Honley Flyer no 102 June 2016

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Honley Newsletter of the Honley Village Community Trust A voluntary organisation working for Honley village

No. 102 June 2016 Registered Charity 1033021 www.honleyvillagetrust.org.uk

Bags of Help for Honley Village Trust! Magdale Fields improvement project wins Tesco grant of £10,000 ‘Congratulations from the Groundwork UK-Tesco Bags of Help team! We can now confirm that following the public vote in your local Tesco stores, your project came 2nd and has been chosen by Tesco customers to receive a £10,000 grant.’ Voting was held at all Tesco stores between 27th February and 6th March and proved to be hugely successful with over 8 million votes being cast by Tesco customers across England, Scotland and Wales. Bags of Help offers community groups and projects in each of Tesco’s 390 regions across the UK a share of revenue generated from the five pence charge levied on single-use plastic carrier bags. Many thanks to Tesco, Groundworks and especially to those of you who voted for us

The Magdale Fields Project Restoring the ancient dry stone bridge to the 'Island Field' The current bridge (right) crosses the inlet goit to the old dam and consists of old railway sleepers. It is installed over the foundations of the original stone archway. Much of the stone has been removed in the past, and will need replacing. The Trust aims to restore this dry-stone pedestrian bridge, associated pathways and dry stone walling, linking two pieces of land owned by the Trust. The plan is to reinstate this bridge as closely as possible to how it would have been when it was built in the late 18th or early 19th century, with a low parapet wall and cobble stone surface. Renewing footpaths to/from the bridge Adjoining approach pathways will be constructed Bridge to be restored to its original stone build Improvement to pathways leading to and from the bridge, opening up a new area of conservation and recreation for the public. Restoring / repairing all the drystone walls bounding Stones Wood and others; also re-laying the hedging. Many of the existing walls have collapsed and need rebuilding. We aim to build additional dry-stone walling, and hedge replantingworks in this same conservation area. Re-seeding and developing the fields into a flourishing wildflower meadow Operation Pollinator, to reseed and cultivate a wild flower meadow, to attract more bees and pollinating insects, by providing a continual supply of pollen and nectar for pollinators through the seasons.

HVCT VOLUNTEERS Report by Neil Littlewood

ALIEN invasion of MAGDALE

Trust volunteers take a refreshment break during repairs to the Mag river bank. A lot of the riverside path had been swept away in the December floods, so rubble was used to fill the gap. Just a top dressing to go on now! The need to do these repairs has delayed the construction of the bridge over the overflow at the head of the dam. Anybody who wishes to help in maintaining this beautiful part of Honley and getting a bit of exercise would be most welcome. Just turn up! We meet every second Sunday in the month at the chapel in Honley graveyard at 10am. For more info contact Neil Littlewood on 07766 742 140.

During a ‘River2015’ group walk through Magdale in April John Battye (right) discovered an alien invasion on the old Lord’s Mill dam. It’s the dreaded Floating Pennywort. Introduced to Britain in the 1980s Floating Pennywort is rapidly spreading. With leaves about 7cm across it forms dense impenetrable mats and covers the surface, displacing native species. Despite its recent introduction, spread has been very rapid thanks to its extremely fast growth rate (up to 20cm per day) and its ability to re-generate from the smallest fragments. Only good thing- it can be eaten by cattle and horses! SUPPORT A VERY LOCAL CHARITY.. It’s time to renew or take out your membership of Honley Village Trust. It’s still only £1 a year or £20 for life membership. Just put your subs in the brown envelope which came with this Flyer and drop it off at Zebra Westgate, Taylors Foodstore or the Honley branch of the Yorkshire Building Society. ALL donations are reinvested in Honley. If you pay tax please sign the Gift Aid declaration- every £1 you put in the envelope means £1.25p to the Trust. Thank you for your support.

Honley Village Hall

Bastille Day on 14th July is a national holiday in France. The French celebrate and remember the beginning of the French Revolution. Here in Honley at the Village Hall boules pitch we also will celebrate on 14th July.. The Honley group and Holmfirth U3A boules players (with thanks for the donation) together with the U3A French Conversation Group have got together to celebrate, along with Martin Gordon and his French friend Didier Chassot (right) who will again be visiting Honley. Didier, who is a Petanque champion of the Dordogne region, is up for a challenge against the Honley players. Bienvenue Didier et bonne chance! The Boules Pitch at the Village Hall is available to use free of charge any time on a first come first served basis. Boules can be borrowed from the Village Hall or the Forresters pub next door. report by Marcia Murray

