Honley Flyer no 100 December 2015

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Honley Newsletter of the Honley Village Community Trust

No. 100 December 2015 Registered Charity 1033021

A voluntary organisation working for Honley village


It’s Ho Ho Ho time again in Honley—and everywhere else. But we have a Special Day when a lot is happening in the village. It’s all on December 5th this year and will be as good as ever!


And a Village Trust Special!

This Street Market now in its twelfth year will be taking place between 10am and 4pm on Saturday 5th December. Church Street will once again be filled with over forty stalls including a number of newcomers. There will be a large range of seasonal goods for sale including cards, gifts, hand- made toiletries, confectionary, wine, homemade preserves, books and jigsaws. You will be able to eat along the length of Church Street enjoying bacon butties, soup, burgers and pie and peas. Glasses of mulled wine will be available to celebrate the festive season and tea, coffee and soft drinks will be served in the Church and Parish rooms. The day’s free entertainment programme in the Church has something for everyone and includes: 11.00am-noon- Holme Valley Singers-Known as ‘The Friendly Choir’ they have enjoyed considerable success in the UK and abroad as well being very popular locally. / 12.15pm-1.15pm Honley Male Voice Choir-They will be singing some of your Christmas favourites / 1.30pm-2.30pm- Yorkshire Traction Honley Band-Our very own local band, always entertaining! / 2.45pm-3.15pm- Huddersfield Community Gospel Choir-with amazing melodies. / 3.30pm-4.00pm Honley Samba Band– hot music.

Pride in our Village

Honley Westgate & Church Street ‘It’s your Neighbourhood’ group was formed in February this year with representatives from the Business Association, Civic Society and the Village Trust, with the aim of improving the look of the centre of the village. The judges from the RHS came round in July and awarded Honley the category of ‘Developing’. Quote: ‘Already there is evidence of the knock on effect of their work, with some businesses and private premises improving their appearance with fresh painting and plantings. The Honley group should be proud of having achieved so much in such a short space of time.’ The group continues to meet on the first Sunday in every month to further clean up the village. Pictured: Deidre Walton of Yorkshire in Bloom (front left), Deborah Lofthouse (Honley Business Association), Sylvia Sellen (Honley Village Trust), Steve Harris, Carol Ripley, Ken Jenkin and Joyce Beaumont (all Honley Civic Society), Caroline Page (Friends of Honley Library)

Honley Village Calendar

Trinity Church Christmas Tree Festival Weekend of 5th and 6th December Saturday 10-4, Sunday 2-4 on the theme

“T’was The Night before Christmas” Father Christmas will be in his grotto on the Saturday, in a forest of trees and snow! Visits by the Yorkshire Traction Honley Band and Honley Ladies Choir. Music on the Sunday by Merran Smith and the St Mary's Hand-Chime Ringers. Closing 30 minute service on Sunday at 3.30. Come and see the imaginatively decorated trees by local businesses, organisations and schools. Entry FREE for children and just £1 for adults. There’ll be coffee, lunch, tea and cakes. Access for the disabled. Everyone is invited!

Photos on this page by Sandie Nicholson www.photosofyorkshire.com

The Trust Calendar is now on sale! It’s in colour (of course) with photographs by Sandie Nicholson. Each month is sponsored by a Honley business and is ruled with plenty of space to write in your daily details. An added bonus– at the end of each month you can detach the picture part and use it as a postcard. The Honley Calendar is on sale in various Honley outlets* and also at The Art & Craft Fair in the Village Hall on December 5th *So far- Taylor’s Food Store, Zebra, Pet & DIY Shop, Con Club, Chloes, Bare, Gremlin Autos, Honley Butchers, Wagstaffs, Country Beauty, Yorks Building Socy, Holme Valley News, Strands, Elim Church. . It makes an ideal gift. Price £3.99

HONLEY VILLAGE HALL report by Marcia Murray

THE NEXT EVENT at the Village Hall is the 6th Annual Christmas Art & Craft Fair on Saturday the 5th December. Many of the regular stallholders will be there as well as lots of new ones. Extra this year is a ‘Kidz Zone’ with face painting, sweet cart and other stuff. So do come along and have a browse for that ‘something a little different’. You can also sit in the warmth and have a cuppa and enjoy a delicious home-made cake. As well as that we still have all the regulars:YOUTH ACTIVITY—Honley Junior Club for boys & girls aged 8- 12. Wednesdays during school term 4 - 6pm. RAINBOWS – for girls aged 5 - 7½ every Tuesday during term time at 5.30 – 6.30pm To register your child or for more info Contact www.girlguiding.org.uk/interested


