EMBRACE is a group of Christians from different denominations working together to promote a positive response to people who are seeking asylum, refugees, migrant workers and people from minority-ethnic backgrounds living in Northern Ireland. The charity was officially launched 2003 in Belfast by The Rev. Arlington Trotman, Secretary of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.
Newsletter suggested price 30p or ÂŁ3 p.a. (Free to visitors)
Trinity Church (Methodist-URC) Moorbottom Honley HD9 6DN
Trinity Church August 2016 Sun Time
Minister / Organiser
Vestibule Stewards
Church Stewards
Coffee team Sylvia Hallas +
Rev Dean Henry Stapleton
Martina & Roger Woodhead
Bob & Jane Armitage
Flower Fund
Maureen Burley Karen Stannard
Rev Helen Roberts (incl Communion)
Linda & Stephen Craven
Margaret Armitage Penny Winterbottom
Barbara Watterson
Joyce Draper Ann Hirst
Neil Ward
Jean Wood Di Harris
Hilary Turner Carolynne Roberts
Pat Waite
Rachel Boothroyd Pam Redfearn
Raymond Brook
Wendy Peach & Abigail
Margaret Sheppard Pam Redfearn
Shirley Heaton
Jean Wood Karen Stannard
Changes in Church and Country By Rev Helen Roberts It has been a busy few weeks in politics, with changes in leadership of our country. It has also been a busy conference season for both the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church, the ‘parent’ groups of Trinity Church in Honley. Every year the Methodist Conference has a new President and Vice-President; this year the President is Roger Walton, Chairman of our West Yorkshire District, and the theme for the year is Holiness and Justice. The Bi-annual URC Assembly also appointed new leadership and one of the two new moderators is Kevin Watson who is moderator of Yorkshire Synod. Is this a Yorkshire takeover? Much news time was given to the decision of the Assembly to allow URC congregations to offer same sex marriage. The arrangement allows churches to offer same sex marriage if the local church chooses to do so. Trinity however is linked to two national church groups and so the decision does not affect us unless both denominations make it possible, which is not yet the case. The church’s understanding of marriage was part of the Methodist Conference as well this year, and it was agreed that it is important to discuss the whole area of relationships; cohabitation, same sex marriage and divorce. Also those who are single through bereavement or when their spouse has to move into residential care. Therefore there will be two years of conversations around all these aspects – and we as a local congregation will be invited to share in that. In response to the rise of people using time of change to tell certain people that they are not welcome in our country the Methodist conference passed the resolution posted on the back page. It is a challenge to stand against racism and abuse, and to work for justice. I am tempted to apologise for all this talk about national gatherings, but I am not going to. As a local church we are part of something wider, be that circuit, district or synod, and the national gatherings call people together from across the country to make decisions that affect us, so it is good to be aware of what they are discussing. We are also one church with others of different denominations and Christians across our world. Likewise we are connected as human beings, whatever our religion, orientation or race is – and we are called to challenge hate with love. Helen (Contact details back page)
Junior Church will be closed for the holidays And restart on September 18th
Circuit Leisurely Leisure Walk 9th August Brief details of the August walk. Uppermill and Diggle along Pennine Bridleway and Huddersfield Narrow Canal. Total distance 6 km (4 miles). Meet Huddersfield Bus Station, Stand M, in time for 10.30 no.184 bus towards Manchester (free to bus pass holders!). Arrive Uppermill approx 1130 and after a short canal walk, early lunch break at Brownhills Countryside Centre (picnic tables, cafe and toilets). Then walk bridleway to Diggle and the railway and canal tunnels. Return to Uppermill along canal with refreshment stop part way at Grandpa Greene's Icecream Parlour. (Yum). Return on 1536 bus from Uppermill, arrive Huddersfield approx 1630. (Earlier return possible from Diggle approx 1440, arrive Huddersfield 1530) Edmund Spavin.
Day trip?
A north country choirmaster was rehearsing the hymns for Sunday, telling the choir the hymns they were to sing, and the tunes to which they were to sing them. He concluded the list and said, “Now then, “Come ye that love the Lord”, to Southport’ A voice called out, ‘Where are you tekking t’rest of us then?’
Date Events in August
Holmfirth Methodist Leisure Group Away Day. See details in box above.
Honley Civic Society / Trinity Church walk. Meet 2.15 at Trinity for a circular walk to Armitage Bridge.
Women’s Fellowship Teas– on August 16th and September 6th. 2.30 to 4pm
Trinity Toddlers hold end of year picnic
Trinity Toddler group at the Teddy bears picnic on July 12th. Toddlers have now closed for the summer– restarting September 6th Photo by Deborah Fawcett who can supply more information about the group. Contact details on back page. Churches members have visited ‘The Church with the leaning Tower‘, St Andrews, Burnham-on-Sea And it has leaned so since being erected in the 14th century! Due to poor foundations it started to ‘slip’ immediately but it still stands today now as they celebrate its 700 years. As well as having the pleasure of seeing the medieval windows, the Grinley Gibbons marble statues and the Jacobean pulpit there was an interesting display linking the churches history over the 700 years with global historical events over the same period. In the 9th century Burnham was ruled by the Christian King Alfred who decreed Photo Brian Robert Marshall churches be built in every settlement. They were wooden in construction so susceptible to fire and the ravages of time. The current stone building was completed in 1314 and Dedicated in August 1315 by the Bishop of Wells. Di Harris
Letters to the Editor. Please always put your address and the date on your letters. Our address is, the back righthand pew, or 27 Moorside Rd, HD9 6HR.
