Honley Ne wsle tte r of the Honle y Village Community Trust A voluntary organisation working for Honley village
HVCT VO LUNTEERS report by Neil Littlewood We have had a donation of bird box es kindly given by Shirley Collinson and Terry Houghton. These are top of the range RSPB bird boxes, and have been fixed up at various places in Magdale Fields and Croft. December saw the start Spring is in the air! of some new activities on the land. The students from Leeds Neil fixes up one of the University came as promised donated bird boxes and worked on the land at the side of Magdale and the dam. The eight ladies who came got stuck into some very hard-to-clear underg rowth, brambles, hawthorn, self seed ed sycamore and ash and quite a lot was done in 4 hours. David Steel, a Magdale resident, supplied the kettle and a generator so that we could have a brew up.. At the end of December we started work on the old lorry chassis, which will eventually become the new footbridge over the overflow at the west end of the dam. The volunteers got to work with wire brush and sand paper and applied a coat o f special paint that will last a very long time. One of our regular volunteers happens to be a bridge specialist so he will be working out the technical details like fixings, foot boards and railings. We hope to have this in place by the end of the summer when we will have a bridge opening ceremony! (pictures: Outline of Trust Work for Magdale Dam banking Reclaim existing beech hedging, fruit trees and other native tree species, by thinning / and/or removing invasive saplings and seedlings. / Remove all non-native species such as conifers etc. / Clear undergrowth, mainly consisting of bramble and brack en. / Remove all garden waste to discourage this and other fly tipping. / Create an orchard area by adding to the already existing fruit trees, replacing tree remov als with fruit trees, and other native species. The overall aim of the exercise is to restore and preserv e the beauty of area, and maintain a habitat for wildlife
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) This is something that happens every year, and has to be held in order to comply with the Trust’s charitable status. It also has to be ‘quorate’ which means we need members to turn up! The Trust hereby gives notice that it will hold its Annual General Meeting in the Village Hall, Roundway at 7.30pm on Tuesday 7th April 2014. Nominations and any proposed motions for consideration should be sent to Carol Roberts, secreta not later than Monday 24th March This Flyer has been spons ored by A.E.Haywood & Sons Ltd
Issue 93 March 2014 Registered Charity 1033021
Honley- Centre of Culture Based in New Street Honley, the Culture Club is a membership organisation enabling people aged over 55 to enjoy the best cultural experien ces in the region and beyond. Our members come from all over Kirklees and our events, trips and outings take place in theatres, galleries, pubs, libraries, cafes, parks and gardens throughout Kirklees and further afield, even to London. The Culture Club is free to join, and all the events are priced on a sliding scale according to ability to pay. We offer a really interesting programme o f events, so whether you prefer gard ening or galleries... knitting or night clubs... a pint or a poem, we think we’ve got something for you. And since we believe in the power o f a good natter with a nice cake and cuppa, that’s usually included too. Give us a call on 663518 and ask for a programme and an application form. Or visit
THE MOVIES ARE BACK IN HONLEY! Honley’s Palladium 2 picture palace (Southgate Theatre) - as part of the ongoing Holmfirth Film Festival –is showing, for one night only, at 7pm
Cine ma Par adis o on SATURDAY 15 March- (Dir. Giuseppe Tornatore, Italy, 1988, 124mins) A classic gem of nostalgia and one of cin ema’s most loved classics for all the family about a film-maker who recalls how he fell in love with films as a child. It’s funny, absorbing and moving. A must see. Song for Mari on on SATURDAY 12th APRIL- (Dir. Paul Andrew Williams, UK, 2013, 93mins. Uplifting comedy drama with powerful perform ances from Terence Stamp as the dull husband and Vanessa Redgrav e, the ill wife who introduced him to a local singing group that celebrat es life. Tickets , both shows, £4.50 on the door Honley Players ADS Southgate Theatre In early March there will be auditions for Billy Liar, our production on May 14th - 17th. We're also always looking for people to get involved front stage or back stage. See our Facebook page for dates ( ). Food Bank Volunteers at Honley Library There are now two food bank volunteers in Honley Library every Wednesday aft ernoon from 2 to 4 pm for anyone with a voucher to collect a bag of food supplies put together by the Food Bank Volunteers (Holme Valley). This is in addition to the Methodist, Full Life and Parish churches in Holmfirth. The Holme Valley Food Bank depends on voluntary donations of time, money and 'in date' food. It receives support from the local population as well as many local organisations, including local churches, schools, retailers, health and social care providers and is a fully inclusive, non-political, non-denominational and non-judgemental organisation. Food banks acquire surplus and donated food and make it available to those in need through networks in local communities. Vouchers for bags are issued through Elmwood and Oaklands health centres, Holmfirth, and the Honley surgery in Marsh Gardens.