HVCT VOLUNTEERS Report by Neil Littlewood The last couple of months has seen the volunteers path clearing and doing general maintenance round the Trust land. We’ve also cleared out the gutters on the cemetery chapel and planned jobs to do next year with the volunteers from Leeds University. Weather permitting the little bridge over the goit overflow at the west (shallow) end of the dam will be heaved into place in the next couple of weeks. This will make walking the path alongside the Mag easier and safer, and worth the year or two of effort that’s gone into its construction. You won’t have to leap over or balance on slippery stones any more to cross the overflow. The Trust’s team of volunteers turns out monthly to keep Trust land in good order. Anybody who’d like to join us can meet us at the chapel at the top of Green Cliff every second Sunday of the month. For more information call Neil Littlewood on 07766 742 140. Sometimes you even might get a cup of tea! Magdale dam—That dam leak! We now have permission to remove trees so that machinery can get to the site of the leak in the dam wall to start the repair. This should have happened by the time you read this. The Honley Over 55s Activity Group The group meets on Wednesdays in the Community Centre, Stoney Lane, from 1.30 to 4pm. For just £1 you get tea and biscuits and a raffle ticket. There’s a variety of activities such as pool, curling, table tennis, short mat bowls and tables games including scrabble and dominoes. It’s a very happy crowd and will continue to meet in the Community Centre throughout the winter.

SLIMMING WORLD—Mondays 5.30 – 7.00pm and 7.30 – 9.00 pm. Just turn up or ring Vicky on 0791 286 4662 PILATES CLASS – Wednesdays from 7-00 to 8.00pm. If you are interested in joining please ring the organiser, qualified physiotherapist Chris Liversidge CSP on 07843673012 WEIGHTWATCHERS—meets every Thursday at 6.30pm just turn up or contact Katie on 07967 211 118 for more info ELIM CHURCH –Is a lively community holding two meetings at the VH on Sundays. 11am and evening at 6pm – all welcome THE VILLAGE TRUST WEB SITE - Check out the Business Directory link. www.honleyvillagetrust.org.uk All those listed are based in Honley. For your business or organisation listing for free call 662635 or email info@honleyvillagetrust.org.uk Support your local traders and shop in the village! The Village Hall on Saturday is an ideal place for children’s parties- only £15 per hour (minimum 3 hours) Charity events are only £9 per hour and commercial £25 per hour. .

An ‘Automated External Defibrillator’ (AED) has been purchased by Carron Blagborough, licencee of the Allied pub in Church Street. The special cabinet to house it on the wall outside was bought with money raised by local business people and Allied customers’ fund-raising events. Anyone suffering a heart attack has a better chance of a full recovery the sooner they can be treated, and an AED has been proved to save lives. It can be rapidly accessed by a member of the community, and there’s no risk of making fatal errors. The more people in the village who know how to use the defibrillators the better, so a ONE OFF free training session by the West Yorkshire Ambulance Service has been booked at the Allied for 6.30pm on December 2nd.. You are invited to attend but Carron needs to know the number of people coming in order to fit everyone in! Ring Carron on 07919 362 453.. Following this initiative, Yorkshire Building Society is match funding the Honley Business Association for a second AED to be located somewhere else in the village.

A History of Farnley Tyas Honley Civic Society has published a new book written by member Caroline Page. Entitled ‘Farnley Tyas, A History’ it is an account of the life and times of this village, just a few miles above Honley. With 92 pages and over 45 illustrations, the book covers the village history from the Domesday Book to the present day. On sale at the Christmas Street Market and other outlets, the price is £12.50

The Honley Flyer is produced with the help of our advertisers. To advertise phone Jo Bonds 01484 660348 or email: jbonds@hotmail.co.uk

