Newsletter of the Honley Village Community Trust A voluntary organisation working for Honley village A team of volunteers turns out monthly to do the work which keeps Trust land in good order report by Neil Littlewood and a pleasant place to visit.
Gabions galore! HVCT VOLUNTEERS
There has been a lot of work done by the volunteers over the last two months. Most of this work has been down on the River Mag on Magdale Fields. Work on the gabions to strengthen the river bank is now done. This was quite a big job, filling big steel wire baskets with stones from the river and then facing them on the outside with big stones donated by Kirklees. They were then covered with soil taken from the ‘Canary Island’* which the gabions are protecting. (see map ‘C.I.’). Over time the gabions will become overgrown by wild plants and their construction lends itself very well to making homes for fauna like insects and small mammals, such as shrews and field mice. Lower down the gabion at water level there will be homes for river-dwelling invertebrates like river shrimps and small fish such as sticklebacks. Gaps have also been left in the facing stones to provide homes for birds. Why not walk along one afternoon and have a look at the work the volunteers have done? Other work done by volunteers over the last 3 months was to clear the same stretch of river bank of the extremely invasive Himalayan Balsam. This has been cleared all the way from the Mag bridge down to the white foot-bridge by the waterfall (see map) The Balsam is now seeding so it’s too late to clear any more this year. If you hear chain saws down on Magdale we can assure you that we are working to strict TPO (Tree Preservation Order) Rules. The Trust has got permission from Kirklees to cut down, prune, or clear those trees that are taking light or are dead. New ones will be planted.
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Balsam cleared
Gabions . * Can any of our readers remember why this stretch of land is known as the Canary Island? (It’s not a holiday destination) If so please email the editor at If you’d like to join us for a bit of exercise on a Sunday give the volunteers’ coordinator Neil Littlewood a ring on 0776 674 2140, or just turn up at the old ce metery chapel at 10 am on the 2nd Sunday of the month. This Flyer has been sponsored by the Gallery Cafe, Honley
Issue 91
September 2013
SC OUT HEADQUAR TER S EXTENSION 6th Holme Valley (Trinity Church) Scout Group refurbishes its Honley Headquarters The official opening ceremony for the new extension to the refurbished Honley Scout HQ took place on the afternoon of Saturday, 13th July 2013, coinciding with the Honley Extravaganza. The 'ribbon' was cut by Cllr Charles Greaves following short speeches by Paul Roberts (Chairman), Sandra Whiteley (Group Scout Leader) and Rev Tim Moore (Trinity Church). Entertainment was provided during the afternoon outside the HQ including an attempt on the tallest milk crate tower (The record was 22 crates) The two new meeting /activity rooms and storeroom will be fully operational by the beginning of September when Sections return for their weekly meetings following the summer break. Thanks go from the Group to the many people and organisations that contributed towards this project. Funding was received from: Holme Valley Area Committee (Kirklees), Holme Valley Parish Council, Holmfirth Rotary Club, Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing, Huddersfield Common Good Trust, Integrated Youth Support Service (Kirklees), Bernard Sunley Charitable foundation, Freemasons (Province of Yorkshire, West Riding), Co-operative Membership Community Fund, Garfield Weston Foundation, Honley Village Community Trust, Honley Civic Society, Yorkshire Building Society (Honley branch). These grants plus donations and proceeds from the 'Buy a Brick' scheme raised the outstanding amount of £46,000 which more or less covered the full cost of this work. Paul Roberts
THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING A VERY LOCAL CHARITY. Thank you to everyone who has joined the Trust or paid their annual subs and / or given a donation this year. If you also signed the gift aid declaration every £1 you put in the envelope becomes £1.25 when we claim back the tax on your donation. The Trust has over 1,200 members who subscribe annually and nearly 150 who are life members. Many thanks to Brenda and Duncan at Honley Post Office, Tony Washington and staff at Taylor’s Foodstore and the staff at the Honley branch of the Yorkshire Building Society for collecting the envelopes. If you misplaced your envelope it’s not too late to join for this year, just ask at one of the above for another! Honley Village Community Trust – Working for Honley
HONLEY VILLAGE HALL Report by Marcia Murray The village hall is looking very good at the moment; the hanging baskets are in full bloom and the little triangular bed at the side of the boules pitch adds a splash of bright colour. This is mainly thanks to Wendy Mullany who we are pleased to welcome to the Friends of Honley Village Hall. Wendy has volunteered to look after the flower beds and already has made a huge difference. The raised bed at the front of the hall was planted and is maintained by the users of the Kirklees Day Care Service who meet at the hall during the week. This bed is mainly planted with herbs, including sage, mint, thyme and rosemary and gives off a lovely aroma as you brush past it. As part of the Honley Business Association’s Summer Extravaganza in July the Village Trust organised a Barbeque at the back of the hall which raised nearly £200 in aid of Help for Heroes. On the same day The Saturday Petanque group ran a Boules for Beginners day and introduced lots of people to this sociable easy pastime. On the subject of Boules, Didier Chassot, the French champion Petanque player who was again visiting friends in Honley, came the following week and gave us an impromptu lesson in how boules should really be played! The boules pitch is free for everyone to use and boules can be borrowed from the hall weekdays between 9.30am and 3pm or from the Foresters Arms after 3pm and at weekends.