SLIMMING WORLD Mondays 5.30 – 7.00pm and 7.30 – 9.00 pm. Just turn up or ring Kara on 07540 882612. RAINBOWS – for girls aged 5 - 7½ every Tuesday during term time at 5.30 – 6.30pm To register your child or for more information Contact www.girlguiding.org.uk/interested YOUTH ACTIVITY - Honley Junior Club is held every Wednesday during school term time at 4 - 6pm for boys & girls aged 8- 12. PILATES CLASS – Wednesdays from 7.00 to 8.00 pm If you are interested in joining it please ring the organiser, qualified physiotherapist Chris Liversidge CSP on 0784 367 3012 first. .WEIGHTWATCHERS meets at the Village Hall every Thursday at 6.30pm just turn up or contact Katie on 07967 211 118 for info. ELIM CHURCH –Is a lively community holding two meetings at the VH on Sundays. 11am and evening at 6pm – all welcome THE VILLAGE TRUST WEB SITE www.honleyvillagetrust.org.uk - Check out the Business Directory link. All those listed are based in Honley. For your business or organisation listing for free call 662635 or email info@honleyvillagetrust.org.uk Support your local traders and shop in the village! There is also a Community directory listing lots of local organisations. The Village Hall on Saturday is an ideal place for children’s parties- only £15 per hour (minimum 3 hours) Charity events are only £9 per hour and commercial £25 per hour. .

Honley Show – Saturday 11h June In addition to the well represented animal, countryside and crafts categories there is a whole bundle of additional entertainment. There’ll be dare devil stunts from The Stannage International Stunt Team, the exploding coffin and flaming high fall stunts. Also birds of prey display, Tractor Parade, Beagles and Hounds. As well as the Yorkshire Traction Honley Band and the Honley Saxophone Choir there are donkey rides, agility displays from Springers Dog Club plus activities to keep the kids occupied- climbing walls, bungee trampolines and quadbikes. Of course the focal point of the show is agricultural- cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, dogs, rabbits, poultry, mice, cavies, eggs and handicrafts plus hundreds of trade and craft stalls. Tickets Adult £10, Child £5. Before the day- Adult £8, Child £4 – available in Honley from Pet Supplies and DIY, Westgate, Phoenix Squash Club, Yorkshire Building Society, Taylors Food Store Meltham Rd. and Honley Library. Or online from the website http://www.honleyshow.co.uk/product/show-ticket/ Free shuttle bus to the showground from Trinity Church. Last bus back 6pm

HONLEY FEAST is coming 17th September Promoted by Honley Business Association. Alongside the craft, wellbeing , food and drink stalls we will also have: Stage entertainment throughout the whole day / Big Sing in the afternoon / Circus training and Family Fun throughout the day / Tug of War, Space Hopper Challenge /A family run finishing at the Cricket Club / A local horse ride / 5 a- side football tournament / Prosecco and Beer Tent / Children’s entertainment Tent / Vintage Vehicle Display… AND A GO-KART COMPETITION for home-made Gokarts, open to groups or individuals… Time to get those pram wheels sorted! Entry forms for Go-Kart comp from June McLean at Zebra, Westgate, good fun and good for Honley! If you would like to have an input into the event please get in touch with her

The Honley Flyer is produced with the help of our advertisers. To advertise phone Jo Bonds 01484 660348 or email: jbonds@hotmail.co.uk


CHLOE NAILS & BEAUTY 2 Southgate Honley Tel: 01484 660239 www.facebook.com/Chloenailshonley 15% discount with this Flyer!

Holme Valley Clinic ……your care in safe hands

In pain? Why suffer…? Physiotherapy can help Tel: 01484 667761 www.holmevalleyclinic.co.uk

Painting & Decorating Domestic & Commercial Interior & Exterior Free estimates Excellent rates No job too small HONLEY BASED tel 01484 660008 Mobile 07929 948 207

Sponsor– Lorna MacLean, Born in Scotland, Lorna MacLean moved to the other side of Bowen Therapist the Pennines 30 years ago. Her corporate IT job involved a lot of travel; often driving through the Holme Valley thinking “I’d like to live here!” She moved to Honley in 2006. Three years ago, a break between jobs enabled her to get the first of her two dogs and led her to think about a career change. “I was reading an article in a magazine about people who’d changed careers to work with dogs, including someone who’d become a Canine Bowen therapist. I was intrigued. After some research, I decided to embark on a journey of discovery and discovered how Bowen can have an amazing impact on both people and dogs.” Lorna qualified as a therapist in Bowen Technique for people two years ago and in Canine Bowen Technique early last year. Feeling frustrated with the lack of job satisfaction, she decided to give up the corporate world to focus on Bowen Therapy. Thomas Bowen who developed the Technique in 1950’s believed that, given the right environment, the human body has an innate ability to heal itself. By applying gentle rolling moves over