HONLEY VILLAGE HALL Report by Marcia Murray It’s surprising the number of standards a public building has to reach in order to keep up with current legislation; fire regulations, electricity safety regulations, gas safety regulations and health regulations to name but a few. In order to keep the Village Hall in line with these we have recently had to buy additional fire extinguishers and have a comprehensive electricity overhaul. Costly but essential. Happily on the other side of the coin we have 3 new regular bookings for the Village Hall. (see* items below). From 10th March Slimming World will be holding 2 meetings every Monday evening; so together with the Weightwatchers group which meet there on Thursdays there’s no excuse not to tone up for spring! On Thursday evenings starting on 6th March Lucie Lee of Justify Move Dance Academy will be offering dance classes for children. Lastly “Carers Count” is a new service for any adult in Kirklees who gives, or has given, time and energy, without being paid, to look after an adult family member or friend who cannot manage on their own. Carers Count will be holding an “Information and Advice Drop in” once a month. *SLIMMING WORLD Mondays 5.30 – 7.00pm and 7.30 – 9.00 pm. Just turn up or ring Rachel on 07949946747 ZUMBA ! Tuesdays 7 – 8pm. dance yourself to fitness. Call Sue Naldrett on 07943831281 or just turn up on the night.
Day Opportunities in Honley Kirkl ees Day Op po rtu niti es group which occupies the Village Hall throughout the week have had a very busy time recently. The poppy selling in the village in November raised £167.81 for the British Legion. The Christmas Fayre was a success and the money raised paid fo r Christmas dinners and a present. fo r everyon e. The group continues to deliver the Honley Flyers on a regular basis which they enjoy doing. Every other Wednesday they have bingo, coffee & cakes, from 1.30– 2.15. Entry only £1. Next one is on March 5th and all are welcome. The group continues to collect stamps for charity including Kirkwood Hospice. In the course o f their time in the hall the group also continues to support many of the local shops and cafes. (CM)
RAINBOWS – for girls aged 5 - 7½ every Tuesday during term time at 5.30 – 6.30pm To register your child or for more inform ation contact *CARERS COUNT 10am – 1pm on 5th March and 2nd April In formation & Advice Drop in YOUTH ACTIVITY - Honley Junior Club is held every Weds. during school term time at 4 - 6pm for boys & girls aged 8- 12 PILATES CLASS - Wednesdays from 6.15 to 7-15pm. If you are interested in joining it please ring the organiser, qualified physiotherapist Chris Liversidge CSP on 07843673012 first. *JUSTIFY MOVE Dance Academy offer 2 classes of street jazz fo r children 3-5 years and 6 to 12 years old call Lucie Lee 07752246185 or for more inform ation or to register your child. WEIGHTWATCHERS meets at the Village Hall every Thursday at 6.30pm. Just turn up or contact Katie on 07967 211 118. ELIM CHURCH –Is a lively community holding two meetings at the VH on Sundays. 11am and evening at 6pm – all welcome VILLAGE TRUST WEB SITE Check out the Business Directory link. All those listed are based in Honley. For your business or organisation listing for free call 662635 or email Support your local traders and shop in the village! The Village Hall is an ideal place for parties only £15per hour (minimum 3 hours) Charities can hire it for fundraising events for only £9 per hour and commercial users £25 per hour.