Regular Village Hall activities ZUMBA ! Tuesday 7 – 8pm. dance yourself to fitness. Call Sue Naldrett on 07943831281 or just turn up on the night. RAINBOWS – for girls aged 5 - 7½ restarts 11th September and every Tuesday during term time at 5.30 – 6.30pm To register your child or for more information Contact YOUTH ACTIVITY - Honley Junior Club is held every Wednesday during school term time at 4 - 6pm for boys & girls aged 8- 12 PILATES CLASS - Wednesdays from 6.30 to 7-30pm. If you are interested in joining it please ring the organiser, qualified physiotherapist Chris Liversidge CSP on 07843673012 first. WEIGHTWATCHERS meets at the Village Hall every Thursday at 6.30pm just turn up or contact Katie on 07967 211 118 for more info ELIM CHURCH –Is a lively community holding two meetings at the VH on Sundays. 11am and evening at 6pm – all welcome THE VILLAGE TRUST WEB SITE - Check out the Business Directory link. All those listed are based in Honley. For your business or organisation listing for free call 662635 or email Support your local traders and shop in the village! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Village Hall is an ideal place for parties; only £15 per hour (minimum 3 hours). Charities can hire it for fundraising events for only £9 per hour, commercial users £25 per hour
Day Opportunities in Honley Members of South Kirklees Day Opportunities, which uses the village hall on weekdays, have been busy. They recently held a coffee morning which raised £95 for Streetbikes – a local organisation which helps disabled people to ride adapted bicycles.. The group also demonstrated craft and mosaic works at Honley Show– some of which have been sold at Dixon and Franks on Westgate. In the autumn they will be out selling poppies for the British Legion. Some members work with the Holme Valley Gardening Network at Wooldale. By the time you get this Flyer the very first Honley 10k will (we hope) have just been completed on August 24th. This ten kilometre foot race (or trail) starts out from the Village Hall and goes via Oldfield and Honley Wood. It is organised by Rob Kelly in association with the Village Trust and and some of the runners will have come from quite a distance A BBQ outside the village hall was in aid of the RJS (Roundway, Jaggar and Stoney Lanes) Family Homes Tenants and Residents Association and there were various outdoor entertainments in the afternoon. Several local businesses had given help and goods. Rob hopes he can repeat this event next year and really put Honley on the running map. But you don’t have to run it- It also can make for a very pleasant 2 or 3 hour ramble with good views over our village. The Honley Flyer is produced with the help of our advertisers. To advertise phone 01484 662635 or email: VibeJive Modern Jive @ Holmfirth Civic Hall
Vintage Vera
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Sewing Alterations
Every Wednesday. 7.30 - 10.30 pm £5.00 Great night out Not danced before? then 1st visit FREE!!! Dance to great music, get fit and make new friends! 2nd and 4th Weds of month classes- Beginne rs 7.30pm, Inte rmediate and Beginners Refresher 9.00pm, Freestyle 9.45-10.30pm 1st and 3rd Weds of month- Freestyle 7.30-10.30pm with Beginners Class @ 7.30 - 8.15pm Call Joan 0779 6211523 or Dawn 0772 7223681 e: vibe jive@btinte rne www.vibe Facebook — VibeJive Community
Solicitors & Notaries 24 Westgate Honley HD9 6AA Tel. 01484 667853
by a local seamstress living in Honley Sample prices: Zips £6.50 Jeans zips £7.50 Curtain hems £25 Call Jo on 01484 660348
The Gallery in Westgate still has art on display. Mark Ambrick, who runs the Gallery Café with his wife Kirsty and mother-in-law May, says “We wanted to keep the gallery theme going. We have on display photography by Gary SteOur sponsor for this issue venson and watercolours by Jeff Beaumont, all local people” The Ambricks all have catering backgrounds. Mark used to work for his father; “My dad was a baker in Meltham, and I also have my City & Guilds in baking. Kirsty and I met when she was working in a café and her Mum, May, who has come out of retirement to pursue our dream, was Business Placement Officer at Huddersfield University, but has also previously worked in
