The Gazette

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Covering Homewood, East Baltimore, Peabody,

Incoming freshmen give the

JHU Press series editor, left,

SAIS, APL and other campuses throughout the

two Homewood schools their

talks about the War of 1812

Baltimore-Washington area and abroad, since 1971.

highest-ever yield, page 8

and the books he edited, page 5

June 11, 2012

The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University


By Greg Rienzi

The Gazette


he university and Johns Hopkins Medicine will honor a transformative leader today and look toward the future at a daylong conference titled Moving Academic Medicine Forward, held in honor of Edward D. Miller, the longtime dean of the medical Prominent faculty and CEO of Johns Hopkins health care Medicine. Miller will step leaders down from his post on June 30, endgather for ing a distinguished 15-year tenure. conference The event will feature many prominent national health leaders and Johns Hopkins senior officials, who will consider the future of academic medicine in terms of patient care, education and research. Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, will give a keynote address on the future of American health care, with an introduction and speech by U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland. Sebelius is expected to share her thoughts on the unique role that academic medical centers can play in the needed transformation of the American health care system. Miller, the man of the hour, will bookend the event. A video tribute to the dean will kick off the conference, and Miller will give the event’s closing remarks. Miller joined Johns Hopkins in March 1994 to serve as director of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine at the School of Medicine. Just two years later, he was tapped to serve as interim dean of the medical faculty and vice president for medicine. Daniel Nathans, then interim university president, saw Miller—who had distinguished himself as a surgeon, researcher, educator and administrator—as uniquely qualified to guide Johns Hopkins through a period of change and challenge in academic medicine. At the time, the growing market power of managed care organizations Continued on page 3



A new dean for Carey Business School Bernie Ferrari, corporate strategist and consultant, to assume post July 1 By Tracey A. Reeves



ernard T. “Bernie” Ferrari, an accomplished corporate strategist and management consultant to Fortune 50 companies, has been named the next dean of The Johns Hopkins University’s Carey Business School. Ferrari, whose appointment is effective July 1, is the second dean to lead the Carey Business School since it was established in 2007. He succeeds Yash P. Gupta, who stepped down in June 2011. Ferrari, 63, is a former director at the global management consulting firm McKinsey & Co., where he spent nearly two decades as a partner and senior health care consultant. He led McKin­ sey’s health care and North American corporate strategy practices. After retiring from McKinsey in 2008, Ferrari founded the Ferrari Consultancy, where he currently serves as chairman. The consultancy supports clients in the financial services, transportation, energy, medical products, aviation and heavy equipment manufacturing sectors, and consults with clients on their business strategies. Continued on page 6


JHM honors departing Dean Miller

Volume 41 No. 37

Bernard T. Ferrari, who began his career as a surgeon and holds a JD degree as well as an MBA, says of Johns Hopkins, ‘This university is a collaborator’s dream.’



New elementary school breaks ground By Jim Campbell

School of Education


oday more than 300 East Baltimore students, residents and supporters are expected to join Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, other city and state officials and Ronald J. Daniels, president of The Johns Hopkins University, for the ceremonial groundbreaking of a new $43 million state-of-the-art elementary school and The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Early Childhood Center. The event also marks the official change of the school’s name from the East Balti-

In Brief

Finance offices move; Egyptian dig online; Amazing JHU Race; museum docent training


more Community School, which has been operating from a modular-building campus for three years, to Elmer A. Henderson: A Johns Hopkins Partnership School. The first new school in East Baltimore in more than 25 years, the Henderson-Hopkins school is being financed with a combination of New Markets Tax Credits, tax increment financing bonds, foundation and university grants, and state infrastructure funds. Expected to be completed in school year 2013–14, both the school and the early childhood center will be operated by the Johns Hopkins School of Education working in partnership with Morgan State University’s School of Education and Urban Studies.


Marina Piccinini flute recital; E. Balto. blood drive; Blackboard workshops

“The Henderson-Hopkins school represents the most important investment to date toward EBDI’s goal of creating a thriving, vital and inclusive community,” Daniels says, referring to the East Baltimore Development Inc. initiative. “We envision this world-class new campus to become the center of the community, open to everyone—every day, evenings and weekends.” The school will employ the most effective and evidence-based programs to improve student performance. As a community school, Henderson-Hopkins will adopt a focus on academics, health and social serContinued on page 3

6 6 7

Job Opportunities Notices Classifieds

2 11,15, 2012 2 THE THE GAZETTE GAZETTE •• June August 2011 I N   B R I E F

JHU finance offices, some shared service centers moving to Keswick


he Johns Hopkins University finance offices and several financial shared service centers that are now located at Johns Hopkins at Eastern will be moving over the summer to Johns Hopkins at Keswick. Two of the four shared service centers— Accounts Receivable and Sponsored Projects—will be relocating between Aug. 16 and 19; Accounts Payable and Purchasing will move between Aug. 23 and 26. The following JHU finance offices will be relocating between Aug. 16 and 19: Vice President for Financial Planning and Analysis, Controller, Financial Systems Administration, General Accounting, International Business, Cost Analysis, Capital Financing/Debt Management/Treasury Operations, Cash Accounting and Budget. The Student Loan, University Administration Business, Risk Management and Tax offices will move between Aug. 23 and 26. Anyone planning to visit those offices during the transition period is advised to check the Controller’s Office or shared services websites for updated information or call in advance to verify the correct location. The new offices are served by the Keswick-Homewood-Eastern-JHMI shuttle; the route map is available online at parking.jhu .edu/shuttles_keswick_connector.html. The Human Resources/Payroll shared service center and the JHU Benefits Office will remain at the Eastern location.

Amazing Race: Run, walk and get to know JHU


s part of the Healthy@Hopkins initiative, the Office of Benefits Services has launched the Amazing JHU Race, a Web-based program where university employees can log fitness miles (walk, jog or run) to earn prizes and learn more about Johns Hopkins’ work in the United States and around the globe. The race is an outgrowth of the Benefits Advisory Committee’s “Get Smart” educational campaign, which will highlight a different benefit program each month. Starting today, employees can track their miles by logging onto secure/amazing_jhu_race with a JHED ID and password. The site features a world map with nine JHU–affiliated locations, including the Peabody’s presence at Abbey Road Studios in London; the Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico, home to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey run in collaboration with the Krieger School’s Physics and Astronomy Department; and the SAIS-affiliated campus in Nanjing, China. The miles logged collectively will unlock the destinations, which feature short videos describing the school’s presence in the area. Benefits Services will make weekly

Editor Lois Perschetz Writer Greg Rienzi Production Lynna Bright Copy Editor Ann Stiller Photography Homewood Photography A d v e rt i s i n g The Gazelle Group Business Dianne MacLeod C i r c u l at i o n Lynette Floyd Webmaster Lauren Custer

announcements of miles logged and randomly award prizes, such as gift cards and Orioles tickets.

