Honley Flyer no 105 March 2017

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Honley Newsletter of the Honley Village Community Trust A voluntary organisation working for Honley village

No. 105 March 2017 Registered Charity 1033021 www.honleyvillagetrust.org.uk

Honley CCTV already proves its worth There is real proof that committing a crime in Honley is proving to be far more difficult for perpetrators, as incidents are now being captured by our state of the art CCTV. In January an elderly lady suffered injury, and her dog was run over, when they were hit by a car on the zebra crossing in the centre of June Maclean (HBA Secre- Honley. The driver failed to tary, left) and Adele Oxley stop, but thanks to the crystal clear images captured on (HBA Chairman) at the CCTV, has been successfully scene of the crime traced by Police. photo Sandie Nicholson Similarly, CCTV footage has been called upon on a number of other occasions resulting in the apprehension of a burglar, and recently to trace the owner of a car that damaged another car in the car park on Westgate. The importance of Honley’s CCTV was recognised by the Big Lottery Fund, which awarded a £10,000 grant towards the initial installation of cameras (Phase 1) throughout the village centre. Honley Business Association is now appealing for ‘Honliers’ to help fund the cameras needed for phase 2, extending coverage beyond the village centre. The HBA has already raised £10,000 towards this; its members have worked on fundraising events such as the very successful Honley Feast revival last September. We are now asking everyone in Honley to help raise the final £7,000 to pay for CCTV Phase 2, which will cover Honley Park, along Huddersfield Road up to the Alpine garage, New Mill Road to Neilly Playing Fields, plus Station Road up to Honley High School and the train station. There’s a ‘Just Giving’ page at - https:// www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/HonleyCCTV Adele Oxley, Chairman of HBA, commented “Every penny counts towards deterring crime, tracing criminals, and making Honley a safer place for us all to enjoy. Anyone who lives, works or visits Honley will have greater peace of mind as a result of knowing that our village and surrounding area is not an easy target. We would urge everyone to donate whatever they can, and let’s make Honley safer together.”

The Trust’s Annual General Meeting Honley Village Community Trust hereby gives notice that it will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the Village Hall, Roundway at 7.30pm on Tuesday 16th May 2017. Nominations and any proposed motions for consideration should be sent to Steve Hemming, email: secretary@honleyvillagetrust.org.uk not later than Monday 8th May. Come along and see how the Trust is run.

It's springtime, so why not go down and enjoy it in the Trust’s Magdale Fields? A beautiful bit of Honley– see the new stone-built bridge, take a picnic and the dog and have a grand day out! Photo Anne Steward

The Honley Junior Club This club, for young people between 8 & 13 years of age, is held on Wednesdays at the Village Hall from 4 to 6 pm.. The session costs 50p per young person and it is run by a team of staff from the Kirklees IYSS team. There’s a wide variety of activities including arts & crafts, multi-sport, team building and cooking activities. Last year the young people made posters to put in Honley Old Wood in an attempt to keep the woodland area litter free. Picture by Dionne Lord- The owl is watching you! For further information contact Paul Hebda, Children’s and Young People’s leader, Children & Adults - Integrated Youth Support Service. Tel 07967 750334.

HVCT VOLUNTEERS Report by Neil Littlewood Poor weather over the last couple of months has curtailed the work done on the land. A recent walk round Magdale Fields has flagged up quite a few jobs including a tree clearing, fencing and foot path repairs All this work couldn't be done without the fantastic volunteers who work so hard. If anyone wants to join us maintaining this wonderful part of Honley we meet at the chapel in Honley graveyard on the second Sunday in the month, or for more details contact Neil Littlewood on 07766742140. Celebrating 20 years of fellowship and fun. The Over 55s Group final session this season will be on the last Wednesday in March (29th). We are finishing the year with a celebratory meal at Meltham golf club on April 5th. We re-open on the first Wednesday in October, happy to say still in the Community Centre. We will continue to hire the hall through the new owners though at a slightly increased fee. Pat Barr, Secretary. (see Comm Centre new owner– page 3)

