Honley Ne wsle tte r of the Honle y Village Community Trust
No. 98 June 2015 Registered Charity 1033021
A voluntary organisation working for Honley village
HONLEY SHOW is on Saturday June 13th at Farnley Ty as. Tickets: Adult£9, Child 5-16y rs- £4. Adv ance tickets £7 & £3 during first week in June from Pet Supplies and DIY, Westgate, Phoenix Squash Club, Y orkshire Building Society, Tay lors Food Store, Honley Library. Or buy online at Free shuttle bus from Moorbottom to show 9am— 5pm. A DAM NUISANCE! If you’ve seen Magdale Dam recently you’ll have noticed that the water level is lower than it used to be. The reason is that the dam is leaking– at the deep end, and the water level was lowered to investigate the cause. The water flow into the Dam had been stopped and the water level dropped over a few weeks. A volunteers’ working party had then attempted to repair the leak with puddle clay but this had been unsuccess ful. A permanent repair is expected to be costly so it was decided as a first step to employ a professional civil engineer to investigate and report. Following this assessment estimates of the cost of the work would be required, followed by looking for funding through grants or from other sources. The Trust, which bought the Dam with a Lottery Heritage Grant in 2001, could possibly use its charitable status again to apply for grants on Canada Geese and low water in behal f o f the Holme Mag Dam Valley Piscatorial Association (HVPA) which fishes in and manages the water. The reservoir civil engineer visited the Dam on Wednesday 22 April. During the course o f his visit he was asked about the possibility of raising the water level again to its full level. His response was: ‘ I am reluctant to say yes to this as we do not yet know the position and nature of the leak. The evidence of significant soil washout in the sluice culvert indicates that the soil of the embankment is vulnerable to erosion. As failure from this method is unpredictable and uncontrollable I would not advise raising the water level.’ During the visit he also made an observation about the trees. Normally dam banks should not have any trees on them because of the damag e from roots. However as the trees were well established he would not recommend cutting them down as the roots would rot and become channels fo r more water leakage and erosion. He recommended that the trees be kept ‘light’ at the tops as if one was blown over it could cause considerable dam age to the banking. The HVPA has made an application to the Tree Conservation Officer to undertake some work on the trees to this effect.
It’s Honley Community Festival on Saturday June 6th, an event organised by the Honley Business Association. A right grand village day out.
Photo: Sandie Nicholson
Church Street market (abov e) will take place between 10am and 4pm, packed full of stalls with goodies offered by local traders, giving the chance to buy something unusual and unique. Entertainment in The People’s Park From 12 noon to 10pm there will be a programme of entertainment showcasing the talents of many local acts. There’ll be plenty of food stalls too, from Malaysian and Indian cuisine to burgers, not forgetting the veggies and Yummy Yorkshire ice cream. Tickets for entry into the Park to enjoy all the entertainments will be adults £3 each, accompanied child (under 12yrs) £1 each; Family Ticket (max two adults) £8. All proceeds from the sale o f these tickets will be ploughed back into improving Honley village for the benefit of the whole community. Honley in Bloom- Liz Wood, Chairman of the Honley Business Association explains: “We are also entering the village in ‘Yorkshire in Bloom’ for the first time this year; Anyone with green fingers who has a bit of spare time and would like to get involved with Honley’s Yorkshire in Bloom project should contact me at Gert’s Florist in Church Street. This will make our village more attractive, and we will again be putting out the Yorkkshire Day flags in August. “We are also upgrading the existing security cameras. The funds raised at the Honley Community Festival will make a real difference to the entire community.” An art competition for local groups, similar to the one held last year during the Grand Depart festivities, is also being held. This year the theme for entri es is “ Honley Community”. All art entries will be exhibited in the park on the day. SUPPORT A VERY LOCAL CHARITY.. It’s time to renew or take out your membership of Honley Village Trust. It’s still only £1 a year or £20 for life membership. Just put your subs in the envelope which came with this Flyer and drop it off at Zebra jewellers, Westgate, Taylors Foodstore or the Honley branch of the Yorkshire Building Society. ALL donations are reinvested in Honley. If you pay tax please sign the Gift Aid declaration as every £1 you put in the envelope means £1.25p to the Trust. Thank you for your support.
HONLEY VILLAGE HALL report by Marcia Murray
The new kitchen is fin ally finished and there have been several compliments about how fresh it looks with the white worktops and light grey(ish) units. Now we just need to replace the floo r surface in the café to complete the new look. Plan is to do this at the beginning of August. Another thing which will be done then is replacement o f the windows and doors. At the moment they are the original wood frames single glazed units. New UPVC double glazed units will not only look better but will give better insulation and so lower the heating bills. Wendy Mullarney, who volunteered to look after the little flower bed at the hall, is unfortunately unable to continue due to illness in her family. Thank you for the work you’ve done up to now Wendy, it is much appreciated. This means there is a little volunteer job going if anyone has a few minutes each month just to keep the bed tidy. Please give me a ring 01484 662635 YOUTH ACTIVITY—Honley Junior Club for boys & girls aged 8- 12. Every Wednesday during school term 4 - 6pm.
