Honley Flyer no 104 December 2016

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Honley Newsletter of the Honley Village Community Trust

No. 104 December 2016 Registered Charity 1033021

A voluntary organisation working for Honley village


December 3rd is the Day for Christmassy events throughout the village This year the Honley Business Association has taken on the task of organising the Street Market in Church Street. Bring your friends to Honley and get that Christmassy glow!

Stalls, fun, eat and drink on Church Street from 10 to 4 Christmas cheer all wrapped up in Honley! Saturday, 3rd December. In the true spirit of Christmas, organisations and businesses from across Honley have worked together to organise a day of festive cheer, with something for everyone in the family! One of the great traditional Christmas fixtures in Honley is Photo– Sandie Nicholson the ever-popular Christmas Street Market in Church Street. The market (which is open 10am – 4pm) will have lots of gift stalls so get your Christmas presents and enjoy festive food and drink all on the same day!

Village Trust restores ancient bridge

Photo– Martin Tidbury

And in St Mary’s Church Free musical entertainment from the Holme Valley Singers, Honley Ladies’ Choir, Huddersfield Community Gospel Choir, Yorkshire Traction Honley Band, Honley Samba Band. Light refreshment stalls.

Honley Players ADS DEC 3RD-AT 7.30PM


A very special Christmas trivia quiz night with a welcoming glass of mulled wine and entertainment provided by our very own 'Southgate Shooting Stars'. The premier of 'Sneezer and the Ghost' plus a Pie and Pea supper (Veggie food option- notification required) followed by mini Christmas desserts. What a splendid way to continue YOUR Christmas Festivities! Tickets £12:50 from Gallery Café or www.southgatetheatre.org includes the meal & quiz.

Trinity Church Christmas Tree Festival Saturday 3rd, 10-4 and Sunday 4th December 2-4 Father Christmas will be in his grotto on the Saturday, in a forest of trees and snow! Visits by the Yorkshire Traction Honley Band and Honley Ladies’ Choir. On the Sunday we have the Honley Handchimers at 2.30, plus music by Merran accompanied by mince pies and followed by a closing 30 minute service at 3.30. Come and see the imaginatively decorated trees! Entry FREE for children and just £1.50 for adults. There’ll be hot or cold food, coffee, lunch, tea and cakes. Access for the disabled. Everyone invited!

At the opening of rebuilt Whitby Bridge in Magdale Fields is 99 year old Tom Jordan with Honley Village Community Trust Chairman Ian Blagborough and members. The plan was to reinstate the bridge as closely as possible to how it would have been when it was built in the late 18th or early 19th century, with a low parapet wall and cobble stone surface. Local builder Chris Langford carried out the majority of the work with some help from Ian Blagborough, chairman of the Trust. Mr Blagborough said: “I am exceptionally pleased with how it has turned out and I would like to thank everybody who attended the official opening.” The bridge is named after James Whitby Pearson, a founder member of the Trust, whose Honley Car Parts shop on Westgate was the unofficial meeting place of the Trust for many years. The middle name ‘Whitby’ was given in honour of his grandfather who was a Whitby lifeboatman and was lost at sea. Tony Watson, secretary of the RNLI Honley & Brockholes attended the opening. Tom Jordan, 99, who was a friend of Jim’s and a long time Trust volunteer walked down to do the official tape cutting at the opening ceremony. Location map and more on page 3.

Village Trust’s Art and Craft Fair Village Hall. 10 to 4 o’clock. See main item on page 3

TAYLOR’S FOODSTORE Melham Road Entertainment throughout Saturday 3rd, with live music, mulled wine and mince pies.

6th Holme Valley Scout Group is providing a minibus service to/from Church Street, PLUS food & drink festival, pop-up café, tombola and games in the Scout HQ Meltham Rd.

