W cape dec newsletter

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Ceramics Southern Africa (Western Cape) (Promoting, Marketing, Teaching Ceramics)


Once again the year has zipped past and we are on the brink of 2014 with it’s promise of excitement and opportunity. In 2014 Cape Town is World Design Capital ( WDC ) and we are part of that amazing opportunity to showcase our ceramics to the world. Our submission to the World Design Capital team was accepted and we are officially part of the WDC programme. We shall present to our city, our country and to the world a month long celebration of ceramics next November under the umbrella title; From African Earth; a celebration of ceramics. During November 2014 we shall have the CSA National Exhibition, Magdalene Odundo’s visit and workshop, a CSA - Iziko collaborative exhibition celebrating our African vessel heritage with a contemporary exhibition and an educational and skills programme, the Juliet Armstrong Legacy exhibition, Rust-en-Vrede Anglo Oriental heritage and contemporary exhibition, the Art in Clay Festival in Franschhoek, Open Studio Visits, the Potters Market and as many Cape Town galleries as possible focusing on ceramics in November 2014. Detailed information about the above projects appear in this and future newsletters as well as on our website. Dates for submission of work for the various exhibitions will be announced soon.






Although the focus will be on November 2014 our traditional events will continue throughout the year such as the AGM, the March Potters Market, CUBE exhibitions in the Clay Museum and other events at Rust-en-Vrede. Please diarise the dates for the submissions for the various shows. We would like you all to be represented somewhere next November. If you have suggestions or would like to be part of our team or would like to have your own exhibition in November please let me know asap. On behalf of the committee I wish you and your families a Happy, Peaceful and Safe Festive Season and an Inspiring and Creative New Year.

Happy potting



This November’s market was a lively event with about 86 potters selling a wide variety of ceramics. There seemed to be a steady stream of visitors and many buyers. Thanks to Fernando of Reinders Potters Supplies for organising and managing the live wheel throwing demonstration at the market. There are important changes to the way we will collect table fees in the future starting with the March 2014 market.

In the interests of safety and security as from the March 2014 Potters Market the committee will no longer collect table fees at the market. Table fees must be paid before the market and traders must ensure that their memberships are up to date. Permits to trade will only be issued if these two requirements have been met. Entry to the park will be monitored by a committee member to ensure that only those traders who have a current permit will be allowed into the park. Please adhere to the table rules and pay the correct amount for the number of table you bring to the market. This will be monitored by the committee. 2014





22 March

13 November

Potters’ Market

CSA - Iziko Heritage and Contemporary Vessel Exhibition


Cape Town Castle

15 November

16 November

22 November

Magdalene Odundo Workshop

National Exhibition Opening

Potters’ Market

Venue to be announced

The Great Cellar Alphen Estate Constantia


To be announced



Event s

FROM AFRICAN EARTH - A CELEBRATION OF CERAMICS November 2014 EVENTS National Exhibition The National exhibition will open on Sunday 16 November 2014 at the Great Cellar, Alphen Estate, Constantia. It will run for 3 weeks and close on Saturday 6 December. The opening speaker and award judge is International ceramics icon Professor Magdalene Odundo. Submission dates will be announced early next year. CSA- Iziko collaborative Exhibition; From African Earth: celebrating our African Vessel Heritage This exhibition together with the National exhibition are highlight events in our WDC November Ceramics Month. There are two components to this project; one is the exhibition and the second is an educational component. The exhibition itself comprises a heritage exhibition showing African vessels from the Iziko collection and alongside this will be a contemporary exhibition of vessels in the same genre made by members of CSA. The contemporary vessels will go through a selection process along with submissions for the National exhibition. As this is a prestige exhibition only the finest vessels will be selected to be on this show. Magdalene Odundo will open the exhibition on Thursday 13 November 2014 at the Cape Town Castle. The vessels for the contemporary exhibition must reflect those of the heritage vessels that is smoked or pit fired pots. These can be thrown or hand built, burnished or not and fired to any temperature of your choice in pits, bins, saggers or Webers. Any clay, plain or decorated, lidded or spouted. Look at ancient African vessels for inspiration and on the Iziko website. The educational component will consist of a series of workshops/demonstrations by CSA members giving visitors to the exhibition an insight into how clay vessels are made and fired. Juliet Armstrong Legacy Exhibition This exhibition honours the legacy of Professor Juliet Armstrong, lecturer and mentor to many leading South African ceramists. The exhibition features the work of Juliet’s past students and other potters who in one way or another were influenced by Juliet. The exhibition will be in the foyer of the Great Cellar and run concurrently with the National Exhibition Art in Clay Festival Franschhoek David Walters has agreed to hold this festival in November 2014 to link up with our WDC events. Most of the Franschhoek galleries in town and on several wine estates showcase ceramics for the duration of the festival. Clay Museum and Rust-en-Vrede During 2014 there will be several exciting new collaborative exhibitions in both the Clay Museum showcases and the CUBE. Please refer to the CUBE schedule in this newsletter as there may be opportunities for members to exhibit in the CUBE Open studios In November 2014 we would like to initiate an open studio project which if successful would continue after WDC. We will shortly be sending out a questionnaire to gauge support for this initiative. Should there be sufficient interest we will develop the concept.