Honley Aid in Sickness
Ze br a w in s its s tr i pe s Winner of this year’s Tidy Trader Award for Honley was June Mclean, owner o f Zebra. Gallery Cafe came second Dixon and Franks third so congrats to all three businesses. More than just office machines Barrett Office Supplies is the new name for Barrett Business Machines, which for many years photocopied the 3100 copies of the Honley Flyer down at Newtown House, near the Total petrol station.. The business machines still exist but the new name shows that they are now supplying everything from offi ce fu rniture to offi ce stationery. James Walsh is the person to contact on 665111
The charity Honley Aid In Sickness awards small grants to individuals or families who are su ffering fin ancial hardship and fall outside the help the NHS or Social Services. Examples of how the charity has helped Honley residents in recent years include: providing contributions towards ramps for wheel chair users to get in and out of their house; help towards energy costs for families coping with increased heating and washing costs due to serious illness or debilitation; grants for household aids fo r individuals with limited mobility or ability to assist independent living; and help with transport costs to visit ill relatives in distant hospitals. The charity relies on donations to maintain the fund and has recently receiv ed contributions from the Honley Churches Together Lent Lunches, Honley Carnival Committee and the Yorkshire Building Society. Referrals for Honley residents are accepted from GPs, other Health Professionals or agen cies and sel f referrals. Further information is available from the Chair (Diana Kaye) 666424 or Secretary (Alison Dean) 323832
The Honley Flyer is produced with the help of our advertisers. To advertise phone Jo Bonds 01484 660348 or email:
Vintage Vera
VibeJive Modern Jive @ Holmfirth Civic Hall (Mixture of jive, salsa, ballroom) No experience required No partner required All age groups
Sewing Alterations
Every Wednesday. 8.00 - 10.30 pm £5.00 Great night out Not danced before? then 2nd visit FREE!!! Dance to great music, get fit and make new friends! 2nd and 4th Weds of month classes- Beginners 8.00pm, Intermediate and Beginners Refresher 9.00pm, Freestyle 9.45-10.30pm 1st and 3rd Weds of month- Freestyle 8.00-10.30pm with Beginners Class @ 8.00pm Call Joan 0779 6211523 or Dawn 0772 7223681 e: www.v uk Fac ebook — Vib eJive Communi ty
Solicitors & Notaries 24 Westgate Honley HD9 6AA Tel. 01484 667853
by a local seamstress living in Honley Sample prices: Zips £6.50 Jeans zips £7.50 Curtain hems £25 Call Jo on 01484 660348
Sponsors: D & M Hayw ood of A E Hayw ood & Sons Ltd Keeping it local and in the family. A E Haywood and Sons Ltd have been on TV- on Channel 4’s ‘Grand Designs’. It involved them with a year of filming during a mill conversion, and meant a hard time for the builders, as no music Dave & Michael - We’re the ‘& Sons’ could be played during the filming, and: “We had to repeat the same thing several times if the cameraman didn't get the shot right - bit awkward when you're knocking walls over!” The firm was established in 1957 by Albert Edward Haywood and is now in the hands of his sons David and Michael. “ Even
before we left school we’d always worked fo r our dad, like on Saturdays and school holidays, fetching and carrying and things like that. It’s in our blood, working outside”, says Dave. After school both sons did a five year apprenticeship at Hudders field Technical College and both got the silver trowel award fo r being the best apprentice overall. Dave’s son James joined the firm when he was 20 and during his apprenticeship at the Tech also won prizes for excellence. Continuing in the family tradition James’ son Archie Eddie, who is nearly four years old, likes to help his dad on Saturday mornings -and brings his own tool box- so that might be another generation of A E Haywood (& great grand-sons?) AEH is investing in the future by training its own apprentices in conjunction with the Construction Industry Training Board and so ensuring that the family business will continue. At present there are three apprentices and all are from Honley. Truly local builders and craftsmen. Contact details are on back page.