Letters to the Editor Further to Maria Goddard's recent sponsorship of the Flyer, I hope I can encourage people to use the services of Honley’s Personal Travel Agent. Our recent holiday, organized in its entirety by Maria, was a model of efficiency. She is a most personable, capable and decent young woman and we will happily continue to be her clients. Errol Hannon, Holmfirth. (It’s good to have one of our sponsors get praise like this!-Ed) ♣ I recently started collecting litter and clearing up dog poo in the Oldfield area as I am a regular runner and became fed up of running past cans, bottles, sweet wrappers- and the inevitable dog mess. I can only cover a small area, but have already seen a big difference. I am committed to a weekly clear up, but it would be nice to involve others. Rebecca Crosby beccacrosby@talktalk.net ♣ We are still looking for someone aged 18+ to help at Honley Rainbows. If you could spare a couple of hours a week please contact me for an informal chat. Penny Swiffen, AGBRIGG Division Commissioner (Holme Valley Area), Tel 07732 337814 or email: penny.swiffen@hotmail.co.uk ♣

Honley Village Community Trust AGM elections At the Annual General Meeting on 14th April the following were elected to the Trust Management Committee: Chairman– Ian Blagborough; Treasurer– Dennis Roberts; Secretary- Steve Hemming, Vice Chairman– Margaret Wadsworth; and committee members Neil Littlewood, Marcia Murray, John Murray, Caitlin Hartley, Carol Roberts, Sylvia Sellen, Masie Belcher, Jo Bonds, Peter Bonds. After the AGM Indian snacks were served and a 1950s film ‘The Brook’, made in Huddersfield, was screened. All good stuff! Make sure you come to next year's!

muscle, ligaments and soft tissue, the therapy seeks to create this environment. “The gentleness invokes a response from the brain that encourages the healing. Because it is so gentle, it can potentially help people of all ages with all manner of problems, from aches and pains to stress and tension. The results from Bowen can be quite profound and clients are often amazed at the change. “I’ve finally found something that can make a real difference to people. “I now feel settled in Honley and intend to build my Bowen business here, offering a unique therapy to people and dogs in Honley. People should try it – they may be surprised!” Lorna’s contact details are on the back page

Do You REMEMBER? On 19th September 2019 the Village Trust proposes to run events to commemorate the Peace Day Celebrations of 1919 We propose a lasting memorial depicting the lives of those who returned home, and those who lost their lives in conflict. Do you have any memorabilia from the First World War? Have you or any member of your family any photographs or stories from WW1? Were any of your family wounded in WW1? Do you have details of any conflicts of war you would like us to record? If the answer is yes to any of the above please contact us, Carol & Dennis Roberts, on 01484 662537

AWARDS AWARDS AWARDS Honley Village Trust traditionally gives two awards each year at the AGM This year the Community Award was pr esen t ed to Julian Taylor (above) of Honley Law Practice / Switalskis for his help and advice on legalities, and the Chairman's award was given to Cliff Hayes (on the right) for his wholehearted support of village events. Honley Civic Society gave four Better Honley awards at its AGM: To Carron Blagborough at the Allied for bringing defibrillators to the village; to Graham Hirst and Adele Oxley for renovating the old Council Buildings, to the Volunteers and Friends of Honley Library and to Jared Croft for his energy and enthusiasm whilst tidying the village for Honley in Bloom 2015

Honley Flyer is published quarterly by Honley Village Community Trust and is printed at Enterprise Print, :Long Lane, Honley

Roundel Decorating Service Meltham Road, Honley. All work undertaken, interior / exterior. Professional, reliable, trustworthy. Jason McDonald Tel 01484 314934. Mobile 07914 820 968

What’s on in and around Honley– see it in the Honley Flyer! DEADLINES!!! The next issue of the Flyer will be out at the start of September. Please send notice of events in September, October and November to honley.flyer@ntlworld.com, phone 01484 662635 or deliver to the editor John Murray at 27 Moorside Road HD9 6HR by August 14th Distributors should be getting their copies by August 26th.