SPONSOR– Anchor Housing- Trinity Court

Trinity Court, next door to Trinity church, is a retirement housing scheme offering pet friendly, one bedroom apartments for the over 55's. Trinity Court provides a secure door entry and a 24-hour emergency call system. There is an on-site manager, Terri Conaghan, who is available Monday to Friday should you require any assistance throughout the day. Terri says “At Anchor we provide warm, welcoming and safe apartments. We recognise that everyone is an individual and we work hard to get to know our tenants to ensure the service we provide is what they want. We understand that sometimes you like to be alone and at other times you may want to be more sociable. Our properties give you that freedom”. At Trinity Court the tenants have formed a social club and activities include coffee mornings, afternoon teas, reguAfternoon tea in the lounge, organised by the lar fish and chip suppers and trips out. The local access bus collects tenants once a week for a trip to a large local supermarket. Terri says “You will not need to Residents’ Social Club worry about maintenance, repairs or garden upkeep as we take care of those, and we provide a wide range of facilities, including a communal lounge, a guest room, a garden with seating area, an on-site laundry, hairdressers, free Wi-Fi in the communal areas, and eight car parking spaces”. See the box on the back page for contact details. Please help us raise £10,000 for the Forget Me Not children’s hospice. To celebrate my 50 years singing with Honley Male Voice Choir

Join us for a Gala Charity Concert Featuring Honley Male Voice Choir and special guests Grimethorpe Colliery Band & Lindley Junior School Choir at Huddersfield Town Hall Saturday 20th May at 7pm With your help we will do it!

Brian Winterbottom Tickets Balcony £15 • Area £12 From Kirklees Booking Offices www.kirkleestownhalls.co.uk • Tel: 01484 225755 or email brianwinterbottom@outlook.com

Honley Ladies’ Choir Honley Ladies’ Choir invites aspiring alto singers to join them. Who are HLC? We are a choir of over 70 ladies who meet every Thursday evening, 7.30pm at St Paul's Church, Armitage Bridge, to sing and enjoy ourselves. We are looking to build on recent success and develop a more challenging, intricate repertoire. A new, dedicated Alto 1 section will underpin this so if you are an aspiring alto now could be your opportunity to join us. What do altos do? Altos sing the complex, fascinating lower line and provide texture, tension and character. Altos rarely get the blame for anything and altos get a lot of time off whilst the sopranos learn their “ooo”s. If joining this select group appeals to you contact Carole Kain, 01484 301510 or visit www.honleyladies.co.

This is already a well-established service run by a fantastic team, curThe Royal Voluntary Service (RVS, previously WRVS) has rently delivering around 200 meals a started a ‘Meals with Care’ service in the Honley area. Currently day in the Wakefield and the North they serve Waterloo, Lepton, Skelmanthorpe, Honley and Holm- Kirklees areas. If you know of somefirth and are looking for more customers. one who might be interested in the The meals are delivered by our friendly drivers and volunteers service and would like to know more at lunch time, Mondays to Fridays. You can receive a hot, ready or request an information pack, please call 01977 696 840. to eat two course meal for only £5.50. You’ll also have the opFiona Gallagher, Community Manager Kirklees RVS portunity to buy a sandwich and cake for eating later. Our drivers Royal Voluntary Service- previously Women’s Royal Volunensure that the older person is safe, well and secure. tary Service- is a volunteer organisation that enriches the lives of There is lots of choice and many variations according to dieolder people and their families. The real strength of RVS is our tary requirements, including low sugar, gluten-free, Halal, Kopeople. We have 35,000 volunteers and 2,000 staff who help to sher, soft food and vegetarian. support older people to stay independent and live fulfilled lives.

Meals with Care in Honley

Honley Flyer is published quarterly by Honley Village Community Trust and is printed at Enterprise Print, Long Lane, Honley

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report by Marcia Murray

Things are pretty quiet at the Village Hall since the Kirklees Day centre for adults with special needs left. Chrissie MacDonald, a long time member of staff there, sent the Village Trust the following letter: ‘The Kirklees Staff and service users who have attended the Honley Village Hall for the last 10 years would like to thank everyone in the village for their friendship, kindness, support and consideration over the years. It has been greatly appreciated and we have all enjoyed being in the village.’ We wish them all well in their new centre at Highfields in Huddersfield. Unfortunately their absence now leaves the Village Hall vacant during the day, so if you know of any groups, organisations or clubs looking for a venue please mention the Village Hall, which is for hire for single events or regular meetings at a very reasonable rate. In fact the Hall has recently had a bit of a spruce up; the exterior has been re-painted in anticipation of spring. But the Honley Boules Group (pictured) which meets there three times a week isn’t waiting for spring. They just wrap Boules on ice up against the weather and