Contact the Elderly A little time - a lot of fun - a big difference There are some elderly people, usually over 75 years of age, who miss the social life they once had as they are now unable to go out without a helping hand. Sundays can be lonely for those living on their own, but this can change with our help. We are ‘Contact the Elderly’ a national charity with 23 groups in Yorkshire. We offer a Sunday afternoon tea in a family home with friends, good conversation, friendship and laughter. Once a month three or four car drivers collect the same seven or so elderly members, and meet in a different host's home, helping as necessary, and taking them safely home again. It is life enhancing for all concerned. There are at present two vacancies in this area. Do you know of anyone in the Honley/Holme Valley area who lives with little or no social support and who might benefit? If so please contact Audrey Robinson, Area Organiser, on 304329 or Daphne Smith on 662331. Christmas is coming (Oh yes it is) and following the Honley lights switch-on on November 29th Honley’s Advent celebrations will really get going on Saturday December 7th. St. Mary’s Christmas Street Market –There are still a few vacant stalls available to hire. Contact Cliff Green on 664277 or for further details. Craft Fair in the village hall.. Contact Debbie Flanagan on 078 1414 1485 or to book a stall
catering. So between us we have plenty of experience. We’re all partners and it’s a real local family business.” May has always wanted to own her own coffee shop, and Mark and Kirsty have always thought a coffee shop in Honley would be an ideal family venture since they moved to Honley in 2001, so when the Gallery came onto the market the three of them fell in love with the building and decided to go for it! Mark has three sisters, two of whom live in the village, and four children. The eldest, Laura, has just graduated from Leeds University and is training to be a teacher, but helps out in the café on Saturday mornings, Katie is a trainee chef, Holly will be starting Honley High school in September and the youngest is Jack who attends Honley Junior School. Mark comments, “We are here from 7 in the morning until 6.30 at night, so it’s a long day, but in my spare time I enjoy training the Honley Junior under 10’s football team and spending time as a family.” The partners plan to extend the business in the not too distant future- “but it will always be a family friendly café.” Fancy a cuppa?
Treasure in Honley Honley Extravaganza Treasure Hunt winners were Henry Taylor age 5, Chloe Sykes age 4 and Jack Craven age 6. The answer to the puzzle was "Honley Village Extravaganza Rocks!" Chris Glen, the Regional Chairman of Federation of Small Businesses West Yorkshire said, “It is heartening to see small businesses coming together to form the Honley Business association .like this. Small places like this village are attractive because they consist of independent retailers and have a unique high street.” This year the Christmas lights in the unique high street will be the best yet and on November 29 they will be turned on by Kirkless mayor Martyn Bolt, assisted by our MP Jason McCartney. Plus the usual band parade, food stall, and the disco wagon. We also have TWO new village websites, apart from the Trust’s! is a website with special offers from shops in the village. You can save time and fuel by shopping locally, so why drive to Huddersfield when many things are the same price (or less) in Honley! Check out the week’s ‘TOP 3’ offers from each shop, reserve online and collect when convenient. The other website, has some good pictures of Honley by Vince Cunningham and information about the village. It is well known that Honley is the centre of the Universenow it can be seen world-wide! Letter to the Editor I’d like to thank the Trust for tidying up the area around Mag Bridge and renovating the footpath. It is a marvellous transformation and it’s a pleasure to walk there. Ann Jenkin, Honley.
Printed at Barrett Business Machines Ltd. Newtown House, Newtown, Honley. Tel. 01484 665111. For all your Business Needs
Honley DIY and Pet Supplies 14 Westgate Key cutting, tools & J E hardware, painting & decorating materials, home ware & light bulbs, pest control, dog leads & collars, pet food & animal bedding. The twins got it all! OPEN Mon-Sat 8am—6pm Sunday 9am-1pm. Tel 662278
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J ACOBS WE LL Woodhead Road Honley Sue and Grahame Nutt will give you a warm welcome to Your local award winning public house with…… 5 Real Ales & Home cooked freshly prepared Food. Quiz every Tuesday night / AND We’re on Facebook! For further information on forthcoming events or simply to book for our lunch or evening menu, Tel 660313
Honley Male Voice Choir The Choir’s next Huddersfield Town Hall concert is on Saturday, September 21st when their guests will be the Barnsley Youth Choir. The concert starts at 7 pm and tickets at £8 are available from the visitor information centre at Huddersfield Library or from the Tourist Information centre in Holmfirth.