HVCT VOLUNTEERS keeping Honley in good order The Trust’s team of volunteers turns out monthly to keep Trust land in good order and a pleasant place to visit. Pictured on May 10th are two of the eight volunteers that day, Neil and Joey, taking a break while cleaning out the goit which leads water into Mag Dam. If you’d like to join the volunteers for a bit of physical exercise (not always involving water) give Neil Littlewood a call on 0776 674 2140, or just turn up at the old cemetery chapel at 10 am on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Things grow ing at Honley Infants & Nursery School Thank you once again for the grant of £250. This was used to buy some extra equipment for growing seeds and plants as part of the ‘growing things’ topic in our Early Years 1 Unit. We also purchas ed some field study equipment for exploring and observing plants and animals in their natural environment which will be used when we take the children to Magdale Fields. Christine Lancaster, Headteacher
RAINBOWS – for girls aged 5 - 7½ every Tuesday during term time at 5.30 – 6.30pm To register your child or for more information Contact SLIMMING WORLD—Mondays 5.30 – 7.00pm and 7.30 – 9.00 pm. Just turn up or ring Rachel on 0794 9946747 PILATES CLASS – Wednesdays 2 sessions from 6.30 to 7-30 and 7.30 to 8.30pm. If you are interested in joining it please ring the organiser, qualified physiotherapist Chris Liversidge CSP on 07843673012 first. WEIGHTWATCHERS—meets every Thursday at 6.30pm just turn up or conta ct Katie on 07967 211 118 for more in fo ELIM CHURCH –Is a lively community holding two meetings at the VH on Sundays. 11am and evening at 6pm – all welcome THE VILLAGE TRUST WEB SITE - Check out the Business Directory link. All those listed are based in Honley. For your business or organisation listing for free call 662635 or email Support your local traders and shop in the village! The Village Hall on Saturday is an ideal place for children’s parties- only £15 per hour (minimum 3 hours) Charities can hire it for fundraising events for only £9 per hour and commercial users £25 per hour. . Trust awards Honley Village Trust traditionally gives two awards each year. For the year ending 2014 the ‘Community Award’ was presented to Stewart McVey and Ruth Beattie, (pictured) of the Foresters’ Arms, for their wholehearted support o f village events. The Chairman's award was given to Mrs Barbara Pearson, whose husband Jim was for many years a stalwart and a found er member o f the Trust. Barbara has spent many hours making and serving food in large quantities at Trust events.
Honley Village Community Trust AGM elections At the Trust Annual General Meeting on 14th April the following were elect ed: Chairman– Ian Blagborough; Treasurer– Dennis Roberts; Secretary- Steve Hemming, Vice Chairman– Margaret Wadsworth; and committee members Neil Littlewood, Marcia Murray, John Murray, Caitlin Hartley, Carol Roberts, Sylvia Sellen, Masie Belcher, Jo Bonds. St. Mary’s Christmas Street Market is on Saturday 5th December. It’s not too early to express interest in taking a stall at this event. Please contact Cliff Green, tel. 01484 664277 or email fo r further in form ation.
The Honley Flyer is produced with the help of our advertisers. To advertise phone Jo Bonds 01484 660348 or email:
TIM SHAW Painting & Decorating Domestic & Commercial Interior & Exterior Free estimates Excellent rates No job too small HONLEY BASED tel 01484 660008 Mobile 07929 948 207
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Sponsor- Jason McDonald, Roundel Decorating Service- “Self employed and loving it!” Jason McDonald served in the RAF police, which accounts for the RAF roundel as his logo. He didn't intend to join the RAF, but the army recruiting sergeant in the Huddersfield recruiting offi ce was busy with another applicant, and Jason was invited upstairs by an RAF man “Just to fill in time while you’re waiting, why not come and talk to me?”…and the time lasted 22 years!. He was posted all over the world, guarding important people or places including a spell in Afghanistan.