Homewood Museum to offer docent training in July


nterested in history, architecture or decorative arts? Become a tour guide at the university’s Homewood Museum, a National Historic Landmark. Homewood was built in 1801 as the summer home of Charles Carroll Jr. and remains one of the finest examples of Federal-era architecture. Docent training classes will be held at the museum from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on July 17, 19, 24, 26 and 31. Volunteers who successfully complete the training will be expected to commit to working a minimum of four hours a month. Training will include lectures and readings on Baltimore in the Federal era, Carroll family history and Federal-style architecture and decorative arts. New guides also will learn about museum practices and be taught techniques for presenting the house to visitors. To request an application and reserve a space in the training sessions, or for additional information, call Abi Knipscher at 410-5165589 or email Homewood volunteers are invited to social events, openings, lectures and tours of other historic sites.

Egyptian-dig photo diary returns to the Web this month


n unofficial summer-school course in archaeology is just a hyperlink away at Hopkins in Egypt Today (, a website showing a dig in progress throughout June. Armchair scholars won’t earn any college credits following this blog about an ongoing excavation at the Temple of Mut precinct in Luxor, written by renowned Johns Hopkins Egyptologist Betsy Bryan with photos by Homewood Photography’s Jay VanRensselaer, but clicking through the daily journal will give virtual visitors a taste of what life is like for the graduate students, undergraduates, artists, conservators and photographers working on a site that is rich in finds from ancient Egypt’s New Kingdom. Those who stop by will see Bryan and her team members taking measurements to prepare new dirt squares for excavation, and then watch as they work through layers of soil to find and study what lies beneath. A myriad of discoveries have been showcased via the site over the past decade, including a major find in 2006: a 3,400-year-old nearly intact statue of Queen Tiy that Bryan has called “one of the true masterpieces of Egyptian art.” In 2011, the team uncovered the skeleton of a man killed in the position of a bound and trussed captive, a find that will be the subject of further investigation this summer.

Contributing Writers Applied Physics Laboratory  Michael Buckley, Paulette Campbell Bloomberg School of Public Health Tim Parsons, Natalie Wood-Wright Carey Business School Andrew Blumberg, Patrick Ercolano Homewood Lisa De Nike, Amy Lunday, Dennis O’Shea, Tracey A. Reeves, Phil Sneiderman Johns Hopkins Medicine Christen Brownlee, Stephanie Desmon, Neil A. Grauer, Audrey Huang, John Lazarou, David March, Vanessa McMains, Ekaterina Pesheva, Vanessa Wasta, Maryalice Yakutchik Peabody Institute Richard Selden SAIS Felisa Neuringer Klubes School of Education James Campbell, Theresa Norton School of Nursing Kelly Brooks-Staub University Libraries and Museums Brian Shields, Heather Egan Stalfort

The Gazette is published weekly September through May and biweekly June through August for the Johns Hopkins University community by the Office of Communications, Suite 540, 901 S. Bond St., Baltimore, MD 21231, in cooperation with all university divisions. Subscriptions are $26 per year. Deadline for calendar items, notices and classifieds (free to JHU faculty, staff and students) is noon Monday, one week prior to publication date. Phone: 443-287-9900 Fax: 443-287-9920 General e-mail: Classifieds e-mail: On the Web: Paid advertising, which does not represent any endorsement by the university, is handled by the Gazelle Group at 443275-2687 or

June 11, 2012 • THE GAZETTE

Miller and reductions in Medicare reimbursements were putting considerable strain on academic medical centers. In January 1997, newly appointed university President William R. Brody, impressed by Miller’s tenure as interim dean, appointed him as the Frances Watt Baker, M.D., and Lenox D. Baker Jr., M.D., Dean of the Medical Faculty and the first CEO of the newly integrated Johns Hopkins Medicine. Throughout his tenure, Miller has shepherded the organization through transitions and rough times, federal mandates in health care reform and tremendous regional and global expansions, while also encouraging and promoting innovation and excellence. “Ed leaves behind a remarkable legacy that began 15 years ago with the formation of Johns Hopkins Medicine under a single strategic vision,” said Lloyd Minor, university provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, one of the event’s scheduled speakers. “From patient safety and medical education to diversity and research collaboration, there is no area that has not been impacted by Ed’s transformational leadership and his commitment to excellence and the academic mission. He moved academic medicine forward by leading the way here at Hopkins.” Miller’s accomplishments are both many and profound, in scope and in impact. He expanded Johns Hopkins Medicine by bringing in four additional hospitals: Howard County General Hospital, in Columbia,

School Continued from page 1 vices, and youth and community engagement, which will lead to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities. “We are planning a high-impact, highquality school that will provide the children of East Baltimore with an outstanding educational experience that will prepare them for success in school and life,” says David Andrews, dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Education, who lives a few blocks from the site. “We are also excited that other Johns Hopkins schools, such as the Peabody Institute and the schools of Medicine, Nursing and Public Health, will join us in this effort as we look at meeting the needs of the whole child,” he adds. Designed with flexible space to maximize opportunities for individualized and group learning, the building will adapt each classroom and common-space clusters to the changing needs of specific grade levels, and will incorporate active exterior learning spaces, including science/art terraces, roof gardens, playing fields, a student gallery, weather stations and a school garden and

Continued from page 1

Ed Miller on stage with his fellow deans, dignitaries and undergraduate student officers at last month’s universitywide Commencement.