From Vera Stanley, Stoney Lane, 20 June Thank you to the friends at Trinity for the lovely flowers Margaret brought for my birthday. Thanks also for the good wishes. Vera ♣ From Caroline Page, Magdale, 17 July. Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers which Sylvia brought when I had my hip operation. I was delighted to receive them; your kindness is much appreciated. Best wishes and many thanks. ♣
THE BIBLE IN 50 WORDS God made Adam bit Noah arked Abraham split Joseph ruled Jacob fooled Bush talked Moses balked Pharaoh plagued People walked Sea divided Tablets guided Promise landed Saul freaked David peeked Prophets warned Jesus born God walked Love talked Anger crucified Hope died Love rose Spirit flamed Word spread GOD REMAINED author unknown
HONLEY FEAST REVIVAL Saturday September 17th Trinity will be taking part in the Honley Feast celebrations organised by the Honley Business Association. Honley will be busy with all sorts of activities on the day. As churches we are very much part of our community, so we will be there in the midst of the event and have been granted a pitch. This is an opportunity to take church outside our walls and for the churches in the village to let people know what we do. We plan to run free Messy Church activities for children, have displays about groups and events at our various churches and invite people to come and join us. We will need volunteers to help set up the tent and be there for shifts during the day, and clearing at the end of the day. It’s a real chance to have displays or exhibits from all our various groups. It will also be a great opportunity to advertise our autumn initiatives here at Trinity. Lists of how you can help will be on the noticeboard in the lower hall. Please sign up!! Praying for it all is equally important, and we can all do that as well. HR
Burhouse Court Tenants and Residents Association holds a ‘Relaxed Fun Afternoon of Games and Refreshments’ on Mondays from 1pm onwards in the Communal Lounge at Burhouse Court. Dominoes, cards, board games, etc. Macmillan coffee morning on Friday September 30th in The Arthurs’ room from 9 -12 am. There will be a big selection of homemade cakes and tea and coffee all for a donation to Macmillan Cancer Support. Deborah Fawcett
August is a very quiet month as far as the Church calendar is concerned. Except that sometime about the 11th century, some church fathers slipped in an important day - when we reme mber the Transfiguration of Jesus on top of the mountain. It happened at a time when Jesus’ ministry was busy and popular. But on this day, he made time to take Peter, James and John, his closest disciples, up a high mountain. High up on the mountain, Jesus was suddenly transfigured before his disciples. His face began to shine as the sun, his garments became white and dazzling. Elijah and Moses, of all people, suddenly appeared, and talked with him. A bright cloud overshadowed the disciples. A voice spoke out of the cloud, saying that Jesus was his beloved son, whom the disciple should ‘hear’. Then, just as suddenly, it is all over. What did it mean? Why Moses and Elijah? Well, these two men represent the Law and the Prophets of the Old Covenant, or Old Testament. But now they are handing on the baton, if you like: for both the Law and the Prophets found their true and final fulfilment in Jesus, the Messiah. That day made a lifelong impact on the disciples. Peter mentions it in his second letter and it is invariably the set reading for this day
Which word below is NOT in the grid? There may be a small prize if you tell the editor TRANSFIGURATION JESUS MOUNTAIN TABOR HERMON COVENANT CAESAREA PHILIPPI HIGH
Last month’s crossword answers ACROSS: 1, Sabbatical. 7, Opinion. 8, Laing. 10, Olga. 11, Galilean. 13, Sardis. 15, Severe. 17, Adultery. 18, Flea. 21, Swazi. 22, Acetate. 23, Revelation. DOWN: 1, Sling. 2, Brim. 3, Annual. 4, Ill-timed. 5, Abilene. 6, Colossians. 9, Gennesaret. 12, Diatribe. 14, Roulade. 16, Errata. 19, Learn. 20, Levi.
for those who can’t live without a bit of brain stimulus.