On retirement he took up his pre-RAF trade of painter and decorator. Funded by the RAF, he went back to college to achieve a level 3 NVQ, the highest possible. “ I love being my own boss now”, he says, “ meeting different people, and I have a newfound sense of value, and a stability which I didn’t have in the RAF.” Jason is married to Heather and has two sons, Jack, 9, and Cameron 22. He is a member of the Hudders field Pendragon Round Table, and takes part in events raising funds for ch arities. He had just finished the Beaumont Park Zombie run and is helping to organise the Holmfirth ‘Duck Fest’, a musical event in Sands Recreation ground on June 3rd, the day before the famous Duck Race itsel f, both Round Table events. Jason’s good at his job, and he can paint perfect roundels too! Contact details on back page
Southgate Theatre to update…….……. ……And the Cricket Southgate Theatre, home to Honley Players Amateur Dra- Club too!
matic Society, is in need of serious and ex tensive refurbishment. The roof leaks, and the internal space needs completely revamping to make this old building, originally Southgate Methodist church hall, more practical, as well as making it more economical to run. Once these alterations are made Southgate Theatre will give greater access fo r a range o f activities, including youth theatre, dance school, and musical events along with other group and club activities, plus a good venue for privat e parties etc.. One17 Design, a local company, will help with plans and an application fo r lottery funding. However, we still will have to raise match-funding -and more- we are looking for people, companies and other organisations to get involved. We have set up a fundraising group, Southgate Theatre Fundraising’ to support and help. New Southgate Theatre Membership packag es will be launched in July, giving you discounts on tickets, costume hire, theatre hire and membership of Honley Players ADS. To join or offer any OPEN DAY help please contact 10am TO 4pm (Debbie) on 07909 Theatre Tour-Stalls-Cream Teas-Face Painting 605685. Support usSale of Furniture, Crockery and Props come to the theatre fo r Live entertainment-Picture Shoot -and more! our OPEN DAY 13th See f or more info. June or AGM on 29th
The Honley Cricket Pavilion was built of wood over 120 years ago which is previous now rotting. This proposed original extension unusual Pagoda style structure is renowned throughout Yorkshire and beyond but it doesn’t actually belong to the Cricket Club. The freehold to the Pagoda and the ground was acquired by Trustees in 1928 to “hold in trust forev er as a sporting venue fo r the people of Honley ” Honley Cricket Club has occupied the site since 1878. As well as cricket the Pagoda is used by Honley Junior and Senior football clubs, Holmfirth Harri ers, local schools and others. Being a classic building has its advantages but also its problems. Apart from the dilapidation the changing rooms are on the first floor and have no access fo r disabled people. So a committee was formed two yea rs ago to plan an update of the changing rooms and toilet facilities. In order to meet English Cricket Board and Football Foundation guidelines the changing rooms cannot be upstairs, so a new changing and toilet facility is planned to sit alongside the refurbish ed pavilion. It all costs of course and as well as applying for grants the Cricket Club is offering the people of Honley the opportunity to help with fundraising. One way to help us and yoursel f is to hire the bar/tea room (shown as ‘previous extension’ on the picture) for your party or event. Contact Becky Hesling on 07736 104 920. Business opportunity. Match sponsorship is available for only £40 a game (incl free tea and d rinks voucher!) or for £175 you can have a fix ed advertisement board For more information on these call Rob Moore on 07733 007 942.
Honley Flyer is published quarterly by Honley Village Community Trust and is printed at Enterprise Print, :Long Lane, Honley
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Sewing Alterations by a local seamstress living in Honley Sample prices: Trouser hems £6.50 Jeans zips £7.50 Curtain hems £25 Call Jo on 01484 660348
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Honley Probus Club
robus stands for retired Pro fessional and Business Men), but in reality is open to any retired men in Honley and the local area. We meet at Honley Community Centre, Stoney Lane, from 1030 to 1200 for co ffee, a sociable chat and to hear a rang e o f good speakers. New members are welcome. 2 June: Noel Moroney- Yarns from the textile trade 16 June: Mel Cook- Burma and a taste of Thailand 7 July: Peter Drake- The next leg 21 July: Ann Thornton- Santiago di Compostela 4 Aug: Chris Freeman- To Broken Hill baht Esky pt1 18 Aug: John Cocking- Comedy monologues For more information see the Village Trust website ‘Directories > Community’ page or contact
Honley Male Voice Choir June 6. Spring Charity Concert at Almondbury Methodist Church, 7:15-10pm. £6, under 18s £3 from Gallery Café Westgate. June 15. Lions Concert, Town Hall Hudders field, 7:1510pm.Supporting annual Hudders field Lion's Charity event July 4. Concert on the Hill, YMCA Ground, Salendine Nook, 710.30pm.. Annual open air picnic concert with YMCA / RUFC. including Colne Valley MVC; champion Lindley School Children’s choir; Lindley Brass Band and soloist Julia Garbutt. A night to remember with ‘Last Night of the Proms’ style patriotic choruses plus FIREWORKS, BAR & FOOD! Bring your picnic, a blanket and warm clothes. Recruitment open-air concerts (free) Aug 1 at Beaumont Park, Sept 6 at Greenhead Park. Info from Secret ary- 01484 358213
Mary Jagger uncovered and re-covered ‘Some Account of the Parish Church of St Mary's Honley.’ A book on the history of St Mary's Church, written by Mrs Mary Jagger in 1888 is being published by Honley Civic Society. It will be on sale at the Honley Community Festival street market on 6th June for £5. Found by chance in an antiquarian bookshop, this history first appeared as a series o f articles in the Hudders field Daily Chronicle. After 127 years, Mary Jagger’s words are reprinted as she wrote them, accompanied now by images from the Honley Civic Society archives. In this 40 page booklet, Mary Jagger's view of the building of St Mary's and of church life thereafter is a fascinating insight into Victorian life and values in the village of Honley.