Md.; Sibley Memorial Hospital, in Washington, D.C.; Suburban Hospital, in Bethesda, Md.; and All Children’s Hospital, in St. Petersburg, Fla. He oversaw one of the nation’s largest hospital construction projects, a just-opened $1.1 billion clinical building with two towers: the Sheikh Fayed Cardiovascular and Critical Care Tower and the Charlotte R. Bloomberg Children’s Center. He created Johns Hopkins Medicine International and established management agreements and developed partnerships with leading hospitals in the Middle East, Asia and Latin America. His tenure included the founding at Johns Hopkins of many research institutes orchard. The campus will include a family support center, gymnasium, auditorium and library, all available for community use. In addition to Johns Hopkins, the Weinberg, Annie E. Casey, Rouse Co. and Charlesmead foundations provided critical capital funding support. The Windsong Trust also provided the School of Education with a startup grant for equipment, curriculum design, teacher recruitment, professional development, and the development and implementation of a personalized platform. At capacity, the Henderson-Hopkins school and early child care center will have 540 and 180 students, respectively. Priority access to the school will be given to residents of the EBDI project area and relocated families. The next priorities are siblings, children of nearby employers, children from surrounding East Baltimore neighborhoods and then citywide families. In addition to Rawlings-Blake and Daniels, others scheduled to participate in the groundbreaking program are City Council President Jack Young; Andres Alonso, chief executive officer of the Baltimore City Public Schools System; David Nichols, vice dean for education at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and president of the EBCS board of directors; and Sydney Joseph, a third-grade student at EBCS. G

and centers such as the Institute for Cell Engineering, the Center for Innovation in Quality Patient Care, the Robert Packard Center for ALS Research and the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine. He forged a partnership with Malaysia, enabling that country to develop its first fully integrated private four-year graduate medical school and teaching hospital. With an eye to the future, he fostered the development and adoption of the innovative Genes to Society medical curriculum, a six-year undertaking and the first wholesale academic overhaul at the school in two decades. Christine White, executive assistant to Miller and assistant dean of the School of Medicine, says that Miller’s influence on academic medicine will be lasting. “This conference is an opportunity for us to acknowledge Ed’s tremendous contributions and to consider the future of academic medicine from the strong foundation he has provided, asking questions such as, What is our role in the ongoing transformation of the American health care system? How can we maintain our commitment to education

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and safety-net care despite increasing financial constraints? How can we accelerate discovery and its translation from bench to bedside?” she said. In addition to Sebelius’ keynote address, the conference will feature talks on patient care, research and education, and a panel on the future of the academic medical center, moderated by Provost Minor. Minor says that academic medicine, once again, finds itself in a time of great change. Nationally, all await the Supreme Court’s decision on upholding the Affordable Care Act. But, he says, whether or not the individual mandate stands, academic medical centers must contend with declining state support, shrinking research dollars and growing demand for accountability and value. The list of speakers at the event includes Elias Zerhouni, former director of the National Institutes of Health and current president of global research and development at French drug maker Sanofi; Darrell Kirch, president and CEO of the Association of American Medical Colleges; David Blumenthal, chief health information and innovation officer at Partners HealthCare and a professor at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Harvard Medical School; Carol Greider, Nobel Prize winner and the Daniel Nathans Professor and Director of Molecular Biology and Genetics in the Johns Hopkins Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences; Gail Wilensky, senior fellow at Project HOPE; Karen Davis, president of The Commonwealth Fund; John Colmers, vice president of health care transformation and strategic planning for Johns Hopkins Medicine; and David Nichols, the Mary Wallace Stanton Professor and vice dean for education at the School of Medicine. University President Ronald J. Daniels will introduce Miller and give opening remarks. The event, which is open to the entire Johns Hopkins community, will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. today, June 11, in the School of Medicine’s Turner Auditorium. A reception will follow from 4 to 6 p.m. in Turner Concourse. G A video recording and photos of the event will be made available at

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4 11,15, 2012 4 THE THE GAZETTE GAZETTE •• June August 2011

June 11, 2012 • THE GAZETTE



JHU Press: Telling stories of the ‘forgotten war’ By Greg Rienzi

The Gazette



he War of 1812 has long suffered an inferiority complex. Unluckily wedged between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, the conflict often gets overlooked and thus earned the nicknames the “forgotten war” and the “Rodney Dangerfield of armed engagements.” For most Americans, knowledge of the war is limited to the victories of the USS Constitution, the origin of “The Star-Spangled Banner” at Baltimore’s Fort McHenry and Andrew Jackson’s triumph at New Orleans. In short, don’t look for a War of 1812 summer blockbuster movie or first-person shooter for Xbox anytime soon. Historian Donald Hickey is on a mission to repair this collective oversight and hopes that the fanfare around the war’s bicentennial, and a new book series by the Johns Hopkins University Press, will heighten public interest. Hickey, editor of the Johns Hopkins Books on the War of 1812 Series, has written widely on the conflict, including the highly acclaimed The War of 1812: A Forgotten Conflict and The War of 1812: A Short History, both published by the University of Illinois Press. He most recently authored 187 Things You Should Know About the War of 1812 (JHU Press, 2012) and The Rockets’ Red Glare: An Illustrated History of the War of 1812 (JHU Press, 2011) with coauthor Connie Clark. To promote the book series and the bicentennial, the Johns Hopkins Univer-

Donald Hickey, editor of the Johns Hopkins Books on the War of 1812 Series.

sity Press will co-host two events this week, when the national celebration of the war begins. On Tuesday, June 12, Hickey and other historians will gather for a War of 1812 Workshop, to be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Historic London Town and Gardens in Edgewater, Md. Hickey and Clark will attend a reception and book talk on The Rockets’ Red Glare at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 13, at the National Aquarium in Baltimore. The new book includes thrilling stories and stunning

Two weeks remain for taking employment engagement survey


he three-week Johns Hopkins Gallup Survey was launched on June 1, and by the end of the first week, nearly half the university staff being surveyed had responded to the questionnaire, which will measure employee engagement. According to figures reported by Gallup to Johns Hopkins, the Libraries staff had the highest participation rate, at 67.65 percent, followed by Homewood Student Affairs at 56.51 percent and Peabody staff at 56.31 percent. Administration is encouraging staff to keep the numbers rising. “We realize that university employees are asked to take a lot of surveys, but the engagement survey is a very important one for understanding how we can all create a better place to work,” said Debbie Sampson, senior director of Talent Management and Organization Development, who is overseeing the university’s survey effort. “That is why everyone’s participation is so important.” To encourage employees to complete the survey, a weekly prize is being offered, the winner to be chosen by Gallup through a random drawing. Week one’s participants were eligible to win an iPad. The second week’s prize is a Kindle, and the winner’s

name will be drawn from the first two weeks’ respondents. In week three, which ends June 21, everyone who completed the survey during the allotted time will be entered to win a gift certificate. For those employees who have not yet participated, Sampson said that there are three important reasons to consider doing so. “It will give you a chance to evaluate your work environment and highlight what is going well and what could be improved. Your feedback matters and can help build a culture of engagement in your department. And employee engagement makes a difference in your workplace and in your personal and team performance,” she said. After the responses are tallied, management will receive summary data for employees in their work groups, and Gallup will meet with university executives to discuss overall results and priorities. Managers will share survey results with their employees, who will be asked to participate in developing impact plans to change their work environment for the better, Sampson said. Training to assist managers with conducting impact meetings with their staff will be available in the fall.