What’s on…
The Honley Flyer is distributed to 3100 homes and businesses in Honley. If you would like your event included send details to the editor, John Murray, 27 Moorside Rd. Honley HD9 6HR. Telephone 01484 662635 or email Yorkshire Traction Honley Band The Band meets Monday and Thursday evenings 7.30pm to 9.30pm at the Band Room. For further information contact the Band Secretary, Liz Illidge on 304754 Or see our website: Band performances. Come and hear the band! Sunday 8 Sept- Beaumont Park March Contest 2pm Sunday 22 Sept- Songs of Praise, Trinity Church, 3.30pm Friday 29 Nov- Honley Christmas Lights Switch-on (evening)
Honley Ladies Choir
The choir has recently launched a recruitment campaign to increase its numbers from the present 60 up to 80 and their next recruitment evening is on Tuesday 22nd October at the Honley infants and nursery school, starting at 7.30 pm. If you are interested in becoming a member – no previous experience necessary – then come along to the school on that night or on any Tuesday evening. You will be assured of a warm Yorkshire welcome. In our picture above the lady at the front is our accompanist Michelle Sutcliffe and the person on her left front is Steven Roberts our MD since January. It’s a great bunch of guys to hang out with!
Gav goes to G hana Amy Gathercole, (‘Gav’) aged 19, a second year Student Nurse studying children’s nursing, has lived in Honley all her life. But now she is planning to go to Ghana to take part in the International Placement Programme ‘Work the World’ as a child nurse. She has to raise £4000 for flights, accommodation and expenses, and is currently working to do so. She says “I have always been enthusiastic about working with children and young people and have come to realise that supporting third world countries is where my passion lies. This opportunity will enable me to contribute to a third world country where I will use, develop and share my skills.” Amy is planning a series of fundraising events which all take place between August and November and includes a Winter Ball, a Beetle Drive, a Table-top sale and a music event. 21 Sept Beetle Drive- 6:30 to 10:30pm at Honley Village Hall 12 Oct- Table Top sale 12 to 4 pm at Parish Rooms Church St
Fund-raising Concert at St Mary’s Church Saturday 19th October at 7.00 pm CHORAL TREASURES
Performed by CANTORELLI Cantorelli is a small group of singers who have been performing in West Yorkshire for several years. They enjoy presenting both secular and sacred music spanning more than 500 years. Admission £8.00 (concessions £5.00 Students £1.00) Further information and advance bookings: tel 01484 660651 1-2 Lupton Square, Honley 8.30am to 5.00pm Sat 8.30am to 2.00pm Tel 01484 666144
September 14th at 7.30. Honley Ladies Choir has once again been asked to perform at Holmfirth Civic Hall– for Holme Valley Hospital- celebrating the 60th Coronation anniversary. The audience will be seated at tables, so you bring your own picnic and drink, relax and be entertained by the choir. Tickets £8 from Tourist Information or on the door. The Ladies’ Choir rehearses at 7.30 pm every Thursday evening at St. Paul’s Church, Armitage Bridge. We welcome new members.– have a look at the web site Honley Civic Society– Walks & Talks. All welcome.
Sunday guided walks start from Trinity Church at 2.15 pm. 15 Sept— Circular walk to Brockholes. (Alan Fawcett) 22 Oct– Folly Dolly Falls, Meltham. (Bert Neary) 17 Nov– Circular walk to Deanhouse. (Alan Fawcett) Talks: 7.30 12 Sept- ‘Memories of Bomber Command’ in Parish 10 Oct– ‘The Honley Riots of 1862’ 14 Nov– ‘A Flood coming to you soon!’ Rooms Honley Players ADS Southgate Theatre
7 Sept at 7.30– Murder in Dubai—A Murder Mystery Play. One night only. Tickets £10 including Spaghetti Bolognese supper. It works like this: Honley Players read play part 1, when someone gets murdered / Have the supper and whilst eating and drinking try to solve the mystery from the given clues / Players continue with part 2– in which the real murderer is unmasked. / Finally prize given for best solution. 2—5 Oct at 7.30- ‘An Inspector Calls’ an old favourite by J B Priestley. Directed by Veronica Moran. Tickets £7. Tickets from Holme Valley News Westgate
Honley Library Tel 222340 Regular Events Story time for the under 5s- 2.30 pm Friday afternoons in term time. Stories and craft activity. Come on in! BITS – introduction to using a computer Getting started with IT – Wednesday sessions stating at 10 am every 2 weeks from Sept 11th . Please book in advance. Honley library book group– Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10.30. Pick up the choice of the month in advance. Family history- help and advice with an expert. Plus free use of to card holders every 2nd Tuesday of the month 2 – 4pm Very popular! Knit and natter. Every Monday 5.30– 7.00 Bring your knitting / sewing/ craft work and have a chat and free refreshments. Friends of Honley Library’ group. For information please contact Suzanne Dufton. Tel 661214