam. 19 cm. Paperclay works best but your normal working clay may also be used.


Oct/Sept Jul Jun May Mar Feb

Gauteng diary 2014 GAUTENG AGM

SAT FEB 22nd 2014

Gracepoint Methodist Church,

Duncan Road, Glenferness Time: 8:30 for 9:00

SUMMER WORKSHOPS Sat 15 March at Tshwane South College, Centurion RAKU WORKSHOP Saturday 17 May

Tshwane South College, Centurion

9:30 to 15:00

Gauteng Regional exhibition,

MuseumAfrica: June Antoinette Badenhorst

demonstration workshop The Pottery Studio, Bryanston Sat 12 July - all day Gauteng members exhibition: October

Potters Market

Details to follow

Pretoria • Sat 4 Oct

Clay Museum Cape Town

The Association of Arts,

Association of Arts, Theme exhibition The Pretoria • 19 Sept - 8 Oct Anglo Oriental Heritage & Contemporary Exhibition Rust-en-Vrede, Durbanville. 11 Nov - 11 Dec.

CSA/Iziko collaborative exhibition: From African Earth A Heritage & contemporary exhibition of smoke fired pots - Cape Town Castle. 13 Nov 2014 - 31 Jan 2015.

2014 Corobrik National Ceramics Exhibition 18 Nov - 6 Dec. Opening: Sun 16 Nov 11:00




AGM and CHRISTINA BRYER WORKSHOP We hope to see many of you there - bring your ideas for the year and any questions you want to ask about CSA. Saturday, 22 FEBRUARY, 2014 at Gracepoint Methodist Church, 125 Duncan Road, Glenferness, at 08.30 for 09,00. All the details, directions etc can be found in the November newsletter and you should also have received the official notice and agenda separately from this newsletter. This is a free workshop and only members may attend.

2014 Corobrik National Ceramics Exhibition Magdalene Odundo

The Great Cellar, Alphen Estate, Constantia

18 Nov to 6 Dec 2014 Opening Sunday 16 November: 11:00 International Award Judge: Magdalene Odundo

Gauteng Region P O Box 2900 North Riding 2162 Gauteng R.S.A. Tel.: (011) 791 5153 • Fax: (011) 791 5076 •

WELCOME to our NEW MEMBERS: Heather Hassen (Student), Leonard Nyathi and Martha Sedumoeng.

Gauteng Region Committee Name


Tel. No.



Colleen Lehmkuhl

Regional Chair/ Meeting Notes

011 463 7262

073 481 0889


John Shirley

Vice Chair/ Exhibitions

011 640 4982

083 407 5968

Drury Brandt


011 807 9942

082 574 5800

Dineke den Bakker

Vaal Triangle Liaison

016 932 2173

082 715 1639


Jerice Doeg

Exhibitions/ Potters’ Market

012 460 6516

082 683 5680

012 667 1207

082 463 8653

Darien Harrison Catering Rose Hobson

Clay Festival/ Exhibitions

Marentia Jordaan


Claudia Postaremczak


011 467 9765

082 909 5357


Karen van der Riet

General assist/ Potters’ Market

012 660 2341

082 655 2121


083 730 0250


Michelle Legg

DTP: Claire Waters

084 436 4312


012 660 8550 (W) 084 567 8296

LIEBERMANN POTTERY EST. 1952 @ the old gas works 1 Annet Rd, Cottesloe P O Box 674, Auckland Park, JHB, 2006, RSA Tel: 011-482-2215/7 Fax: 011-482-2679 E-mail: Fascinating array of pottery from around the world. Storage jars, rare porcelain, pit fired pots, giant planters and water pots, traditional figurines. Liebermann Tableware, Bright Planters, wide range of Bonsai pots, mosaic tiles, collectables, clay tools, banding wheels, brushes and lots of bric-a-brac.

Adventures of The Pottery Detective

DVD’s detailing potters at work around the world R100 / DVD

Liebermann Clay Imported Super White Porcelain 17kg Fine terracotta – 25kg Fine Terracotta – 1 ton Purple Sand T/pot Clay – 20 kg

R303 bag R120.00 R4235.00 R302.50

tfil r eart bamor hrte c1s3 fi m n d s n o 2nr.ei itnudnreH orantmsc,o inesesca oafm20i d atle tiaS Sfilh rer g0r tle ef-tiew uthhriebsi anrdtec idne2 n, ti the aeftx urMsratn nqua dTitieocnh itio of rst o t n gay mcfii detiro ainb hib ey de erehti xthM ewx ren he fi her a n h topuf aallies slone nj,otuh or t t of rTraht rm a t faoe siorfitnn. stosl'o ttihoe d f par rt. c y p e a s a Aads's tlnyreag rt fiSra rpa.e..ti dul 3SAas's ne fi nfi ea am hrte 1s n2.ein ndneHr ratmcos insesca afm20ic d tlie es aS oleufil tecrero e2g0re title w ti e uthr yes anrd idn n, the h n t n o f a u c f o t t a gyno mfii rMs etironq ibTitie hibiti ey o firs er ae fehti exhM ex urn the f h h h t Tr mt op al lo e jo for rt o . o r . n o s t a pc gaior rst .. th led s pa art s a nre r fi ra. du 3 a ne e fi fi in He msa sch 201 e in Sa ul is r of gre so arte h de qu Tec M

Thami Mnyele fine art competition and ceramics SA's regional exhibition in 2012. Her first solo exhibition, titled Samsara... the journey of the soul is scheduled for the first quarter of 2013 as part of her M Tech degree in fine art.


cc Manufacturers and suppliers of a

wide variety of stoneware and earthenware clays for throwing, slab building and casting, in buff, terracotta and white.

Contact our switchboard at the above numbers: P O Box 443; CULLINAN; 1000. Telephone 082 808 9166 or 082 885 1103. Facsimile 086 725 1221 or Leon Joubert at 082 440 5051

13:00-15:00 – Commence participating workshop with Karen. Please note the following: It will be necessary to produce current membership cards. Interested non members will be required to take out membership if they wish to attend. In order to make the necessary arrangements and particularly as the workshop is a participating one, it is essential to R.S.V.P. – please telephone Cynthia McAlpine at 011 791 5153 or email: by no later than 8 February 2012.

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