CryoPop takes first in national contest


Johns Hopkins team took first prize in the 2012 BME­ idea competition, sponsored by the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance. The winning design, CryoPop, is a low-cost medical device that uses dry ice for the treatment of cervical precancerous lesions. Today cervical cancer kills an estimated 250,000 women, with 85 percent of the disease burden occurring in low-resource or developing countries. The CryoPop relies

only on carbon dioxide tanks, which are already available in developing countries (as a result of the presence of soda companies), and is 10 times cheaper, 30 times more efficient, and more effective and reliable than the currently utilized technology. The project, sponsored by Jhpiego, was presented at BME Design Day 2012. Team members from the Whiting School’s Center for Bioengineering Innovation and Design included Marton Varady, Shuja Dawood and John Sidhom. —Mary Beth Regan

illustrations ranging from when the United States declared war on Great Britain in 1812 to the Treaty of Ghent in February 1815. The war broke out following British attempts to restrict U.S. trade and the Royal Navy’s impressment of American seamen. The United States also sought to expand its territory into Canada. The United States suffered many costly defeats at the hands of British, Canadian and Native American troops over the course of the war, including the capture and burning of Washington, D.C., in August 1814. American troops thwarted British invasions in New York, Baltimore and New Orleans, boosting national confidence and fostering a new spirit of patriotism. The ratification of the Treaty of Ghent on Feb. 17, 1815, ended the war but left many key issues unresolved. The Johns Hopkins Books on the War of 1812 Series currently includes six publications—classic works alongside recent scholarship. Flotilla, by Donald Shomette, tells the story of the Patuxent naval campaign. For nearly two years, the British navy conducted devastating raids on small villages along the shores of the Chesapeake Bay. Then, in 1814, Capt. Joshua Barney led his Chesapeake flotilla against the British, determined to contest their advance on the nation’s capital and drive them from the area. The flotilla ultimately suffered defeat but managed to inflict significant damages on the far-superior British fleet. Hickey’s 187 Things You Should Know About the War of 1812, scheduled to be published soon, offers a concise and engaging question-and-answer guide to the conflict. Other titles in the series are A Travel Guide to the War of 1812 in the Chesapeake,



by Ralph Eshelman; In Full Glory Reflected, by Eshelman and Burton K. Kummerow; and The War of 1812 in the Chesapeake: A Reference Guide to Historic Sites in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia, by Eshelman, Hickey and Scott S. Sheads. Hickey, a professor of history at Wayne State College in Nebraska, has had a fascination with the War of 1812 ever since his days in college. In his books, he seeks to debunk some of the myths of the war and reveal some lesser-known facts, such as the conflict being the first use of the famous Uncle Sam character. Hickey believes the war was not technically won. “It was a draw,” he says. “Neither side truly achieved their war aims. We were not able to take portions of Canada. We faced a formidable foe, and it was a tough war to support since we had a newly established military and the war was spread out over a vast territory, from the Deep South to Canada.” The war was significant, he says, as it forced the U.S. military to modernize and grow. Hickey said that two more books in the series are currently in the works and are expected to be published next year. For more on the series and upcoming events, go to

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6 11,15, 2012 6 THE THE GAZETTE GAZETTE •• June August 2011 H U M A N




Notices No notices were submitted for publication this week.

Hot Jobs Listed below are some of the university’s newest openings for in-demand jobs that we most urgently need to fill. In addition to considering these opportunities, candidates are invited to search a complete listing of openings and apply for positions online at

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Peabody Institute eabody Conservatory faculty artist Marina Piccinini will explore the spiritual and elegant relationship between Asian and French music at a recital at 7 p.m. on Friday, June 15, in Peabody’s Leith Symington Griswold Hall. One of the world’s leading flute virtuosos, Piccinini will perform with pianists Araceli Chacon and Colette Valentine. The program includes Sonate pour flute et piano by contemporary Japanese composer Yuko Uebayashi, who lives in Paris; Trois pieces orientales pour flute seule by Pierre-Octave Ferroud, in which the composer, who died in his 30s in 1936, imitates the sound of the traditional Chinese flute; and Sonate No. 1 en A Majeur, op. 13, by Gabriel Faure, written originally for violin in 1876. “I chose pieces by a Japanese composer and by two French composers to show how the two sides, East and West, have influenced one another in music for the flute,” Piccinini said. “French music has always been very closely associated with the modern flute, embodying principles of color, breath and perfume. While reflecting these concepts, Asian culture maintains a sense of spirit reminiscent of meditation and stillness, as well as the sound of the traditional instruments.” The recital officially opens the fifth year of the Marina Piccinini International Flute Master Classes at Peabody. This year there will be 25 performing participants, ranging in age from 14 to 59. Selected on the basis of their years of study and performances

Carey Continued from page 1

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By Richard Selden




East meets West at recital by flute virtuoso Marina Piccinini

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Ferrari began his career as a surgeon. Before joining McKinsey, he was chief operating officer and assistant medical director of the Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans; he previously served as vice chairman of the clinic’s Department of Colon and Rectal Surgery. “Dr. Ferrari is a proven leader, visionary strategist and expert communicator who values deeply the importance of building partnerships,” said university President Ronald J. Daniels, who recommended the appointment to the executive committee of the board of trustees. “He has a keen understanding of the challenges and opportunities in business education. He appreciates the critical importance of investing in the best and brightest faculty devoted to discovery, to excellence in teaching and to being engaged university citizens. “Throughout my conversations with Dr. Ferrari, I have been impressed by his intellect, energy and passion,” Daniels added. “I know he will be a wonderful colleague.” Lloyd B. Minor, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, chaired the search committee that identified Ferrari. “We found Dr. Ferrari to be uniquely qualified for this important leadership position. He is poised to build on the Carey School’s many successes and to enhance its partnerships with other Johns Hopkins schools, particularly in the areas of health care and the life sciences,” Minor said. “Dr. Ferrari shares Johns Hopkins’ commitment to excellence, and he appreciates the integral role the Carey Business School plays in that pursuit.” Ferrari is a member of the board of trustees