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Maria Goddard grew up in Honley, went through all the schools, and has travelled the world. Now she’s back here and helping others to travel. Married to bus driver Wayne and with a young Maria Goddard and friend in Florida daughter she now runs a Personal Travel Agency from her home. Friendly and easily approachable her passion for travel started over 20 Years ago when she began her career working as a trainee for Tony Iredale Travel. For the last 13 years she was manager in the Co-operative Travel stores. The experience and knowledge she gained over this Sponsor– Maria Goddard, Personal Travel Agent

time was invaluable and in March of this year she decided the time was right to take the step of running her own travel business as a Personal Travel Agent with the Midcounties Co-operative, working from home in Honley. Midcounties Co-operative is fully ABTA and ATOL bonded which means that there is complete financial protection and security when booking your holiday. Operating under the independent Midcounties Co-operative means that Maria can offer the widest possible choice of holidays combined with excellent value for money and of course there’s her personal service. “As a Personal Travel Agent I am available at time that is convenient for you and with the latest travel technology at my fingertips you don't need to spend your time trawling the high street or internet and making endless expensive phone calls,” she says. Maria can help you with all your travel requirements- a UK break, Coach, Family holidays, Cruise, Weddings, Group travel. She adds “A holiday is like a dream, and I like to make your dream come true!” Contact details are on the back page

The future vision of Honley? Kirklees Council has published the Local Plan, as required by the government. It outlines where development could take place. The whole plan is huge and technical so we’ve condensed it down to the bit relevant to the village. This map shows the main areas for housing [H], and ‘Mineral Extraction’ (= stone Prevailing quarry). The housing isn’t as widespread as in the pre- wind direction vious plans, so we can be thankful for that, but the big surprise is the addition of a huge 76 acre quarry on the side of Meltham Road. Cllr Greaves says “Whilst planning officers have told us that there will be strict controls over the operation of the site, a quarry will offer nothing to the village other than noise, dust and disruption.” After the stone has been extracted it could become a landfill site. You can see the maps and plans at Honley library and at www.kirklees.gov.uk/business/planningPolicy/localPlan/index.aspx. Comments can be made UNTIL DECEMBER 21st. via www.consult.kirklees.gov.uk/portal or in person at Huddersfield Customer Service Centre, Civic Centre 3. Tel 414746, email: local.development@kirklees.gov.uk. One thing’s for sure– however the plan ends up after this consultation period, if it is then not accepted by the government, Kirklees Council will be over-ruled and builders given free licence for development anywhere.

Roundway Residents’ laptop stolen Roundway Tenant and Residents’ Association had their laptop computer stolen in September from the lounge inside the Roundway Flats. The Trust has donated £50 towards a replacement.

REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE Honley Remembrance Day parade took place on Sunday 8th November. After a short service at St Mary’s church led by the Rev Liam Beadle, the congregation along with Honley branch of the Royal British Legion, Explorers, Scouts, Cubs, Beavers, Guides, Rainbows and families paraded to the war memorial. Poppy wreaths were laid and the two minutes silence was observed. For more information about Honley branch of the Royal British Legion or to join, contact the chairman, Roy Davey on 663673

Honley Flyer is published quarterly by Honley Village Community Trust and is printed at Enterprise Print, :Long Lane, Honley

Honley Dog Grooming by Beverley 128 Roundway Honley Tel 01484 661190 Mobile 0781 5201 1404

Vintage Vera Sewing Alterations by a local seamstress living in Honley Sample prices: Trouser hems £6.50 Jeans zips £7.50 Curtain hems £25 Call Jo on 01484 660348

Roundel Decorating Service Meltham Road, Honley. All work undertaken, interior / exterior. Professional, reliable, trustworthy. Jason McDonald Tel 01484 314934. Mobile 07914 820 968

What’s on in and around Honley The next issue of the Flyer will be out at the start of March. Notice of events in March, April and May should be emailed to honley.flyer@ntlworld.com or delivered to editor John Murray at 27 Moorside Road HD9 6HR by February 14th . Distributors should be getting their copies by February 26th. Holmfirth Film Festival at Southgate Theatre, part of a season of films for the family Two shows on Sunday 13 DecemberTickets: Adult £5, Child £4

Cinderella (PG) 2.00pm . Disney at its best; full of magic. Dress up as your favourite character and become part of the magic! Meet Me in St Louis (U) 7.30pm Great music, great cast– a chance to see it all now in glorious Technicolor on the big screen. ‘Have yourself a merry little Christmas’ in classic Hollywood. style!