Sponsor: Malinda Moorhouse of The Stable Experience Out of School & Holiday Club Nine years ago Malinda got the opportunity to take over the Stable Experience, an out of school and holiday club. With her husband Andrew she did it all up, and it has been successful ever since. Malinda runs it herself, with four staff. Between 40 and 45 children attend each day. They are aged from four up to, usually, first year at high school. They all get on well together. “It’s good for children to mix,” says Malinda, “It gets the younger ones ready for when they go up to junior school.” The doors open at 7.30. Children arrive in the morning and are provided with a breakfast, then when it’s time they are escorted down to school. After school the children are picked up, have a snack and can stay at the club till they get collected to go home. It is open until 6.30. “It’s their choice of what they want to do in the after school club- crafts, books, toys, lego, etc. or the play gym. The older boys like the X-boxes, but we have to limit them SPECTACULAR LONGHORN BEETLE found by the river adjacent to Mag Dam. This rare specimen of the AGAPANTHIA VILLOSOVIRIDESCENS (There’s no common English name for it!) is 15mm in length Mr Robert Brian Angus (of Magdale, pictured) says: On 4th August I observed six specimens of this spectacular Longhorn beetle on Hogweed on the edge of the river adjacent to Mag Dam. The female beetles bite a groove on the Hogweed’s stem, then lay eggs in the living stems. The larvae feed in the pith channel, later tunnelling towards the stem base where they stay for a year. In spring the mature larva pupates at the base of the stem and the adult beetles emerge in the early summer. Finding this beetle means that the Magdale Fields are being managed well in respect of wildlife. RBA 14/09/2016 Every time Co-op members buy Co-op branded products and services, from bread to a funeral, 5% goes to the member and 1% goes to a local cause. This scheme is still running. For the 6 months that you’re part of the fund the money builds up. Throughout the 6 months, members can choose which cause their contribution goes to. Please select Honley Village Community Trust! https://causes.coop.co.uk/

to 15 minutes a go!” Children are booked in for so many days a week-, some one day a week, some five, according to need. The Holiday Club operates in the school holidays, when children can stay all day. They go on outings on a Wednesday, roller skating, cinema, museums and so on Malinda now has two children of her own, girls aged 17 and 14. The eldest is at Leeds Art College but she likes to help at the club when she can. They both enjoy working with children. Maybe one day they’ll take over and give their mother a holiday!

Honley National School A new book covering the period from 1816 to 1952 has just been published by Honley Civic Society, based on research by a late member, Bob Etherington, and written by member Peter Marshall.. With over 60 illustrations the book gives insight into a village school and the people who worked and were taught there. £8.50 from Holme Valley News and at the Christmas Street Market.

The Honley Over 55s Activity Group The group meets on Wednesdays from 1.30 to 4pm. For just £1 you get tea and biscuits and a raffle ticket. There’s a variety of activities such as pool, curling, table tennis, short mat bowls and tables games including scrabble and dominoes. It’s a very happy crowd and meets in the Community Centre throughout the winter. New members welcome. Pat Barr

DING DONG! St Mary's Handchime Group meets twice a month on average on a Friday evening from 7.30pm to 8.45pm at the Parish Room. Anyone who has an interest in tune ringing and would like more information contact Clive Waind on 01484 661320. Previous experience is not necessary.

The Royal British Legion Honley branch is in dire need of a new Chairman in order to keep it going into the future. More details of what this involves can be obtained from Roy Davey, Tel 07916 127 128

Honley Flyer is published quarterly by Honley Village Community Trust and is printed at Enterprise Print, Long Lane, Honley

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HONLEY VILLAGE HALL report by Marcia Murray

The Village Trust’s Christmas Art and Craft Fair at the Village Hall is on 3rd December, so do come along to find that unusual Christmas gift! There will be lots of handmade gifts and cards for sale, also yummy homemade savoury and sweet refreshments including Debbie’s famous jam and cream scones! Now for the bad news. We have been told by Kirklees that there is no longer sufficient funding to maintain the provision of a day centre for adults with learning difficulties at the Village Hall. The staff and users of this service will be moving out after Christmas. The Village Trust is very sorry to see them go because not only was the rent of the Hall a valuable