Marina Piccinini

sampled on CDs, the participants will come to Baltimore from as far away as Austria, Mexico and the United Kingdom. Piccinini, the first flutist to win an Avery Fisher Career Grant from New York’s Lincoln Center, has been a soloist with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, the London Philharmonic, the Tokyo Symphony and many other leading ensembles. As part of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra’s Festival of Flutes last fall, she was the soloist in a performance of Paquito D’Rivera’s flute concerto Gran Danzon, conducted by Leonard Slatkin. Piccinini has been a faculty artist at Peabody since 2001. Tickets for the June 15 recital are $20; $10 for students with ID. To reserve tickets, call 410-234-4772.

of the University of Rochester, where he has been actively engaged with the Simon Graduate School of Business. He is also a trustee of the Juilliard School and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. His papers have been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, McKinsey Quarterly and The New England Journal of Medicine. His book, Power Listening: Mastering the Most Critical Business Skill of All, was published earlier this year. The Carey Business School was established with a gift from trustee emeritus Wm. Polk Carey. Its business offerings include several joint degree programs with other Johns Hopkins schools, partnerships that Ferrari said attracted him to the institution. “Johns Hopkins is an amazing constellation of 10 very bright stars,” Ferrari said, referring to the schools of Arts and Sciences, Education, Engineering, Medicine, Nursing and Public Health; SAIS; the Peabody Institute; and the Applied Physics Laboratory. “This university is a collaborator’s dream,” he said. “The disciplines embedded in a business school relate to many of the disciplines in these other world-renowned schools,” he said. “The opportunities for creative knowledge building among faculty, students and staff abound. I am honored to have been chosen to lead the Carey Business School, and I look forward to being a part of this great university.” Ferrari is a cum laude graduate of the University of Rochester, from which he also received his medical degree. He earned a JD magna cum laude from Loyola University and an MBA from Tulane University. He is married to Linda Ferrari, a former commercial banker and an active docent at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. G

June 11, 2012 • THE GAZETTE


Assateague Pointe, 2BR house in gated community, 2 swimming pools, fishing pier, biking, birding, quiet place for friends/family, 5 mi to Ocean City and Assateague National Seashore, avail wkly yearround. $950/wk. Claire, 410-908-5286 or Bayview, quiet, furn’d 1BR, 1BA apt, shared laundry, 5-min walk to Bayview/JHU shuttles, nr 95/895/Fells Point/Canton/downtown. $700/mo incl utils, cable, high-speed Internet. Bayview (Elrino St), spacious, bright EOG TH, 2 apts avail, 3 blks to Bayview campus. $650/mo or $500/mo incl Internet (or best offer). 443-386-8471 or fanauh2o@yahoo .com. Bolton Hill, spacious, bright 3BR, 2.5BA TH, W/D, refrigerator, CAC/heat, fenced yd, 2 prkng spots, 5 mins to metro and light rail, avail for summer or fall movein. $1,850/mo + utils. 410-878-1543 or Bolton Hill (1718 Linden Ave), 2BR Victorian brownstone located on quiet, cobblestone street w/gazebo, 1 full BA, 1 half-BA, renov’d BAs/kitchen, upgraded appls, W/D, deck off master BR, backyd, prkng in rear, mins to JHH/Penn Station; email for pics or for viewing. $1,250/mo. 571-933-3341, or go to Butchers Hill, beautifully remodeled 3-story house, 3 BR suites, 3.5BAs, kitchen, W/D, dw, sec sys, amazing rooftop deck, walk to school, avail July 1. $2,495/mo. Sharon, 443-695-9073. Charles Village, 3BR, 2BA RH, hdwd flrs, CAC, W/D, skylight, bsmt storage, sec sys, avail Sept 1. $1,300/mo + utils. 410-9174582 or Charles Village, 1BR apt in historic RH, sunny kitchen, AC, W/D, bsmt storage, porch swing, Internet, nr shuttle, avail July 1. $925/mo (unfurn’d) or $975/mo (furn’d). 410-236-9840. Charles Village, studio apts, 1-, 2- and 3BRs, JHU discount. 410-383-2876 or Charles Village, 2BR, 2BA apt in renov’d, historic Telephone Bldg (31st and Guilford), loftlike space, bamboo flrs, granite counters, stainless steel appls, W/D, CAC, intercom sec sys, bsmt gym/storage bin. $2,100/mo. 917-941-1365 or pgelston@ Charles Village, lovely 3BR, 2BA house, W/D, sec sys, fenced yd, garage, 5-min walk to shuttle, no smokers/no pets, avail Aug 1. $1,650/mo + utils. Deep Creek Lake/Wisp, cozy 2BR cabin w/ full kitchen; call for wkly/wknd rentals. 410638-9417 or (for pics). Hampden, efficiency apt on 41st St, 2 lg closets, crpt, tile, shared laundry area. $700/ mo. Steve, 443-474-1492 or apt.htm (pics avail). Hampden (Falls Rd and Morling Ave), lovely 3BR duplex, 2,000 sq ft, 2 full BAs, spacious eat-in kitchen, dw, W/D, lots of free on- and off-street prkng, close to everyHistoric Mt. Vernon Apartment for lease. Former residence of the French Counsel. 1BD-1BA overlooking Washington Square. $1050 per month. Contact Tom Boyce, 410-467-0674, or



en and BA, CAC, hdwd flrs, fenced, maintenance-free yd w/carport, club bsmt w/ cedar closet. $105,000. 443-610-0236 or

leather interior, 4WD, 123K mi, in good cond. $6,000. 443-850-4338.


thing, 1-yr lease, sec dep req’d. $1,500/mo. Mina, 410-592-2670.

Mt Washington, 4BR, 3.5BA TH, landscaped, priv community, easy commute to JHU/JHMI. $289,000. lisamwolf@comcast .net.

Hampden/Medfield Heights, 3BR, 1BA house in quiet neighborhood, W/D, new kitchen, hdwd flrs, fenced yd, avail Sept 1, furn’d or unfurn’d. $1,600/mo. 410-733-6231.