Bor n Fr e e be ne fi ts fr om bags
Letters to the Editor Dear Sir, I and other members of my family would like to say how pleased we are that a start has been made on clearing the Trust land between Magdale and the dam. Neil Littlewood and his helpers have done an ex cellent job so far and we would like to thank the Trust for authorising this work. We look forward to the continuation of the work and I shall of course be very happy to lend a hand when I can. We are also looking forward to a restored view o f the water which has been hidden behind all the undergrowth for the last few years. I've already spotted herons and visiting tufted duck so it looks as though the wildlife is in favour too. Robert Charlesworth, Magdale Dear Honley Village Community Trust, (30th January) I am writing to say that we are enjoying all our equipment very much and have already taken the tennis net outside at lunchtime to play with. The basketball net will really help us out in the basketball club seeing as though we only had one net befo re. We all really enjoy the cricket stuff you donated to us because a lot of the boys will like those lots. We also really like the footballs and we know that loads of people will play with them. We like the rugby stuff you donated and they will be used lots. We really like the boxing bag and hope to use it in the future. We are also going to be running an athletics club and will be using the things you donated to our school. Yours sincerely, All Honley junior school and especially the sports crew. The Trust gave some redundant sports equipment to Honley Junior School in January –Editor. Send your letters to
Taylors Foodstore, Meltham Road, is this year supporting the charity ‘Born Free’ which works to protect and keep wild animals in their natural habitat. To support this there will be a 1930/40's Themed Dance Evening on Saturday April 5th at Southgate Theatre, featuring THE NYTEBEAT SWING BAND and a St Georges Day Cheese and Wine Evening on April 23rd For the last 2 years proprietor Tony Washington has been asking his customers for a 5p donation for every plastic bag provided by his store on Meltham Road. This raised the staggering amount of over £1600 which was donated to the Village Trust. .We sincerely thank Tony and his customers for their generosity.
Honley Honley Samba Samba Band Band For all those interested in groovy rhythms, learning to drum, or just having fun with new friends, Honley now has its very own Community Samba Band. Please come along fo r a friendly workshop at Southgate Theatre on a Friday evening. All drums are provided and you do not need to read music. The band is mostly for adults but accepts children if over 11 years, and sessions are aimed at complete beginners. The weekly workshops dates are on our new website or our Facebook page. Katie Mallard – Samba Drum Workshop Leader 07736 049089. ,
The Honley Flyer is published quarterly by Honley Village Community Trust and is printed at Enterprise Print, :Long Lane, Honley
Honley Dog Grooming by Beverley 128 Roundway Honley Tel 01484 661190 Mobile 0781 5201 1404
Exhibiting a t Harrison Lord Galle ry, Brighous e, with the work of Pe te r Brook, until 8th Ma rch Holmfirth Civic Ha ll with Bruce Mulcahy a nd Sandie Nichols on July 4th-11th (During the T our de F rance) Pleas e ring 0794 1949 831 for furthe r de tails
Woodhead Road Honley Sue and Grahame Nutt will give you a warm welcome to Your local award winning public house with…… 5 Real Ales & Home cooked freshly prepared food. Quiz every T uesday night / AND we’re on Facebook! For further information on forthcoming events or simply to book for our lunch or evening menu, Tel 660313
Yorkshire Traction Honley Band After appearing on "Great British Railway Journeys" with Michael Portillo on BBC2 the band has been much in demand. • The Spring Concert will be held on Saturday 15th March at 7.30pm in Trinity Church, Honley, featuring well known favourites as well as new pieces. We are looking forward to an entertaining evening o f music suitable for all the family. Tickets are £5 available on the door. • Sunday 6th April Holmfirth Brass Band Contest. - A full day of music from many local bands, finishing with them all marching through Holmfirth. Great!! Our Training band is growing and welcomes new players of all ages. Contact Liz Illidge 304754 or fo r more details. The Senior Band meets at the Band room in Berry Cro ft on Monday and Thursday evenings at 7.30pm. If you haven't played fo r a while and would like to come along, we would love to see you! Check our Facebook page and website