source of income for the Trust but also because the whole group, both staff and users, have been part of village life for the last 11 years. They were always willing to help out volunteering for jobs for the Village Trust; these included delivering the Honley Flyer to over 200 houses in Honley four times a year, maintaining the flower bed outside the Hall, and clearing the nettles and weeds from Spider Alley. We wish them well in the future. Their departure means that the hall will now be available for hire during the day. Please contact Marcia on 01484 662635 or email info@honleyvillagetrust.org.uk for more information. SLIMMING WORLD Mondays 5.30 – 7.00pm and 7.30 – 9.00 pm. Just turn up or ring Kara on 07540 882612. RAINBOWS for girls aged 5 - 7½ every Tuesday during term time 5.30 – 6.30pm We now have space for new members. Contact Jenny Green on 01484 968195, email jendyo@yahoo.com YOUTH ACTIVITY Honley Junior Club is held every Wednesday during school term time at 4-6pm for boys & girls aged 8- 12 PILATES CLASS – Wednesdays 7pm to 8pm. If you are interested in joining it please ring the organiser physiotherapist Chris Liversidge CSP on 07843673012 first. WEIGHTWATCHERS meets at the Village Hall every Thursday at 6.30pm. Just turn up or contact Katie on 07967 211 118 for info. ELIM CHURCH –Is a lively community holding two meetings at the VH on Sundays. 11am and evening at 6pm – all welcome

HVCT VOLUNTEERS by Neil Littlewood The volunteers have had very productive summer. We’ve made repairs to the footpath down by the river Mag which was washed away in the floods last Christmas, and completed the little wooden bridge at the head of Magdale dam. We also continued our attack on the invasive Himalayan Balsam, cut back hedges and cleared pathways. One of the jobs for next year is to clear the two trees that were blown over on Magdale Fields. If you’d like to help in maintaining this beautiful part of Honley you'll be most welcome. Just turn up! We meet every second Sunday in the month at the old chapel in Honley cemetery at 10am. For more info contact me on 07766 742 140. Film at Southgate Theatre- Sunday December 11th at 7pm

FLORENCE FOSTER JENKINS (UK/France, 2016) The true story of a 1940s New York socialite and heiress (a typically brilliant Meryl Streep) who believes she could be a great opera singer – but she can’t sing in tune! Stephen Frears’ comedy-drama is an unabashed audience-pleasing delight. (Honley Ladies Choir will love this!) Adults £5, Children £4-on door

“I declare this bridge well and truly open!” 99 year old Tom Jordan cuts the tape to officially open the Whitby Bridge, watched by Chairman of the Trust Ian Blagborough and Pauline House (rt) the Community Champion at Tesco in Huddersfield whose ‘Bags of Help’ grant helped to pay for the work along with a generous grant from Jim Pearson’s estate. Along with the improved access and a wild flower area it will enhance the look and usefulness of this Baloosh ai area. It’s easy to find, and a pleasant short walk. If you haven’t done it before; just follow the track starting alongside the Balooshai restaurant.

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The Honley Flyer is produced with the help of our advertisers. To advertise phone Jo Bonds 01484 660348 or email: jbonds@hotmail.co.uk

What’s on in and around Honley The next issue of the Flyer will be out at the start of March. Notice of events in March, April & May should be emailed to honley.flyer@ntlworld.com or delivered to editor John Murray at 27 Moorside Road HD9 6HR by February 12th Distributors should be getting their copies by February 24th

CHRISTMAS MUSIC lots to go to locally Honley Male Voice Choir Saturday 3 December in St Mary’s Church at 1pm Huddersfield Town Hall Christmas Concert This year it’s on Saturday 10 December starting at 7.15pm. and includes a great mix of seasonal and other songs to suit every taste. Once again, Carlton Main Frickley Band, one of the highest ranked brass bands in the world will be performing alongside the choir. Tickets from £8.50 are available from Huddersfield Town Hall or Huddersfield Library Box Offices. Thursday 15 December at 2.30pm-a performance for staff, residents, patients and guests at Kirkwood Hospice, YORKSHIRE TRACTION HONLEY BAND Upcoming events where the band is playing locally: 3rd Dec- Christmas Tree Festival in Trinity Church. / 13th and 23rd- Morrison’s, Elland / Christmas EveAround the village.