Santa’s Sleigh Holmfirth & Meltham Lions will be going round Stoney Lane and nearby streets with their Santa’s Sleigh on December 15th , and Grasscroft and nearby streets on Dec 23rd

Meals on Wheels update from Angela Payne We got five people wanting meals but only two volunteers and no one to coordinate it in Honley, so for the moment have had to put Honley Meals on Wheels on hold. Honley Civic Society Sunday guided walks , December 26– Map Reading walk– Bring your compass! starting 2.15 outside Trinity Church

A Colourful Christmas with Honley Ladies Choir It's going to be a memorable night at St. Mary's Church, Honley on Thursday 10 December when Honley Ladies Choir and charismatic guest flautist Simeon Wood present their festive concert, The Colours of Christmas. Starting at 7.30pm, tickets cost £8.00, including refreshments. Then on March 5th at Huddersfield Town Hall, a concert Last Night at the Hall, after which the TH closes for refurbishment. (Perhaps they’ll raise the roof!) Tickets for the concerts are available from www.honleyladies.co.uk or 307189 The Choir will be ‘busking’ in Trinity Church at the Christmas Tree Festival - 1pm on December 5th.

PLAYERS PANTO– A February Tradition! This year's offering from Honley Players is the classic Hans Christian Anderson fairytale

The Princess and the Pea. The P & P panto has been cleverly and hilariously adapted for the stage by Ruth Jepson, a member of Honley Players. The show promises to surprise and entertain, and you are all invited to dress up as princes, princesses (or peas) when coming to the show! Tickets from Gallery Café or on the door. £7 adults, £4 kids & concessions Performances at 7.15 on Feb 5, 6, 10, 12, 13. Matinees at 2.30 on Feb 6, 7, 13. On December 5th Southgate Theatre invites you to ‘look around’ from 11-3pm. There will be various stalls plus refreshments, an eclectic tombola, entertainment, photo shoot and much more. Free car park on the day!

YORKSHIRE TRACTION HONLEY BAND Upcoming events where the band is playing 5th December- Christmas Tree Festival in Trinity Church and at St Mary’s and Taylor's Foodstore 10th December- Late Night Christmas Shopping, Huddersfield 19th December- Honley Village getting the Christmas spirit. 20th December- Morrison’s Waterloo. Festive favourites. 23rd December- Tesco's Brighouse - More Festive favourites. We are always keen to welcome newcomers and encourage local youngsters just starting out to join the junior band. Parents often join their children in the junior band and we have several families who have progressed en masse to the senior band. This is all part of the bands philosophy to encourage local young people to discover and enjoy traditional Yorkshire brass while at the same time maintaining our long tradition of supporting the village. The band meets on Mondays and Thursdays from 7:30pm to 9:30pm (Junior band 6:30-7:30) in The Bandroom at Berry Croft. Contact Julian Baalam on honleyband@gmail.com Taylor’s Food Store on Meltham Road is making 5th December a Fun Day. There’ll be music, tastings, raffle, etc, and the staff all dressed up! They’re supporting Breast Cancer Research MARIA GODDARD Personal Travel Agent Tel: 01484 661806 Mob: 07507 480628 www.maria-goddard.personaltravelagents.uk.com maria.goddard@personaltravelagents.co.uk

Honley Library Tel 222340 Christmas Cracker Poetry Readaround evening Tues 1st Dec 79pm - with opening entertainment by ‘8-in-a-Bar’ songsters from Honley Male Voice Choir. This popular event by advance tickets only so ring up NOW! £2 incl festive refreshments. AND, for kids: Christmas Story Time, with Santa. 18 Dec at 2.30 pm Regular eventsStory time for the under 5s- 2.30 pm Friday afternoons in term time. Stories and craft activity. BITS – introduction to using a computer Getting started with IT – 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of month starting at 10 am. Please book in advance. Honley library book group– Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10.30. Also an evening book group meets on the first Thursday of every month, 7pm. New members welcome. Pick up the latest book from the library or just come along U3A Book Group– 8 Dec at 1.45pm Family history- help and expert advice Every 2nd Wednesday of month 2 – 4pm Knit and natter. Mondays 2 to 3.30pm. With free refreshments. (on Dec 21st-it’s coffee & mince pies). ‘Friends of Honley Library’ group. Pat Thompson on 661541. Is there anyone reading this who would like to help in the production of the Honley Flyer? If so ring the editor, John Murray, for a chat about the possibilities. tel 01484 662635

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