Friend to Frien d needs a friend Friend to Friend is a local charity for older people. There are several local groups - Holmfirth, Meltham, Honley and Netherton, and they are all different. In general, they meet up for a chat and an activity, or perhaps a lunch followed by a speaker. However, most members are unable to attend a group unless transport is provided, so we are looking for a volunteer driver who could take members to a group meeting and bring them home afterwards. If you have a car and some spare time during the day and could help us with transport please ring 01484 687773.
CANTORELLI at TRINITY CHURCH Friday 19th June at aid of local charities featuring Palestrina’s Missa Brevis, madrigals by Monteverdi and motets by Scarlatti and Rossini. Admission at the door £8.00 (Concessions £6) This Flyer is sponsored by Jason McDonald of Roundel Decorating Service 27 Meltham Road, Honley. Prof essional, reliable, trustworthy. All work undertaken, interior exterior. Tel 01484 314934. Mobile 07914 820 968
What’s on in and around Honley The nex t issue of the Flyer will be out at the start of September. Notice of events in September, October and November should be emailed to or delivered to editor John Murray at 27 Moorside Road by August 10th. Distributors should be getting their copies by August 28th. .
S UMMER AT THE S CHOOLS Honley Infants- Summer Fair in the School grounds, Sunday 7th June, 12.30-3.00pm, with the Honley Samba Band, plus free Bushcraft activities and Circus Skills for children. £2.00 for adults; free for children.
Honley Junior & High– Joint Summerfest Saturday 27th June 2- 8pm In Honley junior school grounds. Activities, bands, games & fun for all the family Honley High- Young Musician of the Year. Tues 9 June from 7pm in the hall. / Transition Day Tuesday 7 July –all the Year 6 children who have been allocated a place at Honley High can come to the school for the day to experience school life and so ease their chang e to ‘big’ school in September. Honley Honley La dies’ Choir Classics and Cake Honley La Ladies’ dies’ Choir Choir--- Classics Classics and and Cake Cake Honley Ladies Choir- classics and cake concert on Saturday 27th June at St. Paul’s Church, Armitage Bridge with special guests from 7.30pm. For more details call Hillary Scholes on 01484 307189 for tickets and Honley Churches Together (St Mary’s, Trinity & Elim) run an informal ‘Messy Church’
fo r any kids and adults Saturdays 3.305.30pm, June 20 at Trinity, July 25 at St Marys, inc. refreshs Honley Civic Society Sunday guided walks All start from Trinity Church at 2.15 pm. June 14 - Farnley Tyas circular– Leader Keith July 12 – Castle Hill circular- Leader Bert August 16– Netherton & Hinchliffe’s Café – Lead er Val
Honley Library Tel 222340 One-off events– Monday 8th June 'Formidable Women in Honley's History'. 7.30pm -9pm. Friends of Honley Library invite you to an evening with Peter Marshall of Honley Civic Society. Tickets £2. Refreshments provided. Tuesday 30 June talk - Debbie Taylor, author ‘Herring Girl’ 7.30pm. Tuesday 7 July ‘Bookchat’ 2-3pm with a bibiotherapist. Tuesday 28 July , 'Poetry Versus Prose!' 7.15 - 9pm. a Summer ‘Poetry Readaround’ Bring your own poems, a piece of prose or just relax and listen. Tickets £1.50. Refreshments provided. Please ring the library to reserve your seat for the above events. Regular events: Foodbank– Wednesdays 2—4 pm Story time for the under 5s- 2.30 pm Friday afternoons in term time. Stories and craft activity. June 12=-‘Jungle Adventure!’ BITS – introduction to using a computer Getting started with IT – 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of month starting at 10 am. Please book in advance. Honley library book group– Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10.30. Pick up the choice book of the month in advance. U3A Book Group– Tues 14 July & monthly at 1.45pm Family history- help and expert advice Every 2nd Wednesday of month 2 – 4pm Knit and natter. Every Monday 2.00 to 3.30pm. With free refreshments. ‘Friends of Honley Library’ group. hosted a Coffee Morning on 25th April in aid of Kirkwood Hospice and raised £155. Contact Pat Thompson on 661541.