Otterbein, exceptional 4BR, 3.5BA house, 4 yrs old, 130-yr facade, A+ cond, $6,000 per yr historic tax credit (2008). Charles, 717-371-7153 or

Homewood, 3BR, 2BA apt w/kitchen, living rm, rent incls water, electricity, Internet. $500/mo (lg BR) or $400/mo (two sm BRs). Alex, 443-271-3859.

Perry Hall, 3BR TH, 2 full and 2 halfBAs, 1,530 sq ft, fin’d bsmt w/office, MLS# 7841137. $249,999. Linda, 410-241-5815.

Hunt Valley, beautiful 3BR TH, mins to train/shopping/upscale dining. $2,095/mo + utils. Lutherville/Timonium, 3BR, 2.5BA TH, new paint, crpt, laminate flr, dw, refrigerator, deck, yd, conv access to 695/I-83, no pets. 410-828-4583 or Mayfield, charming 3BR, 2BA house, hdwd flrs, fp, garage, yd/patio, nr Homewood/ JHH/Bayview. $1,750/mo. 410-852-1865 or Middle River, lg, private apt, 1.5BRs and full BA, CAC, W/D, cable/Internet, 20 mins to JHMI, utils incl’d. 410-292-0669. Mt Washington, spacious, furn’d 4BR house, 2.5BAs, CAC, ideal for family on academic sabbatical, avail Aug 20, 2012, to Aug 30, 2013. $2,800/mo. 410-466-0255 or Mt Washington, lg, modern 2-story TH, 3BRs, 2.5 remodeled BAs, CAC, dw, W/D, hdwd flrs, lg storage space, backyd, deck, covered prkng, walk to swimming pool/ schools, easy commute to JHU/JHH/downtown by car, light rail or subway, Mt Washington school district. $1,875/mo + utils. Remington/Hampden, 3BR, 1BA RH w/ hdwd flrs, expos’d brick, stainless steel appls, W/D, bsmt for storage. $1,500/mo incl water, cleaning service. Upper Fells Point, beautiful 3BR, 2.5BA RH, W/D, lg kitchen, priv courtyd, close to JHH/Kennedy Krieger/shops and Green Circulator line, avail July 1. $2,000/mo. 410-718-6134. White Marsh, spacious 3BR, 2.5BA TH condo, prkng space, mins from I-95 and White Marsh Town Center. $1,375/mo. 410662-2388 or (for pics). Wyman Park, very spacious, newly furn’d 1BR apt w/ living rm and kitchen, park across the street, 10-min walk to Homewood campus, avail June 6-Aug 17. 443-509-2263 or 1BR luxury apt, furn’d, utils and Internet incl’d, avail June 20-Dec 15; will negotiate rent. Holly, 507-319-3498.


Bayview, 2BR, 2BA EOG, 1,400 sq ft, bright rms, newly renov’d, new appls, granite, lg upstairs laundry, office or 3rd BR, washer on fin’d lower level. $158,000. 410-935-8060. Evergreen (4513 Wilmslow Rd), charming 2BR, 1.25 BA house; must see. 410-422-3911. Fells Point, 3-story RH in historic district, lg priv yd, many recent renovations. Dorothy, 443-750-7750. Gardenville, 3BR, 1.25BA RH in a quiet neighborhood, 15 mins to JHH, new kitch-

HICKORY HEIGHTS A lovely hilltop setting on Hickory Avenue in Hampden! 2 BD units from $760

with Balcony - $790 Shown by appointment


Towson, 3BR, 2.5BA rancher. $209,900. .aspx?ID=47219717270. 3BR, 1BA house, updated kitchen and BA, living rm, fenced yd and huge shed. 443527-7884. 3402 Mt Pleasant Ave (21224), completely rehabbed and superb quality. $159,900.


F wanted to share new 3BR, 3.5BA TH, 2 blks to JHMI. $540/mo + utils. 410-9790721 or Rm avail in updated Fells Point house, share w/2 housemates, priv patio. $660/mo incl BGE, dish, Internet. ryanwhiggins@gmail .com. Nonsmoker wanted for rm and BA in brand new TH, walking distance to JHMC, no pets. 301-717-4217 or xiaoningzhao1@ F wanted to share 3BR, 1.5BA Charles Village RH, 1 blk to Homewood campus, 8-min walk to shuttle stop. $525/mo incls all utils, use of W/D, Internet, cable. F wanted for peaceful, furn’d 3BR, 2BA house, short-term lease OK. $600/mo incl wireless, utils, prkng. M wanted to share apt w/M undergrad, gym, secure door and surveillance are avail, walk to subway and light rail station, 2 stops to JH subway station. $575-$600/mo per person incl all utils. 443-831-3375 or Clean person wanted for rm in 2BR, 1BA TH in Halethorpe (I occupy the other rm), no pets (my dogs loves people but doesn’t get along w/other dogs), easy access to 95/695/295, free WiFi and basic cable, avail July 1. $600/mo + 1/2 utils. 443-474-4194.


’02 Oldsmobile Alero GL coupe, 3.4 V6, power steering/brakes/windows/rear spoiler, engine runs like new, in need of minor cosmetic repairs. $2,000/best offer. 603315-6097. ’89 Toyota Tercel, 4-spd, 71K mi, qualifies for antique tag, no inspection req’d. $1,250. 443-750-7750. ’03 Ford Excursion Limited, black w/tan

Desk w/hinged top and pullout writing extension, 31"W x 19.5"D x 34.25"H, cherry finish throughout, 3 cubby holes inside, removable legs, good cond, top needs tiny refinishing. 410-444-1273 or 443-799-2932 (for pics). Bamboo glass top coffee table, like new, $25; antique cradle, ca 1900s, $25. 410207-2217. Moving sale (in Canton): TV stand armoire, full-size headboard and mattress, desk, sofabed, nightstand, end table, rice cooker, electric wok, more. leaannchen@ Portable canvas patio chair, Epson Stylus 760 color printer, beach chairs (2), digital piano, 100W am, keyboard case, oil-filled heaters (3), ergonomic kneeling posture chair. 410455-5858 or Queen-size sofabed, in excellent condition. $300. 410-467-5636, 443-802-6612 (cell) or Kitchen items, dishware, sm dining rm set, exterior French doors, full-length Dior silver fox coat, fitness chair, office supplies, decorative items, man’s travel bag, champagne buckets, Fossil watch boxes, Playboy mags. 443-824-2198 or saleschick2011@ Brown leather loveseat, $400; lg, creamcolored leather sofa and loveseat set, tables not incl’d, $850; wood coffee table, $50; all in very good cond. 410-913-0805 or Antique gooseneck rocker, mahogany w/ dark green tweed, $40; Hoover Legacy vacuum, strong suction, long cord, lg bag, $25. Stamping set w/ink pads, 24 different artistic stamps, for making greeting cards or general artwork, never used; also lg amount of scrapbooking materials, never used. $50/ best offer. 410-207-2217.