Christmas Past

The Honley Flyer is published quarterly so what may have been news 3 months ago stops being news and becomes history. Like the results of the Christmas Craft Fair at the village hall last December. Once again it was efficiently organised by Debbie Flanagan who managed to fit it in with a full time job and marathon scone making. Thanks also to Brenda Robson who spent all day serving in the kitchen with barely a break to sample the delicious homemade refreshments that were on offer. The number of visitors was up again from last year to over 400 people and consequently the amount raised for the Village Trust was £695. This sum was increased by a further £500 grant from EY (Ernst & Young) obtained by Caitlin Hartley. Well done and thank you Caitlin and EY.

** When winters really were winters From the Yorkshire Evening Post 16th January 1903

carry on even when the temperature doesn’t rise above zero and they have to play on the hard frosty surface like they were faced with back in January.** It’s a long way from the sunny dusty surfaces where Petanque is played in France! Regular Events at the Village Hall SLIMMING WORLD Mondays 5.30 – 7.00pm and 7.30 – 9.00 pm. Just turn up or ring Kara on 07540 882612. RAINBOWS for girls aged 5 - 7½ every Tuesday during term time 5.30 – 6.30pm We now have space for new members. Contact Jenny Green on 01484 968195, email jendyo@yahoo.com YOUTH ACTIVITY Honley Junior Club is held every Wednesday during school term time at 4-6pm for boys & girls aged 8- 12 PILATES CLASS – Wednesdays 7pm to 8pm. If you are interested in joining it please ring the organiser physiotherapist Chris Liversidge CSP on 07843673012. WEIGHTWATCHERS meets at the Village Hall every Thursday at 6.30pm. Just turn up or contact Katie on 07967 211 118 for info. ELIM CHURCH –Is a lively community holding two meetings at the VH on Sundays. 11am and evening at 6pm – all welcome The Village Hall on Saturday is an ideal place for children’s parties at only £15 per hour (minimum 3 hours) Charities can hire it for fundraising events for only £9 per hour. Commercial users contact us for a quotation. The hall is now available for hire also during the day. Please contact Marcia on 01484 662635 or email info@honleyvillagetrust.org.uk Every time Co-op members buy Co-op branded products and services 5% goes to the member and 1% goes to a local cause. Please select Honley Village Community Trust! The scheme runs until April 9th. https://causes.coop.co.uk So far £1477 has been raised for the Trust’s projects by this method. Honley & Brockholes Branch of the RNLI raised £645 at the Christmas Street Market; thanks to the many people who visited our stall to make a contribution—saving lives at sea

Honley Community Centre to have new owner Stephen Knight (pictured) will take over Honley Community Centre from Kirklees on April 1st under the ownership of Netherton Community Centre, a ‘Community Interest’ company. It will be a temporary agreement until the asset transfer of the leasehold goes through on October 1st. Users of the hall will pay the same as now but with the addition of about £2 per hour to cover public liability insurance. A representative from each of the user groups will form a ‘User Committee’ to manage the hall, and each group will have its own key and be responsible for hall security. It’s good that the hall will remain in use for the community.

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The Honley Flyer is produced with the help of our advertisers. To advertise phone Jo Bonds 01484 660348 or email: jbonds@hotmail.co.uk

What’s on in and around Honley– see the Honley Flyer! DEADLINES!!! The next issue of the Flyer will be out at the start of June. Please send notice of events in June, July and August to honley.flyer@ntlworld.com or delivered to editor John Murray at 27 Moorside Road HD9 6HR by May14th . Distributors should be getting their copies by May 26th.

The NYTEBEAT SWING and DANCE BAND Tony Washington, Sax Supremo, says “Our chosen charity to support this year is YORKSHIRE AIR AMBULANCE. We are kicking this off with another of our popular Dance Nights at Southgate Theatre on Saturday 25 March starting at 7.30” Further details and tickets available at TAYLORS FOODSTORE Meltham Road. They go quickly!