The 2013 Regional Exhibition attracted about 300 visitors at the opening on Sunday 3 November. The exhibition drew positive comments from many who visited the show. I would like to thank Lesley Porter for managing the event from start to finish in her usual efficient, professional way. Thanks to our sponsors of prizes; Craig Leslie of CPS, Gail Dorje of the Cape Gallery, Billy Nield of PKF International, Fernando and Marco of Reinders Potter Supplies and Rose Korber. We would also like to thank Somerset Beverages for sponsoring the wine and non alcoholic beverages and Lutge Gallery for loaning CSA two beautiful tables. Grateful thanks to Hennie Meyer and Wiebke von Bismarck for setting up the show, Jeanne Crooke for on line admin, Betsy Nield and Hylett Engelbrecht who managed the catering and Hannes van Zyl who designed the beautiful invitation. Thanks to Shona Robie and her team at Stephan Welz and co for accommodating us and helping us in so many ways.

Finally a big Thank You to our members who submitted work, without you there would not be an exhibition.

2013 Regional Prize winners Functional Category First prize Cape Gallery award Christo Giles Runner up Reinders prize John Wilhelm Merit Nico Liebenberg Expression Category First prize PKF award Rae Goosen Runner up Rose Korber award Alessandro Pappada Merit Clementina van der Walt New Signatures CPS Sterling award Kate Sherry Merit Anne Butler CPS Award for Best Porcelain Work - Christina Bryer Special Award - Anne Marais Prize - Catherina Pagani






Exhibition Theme

Ceramic Curator


Ruth Prowse



Cube Artist(s)


Office Showcase Artist


13-Feb Odds and sods



Left over from 2013

Mervyn Gers


Coastal Cape 13-Mar Town

Betsy Nield &


Ceramics WP & EP

Betsy Nield +




South African 14-May Flora

Mervyn Gers

Safia Salaam (jewellery) Wendy Morrison (graphic design)

Ceramics WP

Mervyn Gers +

Ann Marais Christina Bryers, Betsy Nield, Sarah Walters, Ralph Johnson

Chad Rossouw (Photography)


Mervyn Gers

Lynette Bester (Fine Art)

Mervyn Gers +

Mervyn Gers +

Mignon Hattingh

Ceramics Gauteng : Cube + 1 cabinet (tbc)

Ceramics Gauteng tbc


Outreach : 2 cabinets+Gift Box



Rosemary Lapping Karen Sinovich & Kathleen Glenday

20-May 12-Jun 17-Jun

17-Jul "Light"



19-Aug 11-Sep Out of the Blue 16-Sep



The Name of the 6-Nov Rose Colleen Lemkhul tbc (Betsy : co-ordinator)

Ceramic Month the Anglo-Oriental 11-Nov 11-Dec experience Monica Ross

Christo Giles


Note : START DATES are exhibition openings at Rust-en-Vrede : The Exhibition Theme is normally held over for 2 Gallery exhibitions Note : The Cube contents and participants is the decision of the Ceramic Curator Note : The ceramic curator will co-ordinate the ceramic participation Note : Western Province Rose Society will collaborate in The Name of the Rose Note : The exhibition openings are on a Tuesday evenings, and end of exhibitions are the Thursday before the next opening

Seasons greetings and good wishes for a creative 2014 from Cape Pottery Supplies and Reinders Potters Supplies




Hi Ralph, Today I attended the Rondebosch Potters Market for the first time. Having moved from Gauteng three years ago there is so much to do and see in this wonderful Cape, and living in Montagu is quite a "trek", but WHAT A WONDERFUL inspirational day... Congratulations to all the organizers and participants. I hope to be one of them with the next market. Kindest regards. Joan Hoffman Welcome Jane Young Rae Hearn Peter Schram Zenta Malan Fernanda Kaplan Bev Barker





Catherine Jacobs Nadia Kimmie Liesel Mayne Tanya Laing Anne Butler

Amelia Jacobs Kate Sherry Delida Seeligsohn Barbara Ann Lotter Guy Walter

Committee Members Chairperson

Ralph Johnson (021) 671 6139


Lesley Porter (021) 701 1952

Education/ Ralph Johnson Skills Training (021) 671 6139

National Rep

Betsy Nield (021) 797 8651


Betsy Nield (021) 797 8651



Hylett Engelbrecht (021) 976 6316

Potters Market Iris Stuck (021) 715 5530


Ralph Johnson (021) 979 3537 Yvonne Thurtell (021) 975 6228

Advertising Costs

Banking Details

Full page R150 Half page R100 Quarter page R75 Smalls R50

Cheques must be made payable to Ceramics Southern Africa

Contact Details

Bank: First National Bank, Rondebosch Branch Code: 201- 509 Account: Ceramics Southern Africa Account number: 59381145811

P O Box 109, Durbanville 7551 (021) 979 3537 Fax: 086 517 0410 info@ceramics-sa-cape.co.za

NB! Remember to fax/e-mail confirmation of payment to Fax No: 086 517 0410


The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of contributors and not necessarily those of Ceramics SA

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