Would you like to play indoor tennis this summer on a Johns Hopkins team? Tuesday evenings through Aug, men’s, women’s and mixed doubles, approx 3.0-4.0 level. Peter Barker, Masterpiece Landscaping provides knowledgeable on-site consultation, transplanting, bed prep, installation, sm tree/shrub shaping, licensed. Terry, 410-652-3446. Editing of biomedical documents offered by a PhD biomedical scientist and certified editor in the life sciences. 443-600-2264 or Licensed landscaper avail for spring/summer lawn maintenance, mulching, yard cleanup, other services incl’d trash hauling. 410-8126090 or Tutor for all subjects/levels; remedial, gifted; help w/college counseling, speech and essay writing, editing, proofreading. 410-3379877 (after 8pm) or

PLACING ADS Classified listings are a free service for current, full-time Hopkins faculty, staff and students only. Ads should adhere to these general guidelines: • One ad per person per week. A new request must be submitted for each issue. • Ads are limited to 20 words, including phone, fax and e-mail.

• We cannot use Johns Hopkins business phone numbers or e-mail addresses. • Submissions will be condensed at the editor’s discretion. • Deadline is at noon Monday, one week prior to the edition in which the ad is to be run. • Real estate listings may be offered only by a Hopkins-affiliated seller not by Realtors or Agents.

(Boxed ads in this section are paid advertisements.) Classified ads may be faxed to 443-287-9920; e-mailed in the body of a message (no attachments) to; or mailed to Gazette Classifieds, Suite 540, 901 S. Bond St., Baltimore, MD 21231. To purchase a boxed display ad, contact the Gazelle Group at 443-275-2687.

8 THE GAZETTE • June 11, 2012

Class of 2016 nets highest yield at Homewood B y A m y L u n d ay



n the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at The Johns Hopkins University, the story is much the same this spring as it has been for the past two years: Once again, the incoming freshman class has given the Homewood schools their highestever yield from an increasingly large pool of applicants. As of June 1, 37.5 percent of the 3,632 high school students offered admission into the undergraduate class of 2016 have enrolled, for a class of 1,362 students. The freshmen were drawn from a record-breaking 20,504 applicants, up 6 percent from last year. The admit rate held steady for a second year in a row at a record low of 18 percent. In terms of diversity, the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and the Whiting School of Engineering have been enrolling more students who are African-American, Hispanic and Native American each year since 2009. The 273 incoming freshmen from underrepresented minorities make up 19.6 percent of the class of 2016, up from 12.9 percent three years ago. The Admissions Office has noted an

increase this year in the percentage of humanities students enrolling, with 28 percent of students indicating they wish to major in the humanities, up from 24 percent last year. The top five states that the enrolling students call home are the same as last year, although Maryland has overtaken California at third place. New York and New Jersey hold first and second place, with Pennsylvania rounding out the top five. The target for the freshman class was pegged at 1,275, a number that allowed for 30 more students than in the previous freshman class. The class of 2016 had a higherthan-expected response rate, though admissions officials expect to lose some of these students with “summer melt,” the admissions term describing the seasonal phenomenon when some students change their plans. For instance, 1,302 students enrolled in the class of 2015, which was targeted at 1,245; by the time the class moved into the residence halls in late August 2011, 57 students had changed their plans, bringing the class to its targeted size. Even so, university officials are making preparations to welcome a class that is slightly larger than anticipated, including securing extra housing options and adding new sections of many popular gateway courses if necessary. J U N E

Because the class is currently at capacity, the university released the majority of waitlisted students in late May; a small number of students were offered spots on a “summer wait list.”

Tests of JHU Emergency Alert set for June 12


omewood Campus Safety and Security will conduct a test of the campus siren/public address system and the Johns Hopkins Emergency Alert text messaging system at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, June 12. The test will be a full-scale simultaneous activation of both systems. The siren/PA system, which is activated by radio signal from the Homewood Communications Center, has speakers on Garland Hall, Whitehead Hall and the O’Connor Recreation Center. The sirens will simultaneously sound the alert tone and then sequentially broadcast the voice message, announcing, “This is a test of the Homewood campus emergency warning system.” Those who have subscribed to the text message alert system will receive a brief message that reads, “This is a test of the Homewood Emergency Alert text message system. There is NO EMER1 1


Tues., June 12, and Wed., June 13, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. JHU/Amer-

ican Red Cross blood drive. For information, call 410-614-0913 or email johnshopkinsblooddrive@ Turner Concourse. EB

2012 Pioneers in Biology Thomas Hunt Morgan Lecture— “Biological Complexity, Paradigm Changes and Systems Medicine” by Leroy Hood, Institute for Systems Biology. Sponsored by Biology. 111 Mergenthaler. HW

“Health and Human Rights in Burma,” a Center for Public Health and Human Rights lecture by Nisha Biswal, USAID. W1214 SPH. EB

Fri., June 15, 4 p.m.

COLLOQUIA Fri., June 15, 2 p.m. “Learning to Eat Soup With a Knife: Counterinsurgency Lessons From Iraq and Afghanistan,” an Applied Physics Laboratory colloquium with John Nagl, Center for a New American Security. Parsons Auditorium. APL


Wed., June 20, 2 p.m. “Lung Stem Cells and Their Role in Repair and Disease,” an Institute of Genetic Medicine lecture by Brigid Hogan, Duke University Medical Center. Mountcastle Auditorium, PCTB. EB


Wed., June 20, noon to 1:30 p.m. “Reducing Asthma Dispari-

ties in Children: A Model Program With Promising Results,” Public Health Practice grand rounds with Greg Diette, SPH and SoM, and Kate Scott, Baltimore City Health Department. Co-sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Public Health Training Center and the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. (To see a live webcast or for information on continuing education credits or contact hours, go to or call 443287-7833.) W1214 SPH. EB

“East Meets West,” a recital exploring the relationship between Asian and French music by Peabody faculty artist Marina Piccinini. (See story, p. 6.) The recital opens the fifth year of the Marina Piccinini International Flute Master Classes at Peabody. $20 general admission, $10 for students with ID. To reserve tickets, call 410234-4772. Griswold Hall. PeaFri., June 15, 7 p.m.