Honley Churches Together Good Friday, April 14th. A short service at noon on The Green, Westgate. Come and sing, even if it rains– it’ll only be an April shower! Also in AprilSaturday April 8th– Messy Church, where any kids and adults get creative together, and have a light meal too. 3.30 to 5 pm. Trinity Church.

YORKSHIRE TRACTION HONLEY BAND Needs Your Help! The band is having to replace the band room roof this year. They plan to arrange a number of fund raising events and are seeking helpers. If you can help to arrange an event, would like to sponsor the band or help out in any other way, please contact Julian Balaam (Band Secretary) on 07807 824800) Players of all abilities are welcome to join us at our band room on Berry Croft (pictured) - The training band meets Monday at 6.30 and senior band Monday & Thursday from 7.30. Yorkshire Cancer Research. Coffee Morning 9 to 1pm on 1st April in the Village Hall.

The Royal British Legion Honley branch The Honley Branch of the Royal British Legion will continue to operate with Simon Kirby taking on the role of Chairman and Remembrance Day Parade Marshal and Fiona Roberts taking on the role of Secretary. Robert Livingstone will continue in his role of Treasurer and Standard Bearer and Robert Balcam as Poppy Appeal organiser. The Committee would like to thank Roy Davey for all his hard work over recent years and wish him well for the future. Contacts: Simon Kirby 66koibs@googlemail.com or Fiona Roberts roberts_fiona@yahoo.co.uk Trinity Court Honley Retirement properties for rent at Moor Bottom HD9 6JD For more info phone 0808 102 4183 or check Anchor website www.anchor.org.uk

Pilates– new informal group We are small group of ladies of all ages from late twenties to mid sixties (though men are always welcome) who organise and run a Pilates Class every Wednesday at 6.30pm in St Mary’s Parish Rooms. We have an excellent and very experienced instructor who can tailor the class to meet any issues that you may have. New people are always welcome. You can either just turn up 10 minutes before to speak to the group and the instructor or you can contact me on 0773 222 5451 and I would be happy to discuss. Erika Lowe Burhouse Court Tenants and Residents Association holds a ‘Relaxed Fun Afternoon of Games and Refreshments’ on Mondays from 1pm onwards in the Communal Lounge. Dominoes, cards, board games, etc.

Honley Civic Society Sunday walks start 2.15 from outside Trinity Church. Just turn up! 12 March- Circular walk to Holme Valley Camping - Leader Bert Neary (tel 661061 ) 23 April- Circular Hill Top Bank Leader Bert 14 May- Spring Walk - Leader Val Talks - Parish Rooms. Visitors £2 9 Mar- Peter Drake 'A Journey in North Africa through Sudan, Algeria, Egypt, and the Sahara' 13 Apr– Trevor Moody (National Trust) 'The Yorkshire Heritage Coast' 11 May AGM followed by a quiz

Honley Library Tel 414868 One-off events‘Spring into Poetry’– 28 Feb, 7 to 9pm. Bring your own or favourite poems, or just relax and listen.. Free entry plus refreshments. Coffee Morning Saturday 1st April 10-12 in aid of Mayor’s charity– Royal British Legion Easter School Holidays - Children's Activities Open Evening at Honley Library- 2nd May, 7pm-9pm Regular eventsStory time for the under 5s- 2.30 pm Friday afternoons in term time. Stories and craft activity. Pop-Up Café!- First Saturday in the month join us for a cuppa while you choose a book. 10-12noon. LEGO Club, Saturdays 10-12 noon (All children with an adult) BITS – introduction to using a computer Getting started with IT – 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of month starting at 10 am. Please book in advance. Honley library book group– Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10.30. Also an evening book group meets on the 4th Thursday of every month, 7pm. New members welcome. Pick up the latest book from the library or just come along U3A Book Group– Tuesday 14 March & 11 April at 1.45pm Family history- help and expert advice Every 2nd Wednesday of month 2 – 4pm Knit and natter. Tuesdays from 1.30pm. With free refreshments. ‘Friends of Honley Library’ group. Pat Thompson on 661541. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kirklees is under financial pressure and libraries are at risk. Friends of Honley Library is working to safeguard library services locally. You can help by: 1. Joining the library and using it regularly 2. Completing a questionnaire from the Library or on-line through the Friends website www.friendsofhonleylibrary.org.uk 3. Attending a public meeting at Honley Library on 2 May between 7.00 - 9.00pm

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