This month again I am offering a small prize to the first person to tell me the ‘rogue word’ which is NOT in the wordsearch grid. email to Last month’s winner was Roy McGowan, from Glasgow
Across 1 and 3. Two of the disciples who witnessed the transfiguration of Jesus (Luke 9:28) (4,3,5) 3 See 1 Across 8 ‘Let us draw — to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith’ (Hebrews 10:22) (4) 9 O Simon is (anag.) left out (8) 11 Form of government under the direct rule of God or his agents (10) 14 How Jesus found his disciples when he returned to them after praying in Gethsemane (Luke 22:45) (6) 15 In The Pilgrim’s Progress, the name of the meadow into which Christian strayed, which led to Doubting Castle (2-4) 17 Glad sin rat (anag.) the turning point in 1942 (10) 20 Spinal column (Leviticus 3:9) (8) 21 Valley of the Balsam Tree with a reputation of being a waterless place (Psalm 84:6) (4) 22 ‘The oracle of Balaam son of Beor, the oracle of one — — sees clearly’ (Numbers 24:3) (5,3) 23 Adam and Eve’s third son (Genesis 4:25) (4) Down 1 David’s great friend (1 Samuel 20:17) (8) 2 ‘The Lord... will bring me safely to his — kingdom’ (2 Timothy 4:18) (8) 4 ‘I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice food; — — or wine touched my lips’ (Daniel 10:3) (2,4) 5 Seeking to vindicate (Job 32:2) (10) 6 Female servant (Isaiah 24:2) (4) 7 ‘For Christ died for — once for all’ (1 Peter 3:18) (4) 10 ‘Offering spiritual sacrifices — to God through Jesus Christ’ (1 Peter 2:5) (10) 12 Jesus said that some people had renounced this ‘because of the kingdom of heaven’ (Matthew 19:12) (8) 13 One of the three men thrown into the furnace for refusing to worship Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image (Daniel 3:20) (8) 16 ‘You have — of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry’ (Luke 12:19) (6) 18 ‘There before me was a white horse! Its rider held — — , and he was given a crown’ (Revelation 6:2) (1,3) 19 Their hooting will — through the windows (Zephaniah 2:14 ) (4)
The Back Page The Bible crossword and a new Wordsearch is now on page 4 of the online version of the Newsletter. The winner last month (July) was Roy McGowan
Late Summer Afternoon Teas August 16th & Sept 6th are the dates, 2.30 to 4 o’clock the time. Arthurs’ Room the place. All welcome! Organised by the Women’s Fellowship so must be good. Donations on the day.
Regular group meetings at Trinity Playgroup- Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri (morning) Contact- Carolynn Roberts 661024 Toddlers Group Tuesday morning Contact- Deborah Fawcett 663966 Drama Groups- Friday evening, Saturday morning Contact- Natalie Haigh 617468 / 07840800601 Brownies- Wednesday evening Contact- Ann Dove 665669 Bloodwise (previously called Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research group)– every 3rd Tuesday at 7.30pm.Contact Val Akroyd 662852
Hope, not Hate The 2016 Annual Conference of the Methodist Church passed a resolution containing the following text: The United Kingdom, as a result of the referendum on 23 June 2016, has voted to leave the European Union. In this time of very significant change and uncertainty there is a need for leadership which seeks the common good and encourages people to work together, to respect one another and to uphold the dignity of all. The Methodist Conference believes that the British Isles are enriched by diversity and celebrates the contribution made by those who have come from other parts of the world. The Christian tradition calls for respect, tolerance, love of neighbour and hospitality to the stranger. All bear the responsibility of speaking and acting for healing, reconciliation, and mutual respect. The Methodist Conference abhors and deeply regrets those actions and words which incite hatred and lead to the victimisation of groups within society and notes with concern that such actions and words have become normal in recent public discourse. Believing that racism is a denial of the gospel and that to stay silent when others are abused is to collude with those who seek to promote hatred and division, the Methodist Conference calls • on the Methodist people to challenge racism and discrimination. • for a political debate which neither demonises any nor leaves the vulnerable (the foreigner, the immigrant and refugee) in danger of victimisation. • on political leaders to work together for the good of the whole community putting the needs of the nation before party politics. • on all those in positions of power and authority to hear the voices of those who have been marginalised and alienated and to respond to them in ways which offer real hope for the future.
September Newsletter Will be available on Sunday Aug 28th (DV) Contributions to Vera Stanley or John Murray (below) by Sunday Aug 14th
Booking a room at Trinity Church The Upper Room 9.5m x 7m.Capacity 60 seated. Kitchen facilities. Access by stairs only. £39 per 4 hr session The Arthurs’ Room Great for Ground floor room 9m x 5.5m. groups! Capacity 30 seated. Facilities for refreshments. Access for disabled. £45.00 per 4 hr session. Contact Karen Stannard 01484 664648. For weddings, baptisms, funerals, etc contact Rev Helen Roberts Tel 01484 305308
SOME TRINITY CHURCH CONTACTS From outside Huddersfield prefix UK area code 01484 Minister: Rev Helen Roberts, 7 Mullion Avenue, Honley HD9 6GN. Tel 305308 Secretary
Jane Armitage, 26 Lower Hall, Healey House, Netherton, HD4 7DG
Treasurer Pastoral Team
Hilary Turner, Rydal Mount, Mearhouse, New Mill, HD9 7EX Sylvia Hallas / Pam Redfearn / Joyce Draper
684704 662929
Room Bookings / Activities Cttee Karen Stannard, 6a Marsh Gardens, Honley HD9 6AF
Email addresses
Secretary:, Newsletter:
(Editor) John Murray, 27 Moorside Road, Honley HD9 6HR. (Coordinator) Vera Stanley, 46 Stoney Lane, Honley HD9 6DY.
662635 663670
No worries A 102 year-old lady was asked if she had any worries about the future, and replied: “Not since I got my eldest son into an old people’s home!’