True North Music

Honley Male Voice Choir —- is at the

presents an evening of Hubert Murray blues, folk & bluegrass Saturday 18th featuring young Irish June at Hope troubadour Hubert Bank Works Murray. Hubert’s blend of soulful folk, blues and bluegrass 7.30 for 8pm showcases his bluesy voice, plus a mix of delicate finger picking and fiery hot flatpicking on the guitar. Huddersfield based singer, songwriter and roots music promoter Maria Wallace will play a short opening set accompanied by some great local bluegrass pickers. Advance tickets £6 from Hope Bank or at wegottickets.com. £7.50 on the door. More info at www.truenorthpromotions.co.uk

Concert on the Hill, Saturday July 2nd 19:00 - 22:00

Sunny Mount open days. Barry & Jenny Kellington are opening their garden to the public on Saturday 18 & Sunday 19 June, 10am6pm,.in aid of Macmillan Cancer Relief.. Admission £3, children free. This is part of the National Gardens Scheme to raise money for charities. The garden, at Sunny Mount, top end of Well Hill (off Thirstin Road) contains an interesting range of planting, with a sheltered courtyard and summerhouse. There’s a kitchen garden too, with raised beds, a central pergola, potting shed, fruit garden and pond. Barry is a member of the Society of Garden Designers and his wife Jenny is displaying some of her art and craft work in the two story art studio. There’ll also be cream teas. What more could you ask?

‘Hands Off HRI’ campaign Walk goes through Honley A 14-mile walk &run took place on May 7, aiming to highlight the distance patients in outlying areas would have to travel if Huddersfield’s A&E is closed and care is centralised in Halifax. It started at Calderdale Royal Infirmary and went to Holmfirth through Honley. Pictured: some of the walkers taking a break in Honley. Photo by Sandie Nicholson. Follow Tony Barr’s 400 mile ride to Cornwall at 8 mph on his mobility scooter in aid of Parkinson’s UK. He will be seen off on June 17th from the Village Hall by Kirklees Lord Mayor, Cllr Paul Kane. You can follow his progress any time here: www.findu.com/cgi-bin/find.cgi?call=G4LLZ-13

Honley Branch of Bloodwise presents a Fundraising Fashion Show at Durker Roods Hotel, Meltham. Thurs 9 June 7pm for 7.30 start. Presented by Chain Reaxtion, Honley. Tickets £5 from committee members or Lorraine on 07900 266 112 Lorna MacLean – Bowen Therapist Tel: 07977 470812 Email: lorna@bowentime.co.uk Web: www.bowentime.co.uk Offer – 20% off one treatment with this Flyer

The annual open-air picnic concert to while away a summer Saturday night. Along with Colne Valley MVC, Lindley Brass Band and Children from the champion Lindley School Choir, culminating in ‘Last Night of the Proms’ patriotic songs and fireworks! Tickets £10 on line or £12 on the gate. From www.huddersfieldymca.co.uk/concert-on-the-hill Gates open at 5.00pm for the concert, access available earlier in the day for delivery of tables and gazeboes. Entertainment starts at 6.00pm with a wandering New Orleans Jazz Band. Concert starts at 7.00pm Accompanied children under 16 years old free of charge. More locally, see poster (right) for an afternoon feast of song. Free entry!

Honley Civic Society / Trinity Walks Sunday walks starting 2.15 from outside Trinity Church 12 June- Circular walk to Deanhouse - Leader Linda 17 July- Circular walk to Meltham Mills Res - Leader Bert 14 August– Circular walk to Armitage Bridge - Leader Val

Honley Library to have opening hours cut From July 4th library opening hours will be reduced to just 15 per week. Some events may have to be changed. But Honley Library will continue to run with one member of Kirklees staff and with the support of volunteers. Opening times from Monday 4th July 2016 Monday & Thursday- CLOSED. Tuesday: 1pm-6pm, Wednesday: 10am-1pm, Friday: 1pm-5pm, Saturday:10am-1pm One-off eventTues 16th August As part of the Summer Reading Challenge there will be a ‘Revolting Rhymes’ read and draw afternoon. Regular eventsStory time for the under 5s- 2.30 pm Friday afternoons in term time. Stories and craft activity. BITS – introduction to using a computer Getting started with IT – 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of month starting at 10 am. Please book in advance. Honley library book group– Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10.30. Also an evening book group meets on the fourth Thursday of every month, 7.30pm. New members are welcome. Volunteer Joe Hodgson opens and closes the library for this. U3A Book Group– Wednesday 9 March at 1.45pm Family history- help and expert advice Every 2nd Wednesday of month 2 – 4pm Knit and natter. Mondays 2 to 3.30pm. With free refreshments. ‘Friends of Honley Library’ group. Pat Thompson on 661541.

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