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John Slemp

Tucker, United States

I've been a commercial photographer for twenty years now, after almost 11 years in the US Army. I love making pictures, especially so for clients that appreciate the effort, and the art, that goes into crafting an image. We are available for commercial assignments, private commissions, and consultations. Past clients include Goodyear Aviation Tires, Women in Aviation International, Terrafugia, Avfuel, Larry King Airshows, Jet Support Services Inc., General Aviation News, EAA's Sport Aviation magazine, Smithsonian Air & Space magazine, and Aspen Avionics. John is a former member of the ASMP National Board, and is an active member of EAA and AOPA. John's aviation work was selected for inclusion in the Best of ASMP in 2008, and again in 2015. He continues to produce images for clients worldwide, and also pursues fine art sales and exhibitions.


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