HONLEY LADIES’ CHOIR ‘Music & Mistletoe’ with the ‘Amazing Greys’ barbershop quartet–Thursday 8th December 7.30 at St Paul’s Church Armitage Bridge. ‘Candy Cane Christmas’ - Thursday 15th December 7.30 at Almondbury Methodist Church. Tickets £8 each concert inc festive refreshments Tel 307189. For more info- ann.talboys@btinternet.com or 665843

Santas Sleigh Holmfirth & Meltham Lions will be going round Stony Lane and nearby incl West Ave with Santa’s Sleigh on December 13th and on 20th Grasscroft and nearby Honley Players Pantomime Puss 'n' Boots- It's getting to that time of year again!! Oh yes it is!! so put this in your diary: Puss 'n' Boots— Feb 10th - 18th Honley Business Association reports ‘Together with the vilAll pulling lage we raised together! £4500 which is excellent and moves us closer to getting our second phase of security cameras. We hope that with another grant, our two Christmas events and with the generous businesses and community of Honley contributing, we will be in a position to get them installed early next year.’ June McLean Honley Feast Revival

The Stables Experience, 9b Grasscroft Rd, Honley 01484 660320

Christmas in the churches Elim (Pentecostal), St Mary’s (C of E), Trinity (Methodist/URC) Sunday 18 Dec– Carol Services: Trinity 4pm, Elim 6pm, St Mary’s 6.30pm, Christmas Eve, Saturday 24 Dec– Carol Service: St Mary’s 4pm, Holy Communion 11pm over midnight. Christmas Day Sunday Dec 25–Services: Trinity at 9.30am, Elim & St Mary’s– Services at 11am. Honley Civic Society Guided walks. All start 2.15 from Trinity Church and are led by Bert Neary. Free. Some on rough tracks. Boxing Day 26 Dec– Map reading walk. Sun 15 Jan– Circular to Oldfield. Sun 12 Feb– Mystery map-read. Bring a compass if you have one Talks / Events. All start 7.30 in St Mary’s Parish Rooms, Church Street. Visitors £2 per meeting. Thurs 12 Jan John Hargreaves and Hilary Haigh'Slavery in Yorkshire' Thurs 9 Feb- 'The Work of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance Service' PROBUS ClubThe club is for retired/semi-retired men and meets at Honley Community Centre on Stony Lane, Honley on the first and third Tuesday of each month from 10.30 to 12 noon including time for coffee and biscuits. New members will be most welcome. Talks & Events 6 December- Surprise! Surprise! 20 December- Carol Concert at Trinity Church followed by lunch at Meltham Golf Club 3 Jan- A Journey through Africa – Zimbabwe to Kenya Peter Drake 17 Jan- To Venice by Rail- Ian Baxter 7 Feb- Introduction to the Holiday Property Bond- Barney Baber 21 Feb-Video Miscellany- Chris Freeman For more information, see www.honleyvillagetrust.org.uk via the community directory link.

Honley Library Tel 414868 Monday & Thursday- CLOSED. Tuesday: 1pm-6pm, Wednesday: 10am-1pm, Friday: 1pm-5pm, Saturday:10am-1pm Open for One-off events Monday 5th Dec, 7-9pm - Christmas Poetry Readaround with guest singers ‘8 in a Bar’. Entry by ticket from library £2.50 including festive refreshments.

Regular eventsSong & Rhyme Time for 0-2 yr olds 2-2.20pm. Fridays. Story time & Craft activities for the under 5s- 2.30 pm Fridays in term BITS – introduction to using a computer Getting started with IT – 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of month starting at 10 am. Please book in advance. Honley library book group– Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10.30. Also an evening book group meets on the fourth Thursday of every month, 7.30pm. New members are welcome. U3A Book Group– Tues 13th Dec at 1.45pm & 2nd Tues of month. Knit and natter. Tuesdays 1 to 2.30pm. With free refreshments.

Pop-Up Café!- First Saturday in the month join us for a cuppa while you choose a book. 10-12noon. Next one is 3 Dec. LEGO Club, Saturdays 10-12 noon (All children must be accompanied by an adult) ‘Friends of Honley Library’ group. Pat Thompson on 661541.


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