“Surgery, Health Systems and Global Health: Reflections From Personal Experience Regarding Emergency and Essential Surgery at District Hospitals in Haiti, Tanzania and Malawi,” an International Health seminar with Mike Curci, University of Vermont School of Medicine. W2009 SPH. EB

Mon., June 11, 4 p.m.

L E C T URE S Tues., June 12, 8 p.m. “Crash of the Titans,” an STScI public lecture by Frank Summers, STScI. Bahcall Auditorium, Muller Bldg. HW Thurs., June 14, 4 p.m.


“PostTranslational Modifications of Centromeric Histones Regulate Genome Stability in Budding Yeast,” a Johns Hopkins Technology Center for Networks and Pathways seminar with Munira Basrai, CCR/NCI/NIH. G007 Ross. EB

Tues., June 12, 11 a.m.

“Development of a Localized Nervous System in a Dipleurula-Type Larva,” a Carnegie Institution Embryology seminar with Kristen Yankura, Carnegie Mellon University. Rose Auditorium, 3520 San Martin Drive. HW

Tues., June 12, 11 a.m.

Wed., June 13, noon. “RedoxBased Oligomerization Mechanisms of Anti-Diabetic Hormone Adiponectin,” a Physiology seminar with Tsu-Shuen Tsao, University of Arizona. 203 Physiology. EB

“Evaluating Disparities in the Association Between Depressive Symptoms and Body Composition in the Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis,” an Epidemiology thesis defense seminar with Rosemay Remigio-Baker. W2030 SPH. EB

Fri., June 15, 2 p.m.




GENCY. Had there been an imminent threat additional information would follow.” Shortly after the public address broadcast, an all-clear alert tone will sound, followed by the message saying, in part, “This has been a test of the Homewood campus emergency warning system. Had there been an actual emergency, you would have been given specific instructions on what to do.” Because the public address system incorporates a silent self-test feature that will exercise each module on a weekly basis, Campus Safety and Security will schedule “live” tests only three times a year. The main purpose of the exercise is to familiarize the Homewood community with the sound of the system. Except for these periodic tests, the system will be used only in the event of an incident or situation that presents a significant threat to the lives or safety of the campus community.

2 5


The increased enrollment figures are, in part, the result of many university initiatives, including admitted-student events hosted by the Admissions Office throughout April. This year’s signature events— two two-day Spring Open House and Overnight Programs—brought more than 930 admitted students and 1,770 total guests to campus.



“Control of Muscle Cell Development and Maturation by RNABinding Proteins,” a Carnegie Institution Embryology seminar with Frederic Rosa, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris. Rose Auditorium, 3520 San Martin Drive. HW Tues., June 19, noon. “Regulated miRNA Biogenesis Confers Specificity to Neuronal Gene Expression,” a Biological Chemistry seminar with Mollie Meffert, SoM. 612 Physiology. EB

“Epidemiologic Evaluation of State AIDS Drug Assistance Program

Wed., June 20, 10 a.m.

Features in the United States,” an Epidemiology thesis defense seminar with David Hanna. W3008 SPH. EB “Role of p53 in Telomere DysfunctionDriven Breast Tumorigenesis,” a Molecular Pathology seminar with Yibin Deng, University of Minnesota. Sponsored by Pathology. G01 BRB. EB Wed., June 20, noon.

Fri., June 22, 12:15 p.m. “Mitochondrial DNA Elimination From Sperm Ensures Strict Maternal Inheritance,” a Carnegie Institution Embryology seminar with Steven DeLuca, University of California, San Francisco. Rose Auditorium, 3520 San Martin Drive. HW Fri., June 22, 2 p.m. “Genetic Association Study of Urological Cancers in Men and Dogs,” an Institute of Genetic Medicine/ Human Genetics Graduate Program thesis defense seminar with Erika Kwon. G007 Ross. EB

SYMPOSIA Fri., June 15, 8:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. From Bench to Bedside

and Society, the Schizophrenia Center’s annual symposium, with multiple speakers. To register or for more information, go to hopkinsmedicine .org/schizophrenia_symposium .html. Sponsored by Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Turner Auditorium. EB W OR K S H O P S The Center for Educational Resources sponsors a series of

hands-on workshops on the Blackboard interface. The training is open to all faculty, students and staff who have administrative responsibilities in a Blackboard course. Seating is limited to six per session. To register, go to Garrett Room, MSE Library. HW •

Wed., June 13, 10 a.m. to noon. “Getting Started.”

Thurs., June 14, 10 a.m. to noon. “Communication


Mon., June 11, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Moving Academic Medicine

Forward, a conference in honor of Dean Edward D. Miller, with keynote speaker Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (See story, p. 1.) Reception follows at 4 p.m. in Turner Concourse. Turner Auditorium. EB Mon., June 11, 5 to 7 p.m.

School of Education street festival and groundbreaking ceremony for a $30 million state-of-the-art elementary school and the $10 million Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Early Childhood Center. (See story, p. 1.) Formal program begins at 6:15 p.m. and features a musical presentation by students from the East Baltimore Community School, followed by remarks by EBCS board chair David Nichols, JHU President Ron Daniels, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie RawlingsBlake and Baltimore City Council President Bernard “Jack” Young. 2100 Ashland Ave. EB

and Collaboration.” •

Fri., June 15, 10 a.m. to noon. “Assessment and


(Events are free and Calendar open to the public Key except where indicated.) APL BRB CRB EB HW JHOC

Applied Physics Laboratory Broadway Research Building Cancer Research Building East Baltimore Homewood Johns Hopkins Outpatient Center KSAS Krieger School of Arts and Sciences NEB New Engineering Building PCTB Preclinical Teaching Building SAIS School of Advanced International Studies SoM School of Medicine SoN School of Nursing SPH School of Public Health WBSB Wood Basic Science Building WSE Whiting School of Engineering

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