Honley Honley Male Male Voice Voice Choir Choir Yorkshire's Favourite songbird Lesley Garrett is back, singing with the choir on May 31st. She will be singing two twenty minute spots and will also feature in several joint items with choir members. Book early for this fantastic event. Better still come and join the choir and be part of it- we could use more singers! Currently our numbers are around 70 but we want to increase this up to 80 over the coming months. • Saturday March 8- Southgate Theatre. Norman Mellor’s annual charity concert with soloists, guest artistes, and dramatic sketches. Tickets £7 from Norman Mellor 851060 & Avril Manning 609605 • Tuesday April 8- ROTARY Senior Citizens Concert- Free Town Hall Huddersfield 7:00 - 10:00 pm A Full concert with Brass Band in aid of Rotary for Senior Citizens • Friday April 18- Hudders field Town Football - Pre Match Sing (vs Brighton & Hove Albion ) John Smith Stadium 2:00 pm A pre-Match and Interval Promotional Sing. • Friday April 25- Annual concert for Friends and supporters. St Mary's Church Honley 7:00 - 10:00 pm • Saturday May 31- An Evening with Lesley Garrett. Huddersfield Town Hall 7:00 - 10:00 pm. Tickets £15-£30 from Kirklees Town Hall Box Office T;223200 The choir meets every Tuesday evening at 7.30 pm at the Honley In fants and Nursery School. We’re a friendly bunch o f lads, so don’t be shy! (Doctors have also con firmed that singing is good fo r the brain and helps to ward off dementia). The ability to read music is not essential. We have a new Blog for those who want to keep track of the day to day musings of the choir. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter and at DONATIONS The Trust has received a donation of £433 from international firm E & Y. This is matched funding from their Corporate Responsibility Program and came via E & Y staff member Caitlin Hartley who worked on the Christmas craft fair in the village hall which raised the same amount. The Trust has also received a donation of £100 from the sponsors of this issue of the Flyer, A E Haywood & sons. Many thanks to both donors. A.E.Haywood & Sons Ltd, Honley, HD9 6NL Domestic and Commercial Building Contractors / Members of the Federation of Master Builders / Build Assure. Tel : 01484 662077
What’s on…
The Honley Flyer is distributed to 3100 homes and businesses in Honley. If you would like your event included send details to the editor, John Murray, 27 Moorside Rd. Honley HD9 6HR. Telephone 01484 662635 or email Notice to our dedicated Flyer distributors
Daphne Smith is now the person responsible for the distribution to volunteers of the Honley Flyer. Her email is and her telephone number is 662331. If you will be away when the Honley Flyers are due could you let Daphne know and also try to find a replacement volunteer fo r your round. Also if anything needs changing please let her know. Thanks to all distributors who deliver the Honley Flyer in all weathers. The next distribution will be at the end of May. Easter w ith Honley Churches Together Thursdays from March 6th to April 17th 11.30am-12.45pm Soup Lent Lunches in the Parish Room, Church Street.. Proceeds to Honley Aid in Sickness charity April 18 Good Friday service on The Green Westgate, noon Honley Civic Society– Walks & Talks. All welcome.
Sunday 2 hr guided walks start from Trinity Church at 2.15 pm. 23 March- Stirley Community Farm - Leader Bert 27 Apr- Bus to Holme, then circular walk – Leader Bert 18 May- Bluebell Walk – Leader Val Talks– 7.30 in the Parish Rooms Church Street 13 Mar-Let the Train take the Strain No.6. Colin Hill 10 Apr– ‘British War Resistors in WW1. Cyril Pearce Honley & Brockholes Branch of the Royal National Lifeboats Institution will be holding its AGM at Honley Liberal Club on the Thursday 10th of April starting at 7:30pm. All welcome. Roy Meakin (Press Officer) Tel: 07825184919 Brass and Brassier with Honley Ladies ChoirSaturday 5th April at 7.30pm Joint concert with Skelmanthorpe Band at St. Paul’s Hall, Huddersfield. For a thoroughly entertaining evening telephone 01484 307189 to order tickets at £8 each Why not join us and get in free? The Ladies’ Choir rehearses at 7.30 pm every Thursday evening at St. Paul’s Church, Armitage Bridge. We welcome new members.– have a look at the web site
Honley Library Tel 222340 One-off event- a ‘Poetry Readaround’ with musica l interlude from saxophone quartet 'The Sax Pots' Monday 31st March, 7.15— 9.15pm. Free event with refreshments. All welcome Story time for the under 5s- 2.30 pm Friday afternoons in term time. Stories and craft activity. Come on in! BITS – introduction to using a computer Getting started with IT – Wednesday sessions stating at 10 am every 2 weeks from March 5th. Please book in advance. Honley library book group– Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10.30. Pick up the choice of the month in advance. Family history- help and advice with an expert. Plus free use of to card holders every 2nd Wednesday of the month 2 – 4pm Knit and natter. Every Monday 5 to 7pm Bring your knitting / sewing/ craft work ; chat and free refreshments. Friends of Honley Library’ group. For information please contact Suzanne Du fton. Tel 661214